Gamer Energy Drink Taste Test Challenge: Name That Flavour! Mike vs Jane vs Andy

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Mike tried stealth is something that I never thought I would say.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WhoMD21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hello happy Wednesday how's it going well um welcome to answer export ease yes we are yeah we had a few technical issues as usual but we are here and we are ready and we are energized but not energized enough I don't say I'm feeling low energy what do these technical hitches between friends quite good afternoon everyone welcome thank you for joining I see those like nearly well 1500 odd people in live chat so good afternoon welcome to you um you have been promised and you will be served a de Mer energy drink taste test challenge I know I know Gillibrand yes a this was my harebrained scheme yeah a bunch of I ordered a wide and punishing range of energy drinks of all stripes and flavors to be delivered each of our homes yeah there we go hang on let's go spoilers no spoilers okay so bar codes from there we go and the idea is we are going to sample each of them for after 15 different gamer focused eSports focused energy drinks it's 10,000 percent of your ID a of caffeine no one here will ever need to drink caffeine again this is a lifetime allowance they will also Jane sleep again yeah exactly you'll be able to see some time and lose like a hummingbird and it's gonna be great so before we get started I think I should say that highly caffeinated drinks are not recommended for children so to your physician before embarking on a program of caffeine drinks if you are a child or a pregnant or breastfeeding woman drinks are not recommended for you so don't have already energetic baby drink caffeine drinks responsibly would you like to know how this is going to be a challenge apart from pure you know met metabolism and challenges to me Gais getting a tiger hours tonight here's one I prepared earlier by the way look at this bad boy Oh beautiful sapphire energy drink oh my god it looks like fountain water like like you mean like fountain of eternal youth do you think something is that what you mean I mean like a Las Vegas hotel lobby it might be directly from the Bellagio fountain okay sorry here's how we gonna play this thing okay I know you're curious we are each gonna take a turn to mix and sample one of our energy drinks we've each got five drinks okay okay then that person is going to knowing what the drink is called what the flavor is called is going to describe their impressions of the flavor such that you're able to can guess it okay if the other two can correctly guess the name of that flavor the drinker gets a point and at the end the loser the one who has the one who has the fewest points has to finish an entire energy drink whoa what an entire energy because I didn't sign up for this other than that we are only gonna be like sampling like kind of sipping these drinks otherwise we will may actually suffer severe health repercussion a Millikan says it looks like the Disneyland fountains smell I can promise you that is what do the Disneyland fountains smell like my Laurine hands it's like sweet chlorine I think it's the kind of I'm getting sweetness but chlorine isn't thankfully chlorine is not one of one of the ingredients I heard should-should the pearl if someone correctly guesses it should they also get a point yeah why not let's encourage positive guessing rather than dictionary yes against our rules okay love it love that okay good so um I guess we need someone to volunteer to go first well you've already poured your are you the Kino already makes yeah alright okay well I wanted something I wanted something visual to show show the crowd okay about to become even more than visual ant in water throwing the precious Disney fans in itself when you get one of those blocks that you put in your toilet system oh come on I've got a drink this thing yeah we like it to add what Maiden called yeah okay it's great okay first okay I'm getting it smells a little bit like blue slushie that's melted okay she's not and is very like artificial as you might expect there is nothing in nature that looks like this except or smells or tastes like it I was gonna say maybe the sky but I don't think the sky has ever been this actually blue right so I'm getting melted slushy on a hot day yeah disappointed child whose slushie has melted when they took their eyes of it okay okay right I'm gonna go critical in the glass and it melted yes exactly okay sticky sweet and let's go for a drink all right feel free to put your own guesses in the comments by the way when you think this this would be called what brand diminishing drinky-drinky by the way Jane oh dude did you want me to disclose the brand this particular drink is G fuel brought to you by gamma labs which i think is the scientific laboratory that created the Incredible Hulk they detonated a bomb full of energy drink next I'm gonna be about so much energy yeah he was able to be the hope well I'm feeling rejuvenated invigorated energized but that might just be the adrenaline spike of drinking something this extremely dangerous alright describe the flavor to us well okay it's not so good when you go back for a second it's diminishing returns okay I don't know if it's meant to be fruit flavored because I'm not getting exact I'm not really getting fruitiness except in the way reminds me of a slushy that has melted blues she's a meant to be raspberry right blue slushies are ostensibly raspberry flavor yeah but do you not taste like raspberry so in the same way this doesn't taste like raspberry is that a good clue is it is it called something like blue raspberry it's more complicated but it's got missing like blue blast right blue blast yes something like that blue ignition your game you are dancing dangerously close to getting the right answer I think we agreed before the stream that you're not allowed to say any of the words that are in the flavor raspberry is not one of the words okay earlier oh well yeah but that was it in a descriptive way so all right forget blue is a good name on the fruit that is blue raspberry no raspberry raspberries not in it okay so not blue blast blue blue blue Splosion I don't know that you're gonna be able to guess this because I don't I'm not even familiar with the idiom or whatever the words that are on the packet don't mean anything to me okay they might as well be random words I'm just thinking about Arrested Development now why blue blue you don't like that blue man group yeah it is yeah the official drink of the Blue Man Group you know how you get like the official drink of 16gb team this is like the official drink of the Blue Man Group all right how we should probably put a timer on this we are we talking like are we talking synonyms for like explosion or detonation one of them is a synonym for drink if we're allowed to get that into it okay give you clues like that see if you want you know needs to be like an extreme way of drinking yeah what's the mission joy blue chug just blue juggle chugalug your sister so my Sunday I can't believe how close I her to the name of this don't drink booze blue chucker mug you should get half a point I mean I know this is me saying it but you should get half but check us ugh Chuck a tug suck not know why you like it chug a rug it's blue chug rug girl what does that mean I don't know what it means Andy I don't know what blue chakra I'm astonished you guessed that and I think you should definitely have a point for that all right and Mike is the most yeah