How to use GLOCK MAG SPEED LOADER for beginners!!

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guys welcome back to the channel Duncan meter here today I'm gonna be filming from a little bit of a different location than I normally do I'm actually standing behind the camera because I want to show you how to use the Glock speedloader and I think that I will get a little bit of a better view here or a little bit of a better demo if I stand behind the camera so this device right here this piece of plastic that you've probably seen when you buy a new Glock let me just come around here a lot you get this and then you usually get two magazines three magazines and these pieces kind of sit together like this nobody really knows what this is what is this device what does it do basically this helps you to load the magazine so I want to come in close here to the speedloader this piece of plastic right here this tab basically pushes down on the magazine right here to help you put the next round in so these Glock magazines have very very hard Springs especially when they're new and it's very hard to load them so what I have here on the table this is a Glock 43 this is a single stack nine-millimeter this right here is a double stack magazine from a Glock 19 this is a single stack magazine from a Glock 43 the speed loaders come in different sizes so this one as you could tell is a little bit thicker because it's for a Glock 19 the Glock 26 a Glock 17 etc this is for a Glock 43 9-millimeter Glock 42 40 millimeter or 40 caliber so like I said they come in different sizes based on you know how you're gonna use them now a standard magazine right here like the Glock 19 magazine or really any Glock magazine the way you load it without the speed loader is you take your round and the numbers are gonna face towards the back so the front of the bullet whether it's the Full Metal Jacket round nose the hollow-point whatever is going to face away from the numbers on the magazine and basically the way you load it as you take the round with the back of it and you push it here front you push down just a little bit and you slide the bullet in under these metal kind of tabs right here then you take the next round you place it on top basically here because you can't do it on the metal tab so you do it right about here you press down and then you push it in and you load it and you'll continue doing that with all subsequent rounds the problem becomes as you put more and more and more in this spring becomes more and more compressed it becomes very hard to load the next round that is where the speedloader comes into play so you take the speedloader and you place it on top of the magazine like this and I hope you can see this in the camera this little tab right here as you push the speedloader down it pushes the round down so it's easier for you to load it you then take the next round you slide it in just a little bit until it can't go any more because you're hitting the tab and as you lift the speedloader up you can push this round in the rest of the way then you repeat so now it's harder to push this spring down so the speedloader is going to do all the work for you with that tab it's going to press the round down you take the next bullet you put it in as you're coming up off the speedloader you can push this in very easy so once again speedloader you push down take the round put it in start coming up off the speedloader because you want the tab to be you know get out of the way and now this is held in by those little metal prongs you just push it all the way back and that's it that is how you use the Glock speedloader and I'm telling you it makes it really really really easy to load a magazine without the speedloader can you still load it by hand absolutely of course but I'm use this as an example it becomes exponentially harder you have to take this around and you're usually going to use your thumbs and you're gonna press really hard and you're gonna load it now there's nothing wrong with loading up by hand but if you have this tool that makes it really easy and it saves your thumbs why would you not use it it's just to me it's just a piece of cake you can buy these on eBay you could buy these at gun stores if you lose it I have a whole bunch of them I keep them in the range bag I keep them in the car I keep them back at home because you know what they're pretty flimsy you lose these never had a break but I've definitely lost them so I hope this video helps you this is how you load a Glock magazine and even more importantly how you use a speed loader and just to kind of recap they make speed loaders for non Glock magazines so if you have a Smith & Wesson if you have a Taurus whatever the make is you can get a speed loader for it and so I hope this has helped you I hope you found it useful you could do me a favor take five seconds if you could hit like and subscribe your support really helps my channel and it helps me to know that you guys are watching and that these videos are helpful thank you have a great day
Channel: DuncanMeter
Views: 221,738
Rating: 4.8488755 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, use, glock, speedloader, speed, loader, speed loader, magazine, clip, ammo, ammunition, smith & wesson, 9mm, 40, gun, handgun, pistol, firearm, safety, mag
Id: FOrJObk_IlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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