STUPID INVENTION CHALLENGE | Jackbox Patently Stupid in Challenge of the Week

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Neo_Spork πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rhapsodic_jock108 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm surprised there was no return of the bee meta.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JamieDancer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'll be honest, I think Jackbox has outlived its novelty. The last few streams were a little meh. With the return to the studio, I hope they find a new format for the weekly show. Loved Mario Golf though, that was stupid fun.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FreedomWaterfall πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Agreed. Really over played. I do wonder what they’d have have done this year without it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sufficient_Vanilla18 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hello and welcome friends challenge of the week it's time for patently stupid brought to you by jack box and outside xbox not officially brought to you by jetbox of course unless unless unless get in touch yeah do get in touch i couldn't work out whether that implied that we were endorsed by jackpots or whether we'd had a hand in making the game which is also not true both of those things lots of lies to kick off here on outside xbox i'm jane joined by mike gandy and luke of outside extra now hello we're gonna be making inventions we're gonna be coming up with cool new exciting inventions and for you watching at home we won't have time to patent these because we're on a stream so if you rush to the patent office with our ideas you could get in before yourself a million dollar idea like for example denim paint the grandma's orb and other kinds hits yes just try it just try it you said paint your chain and now i hear the police coming for you andy i didn't say nothing on the stream you just did though you did it jane i said it before we read it i heard it that's what i heard anyway uh welcome to everyone joining in the audience if you go to and enter the room code w-a-r-c then you can come and vote on the best and worst and stupidest of uh interventions people remembering other such great inventions as the ankle grinder yeah that was a good one grind your ankles off if you don't remember i had a really hard time thinking of any that weren't horribly violent i will be looking to demonstrate personal growth yeah this time okay yeah paul ferrari says patent website already opened in another tab that's how you that's how you win that's the thinking and ginger snow says catching my first live stream while babysitting two kittens love all you guys how are you gonna watch us when you've got two kittens to watch yeah yeah i would be watching the kittens yeah yeah we're a handful though we're like two kittens i mean yeah we are exactly as hard to take care of okay you can remember it by thinking of warchiefs or the noise the penguin makes walk walk the first part of warcraft it's warcraft warcraft imagine warcraft warcraft fell off a raft what are you left with yeah wow great stuff let's get some likes in here yes let's have a look we are gonna get started it's the like gate it's the light okay three two one hit that like button please thank you you're gonna need to see a thousand likes and only then all 716. let's do some super chats while we wait for let's go up dsp animation says hello all i'm a pretty big fan but it's one of my first live streams but i have one question have any of you watched community yeah yeah yes community is really good except for that one season right that's not how i wrote i haven't watched all of the new stuff but i've watched all of the original yeah the one that stopped just before they got syndicated i watched all of that yeah uh joseph kuru says hello all she said yes slash brackets now fiance and i getting married oh congrats joseph thank you very much yep very cool sorry m says igm for the first time for my husband's b day he found a town with a greedy overseer who vanished people when they couldn't pay rent wow after he fought him and his twin thugs i told him it was tom nook amazing amazing the clue was his raccoon face don't let nintendo find out that you've been running a tom nook tabletop situation yeah and uh madison kirkpatrick says watching this while working on a paper so i can apply for a master's degree well good luck and good luck as well good afternoon i don't know what kind of master's it is so we can't help it's an intervention of the universe yeah kirk hamilton says are you upset that capitalism has corrupted space space obviously yeah yeah james says hi andy hi james hi tiny zombie is a new member all right we're only up to 886 likes yeah well we don't even want to see us play this blooming game but um andy do not say let's start anyway but i think we should start united front who's going to crack first okay i've already cracked i've already looked like folks i begged with them i pleaded but they wouldn't and he wanted to play the game i wanted to play the game i'm going back to my trailer if we can't have a thousand likes to start this stream we're at 990 so there we go friends hey there we go all right let's go let's play this dang game the chat responds to her to a gentle hand you know finn ryan says andy the scam we should have done on a wednesday afternoon here we go friends i like this is obviously a typo but tired needs sleep says off word work with uh depression my wife bought me home hunk food thanks amy i assume that's supposed to mean junk food but i like the idea that they need specific food to maintain their muscles like creatine yeah well i hope it gets better i hope you have a nice afternoon with all that uh hunk food yeah i hope you hunk up with that hunk food yeah get beefy or hunker down to be hungry okay the narrators are talking at us at the moment like we don't know how to play haters but obviously we're very good inventors we know everything step one market research here we go all right remember folks enter room code warc to be in the audience on our conventions and you're gonna see some of the greatest inventions of all time i'm just saying jack cottrell is in the emergency room at 3 30 m with a dislocated hip wow i'm sorry look after yourself they pop it right back into place yeah all right so now we have to come up with i've been given a prompt to devise a problem that needs solving in a marketable brand worthy way okay okay for instance my prompt says in five years we'll all say we should have stopped something mine says i'm constantly cleaning my blank and says i keep getting interrupted when i blank and just says i can i can never get caught up on blank a railing okay okay okay done good got a few more job is done i'm sure that's the hard part yep job's done joyful catching my first stream in a while before work while simultaneously finishing a late grad school assignment wow that is multi-tasking joy thanks for being my favorite youtube channels and some of my favorite people it's pretty good favorite youtube channel and people detail he says hey guys gotta ask you doing anything for your upcoming ninth birthday august the 15th oh no oh no everyone could come in on morgan mondays and have some company that would be a birthday present mostly for andy where five years [Music] so now we've been given some prompts from others yes we've got to build it we've got to solve the problem with an invention okay okay ah they're both good which one of these problems do i want to solve with a great invention no hurry but that's half your time ah okay all right i got it okay right i've chosen one i've chosen a prompt i've picked one step two no it's time to innovate invent something that's right all right here we go the intervention is beginning i see you audience welcome to the party go to and to room code warc and you'll get to vote on our terrible terrible i mean good inventions or they might be goods like for example toilet paper yeah what a good example yeah okay now we're all gonna start drawing things okay okay okay here we are really made a terrible mistake already actually been choosing this one why or do you not want to say at this point i don't want to say it would ruin it but um okay fine all right this is uh okay we're drawing on the backs of napkins and i noticed that there's like a pen bleed effect you know that you get when you draw on a napkin with a felt pen oh yeah which is like really premium that's that's really special okay okay i think we we you have to write like um like a tagline like a slogan for them later right i think yeah that's coming up that's coming up so you don't have to write anything on your napkin we're drawing at the moment we're well drawing such a primitive term i'm doing so much more than drawing