What the Hell Just Happened: So You Think You Know 2020? - Quiz of the Year!

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I think this was the first Quiz of the Year where Jane didn't say "Wait, there was a 20XX‽".

Nobody's going to forget 2020 in a hurry.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Neo_Spork 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to this the outside xbox quiz of the year 2020. well um gosh well mike it's been a year it certainly has probably certainly has probably parts of it we'd like to forget all of it i've i've had it all erased from my memory banks already i simply won't allow it though mike i simply will not allow it because i was looking forward to hitting the tiny little reset button where i just do a clean white i simply won't allow it because i'm going to determine right now how well you do remember 2020. yeah i bet i remember loads of it well it was memorable yeah if nothing else pretty sure only two games came out this year cyberpunk and presumably formula one 2020. well jane we're about to find out as we roll into round one [Music] 2020 was a big year for video game news so let's see if you were paying attention i'm going to read you a series of headlines from eurogamer.net and i want you to fill in the blank to complete the headline all right do you understand the concept yes i think it's the third or fourth year we've done it and i'm just about grasping it now right good blank visited an animal crossing players island to sell turnips uh danny trejo i mean i mean yeah i could see he hasn't he hasn't okay right clearly it's not that because you're laughing so i mean i would he was one of the various celebrities doing animal crossing stuff oh i remember this one uh well actually there's been a lot of animal crossing celebrity involvement but i believe this was uh elijah wood i think put out a thing on twitter saying i need some good turnip prices i just opened it out to the world and um there were loads of excitable animal crossing players taking screenshots of frodo wandering around in there in their island elijah wood it was definitely elijah wood i remember now okay that's definitely my boy elijah would all right let's see if you're correct himself correct jane the answer is elijah wood visited an animal crossing players island to sell turnips i mean they had literally nothing to do either so you know why not why not commit to building a really good animal crossing island and selling turnips did mike get that mike did get that yes he was straight in with that yeah he knew it straight away um so yes elijah wood visited a woman named jessa's island to sell turnips because she had a particularly high turnip price and he he just hung out on the island he complimented the place and he very yeah no that's how to get a visit how do you get it and he's very high turn it price very respectfully asked if he could pick some fruit as well which is lovely extremely sweet very own brand good job mr wood all right your next eurogamer headline mike is amazon is making a blank tv series with the creators of westworld oh um oh no oh no um i wonder literally anything literally could it though i mean what games lend themselves to that kind of epic westworld style tv series you're not going to make all of that among us are you you're not going to make the bobcat series it's going to be a video game based tv show it's definitely a last of us one happening i think there's a resident evil one coming to netflix yes i keep coming back to the witcher even though that's already a tv series yeah they're going to make their own separate witcher tv rival one um it's it's got to be a big rpg type thing right open world um it's last of us then it's last of us he's saying the last of us all right unless it's the last of us anime okay i don't know um cyberpunk i don't know no idea hmm the answer if we reveal it here is fallout amazon is making a fallout tv series with the creators of westworld westworld series creator lisa joy and jonathan nolan will oversee the project and it's for amazon's prime of fallout i've forgotten fall out that was i said it like 10 seconds ago my brain is like a very it's a sieve but like a sieve with very large holes in it and just one giant hole yeah the hole is full elijah wood is plugging up the hole it's assumed yeah i think they'll do they'll do a good job won't they um unless the entire world's tired of the apocalypse now like maybe post-apocalypse is just not the not the vibe after 2020 someone just make a happy tv show that we could all enjoy that'd be nice wouldn't it why don't they make animal crossing into a tv show that it could star elijah wood yeah brilliant it could have hour-long episodes where very little happens someone just waters yeah get buy some new trousers it'll be great some trees get shaken yeah oh man it sounds like the dream get on that westworld creators okay next headline jane boy in the striped pajamas writer accidentally includes blank recipe in new novel i know this one yeah this is brilliant all right explain to me the news story oh it was a breath of the wild recipe so uh obviously when you're writing a novel i assume you're not an expert in every single thing that you um that you're writing about so you do a bit of research right you do a bit of googling um and uh this chat was writing a book and i think it was something like red dye he wanted a recipe for red dye or something like that or the name of a red dye he did some googling and he came across i believe a legend of zelda um might be breath of the wild might be a previous game but a legend of zelda recipe that included a