ESO Skyrim Road Trip Challenge! Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor: Jane, Andy & Mike vs Vampires

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[Music] hello welcome to another one day without side Xbox we are playing the Elder Scrolls online and a brand new gray more expansion which times that back to Skyrim because you've not spent enough time in Skyrim already lost carbs here we are in the blue Palace Jane has I guess usurped the y'all that's right no I walked in and the throne was empty so I sat down and a little known about Skyrim is that if you get to sit in the empty throne then you're the y'all sort of standing on it now I'm gonna have you surfing you let's um let's introduce our characters and equip you but have you got a going on there this is andrian who is like a fantasy version of a handy some kind of elf visit yeah I'm some kind of vampire oh yeah whatever the most Posey class and character and all that tell me about your outfit yeah this is just this is just something I threw on this morning this whole thing barely even get another board and he spent real money on this vampire outfit no one would lend me any crowns to buy I had crowns and I couldn't give him to you so Andy went into his own pocket and spent real money on a vampire outfit I haven't played much of the Elder Scrolls online so I look like a total scribe you're in some kind of like cool armor and stuff and I I didn't even have any shoes I was some real money it's got another layer of gold on gold get out that's your pet mykes don't act like you don't know that this fire bug is your pet and this bat is my what's called Bat Masterson okay yeah he was an Old West Roman right now he's got okay now is it that reincarnation is about is the other possible mass okay um what about you Mike what's your what's your class what you got going on I honestly I'm a sort of Dragon soldier or something like that something really boring like I know why I picked such a boring class you're the most heavily armored out of all of us that's true I think I've played the most of this you have you're late yeah foolish right I am Elizabeth the lizard lady I mean our Guardian and I'm a sorcerer and I mostly do lightning look I've got a lightning form : or something yeah friends oh no all the elements collide things are happening in the landfill Skyrim should I check in with the chat and just see how every yeah assuming that we sounded look okay and everything is working as it should how is it going chat how are you doing everyone looks good yep everyone is having a good time will there be some new TR punching says Frodo Baggins I know get nude and punch Andy now you better know you better know this is the location of yeah historic nude y'all punching Christmas I want to say 2007 I wouldn't like to guess we've done so many oh yeah cool um so ever you ever want to write in the chat let's just check in any comments all right good good good gentlemen Jill says road trip road trip road trip more of a chance and says yeah a road trip do you Mandy's red bandanna look nice one Andy yeah well I haven't had a haircut for like four months now so I'm getting I'm getting some very 90's boy band curtains going on thrown on a bandana I think you're wearing a low hat sorry the 90's boy band cuts maybe he just made it liberate them yes are you gonna go and try and kill the Lost Boys or something yes that's what I'm getting it's total loss boys so you're sort of vampire cosplaying in two different ways it's like a double double bill at vampire cause real IRL and I sell in my skyrim life I'm excited for the chaos today also says gentle mandrel so there will be chaos the rule the rule dawn the rules are we've got map haven't we I think Mike would like to see it yes there we go we've disappeared in favor of a big map of Western Skyrim there's not a lot of directions on it because it's gonna be you know like um it's gonna be a free-form road trip across your continent across the western Skyrim continent part anyway so much of the race because we're all gonna be racing together we're like one of the teams in Wacky Races yes he's a cannibal run I've not seen it there's a two very good automotive references Andy I'm proud of you and we're gonna go from solitude lighthouse down to Southern watch way shrine via dragon bridge and more Thole because they are the most sort of recognizable I think of the places on our boat a scenic tour slash race we might get into some scrapes along the way and solve some problems there might be vampire like cyclones what are they called oh just to reiterate the start and end points of this of this race yes solitude right now so the lighthouse is just outside it's called the wolf's head lighthouse we're gonna go out there and then start and go be a dragon bridge in more fold down to Southern watch way trine cool and frost my tips I'm not doing that what what who said that I'm just sticking to the 90s theme yeah get some wet look gel in there crisp it oh my god that's all the 90s Stephen Dorff