Animal Crossing Villager Ranking Challenge: Who Has the Most Valuable Villagers? Ellen vs Luke!

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This may be my favorite content ever.

The audio glitch at the beginning was deafeningly hilarious, the premise was utter nonsense, Ellen and Luke were wonderful, and we got some grade A Andy snark. Just brilliant.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cdskip 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody hey welcome it's going on today guys that's exactly what's going on hang on okay I think I may have I may have fixed it I may have fixed it okay all right I'm really sorry about that let me know let me know if that sounds any better it'll take a minute to catch up okay the sound was looping like that Wow yeah yeah it'll do that technology is great isn't it technology is bad and everyone who ever has used it should feel bad okay yeah all right is that fair did we fix it yeah yep yes okay Wow okay what a lot of fun um what a treat for your Friday afternoon what a treat for your outfit yes how about that now the the test is who can tell what was wrong with the start of the show we've concealed a small error deliberate mistake hidden in the start of the stream did you spot it that's right the audio with deafening beat up oh okay right someone someone else explained the premise of this dream I've given up writing yeah we're gonna see all of your Ellen you have a write the rules for this okay right who has the most valuable collection of villagers it's time to find out as myself and Luke bring our villagers forward to Andie to find out which are the most beloved and which should be thrown into the sea with the zebra turkey fish oh man that was spoiler alert they're all worthless professional Ellen you've absolutely nailed that Oh Oh what how will we determine their values well points will be avoid awarded based on the scores assigned to them on Animal Crossing portal comm so this site lists the popularity of villages among as amongst players which is voted for in a monthly poll the higher the tier that the character is in the more beloved the character yeah but you know they're only voting for it because it's like oh I can dress them up in a maid outfit and make him look look obviously obviously these tier lists are nonsense however I want to find out who out of me and Ellen has the most financially viable island what if I wanted to sell my animal crossing island to a stranger online I want to know how much I can expect to charge this tearless kind of also says about like how much the animals are worth how much the villages are worth so like there's a what will also be as a bonus thing I'll explain the scoring first okay so right in addition to like the tears the more the higher the tier the more exclusive it is so there's a hundred and forty villages in tier six anti five I believe okay there are there already way more villages and I thought they were in the game so you're knowing hundreds and there's but there's only 15 villagers in Tier one so it's really difficult to get a tier one villager okay compared to a tier 6 villager you'll be awarded points so you and I Luke will be awarded points for the tiers our villagers are in ok is your villagers shed when you sell to some animal crossing animal trafficker yes so a maid outfit if we have a tier one villager we get one point and if we have a tier six villager we get six points and we're doing it like golf so the lowest score wins okay so if I get six points it means I've got a trash villager who I should be ashamed of yes but also if whoever out of us wins the people will trade Villa often trade villages for bells and the loser will owe the winner the worth of their collection so the winner will add up the bells that people would pay for their villages and the loser will owe them forever like Tom Nook oh good when I I will reveal some of the prices at the end so people in like people will be able to look this up the lowest-scoring villager from each Island will be tied to a balloon to see this is going to get emotional because even though I mean I don't know what tier list my villages will be in but I do know that I personally love each and every one of them except Robyn villages we're bringing forth our villages in order of least two most favorite so there are TVs in Animal Crossing they could be watching this Robin could be sitting I hope Robin is watching Robin Robin already evicted from my island for being a loser I hope Robin can see I'm interested to see if our favorites like align with what is a higher tier and what is a lower tier and see if we align with other animal crossing players okay alright well so with the obvious disclaimer that we don't believe that tier lists are good and that you should have a lovely time in Animal Crossing with all your villagers regardless and we are just doing this for fun okay cool alright that is communicated let's begin the ranking of our villages the savage ranking okay Elin so ready to type in the names and see when they appear okay all right so Ellen who is your first villager my first villager is Apple Apple I'm looking can I see a picture of Apple up on screen now and Ellen all I can say is my word [Laughter] he's just like and the thing is the thing that gets me about him the most is that his the way it's the way his his his hope I don't know I don't know actually I don't know what gender they are but um like the fact that if you go in their house yes everything is apples every paper they face their whole Apple has that and I'm like look I know I like roses because roses in my name but you're taking this to another level Apple like okay man don't take this the wrong way Apple looks a lot on drugs they're probably fermenting apples there Bosley like absolutely wasted on cider Apple has their arms spread wide fired tell me do you see everything else is Apple soon let me take a bite [Laughter] anything is like he's got this thing as well we're sorry they've got this thing as well where I I was once on the beach and they've got this habit apples got this habit of like appearing on the horizon it's just like just like wandering its view and it's like and then like and like please go don't come where is everyone in the chat as well we're saying Ellen you had an egg room that that was built purely to torture Luke and that's gone now I've got a nice kitchen occasionally a full grocery by the wrist and thus you to top turn stop turning into snakes you know when you go out with Apple that like your night is ending early yeah your night is ending early because you have to get Apple home they call crystal been so well you showed an absolutely savage lack of respect towards Apple I'm interested to see whether you were right or not well I can tell you the shocking news prepare yourself for the shocking news right Apple is actually a tier 2 villager watch with a maximum worth of 8 million bells or 100 miles tickets Apple currently sits sitting pretty at 21 in in the tier 2 little hop joking you're telling me the number 4 in tier 3 so they've risen recently in popularity what that just not make sense but fire Wow Wow shocked so two points for Ellen an ice low score to start off with Ellen's most hated villager Apple who never stops shrieking and leaking apple juice out of everything now if you go on the wiki's under you'll be able to tell us fun facts about each villager like catchphrases and what Apple as well the other day because I'd never talked to them I thought you live yeah you forgotten what I lived here you know Hugh I've seen you around but you always look so busy I didn't like mm-hmm the only reason I was talking to Apple was because they were crafting what were they crafting was it something Apple related no was it in foil hat coming so they'll see the alien broadcast oh yeah that's true well I can tell you that Apple is a peppy hamster so I mean I can see that just from the eyes catchphrase is a reference to the term apple-cheeked which is used to describe someone with round rosy cheeks which Apple has and the catchphrase is one rotten apple spoils the barrel well Apple you are the rotten apples oily Northern Ireland they they like their coffee with the regular amounts of milk right good Intel all right Mako this could be a movie star Oh Apple good luck with it I wish you all the best okay well should we do should we do my first village I think it's gonna happen for you Apple I think yeah he's gonna get you off the gear jatin says that I should send Apple to Apple B we've only how good you look in the to a tier 2 villager for free John yeah Joey 100 miles tickets Shawn let's see the money the money John layout them alright Luke you want to walk out the airport and the ground is just all too deep okay right well um I really guess that you're going with Robin as your most hated Robin is correct so Robin is a jerk bird who rocks up on my island when Andy kicked them violently evicted him yeah yeah exactly and now Robyn sort of hangs around I have I have genuinely tried to give Robyn the benefit of the doubt but I just cannot summon enthusiasm my Island recently has undergone some construction so now