A Surprise Present for Ellen?! - Unboxing a Surprise Gift From Producer Jon!

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This is the most wholesome stuff ever. It was kinda tainted for me by people calling Jon a simp, but I really want to get past that and enjoy their awesome, wonderful friendship.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello hi everyone ah hi Ellen and John producer John how are you guys doing we're good I'm good yep that's fine yeah everyone's fine well welcome along to a stream well now you will know that the premise of this stream is the Ellen is going to be given a gift a surprise gift and it's something that producer John has put together yeah something that he has made happen shall we say yeah that's all true that's all true the chat's is going crazy for seeing us hello there it is look there it is do not open a do not open until Luke says so somebody just says that I have a face yes well they're right yeah well if you've never seen John's face yeah people in chat yeah well yeah so we've had John are showing yourselves up there so go watch all of the shows the weekends and then come back to this tree ever Ellen Ellen puts a lot of me in that behind-the-scenes video as well yeah yes so this is very exciting by the way Mike is in the chats so so Ellen hmm what what do we thinks going to happen let's have another look at the Box John you did remember to put air holes in there didn't you well I I I hear that they can store oxygen inside their POW cheeks in there yeah I think so welcome along a new member James Austin and Tom Taylor intern says special hello to producer John hey Lawson you remember Tara yet hi hi hi hi hi okay so we are going to find out what's in the box but not with a simple unboxing not yet oh yes yes because producer John has actually made a little video a video that we've you know had a camera to shoot something for that's actually an edited video if you can blue shorts video oh my goodness me lucky people all right so before we go with that I want to see some guesses from the chats I'm drumming up the tension and Bera bleah so let me know what you think let me know what you think they will have absolutely no idea no I don't think they will Ellen might have an idea of course well let's fight we'll find out afterwards if we are blue yeah cuz if we if we were to ask it to guess now and she gets it right that could be embarrassing let's not do that welcome new member Julia Kaiser hi hi hi and clockwork Johnny new member and runic night says damn I outed myself for not watching all the episodes don't worry there's more to see there's more to enjoy mm-hmm remember the times we were filming in studio I don't Wow that's the frightening thing I don't remember gentlemen Daryl says I realized that that was in the riddle emploice as I started the first sentence so I did a real rapid hey Oh guys I'm very excited so gentlemen I excited as well man we got so many new members Laura Marie and Aiden Sheriff's welcome along I'm happy to catch another oxer stream I finally got out to Kuwait and the guess is her DMD figurine a Marilyn figurine it's not a bad guess it's not a bad guess mr. happy guesses its cyberpunk 2077 and she can't open it till November now mo says the real gift is all the Ellen uns we made along the way I mean that is not that isn't true labels let's read some other guesses Sean Hutchinson thinks purple hair dye does it feel like but is it could it be purple haired Ireland no it's probably not heavy enough for that oh hang on the half of my face is frozen how did it how did that oh there we go I think hold it now oh yeah oh yeah all right key sorry folks I don't know what I did there actually I do know what I did there but I fixed it [Music] just held together with spiderwebs and wishes the LX Jane says hope you're all okay can't wait to see the gift and ticket sign says is this going to be an advance copy of the new Kingdoms of Amalur also great to see you too John John oh yeah I have those connections obviously yeah yeah well captain Redbeard guesses it's a Keanu Reeves now I don't know Keanu Reeves is highteeeee a fox to Keanu a boxed Keanu could be good there we go look what John's written on the side okay oh good boo-ki guesses a voice acting session for Kingdoms of Amalur oh well look it's Keanu Reeves s is sweet oaf and thinks it's going to be an assassin's Creed cloak not a bad yes that would be a very fine present yeah and Karate Kitty 5000 me a baby bear I mean not a not a live one not a live one well not alive anymore toffee panda reckons it's a 3d printing of James face it could be you know he needs yeah and Zanzibar white so since I don't know his last name I guess I could say John Doe has the upper hand here it's probably something to do with cats guesses and of our white well something to do with cats me and Ellen does love cats Josh Taylor says does Luke know what it is yeah I know what it is you better believe I know something that just occurred to me Ellen that box has come fresh from the post it doesn't still have any address details on it does it ah there we go good see I thought I could trust you Evan Saunders says is it Simon no no no Andrew come here weird guess but a ring ring can anyone see that if I see if I make this go close to the camera it will ruin all the focus got a small gesture Kat you do have a