pin blade another vampire isn't that your true icon yeah it's everyone's aspirational vamp relational take a picture of that into the hairdressing oh the vet necessary says what server and platform you on wit we're on the Europe server the European mega server mega server yeah alright so we gonna go to the lighthouse yeah yeah without incident yeah yeah - the lighthouse mrs. Dalloway highfalutin yeah I liked it when you were talking about the cannibal run talk me through this look that you've got going on you look a bit like Boba Fett helmet I'm intentional oh yeah the green colorway is very Mike yeah all right mando show us the way face commando would never stand for that yeah that's true even if you're like a sexy Widow who's keen on even then boilers for the end of the Mandalorians that's not the end point of the series isn't there sexy widows for the Mandalorian that's not their building in general I suppose if you're in America you've had I think my three years to watch it at least yeah alright so Mike you're not you're looking at this game through Mike's eyes yeah so we'll try and stay in Mike's field of vision of cutting divisions I'm watching you run behind me at the moment so if I run into him oh oh I see you've done that thing where you turn the camera around all right and eased it provides day I mean yeah running I need a salad I'm not the right level to eat a melon salad appearances one of those melon forks my unattended sausages on this table you can take those just shout out brunch them with your lizard face my turd face I know any enough money for some melon okay yeah it's like an anagram of lemon Jamie didn't they do have song about the Ducks swimming in the water yeah go to the gate I have so much you to the lighthouse yeah I'm following Jane okay I'm gonna follow you guys I'll bring it up here I don't know horse LeSueur horsey are we mounting up for this road trip we have to right we're right yeah I think so yeah that's that we'll run to the lighthouse let's run or I'm sprinting okay I know it's like level 810 yes case without fray jism is extremely long time job rock says hey people is this a medieval GTA mod yeah let's just say yes let's say yes it's it it's probably more popular on YouTube GTA mods on line yeah I can see some people do this guy's level 810 I've got some textures have a load in yeah me either it's like it means in a mist like a fire yes under foot it's probably like there's a fantasy explanation for it probably yes it's the solitude the famous textualist with solitude okay surely awful have textures I can see it zombie storm you guys isn't that Red Cloud yeah it's clammy one minute and like a fine next um so this is part of the main story stuff yes yeah it's part of a season called the dark heart of Skyrim and it's basically spooky Skyrim yeah so these storms have been popping up across the region full of horrible like sort of husk zombie type things and vampires and all sorts going on if you watch the intro movie that comes with this it's like is this horrific sort of werewolf and vampire traveling with like a friendly vampire I watched that movie let you know movie it's quite cool because as you know it before it's like the beginning of Skyrim except you're not a prisoner about to get decapitated yes yeah you're sitting in the willfully sitting in the back of a car until the Vandals I think bat Simpson wants to fly into the vampire cyclone no yeah they're really hardcore and scary and I guess maybe if there's one there at the end point of our road trip maybe we'll go put our face in it just to show people hey okay hello choose your face fully off how do I turn on the lights on my pip-boy I forget hold back hold the back button or whatever we call the back button these days got it right not embarrassing is having the horse and he's got but look Andy scrub what is it look at our horses judging your horse yeah your horses aren't even real corporeal yeah even coffee yeah they got and they go look what they got they got horse armor did you pay for that second thing if you suckers Todd Howard is reclining on his yacht made of gold-plated gold right now laughing sleeve of his right now okay which way to the lighthouse folks by the sea you don't cool like burning hoofprints yeah that's how you know where I've been wait well maybe my hate it I think it's figure on the wrong way around what is that the wrong way for a horseshoe no surely not however you don't know do you might be I don't know enough about horses Andy yeah exactly it's the right way round he's just pretty sure it's the wrong way around my horse is he friends do the other way around really this is yeah just rotate the legs already Mike we can we can make camp here for the night all right let's let's get to the starting point before we get sidetracked already lost every road trip we've ever been yeah like when you see a roadside service station yep Oh like your driving habits and dinosaurs you just got to pull off and dinosaurs yeah yeah place behind right behind you exactly