fictitious insect or plant and he included that in his like very serious recipe for red dye in his very serious novel correct jane the answer is boy in this right pajamas writer accidentally includes zelda recipe in new novel this is very cute yeah irish author john boyne in his latest book a traveler at the gates of wisdom uh included the following phrase when talking about someone dying their clothes that was it it was a die but i had mushrooms and stuff i employed spicy pepper the tale of the red liz alphos and four hylian shrooms which highly in shrooms if you don't know about shrooms that might be a real shroom who's got time to check um but yeah i think they were the writer was quite quite sweet and self-effacing about it yeah i think they they owned up to it he just went on a google search red guy and the first result was a um kind of even clicked through the to the google things one of those things like google just presents you with like a pressy at the top and he's like yeah that looks amazing yeah that that's that's probably right yeah that's um irish author john boyne there you go he uh copped to the mistake and said he'd be leaving it at all future editions of the book because it was funny all right next headline blank is now the most downloaded playstation plus game ever uh must be four guys right like a game that was so new and good that everyone who had playstation plus went and got it immediately and people who didn't have playstation plus went and got playstation plus it was that good must be four guys that was the big playstation plus uh release of the year yeah last bus one i don't know okay well jane i can tell you that the answer is fall guys is now the most downloaded playstation plus game ever of course it is bloody hell of course it's of course it's bloody for guys they did also at this at this point probably more now had sold seven million copies on steam so they're doing okay i think they're doing okay so don't don't need to worry there's another point just the one mansion in beverly hills for those guys okay next headline blank streamed among us on twitch and 400 000 people tuned in well that's obviously aoc isn't it uh this will be probably aoc um alexandra ocasio-cortez who is a uh u.s politician a very exciting voice in u.s politics and also a gamer um and uh yeah she's she's dabbled in some among us streaming and it wouldn't surprise me if she managed to get some mad numbers some big numbers um uh streaming among us on twitch correct jane alexandria ocasio-cortez otherwise known as aoc streamed among us on twitch and 400 000 people tuned in so this is uh representative alexander alexandria ocasio-cortez uh one of the few politicians who actually understand video games and twitch according to this eurogamer article and um according to this uh the stream peaked at 439 000 viewers meaning it ranks within the top 20 biggest streams of all time for concurrent viewers amazing that is that that is big big numbers first ever straight dream of those numbers smash the top 20. so very good anyway she's great she seems really cool also okay i think you'll enjoy this next headline mike the next headline is the main protagonist of final fantasy 16 is called blank oh okay i remember this it is a name that we would find quite ordinary perhaps in the uk uh but i'm trying to remember what it was probably like derek or colin or clive or oh it's clive i'm pretty sure it's clive and that is absolutely hilarious i suspect this is one i'm you know it's exactly i'm sure it's exactly the same in the other direction but this is i suspect one of those situations where to the japanese ear clive sounds exciting and exotic and you know kind of maybe a little bit not not a name that a lot of people currently have so maybe it's got a bit of you know age to it feels a bit kind of you know historical maybe but for me my driving instructor was called clive and um that's so that's all i can think of whenever i see the uh the character in final fantasy 16 is called clive i was recently writing about the um uh the japanese game nano breaker and the the main hero in it is called jake and the main villain is called keith which is amazing they're both like nano machine enabled like cyborg warriors with sephiroth haircuts were they called jacob keith i think was it clive i feel like it was clive yeah correct the main protagonist of final fantasy 16 is called clive clive rosfield to give him his full name okay is the young knight and the tattooed man in the final fantasy 16 awakening trailer sick all right so there you go clive rossfield that's who we'll be playing as in final fantasy 16. exciting and thank you finally going okay it's going right for you you're doing i've yeah i didn't i wanted you know to go easy on you guys this year because it's been it's been a hard year yeah all right finally notorious half-life 2 achievement recalled as gabe newell blanks what happened to gabe newell in 2020 i'm like this is where i'm like oh my god did something really terrible i'm sure it's not that uh is it do the only half-life 2 achievement i can think of that is properly notorious is the one about someone getting clattered in the head with a toilet so did gabe newell slip and bang his head in the bathroom or something this year and he has gave neil brains himself on toilet yeah he's like gabriel brings himself on toilet recalling calling notorious i don't remember honestly no idea oh i'm sorry mike the answer is actually notorious half-life 2 achievement recalled as gabe newell fires garden gnome into space what so wow well i i'd like to take issue with that eurogamer.net because it wasn't a