the most not in the lead exactly so at the point Jane gets a point for blue yoga rug is actually blue chug chug chug everyone Cheers chug you you have it though what you know that when you like what's the most extreme verb for drink drinking yeah and it is joke I believe like to get or just like you can slam yes slam earlier yeah yeah yeah but then it wouldn't rhyme with rug and I obviously work backwards from so we need something that rhymes with the word run why though why I think I should go next okay that's your prize if anyone is selling chicken nuggets in their job they should make chug-chug nugs that's horrible but wait Lee I'm almost I have to keep myself and going back for more now don't go soon don't they saying with a strong one a lazy count scheme oh pretty when we go in Oh what video game does that remind me of is it hitman hitman is pink isn't it yellow kind of all right okay okay it's got that good like retro eighties vibes it's like rage rage - Rage - yeah the cyan and pink is versus okay all right stir it up what color is it ping it looks yeah okay there's got in a packet we're not fancy here oh you got a whisk no I want to get even distribution okay yeah it's very important around while in imbalance energy drink oh no and he's already inhaled all his caffeine for the day what color would you call that like cerise like yeah it's lighter than it looks on camera I think okay it's a sort of cloudy cloudy pink it looks a bit darker on camera but sir okay all right what what's the bouquet what do you smell when you get what's the fragrance I can't it's it's one of those flavors no artificial yeah I think it's it's trying to mimic some sort of fruit I think maybe strawberry maybe strawberry so sir bees not angry what is the brand by the way what did the brown energy drink eating this is the the x-gamer brand that X - shaimaa extract so you know from the outset its extreme extreme as all hell yeah now I would like to read to you from the x-gamer website please doing x-gamer is an advanced effective and innovative energy and focus formula perfected exclusively for eSports semi-professional and enthusiast gamers you probably think this is a drink yeah wait for me my friend because this is a non-carbonated powdered energy and focus matrix Wow twenty-seven multivitamin complex to help shield your body is it because they're not legally allowed to call it a drink unit Hey look it also contains fluid from the matrix yeah that's probably all drink aminos to sharpen the mind your drink those girls Keanu Reeves bar for sciences go into this dream candy yeah so besides work the benefit boosts energy it sharpens focus acquaintance reactions yeah yeah yeah it's got zero added sugar and no crash experience so well I mean we'll be the judges of that and the day after this dream when you crack it oh god well here I go I'm gonna take alright here we go here we go drink the matrix okay what are you getting right so yeah there's definitely some strawberry definitely strawberry scoffs I'm getting it's a bit like yeah you know like fruits at the forest oh yeah so much so it's like Apple and like other berries like the apples run first is that a forest fruit yeah ok scientists cheering this I'm getting the forest so like quite a fruit seed quite a fruity taste ok so yeah so what what would that immediately bring to minds that kind of like forests a berry blast is it called berry blast it is not called berry blast it in fact doesn't have any no part of the word is there food oh I'm sorry non-literal it's very knowledge it's more about how it will make you perform oh ok field so if we were in the marketing department for x-gamer and we were like sat around the conference table brainstorming the idea and I said berry blast you would say no more on very bloody lateraled people need to know how it will make them feel I'm sorry please in the call of duty's please and then Jane has launched out of the boardroom for 18 stories mmm Oh some great great suggestions Cal 20 sentences fruit smash shy pilot says hyper berry j-bird said raw very raw berries are really bringing this one hyper hyper berry that's guys good that is on that is on the right but there you said there was no like no food items are in there is it hyper blast oh man your your one letter away what yeah I like to fixed your on no just think your honor you're on the Call of Duty battlefield yeah gunning down your schuiteman oh you're like I am an absolute I don't know what you're going with this okay hyper focus blast is one letter off how because it's one letter up huh okay I'm substituting letters in my name hyper burst Haifa house and winning the game I'm a total hyper I've got V hyper beast yes blast yeah I got languages so hi kharece hyper beast that's what you think of when you think of a tranquil forest and its fruits just like rooting around in a forest yeah oh just owning a call of beauty Andy if you drink too much of that stuff you'll become an ex game like legal obligations we told you x-gamer okay so that was called hyper beast show me again okay we got blue on blue chug rug hide the Beast cloudy high purpose of the forest it's a bit like mint oh oh now I know exactly yeah exactly the Flay's stream vient oh all right Mike you're up alright so that was a point for me and Andy because I guessed it he's the school board Wow I'm I'm spoilt for choice but I think I know which one I'm gonna go I've got I got a classy cocktail shaker I thought so I class things up over here come on Tom Cruise yeah I I think I dunno Flair bartending whatsoever I'm sorry I thought you think I dunno bartend level oh then you get on fire it's good then if you say oh yeah I've done if you've got a taste of what their what the color is who are your drinks no I can't show it to the guy why should color it's become because I've ripped the name of it off nice guys from sneak sneak sneak and I don't think that's a spoiler really because the drinks can be the exact same oh that's funny rabbit on it ya know bunny rabbit that's keep most the most savage creature of all the sneakiest of the mammals the bunny rabbit yeah he's yeah Bunny's a good at video games okay so I'm gonna give it a little and then throw it and then catch behind your back and then around the front yeah this is the yeah that's risky toughness that's risky business it is risky business sliding around oh my gosh Garrett I can't see what color is it show the camera oh wow Oh beautiful heavy I need some more diluting actually that looks like poison drink dangerous lack of dilution yeah is it great flavor it looks like it should be great yeah well tell you what are you afraid to die look at that wow that's a sake weirdly opaque yeah I mean it is oh it hasn't settled yet it hasn't I don't know I don't know that might just be this thickness it normally is Oh God the energy drink is viscous so this is sneak branded eSports or whatever it's a nootropics mic I don't know let me find out what is it I was just on MindLab pro's website earlier and sick well some nootropic supplements may target two to three brain pathways only botanicals only or synthetics only a hundred said friend power is unlocked by these new tropic learning languages like no business we're gonna wash it and have a better haircut and do well at the stock market mine is not gonna be flavored vitamin mineral and amino acid food supplement drink don't really drink I thought diluting this was gonna make it more see-through but it really hasn't so somehow it's physics-defying it's made it more thick with two seas it smells like it smells like it's it's not fruit flavored its flavored as something that has been