behind you look out for frost rolls and frost goats and frost vampire's probably yeah simply launched off it this is no good Mike the way to the lighthouse is it's fine yeah it is good all right I'm down I'm just gonna simply oh my god [Laughter] okay like traveling to a map marker or something Mike's just making it up so it's a lot of one knows their way around my room okay Mike Mike simply won't ask for directions I spent little hours running around this place when we did our video about there's a good video yeah she's available to watch on the channel after this yeah we haven't had enough Skyrim yeah it's very sad to see side-by-side comparisons of like Skyrim a new Skyrim or new Skyrim in on Skyrim depending on how you look at it because this is actually like thousand years before the game yeah yeah and you'd be surprised how similar it is sturdy including the lighthouse which you should be coming up on thousand-year-old lighthouse what would have been better as if it was like Grand Theft Auto or something cuz it will like skyscrapers and cars and stuff and then you Oh Mike something happened in the intervening thousand years yes and that Bennett's like Skyrim like a plenty of the Apes type deal here we go okay lead on down the sensible path yeah I need to take some other potions before we start someone's following oh wow yeah we're being followed I think we've got a bit of icy hello IOB Vanguard Tamriel here oh so you can kill anything that we come across mister level 523 bodyguard nice alright no no it's not ours do probably notice it's it there's another ghost horse why has everyone got a ghost horse I can't have normal aiming eyed wolf how everyone's ascended to like infinite levels unknowable numbers of levels use blessed show press wine be to you blessed shards that mind if I do are you getting in a fight Jane no I was using the Blessed shards I see my good they sound good right here's the lighthouse it looks nice doesn't it it does because yeah it's it's dark you mean a part of Skyrim Andy oh yeah [ __ ] you think it's gonna be light anywhere be light by the lighthouse during the day you do you what's the point in going to see one Hey yeah that's right okay sorry cool oh wait we're gonna go to Dragon Bri have a look at our map again yeah let's have a look at our map real quick and I'll write comments you refer to the map okay so we are up in the top right corner solitude lighthouse I think we can follow this path along the coast underneath the arch and if we can carry on along that path it will take us directly to Dragon Bridge which is another location you might remember from the original game guess what they've got a dragon bridge oh is it that bridge it's made out of a dragon's ribcage Rose bingo Johnny Greco regular comment it says I'm in Las Vegas for the week whoa so here's some gambling monies we can't get me from here we could probably find a way to gamble from home I guess yeah we could just fit it all on how long it takes survive thank you this horse with the lack of social distancing and mask see I'm fairly sure it'll be new vegas short prophecy well stay safe out there well Johnny says also Jane can I get a birthday birthday redo voucher for today Wow birthday in Vegas any other time would be hey hey I hope regardless you have a fun time fun safe time and yes you can absolutely have a birthday do-over voucher good for one birthday no expiry date maybe maybe when we get out of lockdown we can have an excellent birthday party for everyone I'm saving I'm saving mine for next year and then I'm gonna have to you birthday a double birthday Murray date you could just have a double birthday yeah makes it a double birthday you just get double everything together yeah I get double presents I get double celebration as it lasts for two straight days everyone has to be nice to me do you age two years instead of one yeah I lose two years ago excellent deal they don't care no I'm not adding this year to my age I haven't used used it but I think that's fair yeah you should be allowed to like take one year off your age as well as having a birthday do ya I'd like to return this year please although I do feel like this year this year is probably aged me like five years yeah in real terms I feel much much older than that yeah okay right cool so mount up shall we I love it yeah let's eat with these powerful mages and warriors that could probably fight these things by the end of our road trip we'll probably have accumulated so many people that we can head into one of those vampire stores I had some sell swords yeah I feel like the sort of pampered aristocrat whose highest some real soldiers nobody oh no there's bandits on the road deal with them for me with you all right off we go did a whole sweet road trip oh yeah road trip yeah can we stop and get snacks yes would you like this what is it a badger do you want this badger is this no yes all right let me just kill this badger power how's it go okay well I've killed the games just obliterate a badger with I just seems