half-life 2 achievement it was a half-life 2 episode 2 achievement so you need to be more specific you're a gamer ah so half-life 2 episode 2's little rocket man achievements um is poised to become a reality as valve's gabe newell prepares to launch a garden gnome into space for charity so this is um this is a collaboration uh between uh newell designer manufacturing company weta workshop who built the no mouth of titanium and rocket lab who launched the gnome into space as part of its rideshare mission flight 16. and the idea was to raise money for a pediatric intensive care unit of a children's hospital in auckland new zealand you know like space junk is becoming an increasingly uh serious issue um and i feel like gabe newell is just contributing to that at the moment so i think well it was sweet i'm not just salty because i didn't get the point right it's raised money mike for the pediatric intensive care unit of children's hospital starship in auckland new zealand so maybe take back your horrible things children's hospital starship yeah it's a it's called starship children's hospital right okay fair enough anyway that's cool that's a cool name for children's hospital fine i'll allow it the launch event was streamed on youtube did it burn up on re-entry um it's no it's in it's in space what is it there oh yeah i'm looking i'm looking at footage this is the region of the reason generally known as space um it's mounted on the outside of the rocket and it's just okay yeah it's just in space so it's wherever that rocket is yeah so someone knows where it is that's good it's out there beyond the furthest reaches okay cool yeah yeah like a probe like the voyager probe it's just going out to spread the good word about gnomes so good news all right um let me tally up your scores here what did i get so that's five of a possible seven mike uh pretty pretty impressive i'll take it out of the game just getting warmed up so you've got four out of uh possible seven there jane so not bad pretty good score there i would say what do you might get i got five oh no i got one more than you he was um he got the full guys one correct of course kicking myself over that one but otherwise that one i should have gotten four guys otherwise it was head to head before this quiz andy was like maybe you all want to reacquaint yourselves with some of the things that happened in 2020 yeah it's not that long ago it's the longest simultaneously the longest and shortest year of all time so yeah all right well jane it's time to make up the points in round two [Music] mike one trend that has gained popularity in 2020 is angry gamers review bombing games they don't like to balance it out because we're all about positivity here at outside xbox we've gone to metacritic to look at some of the positive user reviews posted this year in this round i'll read you an excerpt from a metacritic review and i want you to tell me what game it's for okay question one imagine if those leaks never happened players would just concentrate on the whole story without specifying certain moments no one would play the game with leaked scenes in mind just try to perceive the story as a chunk not in pieces maybe then you will understand i mean you say it's positive but that sounds like vaguely threatening a little bit oh it's medically last of us too uh i think the it would have to be the sort of game that would uh people would be emotionally invested in enough that uh to be to be angry about leaks and things and so i feel like probably this is gonna be final fantasy vii remake i reckon okay let's see if you're right and there were leaks of that so oh i'm sorry mike it was the last of us two oh dang another another game people care deeply about i mean yeah that was the most high profile uh league story stuff of the year um yeah well done very well identified question two yes better than expected people crying that game have some bugs first you cried to release game asap and now write naught of 10 reviews pathetic again somewhat positive like positive about the game but not necessarily like contributing positively to the debate better than expected see i was gonna say cyberpunk except everyone expected cyberpunk to be like the second coming anyway so i don't i don't think it was like a sort of flying low on the radar underdog little game that could first you cried to release game asap and now write naught out of 10 reviews all games of you know i cry to release asap all games literally every game so i i don't think that that helps me distinguish which game uh i assume this is cyberpunk i mean it's been like notoriously buggy it's gotta be cyberpunk surely i don't know i'm gonna go cyberpunk i could be here all day correct it is a review of cyberpunk 2077. so seize the day then set it on fire cyberpunk 2077. okay so when they say better than expected it's because they had read all the naught out of 10 reviews and gone well actually it's okay all right actually it okay okay next metacritic review mike are you ready i am yeah it could be already okay well i've just completed the campaign mode for blank and as i sit here with a shot of whiskey in my hand panting heavily from the past two hours of white knuckle edge of your seat vicious action-packed carnage all i can say is holy hell what a journey it was i have to give the developers major props for creating this masterpiece and you say this person was drinking a whiskey at the same time sat there with a shot of whiskey in their white knuckle hand do they want my number because that's so um so what clues can you glean from this well the main clue is that there is a game with a significant