small gesture count bring bring just bring just to cut in a little in a little John I I don't care if it oh look at that yeah kids ask your parents about postman Patton yeah it's just a lucky little Jess because I'm not allowed a real cat in my house oh good yeah well let's see Nile island guesses it's a collapsible box so Ellen can sit in it is it Daniel Glynn it's a short session EMU nuts who knows shark okay these are all that you don't know actual good guesses I've been like skimming through them all no one has guessed it not a purple sir it summons guests purpose hope it's not a purple sofa it's not a purple sacred no but I was very excited when Ellen made her studio in Animal Crossing Ellen sadly couldn't get a purple on could you Kevin but the one that you did find was the same as this one I'm on now so it looked identical so so that was you know it was good Craig lords in ski says a 3d printed figure of idris elba from the movie Cats Macavity Oh handsome and like most beloved actors that like I've gone all blurry because of the cats like and they just just made they just watch that film lows I know no IRL means a handsome man and then they the talent to make that man look scary Carl be back says wishing you all a happy Friday Ellen already has a surprise how do you know she hasn't opened it and resealed it's not like I've done that at Christmas I love surprises though don't you bull Ferrari guesses a plushy cake a slider well yeah what if one of those exists just like a real case a slider that's what I like yeah huh okay well John James how it guesses is it special rub no all right no one you talk I want you both to finish this sentence with me cuz Hovick the artist formerly known as oXXO tnh cases is it a ticket to the one place not tainted by capitalism spy no it is not no pretty big ticket Alex H guesses Kingdoms of Amalur but every voice line has been changed to time for work boys that would be ideal well folks it's none of those things should we find out what it is yes I think we should I hope I hope nobody's disappointed now because nobody seems to have guessed right nobody is going to be disappointed okay all right Ellen are you watching the stream because you're going to watch along you'll be finding out at the exact same time as everyone else okay so I'll be on a slight delay with my reactions then you'll be on a 30-second delay when we come back with your reactions but don't worry okay okay we've got the stream I've got the stream okay folks here we go there we go hello everybody Jonathan Ghanim here people on the channel also call me producer John I have brought you here to my home desk editing area and we are here to do a nice little video for our friend Ellen what you can see here is something pretty special this is Evans Game Boy bag that she had when she was a really cool neros she put this in my trust December time last year because I had recently modded this Gameboy here to have a backlight and what game is in here of course it's Nick's awakening and she gave this to me she thought it would be cool if I could sort out for her so this is a cool bag official Nintendo bag and we're gonna open it up this is the mains in low and behold inside is Ellen's Gameboy now this is broken this should be stitched today so that is a non-technical piece of repair work that we can do just some sewing it's a play it loud version these are the ones that had all the buttons are all the same color whereas on the original dmg you had pink buttons and a black d-pad and grace selected stuff on this one the plate ladders they're all the same color but you can get funky color cases as opposed to just the gray version and it does work and we turn it on it does work what you gave to me it didn't so that works that's the best sound in the world at the moment she's got a favorite game dr. Mario in here which also works it works everything works all the buttons work it's all fine and as it turned out there was a lot of corrosion in the battery contacts in here so I scraped all that out I didn't even use any alcohol I just did a little bit of scraping on the battery contacts and put some batteries in these are rechargeables of course because you know I love the planet and it worked so that was fine but the screen lens is missing this is what one looks like when it's got a screen lens on the plate loud noises they didn't have this type of grey they had a darker grey so we need to replace that the other main thing as you probably see is that it's quite grubby so the main thing we need to do is open this up and give it a clean you can't clean it unless you open it up take everything apart take the casing into a sink and give it a scrub so we're going to do that before I show you some cool parts I have orders let's just have a look in the rest of the bag you can see Ellen's little collection here she's got super Marilyn - excellent Super Mario Land brilliant Mega Man yes Adventure Island fantastic chase H Oh secret police hmm and then in here of course because she was a big fan of Rugrats she's got a Rugrats game I'll tell you something for free the doctor Mario cartridge really needs a clean she obviously played this the most full week Rakoff I'm gonna show you some cool parts that I've ordered now this is the replacement screen lens as you could see it's darker than the gray of the original dmg all these