Drunk Fishing Challenge! Red Dead Redemption Online Drinking Game: Andy vs Jane vs Mike

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Remember that time I caught a salmon?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/WhoMD21 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jane is a slightly loud and belligerent drunk.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SyntheticManiac 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] one hello well Chi it's another Wednesday you're going they keep coming around only already welcomed Tuesday everybody so Mike Andy I know you're wondering why I brought you all here to midnight to the right lake to the polluted fishing hole know what we are embarking on today is a daring new a daring adventure in the world of competitive fishing and also competitive drinking circuit before we get started I think I would like to explain the situation because you can just about see this wonderful haunted lake because it's gotten very dark and late while we've been here but as we've been here also warming up for the stream you could just swing the camera around yeah and we we've gathered an audience I dare say the biggest audience in the history of competitive fishing almost certainly quite spooky now there's like a gang of children the dams feel like they've been bringing offerings to Andy's feeder they've been bringing like sheep come to see my dead body there is a dead sheep in the Oh oh yeah stab me in the neck and I died yeah defensive mode now but yeah people have been bringing offerings to this rock its organ a bit weird and a bit spooky here so we've chosen a rock here at Oak Ria's Run which is the lake near the veterans cabin I think Mike if you bring the camera around you can see the cabin that the veteran lived in live sure lives it it's very very dark I don't really know this area but but yeah okay Fossum I thought this was what was interesting right came up with this fishing challenge Mike was like I've never fished in rented online how does it work and I was like but Mike you have to fish there's one mission where you have to take little boy Marston out for fishing and Mike was like not me not me it's too good a game it has actually been a really long time since we played Red Dead Redemption or a Dead Redemption like online how does everyone feel about is everyone remembering the controls how that'd be like trying to memorize the Koran it like it it's this so many controls it is a lot of too many controls are daresay yes easy earlier we were like wait so how do you how do you do an amount and it's like simply press the left the bigger and then the right bumper to open the wheel and then the left stick to select it I can't remember now but remember yeah so before we get going before we explain the rules of this daring new venture in competitive fishing I'm gonna check the comments and see how everyone's doing and whether we sound okay and look okay so let me do that okay let me get don't let me get like lassoed while I'm doing this hey okay Schenley says hey ox screw huge fan saying thanks I'm at home with a year old and the conversation isn't exactly stimulating thanks guys the bar is so low we have to do the conversation and Shannon will be and somewhat entertained I hope how's everyone's Thomas the Tank Engine knowledge might be might help I was trying to regain weight myself with control accidentally I accidentally punch someone in the face you've created a terrible terrible fraca I know I didn't I fight going on oh no someone's been hogtied face down in the water that's horrible it's just there's just a pile of mounting pile of bodies at the base of build fishing rock this is horrible Ellery jay says it was my birthday over that weekend got together with friends and animal crossing had a lot of fun that's adorable I love animal crossing birthday parties that's such a nice idea team you're poking it I want happy birthday by the way for the birthdays you yeah team epoch in and says an outside Xbox lied to you on my birthday speaking of birthdays is the burger cherry on top of the cake best of luck to all challenge competitors made yeah so did you happy birthday yeah spending your birthday with us yeah some people notice that nebraska's is here oh no rescue says here yes right away can we see NeuroSky smite can you bring the camera around yeah let's go and get you any of our we need you he's our guardian angel he's a lucky charm he's nice but he's our King the Restless might might be watching the watching the stream because he'll okay okay hearing his name he wandered over yeah if you've seen any of our Grand Theft Auto online videos or indeed any of our Red Dead Redemption online videos near askus is the angel on our shoulders who always turns up and saves our bus so he is here once again to save our butts and yeah that's that's in there in the flesh I'm waving the white flag just dumped a body okay well let me just get through some more comments and then I'll explain the rules and then we will actually begin fishing okay okay Lutie Simon Says carrying on a work hangout meeting boring code Wallach I hope you this is a little more interesting that in Felix or or says did you guys start another cult I mean who can even keep track before not I call the cops gentle mandrel says Knight Lake offerings on a rock drinking and fishing sounds like a cop to me fault that's right a fault assesses the new member on the channels angel beat says oh my god this stream seems really fishy which r22 fish puns super fish ponds iam yeah Taylor right isn't you remember on the channel welcome aboard Taylor Jeremy Rock says I like to think nebraska's is someone they know IRL but has never revealed themselves and when they finally do I agree but what if he's Ellen what is Luke what is John Oh producer John is in the chat by the way so you like the producer John you're gonna keep you company in the chat yeah and my god it's Johnny in the chest oh when the Rasmus is here coincident have you ever seen them in the same room together or at all oh Michael Holland is a new member on the channel okay so let's jump in here are the rules the very scientific rules are approved by the Olympic fishing Council of our drunk fishing challenge okay we're going to start at Oak Ria's Run which is the location chosen by Andy yeah because it's good for fishing and we're all gonna start fishing together every time you every time you land a salmon which is a rather impression and delicious fish then you get 10 points and the other people have to drink ok take a say ok fine 10 points everyone else has to take a sip by the way please do it responsibly and only if you're of age in your decision do not have this at home it will probably end horribly bad the in fact it's already going horribly badly yeah legal and good I've got a fancy gin and tonic like the Cowboys used to drink what have you got I got some dead man's fingers spiced rum which very nice nice Branson I've got an IPA ok splendid splendid and it's after 5 o'clock so it's nice everything's nice ok so ten points for salmon if you get a regular garbage fish no points and no drinking ok alright anything less than salmon is regular garbage fish and then does it tell you what you've got or Michael identified yeah part of the challenge is to identify what fish you've got what genus and what variant of species you want know it'll tell you you've got a salmon and anything really special everyone else has to finish their drink ok but there are no legendary fish in RDR online so we're not expecting any legendary fish then half an hour in we have to race to the next lake which will be chosen by the person in the lead ok the first one to the next lake gets 50 points 50 points suit to a whoever wins the race and the others aren't gonna win the other two you have to finish their whole drink it may be the Golden Snitch of this scenario so did I like it ok we we made it through the long night everyone okay how many survivors no a lot of courses in this lake now Oh Ozzy tidying up like ok thanks Santa Oh Santa you're too good to us I can - maybe norm that killed that person though ok good ok so everyone get your fishing poles out ok ok you're gonna fish from like here now did rock or I think we should all be together because you can obviously only see at home through Mike's eyes through my camera so to speak so let's stay somewhat together but maybe not so together like I might I might descend the rock somewhere by I've been hiding oh no are you are you sure you're in defensive mode Mike because I don't think you can be laughter I am NOT in defense mode how do I do that again sorry you press left on the d-pad and then go to the bottom of the menu go to online options select defensive / offensive okay okay yeah good right now to run using live crickets is mate Oh interesting it's official it's a fishing contest seems like cheating to me and I think the Lake Lure for this I haven't unlocked crickets because I'm only level seven you're like level or a million aren't you Andy something like that million oh I'm not that I am ready don't lie ok um yeah I've got some lose I've got some bait so yeah all right let's just I've only got bread babe I've just got like some regular breads dude officially even like bread yeah it's enough breads your bread okay get a bread on or corn or cheese I love cheese feel about it I'm Andy yes Mike is Andy and am i stood somewhere where you can see your fish because I think that are your best place the question is whether I can the question is whether I can fish from there as well oh okay well let us know how do i how do I do a fish a fish left turn a rod back okay right you go there you go oh thanks what bait wheel hang on bridge dancing around me I've got cheerleader nineties faces dancin around me nice someone's jumped into the okay you're gonna scare away the fish scare away all the fish I've played Animal Crossing I know how easily scared Fisher little terrifying idiots afraid to get caught and eaten you go bite Andy there are so many fishing lines in the water right now yeah it's really difficult this guy is just is scaring away all the fish I think if I can't swimming does that many discount this point I think I'm fighting a fish maybe oh maybe yes if your controller vibrates that's when you've got a bite okay but there's a there is a fish somewhere I was gonna shoot that guy in the head but I'll give him another chance I would look now I'm using a long violent game yeah nonviolent fishing contest well this is the most people I've ever seen I'm fishing in my life that's lovely isn't it a piece of college evening air in Red Dead Redemption here at Oak Creek it was the wrong was the wrong call cheese me it's too much it's too red I think bread Oh dancing around me nice Thanks nineties face if you're watching this dream and not just come to death in here I think they are all watching this stream of I hope you say yeah I hope so that's good I'll check the comments and find out in a minute how is biting you can slip the line the line if you right trigger it yeah I think you might need a crowded here guys I think that might be the issue no someone is shooting into the water this is why it's hard mode this is fishing hard mode there's a bunch of people swimming and shooting into the water who are you fish alright I'm just moving to a slightly quieter spot okay but tell me about a vision for Formica otherwise you might be able to see you fish just behind his line of sight it's like when you go to beat your dad try and stay in his line of sight yeah he'll get got by the under toad house the undertone is that what they told you at the beach and he drags you out okay Wow that's even more sinister than the actual undertone yeah I'm putting all I'm doing a worm this and there is a guy literally fishing all right I'm shooting this guy no don't cheat the guy I know he's scaring away all the fish cuz when a peaceful fish is Andy I think I've caught a center alright who's shooting in the water now okay sense is dead come on fish Java Pharaoh help spare okay you see before we started playing I was like it's gonna be too easy we've got to make this harder for ourselves because easy to catch fish in Red Dead