we're designing here yeah yeah exactly it's a design exercise there's not a lot of room for sort of creative drawing in this it's just about the beauty of a napkin is that it's the back of a napkin sketch that's the part yeah the best ideas are the purest ones yeah ones that can be explained in a single center if you can't explain your idea on the back of napkin said einstein you really don't understand your idea at all um darth monk says going from unpaid intern to paid employee please help me get rid of this spare money to celebrate thank you uh michelle says really excited to catch a stream after finally getting the star link internet it's nice to not have to watch you guys in super potato quality i don't know but it sounds it sounds super futuristic and cool wasn't starlink that right now that game with the plastic spaceships probably yes isn't super potato that game shop in akihabara in tokyo what does it mean wow they're clues it's an arg okay um all right i'll meet you in super potato um oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear it could be worse it could be worse um yeah so starlink's that network of satellites that can be seen seen from the ground right sometimes passing over in a big line across the night sky okay and uh yeah i guess there's there's satellite internet from them as well they're like all like back in the day you could get satellite internet but like your upload all had to be like via dial up yeah you like dial up you can't send data to space mike yeah exactly yeah do you ever dial up data can't go to space and come back but satellite phones work by going directly to space yeah but that's because that's voices where data is nuts and ones and they get all jumbled up if you send them to space they get all muddled whereas voices they can go anywhere you know yeah anyway i don't know how the styling stuff works but i like that idea that was like we could have uh a series of blimps hovering over like low internet quality areas providing like white wi-fi and the blimp is full of internet yeah oh it's just a reward it's like you're international but look but like a cool yeah but a person is like i wish i could look at pictures of glimpse on the internet you don't need to look out your window admit it if you've had that that's what you'd be doing all right here come the pitches folks get get ready to be blown away first all right i don't know we're going to find out it's my oh it's me everybody please pay attention i will present to mike a problem people tell me i poop too much no one's ever told you that well the opposite it's for me it's not really a it's less people tell me it's more this is clearly a problem that some people have but they don't want to talk about okay anyway so i have the ideal solution to this problem uh this is what it looks like how could you start the stream with this a cork oh [Music] listen listen up chat it can only get better from here so yeah is it sustainable because all those unused champagne corks that might be going to landfill mike now can have a purpose what you're proposing here is not sustainable okay wait wait i've got a tagline all right okay it's a bung for your mom this changes everything with a tagline like that i want to win the best there you go come to us here in the dragon's den in the shark tank and as a potential investor he's got it i'm going to ask where where do you think the poop will go exactly there somewhere else all right out the other end all right fine well okay the problem that i have decided uh to come up with is that i can never get caught up on the great british bake off oh you know what it's like isn't it it's on every week huge issue each week has got newer and fresher cases you're a busy person busy person i can't keep up on all this so what i've decided to come up with is the paul hollywood memory implants now what this is it's a convenient uh helmet that you put on and it will implant every single memory of the great british bake off host paul hollywood into your own brain so it will be as if you have lived poor hollywood's life and he's going to remember what's happening on the great huge assumption that paul hollywood remembers what happened on the great british bake off that's true but as you can see like swirling around this happy customer's head why do they look so traumatized but this that's what i mean for hollywood no no no no that's the process i mean there is an amount of pain involved in the process definitely but you can see there's a little uh cinnamon swirl there there's little oh yeah victoria sponge they're remembering all of the different cakes that have been on uh the great british bake off so you'll be able to engage in all the water cooler chats about the latest bakes the soggy bottoms and the things that have been overworked and you'll also have all the sweet behind the scenes like inside a gossip exactly you'll have the inside of gossip so yeah let's have the tagline can't remember oh it's good that's good nice follow through bravo well done no follow through with my invention just saying oh no uh i will present jack box step back calm down folks in five years we'll all say we should have stopped jogging yeah if we'd only known i say that now um we are all aware of jogging is not something that we should be doing uh we all wish that there was a way to stop um and there is i call it the juggler go on is this another minor batman villain i've invented a batman villain here's how it works okay imagine if you could uh get the benefits of jogging without the high impact on your knees or indeed uh having to leave the comfort of your home perfect ah you sit you recline in a leisurely fashion on the side and you attach your legs to these uh twin pistons which swing around at um swing around varying speeds to simulate uh going on a healthy jog okay and they rip your legs right under your hips oh yeah but that can happen with jogging that's true but it's not it's not worse um anyway i give you the juggler jiggle yourself jogged that's catchy how easy is it to disentangle yourself from the juggler if say for example your limbs chatter um well uh you should always do it with with an ass with someone there to help you but that's true ikea furniture yeah yeah you're a juggler spotter physician the um the machine contacts um your next of kin before you turn it on it's very good oh no oh no i forgot to press something you know it's presenting it for me oh dear no well you'll just have to okay i'm gonna talk over the narrators now my friends are too busy with their phones always on their phones just looking at their phones never living in the moment those dang millennials and so i present to you the nothing shock mobile i'm just really targeting nokia with this invention if that's a way you can paint things here it is the nokia uh it delivers a fatal voltage uh right off the arm of whoever looks at their phones in your company and that's it but jane when you say mobile yeah i'm picturing like a big roving vehicle yeah i know but it sounds it's but it's funner to say than shock mobile shock that's true was there a tagline there was a tagline it was like uh can't put down your phone get zapped that's pretty yeah it's good that is good i think um i think nokia have been unfairly singled out there seeing as um they are they are you can vote now folks by the way oh oh yeah everybody go vote right now oh i can invest five hundred dollars in my favorite invention oh and i can invest three hundred dollars in my second favorite invention and i can invest a hundred dollars on a butt cork feels like a lot for a buck a buck yeah but that i targeted nokia because i drew a flip phone and then i was like who makes the best flip phones with like little pointy nub antennas on top not nokia of course yeah very good no one else makes samsung don't make them it's very important that it has a little like nubbin it's very important antenna on top to state also that nokia doesn't make phones that fatally shock you not yet yes andy not yet not until they've investigated it unless i'm mistaken i think that nokia phones now it's just a sort of licensing thing i don't know actually manufactures them well this is how they get back in the game with the shock mobile who invited the ex-tech journalist okay we need a thousand dollars to fund okay [Music] all right sharks and or dragons give me your money give us your [ __ ] miss your investments oh there you go strong numbers yes successful funding for the juggler so joggler made it it's ready great news for the juggler paul hollywood great news why don't people want to be faithfully unappreciated in my time oh my god the corks is great i don't have to go to kickstarter that's all oh i can't believe they funded the cork or whatever it was oh jane good luck okay what is the problem though santo atheo says the cork has the best return on