played loud ones had a darker screen lens here to match the dark because of these buttons and stuff so I've managed to get hold of a glass replacement screen lens not plastic as you can see with the original person once they get scratched but one of the things that also disappointed me is that her miss always bugged me right here is the connector port cover was missing she should have a yellow one but she doesn't but you can see here this this one's got a grey one that's the original one that's all fine so I have ordered from a really good website called deadpan robot that they sent me their card and this is a baggie of really cool plastic purple parts and this is the piece that's missing I'm gonna put that in right now he can't resist give you a sneak preview of how brilliant this yellow and purple color combination is gonna look so I thought while we're doing that we might as well replace the a and B buttons on here to purple it's a nice homage to the fact that the original dmg had these pinky red a and B buttons to sort of offset it so it will be very uniquely very Ellen because she's obsessed with purple because well it's a brilliant color hi voiceover John here taking over now it's time to get ready for the big clean so if you're interested in doing this yourself you totally can it's really simple the main tool you will need which you might not have is a tri wing screwdriver but if you search on ebay for tri wing and Gameboy you'll see that you can pick one up for a couple of quid first you'll need to remove the six tiny trailing screws on the back shell which I'm doing here at incredible speed after that you'll be able to separate the front and back shell to reveal the two circuit boards in sight to complete the separation though you need to carefully pull out this ribbon cable from the back board then you can begin unscrewing the board from the front shell which is attached by ten tiny but regularly headed Phillips screws look at the dust in there this is where I need to clean in the sink we got it we got it come on yes back at the net this is the whole screen assembly and by Jove does it need some cleaning but it's it's absolutely fine next simply use your fingers to remove all the buttons and rubber membranes ready for cleaning to disassemble the backshell you have four more Phillips screws to remove two on the cartridge board and two by the headphone port yeah look at that much easier than the screen let's put the place that's one side that will come out easily that's just the power button the last screws to remove are the four on the metal shield finally remove the metal battery contacts by pressing down the tiny metal tabs with a small flat screwdriver then take all the plastic and rubber parts to the sink for a wash in soapy water just to warn you this process can be extremely satisfying I find using a fresh toothbrush is the best tool to get in all the nooks and crannies however careful how you go on the printed text on the front shell I barely scrubbed over the start button hole and I'm ashamed to say manage to remove what little remained of the word start sorry Allen when it's all clean and lovely leave it for a day or two to dry before you carry on [Music] before we reassemble there's a few more jobs to do I tried to restore Ellen's cool bag and managed to Stitch the broken velcro strap back into place looks a bit crude but that thing is on there however I later discovered that there was some more damage with some popped pocket stitches and some fraying around the top of the dividing area probably best that I leave that as it's clearly beyond my sewing skills this didn't stop me giving it a clean though with some hot soapy water next it's time to introduce ourselves to some good old isopropyl alcohol yes it's 99.9% strength and yes I'm pouring it into a shot glass but that's only so I can dip my cotton buds in the reason for this is yet more cleaning the alcohol is strong enough to dissolve bits of dirt without damaging the electrical parts and it dries really quickly first on cleaning the grubby bits on top of these cartridges to make them look like new then it's time to clean the battery contacts the speaker [Music] the button contacts on the boards to improve responsiveness and dab some isopropyl into the dials and ports to dissolve any dirt [Music] another little trick you can do to restore the buttons is to rub the dark part of the membranes onto some paper like a pencil to level off the surface [Music] last but not least some regular multi-surface polish and a microfiber cloth to spring up the screen and metal shield nicely okay folks now for the fun part the best bit can't wait to get these purple bits and the new screed lens in let's start putting it back together let's get the shield in these are Philips ones going in first don't forget the only time and use use of drawing ones is to seal the back shell onto the front shell everything else is screws next I'm going to put the battery contacts back in [Music] okay they're in there for now we can now attach the cartridge board as need to make sure I put the power button the new purple one in at the same time we're putting purple bits in I'm more excited about this than when I backlit the gameboy color because this is just gonna look like a piece of art even if Ellen doesn't play this ever she can have the coolest shelf ornament