online turns out not when there's a million people don't I'm gonna I'm gonna have one bite yet all right you guys know me usually a lot easier than this Mike I tell ya let's go see let's go see where Andy is and see if he's having more like okay let's go join under no you're gonna ruin my quite fish oh my god there is someone all right hang on I'm coming over to you folks Wow oh so many people so many dead people there's so many horses it's a festival it's a jamboree maybe the key is to wait until you see a fish and then do it I mean it's just screaming Christ you're mine where you can see where you can see like ripples in the water I promise you Mike it is not usually as difficult as this okay let's watch I wanted him for it what is yeah no no it doesn't know like a salmon what is it what it is a boot something small and bad Scottie horse until it's a big it's a horse no it's a bluegill there is a horse running around in the lake now what happens for a bluegill you guys got a drink right get nothing you have to throw it back yeah but you guys are got a drink because I caught it no rubbish we're gonna be drinking on this drinking stream okay alright because because it's turned out to be a lot more difficult than I expected I think boys when Andy gets a fish okay whenever anyone gets it the others have to sit in the big drink no no it's turning into Alan wait why it's getting oh yeah it is a bit like cauldron Lake is it yeah I'll tell you I learned something interesting while looking up this lake do you know why it's called oh god there's a horse in the lake I got run over into the lake by oh oh you got knocked into the lake by a horse and it called out crias run because it's apparently named after one of the actors who portrayed uncle and here is I feel bad for saying that uncle is rubbish now do you do I mean he he was such a good actor yeah you really believed I really believe how rubbish uncle was yeah that's acting maybe all right I'm gonna I'm gonna catch something this time you are I sought to remember that if you saw slowly reel in your line it can kind of drag it past a fish who gets interested do you know what I mean hmm so maybe maybe it's raining now see this is all the things I suspect you're fishing about getting really wet this is flying into the wall catching any fish something to really turn face down I've never been actual fishing in real life so no one has it's made on it's fictional yeah actual people weren't fishing nothing say it's just a thing for video games they made it up for movies yeah yeah yeah guys this guy is fishing with this lasso and is fished out a corpse so everyone drinks okay yeah yeah new rule if you lost our corpse out of the lake everyone drinks come on fish why aren't you biting you idiot fish I might try a different bait no one wants bread no our bread I'm not even much luck with my cheese okay incredibly no fish want soggy bread I've got I've got premium baits corn bait what more to steep a fish one to live forever in the lake life is that you don't yeah that fish is terrible do you think it's all the corpses in the lake and putting them off I think they're eating the corpse use instead of eating our bait and that's why they don't need they've become cannibal fish we jump in the lake and let them all like chomp on you are all still jumping on you let's fish you go become maneater oh there's a horse in there there's someone riding a horse through the middle of the lake this is so counter to the idea of fishing sir it's meant to be a peaceful nobles relaxing time to babies it's like Piccadilly Circus I love how difficult this has become we've got one fish wasn't a fishing license one fish we all want to drink come on fish no point that we can drink we're gonna have to rename this to sober fishing challenge okay guys if you are watching the live stream and on the lake fishing can you stop I accidentally pulled my gun and fired into the lake that was yeah that's probably not gonna help Jane your party decide if I kill the fish can I count it yeah okay if it's dynamite I knew I should have brought dynamite you should have brought dynamite that's what you always say Mike is dynamite in every scenario are you gonna dynamite the fish oh no I'm no longer in defensive mode hang on because I drew my gun I think I'm no longer in defensive mode I'm gonna have to reset that oh Sh don't tell them that I'm in defensive mode I don't I don't know what oh I think you take reduced damage rather than no damn you so this guy is just screaming into the back of my head alright let's have some potent health cure real quick fix up those bullet holes somebody shot my hat off no my hat my hat is gone I took my head off for this strings I felt like my character wouldn't wear his hat fishing yeah by the way your character is looking extremely stylish yeah well I took off the coat and opened the show too because you know he's on this down schedule casual casual yes casual yeah I also I also definitely changed my characters Oh since I started let's go to keynesian a chin or something Jane why are you in the lake oh my god next to you someone's that dynamite yeah someone threw some dynamite into the lake oh no I think it's cuz we said dynamite and let everyone remember that dynamite was a thing oh no they're all dynamiting the lake I'm not sure if this is gonna work we might have to move to another lake and try and well-wishes alright I appreciate I thoroughly appreciate it'll be a real achievement when I landed my first fish okay I think all the fish are dead now though because there's a dynamite scattered corpses holes the hell is going on in that Lake right now yeah I feel like alright okay I got a bite nowtell bite really real it okay let's hear you go proper eating technique hands off the trigger there we go here it comes here comes oh oh it's struggling its drugging everybody oh I better learn that fishermen big juicy salmon let's go that's it sound please it's a tiny blue fish and a gill it is a perch a 13 ounce per okay purchase small but strong fighters and they often pan-fried for their little meat they were many baits try bread I tried Brendon you idiot what's Gavin Murphy doing here looks like he's got like a neo from the matrix trench coat leather trench coat on and so he's always wearing Murphy from rkg crossed with neo from the matrix oh yeah which is all right perfect I got an emote that says Dan tronic thinks misdeed smells yeah my character does look like he smells I mean doesn't everyone smell in history isn't that the point everyone surely yeah until like halfway through the 20th century Martha Morgan was bathing every day when I was playing that's not bathing that's the most any cowboy has ever bathed yeah it's because he was ahead of his time all right nineties face is giving me a thumbs up yeah face an excellent outfit on Oh someone's caught a red thing I think we should all drink just because is it salmon it looks like it was red it's very I mean somebody's red isn't it oh I've got some Go Fish all right it's struggling it's struggling its struggling I'm gonna drink that one okay really you didn't really get in Luke is left-handed and he was saying when he played Red Dead Redemption like reeling stuff in was a lot harder because you know you're real yeah okay reeling really now reeling be a salmon be a salmon come on be a salmon now be a salmon come on all right struggling he's putting up a fight but I'll get him Oh get this fish Oh what is it oh it's even tinier than the last one Oh rats or something it's a a one-pound 10 ounce 10 pickerel a member of the pike family picker Ola are energetic fighters and a tasty flaky fish voracious reader fish yeah because I don't get to drink with you like court fish so everyone else drink alright throw it back throw back that pickle I love having Red Dead you get enough for throwing fish bats like you know the fish is like I will tell my people yeah well tell you people to stop biting my bait yeah so I'm gonna try to use bait it's not a salmon I think that is a salmon that this dude has here really yeah that one but you guys also drink for it to you sir and your big pink fish whatever that is I think it's a salmon maxes out this there's a dude just behind you like wearing an amazing like trendy fisherman's jumper which i think is very appropriate he looks like a time traveler from the oh yeah he does look a bit like the main character from Bioshock and then Luigi and can you bring your camera around my can show everyone Luigi here yeah yeah Louis my sniper Luigi in the green plaid with the green hat and the moustache amazing everyone looks amazing by the way hmm what great outfits what great outfits everyone has gone and ever mike hey hey all looking like a trash person I'm a peaky blinders or something oh yeah Mike's a peaky blinders wandered in from the wrong period of history and geographical location okay salmon come on salmon I read on the internet I read in the us game a guide that you can get salmon oh I've got a bite that you can get salmon into this lake right wait why have I not gotten anything yeah are you using cheese bait by using I use bread now and it's sure cheese bait okay I've got some joint cheese I'm rolling I'm I'm I'm reeling I'm rolling I'm fighting it's a fighter but they all say they're fighters the building tiny little perche fighters come on salmon oh I don't know if it looks like a salmon guys I think it looks like a tiny little dumpling I'm garbage fish of nothing it is what is it there's a dude in the way hang on it is a bluegill also called bream or copper nose this oily gritty fish oh that's disgusting Jeff I prefer oily or grippy yeah like he's good oily gritty is bad cheese is a good bait and can increase strikes I mean or I avoid cheese if you don't a bluegill okay I'm not throwing you back because I hate you I'm just gonna have you guys just been like just leaving in the water and waiting for ages is that how phishing works yeah it kind of religions if he's just slowly reel it in then you sort of drag the drag the loop ah I haven't even you know I haven't even had a oh you mean like really okay driving slow so you're just so very slowly like pulling the way across the surface of the lake it's an alive thing nice enlightening yeah thinking it's food yeah dumb fish stupid dumb fish okay I was just leaving it did everyone drink for my bluegill by the way oh no I didn't drink for bluegill okay everyone drink for bluegill no one has any points yet but we have with the Revised Rules we have at least got to drink a little bit all right we're nearly at the half hour point do you want to go to a lake with a bigger fish with more Salmons yeah well Jamie you you've just you basically you've caught the most I've got the most fish okay well tell you what where we go we can't remain men some northern pike if you want yeah where is good for northern pike cattail pond over by Valentine all right hang on a good if you wanna catch something big right well we didn't get started until about 10 - so let's give it a little bit longer cuz I like this Lake okay my favourite Lake come on I can see a red fish right here right in front of you me Oh where's Andy I'm gonna go steal his fish hang on no oh why say yeah I see a big red fish Andy's go ahead Andy got it I'm gonna go and steal Andy's big red fish thing all right where's this yeah it's bye Andy everyone crowd Andy Andy get his red fish it's a soft my salmon or something they're really bright red aren't they yeah get that fish everyone still Andy's catch Deadliest Catch it's the last time I tell anyone about the fish I've seen and he saw a good fish come on do you like cheese do you like cheese salmon worms worms right I've got the best cheese best cheese here what have you got Mike what do you feel I think I'm still on bread at the moment okay I tried cheese by was no much luck so okay what about live crickets I wonder someone like live crickets I think that feels like bigger fish they're like okay what does someone want to eat what to even salmon want to eat done isn't bread like a fish sandwich like a charcuterie plate maybe they weren't sure yes - okay catch the fancy fish you got to use the fancy bait yeah you gotta have like some fig jam