investment certainly does yep that's what they're interested in okay andy you have to choose one of the problems sent to your device how much would you charge for one of those corks anyway yeah uh i think i would have to pay people to take them i think you could charge whatever you wanted okay you know what's next if it worked yeah it's true if you never had to poop again think of the time saver okay now it's time to invent we've all got the same problem okay okay okay okay all right i see okay i got this how long have we got okay i see that time bar filling i think we're gonna be okay greatest idea but it's better than a cork in your bun like most things that's like an expression we're halfway there we're halfway there oh no yeah all right done oh i should have gone oh so you don't have to come up with a name or a um tagline in this oh really you just draw the picture okay yeah you just draw the picture so if that yeah that plays into the amount of time you allocate yourself only in this round yeah oh the stream has just been demonetised oh no yeah that's harsh but fair youtube youtube said that was the one thing we said you couldn't say the one thing on the internet that's beyond the pale oh write a title okay all right uh hmm got it nailed it oh tagline yeah that's right okay hmm what's the perfect name for this we're halfway home okay done i'm done i'm gonna look at the chat i'm gonna entertain myself it's like when you finish uh your maths early and you get to go out and play you know you get to go to break early an incentive to not bother with the maths but he has to you have to do that he has to do the maths brewed coffee says hello i've been bad at catching the streams this year but you guys have given me the entertainment to get through the dark times thanks for being you that's um such a lovely compliment brewed coffee anytime anyone says something like that it is a real lift um we appreciate you so much and uh it's just really nice to know that someone gets a get some kind of benefit agreed all right this is your last chance all right pitch time okay oh no it's me i will present i will present this time here's your problem you know how it is you go to starbucks everyone's yelling everyone's trying to water their coffee at the same time no one knows how to queue so i present to you let me show you how it looks okay here we go now it's going to i'm going to talk you through it it is a kind of soft cap that fits over your head and the head of your barista as you talk to them now i know what you're thinking that's incredibly unsafe i don't want to be face to face with anyone in these uh convideous times and that's why there is an impermeable barrier also integrated in the soft cast like a giant shower cap with a perspex screen integrated into it and i call it it's the barista bonnet oh lovely bring it with you to starbucks pop it over your head pop it over your barista's head and then just imagining the sort of brief look of panic that's you in case you're on the barista's face a large shower and the tagline do you want it's between you and your coffee artist winky face because it has the bonus of making your coffee order completely discreet if you want some kind of risque latte art within reason you know i mean maybe i don't know actually maybe that might be order the barista bonnet today uh back my kickstarter um for a barista bonnet yeah great good very good good work it's good i'm really worried that someone's will have done the same as mine um it's that good it always feels like you've got the most obvious choice yeah well because it's the first thing that occurs to you because you don't have exactly time [Music] i present to you friends the billboarder now what this is it's a wearable billboard with your order written on it picked out in big uh shining lights so as you can see there uh smiling fellow with the thumbs up he's got the word skinny latte picked out nice in uh high quality uh led bulbs i imagine you like john cusack at the end of that movie and he's standing outside the stump exactly but it's mounted on his shoulders i didn't have i didn't have time to draw them in but there will be speakers also bellowing the name of the order so it doesn't matter if you are interrupted while you're trying to order because your order will be there on the billboard it will be being shouted uh-huh and uh the tagline is shout with a sign i don't think um mr m binder says s-y-i-m-j latte look it's ha it's tiny i'm using my large finger but the full size he's using his large finger folks yeah okay um okay right you keep getting interrupted uh when you try to order coffee what is the solution to being interrupted in all scenarios to be the loudest one there that's why you need to strap this large cone to your face don't worry you don't have to hold it up it comes with a strap because when you order coffee you need your hands free yep so when you walk into the starbucks you attach this to your face you stand at the back of the queue um and you uh it uses magnets and other science to amplify your voice so that the person right at the front so everyone around you but primarily the um the breeze it's kind of a sonic weapon it sort of like fires the information and if anything baristas don't suffer enough at their jobs the best part is at the end when you get your order they can just pour it into the cone and it goes directly down the heart exactly i wasn't in until i saw you'd removed some of the vowels from the commander and now i'm fully on board well the former tech journalist knows how this is done it's called the louder uh the coffee is as mike says poured straight in if it touches any electronics on the way down it will kill you the louder the tagline is i said do you have oatmeal very good excellent work very fine uh trey lalonde before we carry on says hello all i'm currently getting my left arm fully tattooed so this is a wonderful distraction otherwise you're in real trouble uh problem i keep getting interrupted when i try to order coffee obviously easy problem for everyone right well i pre i present to you uh the orc cappuccino okay it's a uh it's a tap or faucet uh that is directly connected by wi-fi and also wi-fi to your local um travel over wi-fi no it travels through the pipe but the order is selected via wi-fi okay and then sent directly to your to your faucet uh so you can just pour it directly how you don't have to enter a coffee shop and argue with any customers get into a fist fight okay none of that i love it um and uh and yeah so it's it delivers it directly to your house so you're gonna have to install a network of pipes between yeah is it works with the pipes you already have exactly exactly you don't need hot water when you've got hot coffee um and the tagline is use the forces oh oh that's good oh yeah yeah you know how most popular successful taglines are actually like star wars quotes disneyland says uh loving that mike has invented an espresso machine [Laughter] basically yeah yeah but to be fair espresso machines are very popular so yeah this is directly on your on your work surface yeah you know you just turn the you know like those scalding hot taps that you can get yeah yeah but it's scalding hot coffee well it's good mike but you lost me at no fist fights okay now to obtain that sweet sweet funding all right dragons dragon sharks all right dragon dragon shut up terrifying get out of your dens okay let's see hmm okay okay yes i love that my hair looked at my invention it's like the one point in the last 18 months where we're like maybe we could actually go to a coffee shop i'm like nope have it in your home don't talk to anyone yep to be fair though if you could turn on your tap and coffee would come out another um another excellent typo here that i understand is a typo but johnny stan says my wife is a batista luke's tagline really hit close to home for her obviously meant to be barista but i am enjoying the wrestling that john remind me what was the louder tagline oh i said do you have any milk yeah quit time's almost up bloody love oat milk isn't it doesn't it go all curdled don't you find no when it goes everything tastes you're not drinking it fast enough oh okay oh succeeded funding thank you you've already put the funded [Music] it's an idea whose time has not come yeah the world's not ready but the world is ready for louder the louder louder for the louder oh mike and the cappuccino i mean you can't argue with the cork well it's like he creates a problem with one invention and solves it with the other invention about the digestive properties of coffee yeah with a cork and a coffee tap complete mastery over your digestive system oh congratulations to mike yeah thank you well done uh brilliant eve crosstalk says hey friends can't stick around because i'm at work but could i get a shout out for my little brother who's catching his