overkill seems overkill Andy how you getting on with the goat I've eaten it so thanks for letting me stop a snacks go long about this road trip is we're leaving nature untouched and you know leave nothing except footprints take nothing except photographs that's enough to kill what whatever you want as long as you use every part of it so I go and also I created some outsider art it's body on the road I see alright yeah I'm still missing some floor textures yeah I feel like maybe that's something they probably should have put in game it's missed or something probably Archer brawl is this way because College of mages is or is that no we saw we told the other so dodge yeah this is the less interesting one old Rondo what's wrong what's your problem Ron Dodd wants to talk he really wants to give us a sorry brand old Ronald I'm gonna zap Rumble anyway he died employee you know I think don't escape from here this is the shortcut Jaime yeah this is the gate into solitude you can get into solitude again through here yeah confused about how to get solitude but yeah there are many ways many ways we go onward so this solitude doc sit down there somewhere yeah okay that's how I go yeah in the first place yeah from iDevice ship says India right poor Bron dog we will tell your story brand old he will be resurrected and wreak ills over every Daniel there's no way shrine bundled again brothers on my screen brand old is here again he's gonna okay so brand old I'm not interested the last time Brundle he's part of the same quest this guy he's part of like the initial quest you get when you like come to carry on my quest right now is road trip wrestle I'm gonna use got uses papers I don't want to actually read it why oh just to check off the yeah what's green that's why that's the only reason anyone does anything in an MMO is to get rid of things off their screen it's a tidy upset very reductive Mike we've got a bit lost sorry you've got lost have we it's just we appeared to be in a farm yeah I need to be on the main road a bit further up okay okay wait why don't you say have you set a waypoint for the Dragon Bridge I know where it is I'd only waypoints Jane you are some directions some here on the left on the main road the only GPS I need is this is any points to brain yeah there we go yeah this room this takes us to Dragon Bridge ah man I have a vague memory of who didn't I Drive to Birmingham with and then when I was finally okay then that was ND but we did ask for directions I feel like yeah oh yeah I think I got everyone drinks and then we were waiting there for like an hour where to drop the car off the lengths we go to to be in Birmingham yeah well Mike you driven on before us right yeah we also the convoy got separated yeah self at the same time over Knox box drive like a maniac I Drive like a sensible person I was in Tokyo drifting it on the m4 we were road tripping and there was a the car you were driving and II had like a button instead of a handbrake it was very disturbed oh god yeah brake that was bad there's no excuse for that there's no it's not a giuse I watch out for lieutenant Calley were on the left but she's from that she's from the Dragon Bridge in Campeche caravan some supplies wagons stripped clean of things blah blah blah oh we can terrible business going to sell so let's deal with her dragon bridge we're gonna solve this crisis at Dragon Boat sure it's a dragon it's a bridge let's get some photos I guess it's Robin I guess it's kind of Dragon II yeah yeah yeah yeah at the roadside attraction and you take so many versions and we get a fridge magnet yeah with my name on it yeah yeah again come on let's get a screenshot family photo oh yeah who's headless mouthing where is that it comes off this is fin teeth oh nine all right well let me do this did you get lovely yeah I mean pretty much it's got a lot of people to fit in the same place but yeah okay we can go check out the gift shops I see mister give shot gift shop sure sure bread bread is not a gift yeah there's a way shrine does this mug say I saw the Dragon Bridge calling all antiquarians sat down and has trapped me behind a table oh no we're okay um yeah antiquities is like the new kind of side to do if you found all the other two interesting there's a minigame where you have to like uncover like a dirt green politely and you're like brushing it with a tiny archaeologists brush or something like on it sounds immediate it's not as much fun as like the actual game so ya know you're with mmo's you like mmo's how do you deal with everyone being level 810 time and I used to be level 810 Andy so this is um yeah this is a new experience to me jellyfish this just hanging around where what jellyfish oh yeah it's like clipping through sauce it's inside that guy's horse of the one ok jellyfish that died with unfinished business just leave it yes he'll horse yeah I'm finished jelly jelly business maybe it never stung anyone in business I must in one more human yeah round sees the pigeon says since nobody made a mixtape for