multiplayer mode um because he's talking about campaign mode rather than just the story so i suspect and i've not played it and maybe it is brilliant maybe it is a work of art but i suspect this is call of duty black ops cold war holy hell what were the religious shooters of this year andy tell me what were the most religious shootings christ of duty that was a good one that came out holy hell oh wait of course it's um it's only blooming doom isn't it it's uh doom doom 2 the return of duke electric boogaloo electric boogadoo do you remember the name of the doom game that came out this year andy i remember so little of this year okay now it will come to me but you're just gonna have to sit there and wait while my brain okay well it's spins up 0.8k modem [Music] yes yes you got there you did it now you know the circuitous route i had to go tell me half i had to bimble down to get to the answer was that we were back in 2019 see all my good memories are just like lodged in 2019 right more than 12 months to get to memories to access memories from that period in time and we were calling it doom maternal from the maternal yes and from that i had to describe that it was doom eternal well you got the point so let's move on to the next question uh the next metacritic review even which is absolutely the best game i've ever played presence is real and continuous you combat blanks thinking you are fighting real people it's a must try presents got be a vr game it's half-life alex it's gotta be half-life alex because [Music] uh yeah they're talking about the the sort of the reality of it a couple of big vr games released this year one bigger than the other i think but uh there's the walking dead saints and sinners which was quite popular and if the blank is zombies it might be that but i suspect that it's probably half-life alex because that is the best vr game that has been released this year or indeed any year probably it's very very good uh yeah correct combine or something yeah combine is indeed the blank that was missing it's you fight combine thinking you're fighting real people well done good half-life alex i've not finished it yet because i have to stop playing it every so often because it's so intense and scary when you're there surrounded by headcrab zombies and head crabs and things in the dark it's horrible you have to sit and pant heavily with a glass of whiskey in your hand all right next one i can guarantee many of these negative reviews are simply bandwagoners or haven't even played the game while the game is short what is there is amazing i'd rather play a great five-hour game to a less stellar 30-hour game what are the games that are short this year okay so there's a five-hour game that took some flack for being a five-hour game now it's just that this doesn't have a multiplayer mode of any sort because otherwise like you might have something else to do after you finish the campaign um so it's got to be a story based single player game i'm looking around as if my eyes are going to a light upon boxed copy of whatever this game is just propped up on your desk yeah that would be nice i don't think assassin's creed's particularly short i think that's game's massive apparently it's not five hours certainly yeah it's certainly more than five hours no not sure no i i i would only be guessing i can't think of anything okay well mike i can tell you the answer is resident evil 3. oh man of course that was dragged for being sure i was dragged for being short it was quite and it was short yeah but to be fair it was also really good did you write that review no yes that is me i got a message straight up i knew it that's why i had you read it again and that's what went into the mind of the writer i was like oh look at these hands these are andy's i put down my tumblr of whiskey and then i typed away no that wasn't me that was mike all right finally final review this game is not for scrubs it isn't a camp fest that allows you to camp in windows or high platform vantage points everywhere for free kills and that's why it's getting such low scores wow um well this is gonna be a game that leads on multiplayer um something that will not stand for you camping bust it's not not interested no cheap kills from high vantage points yeah so it's all very flat set in a very flat place like the netherlands let's just go gut instinct and say call of duty cold war maybe it's cold war is it cold war it is call of duty black ops cold war well done okay all right thank you now i know that about cold war not to go camping in it yeah it's just it isn't a camp fest and that's why everyone hates it the ground's too cold to lie on so you can't camp yeah and now like all the hardcore players are complaining about it as they always do so you know the cycle continues all right let's see how you did in this round well it's a very impressive um metacritic review around there jane you've got five out of six correct are you secretly really are you secretly writing metacritic reviews in your spare time it's just it's one million jane's hot puppet accounts yeah missed some sitters missed some absolute sitters in there yeah so mike you got three out of six for that rounds so you know half points how do you feel how you feeling about that gutted eviscerated all right let's move on to the next round the picture round so one trend we've seen a lot in 2020 is hd remakes or remasters of old games they've been loads of them this year almost too many to count although you can't actually count them it is a real number and andy has counted them so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to show you a screenshot of an