first ox live stream three thousand miles away from me in oregon thanks for what you do you're all lovely hey little bro well hello little brother welcome to your first stream they're not all like this i mean they are ah all right cool well that was fun that was a good that was a good warm-up round um let's go shall we go for another one you ready yeah you want to go for another one all right yeah let's do it let's go uh sonari says recently found out i went to the same union as jane for her masters around the same time too so jane lakeside or herrenbank also has blades in the dark coming back soon oh i was uh red fern redfield redfern yeah it was chris redfield um i believe those were both halls of residence so i wasn't in fact in either of those were they were they was that where all the physicists were yeah was i in the wrong form you were living in the wrong hall they just didn't kick me out yeah it was got too awkward to us she's still here uh congratulations to you to ginger hoesley who says hey xboxer i hope you don't mind if i share that i got engaged a few weeks ago asked bestie and fellow member cara dennison to be my maid of honor the same way dobb asked corazon to be his best man bin bag roast incoming congratulations if you could make all the speeches yeah congrats on your engagement also congrats to seth b who says hi everyone i was just hoping for a shout out i got married over the weekend to my best friend in the world and we couldn't be happier congratulations good times and uh the real code black says got my master's degree a couple of months ago finally called stream live just wanted to thank ox box and extra for keeping me smiling all these years especially last year and defying the pandemic dnd drought ah yeah in your face pandemic well done congrats on being a master of something in your face covidious times okay let's do a couple of prompts each okay okay hmm no hurry but that's half your time done done i've done you a real favor whoever it is you picked it someone in the chat asked when blades in the dark is coming back yes these are coming back soon and it depends on your definition of soon your definition of back it is of course coming back um uh but yeah we are we're figuring out the the ox venture slate lineup schedule yeah plan uh especially now that things you know are opening up a bit so bear with us but the clocks are ticking i think it's fair to say that it will return yes yes as much already i mean because we have to see how they die we set up all sorts of dangling plot threads etc i'm pretty sure i know how edvard's gonna die strangled to death [Laughter] i've got a fun one okay i have chosen chosen wisely let's draw [Music] okay okay all right yep yep well hmm i know we're being quiet but it's going to be worth it for the art because this is some real good art yeah okay all right i've drawn a great picture that i think will uh get the sharks really interested uh daniel [ __ ] what's going on says second pandemic birthday second vaccine shot second room in my you play stunned with flat pack furniture first time trying to get a shout out by super chat shout out to you daniel congratulations on all your number two milestones uh ryan curtinich says always enjoy the jackbox shenanigans and colby the doggo says hi hi ryan hi bobby hey okay oh title sorry let's go yep yep pop-up tips this game takes bribes does it where quick how do i bribe okay you should be halfway done okay good good good good good john mayrick says congrats on all your number two milestones there's a cork for that andy this doesn't have the greatest title but the tagline is chef good i look forward to to hearing it is someone saying i'm a bit pink i might see if i can turn up my are you feeling flush flushed with great ideas with great ideas more like yeah now let's see those inventions yeah who's oh no oh god it's me already no oh what do you what are we jamming oh no no mike no no okay so people keep giving me cucumbers i'm walking down the street everyone there's a surf bit of cucumbers here uh so what i have for you is the cucumber mortar is a repurposed military mortar for launching cucumbers as far away as possible when people give them they hand you a cucumber just drop it down the sporter and fire it into this i love it the sky i'm trying to get a sense of the scale of the mortar from the pitcher uh-huh it's pretty big it's like a sort of drain pipe width you just drop the cucumber in and it launches it into the sky and then you don't have to worry about the cucumber anymore um you know it's pretty straightforward uh device uh all it requires is repurposed military equipment so it's super affordable easy to buy and the tagline is time to become cute unencumbered yeah it's flawless and easy to say yep just totally just about works all right who's been in this situation uh you're taking a walk um you slip and fall into a graveyard and roll into all the graves and ghosts get stuck to you and then you're haunted and then no one wants to talk to you because when you are around the air becomes yeah your feet and levels are through the roof exactly uh suddenly you have no social life because of all the ghosts what to do is there a way to get rid of the ghosts to exercise them tell us the speaker wow it lets you speak to specters live your life what form does it take whoa pentagram whoa a large pentagram that you attach to your shoulders it has candles on it and it just means that you're always able to communicate with the other side right wherever you are it's a kind of portable uh gateway to hell and it's on your head like you and it's on your shoulders yeah your body is in your living world and your head is in hell your head is yeah or wherever ghosts are i don't know i'm not a scientist i'm not a dang ghost scientist yeah i'm done that's good [Laughter] i'm sick and tired to my back teeth of getting asked to do skateboard tricks every single day is this you saying the thing that i just said well if so you're gonna need the uh cyborder x whoa so i bought rex i love the eggs yeah so i bought a red stream does your tricks for you with a pre-programmed set of trick um what do they call it a series of tricks like a trick line a what like a line yeah yeah exactly there you go so it's a it's a cyborg doing as you can see and are you taking notes on the appearances the appearance is the only thing that we're really married to at this point everything else is up for grabs but it has to look like a slenderman with antennae um but it actually uh it will it will obviously be identical to you in the in the actual to market version let's say andy's tired of doing tricks on his skin tell me about it i'm always doing this a perfect replica of andy uh it will live his life it will live in his home and it will do his skateboard tricks can he do a christ there uh dragons i mean sharks dragon sharks i'm the cyborg stewart tony hawk's 900 yeah it can do us uh tony hawk what 1000. 100 better 100 better it would be quite hard to land a 1000 you're boring 80 degrees off that's how good it is though it rotates the earth all right folks well the problem i've been having is a big scary dog keeps me from working out oh just a big scary dog the big ski big scary dog but no more thanks to my invention the sim barbell now this is a piece of gym equipment which has two very photo realistic life like lion heads because what is more scary than the big scary dog that's right the king of the jungle fiercest of all the animals it's the lion so on on the barbell are two lion heads which will roar at any approaching large dogs and scare them away but crucially they're also extremely heavy so you can do all the main olympic lifts and some of the non-olympic lifts power lifting stuff as well you know deadlifts the band underground lifts exactly with the sim barbell be the lion king of the gym we do have uh sign off from disney on that they did oh that's good to know they were very the thing is with this product andy is i think it i think it's good even without the dog angle i think a big weight but the hair the why aren't the weights things fun things fun things yeah yeah wow just like circles discs when it could be a big lion face it could be a big lion face like everyone's on board yeah yeah it could be rick rick and morty on each side yeah see well there you go so the sim barbell very good the lion king of the gym that's great it's a versatile idea i'm imagining a kind of yeah carnival-esque sort of carnival theme in the gym yeah so good such good time to vote oh i mean they're great aren't they they're all great all right all right audience by the way if you're watching the stream and not voting what are you doing go to and to room code w-a-r-c or what and you can vote on our brilliant invention yeah just imagine the penguin running away from what he's saying yep yep yep uh gilham terria says