Lenny Magill "deep dives" into the new MCK Gen 2.

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[Music] [Music] hey there it's Lenny McGill with a Glock store performance and Custom Shop here in San Diego today it's a rainy San Diego day it's March 18 and you know we're the mist Ascona virus thing happening we don't know what's gonna happen they're talking about shutting down everything you know a couple of cities have already shut down San Francisco New York is kind of half half and half it's a crazy time but I've got a new product to show you which i think is pretty amazing it's actually an improvement from the existing mck it's the MC k2 and it's uh you know as you know a fun piece that will accept a Glock handgun and because it has the pistol brace on it and it has this extension it's not considered a rifle it's still considered a pistol and you can shoot it from the shoulder that's the way the law reads okay so it's a pretty neat neat piece because it's foldable stock easy to store easy to put away easy to deploy we're gonna go ahead and talk about the new MC k2 today because I want to show you the features and a couple things that they did now Mikey Hartman is my friend he's the owner of the CEO of the MC K company and he and I talked a bunch and you know when he when he put the first one out I said to him hey Mike you know I'm cutting my hand up all over the place because the first mck the original MC k and and really it was a it was a an improvement from the Roni came out and the edges were super sharp and a lot of you know pieces on it were just really sharp and I kept saying you know is it me or am I just cutting my hands yeah my the only person who's complaining about this and I think he also you know felt the same thing so what he did is he refined a lot of the parts to the MC K and took off a lot of the broke a lot of the edges for one I know that he also made this gate much easier to operate I mean the old one was just a bear the gate locks the gun in you press the button push down and pull it out and it's that easy the old one you have to you know really get on to and really pry out but he improved that in fact you know looking at the actual polymer or plastic itself I would say that he he improved the the mix of polymer and and nylon because that's how they make it rigid like this with the nylon embed there because it just looks a little bit more finished and it looks a little cleaner and certainly like I said he broke a lot of the edges and all the pieces and parts work a little bit better together so overall it's a an improvement from the original mck and it's certainly an improvement over the Roni let's go ahead and talk about some of the other improvements that he put into this thing and in fact well we're at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas in January 2020 Mikey and I got together and we did a video which I want to show you at a separate basis so it should be a separate video because it's pretty long and this one's gonna be pretty long too and so there'll be a separate video on this page somewhere but that's my interview with Mike at the Mikey at the SHOT Show 2020 about the new MC k2 and so by the time you see in this video it's it's like I said it's March there now readily available they'll be on our website and we've got some different colors available but here are the improvements over and above and I've got it written down so don't forget first and foremost they did is they put a Picatinny rail and aluminum on top of the polymer and they you know you can see they screwed it in here the reason they went to aluminum is because the polymer would you know crush and move a little bit when people tighten down and and their sight would possibly move and so the aluminum gives you a better mounting system for your optic all right so I'll show you this in just a bit I don't put on right now so I'm a little bit of Picatinny rail was one of the other ones now the other thing that they did is they gave the magazine the spare magazine hole they gave it a release button so it used to be a kind of a press fit in there and now it actually works just like a regular magazine button you push in and it comes straight out it catches on the notch of the magazine before like I said the original version was just a press fit and a friction fit it took a little bit of effort to get out but also they found you know with shooting you know because you find these things when you you know you shoot ten or twenty thousand rounds to it that it started to vibrate out and depending upon the temperature and where you were if that plastic was swelling up a little bit that would come the magazine after a couple rounds and years ago that's no good so he improved that with a magazine release button that allows you to capture the magazine properly in that spare magazine hole so that was one other good thing the other thing that they did is they allow now the mck to will accept Glocks with suppressor height sights a lot of people said hey I can't put it in because my sights are too tall well that's no fun right okay so they actually made the cavity enough so that the suppressor I'd sights will be accepted in this gun and this MC k2 so that's another nice thing for it one of the thing is the charging handle has been improved a little bit the way it wraps around and captures the serrations there so when you actually put the gun in and let me go ahead and I'll show you this real quick so when you actually have the gun make sure of course it's unloaded pull the trigger in safe direction magazines out nobody know a minute in this room because we're just doing testing right we're not gonna suit we're gonna go ahead and stick the gun into this section here and we're gonna line it up with the with the charging handle rails and then we're just gonna push it straight down and you'll hear a clicking that's