this road sure if I'm gonna shamelessly plug my cover of The Ballad of Corazon de Bay ena I'm also a turn on some coins to my outbox boxes which makes that thank you yeah I think we I think we tweeted it from our later Oliver of the best song ever and it's got a rap breakdown it scores on theme song as written and performed by Andy but covered with an excellent rap breakdown and again I was is not improved I ask you does does Will Smith have like copyright on WikiWiki wah-wah yeah he does is that into the Library of Congress you can get away with just Wicky wild well but if you add a second wiki because copyright Katherine Lee says hello from New York City you guys always make my day can I ask what everyone's favorite fictional dragon is 40 minutes yes don't everyone from drag OH dragon heart Sean Connery dragon yes no way I like the one in trouble spirited away you know this river dragon spirited away that does the one in neverending story count or is that a Flying Dog it's love dragon right yeah yeah yeah that's a good one that's a really good maybe maybe I wish I'd thought of that he's all fuzzy yeah [Music] now who do I like I like Shenlong from Dragon Ball or every sport nice I think it's something like that okay okay one of you guts it gives you it gives you Dragon Balls what Dragon Balls actually drag what is this thing oh my God look at this giant piglets oh wow we're supposed to be anything no nothing but footprints oh my god is enormous what have you done would it help if it was on fire the corpse blessed shards what does that mean I don't know jellyfish is just silently judging us yeah have a judging look about it doesn't it turn its back on us you could go the ultimate souvenir I went to Dragon Bridge and all I got was this lousy t-shirt I would definitely get that if that was a cosmetic unlock I would fully get that lean into the road trip aspects yeah yeah let's bryggen get him oh gods who let this friggin in here kill the bear it's nothing but peaceful road trip that's why they leave nothing but footprints are completely destroyed [Laughter] there's more Spriggans over here by the way if you want to clean up a frigging stir all right this way it is brigands Sprigg until you follow the electric lizard that's me too bad I'm on your North America servers a VSO can you not play in other people servers you might find a bit of lag or something have you found more Spriggans over here doing oh man you've started a real thing with this friggin war the great human sprig in war kicked off that okay again we solve this friggin problem oh god there's another bristle bangs across the road why did the spring to kill my let's go get them to them nuts suffered from real like feature black mission creep here yes we just think we're experiencing the local culture which is flame whip out flame whip a judge whose message hurts I feel like maybe most of the damage is being done by the level 528 so yeah that's why we hide them works where you get one millionaire and a yeah yeah and they all have to occasionally make the millionaire feel like they're good at doing polo yeah yeah yeah all right so where are we going north Oh Martha yes please spooky Martha wait what feels pretty spooky yeah oh yeah let's go all right let's not get into any more springing Wars okay I mean I was but if they start and they always say start something you'll finish it yeah right you're just gonna stand there let's prick and say that about your mother yeah yeah yeah it was a rustling sound bet he picks out this floor textures and well yeah it's way nicer here with floor textures should I get on the Twitter I don't know why no no don't go on sisses yeah no no it's a hell sight yeah what does at all what is it Rendell in one we can go towards cars watch traveler not now maybe never again nothing left there exactly and I think it might be because we're menacing her we'd like hell we're a giant yeah very good cath watch is overrun with mindless beasts so should we solve it solves it happen alright it's going fine Fenrir offer RS the killer load of Spriggans probably I know I noticed you spelled your name with a ye there Mike yes approach to naming you take like a real name and then you add like a different vowel okay we might have gone slightly the wrong way oh sorry yeah by Jane is with je y NE yeah yeah yeah there is a Jane no I mean it's not a main character or a good character but Jane yeah what well so there Jane pool jumping our horses off stuff yeah yeah might be near more thorough more Springer Spriggans don't start with this brigands fight our battles for us pewter ring of reduced focus I've got my inventory look in my inventory because I'm getting much stuff empty out you know what I'm Bethesda should do they should make like an Elder Scrolls online but for Fallout Wow epic all fall outs of cool universe game oh they haven't done anything about that right now I've got all sorts of weird stuff empty your pockets it's all ectoplasm that'll be Kara pisses I've got let's just destroy these you really