and some apple slices and some quince these fishery in-band than I do we can all have some of the oily gritty yum-yum-yum-yum-yum looks like a telephone exchange out here well I think you know what we let we're learning is that fishing is about patience it's not a sport for me it's not really about catch you thought fishing was about catching fish it's not it's not about catching fish what is it about it's about standing by some water and not catching fish am i contemplating the answer of fish catching fish yeah yeah it's realizing that the you don't need fish god it looks like bloody Normandy landings here that 70 corpses just oh okay fight it you might get the lipstick okay it's like when it's when it's fighting you gotta let it sort of tighten real it is about back and forth and then when it stops struggling and it stops vibrating use the areolar in by rotating the right stick okay starting right now oh I've got way as well it's all happening oh this is so tense I don't know what's happening do i sticking off the fish when it's vibrating don't reel it okay when it's biting use the left stick to fight it okay yeah we're a team okay reel it reel it reel it just rotate it yeah yeah yeah okay I can see oh it sounds like you're having quite the to fight then what is it moderately-sized it's what is kind of yellowish it's a one pound six an ounce rod back try using cheese as bait throw it back off you go live a full life tell your salmon friends to come and hang out yeah I've got a bite by the way I'm reeling it in but I've no high oops that it is a redfish oh it's fighting my god putting up a fight it doesn't want to be cool you don't want to do that respecting you the catalog I'm gonna try and get some better better stuff oh it's uh it's a bloody what's it called it it looks terrible it's an ugly rock bass it's a one pound rock bass also known as did I among rural anglers alright I'll drink it I'm taking a bus alright I'm throwing you back is you're disgusting and I don't want you what what should I buy from my catalogue to make this better I don't know if you're high enough level to like buy the right lure to be honest I got gold oh I got I got gold for days yeah but you can't buy everything with gold I think can you Oh interesting this place is some 800 K let's buy some lose room if it's healthy I'm using a Lake Lure right now because this is not helping not really helping okay maybe a river lure would be better is it a river it looks like a lake I could swap lures maybe it's not I'm not having much success say it is a light no it's definitely a lake I think although it's called a run what does it run when it comes to lakes and rivers true tell me that swapping out my basin mode all right I'm gonna eat some cheese for myself after feeding all this cheese yeah you know stamina it's a yeah my stamina is low I can't buy things with gold bars in the portable catalog apparently oh okay well I'm just eating cheese just gonna eat like three or four wedges of cheese like a whole it'll give me a whole wheel of cheese and get back to fishing come on fish come on right you know you want to be if you're gonna be called by any one fish wouldn't you rather be caught by Jane I see I see a red guy jumping out of the water a red guy why is the red guy behind his red guy why San Diego I've lost track of Andy he's not telling me where you add a lovely River where you can swim all day oh he's gotta be sneaky Andy's gone over here yeah let's go get him no leave all right you distract you distract you while I catch his red guy lazy no Mike I want to kill you okay okay Mike I just just want to talk to you okay if we're using the right bait in case someone is shouting at us about what bait to use damn yeah that's right Andy I've got an enforcer apparently how's it going are you killing each other just to piss to the right of me just to lift someone else just gaming like rugby tackle dandies okay I'm gonna go back to fishing all right like we're supposed to be doing today we're supposed to be fishing oh I access the bait wheel by holding lb yeah yeah I'm gonna get back to cheese about to she's back to cheese 19 spaces doing a dance around me and I appreciate it mightily BAM massive cast huge distance pressing charges against our fans they should stop drowning me in the river I lost track of your red guy Andy I think we scared him off yeah do you think all right hang on I'm gonna get up I'm gonna get in Mike's field of vision hang on down here and then I'm gonna check the comments addint and find out what we should be doing to catch Salmons so good Salman oh oh I've got a bite I've got a bite oh okay all right well let's see what what my guess hang on writing anyway much for coming to save me just then that was real it is really screaming it's called a fishing contest not a fishing be your friend yeah yeah okay are you Rick oh wow I think I got exploded I think oh my god Andy blue ice bozos yeah yes I was reading a fishing it could have been all right fine I'll go check the comments you find it we find a salmon it's all kicking off now cosplay snail says whenever I'm fishing in games I sing garbage fish garbage fish friendly neighborhood garbage fish I don't know what you to sing that to but it is an excellent fish got it now Beth bloomer says I'm team Jane and drinking when she does yes of course exnihilo says you guys did pregame properly didn't you actually didn't have time to pregame so I should be getting away now I'm on the other side of the lake well to the other side of Lake okay exnihilo says I need to down my drink you know yeah I think that's true Daniel Brown says don't you have a working nose Jane and therefore smell which is technically accurate the best copy of accurate volcanic taste 23 says hello all thanks for being light through the dark times of quarantine and war hopefully starting back at work this week on another mite on another note Mike have you watched any of them mob okay it's a racing thing have you won any of them are beulah ear aces yes yeah so basically they're kind of bored so they've made marble runs with the formula e teams once have been making those and doing proper commentary over them and stuff it's kind of fun that's cute mob Euler erase yeah marble ad instead of forming on the people cheating Oh marble Italy I see formally e is the one where that guy was sacked for pretending for having someone else do the driving for him yeah Oh has get very dark wish I could keep watching but I'm spending my vacation day working on the yard and got to get back to it I hope the fishing goes well and the death toll stays reasonable no deployment only Andy's died I believe reasonable well andy has killed us only andy has killed us I didn't die actually I just got blown I just got blown sideways so zealous mark uzo says I've joined in by only pond fishing in Animal Crossing new horizons on my island I'll be here I'll be here inspired by James Ireland I'll be back because I'll be here now yo John Ciccarelli or second Carelli says somehow you got my four-month-old to stop crying by watching you must be Mike smooth calming voice all the time right dynamite all Mike Smith calming voice oh wait another birthday the transient one says it's my birthday today I don't need a birthday redo though because I couldn't imagine a better celebration than hanging out with you all warming and lovely happy birthday Alana says protip use eagle vision while fishing isn't that if you click in both steaks yeah yeah hunting vision yeah oh okay also it means I can see better at night as well which is good Luke German says okay work he's done I'm on board for some drunken fishing I will join in from home may only be oysters fish though high from 12 minutes in the past okay sounds of always says I guess we're about to answer the age-old question can you actually be too drunk to fish no not unless you tumble face-first into the water as long as you stay on the bank good morning from Los Angeles happy fishing and here's something for the drinks an irritating 105 also says contributing to the drinking fund maybe McNally says really stormy weather in Cape Town today thanks for brightening it up for me have a drink on me hope you want to say it staying safe okay tt says 5:00 p.m. I have whiskey work while working at 1:00 p.m. oh and this is adorable stuffed a maple says we're having a zoo birthday for my dog today because we're bored and it's my job birthday can you guys tell moo shu a happy birthday happy bullocks its hi from Japan it's 1:00 a.m. here and I have work tomorrow but I'm just happy to catch this dream just want to say well for all your great content hi Japan hi Matt good not like a brain surgeon or an yeah yes if you have exactly almighty Makita says love and these gaming hats and Mike's gaming thrown very fine gaming through Mario Alvarado energy drinks says morning drinks from San Antonio also happy to finally catch a stream okay says hi guys have my 21st birthday last week so figured now would be a great time to finally say thanks to my three favorite people on YouTube for the hours of entertainment cheers from South Africa well here in South Africa if we have to do a shout out Eleazar guy no we know what you mean Ian thank you very much every week dead stars burn says greetings Jade Mike can do you have the expensive videos my friends and I've been playing D&D for ages all hail Cthulhu and my paladin moogle MOG Wow play for ages you probably know when we get it all wrong I am going to find out how to catch salmon so tell me if you catch anything how to catch salmon red this is an atmospheric by lumpy I'm loving all the paper providing us with lamp lights nice fish yeah it's cool see that's the kind of support that I like being hog-tied and drowned you are all tied in drown because you were trying to kill me that's why it's the bad kind all right who wants some hot salmon fishing tips by the way yes yes lay on me ok ok salmon fishing tips from the internet fresh off the internet I would love to hear them alright I have got them for you here the two requirements are a fishing rod and a lake or river lure so you will need a lake or river no which means I think Mike where we're honest I've got a lake I think like ok I think either is good I'm switching to Lake Lure what bait does it suggest ok alright best location to catch salmon here we go many locations to go fishing out but our favorite is where the upper Montana River meets Lake Oh Angela just west of the town of strawberry so let's go there next yeah let me just finish reading most accessible right at the mouth of the river don't cast out too far a few yards should do the trick alright so are you ready for a race wolf I see it PGD robe is brought me a lot if they say near the mouth of the river near the mouth of it oh I see yeah okay hang on everyone get the map up everyone call up your map how do I do that and map I can't help me it's really a very basic control system Mike okay now where is strawberry I remember strawberry is dairy is it like on the left of the map on the left of the map Valentine strawberry I did so you see them at the the lake called Oh Angela right and where the upper Montana River feeds into it just by the Oh Angela dam got it okay you looking at that now no I am now yeah okay cool so yeah Oh Angie alert to the to the left of strawberry I am to the west of strawberry let's ride there just where it meets the the upper Montana River microphone over no it's a drink drink okay so am I am i setting a waypoint for the dam or am i setting a waypoint for the other end of the lake for the live album the letter A in Oh Angela Damus yes okay let's ride to the a in the word Oh Angela damn isn't that in the middle of the water oh okay I got it yeah it's on yeah okay okay right the mouth of the river is that that feels like the other side it feels like we should be on the other side do you know me no no yeah oh okay alright I came down the river on the left hand sides like where it sort of feeds into the lake yeah fair enough fair enough okay you know this is a little nobly bit coming out of the top of the mouth of the river nobody pick that is way less specific than the a in Oh Angela Tommy let's say apart from the way it says i-10 in the