Pearce Grip Magazine Extensions

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member hey it's Lenny McGill with a Glock store performance and Custom Shop here in San Diego California and today I want to talk about improving accuracy and speed when shooting your Glock 26 27 or 33 also known as the subcompact Glock or commonly referred to as a mini Glock and this is the mini clock a lot of people really like this gun because of its small size you know it's really concealable the downside of this gun in my mind is the short grip remember in my mind accuracy starts with a grip and accuracy really continues with a grip so let me let me kind of flush it out for you so the more consistent your grip the more consistently you point the gun downrange the more consistent the sights lineup the more consistent your shots will be now that's the start of the shot as you shoot multiple shots often people will find that their hand is rotating a little bit or moving a little bit as the gun you know vibrates and recoils and hence if you don't have a good grip on the gun the grip will deteriorate and hence your accuracy downrange will also suffer because your grip is not the same and as you point the gun downrange no matter what you think it's not consistent and so hence you're going to have inconsistent shots the solution is to improve your grip and of course you can do that physically by you know really grasping hard here and and you know about 80% with this right hand but a hundred percent with that left hand to really get a good grip on it the problem again with this 26 27 and the 33 is the mini Glocks are that your hand falls off it with the standard magazine installed and I've got a little red baseplate on here so you can see how tiny that is so when I hold the gun you'll notice it's really a two finger gun and let me do it here my left hand so you can get a little bit of you the pinky just falls off and everybody knows this you know this is not science here this is just like oh wow you know a great gun but in fact when we put this gun in people's hands you know they really like it except it just feels kind of top-heavy because there's really nothing down below to support it so everybody says aw no no I like the 19 better because it's more balanced and it is more balanced again lacking the grip here you don't have that same feel to it this is my 27 I've kind of done a couple different things to it obviously I got the pyramid trigger in there you know shorter crisper lighter trigger pull it's great I've got a beaver tail grip adapter on there so I can get my hand up nice and high on it without getting bit you know I've got some night sights on it and you know custom slightly overplayed some of the neat things I've done and I typically run mine with a and X grip X grip is a little sleeve that goes around the magazine now this is a Glock 23 magazine into my Glock 27 hence it gives me that mid size grip you can see how great it really fits my hand with the mini slide great package but today we want to talk about something different a lot of guys don't like these sleeves they said I'm not really you know it's not my thing but you know there is another option and there's a really good option and that is what we call the magazine extensions and the extensions can do a couple things one give you a pinky extension with no extra rounds or you can get an extension that actually adds up to two and even three rounds of nine millimeter so depending upon which gun you have so if it's a nine mil you can get three rounds if it's a 40-day a2 but the extensions slip on the bottom of your magazine like this so if you'll notice this is a pearce grip extension they're plastic relatively inexpensive they live on the magazine we replace the base plate with this and when they go in hence you have a fingertip extension not quite as large as the as the magazine sleeve that we just demonstrated earlier but a pretty good example of how you can get a better grip on here and I guarantee you if you have a better grip you're gonna better accuracy now the pier scripts are available in a variety of different configurations we got plus 0 they've got a extra large plus 0 then they have a plus 2 and then they have a plus 3 and there's a whole bunch of different ones but the installation for those is basically the same and I want to demonstrate that installation real quick so first and foremost here's our factory Glock magazine you notice that the factory Glock magazine is for a Glock 26 nine-millimeter 10 rounds I'm going to go ahead and take off the baseplate using our MDT which is our magazine disassembly tool this little device is super cool and it really makes it a lot easier then you know the old days when we used to use a punch the old days we take our punch get in here depress the punch into the hole push that down and then me to muscle this off oftentimes I would bend the punch that's how tough they are sometimes other especially tough when they're brand new because it's plastic and you have these two little ears that kind of hold the magazine in place magazine baseplate in place and because of that you know the first time is a little bit difficult it does loosen up after the after that first time but this first time is usually much more difficult than than normal so this tool makes it a lot easier so watch this one you're going to use the leverage is almost like a can opener I put the post in to see we can see that post yes you can okay I'm gonna put the post into the hole right here in the magazine alright and then it's just a matter of levering it down keeping the the post in with my thumb and just crank it down like a can upper and there itself half way off now I want to leave it a half way off at this point because I want to make sure that I capture that spring does go flying across the room so be very careful not to let this thing come all the way off and if you do capture it with your thumb so that again they spring and the insert plate which is the plate that's inside there you can actually see it right there don't go flying across the room and or hit you in the face or someone else in the faces would be very careful okay so my suggestion is that you kind of pre-staged the device that you want to install so I've got a couple here this is called the 26 XL it's a Pierce 26 XL it does not have any extra rounds it's just an extension for the pinky and for those of you in California and other states that have a 10-round limit this would be the one you probably want to use because you know you certainly don't want to have more rounds than not this one is called the 27:33 now this one's interesting not quite as large in a sense you can see the different but it does it is designed to add extra rounds okay as a plus version so