always a good sign right so you see how it kind of captures itself I know it's gonna be hard to see black on black in there but it really gets a nice good capture on the gun itself so it makes charging that much easier and then once you have it in there you just push it forward and there we go and now it's captured in you'll see that it got caught up on this takedown lever right there so I just took oh this is the first time I mean this is brand new so it has not been worked before I literally just got it out of a box so that is it so that's one of the other improvements is that it takes those a suppressor right sights the other thing is that installed a brass catcher clip or holder so that it'll actually clip on to the side here this is a little piece right here and you'll be able to catch your breast and a lot of people that's very important because you know you shoot a lot of rounds of these because you have the capacity to really control the gun nicely and with that brass catcher you get to catch all your breath pretty awesome so that's really and I think the other thing that he mentioned to me when we were there is that now the foliar is a little bit better shaped so that you can actually get a gun a grip on the gun when it's in the folded position and actually shoot when it's in folded position much easier you couldn't do it before but it's just hard to get your finger in there and actually get a real good grip on it now I will say this just as in again this is like the first time I really play with it just holding it here like this is pretty cool but I'm gonna look back here I'm gonna tell you this piece right here it looks like it is just extra meat I'm gonna Dremel that thing off because it's intersecting with my ax my wrist right there so when I grab the gun you can see how that plastics gonna just beat me up right there and you know you start shooting a bunch of rounds and you know I'll end up with a little bruise or a little cut there and so I think what I can do is just get in there just buzz that right off sand it off with some sandpaper but little wd-40 on it and it'll look perfect and no one will ever know what happened but I know it'll be a much smoother in fact I'll actually bevel that edge a little bit so that when my hand gets in there it rests on a on an angle versus a sharp edge so anyways those are the improvements that they made and this package is awesome and I'm telling you what I've you know the original empty case we've sold a bunch of Wow it's really cool so here's how you know you basically can solder up here like this and the way you operate this thing is basically you find a spot in your shoulder and you bring the gun up to your eye so you keep your head erect and you just bring it straight up now that's the bear model the the bare bones in a sense the the base model is there it is is of course the handguns not included all right now looking at this thing we're gonna go ahead and and take the gun out with these accessories on so to take the gun out we're gonna push the button for the gate and then we're gonna go ahead and pull the gate back open the gate up grass to the gun pull down on the takedown levers both sides and pull straight back and once it comes back then you can just torque the gun straight out with a Arista motion pull straight down and it should come right out just like that perfect and again this one's pretty tight because it has not been played with it all all right so there's the the base model as it comes from the factory guns not included but I'm gonna suggest that each and every one of you to think about this accessory kit because it's a great value because there's some really cool stuff first and foremost this light the light alone is really really cool so you're gonna notice that the light works with one button and not the other so you have to determine to yourself which way you want to turn it if you want to operate it from the right side or you want operated from the left side I'm gonna use my thumb that operates it so I'm gonna go ahead and install the light this way we go ahead and take this light out by replacing we're you in Salt Lake but taking out the spacer here and this thing is tight as well so let me go ahead and get in here and I'll pinch both sides of this and pull it straight out and again like I said it's tight but here it comes so that's just a spacer that's all that is so you're getting you got a pinch that and pull these guys out then like I said just make sure you get it lined up properly the way you want I'm gonna go ahead and have it facing this way and so this lights gonna go in right here like so so I'm just gonna stick it in the hole and there we go and there's drive it straight back and it kind of clicks into place and now I can operate that light with my thumb well in the shooting grid now that alone is a great accessory and we do so that is a separate piece but when you buy it as a kit you get a whole better deal a much better deal one of things I really also suggest you do is these thumb rests and they just slip right on to this Picatinny rail I believe they go straight over top so what we're gonna do is just get them straight and do their right from the backside maybe or the fun side let's see here we go out we go there we go so now you can adjust that by picking this thing up and pushing it down a little bit more oops I slipped all the way through so we'll go for a step first is right here and pull this up a little bit the tab that's a pretty good spot maybe one more for my hand okay so now I've got a thumb rest which I really think is a good idea just to have you know something to to rest on so you're not migrating your hand out there in front of that muzzle very important okay now the other thing that I really like if you don't have an optic are the pop-up sights and these are pretty cool and they go on you know with