all the villagers have their own little garden and Robyn has not received a garden Wow just can't bring myself to do I don't know you know what I I think it's I don't know maybe it's the little swoop of hair maybe it's the sort of half closed eyes I just can't I just can't personally get on board with Robyn especially I mean I don't know Luke Robyn wasn't there when you were when you were struggling during the hard times on the island when though when you were living in a tent when there wasn't resident services it wasn't a parade of wonders or a concert auditorium exactly Robin you know yeah he's Robin moving in with a silver spoon in its beak was was Robin there in the beginning on your island Andy because let's not forget that you are the one who cursed me with Robin was not one of my initial three villages that that gives me hope though because that suggests that Robin moves around a lot so maybe Robin will go away and the problem will resolve itself yeah transient Robin well I didn't tell you the reason that I Victor drop in from the islands leak right sorry to have to tell you this can you imagine if there was one villager in the game whose personality was Bill just have your stuff break into your house away yeah just graffiti horrible things all over the wall and take your stuff Wow yeah well I wouldn't put it past Robin hmm five ever discount okay so I I am NOT expecting Robin to be a high-scoring villager because I can't imagine that other players would be desirous of Robins come well I can I can tell you Luke that Robin is a tier 6 villager even a high tier 6 there are 87 on tier 6 which is I mean low very low okay so at least I'm not alone in thinking that Robin is okay I mean it's it's not quite as low as it could be but you're more than halfway through the lowest here okay I should know for that I should note for the record that even though we put like we've tried to put our villages here and broadly in order of how much we love them Robin is the only one I don't like I love every other villager on my island so much and I'll die for them and I'm going to fall out with you both massively when you and Kristin B says tier five and six are just listed alphabetically which could be true if it is then that's that's feather in Robins cap I suppose yeah well well done Robin fabbing a name that starts with an R Robin has the snooty personality if you think that's what's upset to do you just don't know like snooty people well I think that I think Diana who is my one of my absolute favourite villages has has a snooty personality but Diana makes it work on Robin it just I don't know it just carry it off and then when you add in the thieving the canonical thievery it was throwing him broke the battery window and let himself in yep just made a real mess in the place oh my gosh okay right right so that so how many how many points does that net me that's bad right let's do six six points yeah well that is bad okay um all right should we should we do one more of should we do one more of Ellen's yes next up it's candy candy is a weird-looking pink mouse oh wow singer absolute state of that oh yeah I found her on an island and I got her back in the days when I was like oh I need villagers I'll just say yes I did go to her birthday party Oh candy so she's she's it's just the way her eyes are so close together like they're you know what like I'm looking at the picture now it's really easy to make your brain think that the cheeks of the eyes in fact if you just a viewer if you just place your thumb over the eyes it you know what I think I've improved the character design yeah I think they've got some really weird mice in this game real weird-looking mice there's one that's got like a constant like her eyebrow as well that I've seen going around on the internet and I'm like I don't know that but growls well there's some people saying that she's she's really cute and I can understand that like she's a nice color each to their own each to their own and she is she can be quite sweet I think it's one of my other villagers came up with a nickname for me and I was like okay only this villager can call me a nickname this nickname and then she came up to music I heard someone calling you this can I call you this what was the name no it's a reveal at the end but so I was like no only only that villager can call me that but yeah like there's just so much potential in Kandi's design enormous it's a very stupid child and you'd be like oh nice about children's mouths this is barely good enough to go in Animal Crossing new horizons yeah you're like you know what we'll monetize this crossing and then it won't be a total but yet probably what happened is the president of Nintendo came in and he was like how's it going on those villages boys and they're like great sir we've made six it's like well there needs to be 300 and the games out tomorrow bad Mouse yeah well yep we've got this mouse with the eyes supposed to be there too late to ship it yeah it's it's just a slightly strange design and then she's always like oh hi and like to chipper like she's one of these greater wants to be a singer and it's like this just like unrelenting optimism but like not in a way that is contagious you know sometimes people if you're around people who are like really optimistic you know like ya know Ellen it was Kandi's birthday last month did you remember I I went to her birthday party I got one else for it I was like did anyone else show up there was like two like I think about many villages I had a full range of villagers then she's she's even with a full complement of villagers only two who turned up to her birth that's harsh yeah however the thing is I went in and I start to look at her she's like oh wow if you brought a gift and I was like what's clumps it's because you are a weed to me because I can't get rid of you it's good you're on my Island and I can't interesting facts about can be heard Japanese name means liver oil okay as having to take cod liver oil in the morning yeah would you like to know where candy ranks well I can tell you that candy is still more popular than Robin candy is at tier 5 recently up from tier 6 there at number 43 in that tier 5 candies turning it around yeah candy 5.7 yes ok ok just know to understand so that is 5 points Ellen currently sitting on 7 points Luke is on 6 points but he's only played one villager so far yeah all right I'm gonna check in with the chat and then I'm going to drop my next villager like a bomb gentleman drill says hey guys been looking forward to this and it got even better since I know Andy will be the judge expecting some savage roasting well we just heard that candy looks like a stupid child a stupid shirt yeah they're your idea wants to let to let you say it Jojo says greetings from imbecile loved these streams and if you don't have Drago then you don't have the best villager - Thank You Ellen giggling well we do I don't have Drago dragon sounds cool Cordell Smith says is this what hell is like I think this is what we were having the audio problems at the beginning and then your businesses don't fix it that was the coolest Charlie having said the voices of God they have finally stops yes we have it's it's unlike any other musical genre in the it's irredeemable overlap wave yeah on the animal crossing wiki Drago is a lazy alligator villager that first appeared in Animal Crossing new leaf his name may come from the word dragon Rocky maybe he looks he's got bike looks like he's got a little fan so he kind of looks like Chinese dragon but green okay like that does actually sound pretty badass he welcomed new member che gray and disaster Voltron says can I get a shout out to my wife Susan we love watching your content together each week yes shout out to Susan I hope you like seeing cute animal absolutely posted first because that's what's happening and Stewart McKenna he says hey guy gang hope everyone's well just wanted to shout out my girlfriend tonews birthday's tomorrow you happen to launch her channel when we moved in together so this has been our weekly ritual o shout-out tone hope you also enjoy the roasting of roasting of mice okay right sure I want to break out one of my villages now and I just realized that candy has been up on screen this whole time so okay now as I say from this point on I love them all my next villager is absolute solid gold champion Aloise the badass elephant oh don't tell me you could think of anything bad to say about Eloise Andy okay well for a start what the hell is that haircut about that haircut is coming back you knows Kevin it's come with Eloise is a trendsetter you can't blame Eloise for anything toot in chat dude dude is the teaching one yeah yeah he's gonna let it go around a tooth on you she lives in Tooting so that my favorite thing about ello you know when you talk to a villager and you get the little island jingle like rendered in different ways so when you talk to elephant I think Eloise has the kind of haircut that you have to be exceptionally courageous to have and I think courage is a good quality Oh the Clippers broke before she finished shaving oh it's a lock-down haircut it's someone said