in the same room as a fruit that's it's like yeah Lucroy yeah okay what else city what else are you getting if not fruit then what makes up the what makes up the it's like it's about to smell like fruit but then it stops short oh you're not allowed to say the fruit is not even any great oh it doesn't smell great Peter beuliss Oh something else I was gonna go for like grapes of wrath' or like great power comes great expectations aubergine flavored energy egg plant explosion flavors flavor-wise it it it tastes a lot it tastes a lot less like craving a lot more like a sort of it's more like a kind of blueberry sort of flavors okay or black or black Brie it's been in engineered to be purple right the drink itself is is purple looking that's a design choice by the good people at sneak energy or whatever they're called yes so I imagine the name has purple in it am I wrong you are not wrong so OH what you know how shotgun ammunition is called grape shot yeah does not grape in the name but that's a good idea purple blast it is not a bitching last blast is the most extreme yeah haze it's a reference oh no it is I think it might be a reference oh I think you know a refugee but it well it would be a reference you know and think about references they include the word parties but a more extreme version Purple Rain but it's REI GM no that's a really good guess though purple pay so what rhymes with purple room also a really good game not quite there's also a more extreme version of Purple Rain but I need metal range another great all of these would be better names think about think about what's the more extreme version of rain that's tsunami not by extreme storm is called purple storm because what it will do to your digestive system morning all these colors are gonna slosh around inside us so you know you create the ultimate energy drink yeah exactly okay okay well done so we all look are we all equal now we're equal to one and we see the hi bud right so I'm gonna let you pick next oh wait no I can't because mine aren't colored on the back there just like generic black I'll just give us colors and we'll cheezle okay do you want a blue a red a pink or a yellow drink let's go yellow yeah yeah that's this one here okay a yellow drink for you I also have lik look at this is it like a mini basically this with half a liter of water now I'm gonna go for often easy drink sludge I think that's why I ended up with as well oh my god okay my first impression when I inhaled the cloud that like erupting from this sachet when I actually don't even have this cloud was actually um candy floss or in the States candy okay so cotton candy is what I immediately got and now be almost like a burnt after smell so okay so it's like burnt sugar almost yeah okay so let me just burn spun sugar oh okay the color is gonna be a good reveal let me mix it up first and then I'll do a range the official drink of sugar a here we go little over here Frodo Baggins thinks is gonna be called you're in the movies but it's not a deep cut it's probably like the last stream okay now have a look this there's some water in here so it's gonna be further diluted okay look at this color yeah it's not yellow at all oh it's not yellow yeah there we go okay now now it's oh my god how does it smell so different after having water as it all right all the new topics have been released to change oh that's right I've activated the nootropic yes the neutron brain pathways are firing on all cylinders now oh how do they cram so much flavor in a single session is because you're supposed to add half a liter water yes that's almost half a liter right we're getting okay so this is another G fuel this is another G fuel special okay so brought to you by gamma labs thus our top scientists at gamma labs spared no expense in precision engineering this drink which I am amount I am eminently about to sample fam oh that's quite a face that's the sweetest thing I've ever I've ever tasted and I won't wait any pink eye people I don't hate it wait no do I hate it no I kinda need you the second sentence the second sip that gets you you're not far off with daiquiri actually what are you saying right so I'm just gonna say you're in the first sip your taste buds have been overloaded and it takes young for them to recalibrate that's right that's right they recalibrate and then they give no you did not enjoy that at all okay so what flavors are you getting okay other than sugar so it's not it's not a simple like OneNote drink right it's a little more sophisticated it's a good complex in that there are at least two notes going this drink a nice empty sweet something of a clue it is and be sweet it does it doesn't smell like candy floss anymore Orem okay sorry cotton candy is it supposed to be like a strawberry lemonade type thing you have you you've now one of the flavors one of duality strawberry strawberry that's probably greatness reality of sweet fruits duarte a combo at Ramirez and I add in the force of joy very sweet is it strawberry and charity water man watermelon I mean I might if it's not too much of a clue it's not strawberry water not if it's not too much of a clue I would I would suggest you crossed your mind back to the color of the packaging it's not me but I won lemonade yes and you got it sorry buddy lemonade it is strawberry and banana there we go hang on check it out I mean banana I feel like they could have called that straw strawberry smash or something yeah um yeah it is actually it is the most like prosaic name we've had so far shot in the head with a banana that's what they called it okay what I don't even get that where's the strawberry and yeah alright 360 noscopes buy a banana with the sniper there you are okay so that was the gamma labs G fuel energy formula strawberry banana that use notes players and gamers alike okay another another of these X gamers here now you're probably you're probably wondering if X gamers new smooth healthier and hydrating formula will deliver a well balanced energy increased endurance reactions without the dreaded after crash yes taste victory without crashing to listen to this that we're supposed to be dreading okay perfected flavors which burst into life while leaving no bitter aftertaste or furry textures in your mouth oh now I feel them now I feel all right okay okay let's see it we've got different color backs here so you guys okay show us I'm so proud of my growing collection of like Ludacris be colored energy drinks here okay I see I see there's sort of like a weird beige beige color and they're sort of lighter yellow well we just had a yellow so what do you think hey super babies controversial beige energy drink is it violent vanilla Oh vanilla Killa oh we will get it when you described it perfectly Andy yeah okay that smells almost exactly yeah that's the cream biscuit that sounds delicious I could go for a custard cream biscuit what color is that oh it's pink it's pink it's pink again it's pink can they not make all right really really original the people at x-gamer maybe they're all the same drink maybe new just activate more than two brain pathways yeah if you're gonna activate three brain pathways needs to be paying everything it's the pink that activates the Third's pathway Oh what that yeah that tastes like like cream and cream and strawberries yeah like a cream soda let can yeah a bit like a cream soda then with this sort of fruity layer on top like strawberry strawberry jam or something yeah kind of hmm okay yeah like strawberries and cream almost but not strawberries and cream is not called like Cornwall cream tea or chai well the gamers just like Cornish cream tea well