old game that got a remake or a remaster this year and i want you to tell me what game it is could not be simpler so if you would like to look at picture number one and tell me i am gonna what game is this oh my gosh what i mean that's that's a pre-rendered background right there uh it's a ps1 era game i would say now i have deliberately chosen slightly misrepresentative or misleading pictures just so it's not obvious but um i think there's a room like a warehouse with a bunch of barrels and a man in a shirt and a belt that could be anything it doesn't have a really distinctive art style we know that resident evil 3 was remade is that a character from resident evil 3 maybe it is resident evil 3 and it's just like a really unresident evil 3 looking still the hand does look like a sort of hand from that era is it is it resident evil 3 it is resident evil 3 correct hey who is that man i'd rather starve to death in here than be eaten by one of those undead monsters that's the guy at the start who locks himself in the truck he made a hero for our time yeah he made it into the uh he made it into the remake wow popular character who has lasted throughout the years great all right good let's bring up picture of remake number two this is okay ah that is a tony hawk's pro skate did it really look that bad did it really used to look that bad not in my memory mike it's a man swimming in a canal uh it was before we could render water from a time before we could render water no it's tony hawk isn't it oh man you had me going there uh it is it is tony hawk's pro skater pipe and the skate the skateboard has gone yeah off in the other direction it is quite hard to find the screenshot of the we've got one of those where you can't see your skateboards invisible yeah but there we go uh that's tony hawk's pro skater one which was remastered this year as tony hawk's procedure one and two hd which was really good one of my favorite games of the year all right if you would like to open the picture number three and tell me what happened i'm looking at it all right it's a pretty beaten up kid's playground so that says to me oh dystopia that is easy my friend that is final fantasy vii uh that is the little playground near sector seven slums or whatever it is uh where you have a heart to heart with aerith oh look at what we've lost oh look at how hard life is now and it's probably from some of the raggedier bits of of uh the city in final fantasy vii would you care to explain to me what the hell this cat thing is it's a children's playground it's an adorable children's playground with a slide where you come out you go into the cat's ear or sort of a cavity below its ear and next to its weird vestigial arm and then you slide out of its tongue i assume and it loves it that's how happy it is deviants were into in the late 90s exactly yeah sickening i mean it's not a good playground if i only stretch the imagination but it's uh it is a playground all right fine yes correct it is final fantasy vii which was remade this year but only part one of the remake came out this year only half of it they're going to be parceling it out and drip feeding it to you and you'll just take it you'll love it because they know you'll just absolutely will yeah i'm an absolute mark i can't believe that was this year couldn't fit it all a million years ago but it was in fact this year oh boy okay good all right next remake number four oh jeez what is this what is this i'm getting sort of maybe kind of vintage americana vibes although it's hard to tell there's not a lot of detail sort of looks ps2 era i would say rather than ps1 era it's got them them textures all over it um i'm thinking sci-fi because it's oh wait um from her clothes it might actually be set not in an ironic americana retro futurism like fallout but actually set at the time indicated by her clothes which is you know maybe i don't know 50s or 60s or something she does not ring any bells no i have no idea sorry hello mrs neighbor i've come to begin a hero's journey what say you she's not saying anything to me i don't know what it is what is it uh it's destroy all humans ah of course definitely along the right lines with the sci-fi the 50s americana [Music] that is unlike anything i i remember that game so good good work i suppose yeah tricked you screenshot number five what game oh this is pretty look at that it reminds me of the start of world of warcraft but that's not stormwind oh no ah that is dark souls that's anor londo right dark souls is that your answer sorry demon souls even demon souls interesting uh this establishing shot goes up the tower and in through a window and then we're looking at our protagonist who is claire redfield it's resident claire redfield famously not appearing in residency well jane i can tell you it's actually it's warcraft 3 which received a remake this year in the form of warcraft 3 reforged get off really yep that does look like anor londo look it's the dukes archives up on the left and um sorry down to the maybe they just stole anor londo entirely from oh my god this blows my mind did get a remaster this year it was a good guess so what's your t is that what city is that meant to be i know i don't know warcraft all right hang on i'm gonna look it up my sources tell me andy i've consulted my sources and they tell me that it's actually lordaeron i feel okay do you feel vindicated no i feel like a jump okay i feel like a prime idiot sorry to hear that a real champion fool yeah andy someone needs to look into the fact that that is exactly animal someone needs to pull them up on this yeah absolutely find in this edit andy which i think