Eloise it's easy to cut your own fringe around the waist is that part of the shirt I pretty sure that skin I don't know because I gave Eloise a sparkly jacket oh yeah it's it's it's a it's a soft underbelly have you ever bought one of the colorful watering cans from oh I've got an elephant one that I will never use but it's really cute because her head looks like a watering can I'm just gonna put it out there well all the better because the flowers on the island need watering Oh same water your flowers with her face well no none of them help out at all but I imagine if any of them were going to Eloise would slightly really like a bunch of my villages water my flowers for me no they they never do they do like one flower at a time it's really inefficient but they can flower okay they can water flowers I have never seen a single villager lift a finger to help Oh Luke we've lost you yep Luke you've gone quiet Luke he's still talking he's gone quiet [Laughter] wait am i back okay I'm sorry about that where was I think I was ranting about they don't do anything they don't help out they like yeah they don't it's not that I just that I haven't seen the water a flower they they don't absolute like total zero so they follow bugs around sometimes with a net but don't catch them eloise could just tilt her face and empty water all over your flowers and it would do that all right Yoram you're turning me around on the Eloise issue because I did think that I did think that Eloise was good but now you make me now you're making me wonder hello eases catch raises an elephant never forgets so well they do forget to water the flowers name is throughout for the word elephant and her initial catchphrase toot is a reference to the sound elephants make with their trunks thank you these incredible artery animal crossing Wicky boy would you like to know how Eloise ranks yeah I love easy so good yeah alright yeah ok I can tell you Luke that Eloise is a tier 5 villager currently ranked lower than candy hello he's 81 in tier 5 I'm looking around the room as if someone is gonna explain this look at her sweet face look at her big eyes look at her cute nose the thing is you got to think of other villages there are also elephants so they're like people will choose the cutest elephant and um would you not would you not work elephant island over a year ago mer showed off there was a cute elephant that looks like a teapot like her design makes her look like a little teapot is that good yeah I could go out right now and I could get in Eloise 4:10 look miles tickets 10 the Nook mouth I could I could light I could get it I could get 10 Eloise is easily with the look mal stickers are having me right now absolutely staggering just process this for a moment Aloise is bad the new reality that you I refuse to accept it I think people only these online rankings must be somehow fixed I hate this one weird elephant yeah this one weird trick there's actually a cute elephant okay good although although now to be fair now I think about it Eloise could probably help out a little more around town yeah all right well that's after two villages Ellen is on seven points and Luke is on eleven no as a reminder lower is good okay alright okay Ellen I think it's time for your next villager okay bring to the table sprocket rocket rocket ok he's like a robot bird thing now I want to call you up on that Ellen because I don't think all of sprocket is a robot I think I think sprocket is a dog is an organic bird with a robot face yeah head yeah and possibly an organic beak yeah a kite in his beak so he it's like a deus ex situation you know much like the terminator it's living tissue over a metal a exoskeleton endoskeleton yes even he's got like rivets in this yeah like that you can see on the outside he looks like you can hastily assembled yeah it looks like Robin has made a fake robot head so he can get back on to you by Island after a dictum opportunity oh yeah looks like Robins made himself a robot friend cuz no one else wants to hang around with him yeah well it's one of those annoying gym tights eager to jog yeah he keeps sending me things like recently he gave me he sent me through the post yeah he mostly sends things through the posts Tammy which is really pasig because of the things that he sends me one was like some training clothing that he was like I sweated through this but like to have it but also the sweater Mobley is like oil yeah exactly what's that what and then the other thing is the first gift he ever gave me was a set of scales and I was like dude a set of scales understand human politeness drop it is a robot Jack sprocket just wants you to know accurately how much your way sprocket just concerned about your health sprocket can recommend workouts that's all he does all heat everything is a reference to gym stuff well I was a robot that I'd be a jock as well because it's easy when you're a robot I can do a thousand star jumps I do not tire because tiring is not something I am programmed to do it's very very uncool of him to send you his dirty gym gear well he'd washed it but he was like don't smell it I think sprocket is saying that because they want you to smell it do you think having sprockets on your island introduces uncomfortable themes of transhumanism that you don't wanna deal with in your animal crossing yeah do you feel like you shouldn't be having to think about the nature of consciousness yeah the robot can be truly alive when you're just trying to dig I think this is that yeah I think this is so also the problem with Apple because I actually have two hamsters in my home and I'm like why are those hamsters in there but that hands to raise out there with their own house oh yeah it's been different you can show like a frog you've core to a frog villager and they Luke we've lost okay can you not hear us I got moved on again Luke's gone quiet again I Andy and I can hear each other Luke Luke you're quiet Luke no hear us I see me can't hear us cause he's so good can't hear you I don't know why I'm not saying sick hey Luke we can't okay I can hear you both now okay good I can hear you oh my gosh okay if that happens again just refresh the service that we're using funnel our audio right the stream Hanna add Andy and I but not you that's okay alright fine so it seems to be a problem on my end that I will fix by continually refreshing a guess good okay do a seat will do a big signal if we lose you again okay cool all right okay all right okay yeah all right so I can tell you now that sprocket the character sprocket yes a tier 4 villager - it'll grow on ya that's higher than I thought with a max with one mill bells Wow so it's four points there number six in Tier four so high ion it's up from 121 of tier 6 so so sprocket sprockets on the rise sprocket is yeah sprockets on a rocket to the moon baby strapped in that's clearly hacked in yep absolutely right okay well you I think you're going to both be very impressed by my next villager hope so all these fresh villages you've been bringing me I'm looking for a good one I'm sure I just put up a picture and that villi Oh oh it's just as he was about to say the villager name I know a panga now Andy and I will never know until we look at the stream no no okay how about now can it I don't know I can but are we a my also audible to the live stream that's find out or is my den going really weird we'll find out you know in such a short time once yeah once the once the chat catches up let us know if this is audible listen to you sounds like hell for example yeah yep I can hear you on the stream Luke oh whoa all right everyone the people saying that things I'm saying good yep Luke is only in my left ear okay well now that I can fix [Music] okay unbelievable hurry up for God's sake kabuki is a stupid cat or something oh yeah right right right yeah no so kabuki is called kabuki I think because of the mask yeah and I like the thing I like about kabuki is he has an extremely low voice when you talk to him like that however kabuki is always singing honestly like every single when I go and when I go like onto the let you know the sort of title screen where you can like see ambient things ambiently happening in your village kabuki is like nine times out of ten just singing in the woods by Rivals I am selves and that is one of just one of the reason why I think kabuki is great even though when kabuki first showed up I was like what's up with this weird cat's face it's not cute like all the good animals all right well okay so kabuki well is a traditional Japanese kabuki mask wearing clothes covered in Japanese characters they want Zen items for their home yeah yeah how would you feel about kabuki if I told you the Kabuki isn't Japanese do you think does that blow it or raise your opinion if kabuki I don't know I mean like did any of the do any of the villagers have a nationality as such no I just think it's an interesting question oh okay oh oh right sorry oh I'm with you now I'm with you now like what what if they were wearing the mask but weren't yeah I think I would I would probably have a slightly lower opinion of it alright so give me the school you'd like to know where