they head back to their headshot montage if you're from estates a Cornish cream tea is cream and jam on a scone which is a kind of sweep we can get exactly okay Oh someone in the comments um Gregor Duggar who says Wimbledon the drink which I think important if it was drugged in at tennis players you would call it like Wimbledon flavor but it's not it's the gamers it's bitty sporters it's not unpleasant it is a bit weird you can go so far as to call it Pleasant Dairy Queen flavor and then mommy says it's on every earth shake which is pretty good on the pack where it says what the what the flavour is but it has no relation to the name so I can tell her that no it's apparently it's apparently Swiss roll flavor oh oh yeah okay so look at vanilla and cream and jam is it called just desserts I have no idea why it's called what it's called and I honestly don't know why it's called that or how you would guess it is it called so much for Swiss neutrality no wow um Swiss roll I have no idea is it smells like Pocky now is good so if your code is not called strawberries and cream it's not called Swiss roll but it is tree says on the packaging Swiss roll Swiss roll flavor yeah is it called like something weird like that Beth okay mister old flame no I can't but I'll take your word for it what kind of area are we talking about in terms of theme is it like a kind of like cyber something or other no it's the name of a city what yeah okay a city I would not wear the swiss rolls come from it is not is it Los Angeles no the whole movie sports is it um I did I mean why do Swiss rolls come by we've not Switzerland Vienna okay we don't even get this I don't know if it's not London is a US city yeah Wow no I call something like Tokyo or something no I think the legislative capital of South Africa what Johannesburg no is it Cape Town its cape town cape town swiss rolls in Cape Town anyone in the comments from South Africa might sound well those Swiss know if anyone is from there is it like a famous delicacy of Cape Town - genuinely baffling understand there you go Cape Town ok Cape Town I leave this up afterwards because but there's clearly like a reference going on there that's this clearly a thing you know like anyway there's this course I've spilt some energy drink on your name Andy so what I'm sorry it all riled up now I've had some caffeine it's the third brain pathway opening up the pathway ok Mike Oh Matt Byron in the comments says yes we eat Swiss roll a lot here in Cape Town oh wow okay there we go a mistake did they misspell Cape Town cake cake town would have been way but shake down okay I'm gonna pull this one directly into the glass okay oh is that white sort of yeah light pinky white oh it's going to be a pale pink one there's no point powders that could be considered everything's nice and legal in the recommended doses here okay yeah so this is a very very pink okay drink okay it looks like strawberry Nesquik or something it looks kind of cloudy and it's sort of collected here you know what that was leaked out of the sediment and into the drink but no greens that color Baker Miller pink that is yeah design to reduce aggression maybe it's that actually we want to maximize aggression Andy maybe this is like stealth stealthily reducing aggression in gamers they're like these guys are a bit there it may be by drinky you're removing it from your environment and that gets you hyped uh when the pink is gone they when the pink is gone thank you on aggression yeah okay yeah um it smells a lot like what it's supposed to be but I'm not allowed to say what it's supposed to me because what it's supposed to be is in the name so I'm gonna taste it though as well okay that's a good play hmm you have to describe it without yeah that's that's really not bad actually not terrible okay is it named after Kirby it looks a bit like Kirby no it's not um pretty good Kirby it's quite sour I would say sour cherries artery sour cherry yes Jerry well no but that's not the name but that is the fruit that's a flavor is secretary in the time oh now you're gonna think of cherry related puns like cherry puns Oh cherry bomb cherry bomb cherry bomb Terry bye miss grant [Applause] nice cherry balm is the names okay okay I love this game the energy drink speaking yeah good song by The Runaways as well yeah uh yeah they it's so tastes worse the more you I think that's a that's a thing across all of these drinks okay all right I've chosen a red packet now I've got a red packet brought to you by gamma labs jiyul energy formula for the gamers yep okay great let me how are your brain pathways feeling right now I'm firing on two brains I need to activate a third yeah you want to unlock 100% brain power if you want to unlock the infinite brain okay you know what it smells a lot like do you know you make jelly from powder yes yes okay and you open it and it's very very fine powder so it immediately like you know it becomes an aerosol yeah yeah so it's like an aerosol version of jelly it's got that oh it's got yet a fruit jelly sort of fragrance you know I feel like a strong fruit jelly like maybe they've added gelatin for no reason kind of thing yeah here we go here it is take a case it says Capcom on it and I'm not sure where I got it Capcom have a look game I think it might be it might have been Devil May Cry that's good for you could be Tom Cruise I could be Tom Cruise more's the pity that I am not so this is a cap for comparison purposes my desk is a mess by the way this is the one I'm drinking this is what I had last time so you can see difference yes okay that feels more like a cherry watermelon yeah this actually smells less strong after it's been mixed unlike the last one interesting it's weirdly opaque oh oh brain pathway just opened you know that meme of like brain see brain this is the galaxy brain flavor right it's weirdly like milky cloudy looking um that's probably fine it's incredibly sweet hmm it tastes less fruity than it smells just a second ago and I'm looking at the I'm looking at the packaging now because my only clue as to what fruit is meant to be in it is like the pictures on the packaging right cause the the name can you want any of the packaging I could yeah okay there you go does that can you make that out does that okay just a does that read for you yeah yeah I can see that what do you see me see my fruits fruits okay so I don't even know how to describe well now I can just grab the flavor for you but I don't know how to like to guide you towards the name towards the correct name because obviously red fruits it looks red tastes red tastes like tastes of red it feels like they've made up they've made up a word so I don't know how I'm gonna get you to this word okay okay so start guessing I guess like murder berry melon do you know what last like you're not quite your I'm gonna say that the person who brainstormed this in the meeting when they came up with the name may have said murder berry on their way to the eventual name you know okay it's very like kick you know I yes thank you yes yes same thing berry cyber berry yeah no last berry good but no crunch berry crunch berry sounds delicious but no punch berry punch berries also amazing no I it's not really a word it's very very bad for your digestive system yeah this was an advertising one word is it a videogame word let me look it up for you because it might be like a reference that I don't get Google define this word for me def berry it's gonna be oh okay it sort of is a real word but I don't think that's what they were going for when they named it after this word and the word berry so I'm gonna give you like 30 seconds because