that's in that's in I feel like I want to put the ribbon cable back in first cuz this is tricky I'm not gonna lie to you this is probably the hardest part of the whole thing I think because sometimes they just don't like to go in don't like pushing it too hard because it's so delicate oh there you go yes that is in cool okay that is a relief well let's put that to one side actually and put the dang buttons in let's get that in there these can go in either the same shape oh this is great this is great there's a little hole for that we can put the membranes on now I've gone the holes that's good alright alright alright we're good we're happy [Music] hold that carefully like that making sure that the speaker is in and next we're gonna put the ten Phillips screws back in [Music] [Music] okay getting nervous now we're so close to finishing is it gonna turn on all okay and everything I can't even see batteries okay got the batteries ready over here oh let's put the tri-ring screws here ah here we go here we go shaking is there a step of mist have I broken Ellen's Gameboy who can say I'm just petrified that something's gonna snap or crack while I'm tightening I'm sweating so much under my cap why am I even wearing a cap let's put this one in over here being careful to cross tighten I'm going as diagonally as possible with these screws if it's broken you know no one's gonna care look here we go doesn't look amazing before we put on the finishing piece let's get some batteries in and just check out how to broken Ellen's Gameboy yes it's fine I think I'm gonna cook dr. Mario back on the inside a clean dr. Mario the PS deliciousness we're gonna remove the sticky backing from here and get the screen lens on it really is finished okay sticky backing all off what's going on oh my god here we go should just stick into place nicely there we are Wow I could leave Ellen the pleasure of peeling off the plastic film like its brand new products but I don't want to deny you watching and myself that treat because who's you know who's put all the effort in to do this me so John gets to do it and you get to watch come on that is possibly one of the nicest looking things I've ever seen who's ready for the best sound in the world one more time damn right all that remains now of course is to get this in the post and surprise Ellen really hope you like it you Ellen oh my gosh I think Ellen is just frozen we've broken others we just broke are we broken Ellen off hang on Joe hops you're hot back in soon well the love was so much that it completely broke I'm just poking out the bottom here look well well well yeah so I will just ride through it this is the only thing that ends up looking broken for the rest of this dream on how do we open bang on elated on the video in any moment I'm sure I mean everybody saw that it did turn on and actually that if I do this yeah everyone could see that it did work before I posted it yeah so John you are in the clear I can't wait to get back because I need reaction Ross Turner says Ellen DXE has stopped responding I think John what you did was so amazingly good and thoughtful and amazing and incredible that it has that it has basically broken Ellen it's broken zoom whoa or or she's just left the call because she just wants to go and play dr. Mario in private somewhere well she can play it she's got a whole life to play dr. Mario now that you've refurbed her Gameboy yeah we need her to get back come back Ellen come back Ellen carry on playing oh my gosh okay backgrounds very good Luke thank you isn't it it's that's exceptional it's hard to focus on the background hang on let me to focus on the background yeah what do we need to do do we need to and we need to hang up zoom and re redial oh I don't think we just need to wait for Ellen to too hot back into our our zoomkour which which I'm sure I'm confident she will well nobody minds I mean we've had we've had plenty of technical problems from home okay let me check in with the chat because they were understandably absolutely amazed sarcastic otaku says John is so nice CJ Franklin says that was so nice and thoughtful I love it John this is gonna make you really uncomfortable but you're about to be showered with an immense amount of praise it is gonna make me really uncomfortable and I'm also all my face is all massive on the stream even worse John's face under the microscope so you can all see him receiving your praise Emmy Oh Jen says donating for more John restoration vids please and no one says Luke was wrong I was I wasn't disappointed that was adorable I'm going to read this comment by Brock sittin which i think basically sums up what the chat was saying I was trying to find one comment that jammed up everything and it's this one from Brock Sisson who says I'm 32 but want John to be my dad ah John are you available to be anyone's dad cuz a lot of people are keen dad John yep yep alright well there was another there was another comment that's gone now I think like tears in rain I think it was I think it was Tom tittering ttan yeah I don't know but it was something to do with them it was something to do with the old man in Toy Story 2 that fixes yes not Andy woody he restores woody yeah there's something incredibly satisfying and I could see everyone responding very strongly to it in the chat there's something immensely satisfying about