you're in charge of um find a screenshot of anor londo and it's got a cut scene that looks exactly like that all right fine you're not getting any extra points though well wait until it works its way through the courts and then we'll see whether i deserve points or not all right let's get five years give me a bonus point picture number six okay all right i'm looking at it this should be easy it this is spongebob so it's a game that has like a fish newscaster in it that can't be very many games bikini bottom or something okay let's see if you're right bikini bottom residents have been attacked by a raging torrent of robot horror so much for fixing this quietly yes mike correct it is spongebob squarepants battle for bikini bottom rehydrated is the name dehydrated of the hd remaster is that really this year i i just recognized the font basically i recognized the spongebob font i think maybe i was being too generous giving you the fun but you know what it's been a tough year oh okay that should have been obvious because it had a fish came out on the 23rd of june 2020 usually unreal engine 4 wow really necessary i would say [Music] to really render spongebob in his true glory all right not bad mike you got four out of six for that round yeah i missed a couple of big ones though i suppose well i would never have gotten warcraft and i don't think i ever would have gotten destroy all humans so i can't feel too bad about that okay jane you got three out of six in the the remakes round which is a solid solid middle of the table results i would say how are you feeling shaken shaking that was not a great showing from me here screen short stream short round yeah the screen short round well let's see how you do here viewers to see my brain disintegrate here at the end of all things well it's all right december 2020 because the next round is my favorite round it's the music round oh no music it's the best but have you been paying attention to the musical stylings of this year's games mike no no as usual i play on mute what i'm going to play some snippets of game music released this year and i want you to tell me what game they're from okay hooray other headphones in so mike if you would like to listen to clip number one okay [Music] it's very cheery i like it it sounds familiar actually uh i haven't played it but um i know luke was saying that the paradise killer soundtrack is really good and it's kind of a sort of synthy you know funky synthy holiday kind of vibe and that's what i'm getting from this game so i'm gonna say i'm gonna say paradise killer because i don't have any better ideas okay it's giving me four guys vibe isn't it four guys four guys four guys yeah i'm sorry jane the answer is mortal kombat 11. [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is the friendship theme from the aftermath dlc yes remember the new friendships they added they've all got that fun party music that plays when they uh when they do their cool friendships you tricked me what happened to being nice this year i thought you were getting that i thought it was really obvious i've not played enough mortal kombat clearly oh man um i'm doing it i do remember now i remember your excellent video about um friendships and finishing moves and stuff um yeah i yeah i do know that now dang okay fine all right bit of music the second mike please listen to it now i mean it's pretty heavy it's probably gonna be doomed isn't it okay i mean it feels very do maternal to me what makes you say that well it's kind of urgent metal industrial metal sort of music um could you describe it with a glass of whiskey in hand yeah yeah i would yeah um and if i were to describe it in a noise it would be correct that is music from doom eternal there we go could it be any other game no i don't think so no i think that's pretty much the only game that could be from or mortal kombat maybe all right that's the point so let's move on to music piece the third [Music] okay kind of spacey okay it's energetic energetic electro probably sci-fi feels kind of like cyberpunky but i don't think it is cyberpunk because i think the music in cyberpunk's actually like really interesting and like this feels a bit more this feels a bit more like video game music than the stuff in cyberpunk i'm trying to bring to mind what the music in cyberpunk is like but it's nothing nothing's nothing's coming to mind i hear nothing i hear just ki on your reefs that's it that's all i can do okay it is not i'm afraid it is yakuza like a dragon and it's the battle theme from yakuza but interestingly mike took almost the exact same mental route as you did to end up yeah being incorrect also bit of music the fourth let's listen this has got to be full guys thinking cutesy arcade game type thing is this four guys it's got yeah a little squeaky squelchy stuff in it is it is it fall guys it is full guys yeah correct what what about it said four guys to you it's cheery and upbeat and that that was the only cheery i'd be good no way that was animal crossing animal crossing was a thing yeah but it's more energetic than anything animal crossing has to offer you you sort of uh you you paused for a moment dramatically like you're hosting who wants to be a millionaire or something and um i thought i got it wrong so good work no no good ear you definitely identified the uh the tone of the game certainly from the music so that was good well done all right bit of music number [Music] five oh it's acoustic guitars it's misery ah this is nice the only game i can think of that has an acoustic guitar in it this year is last of us part two but i've not played it all right is it really