otherwise we could just be here for like that's true rest of eternity guessing words um okay is it like an invented berry is it like a final T yeah kind of like they invented a new fruit like the baby or something yeah cuz they decided strawberry sounds like a dumb brute named the dummies yes yes they're like what is the fruit what is the true fruit of the gamer and then they kinetically engineered a new kind a new better kind of berry to make him to this energy drink all right we'll be like strike berry smash berry imagine the scientists at gamma labs who's like I'm splicing together genetic material from all the best berries you using Jurassic world you know it's like a science would are we talking like a sign this word it's not really science E but okay splice berry would be fantastic by the way but yeah it's that dinosaur in Jurassic world that it's like bigger and better because they decided regular dinosaurs won't go down I don't think we're okay all right well no points to me then because it's actually phase Berry phase babe Oh with his eggs yeah oh there there csgo plan oh there is a clan because I was thinking you know if you're unfazed then right undisturbed but I think you're on the money there where it's actually named after the clan hmm well here's to you clan fazer Sameera Tara says Halle Berry is it just that I'm it's very hot in here and then this drink is nice and cold friends I think you're ready for my next one that's doesn't make any difference is it that there's not gonna be any yellow energy drinks because they would look a bit like a human subs oh this is the worst one to smell or so far what it's a high bar to clear at this point some kind of cleaning products I think by the way from the comments Elizabeth Hall says chug rug is named after a phase member as well so children was a reference to face you've got the most eSports clearly the most eSports tie-in brand right okay sorry Andy you were describing the the dreadful smell yes is it yellow it is yellow yeah I drink is it called lifes of bleach and then you die oh okay I know what it's supposed to be now I've got the water in it not bleach powerful abrasive cleaner before but now it's um this is I believe pineapple okay tropical punch like I mean pineapple sauce idiot you could clean things with it you haven't sprayed up that's straight-up pineapple straight-up pineapple yeah so you're probably thinking oh it'll be called like pineapple glass or something wrong and wrong is it called Pina kill order that's good that is great that is you remember have fruits of the forest was called hyper beast yeah in the same sort of we're in the same sort of thing here so imagine the most aggressively violent thing you could call it sweet tasting pineapple drink punch obviously yeah I mean no no but it's that you're sort of in the right like mindset you've got to think aggressive yeah okay like pineapple crush but like crush in a violent way yes crushes crushes part of it Wow it sort of two words join together Oh the second one is crush oh and it's not define apple crush that's pineapple is not involved in this in any way just imagine the sort of like you get the dominating violent person who drinks of pineapple energy drew crush I mean yeah you thinking on the right lines just but more some even simpler just crush ah best smash crack what this desk crush best as in like the best old man crush messages I'm going with man crush if he's not cool man crush Mike any thoughts about like the drawer crush crush pineapple and if does the first word have anything to do with pineapples or starts with the same letter as pineapple power crush yes OWA you can hear in my voice for those house power crush what do you drink what are you drinking there faze clan power crumb drug a bug oh it's a sweet like pineapple drink that I like to call power crush all right Wow eh I need on that on the csgo battlefield to crush my powers yeah Wow well I'm firing on all brain cylinders at this point yeah I've got a fourth pathway opened up I didn't see woody alright time for another one of mine ok ok what are you up well you're about to find out just okay I'm gonna go powder powder straight in again similar colour to the to the previous one that the cherry bomb one I can see a cloud of white dust just lifting off yeah you're inhaling all of that it's going mid and hair um the air in your house is gonna be so Cassidy it's getting sort of a clue but I'll show you again later ok ok ok it sounds great quit easm are okay right popular color again bits of sediment just sort of falling down yeah swirling away opening those hmm it smell like what are you getting what's the fragrance the nose what's the nose it's a combination of two flavors this one okay so the maze expecting yeah I can't tell you either the flavors cuz they are in the name fruit plate why was it I was expecting the dot there's a definitely like in this combination you would expect a dominant flavor and a not dominant flavor I was expecting the dominant flavor to overpower the other one that she when you smell it you can mainly smell than the one I would consider I was gonna say oh they're perfectly balanced then but no yeah it's just gone in the other day so none three flavors like strawberry no I mean not with this sort of color actually yeah berry pink I would say yeah you get that you get the first hit of the kind of dominant one and then as as you the aftertaste is this is the secondary flavor which I guess gives it a slightly more refreshing kind of feel to it all I can say okay the top note and then after notes or whatever I don't know perfume stuff um watermelon ah is in there isn't this in there cuz that's the other red fruit yes it's strawberry and watermelon that is correct it's got the most boring name in the planet strawberry watermelon but if you look they've just sort of like randomly underlined and italicized things to make it more extreme oh yeah I can see that hey wait let me let me line it up yeah you got me yeah it's difficult sage we're all very watermelon it was Riggins okay that's me sorry that's another sneak one yeah I'd have called that kill kill Barry and warm Ellen yeah warm Ellen would have been perfect yeah and on the front there would have been a watermelon holding an ak-47 in there have underlined Barry in water but then waters italicized and straws at Ellen do you think that reflects the way you're meant to say it you know like for emphasis like yeah Barry I'm disappointed with what it what is your brand called sneak I'm disappointed with sneak I could have bought it yeah call it Barry bomb it's it's no power come on sleek I've got some exciting news what's that level pegging oh my god oh it's all to play for we all have to drink a whole drink it's no Cape Town is it confusing the award for most mystifying goes to Cape Town yeah right I I couldn't tell you which one of my drinks is which because they're all just different shades of pink so well pick a favorite if I have to drink if I'm to drink one and stab Barry yeah no straw straw rhymes with war as well so it could have been war Barry in war melon oh don't spill that on your lap yeah we will all be in trouble okay my desk is a very large oak desk with a sort of leather top and like brass handles right saturated in energy drinks now it's gonna get up and run away in a minute new desk is gonna be so energized yeah red basket okay I thought you said my desk was gonna go in claim point a yeah it's gonna escort the payloads to the objective any second now okay let me just uncork the energy drink shaker rinse it out a little that the impaler is is suggesting the Capetown could