hello from brazil i really hope one day i can meet you all i have a crush on all of you to be honest cheers thanks yeah maybe one day we'll be in brazil that's the dream the other day one day once again and sofa says even lift mufasa back onto the ledge see if you'd have the upper body strength yeah he could have simply done a muscle up because it wasn't so weak and weedy pulled up over the edge and saved himself if mufasa simply had the strength to sacrifice simba she could have stayed being king yeah uh av lotus says why is nobody using colors i don't think you can in this they're supposed to be just quick back of the napkin yeah there's a highlighter though isn't there oh is that there oh interesting okay maybe next no sorry oh will [Laughter] [Music] where it's like resetting no a new life awaits you on the colonies yeah that's right but they probably say in new life awaits you in hell yeah i thought you were talking about the the bit where his head like wobbles around and yeah yeah oh okay right i guess just people hell such a good film and so forth is it you're not you you are me but he says consider the divorce yeah i saw it much much much too young so my opinion is probably yes i saw it too young and all i can remember is the horrible eyeballs yeah i haven't seen it for a while it is pretty horrible but at least now we know what happens on mars if you go out without a spacesuit good choice it turns into a muppet i want to impress people with my stronghold all right let's invent something i want to impress people with my strong legs easy there were some really good other suggestions by the way in this one this is a very hard one it is a fun part isn't it coming up with the actual problem yeah by the way you know when i said it was a gift to someone earlier right it was the one about your social life is being ruined by ghosts so you're welcome luke oh all right pow pow pow pow pow okay this may require more uh technical drawing excellence than i currently have easy done mike's already done i'll look at the comments why not please what have we got brian china says two weeks again sg dave says two weeks as well lots lots of love for total recall in the comments yeah okay okay let's get a move on folks time's almost over right at vfx see the party richter unless you're at the party okay we're out of time for chances gentleman says as an austrian i very much enjoyed these arnie impressions absolutely spot-on keep on being the amazing people you are guys so we didn't offend the austrians well they love it austria said it was fine it was fine sounds now does it i mean isn't it sort of hybrid accent at this point these days but it was very much oh at the time yeah no i see what you mean i see what you're saying right oh god i've got to write my thing hey it's gonna be a good one hmm tagline difficult we're halfway there all right looks like mike's done i'm done i am done i'm done with this ian sandbridge says you need to watch arnold's first ever movie apparently he was in a version of hamlet wasn't he in a sort of joke version of hamlet in the last action hero pretty sure i can't remember you've seen his first movie that's hercules in new york yeah well he's dubbed over isn't he basically yeah but then they took they put out a version without his dubbing after he got famous yeah and they've left in all this stuff like there's stuff where he would start the scene mess up and restart the scene and it didn't matter before because you couldn't hear what he was saying but they just left we weren't saying you're flat didn't we years ago you're all flat oh yeah it's me that's me jade is me jane is my name listen up sharp dragons um is your do you hear this problem all the time from you and your loved ones i want to impress my people with my strong legs yeah you do so what you need is the magnifier see see what i did there i'm learning the magnifier it is okay it's a beast oversized magnifying glass that sort of attaches on a flexible posable arm to a belt and it means that whoever is standing on the other side of that gigantic magnifying glass we'll see a magnified enhanced version of your strong stem yeah exactly your power you have to make it clear what you're trying to enhance oh yeah well the drawing may not make it clear but obviously it is sort of like thigh downward we're not trying we you know we're not we're trying to be like family friendly here it is just about your powerful pins um yeah get eyes on your thighs with magnificent good good magnifier buy it today uh not for use on your junk groin other areas not for you that sounds like a burn using your junk on your junk groin not for using on other parts it will only work on your legs somehow we haven't figured that out but we will make sure it only works live black bar censoring the technology will fail on any other augmented reality pixelation yeah yep yep yep yep great good like it okay up next we have my invention the inflatable car okay well i know i know what you're thinking there's never a good chance to show off how strong my legs are if only i had something that could impress people with the strength of my legs because you can show off the strength of your arms you know lift heavy shopping or pick up someone over your head but it's a lot harder to show off the strength in your legs and i thought why not take that idea and run with it so what we have is an inflatable car that you can place in the streets or somewhere that you're going to be and if someone's like i don't think your legs are that strong you say oh no watch this and then you run up and kick this car into the sky that's good and then they're like whoa you just kicked a car into this and you're like yeah yeah i've got strong legs and they're like do it one time i thought you were gonna have a kind of fred flintstone style thing where you're powering the car with your legs but no no no no kick it you kick the car into the sky right got it got it as you can see kick a car into space then see the look on their face question what kind of kick uh oh just a big you know running pk okay yeah so yeah please invest in my idea the inflatable car and it works for any other strength you wanna show off as well pick it up over your head throw it into the sky yeah you could do the superman number one cover well andy if you wanna really wanna make money you'll have to sell a separate one for arms for throwing it's true the arm variant the arm skew okay well it's a good solution but here's another one you want to impress people with your strong legs what's the best way to do it this is a web service um that i call both i there um and what it does is if you uh you can post a picture of your strong legs and if if the legs are verified and i mean verified the tagline is only strong legs will be posted then a picture of your strong legs will be posted to your friends or rivals is someone receiving a postcard with a high quality glossy image of your strong legs i really enjoy how it's across the uh across the like transition between virtual and actual physics internet of things isn't it yes things of interest be real with us luke is this a wikifeed thing [Laughter] is it wikileaks have you invented wiki have you invented wikileaks wikileaks is a thing don't worry don't worry it's already a thing whilst the pumpkin says it's the thing oh dude but this way you get you get like a a really high quality paper stock glossy or matte print and only strong legs will be posted if you upload your legs and they're not strong and they're not strong how can you tell if your legs are strong just from a photo they'll be extra so if you're kicking a car into the sky you're interested in the service you know you've got strong legs probably already all right well how to follow all that [Laughter] i want to impress people with my strong legs i've got strong legs i know i've got strong legs and i i wanna i wanna show them off so allow me to introduce to you the thigh lighter ah promising it is a pair of pants with lights built in and they highlight your powerful thighs oh that's adding definition to them uh and and this is the perfect way to show off your already strong legs they don't need to be made stronger they are they are already perfect glittering examples wow powerful thighs um and and these lights just mount in the pants and provided the best thing about the highlighter is it works with the pencil yeah would they cast shadows that enhance your you know muscle tone and yeah you know when they draw like powerful thighs in comic books just a little bit of like shadowing a bit of definition yeah yeah they i will i will say that these are all inventions to show off your muscular legs not your strong legs and i muscularity and strength are two different things and i would just say that the the thigh lighter and the inflatable car really are ideal if you don't have strong legs because