lake yeah yeah top up and left little module typing okay fine alright sorry really long ride but yeah let's go do it and whoever gets there first gets 50 points oh it might be gone almost certainly wins the thing as well let's go where's my horse all right wait wait no someone needs to take third ready-set-go us let's get our horses the horse could not find you dumb horse alright okay we simply gonna start like yeah yeah let's assemble at the start line I think a bunch of our well wishers have already we do horse all right I don't mind you drowning me solids wherever we can assemble hey where's my horse bring me money stop these horses how do you make noise a whistle whistle is it all babies whistle present no it's up on the d-pad what is the matter very simple control system no but like how do you stop the horse when it's moving is it aa B oh yeah our beefin horse brain just jump off it when you're ready when you're ready to be off the horse okay right oh my god stop spooking my horse with the gunfire all right we're here Andy I'm doing this hey we're here where are you we're here on the map Hey witnesses oh yeah Wigner ascus with his double lanterns he's got two lights what he's got a light his horses you got him on the light on himself he's got oh yeah that's amazing I've got a lantern as well there we go right Andy where are you there we go alright someone get us all ready set go okay I'll do it okay three two one get right like Oh Angela oh my god take them take down no bonus I'll take downs are allowed didn't exist in the Wild West and min invented know what you got nag what keep damn neck oh okay I'm gonna revive my horse oh no Mike sorry about it Mike oh my my so now no one will be able to see what we're actually doing how Mike is lagging behind while and girlfriends okay good sniper Luigi's coming up behind you Andy by the way he's trying to drive me into a tree so yeah yes jacked I just got a horse Jack oh no my horse is out of stamina it's all gassed out oh dear no come on come on win this race what have I got for you horse carrots have a carrot eat your damn carrot and let's go let's go horse fancy horse do you have a fancy girl sandy no I mean please see Arabian yeah no it's just a great horse do I even I don't have a London London riding the dog in your it's in your wheel it's it's in the weapons wheel weapons no items but a weapon bottom right of your weapons wheel yeah okay got it yeah that's stupid why is it in the same place as my stupid lump is totally the opposite of a knife they're the same thing pedigree of thing eat an oak cake awesome Etan ok can stop complaining your course are fine look at this look at the Stars see people like I think my my horse cause the most full of the cause my horse is very slow I've been neglecting my horse I think you've been neglecting you everything yeah it's true what's in it what does an exclamation mark mean in water the horse it means your core is empty the core is empty and the horse is dying you've killed your horse well how you doing Andy how are you doing tell us update us where are you how's it going I'm doing alright I'm feeding horses apples to my horse yep feeding chain feeding carrots - yes the apples chomping him down like an electric pencil sharpener I know that you are sad about the running we're all sad about running horsin oh I gave the horse something English mace flower is basically like a peppery herb doing the opposite of feeding these lures carrots so you guys have like bought stuff for your horse yeah yeah horse tonics and delicious carrot yeah this is my casa better this is my cars are better you don't have to feed your car in GTA online I mean at this at this time cuz you're not better you should have to refuel your car in GTA online Jane said has not game developer who has noted what's fun exactly yeah who would like to make it extremely tedious so I got gang anyway a guy I got look at this guy all right we've got - Mike whistling nice bear we're riding out in Red Dead Redemption - where you all right out without your gang I've got - this looks great diners drive-ins and dives my horse is so slow I'm just placing my Valentine right now that's where I am on the map Valentine we're gonna catch so many Salomon's no and he's gonna get a head start why have I got to juice this horse what was my nitrous where's my horse no visit again cars are better I just jabbed it I just have my boss here some loss medicine oh no what oh no that's for its health not for its stamina mm-hmm okay we are riding across America like the entirety of America yeah pretty much how you getting on Mike is your horse died yet I feel like your ass kiss got off his horse I feel like he was maybe like donating his horse but I can't think you should you should let me ask us like just ride and you sit on the map just sidesaddle you know we're ask us let him like uber you to your destination okay all right if he comes comes nearby all I'll like jump whoreson there you go jump to his horse and then he'll he'll ride you to your destination door-to-door service lateness Link service wait I'm gonna do this we're gonna do it do it yeah cuz I'm so tired of riding your horse okay here we go yeah you talk about what you're doing because we can't see and waiting for dresses to get oh I got kicked in the face by an arrest is his horse hat came off everything everything's gone you an enemy of horses and we just don't know if they just naturally don't like me yeah just just general antipathy towards horses yeah sniper Luigi is here with me okay I'm feeding oatcakes - ha see ha squalled my horse Aussie Aussie horse was ok Aussie horse wolde it's a double pun I see that's why it's so good yeah exactly you know because I have to explain it but but not like I'm a sea horse born or something uh yeah no it should be ASEAN should just Jane forgetting the name of that guy that's why I see hospital oh dear all right just shoot your horse in the head again you wanna call it like no wonder horses hate you you don't you don't kill a horse just because you named it after the Roman babe could you accidentally miss remember the name of agios it's fine not to be into metal music or whatever oh thank you for permission not to mean to very old yeah yeah oh no I fell off a horse again okay I mean I've gone to Andy's yes er into diaper Luigi take your bow oh no oh no Luigi took you out oh no hoist by your emphatize it's hard it's so painful hoisted you yeah oh no critically injured I was doing so well your horse you need to inject it with horse Reviver oh the kind of thing a caring a caring horse owner would do yeah horse tonic where where is my horse where is it's poor mangled corpse I mean not corpse near close come on horse it's right I think I'm gonna be fine but I fell off a horse and died yeah that can happen yeah you're really mad at will see it says trampled to death but like I feel more like I just fell off I feel like your horse revenge kill dude you should put more points into horse put all your points in horse if I Wesley's a horse if the horse gonna come back or not yeah I'm writing into story right dad oh no tonight Luigi if you can hear me I need you to murder Andy hey you know what okay I'm on your ass kissers horse now thank you no askus saving our butts as usual saving up up since 2014 you know whatever year it was well it's daytime now I've been riding all night riding through the night yeah yeah noble cause the summons are coming I hope the fishes are coming they're gonna dynamite the lake and throw bodies in here come on come on on Lake Ong nuts anyways great having uh it's great having a horse with a headlight this is pretty yeah double lanterns there need to see the horse one keeping my hands free to shoot things right this is the problem this is why you're getting bucked and kicked in the head and murdered I'm fine and it's not my horse is horses Moses do you know how the confidence of horses makes the horse shelter and they I think I'm arriving at the lake right now yeah I nearly there I am so close to Andy I can see some snowy mountains hang on wait Andy wait you said the waypoint Mike you should know where you're going straight edge doesn't look in the media Shia LaBeouf is following me like he wants to be involved now but he had his chance I need to cross this river that's why I'm crossing a river how long ago did you cross the river Oh No course so many rivers yeah hours and hours where are you Andy where are you I'm at this I'm at this brat mouth of the river Oh have you read it no I'm just no Here I am I'm arriving at the mouth Oh fifty-two and even oh I fell off the Russkies his horse and now it's run off dang it come back here no russkis his horse Oh it raises prime fishing spot look at this you at the little module the thing we agreed on yeah no no I it's like a water going into there oh wait maybe you are yes sorry well it was good while it lasted I'm back on Charlie birth they're worthless traitorous rubbish if you can't catch up to us Mike we're gonna be doing all the fishing without you yeah yeah no I'm just gonna be drunk on a horse oh I see some good fish on the other side of the river this that's nice how are you already at the place because they own a good horse get kicked to death by my own horse that was the key don't get kicked to death by your own yes and if we muster at the point we said yeah we know let's start fishing yet no we're gonna wait for like I'm nearly there probably probably the rest I'll get you there well I'm Sharla buff now but his stamina has has has recovered although now I've got like a flashing horse brush logo in the horse health thing no been groomed I'm gonna check the comments I'm told sniper Luigi to kill me he just yes hit me in the face with a cleaver and I died thank you I mean I hope Luigi but I do appreciate it John Sanskar ask sandy how is your horse spooked by gunfire it must be not one of the good ones what's sassing your couch he's a good horse he just gets scared of things true strawberry okay you're new here Mike Dwayne G says just the Jains great horse name um thank you very much I appreciate it even though I didn't get the name Sam Walker says has anyone made a salman rushdie pun yet no done Lexy Lou says did you enjoy your biscuits on Monday yes I did thank you very much there are no biscuits left in my house anywhere because I ate them all Matt Willis says so happy right now the news today that I can have my boyfriend for the first time since lockdown started thanks to you the whole of York Steen forgive me saying during this time messed up guys well congratulations to you and Daniel Busch positive much hugs many hugs and then your Brown says out of interest how do you ox ventures guild get around egg but I guess rides his horse do some of you ride barrel when so indeedy how do we get around sometimes you sprint sometimes we just like to run really hard I think occasionally we've had a carriage if we never wasn't ever we must have been around in the carriage at some point yeah I think mostly we just walk we like hiking we like long distance walking talking about speed recently so oh yeah that's Tyler W says drops of tip and says for a shot of whiskey for the winners horse so I need your horse Andy deserves a shot of whiskey I'm being guessed all right no indicate my Red Dead Redemption to your horse horse horse yeah which is very lucky yeah spiffy Marxist I can't tell if Andy's trolley might by claiming the Ardea are two controls make sense but I'm here for it totally toxic moonshine poison cloud it's affecting my fishing ability certainly okay sure make your excuses now Mike how are you doing I think I'm at the lake well do you see us because we're here at the lake Oh boys face become another complete cluster of this lake as well say that's fine it looks there's salmon here yes she I'm just runnin cuz that horse can't be trusted all horses have turned on Mike yeah find as a species has turned against Mike just prejudice just come on we've got to catch any salmon hey how's the rainbow I saw the rainbow there is a rainbow I can see a rainbow that's nice this game is redeemed itself slightly happy Pride Month there's a race yeah there you go rainbow for Pride Month um okay just where are