be a classic Cod level maybe it is okay here we go okay that's good you just give your lungs a healthy coating okay all right okay now they go in and it's voluntary not you know surprise that's right that's actually that's not not so bad okay I think I might actually not hate this one but let me not speak too soon let's not get ahead of myself I'm gonna guess that you are gonna hate it okay I mean I didn't I didn't like being ambushed by it just then but on my own terms hang on yeah you just want it in your alveoli in my lungs yeah exactly in fact it probably says on the packet not to be not to be can you through your lungs yeah yeah okay here we go ready okay it's another Oh Evan darker Wow we're gonna end up with just blood it looks like deoxygenated blood you know that kind of bluish color that you get so here we go let me show you that the gradations of color so this was the first one yeah very frightened by a second one okay it's time to lose it Wow playing with okay here we are this is the fourth one this is the fourth one Johnny Marino says it's called organ failure oh no why would I get that organ flavor no give me a color to it you know that liver or yeah like never I guess Troy Troy Troy colored yeah that's the that's the image you want it's got a shot a shot yeah almost not bitter but like a shot fizzy oh it smells fizzy smells like fizzy sweets you know yeah yeah you know those bottle sweets that kind of fizzy hmm oh yeah okay so this is not bad it's not carbonated but it it almost tastes like it it should be company wrong in the way that like fizzy Cola bottles do oh so is it like sherbert or something a little bit like sherbert a little bit like sherbet yes but also obviously it's a fruit you know it's red dark red so please it's a fruit name there is a pretty name is it cherry again is it another cherry it is that is part of it cherry lemonade no although that would be a good name for it it's got more of an edge than cherry lemon cherry lemonade would be quite sweet whereas this is just sour sour cherry who said that first I it is that but like all right ask the comments ask the chat who said that first because that is the right answer it is sour cherry this is sour cherry and it's actually pretty good or it might just be out I've had enough energy drink at this point that energy drink tastes okay yeah but yeah chat can you tell us can you can you make the judgment for us chat because I heard those things at the same time so can someone someone tell us whether it was Mike or Andy who said sour cherry first while I drink some more sour cherry okay in my own business catchy come to synchronize I've been completely Daisy Mae says me Lots before my oh I'm seeking off mics there all right hey Andy you are lagging behind but now it uses right answer at the same time I don't you did but I'm sorry I spoken honey this is an interactive show and the chat is spoken so okay that's the police this crime the crime against Andy I'm not getting a point crime against time these taste buds when he has to drink an entire one of these energy and these started first Mike finished first says it's wonderful I could give I could give you no no no it's fine if this is the hahaha time to mix up my next one time to mix up Andy's next drink okay I know okay so I thought before that I had the most artificial smelling this is definitely this doesn't taste like anything to me natural creation no this is nothing that exists in nature maybe it's just pure caffeine flavor no caffeine oh wow that's just this is a real beautiful that that looks so pretty yeah here we go now we're talking really dark blue look at compared to this look at that yeah that's a deep this is some that science water thank you for watch them James oh okay you ever watch one of two ice breakers streams where they're painting and they're like doing them oh yeah yeah all right paint water is that the name of it in water pain water yeah all right so there's no fruit that is that color in the world there is not now I take blueberry blueberry not blueberry hmm I don't know what that tastes like well if you don't I don't mariusz Johnson says moonlight butterfly which is the most poetic energy drink name so Dark Souls boss is it oh yeah okay alright I know what it tastes like don't taste like it tastes like candy okay okay okay what kind of candy like lungs specific candy yeah I can't say part of the name of this candy because it's part of the name of this thing but it's like a popular sugary animal-shaped candy animal shapes candy I like like bears like yep so you're on the right track on gold bears but not gold bars no but what are they yet so what are they what's the generic term for those candies Oh like jelly bears no gummy bears gummy bear yes so okay so you're working from that right wait but didn't my is it gummy bears if not gummy bear bad as that's not the first part is one word in the first part of it is gummy gummy tear like gummy rippln tear gummy black gummy ocean getting gelatin a bunch of gummy bears it's rennet pure gummy rennet I think the idea is that it would be very tasty right based off this name so they're they're imagining that you would eat or drink this and be like all that yummy bear not yummy bear no gummy is the staff gummy it's more about the great flavor this um gummy gummy bear Joe sensation gummy bear tasty gummy bear so good gummy bear first one you said just then was on the right track what was the first one I said I can't remember anything Andy I'm too high on anything you've got eight brain pathways open Jane you should remembering everything too many brain pathways Andy you got TV tabs opening I'm like that's a Manhattan sorry man so partly I'm talking to you here on one of my brain pathways but on the other minerals I'm moving through the renascence yes so if I seem a little abstract it is because I exist in all times in all places gummy delicious yes all right is that what this cold amazing yep get my cactus I feel bad because I only I literally read on the chat I didn't okay you should have said that you thought it up I should get someone guessed right genuinely I didn't think I thought got malicious was just like a hilarious joke literally calls her malicious demolicious and is it meant is it meant to be gummy bears then does he go bears on it it's sweet gummy bear flavoured oh you know those savoury salted soybeans okay did I throw the sharpie way no here it is okay and he gets a point I don't get point because I shouldn't have been an idiot and just read it off the chat I just don't gummy licious was like a joke deadly serious Jane I have a white desk and it's been stained so many beautiful rainbow colors it is gonna be hard to clean this okay well I'm sorry to say but we're all on exactly six points right oh gosh oh gosh okay alright my turn my turn my turn let's get this one on the go I wish I test tube's these would look great in like science testing that's you've got scientific glass were there they're gonna that was Mike I just saw in another huge cloud of white dust yeah I just licked my stars taste that that looks so sciency yeah that looks like the signs water in like sanitary product commercials yeah yeah this this looks like that that thing there you go it looks opaque is it opaque is it like yes again I've ended up with an opaque on my I don't think sneak energy have mastered the art of transparency well I think you pay extra for the opacity cuz that's got more like nootropics in it or something yeah you ate extra for the new trophy yours is like a vitamin supplement as well right sneaks got like vitamins and stuff in it yeah allegedly Nadel vitamins