only need two carapace ooh yeah let's destroy the active plasm as well can you ever have too many Kara faces I've got I've got separate foul hides here more than one foul hi yeah me unholy gay in the comment says does Jane know about fishing in eso we do know officially maybe we can use spot fishing to treat ourselves how about athletes that's a punishment yeah use a lovely relaxing treat you see what happened to me people frodo baggins says dragon bridge where the waypoint leads and there's lots of mead it's dragon bridge where it's dead of light and there's no light it's hard to bear when Mike's directions are leading bridge where the Waypoint leads and there's lots of Mead it's dragon bridge light it's hard to bear when my directions are going music I've got news for you oh I'm not helping you fight your own battles guy starting your own battles then how do you get away from us so fast oh there's a sabre cat as well yeah well maybe you'll think twice next time game where oh I can see I can see you where's where's my God he's probably been murdered by sprinkles fine I think stackable honks Lord Lord tosses here sweet roll right now oh my god there are copycat recipes online we should bake them something yeah but shapes like a funnel where are you guys over by the bridge well if you don't wonder away Mike you'd know where we are oh I see him I see him come on rock this way on this part oh if you finished your grudge friggin matter playing a direwolf yeah now he's hitting a wolf sell swords thank you all right back right back on track let's yeah most bills says speaking of name spellings I live in Utah where it's a common thing for people to give their children common names but surveilled really differently Stephen your name is spelled normally well why isn't it it's with a fee instead of a pH so maybe that's these crazies again I watched a documentary on Netflix last night about spelling bee I know the documentary you mean yeah one of the one of the children was called melody but it was spelt mo M elo di e and I wonder whether entering the spelling bee was like revenge against her parents for a different way that's very good its unique you know yeah yeah you'd be very easy to Google if you were the only person who it spelled it away yeah that's true actually no because Google would be like do you mean melody you idiot that's that's Bella m e double l o - the letter D melody melody oh yes that's like a really good rap name yeah Mike Allison says hello thanks for reading this message on the stream you're welcome Mike what if it had not been read if a tree falls in the woods weapons Mike dedicated to the weirdest name in yuto every year I'm gonna check that Utah weird sounds great um Mike did you forget to use a repair kit after all the talk we had about repair madmen says fix your dang weapon oh my god it's a frost roll Luke would be horrified it's [Laughter] worth every penny polo you're the rich phone okay there's another one up there I see him where where where up on their first rolls are not as Hardy is the ones in original Skyrim no okay approach carefully yes thank you form ready whoa whoa blackbolt waiting both sleep oh my god this is like when kids playground they announce the special move they're doing it the same never seen the light leave on video well and you throw a tennis ball so like representing the lightning bolt yeah clapping well I'm glad that we've got this giant this is better than in Red Dead whenever I was just destroying other [ __ ] yeah no no toss Lord of misrule looks like a sour road like an e on the sour yeah horses yeah the horse is pretty intense I love it this is like the car thing where Ron parks their rides in a car park you know and then we all look at each other's cool neons and there we go that's right the winter we are we are headings directly towards they um a sort of storm type things I think we can take it I'm feeling pretty confident guys ride the whip song from the pimp my ride game or is it oh no that's um tell me when to go by e-40 see if you want that if you're up on your - music Mike you know we've got fin t hear him in the game with us where's Finn T here we go Fink t09 kingmaker Hannah McKay Lane in the comment says never thought I'd see the day I fin to9 would become a personal bodyguard to the Ox Fox crew it's an honor folks yes a support shell so low that means we don't have to pay surfing your yah yah cv your cell swords cv these idiots this place has a ghost infestation according to that lady so okay well that sounds scary enough penguin Agosto I was not a penguin it's like a sea bird and I'm enjoying the people coming in coming in late and getting confused by the bandana that I'm wearing oh yeah yeah the most confusing element its undies Lost Boys cosplay yeah I'm a lost boy I do it because we're like we're not quite halfway through but how about we throw out the map again just in case everyone is joining us late and wants to know what the it is on this road trip we're about to head into more Thal which is a sort of