you Andy the river bank okay if snow pea Luigi or anyone else you can stop murdering engine good oh my god someone's gonna giant fish and they're showing it I'll have to drink then yeah we all have to drink for that big giant fish that someone caught Oh God alright big drink big drink it it it's huge look at this fish oh my god there's a horse in this - horses in the river okay probably Mike can you see this big fish here come over here oh no go for it back I can see it it's fine it's hovering up I got it there's a big-ass fish sighs that thing no man absolutely sighs no think come on it's an absolute unit of a fish okay alright let's get some Salmons you guys Salomon's now right what were the buttons again to get my fishing rod out it's on the weapons wheel and then found it it was lb then it's RB then it's right stick but don't let go stick until you've yes that's it release it's very similar it's very very severely simple I think you'll find extremely simple ok it's all about yeah it's like playing in a complicated chord on the piano yeah right I'm fishing at the mouth of the river I don't think I can see me anymore but you'll have to take my word for it that's where I'll come with you like hold on hey there you are I see you I see you yeah fishing down here according to the salmon fishing tips they said you don't need to cast too far out which is good because there's only a few you know a few metres across oh I've got bite wait nice is reeling it in I cut I'm using corn bait which is probably not the right one for Salmons now that I think about it reeling it really I can't see I've got no eyes on it I can see it's not we know what is it it's a totally another buddy bluegill no it's the only 30 fish it's another bloody I mean you have to drink you still have to take a sip well I'm gonna throw bars all royally gritty monster okay right now now all right let's take a drink - there you go take a drink of the bluegill please oh by the way Andy you got 50 points you got 50 points and do you know what we didn't do the thing where like everyone else has to finish their drink no you guys gotta finish your drinks alright alright Andy it's up to you with you and a finisher bern come on I'll finish my drink we had this really real this bird blowing everyone out that's true ok delicious oh no there's a body floating downstream this is such chaos it is slightly tail I love it ok um oh this is tiny and rubbish whatever it is I'm a miniscule they just marching around waving away yeah I got a 15 ounce rock band oh all right back but take a sip come on salmon I heard I heard catching someone was a really good way to make money in Red Dead Redemption yeah but probably they weren't expecting the river to be full of bodies in the swimming suddenly people on voice chat as well oh dear you know that think how Salmons like swim upstream to let breed and things so they can kind of like they can kind of jump up waterfalls you know I mean yeah so you'll be near the waterfall right yeah right exactly yeah I'm too far from the water's edge let me get right down here all right okay okay no bait let's put some bait on this thing oh yeah where's my bacon I'm gonna go for cheese again I've got your pretty much cheese okay I've got a good feeling about Jesus just generally I only have good feelings about cheese mmm fibrous salmon I'd love some cheese cheese okay I'm using a lake ler and I'm using some kind of some kind of lately even mmm is it a river is it lake that's the question it both isn't it I'm sort of on the verge of both I'm gonna try a cricket because it's a medium-sized river fish and I feel like a salmon is kind of like a medium-sized river fish but it can also be a link fish all right there's a lot of cheese I've been fishing this thing I've got another mother bite you cheese lovers absolutely oh my god is tiny its miniscule malnourished what is it what is it it's a 13 ounce chain pickerel all right rubbish hmm Andy did you sit for pickerel oh sorry sit for pickle I feel like we're just fast flowing water is actually really difficult yeah that's definitely our problem no just a complete lack about I love this the trendy fishing jumper on this dude I've got to get one of these there are so many stylish we've got so many stylish I know it's such a scrub miss what's the a 90 space in the amazing like saloon girl outfit I love it I love it all right salmon do you want crickets Jay where he loves crickets I'm um I'm sort of in there where the river flows into the lake like where Mike is a little further a little further up than that in okay hey Mike but check the inner what wait what oh my god did you get that or did you pick up at all let me have a look did you know is that definitely the truth did you dynamite it it's real hang on I'm coming I want to see this muskie is it big is it big enough to get a bagel let me see well I mean it looks like a finish your drink kind of job to me muskie all right 10.10 TN drinky fish okay you know what I know that much to this left crikey I just started a new drink so actually that's quite a lot of drinks oh yeah well you can knock for half of it I suppose finish half moon drink okay good because thank you all right send it send it sweet fish I'm my sweet fish I'm gonna try taking the high ground okay the moral high ground or just the fishing high the fishing high ground fishing high ground I'm gonna come with you Mike so that you can see me because I feel like don't it would be nice that people could see all of us well let's see you from the other side of the the thing if you okay we're about I see you in the winner's podium if I can stand on here why I can see the entire around grinder oh I see the Beautyblender I don't know if I'll let you fish from up there to be honest I'm gonna make it try it you're gonna make it right make it yeah is it telling you you're too far up nope oh wow okay good you've got distance I got what a card all right let's get fishing or empty I've not even used Deadeye are you dead dying that fish is that how you cheated and caught that fish I guess I guess I must have used up all my cos battling that fish oh I'm using evil vision you know like that hunting vision yeah quite good but I can't see any salmon that's not promising no hmm come on come on salmon legendary salmon just a salmon it's not your legendary their salmon our legendary at this point they're legendary in that like you know how Bigfoot is legendary and let you exist and it can't be corn it doesn't want your Loch Ness well it doesn't want bread and it doesn't want crickets what do you want downsizer yeah do they want like those little toast points that you eat caviar on toast points oh we didn't bring any toast points they don't Oh Oh got something oh wait is that a bunch of stuff over there can you come I'm being patient is oh no it's tiny and rubbish boo tiny and rubbish fish he's a one pound five ounce of rock bass well worth your Drabek hmm take a seat everyone sit for rock bass hmm not no nineties face and then she faces asking if I want to play cards ordinarily I would love to but right now all I can think about is delicious salmon nineties face called miss needs a chicken well that's lovely it's charming it's not for not playing cards with you they're not playing cards I'm busy with a Deadliest Catch which is yeah man oh that person screaming at me again so relaxing is near fishing yeah yo man is wading out into the river like to catch the salmon with his bare hands oh there is a fish there near oh yeah look do you think they've seen it they've seen like an actual and a salmon in the water maybe I got I do love that everyone's fishing right now this is the most sort of incredible fishing in Redditch I'm trying the ruscus all right okay I'm fighting it I don't know what it is I'm really it in I'm doing the classic reeling technique I can see you're radiant egde classic to see some real reeling and really really real real okay I've got eyes on me yeah it's fish it's fighting it's doing its fishy fighting it is pulling left pulling right grip it and rip it Andy is that you or is that Mike probably not me okay uh-oh it looks tiny it looks disappointing me small it is another bloody bluegill I think it's another bloody bluegill it's another bloody bluegill all right sit you guys sick oh oh oh I was too slow trying to cook the fish because I was sipping I've got another one oh okay okay it was rubbish oh I nee it's a pick chain picker all again oh bloody hell send it all right I'm doing a crickets cricket bait again and this time the lake yeah so I just launched the horse into the water again the relaxing alright lately yeah lake here okay fine and a little bit of backstory on this stream we were originally gonna play ultimate fishing simulator but it doesn't have because it recently came out on xbox one but it doesn't have any to play it has multiplayer on the PC version but not bad initially and then we were like well you know what else has fishing and is good Red Dead online so that's how we ended up here yeah but in yeah in fishing simulator you can't throw dynamite into you can't write it off it into the lake and many other deficient your horse into a lake yeah all right I'm using a cricket I'm using lake ler I'm doesn't like oh my god I've been killed I just I saw that explosion out of the corner of my eye and I think I think about six people got thrown into the lake yeah I'm was just running around the fish the lake is full of corpses again Moses and horses oxen horses horses horses for corpses alright well I wasn't having much luck up on the cliff really it was all just rubbish well this is getting easier as we drink more so that yes is that the course here's the problem now Mike the way I know when I've got a bite is well my vibration yeah and it also vibrates when someone throws dynamite or otherwise also stuff up or stands behind you and does a war cry yeah exactly she's very difficult this is the ultimate hard mode of fishing yeah the ultimate form of fishing in a way you know that the reality show about Arctic fishing but he's actually caught dead me escape this culture yeah well this isn't that this is even harder than that fishing oh it's raining we might catch the coelacanth like in oh yeah like an animal crossing yeah why couldn't we be fishing in animal crossing where no one can like die and land in the water yeah much fewer corpses in yeah animal crossing I would say yeah almost none in fact almost none at all just occasionally that dumb see girls are like what she's up in your Beach no I don't mean now he's not dumb I like alright go over galavant is the worst why does he keep days he's so cute Gulliver has the best dialogue oh I just saw her salmon I saw a redfish sorry oh it hasn't been I just saw it I just saw it where did you see it I saw it oh I'm going to cast again I'm gonna cast again I'm gonna do hunter vision hunter vision is not being very helpful oh okay I can scape the box again says I don't know what you guys are on about this is literally the calmest I've ever seen Red Dead online is pretty good okay if I have to reel this fish in I'm gonna have to really pass this horse that is just doing the water so wish me luck I can see it it's just below the cliff that Mike was standing on just a minute ago my fishing rod just disappeared you didn't just put it away no I think I got hit or nudged or something in it it's not like just animal crossing where it like runs out where it breaks yeah okay I can't tell if the sun's still there cuz there's so many people I think it is still there I think it is still there just be patient I don't know what you are but please just buy the thing like a big fish but the great thing that's a that's a seahorse no it's sea horse near ascus is just stood next to me pantomiming fishing please just just catch your fish please you've got your fish now oh my god okay I'm going we're just crashing their horses into the water no no the salmon do not like this the salmon like peaceful yeah they're spawning grounds yeah this I'm gonna try to get it on in their spawning grounds and there's just like horses express your mood killer it's meant to be a sensual salmon the reproduction area yeah smoochie saxophone play really alright