to kabuki ranks yes where are you expecting I'm thinking kabuki is going to be mid to top tier I'm thinking tier three maybe even tier two well look you will be delighted to hear that kabuki is in fact a tier 2 villager yes finally a win they're actually they're actually down they were number number five in Tier two but they're now number 25 in Tier two so you could expect eight million bells or 100 miles tickets okay if you were to put him on the open market so kabuki 's popularity is plummeting but I have gotten just at the point where all right good yeah so good job with kabuki that brings us so the scores are three villages ellen is currently on 13 and Luke is on nope I'm on 11 Lucas on 13 you had okay it's sorry I put I put sprocket down as a six and actually sprocket is number six on tier four so in fact yes eleven and thirteen so there's only two points in it it's actually quite close it all makes perfect than you would think kabuki has a nice house as well as the other thing I would say kabuki okay so right Ellen I think I want to see your next villager who is it my next villager is Elmer and by the name you would assume that it's an elephant yeah you know it's a horse Elmer looks to me like the kind of Animal Crossing villager that I would come up with if I really really had moments to create like yes horse blue shirts so basic their house is really cute it's like they've got a bed the walls are like a white picket fence with a blue sky and then the ground is like turf okay so fully learning into the horse brand yeah it's very it's very much horse cool I feel I feel like Elmer is like the mascot of a fast food chain called like crazy mule and someone wears that costume outside of the fast-food restaurant and hands out flyers try the special donkey sauce yeah yeah gives more than any villager we've seen so far Elmer looks like a person in a horse donkey sauce got a real kick to it oh that's good yeah Wow Elmo I can see why you got the job come inside to crazy mules okay yes Margarita's to Frodo sort of like Hoops to spin a spinning sign spinner sign oh yeah that's that's what that's the vibe I'm getting from l1 yeah I believe that Elmer came from a friend of the channel Bendix is Island yeah I've got a Bendix reject but you know very sweet but just kind of like walks around not doing much I mean they all walk around not doing much did you know in America there's a brand of glue called Elmer's glue is that way most called Elmer because no I almost got a one-way ticket to the glue they are really dark steer I think I think they've done that on purpose I think they've done that on purpose to suggest that Elmer is only good for the glue that can be made from its melted hooves [Laughter] another thing is I got I got a couple of recipes off of it and one of the times he was like the bugs whispered this to me okay okay Elmer that's cool I'm just gonna dig a moat around your house get out and get it's hard to hear when all the bugs are pouring out of your mouth every time you open it is a tier 5 I mean it is bad it's bad down where he belongs in tier 5 with the trash animals and he's number 85 all right so that's 5 points there okay all right have you got I have got hang on let me just remove Elmer from your screens I am bringing to the table now a pretty great villager Daisy the dog Daisy the dog Daisy the dog you know I mean that's about as straight down the line is you yes vector of an animal crossing villages you know yes and that's and that's Daisy you know straight down the line straight down the line just no muss no fuss punching in at 9:00 punching out of five minutes today oq animal villager yes but the bare minimum is still a cute cool dog I really like the bit about your relationship with Daisy what sir you guys get up to you so Daisy's pretty chill um pretty generous with the gear so I've found and always very happy to like receive items as well dayz dayz have got like quite a nice house one of the nicer interiors I would say on my island and I would say that Daisy just brings a general good kind of vibe to the to the to the island you know it's straight down the line neutral uncomplicated yeah it's awful neutral dayz dayz is vanilla-flavored you know yeah yep but sometimes vanilla sir but do you want to pay large look my or some Ritz are you gonna break out the big nm teas I think so I think I I really think that Daisy is going to rank surprisingly high surprisingly that's what I think I think surprisingly high I'm gonna say tier 2 tier 2 tha well tier 2 well brace yourself Luke for for the shocking news what the day Daisy is a tier 4 villager although that Daisy is just recently up from tier 5 Oh I've only we've done this stream a month later with Daisy Daisy to the moon but it is still better than Elmer so you are gaining on Ellen with that great number 11 great so you're on 17 now Luke Ellen is on 16 also Ellen's in the lead by one point one point is in it yeah he's pretty close you've had a you had a couple of good ones there with a tattoo and it's here for back-to-back mmm well things are only just done to get spicy so I'm going to I'm gonna lose your next one Ellen my next one is Miranda J explaining to me Miranda's whole deal Ellen well they'd already done all of the yesterday today you knew this was happening today Ellen and you have new villagers movie and you got ringer villagers scouring the forums I saw you with that bag of mm T's woken up to the boxes I just got rid of Becky who is a just sort of a Becky the other day oh you just got rid of tr6 villager Becky did hello oh what a coincidence what a coincidence skew its inquiry Oh the day's fell in the ocean and her body hasn't been found guess I'll have to get someone else in oh I guess well I guess Miranda if we're lost here well now I'm gonna be so annoyed this cat called Raymond to score I hope you still accept Raymond's in made of it I've told him to say I love you probably lower the score as well I expect oh my god well brazen gamesmanship this is incredibly quiet level of sport the other day she said I think I should move to new pastures and I was like yes yes because I got a stream coming up tomorrow and you're a real traction yeah she said to me I you know a love island life is be such a waste to be inside all the time all day one of the villagers said that yiling and she said that's me as I was doing my 10,000 steps walking from the front door to the back door because I can't leave my it sounds like you guys got to go soon as I can get rid of her she's out and she offered me the opportunity done also she tried to teach me how to make a butter churn twice like well she's like I've made a butter churn yeah you told me yesterday Ellen suppose for an instant that you are really into butter churning I can only imagine how hard it is to try and convince other people to get into butter churning as well the second time she talked to me as if I didn't know I got an our previous conversation I'm like we live for CJ you'd obviously don't care about me because I was here yesterday you told me the same thing okay okay also her house doesn't have a bed in it it was just musical instruments yeah but like it made me scared about where she sleeps where does she hang upside down from the ceiling I don't know but anyway we're talking about Miranda here she sleeps with the fishes now the ocean tied to a cinder block eaten by Miranda he's Miranda one of those villages who is so tiny that you trip over them basically because they say she's quite small I think she's really cute I like her hair she's like a snooty villager and she was also in my camp when I was like hey you should move here the first time she was like now but thank you and then the second time she was like oh my goodness you asked me again yeah okay rather than like some villagers who asked for like a card game drink yeah I was I was very pleased because I was nearly coming to this without compliment and then I would have had to have some kind of penalty well I mean you would have won because you would have had a lower score no but I'll be cheating I think I would have had to gain a six yeah yeah a real battery type real Becky well I I can reveal to you now yeah that you have absolutely played yourself six look at your little ruse did wonders here six pretty silly now don't you you probably feel silly for handing over all those nutballs the notes here are back oh yeah your campsite was the tent made of nm t's wasted wasted by your own your own miles tickets I can tell you that the the little note it has by Miranda says usually it says like how much they're worth this one says often given away oh not even worth you know what this actually really surprises me because Miranda is one of the short villages and I think they are super adorable the way they waddle around and the hair is good I am I am genuinely surprised I think I think it's because she's not the most beloved duck so people are more rooting for the other ducks yeah we'll explain it to Becky's family who just want to know where she is they just want closure I mean they know that Becky is no good also all right so that's Miranda yeah I'm ready for my next one it is the villager