they make them look that is a fair point this is less about this is less about making them look strong and more about if you have strong legs it really shows them at their best yeah yeah which is why the tagline is thigh and mighty very good very good is that like it can i see some kind of like trendy gene pocket all right gang it's time to poking out at the top there what no i don't think so okay they're the lights answer me this about the magnifier will it concentrate the sun's rays into my crotch absolutely yes that's one of the one of the side benefits of the magnifier is that it will heat your crotch to a comfortable 45. simply just check if it's cloudy out sure it fixes the dual problems of your strong legs not being obvious and you're groin being cold all the time you know hurry buddy [Laughter] okay a lovely lovely message from marie lee by the way saying good morning from alaska can you tell my husband brian i'm so proud of him and he's the best choice i ever made have a lovely day in alaska that's extremely sweet uh steve ainsley says hello lovelies just sending some thanks for the company during my m.a i wrote on anti-semitic tropes in fantasy lit and your humor was a boon glad to hear it sounds heavy yeah it sounds like a heavy subject yeah yeah we've got educated people in the chat jane you're funded yeah yes jane achieved the funding magnifier i need to get some big thick glass luke you're funded as well oh sorry there looking but it's looking bad for the hot for the thigh lighter then yeah inflatable car sexy okay i was not expecting that all right join us in the winter circle the inflatable car i really like the visual of just who's in the sky everyone we're all right everyone succeeded congratulations wow hey joint winner congratulations hi we have to go into business together yeah you have to split that trophy we have to combine our inventions yeah so we'll send people pictures of me kicking a currency yeah you've really distilled the idea into it's essential part which is posting pictures of andy's legs to people luke will take over pictures of my they don't have to be legs i don't have to be going over no we're only interested if they're covered right all right let's get some cheap chats on there okay let's get some super chats and then one more round lucy simmons says hey oxy feeling sorry for myself i have a cold not covet just cold swimming pool plus summer clothes plus change of weather streams all day though some are cold feel better yeah um liam singh says uh just want to say love all your videos and the podcast and wants to ask where andy got his mothman t-shirt thanks for being awesome um i can tell you the name of the company who makes it it is oh so grim oh sorry again andy i talked over it you can check them out there they have all bunch of cryptids on there you can see this little muff man ah that's cute little moth man i never said he was cute i thought he's terrifying he's cute i do notice i've only put andy's little mug there oh no wait it's alternating between us it's alternating it is alternating good good that's good uh dylan cadogan says consider the divorce dub sirens yeah nice all right brian schoener says uh jane you missed out on the magnifier the magnifier oh says apologies for the stupid question it's not a stupid question i was wondering if i get a shout out from andy for finally earning the ghost and shadow achievements in dishonored one yesterday hashtag stealthy for the one yes joy nice work those are tough uh that's a crime that is a lot of hiding play the game that is a lot of hiding in corners and waiting for patrol routes to finish so congrats the wrong way to play what you should have been doing is blinking around and hacking people's heads off that's the way it's played uh kento gamer says yay set up late on a whim and got to catch an ox live stream it's been a long time as an english teacher in japan and it's great to see you all wow that's cool thanks for joining uh there's quite a lot here uh artemis arcane says i was watching some old xbox videos and realized you lot need to make more cocktail videos they were the best now we're back in the studio we can uh hawkeye says watching late so you'll read this later for me fibromyalgia is kicking my butt but you lovely people always keep me going thanks for being awesome uh yeah i hope it's uh i hope it's as good as it can be yeah and yeah thanks for watching later on hello in the future uh bob mummy says i'm moving in with my girlfriend who i met between first and second lock down to the weekend i'm listening to you lovelies while i clean up her old place while she's being a cool vet nice what a nice story and good on you for cleaning up her place because yes yeah very good all right let's get into the next okay one more time friends circle up once more with feeling all right eyes up everybody here we go three two one let's in event handed yeah james somerset says sad that my last super chat was easily done on a stream like this was just saying it should be unencumbered that makes much says good morning from california folks just want to thank andy and luke and ellen for content that inspired me to try yakuza like a dragon and dark souls 3. as we embark on this final and decisive round of patently stupid please join us by going to and entering the room code warc and you can vote and decide the winner of this week's challenging job and mj is celebrating getting into uni rats congratulations that's awesome good job [Music] [Music] done loving the streams will there be any irl dnd video soon missing you all together stay safe folks we're working on it we're working on it that's the plan triumphant return to irl physical meet space d yep it's going to be called oxfordshire space yeah uh the purple marauder says i can finally say this got my first shot of vaccine today congratulations get it in your veins um this time last week we were streaming and complaining about how it is it's probably for 15 degrees cooler today yeah and it's raining outside my window so i'm appreciating that i'm appreciating the cooler weather i'm wearing a long sleeve top and everything i've got a hoodie on yeah look at me it's a little bit of a ring now but not very summery but you know can't please everyone or jane at all ever just generally right jammer 77 says hi guys always love these streams what's been your favorite jack box game so far i'll say i am fond of this one i think it's yeah i like jokes i mean whiplashes i really like talking points we needed talking points as well okay that was fun there's so many good ones um also uh we've never played um you don't know jack which seems like an oversight which is like a trivia game isn't it yeah it's like a pop culture trivia game but kind of with a twist so maybe one day we should do a yeah you don't know jack it's been around for years well like the original you don't know jack was like 19 yeah because it's tied into like the jack box branding isn't it whereas the rest are kind of like we could try it yeah yeah we could play that you could play the original one and see if all the pop culture is like oh no oh actually no it'd probably be like backstreet boys and yeah exactly yeah maybe fun old pop culture okay right i wonder okay time to invent yeah i wonder who came up with this prompt okay okay okay just to draw a perfect circle free hand easy not even a problem not even a problem we're at the halfway point we're at the halfway point i hope you're halfway through your drawings sure am i mean i haven't got a title for this or really any kind of explanation for it but i'm gonna draw it anyway okay okay okay getting there getting there time is short okay okay the drawing will be good fine but now to explain what i've done what have you am i done explain yourself okay do okay done done done mark frank says love the jack box streams i've been tearing through luke's breath of the wild master mode streams as i approach 100 on master mode baby nice that's cool uh detail he says can i get a high for my dad dell who gets to watch this later before we watch the tv series night right night riders so good oh it's so good shout out to dell hi dell are you going to start with the feature length pilot episode we tried on vhs when i was a kid i used to love that it's great uh cheryl wilson says hi is there a po box or something to send fan mail to i've got some cool rdr2 gifts for andy to mail out oh my god sounds so cool uh thanks as always for the entertaining live streams uh yeah you can send stuff to the brighton address now right as soon as we're going back there yeah we do we do pop down there um uh if you search for gamer network in brighton there is an address there i don't know one grand parade something something something if you find it one grand parade might be bn1 2ab but don't quote me uh rosebud 130. oh this is me sorry this is me and