things being fixed with tiny tools an extreme precision okay so John this wasn't the first game ball you've restored was it no I've only really done no it wasn't but I wouldn't have done it I wouldn't have done wouldn't have done it this being the first filming it you wouldn't have made Ellen's you've won your practice going although actually it was it was the first doing a dmg which is the chunk near the chunky type like Ellen's the beer so so that actually was but I'm gonna give everybody a boring behind-the-scenes facts just while we're waiting for Ellen please do because I think what you said there's quite important about why it might have been nice to watch is because you could see you could see all the little bits but I didn't have a way of like zooming in so I just shot most of it in 4k and made a made a normal HD video yes crop cropped in yep you had the Christopher Nolan of Game Boy repair John I've always said it yeah premier premiere doesn't really like me editing in 4k though amazing 4k down to HD but you know I hadn't done it you wouldn't but the close-ups maybe maybe Ellen has actually been sent back to 1989 when Gameboy was first released and of course Wi-Fi in the home just wasn't the thing there was it okay I've heard from Ellen on rtems she is she's on she is on the way back having had to do some serious restarts we saw up did there was the freeze-frame though wasn't there a Valen when we came back yeah we briefly thought we briefly saw her face and that was basically her face the whole time that she was watching your video I think John yeah so we have we you know there's a there's a freeze-frame of her reaction it's not like you know it's not like we lost it completely so so that's something purist says I didn't have internet till 96 all right John brace yourself for more praise because I'm going to read David bad Lottie says vows to John vows vows to John welcome to member danilot Mendez I'm Karl Conroy says if there is anyone who deserves something so good it is Ellen wonderful yeah I love it all yeah well maybe I should say this while Ellen's not on camera and then she won't feel uncomfortable but you know Ellen's had to be in a really harsh lockdown situation she has it's not very nice and I've got I've got family members who have been shielding as well and it's and it's it's really it's really really really horrible and the hardest part about when somebody else is shielding is that really you can't really do much for them apart from maybe go and get a loaf of bread or a packet of rice or something because they all go to the shops but you know because because I had because I had that already because she'd given it to me a while ago to you know have a look at and have a have a play around I thought well this is the PERT that's the perfect thing to do because it's one of those things that sits there and you're thinking oh I really want to do that you know get time but then I said to Luke make a video yeah Luke said do I have to do anything then I'm all on board John yeah yeah but you you've made the all that OBS seems nice so you have I am the real hero it's true yeah you're right you're right John you were on the money there when you said it was your hero so so yeah so that's that's why that's that's why I wanted to do it because Anand does deserve it going back to what somebody just sent so there Laura saw XD says it's a wonderful gift now Ellen has something to do during lockdown yeah but you don't have loads of other games that she's still got to play then the son of Liberty says you were a good man John Ghanim a damn good man no Joe John come back okay don't leave me all alone on the stream no I'm staying down here where it's safe all right oh no I mean I'm putting I've gone back into my window which way do I need to lean on the places beyond you are so dope bullsááá Levski says John's a sweethearts animes life says Ellen's computer was so happy that it crashed Feherty says John get back here and take compliments and Claire T says are the gameboy is so perfect it can possibly be from this time and time travel occurred makes sense that's our working theory at least and metal magpie says oxygen ox books have been outdoing themselves with the sweet wholesome content during difficult times I appreciate you all so much thank you very much metal magpie but again this is all the work of this is all John's work thanks thanks very much yes it is nice though isn't it to know that well that's the best part of this job isn't it really making making stuff that is entertaining but especially at the moment it's very good very good actually well while we're waiting for Ellen it just in case we don't get time can I give out to shoutouts for why I even know how to do any of this yes you can hang on John I'm going to I'm going to try and do like a temporary fix on our on our faces just so you can see a bit more of you so it's a bit more normal even though I will massively regret moving anything because I'll have to move again when Ellen gets back that's fine all right here we go no no I made it worse right just go with your shoutout we can eight it works clearly man it wasn't did nothing doesn't everybody love the background Luke made as well look at the background and not the fact that Evans not in her window and I'm all in her window right now I'll do the chair that's now because yes please