here we go again yes alright we have something what your bite you go by okay and he's gonna brace me but I won't allow that it's disrespecting you yeah it's not this oh you'd like that wouldn't you you tiny fish what is it it's a one pound one ounce perch one pan-fried for their flaky meat alright sit for the sake you mean so much flaky meat I will keep that I'm gonna fry that up later get a pan fry it enjoy its flaky meat come on fish come on please as you're a myth waved at misdeeds hello as you're me if that's your game its face just waving in the back of your head yeah please fish please bite all right reset cast I don't caught anything for a while sensual salmon reproduction area new merch Oh someone's got a little red fish there red fish who is caught a red fish and it's not one of us is it no no no who caught it do we have to finish our drinks or a red fish yeah we think so um d-21 um d-21 caught red fish and I believe it's a salmon oh my god we've got Mario and Luigi now where's the mayor the tear the two brothers have arrived alright everyone finish your drink first salmon okay I'm just finishing for Mario and Luigi okay yeah all right I'm finishing wedding I finish you drinks for salmon and also Mario Luigi look at Marriott Mike can you see Mario Luigi here yeah I saw them yeah they're amazing it is everyone's gathered round to see them as well they look very fine hey bro can I applaud them where's the emotes there we go wave wave wave wave wave wave shoot-'em-up shoot-'em-up pew pew pew pew alright good back to fishing and the 8:54 the hits the guy in the jumper looks sad he's no longer the center of attention Oh Andy aim for your jumper please don't be sad your jump is very nice don't be sad I'm gonna take advantage of this Oh this quiet moment yes my moment to try and get some fish okay oh no explosions oh no explosions all right I am gonna cost okay come on there are a lot of fish please fit over here right now I can see tons of them and e45 like our memories number now is dancing yeah there are loads of fish in the water I just used eagle vision and it reveals that there are lots of fish but also lots of corpses in the water hmm it is teeming with corpses a show of course is just floated by this is the one this is where the salmon okay becomes oh man I'm feeling the gin and tonics by the way so yeah I said I think I finally understand the appeal of fishing it's to drink to this smash some lovely bears bears and not catch any fish yes I think I've cracked it lads I think I understand the appeal of fishing who saw the bill & ted's teaser trailer oh yeah I saw him I think it might be bad what if I end up being bad how can you even say that to me right now with you I'm here for Keanu Reeves in a muscle suit that was hilarious yeah that was good yeah all right guys I caught a perch ever already take a sip how big is it is it a big 15 ounces it's not even 1 oh that's not that big okay okay think idle sit like I love them okay but it is I think it's a problem with Hollywood at the moment that we are just getting a bunch of light rebooted things or not rebooted but like sequels which just feature like kind of old Thank You Jerry you're talking about Kira Nerys right now I see I see a red fish in the water get it I'm trying I'm trying to I'm trying to I'm trying to it hasn't been I can see it I can totally see a red fish this is all I care about now and forever catch it in love on it the Jewish I I think I feel like the villain teaser was like a memento mori' basically like all things age and dying no iana means I'm sorry you live forever January's doesn't age or die Mike no go back and look at what he looked like look go back and look at his adorable face in the first Bill and Ted movie I don't know why you literally don't know you anus you had one jerk blew me up anyway actually does me not much hang on let me set myself to uh under to UM hostile to defensive I don't know where its respawn me but wherever it is I'm gonna fish from there and see if we can get fish yes there's still a horse in the river even where it's respawn me there's a there's a horse swimming around well oh my god Red Dead Redemption online controls be more confusing it's like press left on the d-pad for half a millisecond to get one menu yes press left on the d-pad for three milliseconds to get a different menu no I don't want the catalogue no I don't know not the catalogue not the cinematic camera I this time remember now it's like that's left on the d-pad but not long enough for the catalog to open for the pan break or for the carburetor yes playing style you know what I was on defensive the entire time but I just think although it's it mitigates the damage like you can't really see it the damages on blown up yeah damage from being blown up by dynamite shoved in your mouth I don't care I'm still having an amazing time live with me and be my friend salmon salmon why did he want to just come we love Don okay all right okay all right I'm going to fish for salmon from up here where Mike was previously that's the expression I'd never heard before I'm talking by the way yeah what's a bit in Tiger King where he says everybody come over here and love on this monkey it obscene I mean I don't know it's like he's just it's just like come and hug this monkey yes like yeah just come and love on this monkey and I was like I like that as it sounds obscene I'm so it does but I think I don't think he meant to come over here I actually have a much tiger King I have I am I listen to the podcast there was a podcast on the same story a while back can i crime fan so yeah yeah sorry before I know the story of talking but I did not watch the documentary yet okay I've got something guys um okay John in the in the comment says I've always thought that Keanu Reeves should play the parts of a vicar in the British sitcom so he can be called kyani Rev er new faith can you imagine his um his accent would be a bit like Jonathan Harker in Dracula Oh brilliant are you amazing bastard sleeps yeah he gives up for their halfway through which i think is admirable yeah limitations and he just stops everything else does that though like Dickie Attenborough in Jurassic Park starts off Scottish and then just gives up on it yeah II noticed that yeah 100% 100% I got I can actually notice yeah when he goes when he goes and sees where he goes and sees Alan Grant in Montana he's got a Scottish accent and then when they gets the island he's like hello you know what they don't film these things in sequence so it might be the other way around that he just got lazy and started like a Scottish accent so he put it on to the Montana scene but then maybe they filmed the Montana stuff and then there was a massive delay to production or something and then he forgot well accent me and then he forgot the make sure you watch Jurassic Park like last night and I I think the Scottish accent is quite mild though right it's not very yeah but it's definitely there he's definitely doing accents I've been watching the the new ducktail series and David Tennant plays oh yeah with you sort of like yeah his natural Scottish accent oh okay and it's really it's good it's really good because I originally played Scrooge McDuck I think he died quite recently because it's the old place in with David Tennant here's an excellent replacement I have tails on DVD like what you know back when they release that Saturday morning cartoon compilation of games this the car safer there to DVD in their series is amazing my god Scott Danny Pudi plays Abed in community is one nice use jean-ralphio the guy plays him been bobby moynihan france athena live those are the three nephews and then lin-manuel miranda is in it Wow where are you guys where are you I've got the other side yes the other side because it was quiet but then everyone know I didn't care I didn't catch it someone I'm gonna be honest I picked up off the ground what are you implying Jane thank you playing other people haven't been honest yeah I think this is employee yeah I think I am and you drop that muskie at my feet I really appreciate it but I am gonna win this honestly which means I need to catch six Salmons to catch up with Andy sixty points right I've got I've got 11 outs bluegill you guys I didn't take my I didn't take a sip for the previous page and I need to take a sip for this fish okay lots of sipping on the drink after pour another drink because I've run out of drink you for an hour gin all right I had to finish two drinks like some of this rum drinks yeah can you send it over here please yeah all right I paused myself two drinks at the beginning of this stream because I was like two will be enough so much fishing has happened all right and even pour the rum into your USB ports ago censor the internet that's why yeah can you um yeah can you like FTP me that that rum yeah just upload it focus on fish track we can track a muskie what what you can track fish yeah doing it right now how does that work yeah how does that work mayo just got - fish census I'm only getting more I'm just getting a lot of corpses yeah I'm in the chat if you are as you're myth is your gamertag you have amazing hair the best hair really the best hair this is atmospheric with the night fishing maybe we'll catch more than we bargained for a year ghosts like it go special like a ghost human what bait do ghosts here in Berlin well you're about to ask what bait did ghost humans do ghosts light yet it's something like I set up for a joke but I don't know what cheese are you okay are you looking at the at the river like back towards the waterfall there's like there's a Claridge in there there and there's a horse corpses yeah the horse looks live yeah there's a horse like wind milling its legs underwater yeah I think it's so oh no it's dead now dad okay that's one of the darkest moments of The Simpsons that bit where they're all caught in the net and it's like and now we float to shore and mogo's what about the people at the bottom and how it goes I don't know what you're talking about is that how you nepo sewed no it's a regular one they're all they're all caught in a net and they're at sea and here's like now we float back to shore and someone's like what about the people at the bottom now it's like someone's touring my leg oh wait it's not it's incredibly Doug oh I'm just checking in with the I apologize to the 3,000 people watching us failed to catch salmon 3000 people watching and we apologize you've got any idea the cool live streams okay Margaret Cross says love on is a kind of American southern grandmother thing to say you love what a child or a pet and yes it sounds weird so it is like kind of yeah like a affectionate appreciation rather than sexy so yeah Lexi Lou says I blame those Tynan John it's yeah it's definitely impacting my abilities Amin's yeah Lacroix Boy marks or Lacroix Boy marks are you on how you want to pronounce that says love that mics gets existential when he drinks like me having one of those dates for y'all thanks for your do you made this insanity bearable is getting harder to read user names like Lacroix it's that it's an American make non-alcoholic drink right yeah it's like a flavored water right yeah it's the one that's like one part per million flavor if you were French she would say Lacroix and if it was an American princess the Prince of Los Angeles the prisoners Los Angeles in vampire the masquerade bloodlines mm-hmm John TASKE says Mike's right now Keanu Reeves looks like Alan Rickman hey hey hey didn't say that I'd like to clarify that Alan Rickman is also a beautiful man yeah yeah thank you I know Watson Robinson he works for Eurogamer dotnet he acts like Martin looks like Alan Rickman circa die hard yeah and is also a beautiful man yeah it is also beautiful man it's getting so misty it's getting real spooky if you don't see anything yeah I can't see the other side of the lake there any fish left in this night those shark is gonna come and get our space no guys remember ghost shows people yeah I don't know if you're in a position probably not right now Mike yeah I've been around there are beautiful people here right now Lantern's watching us fish hang on I want to take a photo with my phone this is really it's