you go to you in a second i will present no okay all right i'm way too old to eat a whole pie it's a real problem anyway i present to you the young pie crew this is a group of young high obsessed men who whenever you can't finish a pie you simply press the call button that you hang on a cord around your neck and within seconds the young pie crew will present themselves at your front door gnashing their teeth and ready to devour any pie that you have i think you're gonna spew time to call the crew that's right the young pie crew one of them has pointy teeth and the others have no teeth yeah well he chews it up for them and then he regurgitates it into their mouth okay you know how like old people sometimes have that button for when they fall over and have a fall imagine getting those two yeah it's exactly the same the same thing we've all been there i need a place just for my anime dvds i've got too many of them i can't put them anywhere uh that isn't in the way and lord knows i can't afford crunchyroll so you can't have them out for people to see so where can i put my anime dvds where they'll be out of sight but not out of mind but crucially no one will know i have this many anime dvds okay um okay here we go okay so oh it is an orbital platform in a geosynchronous orbit that stores all of your anime dvds alphabetically in an enormous array of shelving units and there's you down on the earth little you on planet earth and when you need a particular anime dvd you summon it on a carbon nanofiber space elevator uh which puts your anime dvd down to you from space from the space station what sort of speeds are we talking about also are these dvds rapidly dvds are they what are they free no they're yours you're collecting your collection it's your collection you have your own personal orbital platform everyone else has their own orbital platform for anime storage it's the first season and it's fired up great velocity um to to you it's a long way to space it has to go fast yeah that sounds great how do you get it back up there uh um uh jeff bezos carries it up there on his okay next time he's up there he takes your animation space for you another crew i can yeah to deal with the trauma of witnessing the young pi crew in action i wish um all right i mean i'm just going to come out and say it folks my invention is bad i'm tired because i sprint everywhere well friends understand i've seen him do it you need the judge tread oh it's good it's a good name it's a good name what is it gold well it's a kind of we lost one you still have legs no they've been severed that's that well i mean i'm keen to bring on investors and hear their ideas okay i was thinking severed but it's entirely possible that the legs could be somehow housed okay operating some sort of gear shaft well i'm glad you said that because i only want to invest if it involves dismembering your legs yeah so look at this happy chappie with a with a little candy he's he's he's riding around in the judge tread he does look happy yeah yeah tank yeah be a thank you be a tank i love it well why can't you be a tank well this one can you just be a tank why can't all of you just be a tank um lake c7 says i bought all the jack boxes because of your streams tell jack box yeah what i was trying to get to with rosebud says if you haven't played it yet use your words it's a jackpot jack box x-esque oh my god jack come on you got this that is a lot of fun there you go use your words check it out okay we'll have a look all right all right well it's me my baby you need to learn to walk already what a pain seriously not mobile at all yeah um judge tread junior well if [Laughter] is copyright infringement baby driver intellectually distinct technology tired of waiting for your baby there's a baby with a little pacifier in his mouth um i'm not gonna get into whether we're severing the baby's legs or not you've been edisoned um but then it can just whizz around and it's perfectly mobile and you have to worry about teaching it to walk um this is a problem you know i think we all have to deal with i'm dealing with it at the moment so um i've got and i've got a perfect tagline for it as well yeah where there's a wheel there's a way that's magic i spent so long trying to figure out how to scale the judge tread down to fit him i must know the secrets it's like the prestige mike i won't rest until yeah i've cracked your code and says for leaks uh for luke's legal action fund yeah yeah yeah it's gonna be cool i'm morally obliged to vote for the judge tread it's gonna be a long and costly lawsuit everyone will be really vote uh is making skyrim characters inspired by prudence egbert dob and kippers just wondering what instrument luke wants my version of dob to steal first oh um uh my uh an accordion i think i i think if i if i could have my time again dog would have started with a recording and and i would change nothing else about my life i've gotta say i think we've all excelled ourselves with this i know there's obviously obvious crossover between mine and loose things but i think young pie crew is excellent and i think the overall anime dvd platform the orbital anime cannon so i you know i think whoever wins will be a worthy winner in this round certainly okay in fact crunchyroll is a much better name for a kind of wheeled device yeah that and pies are crunchy oh a lot of love for the baby driver the baby's adorable that's true he's the most adorable baby you know he's not adorable the young guy oh no oh [Music] yeah well i'll have to i'll have to tell the lads they'll be heartbroken shirley wang says thanks for keeping me amused deep into the night in australia while i rip my hair out over anatomy and question why i've subjected myself to a med degree well good luck shirley keep it up oh you can shelly leg bone is connected to the thigh bone yeah and negative to the base of the judge uh kelsey sean and bomb says it's my birthday so here's a little hobbit gift from me to you love you all thanks for everything thanks kelsey happy birthday happy birthday indeed and corvus albright says sporadically watching the stream between meetings love all the work you do have a jager bomb on me hey thanks yeah i mean i probably won't because they're quite unpleasant okay no there's it says you have to have a jagerbomb okay all right i'll have it i'll have a jagerbomb where's my jaegerbomb right draw an invention to solve the problem that's been sent to your device okay i sent it already and we've all got the same good billionaire yeah i can never find a good billionaire a good billionaire okay i think i think my invention might have to be socialism how do you draw it on a napkin how to draw it [Music] no i'll try and be more predictable okay all right luke's invented socialism what am i gonna invent yeah yeah do not steal register trademark okay socialism tm it's what socialism would have wanted to be to be trademarked how is it almost done all right i'm done i'm happy with that all right i'm done love to create art on a wednesday yep okay if you want your chance to vote on the very final and decisive round of this match of patently stupid go to jailbreak v and enter the room code w-a-r-c okay titles eh titles okay got it all right uh john sharply says i don't think anyone has acknowledged jane's amazing top in this stream and it hurts me such shoulders start shoulders look how much puff how much how much shoulder is going on look on the sleeves and the shoulders it's got volume that's half your time and angel beat says a good billionaire how can you find something so impossible i am interested to see the solutions for this it's going to be interesting um yeah i'm struggling with the tagline here dude all right nearly done time is up okay i don't even know if i want to share my tagline it was written with literally three seconds to go so and doesn't make any sense but here we go with that said i can never find a good billionaire i don't mean i don't mean like a good billionaire i just mean a billionaire that accurately is described by the term billionaire um so what i've uh developed is the tycoonoscope hey nice it is a giant space telescope because as i understand it the billionaires are all orbiting around us that's where you'll find that is where they and this allows you this huge space telescope allows you to identify the uh the billionaires that are just orbiting all around us because you're sick of seeing fake billionaires fraudulent billionaires turn out to be just millionaires yeah exactly i think at this point we can say if you're still on earth you're not a good billionaire yeah what are you even doing exactly yeah and you're pros with the real liquidity yeah up in space yeah if you're a community why are you here on earth answer me that indeed you can't can you and they can't be seen with the naked eye obviously you've only got 950 million