worried that I'm worried that I won't their two YouTube channels yeah the retro future hmm and this does not compute the retro future is basically all handheld consoles but mainly game boys and doing them up and making them lovely doing things like backlighting those or different sort of sorts of mods and this this does not compute is kind of the same but he does he'd ever stuck as well but it's all nicely shot sort of got cool music and it's yeah I I watched those videos so much after I had a knee operation and they they they really sort of kept me going because they've made loads and they're still they're still going their channels are still growing retro future has a Instagram account so you can see loads of cool pictures of game boys but yeah I only know how to do any of this from watching those videos well John Ellen is now in the waiting for those guys oh yes I'm going to admit her and hopefully let's see how it goes I can hear her like yeah I can hear her that's good as a good sign oh okay Rose she made the noise okay Ellen we can see you and you can see yes okay we can see you hello yeah you can see we can see you Ellen we can do you we are now in a different boxes you'll currently join me but it's okay I don't want to be in the big box I'm gonna do some this is real sketchy stuff one thing don't want one thing I didn't want to happen yeah be in the big box technical issues okay Ellen let's pretend that didn't happen fingers crossed yeah you are still a little bit breezy but we can speak and hear you we can hear you I might be a little a bit choppy it's okay as long as we can hear you Ellen react do do a react wasn't that blooming lovely oh yeah you guys keep dropping out on the sound oh okay oh we're just not saying anything no yeah we can you can you hear us at all hello yeah but you keep dropping in and out oh okay all right well tell you what Ellen you just keep yeah just about just about okay you keep you keep you keep going you keep talking and and will either be there or we won't but don't worry yeah Ellen did your computer break or did you just it was a bit of both [Laughter] [Music] it was lovely John oh my goodness watching that video oh my goodness how grubby was that Game Boy I think we were scrubbing ways forget it always so grubby I once got like a secondhand console from a shop and it was just the the the controller was just good I had to give it a real deep clean so yeah thank you for giving my gameboy a little bit of a polish John if you would like to play a record you were like saying about how much you enjoyed doing that thinks I was like I thought oh I'm I'm giving John something fun to do and watching that video seemed like you really enjoyed it but you really made it your mission to make it like just such a nice thing for me yeah oh my goodness and just just for context John how long ago was it Ellen that you sort of in an idle moment gave your Gameboy to John and said Oh end of last year John had like four all Link's Awakening stuff he was he brought in his say Game Boy to show us and I was like oh that's cool I was like do you like doing stuff like this like yeah yeah I was like well would you want to like just I just I just need a new screen really and you were like yeah not just a new screen gonna clean it all in it I look so satisfied you know that scene in Toy Story 2 where Woody gets fixed somebody somebody come to especially with the cotton swab with on his eyes yeah all right Ellen get it out the box oh god yes you got to open it read that thing for its box I actually watching the end of that video I started Giles like me right now I was feeling really anxious that she's gonna open it it's just not gonna work because of I don't know a reason well that's mine now rather it was five minute left here so should be it should be fine oh my goodness oh I've just remembered something luxury chocolate biscuits biscuits they're good boxes though yeah that's why I wrote these ignore that's why a bit like the Game Boy I I bought a lot of those box working biscuits when I saved them I got one of those for you didn't I look boxes of biscuits because I'm so mad about them yeah they're the Miss shapen ones at the factory it's the only the factory was able to those cuz it's like the only type of gambling I'm prepared to do I don't know what you're gonna get inside right it's very exciting it's like opening a packet of panini stickers that is the most adorable form of gambling that I've ever heard yeah cuz I don't gamble apart from bleep broken biscuits yeah very smart oh my gosh okay I thought I think I think can we go this quite a bit of cardboard in there you can tell I was worried yeah well John you weren't taking any chances oh my gosh it looks like a packed lunch and I can't go to the shops alright Inbal fajita says John you're too adorable and Yugi says this is big dad energy okay John you normally only gamble on biscuits but now you've gambled on posting el in a game board of Royal Mail yep you've gambled on the Royal Mail will they have treated this package oh my gosh with the respect it deserves look at that Oh John I thought at least you'd keep some of the games for yourself as payment not the one that I didn't know chase HQ okay HQ is it actually brilliant than I was you I did see a bunch of folks in the chat saying OMG oh okay it was alright you rammed into the