a settlement you might remember from the original Skyrim sort of like it's all kind of like looks like docks and has walkways like a more foul dungeon you bit a barrow or something but that doesn't necessarily mean there is one on this game because a lot of things that are in actual Skyrim not in this version of scars okay okay well let's crack on alright such it yes some loot rocket mm what Tenten is playing a lute Cora dots heart amazing very nice oh no sky surely fish just did a little loop just do the flip I think it's only I think I feel like we could do some real high level quests with this back up right now yeah we definitely gonna have to go into that cyclone it's something to the heart of the storm yeah alright Lee are you leading us the right way Mike oh you've got a little bat that Simpson coasting along behind you and he's just trying to keep odd he's trying his best Oh drew miss drew this joint from Skyrim yeah Skyrim is nice is near looks so lovely I was in more sell the other day to do some capture I think I was shooting someone in the knee for a joke obviously oh this looks great this looks like exactly the sort place where you could come for a nice relaxing weekend at the lake you find out about the ghost friend speak up lady new kokkonen says recently YouTube's algorithm has been showing me lots of your old videos in 2012 and 2013 there are real gems like your Dance Central 3 videos would I describe that as a gem there are some not good gems on there we've got a quest to investigate a farm joining ourselves doesn't sound very exciting it might be full of ghosts you wanna meet some ghosts oh wow this Watterson scaring a good howl yeah long journey home right okay so we've got the we've got the it's over here when that Skyrim gets so coffee okay don't ghosts vampires and we're all right takes to the ghost sell swords kill this thank you right here's the farm I see up ahead oh yes completed investigate the farm oh it was easy yeah it's a farm alright very long way away yep checks out right we got to talk to someone here apparently alex 8 says labyrinthian isn't over here and there are many thinking of labyrinthian and that's like high level in the original sky guys yeah there's some ghosts oh no no cursed skeletal water just cursed Archer okay these guys so I'm whipping my love oh yeah we recommend is like summoning skeletons of their own which is impressive yes I'm dead on undead more a man all around the back get those ghosts wrap them up what's that unfinished business they have ghosts butts yeah like one thing tying me to this mortal plane my thought is patched better go back to hell was to be the day of my wedding no I found a body farmer oh no can you interact with it can you know let's get a photo with him everyone crowds around him like we're a sports team okay everyone going to need to stand by me this yeah yes sound by me when they all took a selfie performance and let the guy know it's it's okay come on demolish a bunch of ghosts we got to talk to someone called Matt Cobb Oh hiding outside the farm like oh not in the farm at all okay okay ma Cobb we saw it out your ghost problem yes Oh me yep we have in return rip you apart bo rules that sounds bad by molix nethers to an invisible person Ike Ike can you say look like like talking to a very large okay I got the crisis we've got the quest all right cool right back to the farmhouse back to the farmhouse now we're gonna pop in the farmhouse and check he's okay I know maybe we let's kill some more ghosts I want to do some dressers out here okay do some horse dancing I'm gonna follow Mike inside find a farmhouse key right if I'm asking you beyond the coals he was called Matt yeah now I can gain weight oh I didn't take it Oh Emma Moses you memorized the shape of the key my finger in it Gregor Tucker who says great news guys I got fully caught up in the extension last night is there to be episode this Friday well we haven't got around to just say there may well be an ox venture I'm really excited and we're excited it's been like in three weeks off right yeah yeah you know every other week I'm quite excited to do do some more D&D yeah I think yeah we might have slightly longer one not like in terms of the length is Friday but in terms of kind of a two-parter was just to see just to see how he goes see what people think right they don't try and guess story told like it's hidden 430 episodes with a big massive Nick yep big end or a walk party we have to we have to go to Endor Ewok party was like the last episode wasn't it yes what are we we need to go meet someone called old Nolan who may or may not be a witch I wasn't yeah we sell swords for y'all helping helping the yard is helping right I don't know what y'all it was me Oh rock thrower yeah this is helping it'll all be over there over the frost roll yep comment it says enemy encounter reactions Mike fire with Jane lightning form and e-cell sword that should be a spell like an ability you cast it and a bunch of mercy all sorts sharp yeah yeah there is