dollars no wonder you're on the earth's crust um but yeah so they caught me with the naked eye so you need a very very powerful tycoon scoop to see them okay and then the tagline i mean it's a work in progress um it's fun for all the family uh okay it's a space telescope to find billionaires that are floating all around us yeah i mean all right i'm loving it and that couldn't have taken more than three seconds exactly okay i will present now i can never find a good billionaire they're extremely rare um in fact questionably questionably real you know what i'm saying i mean let's not get into it but here's what you need we create an entirely new currency okay they're called cool billio bucks and distribute them evenly and then everyone is a billio bucks billionaire and when everyone's a billionaire no one's a billionaire no everyone no when everyone's a billionaire everyone's a billionaire yeah when everyone's a billionaire everywhere and like the chances are some of those will be good and some of them will be bad but it will be galaxy brain it will be a complete sample like a complete sum not even a sample it will be a um perfect representation of everyone on earth at this moment in time and if you all you need to do is find a good person yeah then your task is simply finding a good person which is much easier what i love is that it's disruptive to the sector it is disruptive it's incredibly disruptive and it has to be paper money so it's going to have an environmental cost but i feel like it's probably but not as much as bitcoin i feel like the public exactly i mean i mean what's a little hyper inflation yeah yeah yeah we're going to hyperinflate our way out of this problem yeah the environmental cost means nothing to me bearing in mind as a billionaire i will soon be in orbit and i'll meet you all did it have a tagline um i was working on it we're still workshopping the tagline for sure sure didn't want to dash something oh dear well i may as well tell you that i may as well tell you now what for the name of my product yes i went on the currency website to find some um exciting currency symbols to spice it up did you write socialism with a dollar instead of an s because that's a good branding no jackpot's not put them into the game but the jackbox font has not rendered them correctly so oh no so oh let's see it though let's start with let's start with show me though okay fine a cash magnet it's a magnet that is tuned to a that is tuned to be drawn towards the highest concentration of wealth now what are um coins and money made out of materials what can materials be metals so what can a magnet do find them so the magnets when you hold it will pull you to always towards the highest concentration of cold hard cash and i think a real billionaire probably wouldn't be using the bank they would probably have it in a money bin you know yeah and then it will pull you it's like duck right like yeah yeah yeah in the world and he keeps he keeps his money very much lately your understanding of magnets is about on our level with the new faster furious movie yeah yeah yeah the highest compliment so can i suggest that you pick one of these up and then it will pay for itself uh it costs just less than a billion dollars um and it's called ash magnet but that should be cash magnets with an e that's a euro symbol that is a the costa rica cologne um oh well let's not discount the ash magnet because there's probably money in ash as well yeah especially once we've destroyed all the trees yeah okay i can never find a good billionaire which is why i decided to tackle the problem at its roots and i created x space which is a pun on spacex okay oh i get it that was clear all right so okay my plan is all these billionaires they're all like i'm gonna go off to space i'm gonna spend all this money on space when i could be like fixing things so what we at xspace do is we create fake space rockets there's uh in drawing one you can see the space rocket there yeah yeah once the other one yep yep yep once the billionaire gets into the space rocket and wants to go to space instead the rocket detonates non-lethally into a big pile of presence yeah so the rocket instead explodes in a giant uh fountain yeah of confetti and presence for needy children and that's actually what the billionaire has been funding instead of the construction of this space rocket i think a lot of people in the comments are misunderstanding your space rocket but to me it looks like a fine space rocket i just drew jeff bezos is they're like oh great finding time to go to space can't wait to spend a billion dollars on that yeah but then hit the button what's this they've accidentally given presents so you've sort of forced them to be good you've sort of created a space pinata by force you've also forced me to look at that space rocket and then yeah so the tagline is no space for you suckers oh that's good are you going to reveal the tagline before or after they go afterwards yeah that's the secret tagline yeah the first tagline is it's real space don't even worry about it it's real space yeah okay people in the chat saying that your rocket andy looks like a body part but a body part doesn't have space written on it unless you've used mike's cork um oh we got a vote oh yeah we do everyone vote go vote now exercise your democratic right to vote on uh the ash magnet the x-space look at the happy face of the customer using the ash magnet yeah but look at those those needy children they're getting presents it's all been paid for it's all comped do they like fall flaming to earth no that's the great thing they i'm damaged and they're covered in confetti and what happens there they're unharmed as well yeah so they they float back down to earth on like parachute seat and they get to see their happiness that their money is brought to the needy people and maybe it changes their entire perspective and worldview exactly like seeing earth from a great distance no the ashman oh no the actually [Laughter] [Applause] create currency it's the solution the tycoon scope okay yep just about clear feeling about your your innocent rocket drawing andy yeah i think it's going to go well for you i think you're very active there you go entirely accurate rendering of death yeah look if you're seeing anything else there take it up with biso it's not me yeah that's on you and b hey hey mike again thank you hold on the dragons and the dragon sharks yeah for a roll yeah the water is churning foaming red as mike is dragged under by the shark dragons they smell success they smell bloody success and they have yeah there we go success in the water i honestly love how tastefully andy could be nsfw i don't know what you're talking about again no one no no we're gonna have to watch this back and figure out what's going on here yeah could it be an internet problem could there be maybe yeah maybe i think it's lag yeah yeah the image is coming across it's your latency andy you have you thought about your ping lately yeah okay that was patently stupid thank you so much for joining us i'm gonna put a little comment in the top of the comments on this video and if you have a preferred jack box or similar game that you'd like us to play next time let us know yeah i'm quite curious about uh you don't know jack we've never played that and it seems like a good staple um and then someone else mentioned what was the one i'll have to go back and look it up yeah it's cool use your words there we go we'll have a look at that as well but yeah let us know thank you so much for all your comments as well yeah oh and good luck to maggie villamore who is having a interview in a few hours for their country's civil yeah thank you service much for you can just channel the success of of mike channel just take that sort of energy forward take that raw confidence with a straight face yeah okay um all right good work everyone i'm off to the patent office yeah run don't walk to the patent office i'm skipping the patenting bit and i'm going straight to the champagne party because then also i will have lots of spare corks to launch my business okay not if i get to the patent office first while you're drinking champagne yeah oh okay yeah good work everyone good work everyone great intervention mentioning all right do you want to say goodbye everybody bye everybody all right bye everyone don't steal our ideas [Music] bye [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 59,640
Rating: 4.980648 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, challenge, challenge of the week, hitman 2, luke westaway, ellen, luke, jane, mike, andy, jackbox, stream, streaming, trivia murder party, murder hotel, ellen rose, funny
Id: vnMr98gOqwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 31sec (5671 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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