who I have learned to love it's bad out when Barrow first arrived I was struck by their unfriendly pompous app attitude and the way that they seemed to be about 40 years older than all of the other Animal Crossing villages and and also I was pronouncing it beardo to rhyme with weirdo because that's how it looks but I think it's probably supposed to be bear doe because bear doza bear and you know it's just over time meadow has taken on oh there's a warmth to bed oh also I gave I gave Barrow a very very unflattering dress to wear and that has cheered me right up answer me answer me honestly when Baro moved to the island did he have to go from door to door and inform everyone [Laughter] on the island no but they were very houses at the time can we talk about that tough that's coming out from underneath the waistcoat I don't need to see that well I mean this is why their dough is a hirsute bear bed I can't help it look why should their dough be denied the right to walk around an island paradise with all of its all of his fur out when all of it just because he happens to be a bit fuzzier than all of the other villages everything is that Eloise wasn't wearing any trousers I mean it looks like he wore mascara and cried well probably he did because he just saw some of this dream okay well look I know that bear dough is basically indefensible I bet if bear dough moved away if better told me they wanted to move out I think I would away that's on his merits i weirdly even though barrow is clearly weird I don't think I would I don't think I would hurriedly get rid of bear dough I have warmed I have warmed to him and I can't explain why okay well you might be able to explain why after this loop because beardo bear dough is a tier five Ilic er which brings you and Ellen to 17 points apiece oh wow can we just count oh wait we're both on twenty-two same let's go away okay alright I've got I've got I've got a mate I made a spreadsheet and B when I do yeah it's one or two apiece all right duties yes CIT it's not up Ellen it's not about your GCSEs right now we'll talk about them later if you watch ELISA and we okay point is your it's a tie damn it okay so it's a tie it's all thanks to Baird oh I think what this really drives home is that they're an awful lot of villagers who were less popular than Baird oh yeah so there you go all right so that is baffling to me but look what can we I think Barrow is fast achieving cult status I mean yeah he's fast achieving something that I don't I no longer want to look at it all right okay I'm removing video from from your view all right Ellen who have you got it's 22 apiece everyone I have plucky oh is a chicken yes I see that I see she she is you know she's she's a sister type that's they call him animal crossing so she's very she looks after you but in a non patronizing way cool like an older sister but like sometimes I like her and sometimes I'm not a huge fan of her like for once you know we were talking about the villagers watering the flowers I was once watering flowers I'd finished a little patch now I was still standing there she walked up to one understand [Laughter] clearly thought that you didn't do a very good job I knows I asked you but then other time she's very sweet and like says nice things to me yeah she's she's just kind of like there she's not she's not particularly upset me at any point but she's not particularly like made me go oh my goodness she is the best she's just a very sweet chicken she sings a lot she's one of them I've got like most of the top villages that I've got here are ones that like to sing and I really like it when the village is saying we're what do you think soap lucky would rank on I sort of like a very basic design of a chicken being brown chicken does it bother you at all that it looks like the head could fall off at any moment I mean that's the weird thing with the chicken designs they've got like the really thin necks and then it goes out is it a reference to the fact that chickens generally lose their heads often in the real world do you think if you play for long enough plucky's head is just gonna roll off do you know what it reminds me of in this picture you know in five nights at freddys they're kind of busted terrifying mannequins oh I'm imagining it like so jerking to life and being like hey buy some pics I've had a dad thank you like angry with its teeth yeah you know I could see that I could see that well anything else okay she was also one who tried to call me canape but I was like no sorry but then she said can I call you superstar and I was well I can tell you that plucky is certainly no superstar currently residing in tier six no she was one of my starter villages and I I thought that she wouldn't be very high I didn't office given away lucky is currently residing at a very nice 69 of the tier six six points to the tally all right okay we're entering the things that things are heating up now alright ok - villager is you know him you love him it smack it smack the cool dog now max look max face is all scrunched up and originally when I first saw Mac Mac was one of the it was it was a Mac was an original villager like one of the three or the three you know three of you rock up at the very beginning right yes yeah the original three yeah homie Mac yeah you and the other three you're the you're the core four yeah Island yes oh yes yes that's right and and Mac so Mac was there at the very beginning and when I first saw Mac my gut feeling was I don't like this dog it's got a squished up face however that was an extremely deceptive first impression Mac has proved himself to be a real badass kind of dude here's a fun fact Mac and Eloise do not get on they fall out all the time so pick a side if you didn't like Eloise okay you've got a light Mac well Eloise is tier five so anything above tier five Mac Mac is really sporty is one of those ones that like just goes on and on and on about muscles and stuff but Mac will put out any furniture that you give them it just so delighted to receive any gifts Mac has taught me loads of reactions I feel like Mac Mac is the one who most often if you walk past is like Oh Luke Luke yeah plucky was like that for me she's taught me a lot of reactions mmm main reaction being get away from him plucky okay so wait I think that Mac ranks I don't delude myself into thinking that Mac is going to be top tier but I I think Mac is I think Mac is I think Mac is solid and real likable I think I'm gonna say tier 3 or 4 ok tier 3 or 4 well Luke I'm sorry to tell you that Mac is actually tier 5 number 135 ah look at his tongue is like maybe people face that there it is though yeah yeah there's Mike why isn't he ranked higher I don't have a cent maybe people just couldn't get past that gruff exterior look no one took the time to get to know Mac and to see see the King in sight it breaks my heart then I'm gonna have to turn Mac into new pals to hit down grind them up for M&M teas he was holding back he's hiding from what you can't decide the king I know the dog the dog I see inside my house oh I'll tell you what Mac does that's kind of weird is it's always in my garden you know how like you build a garden in Animal Crossing but obviously to the villages there there eh I just sees your garden as the rest of the island and so they don't just you know distinguish but Mac for some reason is just always in my garden just sounds the floor yeah you know a lot of people think there's no such things as bad dogs Oh Mac all right Mac you're a you're a you're you're a good dog to me Mac okay LEM what's your next oh my life my love my lady is the sake all right okay next up I have a little goat friend herb I'm just going to put this out here right now I think sure biz gonna be the most valuable villager in this dream and I have not looked at the tearless I promise I just look at sure and I think that is the kind of aspirational villager that I think and then go head over heels for you think they're sure be so dreamy I think I think sure sure to me is given off dreamy vibes because there's the the playful cute face the way they look kind of like young and but it's also sort of like handsome oh my god they're wearing a sweater I know they're wearing a big sweater that says I am a safe friend and I just want to hang out a no like Q which is the Animal Crossing vibe all the way through unlike the mascots of a Japanese television company or said oh yes stream I'm seeing sprocket wait no that might be just me my stream being delayed don't unless Rocky attacked my mainframe no that's my stream going delayed don't worry but yeah I love that jumper that he has with that pattern on it sure looks like he's bonded out of giving him anything yeah and and like his house is like all like log furniture it's really cute and like whenever he's like gifted me things it's been really like nice stuff he is like like it's a bit noisy sometimes because sometimes I play a bit later in the evening and he goes to bed like 10 when the shop shuts and so like I'm just like oh I'll just polish off some things before I go to bed and like I can't go see sure because he's the he's asleep when you like go to his door and