your allen wrench you loosen up your rail system and they're just gonna go right on the rail so you take the whole thing out and this is the rear sight it's gonna live back here right that's right and let's see pull that guy forward here like so so that's gonna live back here like so okay so we're gonna slide these guys right on and then we would adjust it and find out where you want it to operate these you just basically once it's locked in place you basically pull forward and the sight pops up so it's called a your pop-up sight again like so that's not a bad option however because we have lots of toys we're gonna go ahead and add an optic instead and this optic has a rail system Picatinny rail system just basically loosen up and we go like so so let's put it over here he was probably gonna be good and you want to adjust this for your eye relief so when you look into the the site you see a full circle doesn't it's not a half circle it's not you know out of whack if you put it too close or too far sometimes I put it out here I'm not gonna see the same picture so you want that when you want when you get it set up and you have it locked in place you don't want to have to move your head you wanted to be able to like I said you want to keep your head still bring the sight up and so you basically bring the sight into your line of sight and then you can aim from there so I think I'm gonna put it right about here and I'm gonna lock it in just by tightening down this little rail so it's pretty simple as you can expect okay so that does not come with the accessory kit that's just something I had and I just want to show you that it will accept your sights whether they be a red dot optic and this is just a standard optic kind of a low-cost optic just to be able to put on this thing to have something different yeah that's pretty cool okay that said not a bad package so far right but there's one of the things that I really think makes this and makes it you know hot let me finish this side up so I don't forget I'm gonna go ahead and put this oh that's for the rear so excuse me I'll put this back in here so don't lose it because once you lose it then you're never happy so there's the rear sight I'm not gonna use these sights I'm gonna go ahead and use that optic like I said but I want to show you this this is the swing sling swivel sling swivel say that 20 times the sling swivel is really cool because it's a single point and it's gonna operate right here on this and they've got it all dialed in ready to accept it and you just basically pop it in and there it is so I'll take it out by pushing the button on top there just in and out button kind of a neat little piece one of the things that make this really cool is this single point sling and you know this package alone these two pieces alone are worth just the whole kit almost the the single point sling is a great option because it really allows you to carry the gun right here in front of you hands-free and that's what that's what I like a lot about it and you're not to worry about it falling off this works pretty simply gonna go ahead and just drop this through there and then we'll go ahead and capture it let me do this real quick just like this just like that there we go and then we'll capture it one more time and here and there you have it just like that you drape this over your left shoulder so my right shoulder is open because I'm right-handed and I can sort of the mount the gun like that and then finally let's go ahead and install this gun again and we'll show you the final look here okay so we're gates open right the way open that thing up get that in the back this is a Glock 19 I said Gen 4 gun yes Gen 5 gun actually okay and that's the nice thing about this particular new mck versus the the Roni the old Roni is that this mck is designed to fit a whole bunch of guns and they've got them listed on the inside here so I might as well just read them off for you it's a Glock 17 Glock 18 which is the full auto version 19 19 X twenty two twenty three twenty thirty one thirty two and the the Glock 45 so basically your full-size smaller frames which are the nine forty and 357 and your mid-size smaller frames as well as the 19 X which is a really interesting concept and the new Glock 45 alright yeah okay okay now let's go ahead and drop this gun in again same concept we're gonna go ahead and kind of line it up and visually see it and when you hear it click like that's usually a good thing all's good let's go and just slam it home and there it is in close my gate lock the gate and that's the package now to top it all off certainly you can use the Glock factory magazine 15 rounds which is not a bad option right but I want to show you this new one I just did a video on these this is the new 29 round steel magazine that will fit your Glocks so you got 29 rounds in that little package and it is just good to go so that is the new mck to that we have available here on our website a bunch of different colors lots of great new features which we just went over and a whole lot of fun I'm letting a girl this of course is the Glock store performance and Custom Shop here in San Diego I want to take this out to Tennessee and shoot it so I'll probably do another video that maybe right next to this one on this same page thanks for watching we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 136,737
Rating: 4.8714042 out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Lenny Magill, MCK Gen2, Mikey Hartman, CAA USA, Hartman Optics, MCK Gen2 Brass Catcher, Roni MCK Advanced Accessory Kit, Roni MCK Tactical Flashlight, Micro Roni Thumb Rest, Flip-up Sight Set for Roni, Push Button Sling Swivel, One Point Sling for Roni, Glock 19 Gen5 - 9mm, MBX Steel Magazines for Glocks
Id: NdxKFy7cAHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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