they had like two rounds of 9-millimeter and then of course there's another one here and like I said there's several these probably bout twelve or fifteen different varieties this is the PG 39 and this way I had three rounds you can see it's little bit larger it comes with an insert Cup that's going to grab hold of the spring so I'll go ahead and install this one and you'll notice if you see these slots here on the side they correspond to some ridges inside the actual extension itself so that actually locks it into place there alright so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to install this guy I'm going to give myself a little bit of extra capacity and also demonstrate the installation so again use my MDT to loosen this guy off like loosen which is the the base plate itself a factory base plate now I want to put my thumb over top of that insert plate and I'm going to go ahead and just thumb this thing off here a little bit and as it comes off slowly I'm keeping my thumb on top I'm going to capture the spring and the insert plate with my thumb like so and then I'm going to release it slowly and here comes what they call the insert plate now take a look at this real quick these are really kind of you know magazine specific to some times so you know they're not going to fit in every different gun I think they're different calibers like the larger magazines would have a different size but this insert plate actually has the post that intersects with the hole in the base plate and that's what keeps your magazine secure from you know kind of busting apart when it gets a whole bunch of rounds to it you're also going to notice here on the side of the magazine those two little ears we talked about those are the plastic ears and they actually intersect with the little detents here in the bottom of the base book the inside of base plate and another thing that kind of keeps the magazine together so it doesn't explode when you load it full a whole bunch of magazines dropped on the floor so there's the factory pieces now these pieces are sold individually by the way you know I mean they're cheap but you know we do sell them because people lose them or break them they're like a dollar ninety-nine I think he's like 399 now I'm gonna just leave the the spring in there I guess I can take it out just to show you there's a follower and this spring again these are two separate pieces and there's the magazine body so there's the whole you know nomenclature of this thing you'll notice the follower only really goes in one way if you try to put in the wrong way it won't really fit too well you know you're not going to go up the top there so so you can't really mess that up it does capture itself into the spring just with a press fit so no need to take that off you'll notice it when you see it yourself put it in there make sure it seats itself it looks like it's going to work well and now I've got to go ahead and get my cup orientated the right way so again front of the magazine is round this is the front goes like that this guy goes like that just to get make sure I've got it all lined up so now I take this guy this insert cup and place it over top of the spring alright let's go ahead like so here we go now here's the hard part let's get this thing down here and get it compressed okay so I've got a compressed now I can take my extension and pop it over top here and that's always a good sign when you hear that because it's sprung itself into the hole and looks like it's seated nicely so that is the installation process of the plus three magazine extension and you'll notice now I will have a much better grip on this gun and again I guarantee with a better grip more consistent grip you're going to shoot more consistently which is really basically more accurately so there it is so that's a great way to increase capacity a great way to increase your grip and certainly a great way to increase your accuracy and your speeds because you'll be able to shoot faster again keep it in mind you want to have about 80 percent of your strength here you don't want to grip this too tight because you want that finger trigger finger to be loose so you can manipulate the trigger without you know any you know I guess binding up if you really clench that too hard sometimes it's hard to get that loose so you get a little looser you can really work that trigger faster and with the trigger finger faster this left is really the grip so I really want to I want to grip my grip I want to use the left hand to grip the right hand and hold it tight and then that that trigger fingers kind of loose and I can get in there and work it as fast as possible and I personally with a Glock like to put my left thumb down here on front of that trigger guard area so that I can you know really control the gun and and I find that this is the grip that I like the best because it's consistent for me but it also helps me control the gun and then I really don't have to worry too much about the recoil especially with 9s and 40s just you know just hold on and and go you know just pull as fast as possible so again on our website we've got a full selection of these pearce grips that are available for a variety of different guns one of the things that people don't know because you know it's always sold as a pinky extension is that these same grip extensions will also fit on your full-size 17 magazines for your Glock 17 okay or your Glock 19 so if you want to add extra rounds to your Glock 17 you can add one of these simple grips just the same process we just did it's that easy I mean it really is I mean they just because they're really sold as a grip extension for the mini Glocks you know the body the magazine is the same everything's going to work the same you're going to be able to add these to your full-size magazines and to your sub comp or using your your compact magazines and add extra rounds or even a pinky extension if you have a Glock 19 it got really monster hands a lot of times people's hands fall off of that so we find that you know a lot of people don't know that you can use these for these different magazines but now you do know and if you're looking for extra rounds this is a great way to to do it inexpensive fast easy and it does work I'm not even go this is the Glock store performance and Custom Shop here in San Diego if you're ever in Southern California please come down and see us and I hope to see you here thanks for watching you
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 139,493
Rating: 4.9271812 out of 5
Keywords: glock, glock accessories, pearce grip extensions, GlockStore, Lenny Magill, magazine extensions
Id: KWdmIs5eFSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2016
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