it's like he was he was someone I had like a real mixed feelings on when I first had him on my village because he was one of the villages that just turned up oh okay oh I find that with any villager who just turns out I'm like I didn't know I hate the ones who just rock up without being on yeah but getting to know him he's a real sweetie he's really sweet and like I like the color I like his little like wispy fringe and you have any sure facts for us I could I was just looking at sure of just now and I theus looks very cute as it goats but I was trying to imagine what sure would look like as a human being and they're getting a very kind of Chauncy vibe sweater and oh my hair's gone all strange story about it no no no no no does most of their working honor on a Macbook in the cafe and design new UI for a new app and they're not gonna tell you about it unless you're genuinely interested okay well I can tell you that herb or REM ooh in Japan which is a reference to REM sleep apparently because lazy is working on the new out yeah his favorite song is hypno kk o his initial phrase is boy his scale is talking to bugs yeah he he says like the bugs told me something yeah he's he's not he's like Elmer talking tentatively missing the beard that most other male goat villages of the series have I think he's quite young but I think that's what makes ships so do weight and light isn't it yeah quite well are you ready for this everybody this is here are you ready to hear this might buckle up I think this is tier 2 tier 2 or higher I think herb is currently the third most popular villager hi herb is tier 1 only to villagers are more popular than sure the max worth of sure right now is 20 million bells or 1000 nuke miles tickets yes well now I don't want to hear about your app cheb Wow okay so that is okay so showbiz sure Bishop he'll a valuable Ellen are you gonna sell sure you're gonna cash in no you know when to shut down for emptiness herb is a pinata just bursting with nmt str1 unbelievable okay so that's yeah great score there for Ellen Wow okay so that's Oh Ellen only got one point yeah just one point just one point keeping the score nice and low well alright hey you better have something good here Luke you better have something it's a big scoring Oh something good something good how yeah how about Mira who's like a little superhero Mira yeah Mira is a rabbit Mira is the only on my island who I have not given any clothes to and I'll tell you for why because mirrors default outfits is the best thing in the game and I might even be including my towel dress in that I love mirrors whole aesthetic so much Mira is incredibly energetic here's the thing that Mira does every time you go into Mira's house it is blasting incredibly high intensity music at the highest volume like yeah Mira is Mira is treating my island like like a week-long it be the foam party like Mira is just yeah honestly it's like that Mira is raving so hard all the time I don't think I don't think that Mira has slept oh yeah I don't think the eyes need any help staying open Wow yeah good to see Apple get some of that sir yeah it's like the opposite share chill sleepy sure Mira's like we're going we're going we're going we're out we're out we're out out out out out I've been out out Mirror Mirror is taking you out out mirror is the kind mirrors that friend to party so hard that you're scared of it so yeah you're counter it you're trying to counter sure with a more upbeat it's like the opposite of shirred yeah in a way yeah trying to come at it from a different direction so I see what you're doing no I'm just uh I I like mirror I think mirror is cool badass so what do you think the inscrutable animal crossing' online community thinks of mirror well they like comfortable nice clean - yeah they like sweater they like to look like they're gonna gently tell you about that you little mouse I don't think I don't think that the animal crossing community can handle mirror I think they're afraid of mirror and I think they're right to be so she's too real to real mirror yeah mirror is too real for the animal crossing community and I think that's going to be reflected sadly in the tear in the tear placement okay well Luke you are spot on I'm afraid Mira is a tier 4 I could be worse I guess recently down from tier 3 decline yeah the possibly endless descent into ruined okay you see you see Luke's island twice in your career once on the way up once on the way there okay we've each got three villages at left left okay and currently Luke is on 31 points and Ellen is on 29 points oh man Paul the head with this sure yeah alright sure but yeah okay sure man sure a lemon in my opinion sure okay right Ellen your next villager I believe is sky sky high now look sky is another cute sweet villager wearing us wearing a sensible and approachable knitted garment I really going I'll be a standard if sky also isn't big points I'm looking this guy right now and I can I can tell you that this is exactly what the rabid animal crossing fan base on tumblr eat up with a spoon yeah like she's very quite like sweet and shy personality is apparently normal that's the most in-demand personality what's your personality normal just what I wouldn't give for just a villager who's just normal know Shh she's so sweet and she's like she's got the little heart nose and like I gave her some gifts once because I was just like you're just really sweet I want to give you this key poke and have a bug and then I did the same with a fish and I like every time I went right to her house like one of them would be like on display like she she put them out you know it was it was one thing where I gave her a bug I saw that she had the bug and then I gave her a fish and I saw that she had both out and then I went back and there was only the fish and then the next time I went back the bug in the fish were out so the personality is mealy-mouthed and yeah she's always like saying hi to other villagers also one reason I don't like candy is because candy upset her by telling her the ending to a book you know the villagers can like have fights yeah candy saw saw Skyy reading a book and was like oh have you got to the bit where such-and-such happens and spoiled the book for poor sky and she was also really nice to have bookshelves in her house that I wonder in future Ellen you tell candy to stay away from sky because tier five villagers should not talk to tier two villagers just a better class of villager I'm sorry but avoid direct eye contact yeah number 17 in tier 2 it's an impressive score unbelievable unbelievable alright so sky is a big score it another good low score for Ellen really break out some big guns here like big honesty or it's a huge eyes the take up at least 75 or so the head they need to be wearing a knitted cardigan covered in hearts and their paws like love hearts as well yeah and they're wearing little baby shoes they come and they're late and they're wearing a jumper that says yeah that reads on it Animal Crossing is a good use of your time yeah and their catchphrases I love okay well I don't have that but I'll tell you what I do have impacting into this stream like Good Earth destroying meteorite it's Diana [Music] the big guns are coming out it's Diana it's Diana we obviously saw some of you in the chat would have will have seen Diana arriving on my island and the sweaty desperation with which I had to beg Diana stay but beg I did and stay Diana did Diana has possibly the nicest positioned house on the island better even than my own because I believe Diana is better than me diana is extremely snooty I head cannon for Diana a sort of fancy Audrey Hepburn voice I have made Diana Diana has a little chill out zone outside her house that I've put together there's like it there's a Sun bed where Diana can lounge and then there's a smaller stool where I can sit just to be close a door a door no die yeah so yeah Diana is I mean dieters way up there for me even for the for the animal crossing community for the animal crossing give me I would hope I would hope that they have the sense to make Diana Tier one I mean it's not a baby cats who can make milkshakes but she's like she's got like pink bits on her little deer yeah very got good eyelashes I think that Diana has the potential to be a high scorer yeah I surely hope surely hope came the Diana scores big Luke I can tell you that until recently Diana was a tier one villager what not until she arrived on my island something happened and Diana stock plummeted she's down from number seven of Tier one she was the seventh most popular villager until recently Wow number 10 of tier two number ten city oh my gosh well you know what Diana your your career is ruined but you are always welcome you're welcome to stay on my island on not at all okay my Island sized Wow tier two unbelievable okay I'm really sorry Diana that us being associated with me has ruined your prospects there's only two villages left two villages left and there's only two points in it according to Ellen's spreadsheets all right ello who's your next villager my next villager Eric oh my are you serious are you joking no I can see what it is Ellen you