back of other cars okay she was the main sure it's the main gameplay right David DT says chase eh early burnouts [Applause] yeah it's beautiful yeah but will it turn on oh that's amazing let's find out John who cares if it turns on is beautiful encase it in perspex yeah yeah that's fine that straps fine now it's just oh right yeah the purple d-pad is in that baggie and your old buttons are in there yeah you can so if you keep those safe what we're what's the use for the old buttons well I don't wanna throw them away I don't know she might just my gaming experiences were with those buttons Luke oh my gosh there's also many memories in them Ellen let's so let's have a real good close-up on the ah look at that John you did well to find yellow batteries I know yeah turn it turn it on and turn it on please because it's a glass lens I think it's green oh yeah some of it is green screaming oh my god it's so beautiful John it looks it looks good right check it check it works oh and please that sounded good right that's lunch I'm going you're not going anywhere please you might have to turn off your green screen back background Ellen to show us the to show us the screen we've lost her this is it he's now deep in filling dr. Mario viruses like spike for that ding for the for the Nintendo ding what's dr. marrow the original match three game is it a match three game does it count I guess yeah I had a Yoshi game that was called Tetris attack yeah and that was a match but this is old dr. marrows oldest oh yes bring it in close to the mic and we'll beat we'll just be quiet okay right here we go good yes John how relieved are you incredibly the one who snack says this song slaps what a tune says 90s Pikachu sounds a good Jack escaped the box again says and copyright strike Evan Saunders says so many virtual hugs this is so awesome know so many people John in the in the chat just been saying that this is exactly the kind of pure and wholesome and generous content that they needed today and yeah that was all your doing yes as I was saying when Ellen was in a different area of the Internet oh yeah shut away lockdown has been hard on everyone but it's been especially hard on Ellen so she strongly deserves gifts and kindness but she won't be out playing the dark because I didn't bother to backlight it what industry I'm really glad that you peeled off the thing oh yeah it was super satisfied with like a good camera everyone could enjoy that moment that's the reason why I did it not cuz I wanted to John would you recommend that anyone try this at home absolutely it's it's I try I try to make it look like as I mentioned those other youtubers like make it look doable if you are ever interested in getting into fixing anything or any minor electronics it's it's it's really doable and you can buy different color buttons and stuff from different websites and you know if you give it a clean it's a nice thing to go on your your shelf yeah I've got the bug I've got the bug now though so I've got too many games words I can reach one now do you have a project that you want to do next yeah I thought I thought I have bought one recently on eBay which is not here yeah and that I am gonna battle like that one this is this is my original one oh nice beautiful oh my goodness John look at that oh it's at the pocket yeah and it's all cleaned and fine but I wouldn't change that just like I wouldn't really want to change Ellen's too much because it's it's you know it's Oh Gigi if you want to do all the backlighting and all that nonsense get a broken one but if people want if people want more you know advice on how to do that sort of thing just check out those channels I mentioned earlier retro future and this does not compute and it's easy now Helen hold up hold get us up close to your webcam now that your green screens off even closer those let's see that screen closer closer closer she called away to the to the end to the webcam [Music] yes yeah we can see it we can see it I can see it can see the blue from your webcam as well yeah yeah John ELT for dad says very making life a small yet significant amount more fun I know there's a big game out this weekend but the last of us to on the Shelf this is all we need now you can just play the game boy while you're waiting for bits of last bus to to load yeah perfect combination Misha 86 as my face hurts from smiling amazing and Benjamin lacy says what a wonderful thoughtful wholesome thing to do so sweet I've not been letting John escape the phrase Ellen yeah yeah oh no John you need to accept it John John is a very humble person and I was not prepared for this much horse so clean yeah you can play you can basically play dr. Mario can't you on brain trade how does it smell Ellen I think we've had every set yeah terrible clean it still got that or it's still not that like that nineties plastic Oh kids like VHS tape smell yeah Oh Ellen I did I did one thing which I didn't I wasn't really able to put in the video where I put my yellow my sorry my pokemon yellow in my Pokemon cartridge into yours just to see the fact that it's all the same hello plastic yeah oh yeah John when you were repairing Ellen's Gameboy what was the part that was most nerve-wracking for you the ribbon bit taking those ribbons out and putting them back in because it's just on some of the on some of the other models that have