minerals and amino acid and sweetener that's what makes it fun Akari is all the vitamins no caffeine by the point what's even the point right yeah it smells like a swimming pool or something okay all right chlorine blast that is I mean Ocean Spray series April is less conceptual and more just more literal literal Matt sneaks really going with the literal stuff so yeah pull water lifeguard no it is blue raspberry Andy that's great oh my god it is just blue raspberry yes that into Laver and it's literal it's probably blue raspberries wait why I Bryce breeze blue rose be done blue because strawberry has to be like red so it doesn't leave anything Rose breathe great taste it does taste of raspberry it doesn't taste like genetically modified raspberries okay oh it tastes like natural all natural organic raspberry you're telling me well I would say that's all yeah yeah it's the police slushy flavor oh okay yeah yeah yeah that was a bit like this one this was also like a very blue slushie this form is blue chug rug rug rug yeah okay wait is it me it is you your final one Jane this is that sound ominous and it sounds like Jane is actually gonna die from energy yes it's your final warranty last known picture of Jane is me going right so it's um hang on what color is wait not what color what flavor is this okay got it got it got it got it got it right hang on so this is my last one it's a cocktail mix and evincing can't I can't lose the nuances of the flavor by mixing them all together yeah okay there we go oh it's um the powder itself look at that oh it's like a crushed mineral you know when they don't make pigments for paint that is the vividness of that color yeah okay okay yeah Felina therefore no my hands are vibrating off ingest yeah there we go yeah we just do a just do a handshake I'm fine why you were vibrating oh wow that is a cloudy blue it is a milky blue don't ya get more water that please get more water in there other way do myself an injury death berry death berry blast the blue meth from break oh yeah it's like it's like gamma slabs when and broke bad on there anything Heisenberg blast and it in case you're amazing highs in very blast yeah that would work this is the one I'm drinking and this is original okay it is a lot like milk urine Claudia is it a little bit Claudia okay okay alright hmm sit copper sulfate yeah it's just crushed up copper sulfate they crystallized copper sulfate and then it's very sweet this is gonna be controversial but let me just take a swig of this one because I want to check they're not exactly the same favorite by a different name okay they're very similar I wonder if Lucho Krug was just like an appropriate version of like this oh they repurpose it for this my real fans out there now ready to drink something that tasted like their hero the blue truck rug Packaging implies that it's kind of got BlackBerry's in it cuz they don't let my blueberries look that looks like a oh yeah yeah yeah that doesn't look like a blueberry this tastes sort of similar interests it doesn't taste like blueberries or blackberries it just tastes kind of sweet is it blue raspberry it is not blue raspberry hey ironically is it blue blue blue is in the name you can have that blue is in the name but there is no close quite close I think what they went for when they named this one was like what do we want you to what do we want you to feel like what's the impression we want to give you we want you to be refreshed we want you to feel you know renewed blue wave goods also good you're in the right field the right region blue ocean blue sea Lou pipe blue chill oh my god you were both very close to the answer and if you go to say it at the same time I don't know what I'm gonna do you could also call maybe like a chewing gum or a deodorant this blue fresh new ice and II got it I'm afraid nice very nice this is blue ice I mean obviously it's the warmest of all the drinks I have because my ice is all so it's the least I see of all my drinks so that was my final one and it's blue ice and the point goes to Mike who is now a lead my kids really know what these are now I'm sorry my brain leave to buy a butterfly flapping its wings in Tokyo all right I'm going for my final one here final drink we're firing up this so we have like a lemon flavor do they not make lemon flavor energy drinks it destroys the nootropic so carefully balance pH that's about as scientific as the nonsense Oh Andy no no literally was his final drink he didn't even get to drink his final drink and then he dropped down just release the little alien spores into it spider cords yeah you've got Promethean growing not for me just refused okay so we have quite a yellow it looks like lemon squash like a cordial like Robinson's or something shout out to the Hackney brewery hmm yes it smells like very pale but it smells like the thing this is it smells like the thing yeah title no it's not it's not lemon that's all it's so it is another yellow fruit it's mango not one oh yeah when I was a kid I had a ear infection and I was given some help all right yeah fine I had that banana medicine is all banana - banana medicine yeah so what we call will be on a republic is it banana Oh bananas but imagine it if this was like the best the best banana in the world you know the top banana Oh Donna top and honor you just decide you just said it top banana is an actual idiom yeah no better it would be a better name for this energy during coming green on a king oh oh man that's close banana Queen me write the words just in the wrong order king banana oh no no it's not there's three words it's three of the bananas Kings gonna give it to Mike it is king of banana of banana that's quite quite the name yeah all right there's a point there for nd and a point there too Mike yeah of banana no I prefer banana of kings best banana truly this is oh man king of bananas the king of banana that's the most intimidating maybe they just have a competition maybe they'd like a bring your kid to work day daddy last one single banana okay last one for me okay Andy's in the lead with nine points okay Mike has eight and Jane has but seven points could be a tie between well it could only be a tie between two of us okay okay well here we go my final one what color is that it's very light blue light blue I think this one's gonna be the most difficult one to describe which is why I left it a clue no no this is a I mean wow that's my paint water yeah it's um it's how many milky it's gonna look like it's got a lot of green screens interfering but it's exactly the same color the green screen good green good color sort of a milky jade green like the stone itself I do not know what green it's our first green drink of the evening everyone what's that even smell like it smells like rocks or something it's like really yeah looking at it on that I'm looking at on this scream right now and it's sort of it's keying out oh it looks the exact color yeah and if you're on the stream now and it's the exact color of Mike's green screen yeah okay so you haven't had a green drink yet I wonder whether that's like kiwi fruit maybe maybe that's why it's green maybe it's a kiwi fruit thing that doesn't have Kiwi in the title yeah like a disinfectant yeah well mike says it's it tastes like rocks or it smells like rocks smell my rocks but it tastes more like maybe if it's if it's if it is a fruit flavor it's not particularly like strong it looks like comedy like nuclear waste or like toxic waste like you might become a media if you fell in a vat of it so I'm about to become a ninja turtle is it good is it called like chroma key crush no although that would be