don't need to tell me will he bring you a milkshake does he want to rise up it's unbelievable the absolute state of this he said when I was trying actually when he came to my village he was visiting the camp site when bendix actually came over to my village and she was like I want the Moose I've got a bit of our tremendous of my town noticeboard give me the boots well oh my goodness he is he's so sweet like he's a he's a lazy type so he's quite like very chilled and lay back disgusting and when when he came to me my indolence I concentrate in attractive people I had to win him in a card game I had to do the card game thing with him and make your island sound like a deer time I lost he was like oh I'm sorry I could give you a hug though I was like hang on hang on my eyes just rolled all the way brain another dear villager came along and I really wanted her I think it was fauna and I won the thing to get her but I like she went to talk to resident services and they do the thing where they pick a villager I thought that I was gonna be able to be like I would like to swap her with this villager but no they give you a name and they gave me the name Erik and I was like no I just spent like 20 minutes trying to win this villager and then they came back and were like we want to swap for Erik and I was a goner I brought your fauna is tear what I think I think fauna is a tear what I'd like because I know that people have like been like ah she's the best online elsewhere fauna is Tier one most popular villager yeah like but I just I just Eric is so sweet he said once that I looked so good that I look like one of those cakes in a glass stand that to me sounds like he wants to display you Hannibal style yeah but I think that's what the animal commute Animal Crossing community wants would you like to Eric's quote on the animal crossing wiki go on you're so clever and cool you should play more animal crossing if you're afraid of wolves don't go in the woods [Laughter] Wow my favorite thing he says one of the things he says is I'm really I really like the size of this island because it's not so small it's not so big that you can't see across it and not so small that a sea monster could get it oh my bloody weirdo Cranston bird keeps saying that and I don't consider it endearing from and he also says I like walking it's entertainment for your feet do you know that episode of 30 rock about the attractiveness bubble Eric is the attractiveness bubble Eric says and does unlikable things but is extremely cute Jon Hamm in it and everything so everything is just everything is hamming it up all over town everything comes across as it as an incredible incredibly endearing and lovable trait well unbelievable all right give me the bad news Andy are you ready to hear it eric is a tier two villager currently ranked it number two not Tier one so it seems like some people can see through his little Act yeah all right who's your penultimate villager League unbelievable all right well I'm delighted to say that with us we have my dreamboat it's Cole the weirdo rabbit I absolutely adore Cole Cole has a permanently startled expression and just like and it's just everything Cole says and does is so odd and so weird Cole is the villager who makes me laugh like every day every time I'm playing the game whenever I talk to Cole Cole cheers me up I gave Cole or pineapple dress and they look absolutely incredible in it I love Cole's big eyes other love Cole's teeth I eat a bunch of like whenever Cole sends me letters I like I've been tweeting them because they are so weird they're about like dipping the letters in gravy and they're just these like the stream-of-consciousness things and I just love Cole I am prepared to believe that the animal crossing community believes that Cole is a low tier villager but I why would you think that but just just because I don't trust him and I've placed Cole this high up in my rankings to try and illustrate because I think it will illustrate how a great a great villager can be brought low by the tier list because I just have a feeling that Cole is a is a bad scorer but come on look cold cold yeah Cole also teaching me yeah a lot of reactions like look permanently terrified oh here's another fun thing about Cole I no matter how hard I try I cannot get cold to change the floor of his house into something other than just dirt flooring but Cole once all Cole once is just exposed bare earth yeah probably and I love it Cole Cole lives and will certainly die in his own filth and I absolutely love him okay Luke well how would you react if I told you the Cole is actually an extremely popular villager and in high demand among the animal crossing community I think you were lying are you lying Luke Cole is a tier 5 village oh oh I don't have to tell you to sleep let's see coal is a real piece trash oh no you know what I agree with you coal is a piece of trash but god I love your trash damn it coal is the piece of trash that I would be happy to see littering our oceans only our ocean could be filled with more coals [Laughter] I love coal all right okay well we're going into the final villager here yeah Ellen is on 33 points is another twee Nordic animal with a nice safe jumper who is it Ellen my favorite villager in the whole world he calls me canape he's an absolute sweetheart it's Marshall the squirrel oh my god it's little emo haircuts and it doesn't read have a nice warm comfortable shoe that is that is that is some tier-one nonsense if ever I saw it oh my god Marshalls loads he sings close him and sky and plucky they're the ones that really really like singing and he's also he likes staying up late so I will always see him around the island when I'm doing my later on in the day stuff and just the little pig cheese Lily side of his default picture some people just some people just can't handle life you know what you know what it can't all be it can't all be smooth safe jumpers and nice pastel shades sometimes life sometimes life is mirror you know I love mirror I'm upset okay fine I'll show you sad I don't have any rabbits on my island I need to get rid of some of my trash ones yeah I need to get rid of trash herb let's get rid of that sky herb sky Eric marshal all villagers very much this is this is the mr. burns baseball team yeah animal crossing villagers this is this is Jose Canseco yeah and Wade Boggs and Steve Scioscia this is ringers ringers one at all this is like this is like if you jumped forward into like two or two thousand years in the future and everyone is a beautiful test-tube baby that's what Ellen's island is like it's just like beautiful trendy people swimming around swimming lattes well you know what sometimes look sometimes life isn't about yeah sometimes this is about a trash rabbit who rolls around in the dirt sometimes this is about I'm popular superhero I'm not a bright marshal Katie Riley probably saw the artists community to come with all your other ones though oh yeah these rent prices aren't too high for me yeah it's dad's a big wheel at KPMG confirmed and worthy of nothing but contempt okay would you like to know yeah Marshall my favorite my good boy my best boy Marshalls the kind of bad boy that you could bring home to mom and dad yes okay are you are you ready for the news Marshall is currently the number-one-ranked villager in the world he's overtaken Raymond to the maze he's literally number one on the tearless Ellen has number one and number three on her island the game was rigged from the sadly she played you like a damn fiddle Sheila literally she let me hope she cursed me with hope literally the most when kabuki scored surprisingly high we cool event I mean I don't know what you were thinking like you're putting bare dough up against you're gonna have a long hard think about what you've done here today believable well I can't believe we do the stream and Ellen has the actual this month most valuable so Ellen I assume you will actually be cashing in Marshall for those sweet quitting this job and living high off the hog on a yacht I hope you have something higher than number one in the chamber well what I have is blue bear sweet blue bear tell us tell us more about Blue Bear I don't want to just tell me blue bears ranky we everyone knows about blue bar just tell me the tier what is it four or five they interesting you tear that seven quickly Fair Blue Bear was considered so poor that she was not ranked and this in fact retired as a villager the blue bear is a tier 3 villager oh it's not too bad it's good stuff kids I'm sorry Luke but as we tally up the final numbers I massively regret fixing the technical problems we had earlier Ellen Ellen has won with a score of 34 points to Luke's 41 Luke not only are your village is bad but you also Oh Ellen sixty five and a half million bills that's that's tough but fair will you be um will you be letting me paid off interest-free Ellen like Tom Nook [Laughter] believable you know what I don't want to live in an animal crossing where Cole Mira and Blue Bear aren't Tier one Baird Oh fair enough but Cole I'm sorry leek there's a lot to the there's a lot to process here there's a lot of process a lot to take