like Bray Wyatt's gonna come down to the ring in a minute night fishing okay right now we can't stop you realize we can't stop until one person catches a salmon oh we're all salmon there's like a thousand people here we're never gonna catch a salmon so let's find out because Andy honestly and truly caught that giant fish he showed to us I don't know what you're implying Mike sorry in my hands where's where's the evidence what I will say to you Mike is prove it to proof on me I'm sorry I don't know if I can stop fishing until we until like salmon is cool I don't think we're gonna catch a salmon with coachella crowding around us good core salmon right that one person all right my controllers run out of battery we've been here for so long well you know what you know what comes after the darkest night Andy yes exactly so when that happens the salmon will be biting again and we will catch one salmon before we sign off I love your optimism Joe I'm plugged in them cool space has gone nuts and killed everyone oh no cool space be cool cool space no space where can't you be cool for the for the 3,400 people watching right now we I feel bad we have to catch a salmon there I'm looking at the lake there aren't any fish in anymore [Laughter] there are no fish left dynamite it all hosts today oh okay okay dice 1000 says use la cura its entire purpose is to catch salmon so make sure you're using a lake here I'm using yeah I thought I did it's all fill term says Jane went from Phi T drunk to stop you drunk in about five seconds and back again it seems like the cycle yeah right okay lately I'm pretty sure I was using a lake here thank you to onesie and a Nazira blue who are both standing by me with lanterns right now I am going to I'm using a Laker I'm using a lake I was no I was using her I was I was using a river you for me you nervous oh absolutely scum worthless she knew all right okay Gil now according to hunter vision or whatever they call it there are literally no fish left in this link but maybe they respawn in the morning you know maybe it resets when the Sun comes up I'm just saying can't believe we destroyed this entire Lake this entire of an ecosystem yeah of this lake with corpses and horses and carriages occasionally so what's everyone been playing this week oh no a horse just fell in the lake all right hang on I'm gonna read some comments but I'm gonna hold the lure I'm gonna hold them with the line in the leg okay and if it vibrates then I'll know I've caught something I've got a bite okay okay okay comments comments comments comments right lots of people being helpful keep calm and reloads his lake clear all they hear is liquor I could do it I could never a liquor right now okay still still reading yep he'll Rick says right I am out of here guys girls it's been fun has it Mike Allison says handy I ran into mr. in in a Starbucks in Burbank during e3 last year and you were so nice I'm still a background actor so any ideas for a gesture to perform for a slight to focus on green on screen shoutouts so you want to do a shout out for Mike Ellison right now do you remember meeting him in a Starbucks remember I went I went and got you and I some coffees from Starbucks I was like a year ago a year ago now almost I ran into into Mike in the Starbucks in downtown Burbank we had a nice chat a gesture a green screen to gesture for Mike yeah well I mean if you're gonna if you're gonna stand out as a banker and a tree you need an eye-catching gesture here they love that I heard the director loves the James Bond film who's like sweeping without ya oh yeah he's got a broom he's just hovering above the surface hovering yes but everyone remembers that yeah so property you know I bet it was not that guy's fault I bet there was a sound guy who said please don't actually brush because sound don't worry no one will see that you look like an idiot and you aren't actually sweeping and he's like flying cool okay and then went like that and then yeah if you can do something that's i catching like that book that won't get picked up by anyone in the editing process yeah yeah do something that looks like you're doing something but actually you're not and eagle-eyed viewers will spot it so maybe yeah maybe sweeping or cleaning something yeah yes that's what you want to do your head spin do a head yin like a brain via meme hmm a stream where you Jason Rapids and Rob the sand any bank says arcade high-score that sounds like a fun stream that sounds like more action than this stream okay yeah producer John has messaged me through secret channels and says some are saying you need river Lou not not lately oh yeah we just got told that we're getting conflicting it out I'm gonna try a live alert River liver oh yeah that's the one good speaking Jane oh oh okay so the tooltip says River lures are excellent for catching river dwelling large fish especially northern pike and sockeye salmon oh okay I'm gonna tell everyone you should be using a river lure right now I was using a river I don't understand this game it's so confusing this is probably someone's entire job was building this fabulously complicated fishing mechanic for three years yeah yeah it's almost like it's hard to catch them and when someone is swimming and being shot at in the water yes drowning in front of you River River literally drowning in front of red bait I guess bread should put a steak on it or something you know okay it's put a steak on it you know then it's like surf and turf salmon and yes Wampler okay fine why not let feel gentle andrew says we'll certainly go - probably if you didn't stick it out okay okay now someone has deliberately renamed themselves something very difficult to say and it's also very rude so I apologize in advance because I did not come up with this username but Benenden a dict cucumber up his bottom says my username will be the final boss to this drug stream until someone else comes in but an end addict okay the transient one says don't apologize for the lack of fish I'm sure a lot of people like me are here simply because we enjoy your company this is a great stream which we have you to say yeah but I know I know you're all really here for a prize-winning salmon yeah first for supersonic Jon is in the chat saying that goldeneye is his favorites Bond film and I would ask Jon have you seen it recently the game right everyone loves Goldeneye began every because of the game but I'm not sure if the movie holds up let's go get bungee jump I think Pierce Brosnan was really good as bond and now I don't think that he was he was good like bowties got that bit where he sits on the beach looking sad and like Natasha's like what's wrong bond and he's like can't you understand I'm dead inside nothing that's Talia is this Holly yeah oh yeah the thing about Brosnan was he was like old-school bombed like a bit a bit sort of cheesy and then they switched to Daniel Craig and everyone fell in love with the kind of gritty like gorilla and a dinner jacket you know like hardcore bond punching people and breaking their necks and yeah exactly yeah yeah now runs our yeah peaseblossom is a rubbish bond but like compared to Timothy Dalton or so I loved him lazy or whatever he's probably Pierce Brosnan was alright when my dad was young he looked a lot like Timothy Dalton so you ready yeah so when I was watching the the Bond films as a kid I was like hey I'm developing a dad bombs rage rage descends but like the James Bond you like is the one that you had on VHS as a kid right or whatever and that for me was spy love me so it's Roger moderated yeah there's never been a good Bond film mission I think like it liking it liking James Bond too much is is kind of is it is an affliction probably like if you own the 23 disc DVD box sure it's probably ask some questions about yourself okay use both says doom guide writer team guide right now oh yeah you can only use one or the other is that what you're doing you can use it yeah you actually are you like going one and then the other on and then it's like Council tsunami right now yes right now is this the answer oh my god it's the answer oh my god catches a salmon come on you'll do it you'll do this is outrageous come on salmon time alright I mean I'm hoping so we're gonna have salmon on toast points in caviar yeah were you guys doing that as well or will you just I don't know like it's almost sighs I I was using a river there all this time but I actually did think that you could kind of use a bait and a lure at the same time yeah I thought that was the point yeah just so you know what sorry honey my stamina core is so empty right now it's like drinking affect your fishing skill probably right now right I've got my river Lew I'm gonna move a little bit up the river okay I mean absolutely send it in to where there's some spice I'm gonna eat your wheel of cheese just real quick someone's looking off right by me while I'm trying to fish it's distracting I'm gonna need some candies and then we love cheese and then get back to it are we talking about real life to brunch yeah eating out there's a guy doing the Charleston I want something that restores my stoner candies there we go candies now now he's drinking bourbon straight from the bottle candy sir a candies cheese and candies it's all I need just okay good I ate all my cheese and candies now it's time to catch a salmon for real for real this time I'm ready salmon I'm ready Oh what is it what is it what is it have you got something is it a salmon no it's a perch no all right I'll sit I'll sit what else is there to do perch this is what what fishing is all about and I say that as someone who's never been fishing but is suddenly an expert on fishing it's all about drinking actually fish what about the fish not about fish the thing you catch is a nice buzz yeah yeah I suppose I can see all these fish out here idiots better than my Lewis this is hard fishing his heart fishing is hard so why is it so easy for Arthur Morgan yeah why is it so easy for Hamish Hamish yeah if I play open two hours of this game I'd know what you're talking about William Kruger in the comments says I've just gone back from dinner what if I missed is everyone's lost yet and nothing and yes in that order Helen Anderson says I'm just gonna assume this is how fishy works Joe Schmoe says I know you'll catch some ox locks eventually which is a very clever balance joke I guess yes so Stanley thus tumbler says lures can be used alone IRL so you don't even need bait if you've got a good look huh yes looks enough like delicious food no ascus will you can you catch me a salmon and then give it to me all right okay if nebraska's catches a salmon I think he will only be fitting that we that we take it from him and take the credit because that's what you've been doing for like years basic someone's putting something in someone caught a salmon is that might we'll be so furious if someone's quite nice on me no no I'm slowly reeling nothing towards me oh I thought maybe you caught something you can you can tap the right river I'm sure you know but you can touch the right trigger too kind of flick the the line but if you cook it too much you scare the fish away except the fish are already scared away by the horses yeah all right we're gonna go ten ten minutes left of this stream so okay all right if we don't catch something soon I want to catch a salmon it's gonna be finish your drinks NeuroSky sketches we all want to catch a salmon Jane oh no as much as me I want it more I feel given that we've gone an hour and fifty into this and I've like only just started using a river there probably about eight seven dumb blue good at fishing in games Jane bring your craft yeah I'm good in Warcraft an animal crossing thought I was good in Red Dead Redemption I think it would be easier if everyone wasn't detonating horses in the lake I feel like that's really putting the fish off I think if we're saying that the the basis of fishing is just getting drunk by a river then we're brilliant so no one can say that you're not wrong it's exactly sporting out here today it's beautiful isn't this what it's all about guys it's what it's all fishing you're right Randy this is the best fishing anyone's ever done this is true fishing in