this basic this has got this is animal crossing for sure having said animal crossing this is i couldn't tell you what time of day it is but it says a lazy sun summer afternoon to me in animal crossing okay yeah why not let's go for it let's guess let's guess and say last time wow i mean you couldn't be more wrong mike this is animal crossing new horizons all right yeah they are more bases like the last of us too but more basic i'm interested that you got sadness from this it's the 2am theme from animal crossing right so it's just like happy at 2 a.m nothing good happens after 2 a.m 2 a.m i had to pick one i had to pick one that you wouldn't be immediately familiar with yeah yeah yeah no you're right i know you're not playing animal crossing at 2 a.m they change the music on the hour every hour so that means it's a 3 a.m theme oh yeah the 3 a.m theme is a bit kind of weird and stealthy yeah because it's like you should be in bed it's it should 3 be a high-pitched tone it just doesn't stop until you turn it off go to bed finally we have piece of music number six mike tell me what this is it sounds like sort of stage clear music you know like well done you finished this stage uh it's gotta be streets of rage four right i'm just going towards the end just to see if anyone screams mortal kombat it's really difficult to describe but it's got that kind of like 90s euro ish yes it's good it feels streets rage to me that jane is from streets of rage four oh no oh no i could have said when i said stage cleared i was thinking of a streets of rage yeah i thought you were getting on the i thought you were getting on the right path though i'm on the right track but i took the off ramp off the right track into the hinterlands yeah into the wasteland wrong answers that was pretty good i couldn't accurately articulate it but i knew it was streets of rage basically i say that was pretty good it wasn't you got three out of six so come on that's this round's fall guys in the it's the answer i definitely should have got and could have got and did not get well there's the chance to make up plenty of points now jane because we're moving into the final round the lightning round finally this year we have the lightning round quick questions looking for quick answers provided by you quickly so here we go cyberpunk 2077 finally released this year after several delays in fact the game had three previous release dates before settling on its final release date of december the 10th can you give me any of those three previous dates i know you're going with this if you can give me any of those three previous dates jane i'll give you a point for each one okay right um february the 11th ish sometime in february what day did it come out on december the 10th december the 10th so we know it's not december the 10th yeah only 10. 365 days in a year so you've i mean already you're down to one in 360. so i've already already lowered those odds that's great already reduced do you say quick fire and then november the 26th or something okay it wouldn't have come out on april the 1st because that's april fool's day or the 4th of july because i would have remembered that or any of the so there's you can take two more days off of the 365. any of the 21 days in december after the day it came out oh that's true you can't come out after it's come out exactly so really narrowing this down this is the quick fire around jane you're making a mockery of the quick fire round january the lightning round even sorry no uh the answers were 16th of april 2020 17th of september 2020 and 19th of november 2020. those are the three previous cyberpunk release dates so no score there question number two in the lightning round 2020 also saw the release of minecraft in the form it was always meant to be enjoyed as a breakfast cereal the cereal in question is made by kellogg's and is cinnamon flavoured with marshmallows but what's it called uh breakfast blocks minecraft breakfast blocks yeah it's what you're going for like mine crunch mine crunch mine crunch you're not far off it's creeper crunch is the correct answer oh that's rubbish breakfast blocks it shouldn't be called breakfast flux all right that is fair but you kind of have a point minecraft crunch is way better minecraft creeper and you squandered it question three after a protracted development the uncharted movie seems to be finally moving in the right direction and this year we got to see actual pictures of star tom holland in his nathan drake get up but can you tell me how many directors this troubled production has had it's not a troubled production it's just it's had a number of different directors attached to it yeah but at that stage when it's barely a production at that stage when they're just like shopping a script around hollywood going do you want to direct this and someone goes i guess maybe just leave the script over there i'll get to it and they're like so-and-so he's attached to direct this film so how many people have done that oh loads everyone literally everyone everyone in i was i was briefly approached i'll get around to it four four i don't know six oh so close jane it's seven well then give give me a point if it's just no i'm not gonna give you a point because it's wrong but it's also close seven yeah there have been seven directors attached to the uncharted they should just can it i mean like if if after seven directors it's still not happening i think they've settled on one now it's fine all right question four pacman had a big anniversary this year what was it it's been 20 years dry for a whole pacman 15 years married to ms pacman is that your answer 30 30 