these little clips but you can undo with your fingernail yeah and you sort of slide it into that and then you feel it slipping the housing and then just do the clips and holds it in place and it's time but without when you literally have to just yank it out or push it back in and you're thinking oh my bending this and I am I breaking it I look I love this music so much I'm gonna mute the music beds that we've got on the stream so that the music bed can now be the Mario Land world Mario - so good I first married again oh all right here we go oh that was a mushroom yeah yeah playing by ear now nice good everyone's just watching us singing along to this music all right I want to hear the level complete jingle oh yeah oh and then there's a game you have to do let's do like a little bonus game yep okay Mario is jumping through some of the question marks okay I don't know whether that's because the game is old mmm oh no what you mean he's not he's not opening some of the boxes yeah he's jumping straight through sorry oh it is it is broken I think that's the game not you John well so this is interesting John John maybe you can explain this but am I right in thinking that old cartridge games can fail because they have a let the save function these powers on board battery yeah that wouldn't have anything to do with Mario Land oh you can't save in Maryland anyway you can't save in Maryland - it has a little a little disc battery yep when that dies that loses all of your save data by some miracle my original Link's Awakening cartridge music beds going back on yeah yeah my I still have a game cartridge battery that still works and it's ancient so I don't know what's going on there brilliant wow that game really doesn't hold back with the celebration jingles does it oh yeah I think I'm gonna have to get a new Super Mario Land cartridge at some point I think it's gone I have a gameboy in this room and it's just making I just want to hold one because it's just making me sad that everyone else is holding game boys back in a sec put one in your hand just so everyone knows the reason why I like the Gameboy pocket is actually the screens bigger than the other one even though it's and actually also only needs two tiny batteries so there there we go triple A's yes Luke got that all done slight rattle to it nice it's got a healthy a healthy technological rattle and that is next that is Tetris in there in fact you know a little bit of ASMR of like plugging in cartridges and sounds yeah this is a good microphone so tato is made potato under tato chase HQ oh yes I should have played it Donkey Kong going in my batteries are dead Wow Gaga communications limited don't be dipped on this so Lady Gaga been around for a while this is how she started wow look at this look at this beautiful actually there's really good little Pixley character Oh should have had a go of it Mike is defending chase HQ well he would cuz he's in it it's Michael nice amazing we could be George George goods all Leon Leon change better than Tetris which is a wild place ah it might just be it would have to be now and there's Jane Mike and Jane are both in this game like any chance H cute what coincidence impossible alright it's after 3:00 p.m. folks so we're gonna have a my you're gonna go and get the 3:00 p.m. it's up 3:00 p.m. so we're gonna have to go and get ready for ox venture soon yes Ellen would you like to would you like to say anything in closing in summary great oh my goodness John this was amazing it's it's got a new lease of life the purple and the yellow just like look at that love me it pops purple and yellow just go together so so well the power button look at it lovely love it absolutely love it you've gone above and beyond John and it's not like I'm gonna re-watch that video as well I'm so pleased oh man but I I need I need you all to THQ all right I think we should I think we should end the stream we should we should go cuz you've got a we should end it with one more well we've done the turn on noise hang on I know I know but I just want I just want to go oh I'm so sorry this happened okay thank you so much everyone for all your comments really enjoyed reading them sorry we couldn't get to all of them Thank You Ellen not peaking in the box in all the time that you had it most of all undoubtedly for being an absolute this was a project it was a fun project to do so it's a wonderful and kind idea and you followed through on it incredibly and you should be exceptionally proud of yourself and I'm sure everyone in the channel will agree okay well yeah I think Mike will probably be popping a link to well done me what it was you well done for opening it and it's and yeah you know it was very well opened to be fair yeah yeah real professional job okay so go oh okay okay okay hang on hang on hang on hang on Mike will be popping the link oh yeah Mike you'll be popping a link yes in the charity box venture so go check that out get in the waiting and yeah we will see you very soon for some amazing oxygen sometimes but okay la alright ready when you are okay yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 78,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CHQ4hhl9__4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 14sec (4454 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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