away a lot to work on a lot of villages to kick off your Island unbelievable and now you can work on going to Ellen's island in trying to persuade Marshall no she has to sleep sometime you can you can keep him you can you think at least Luke at least your Island is is real man those are all people who wanted to be there they like being there cuz of your company they're not just a bunch of highly paid ringers well all I'll say is oh I'll be interested to see if Marshall and Eric and sky and sureba still your best friends when the weeds start growing when you when the turnip prices fall I wonder if they'll stick around yeah they'll be they'll be hopping the first dodo plane to some other Island man yeah you know I seem got stale real quick Marshall Eric sky and Cher genuinely thought that your Island was fire festival that's it they came to take some pics for the gram they did it they're there for the vine per gram I'm deleting the channel all right okay well Ellen all of your Islanders are confirmed super adorable Marshall has just flipped through them now in descending order sure plucky Miranda Elmer sprocket candy apple oh you've got candy and Apple that's kind of cute yeah why should you have to send me Robin Andy why couldn't it have been arraignment still wouldn't it be Marshall I'm afraid yeah that's true let's just all remember Becky sweet Becky he didn't deserve the murder without you my friend who tell you all about it when I see you again but Miranda yeah I wanted to know who when Ellen killed definitely killed Becky it was for Miranda we render the unpopular duck yeah Oh unbelievable okay well Ellen I feel like you've a little bit like in school you've achieved too high and now you're going to be spending the rest of your life try like trying desperately to maintain yeah which is so like you've been cursed now with worrying about it you're gonna be you I mean now just just think Ellen lights what if Apple wasn't there but Raymond was if you were smart you'd cash in say herb for enough nochmal tickets to guaranty Raymond and then and then once you've got Raymond SEL Raymond for two shoves that's economic chirps and then the two ships can mate and produce infinite chirps oh man okay well this was the most fun saltiest stream that we have ever done I can't leave how much vitriol we've managed to summon okay I'm there's been so much chat that we've been ignoring so I'm gonna read some messages before we clock off if that's cool folks okay oh my gosh well the number one where we began okay I'm gonna go quick fire through these some of these will be like throat throwbacks to sort of earlier in the stream Hovick the artist formerly known as Oxford TN h cases how can Luke win if he throws everything valuable into lakes well as we can see I didn't win Ultima X says whoa we're rating villages and purging the least valuable ones this got real dystopian real fast did Danny blue says my wife Stacy and I have watched every week since y'all started I know she would love a shout out from you lot she doesn't know I'm sending this hello Stacy sweet monkey Tuesday says if the gross green robot from the waiting screen is the best ellen has to offer she's in for a bad day PS ketchup is the best villager well don't worry sweet monkey Tuesday Ellen had quite a lot quite a lot in the tank gentlemen drill says Oh another game we have to score low to win that is better than golf how exciting welcome new member ice P no bail Corrigan says don't you dare insult my precious robot duck zort I think zort is maybe the catchphrase of Zork zort a lot like lots of love for sprocket sprocket is a great robot and a good boy and I won't have him insulted says Renard Ellis send me a sweaty t-shirt was gross cursor a dark light says the first dang villager made me lose my collective crap kordell's missus oh my god the debt green message Draco 9 says is that including peripherals and II remember Robin Sutton Nick and Jace's I love that you are all roundly abusing Apple Lowell Roman pagan says I hate none of my villages am I the weird one none your businesses ever see Robin and farmer bro in the same room didn't think so straight true big farmer big farmer Bowie knee says these villagers are cute nor but either cow named tipper and her catchphrases pushy I love her with all my heart random use no Chris's very bright and summery t-shirt t-shirt Ellen I wonder about the possibility of an o X quiz oh you know a no X quiz Oh a kin for my parents on go 8-bit Ellen we could do that like that would be fun at you like an O X trivia quiz yeah I'd be interested to see how we score yeah boy theme the world says happy Friday from the island of Avalon thanks and laughter it's always wonderful way to start my weekend lots of hugs for y'all hope you have an excellent weekend David bad loss he says lunch breaks over so I'll catch the rest later but remember each of your villages is a unique precious individual with their own story except for Phil he's just annoying John's handsome is Luke none if your village is helped because they know what you did to Blue Bear look all I did to Blue Bear was a salut bear to stay it's up to blue bear if she wants to pursue her dreams or not she chose no Joe Duncan says Brocket is the bird with the iron mask yes yeah true thank you Matt Landman and Ellen dill for says rocket is the chicken in the iron mask Zanzibar white so sprocket never asked for this so much sprocket love weird robot birds I don't get it Andrew Martinez says don't worry Luke I have Paulo the worst ranked elephant in the game his house is a bathroom he is obsessed with candy and sends licked cards in Felix or Ross's I didn't think we were gonna get any more charades until Christmas mr. Lovett when he says his dreams turning into a very funny game of charades I wonder if maybe that was when oh oh this is when everything went everything went broke Col Wainwright says I guess your luck ran out yeah oh but says not to flex too much but I have Raymond and Apollo well that you do now now you know Apollo Ellen now that you're trapped forever in the endless unwinnable Ethel trying to reach villager highs of Marshall always chasing that Marshall hi we should get our like Spike for Ellen winning those congratulatory life oh absolutely like spike for Ellen let's say yeah send those likes I've pressed it everyone enjoyed that Elmo the brand of glue yeah we said that Elmer tidbit was glue 'some now I believe I was promised to slap up feast oh yeah yeah yeah yeah this is this you'll get you'll you'll get one we're gonna roast Robin we've already roasted Robin roasted apples it should be cool win Prince of amber says you all were too talking down Elmer and my IRL horse whom I was trimming reached down and rewound the livestream and rewound the livestream right before you rated him [Laughter] actual horses having stats yeah I'm not sure if it's in the analytics I'll have to check the app it's like a pantomime horse should countess to viewers in the back yeah yeah thank you so much everyone for your chat yeah so sorry that you couldn't get through all of them we tried to get through many norson says my favorite villager ruby is possibly Cole's opposite Kordell Smiths is even here even now a god damn day learning Ruby is Tier three though that's good yeah Ruby Tier three it's us now is the tier list aren't you ND these rankings as well and I believe the next month rankings people will be able to vote for more than one villager so that might change things up I don't really care about any of my villages they just saw get in the way while I'm trying to do huge public works projects is it is it actually possible to have no villages no they'll just if they'll just move in but if you could you destroy all the houses maybe could you kick them all out and not build any more homes oh no because once you have built they sort of they go back to construction sites don't they you could relocate them all onto a you could build purpose build an island in the very corner of the map that all the houses there remove the bridges and then you would never have to see or deal with them that's the dream yeah Diana Maria says Luke your streams and your villagers made me buy a switch and get new horizons I was hoping to get Diana too but had no luck thanks for the stream guys thank you what for watching thank you everyone for watching hopefully the the tier lists are righted soon and Diana Diana reassumed sir her throne Tier one position yeah maybe fine fine go on with your high and mighty marshal unbelievable thanks for watching everyone thank you everybody can we get technical issues and watching the video on demand will try and trim out some of the technical issues so yeah yeah but trust me hey can we get an F in the chat for Becky as well yeah that would be fair murdered in the pursuit of marshal and I got a chance when she moved out she left a cello alright you my friend thanks for watching [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 136,728
Rating: 4.9493012 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 40sec (7060 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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