a way it's more fishing than not than fun catching fish in a way it's better isn't it yeah because no fish get hurt yeah except the ones we already caught I see a redfish I see my baby crying Andy I'm trying ninety's face is swimming directly over it just do it be a legend I'm just doing it and being a legend 90 space just swam over it I think okay Michael thank you nineties face that was helpful well my new face has been very supportive surrounded me repeatedly a bunch of people a bunch of people occasionally I feel a little flash of a red fish in the water and it's the most exciting thing that's happened to me in the last you know last 24 hours hmm can I slow down for you the fake fish that I couldn't catch there's so much have you seen Rob Knights here as well yeah Rob Knight hi Rob Knight hello - Rob Knight show si ne Li Yundi Linden Fletch reference manis Manik mandible says what if all this time the salmon were just eating the many corpses that have been freely provided oh no also there were six sheiks sixth sheeps sick they're testing to see whether we have happy drinking except here now used to dynamite I only had one stick and I used it to blow up actually work does it actually work I mean it will kill dynamite sure if I die no way a fish and it dies does yeah you could go in and get it crypts is really graphic my camp to new location within the same district I think crypts thinks I'm dead I've been away for so long I do not have any dynamite there are no fish in this lake that's a lie Morgan vision I mean yeah that's that's true I'm looking through Morgan vision as well now and it doesn't appear to be any wait I see one is it a yo what is it it's it's out there it's making circles it's mainly bodies down here it's such a body what if what if first of all we catch feet what yeah catch ceilings I'm trying to catch salmon stop saying that it's very boring it's very disturbing I will not accept the idiom LaVon hmm okay okay there's something here and something here we both feel it it's the salmon this is a feeling come on hungry Sammy oh my god it's sniper Luigi my dude yeah my dude okay he greeted me sternly stop greeting me stir me you shoot fish out of the water like if you saw a redfish did you shoot it let's just say I'm threatened so no watch yourself and I can put my gun away by spinning it so what do you think of that it is a time which is good like that you get the most fish in the mornings I believe yeah fish morning people hungry bitey fish in the mornings yeah where are you guys how you going on I am on a rock rocky outcrop under the cliff that you were originally fishing on you are coming over coming over any luck no sir no sir no fishies today not a single fish not a single gj1 Oh we were doing better Oh kriyas run we were okay okay okay I'm making a last-ditch fish attempt he's swimming I'm yeah I'm gonna eat I'm gonna catch one in my mouth like a grizzly bear yeah with your powerful my powerful jaws yeah no I'm gonna go over here and where it's a little bit clearer right because I see a couple of people fishing over here and maybe they know maybe they've got you know got Fisher's instincts yeah yes okay well we've got four minutes left if you don't catch fish we're gonna have to finish our drinks no sorry I'm sorry to say it oh I just oh sorry wrong button in red dead to you yes the perfect control system simply press the right trigger than the left bumper and then touch your nose with your tongue yeah exactly and then pat your head and rub your stomach there's a an Andy look-alike swimming around my lure like he's gonna bite it hey Andy yeah what is undie Oh Andy look like it's actually a competition sorry Andy move scaring the fish there's tons of fish out here all right definitely gonna catch something this time because it's fish central central come on all right I'm gonna wait for the fish to bite and check the comments can Jane do an aggressive commentary says mr. waters yeah all right okay yeah stupid Philip I'm gonna kill you and I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna catch your mothers and then I'm gonna pan-fry them all and they're gonna be Orion gritty yeah the coral bones your fish bones and Wow yeah yeah there we go do you think that corpse is affecting our chance of catching yeah probably almost certainly that face down bleeding core peaceful yeah really helps you get away from the grim violent reality yeah night sees face has gotten bored and just invited me to do some moonshine or something yeah well I mean aren't we all doing moonshine right now technically this is definitely the most drunk up in on a Wednesday night for a very long time hey mr. lethal badger says maybe the real salmon with the friends removed on the way yeah he made a lot of friends along the way yeah okay oh and he's got something hang on there be a salmon I mean you come really really and eerie lit this is the last fish of the stream so it better be oh no this time for more Andy get it catch it bring it in I'm catching it it's a 14-ounce perch friends gonna mount that bronze stuff on the wall okay good luck or a quick death says okay here's the plan buy a salmon from the store and tell everyone you caught it yeah buy it after they've like cut the head and tail off and then turned into little like flat fill it things okay wild card says thank you for the n-double-a-cp fundraisers means lots you're welcome the wild card we're happy to help more to come Manny's manic commander ball says what if all this time the salmon were just eating the many many corpses that have been freely provided oh wait sorry Andy read that one but it's an excellent point it is it's probably what happened I think angel beat says if Kingdoms of Amalur was a fishing game would it be called Kingdoms of Amalur the wild card says I used to own all the Bond films Mike is right I had to do a lot of self-reflection but I still get the suit style but John is right okay Michael birth Wilson says Jane can I have a birthday redo token please I couldn't celebrate last Saturday on my birthday loving you guys a company can't wait for ox venture okay so Michael you can absolutely obviously have a birthday renewed how can you get a birthday I are you from the universe if you had a birthday under lockdown you get a birthday do-over token from the universe and you get to spend it whenever you like so you get a birthday after all add a lockdown also oxfordshire we're not gonna be doing one this Friday because Johnny is on a well-deserved break it looks like their PlayStation Sony PlayStation 5 stream is happening instead evening all times they may be something no buttock pincher will return ok sure we'll return more D&D to come in the days to come yes I've gotten bored I'm passing my fishing rods through someone's head all right guys we're in two hours we haven't got a salmon we have to finish our drinks no ok wait wait let me do one more what oh my god I just used a Morgan vision on the water and it's just body services just bodies body forces Mike are you looking at this yeah yeah it's just a lake full of Cordys and hats oh no what do we can catch anything this is well this was not well thought out oh maybe it was brilliant didn't realize that like 60 people would turn up and the universe is decided right star watch this nonsense of a like this is this is rubbish alright well we had we do have to finish our drinks become an American says I don't want this stream to end and judging by the lack of salmon it won't anytime soon thank you for the lockdown as well that was 2 hours so it wouldn't have been any more inch see if we played an actual fishing game certainly no that's it would be considerably more boring if we played an actual fishing game there have been less explosions and horses right so you're saying Andy that we need to finish our drinks because of the lack of examines I just did mine broke 9 says yeah I was the only one to get a salmon on the screen so someone did get a salmon Road on de Road 9 congratulations cheers Wow there we go oh wow yeah thank you so much for joining us that was fun definitely fun for us hopefully fun for you girls as well much more stuff from us there was a video yesterday about levelling weird leveling systems in games the union account and we got another video coming tomorrow another list so two lists this week what a treat and then something on Friday we're not sure what yet that's something yes well they talking about about the PlayStation 5 announcement to everyone else an extra on Fridays that's gonna be exciting so Thursday nights well the stream from Sony happens quite late on Thursday for us so I'm not sure exactly the timing but check out see what they're up to yeah I am so sad about the lack of salmon I might just anger and by an actual ok my fishmonger is locked down Andy yeah I can't get salmon no in the game alright ok you mean oh you mean not in anymore I can't tell I can't distinguish between red dead reality and my reality thanks for watching everyone thanks for everyone who joined us in the stream except once who knifed me and drowned me and thank you to the people you knifed and drowned Andy from special thanks to everyone who knifed in shooting me so yeah there you go karma do you remember that Red Dead video Andy way you accidentally exit me with a knife that was genuinely accidental reading that was horrifying no I know accidental but it was horrifying extended yeah and and II was just furiously apologizing well the extended execution anime these things happen it's the Wild West oh my god I can't believe we did see a salmon at least two Sakai's okay well I tell you what before we sign off there Andy yes I know you're too modest to say it but according to the scores and according to the rules you are the winner you are the drug fish this was a competition you won the race with 50 points yeah you caught that big fish for 10 points yeah so 60 points Oh Mike's zero points and my zero point so congratulations Andy who is trout fishing champion James Lee asked me to kill Andy so I regret nothing I would happily do it again we're service in this seminar is completely different from the one we've been in before that makes it a surfer without people dumping dead horses into the lair I saw actually how to do that Mike's got two events of its own private fishing hole his own private salmon reserve that's not allowed yet if you catch it like you win yeah do I wins everything they jump the odds though they're jumping out of water oh my God he's got fish I've got salmon for days there's more sightings of water in his privates yes like it turns out that actually just having 800 people around just don't okay Liger says my god this will never end so my teachers like taking Salmons out of the water with his bare hands down just like matching them like a bears like it yeah yeah mad at this guy oh wow well okay well now we know we're I've got my I've got a bite if it's a salmon then everything was worthwhile sure even if it's not everything was gonna be a bluegill you know it's gonna be will be we'll find out this is the drama it's the drama Jane the time oh we're looking for okay let's go away it must be the salmon you let me get away because you didn't know any trolls go away is it possible to learn the controls no yes I ask you can man thank you for watching this stream everyone yeah I'm so sorry I can subscribe and smash them I can subscribe yeah ring smash that bell ring that subscribe button yes Andy Andy you're the drunk fishing champion what do you have to say would you like to say anything yes believe in yourself reach for the stars and always come on your goals and max it to the extreme thank you videos tomorrow buddy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 112,524
Rating: 4.9356833 out of 5
Keywords: mike channell, jane douglas, andy farrant, red dead redemption 2, red dead redemption online, rdr 2, red dead, fishing, drunk fishing, drinking game, fishing sim, fishing simulation, red dead online, salmon, funny, funny moments, xbox one, gameplay, o'creagh's run
Id: xobcHJEVl_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 6sec (7626 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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