very like YouTube streamer sort of yeah targeted I've got I can I can give you clues by showing you the packet almost okay she's gonna sound really strange but I'm gonna show you the back first because I think the Front's more on the cleave I'm just gonna show you the color scheme of the back stay green black green black and green compared to competitors you know still burning and silver and silver so it's different from all the other packets that I've got okay but what what what do you associate black and green with the Xbox Xbox drink Xbox flavored drink that's where you put your Laver it tastes like ground-up Xbox components what what what I am driving out is a kind of gaming a G since things that black and green are colors that I like associated nitrogen-nitrogen you're on the right track it tastes like Sam woods night vision Sam Bish's wetsy can be the runoff from the inside of South it doesn't taste like Kiwi or Apple and it's not named after a Kiwi or Apple or know anything it's no biggy it's supposed to be Apple but like a really weak weak source like faint that we play yeah because also green apples don't create green juice you know like when you get out of juice from green apples it's like yeah yeah so it's it's the same yeah gave me Jason you're on the right track with sort of night vision and things like that it's a single word I've got another clear but it will it will just end up being the first person to say it infiltrate not far off infiltrate see is it good today is it like sneak brought to you by think is it like the flagship drink of the sneak brand no but sneak by sneak it is very close to the to that still yes Corral Andy has got it oh my god why did my kiss it well yeah my clue is gonna be this should be my least favorite drink a loss but I think you would have got it immediately also he's actually coming back to me now I did know there was an energy drink called stealth and I can't believe I didn't get up so you know the flavor of stealth is Apple or whatever it's just probably a bit it's pretty bitter believe the flavors as stealthy as the title the final scores there we go it's um Andy nine points to Mike and but seven points to Jo Jane which of your which is the coolest I mean as in like temperature-wise because I think temperature makes it acceptable oh you know actually I enjoyed the sour cherry one the most the one that was like fizzy sour cherry so I'm gonna drink the sour cherry well I read some comments or something I do okay great the t-virus water green hmm okay it's good stuff so what was everyone's so Jane your favorite was the sour cherry what was your favorite Andy was it king of banana banana you should've got X game whatever I should point out we're not sponsored by it inspired about Andy read off the entire mark we haven't received no money from any of these energy drink would want to be associate the basis we've been pulling well what time is it and what time am i planning on sleeping maybe like July or August yeah 6:30 right now um how we doing for comments let me see if I can find itself it's actually not it's the least offensive flavor here I can say that for it it's this is what your heart says blue robberies are usually blueberry and raspberry interesting and that's why it's blue okay that makes sense then let's you call it rods blueberry or something Ross blueberry yeah sports needs a range of Rage energy drinks according to Ken Doyle yeah maybe they just mean ready on beds one Adrian Bedingfield wants to know if the aux function characters were energy drinks what flavors and names would they be oh I thought Corazon would be something tropical like a pineapple yeah no no Kollek rum flavoring you know that from flavoring that's not alcohol yeah people hire a hunch pirate punch yeah because it's like pump she's a drink but also violent violent act yes I think Eggman's would be a sort of cinnamony kind of like spicy sauce fire fireball or fire flaming burst something like that yeah you don't have to finish that that drink it's fine I'm gonna do it Andy I'm gonna do it you stop me you'll know it did set the rules don't maybe kind then take it are you gonna come over there I'm coming to that I'm the prisoner of this side cherry drink now I must finish it before it finishes me it's me or the drink I'm gonna be like a thousand cups of me drink when I finish it I'll be like fry auf diese three hundred cups of coffee and everyone will freeze and then and then I've got I've got infinite time to finish my work for the day so eldritch blast prudence we just have one could obstruct and it would be eldritch Barry boss oh yeah elderberry blast yes yes okay Oh also that we have those like evil mimosas that time in D&D evil mimosa would be like a funny reference kind of thing yeah joyful damnation hmm power that sounds like it should be like a protein shake you know I mean like it should have some sort of like muscle-building protein in it remember I saw a protein product before there was called hemo rage was it made with actual birth though is it like ground-up steak or something I don't know but it I mean it sounds there's any protein supplements that are made of like ground-up like beef really yeah oh there's not just mince that are you thinking of crap means feeding black powdered dried beef oh god I don't know why I'm drinking this it's just cuz it's in front of me yeah don't drink it never drink down yeah well well how are we all feeling energized yeah full of energy we go for a run and build a house or something I says I'm 24 tomorrow is what my last dough was meant to say Oh congratulations happy birthday happy birthday cheers to you will still be awake by the time it's your birthday probably Jenny Greco says I say everyone finishes their drinking then we have a for our citizens discussion well done oh my god it was the worst Jane dear okay now probably what you're feeling right now is the immediate nootropic performance needs and long-term brain health and functional yes galaxy brain the symptoms of which are very close to a heart attack yeah your memory performance mindset and structural brainpower probably all firing on all cylinders how's your neurogenesis how's your Jennifer I'm wearing a brand new brain brains my brain is being replaced with a new brain silver cell yeah take something fast Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers oh my god she's firing on all cylinders people I should probably go and play a videogame now I should probably go do any sports so I me up to a Klan Church chugger I could get in touch we need a new csgo point you can be Conan chugga douglas probably need to go and eat something to like balance out the caffeine and tally thanks for joining us for this dream everyone yeah your energy drinks responsibly always remember that king of banana is watching all hail king of banana thank you very much like and subscribe if you enjoyed this we will see you next time some of energy for wave [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you [Music] [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 112,543
Rating: 4.9583836 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, energy drink, gamer energy drink, gaming supplement, g-fuel, g fuel, hyperbeast, fazeberry, tropikilla, flavours, taste test, challenge, funny, funny moments, do they work, gamer drink, esports drink, esports energy drink, x-gamer, sneak, sneak energy drink, x-gamer energy drink, gamer fuel, caffeine, streaming
Id: 1a7YAfWW4S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 40sec (5320 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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