years 30 years four it must be 40. correct is it 1980 pac-man's 40th anniversary was this year well done that's a point if i'd done a little bit of mental arithmetic then i would have realized that we're in the year help us all 2020 pacman didn't come out in 1990 uh question five what was the dollar value of microsoft's acquisition of xenomax and its subsidiaries bethesda arcane id software machine games and tango game works that's a trick question because it was such a such a worthless property that it was one of those nominal fees where they gave them a dollar a single dollar and they said now you own cinemax okay so um yeah if you name your dollar amount i will accept to the nearest half billion one dollar i'll accept the nearest half billion so eight and a half billion i don't know eight and a half billion four point seven seven one seven four point seven seven one seven yes okay i'm sorry that is incorrect the answer is seven point five billion dollars oh no that's what i meant i meant seven point four seven point five right sure sure well i can only take your first answer i'm afraid so all right question six got me there mortal kombat 11 added three action movie characters to clc name them i guess terminator is sort of an action movie if you think about it terminator is one point uh rambo and uh robocop and the terminator uh robocop all right i don't know all right lightning round i don't know rambo was just added recently to mortal kombat 11. so question number seven what was the highest grossing video game movie this year no one's been to the ruddy cinema this year how can a film have been released how is that even possible i probably would have gone this is like detective pikachu although bloody over again because i would have gotten see it i would have gone and see it i would have gone and seen it because it's a video game movie um and i'm simple like that it's not oh is it was there another jumanji was there another jumanji the only movie i'm sure that came out this year was the princess switch too so it's not based on a video game was it detective pikachu two electric figures electric mouse electric pikachu actually yeah detective electric it was it was not solid hedgehog no was that this year february yeah it was valentine's day wasn't it hedgehog correct hey well done that's the point ugh i can't with that guy oh that wasn't this year that was 20 40. i'm afraid to tell you it was this year oh okay and your final question in this quiz of the year and the one i can't believe that came out this year worth the most points what kind of sick twisted time warp are we living in ghost hunting simulator phasmaphobia was the big hit at the end of the year with the game having 12 different kinds of ghosts for players to try and track down how many can you name in 30 seconds you get a point for each and your time starts now okay phantom shade uh yuri uh probably a jew on probably a ring girl probably a marshmallow man uh wraith gin phantom shade demon um a gin and a mare did i say you got mad that's good and a banshee poltergeist uh god 12 really um i said wraith did i say did not say wraith you've got rafe you've got rape poltergeist there's one faulty guy there's one gin i said gin right you did say gin and time's up oh okay i don't know just regular ghost regular ghost normal vanilla normal ghost uh um no that's it that's 30 seconds all right you got one two three four five six okay jane you got one two three four five six seven eight very good hey that's not bad pretty good out of twelve that's why i can't remember anything about 20 20. it's all been dedicated to ghosts the ones you were missing were ghost identification oni demon oh yeah because it's not really a ghost if you think about it a demon yeah revenant and spirit those are the oh spirit obvious so you got eights there so let me just tabulate my brain is just full of ghost nomenclature [Music] [Applause] [Music] i i don't i don't have a good feeling about this but we'll see how it goes okay let's top this up i've just dropped too many points in every single round and jane i can tell you yes that you scored 25 points overall which is i don't know but it's good okay fine it's good but i'm afraid it's not quite enough to beat mike's 26 points well mike it turns out that you are in fact the winner you did just enough to quit it was never in doubt i mean it was during that bit where i extremely doubted myself but yes indeed wonderful what a treat for 2020. you lost by a single point close well what that tells me is that mike also remembers basically nothing about this terrible year he remembers less ghosts in phasmophobia than you certainly i think i only the only thing i really excelled out there was naming ghosts in plasmophobia which is so stupid all right well let's go to mike for his his victory speech anything okay anything for people to take into 2021 jane um yeah if you need a ghost if you need a ghost identifier then call me if you need a ghostbuster don't call me because i don't know what to do with them i can just tell you which one is which okay over to mike and let's now just accelerate towards 2021 and have a wonderful year all because it's been it's been a real one 2020 hasn't it so let's hope for better things in 2021 to the future thanks for watching folks we'll see you next year
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 136,051
Rating: 4.9517727 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell
Id: pl7rsdqlPM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 26sec (3026 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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