there's an ability like a hunter ability oh god Warcraft World of Warcraft later sword life hashtag sell swords ok there's a hunter spell or hunter ability in World of Warcraft called like animal stampede and you just stolen like a whole safaris worth animals and they just like come stampeding past you that's brilliant it's like it's like the when you press the a button in Streets of Rage and they're just a car shows animals yeah Ellen's hut should be around here some okay aurora borealis borealis o time of day in this part of Skyrim localized entirely within morges or wherever we are does she look like a witch [Music] we're classic again it's your classic MMO gather a bunch of things go out and get me ten wolf butts the ten wolf oh this work doesn't have a wolf but I had to kill 20 wolves to get 10 wolf but shall we yeah shall we I mean there's a zombie psycho right right yeah that's right directly into the heart of the storm all right I like yes I like it let me summon my lord from hell everyone ready yeah hurts to get somewhat out of hair leverage and I think it probably feels really good because you were in hell you know how do you think my horse feels about all these hell horses a little bit intimidated did you consider my horse at all in any of this I know cuz your horse is a coward and needs to learn all right Mike alright wait for us everyone goes to the bathroom before we left no no oh there is a specimen here so I'm just gonna grab a specimen a specimen of war okay cursed blood dandy bathroom sell swords there's a wolf trying to bite me this wolf to use my own stuff hair on myself now it's running away it's fine I like this room Nikolas crosses to the dominate oh yes I made oh no mate Oh what will we find in the Samba Dido well we're about to find out well probably within the next five minutes I would say its consent together and they're quite big these things john sharply points out that my horses just adds the existence of the afterlife confirmed and it's blown it's mine is having to yeah right race apparently where other suppose anyone get anything done in Skyrim when there's all these ice race that's why so little changed in a thousand years because they spent thousands just dealing with let's build a skyscraper [Laughter] the printing press got all tangled up with FRA codes there's a sprig away for printing forever oh there's another ice racing let's deal with make Jeffrey has commented something very rude about my horse that I'm not gonna read out but what's the Ankara Andy I think you need a name for your horse and that will give it some kind of prestige what about something like y'all y'all really oh yeah y'all basic your basic yeah yeah yeah what about y'all Oh Mayweather that's a Oxfordshire reference yeah do you don't remember Arlo Mayweather don't remember cocking the character although Mayweather paying attention to the storied history of the attention yeah I think I need to get in character law if I get in characters prudence then I'll remember but until my evil around here by the way yeah this NATO right is like the roadside attraction it's like the how what's that one where are the mystery of the santa cruz miss respond Jose I don't know maybe they've both got mystery spots but yeah it's like one of those highway attractions off the side of the road well yeah Santa Cruz mystery spa I went there with all the trees have grown in spirals you can roll balls up like that upper row decline gone Mike George you're just gonna charge this on nado sorts many of you who died today in the Sun Bay bring glory to and it's the hail stone very ritual site sure oh it looks so evil oh oh wait I forgot it's an MMO there's like a million people wait everyone's everyone's fine and happy you're nice someone start sing a jig right here they're just jiggy dancing yes let's have a dance then fine this is not as zom made OE as I was expecting this is people jigging about it's our place in music here is that just me oh oh no oh god what's going on red lighting zombie lighting there's some nado oh dear is it part of ash was this somebody anyone we knew Burning Man is this what Burning Man I'm pretty sure this is what Burning Man is kind of way Lee rock music oh is that for some way yeah broadcasting it through voice I expect so this is pretty metal if he had a band playing here I prefer to believe that Todd Howard specifically asked for this music to be played well are we gonna get a copyright strike yeah the evil red lightning but because of the copyrighted music yeah well that was unexpected that is not what I always expecting yeah yeah I thought there'd be more vampires actually well I mean it's alright it's pretty cool what's my favorite emoji I've got some emojis drink from bottle there we go let's go to the old cars ritual site because okay I think that's probably gonna be a bit more of a ritual site has gone to Main Street yeah yeah yeah it's all about the Sorcerer's now all right no a big lead the way so I think we want to go this way everyone mount up mount up oh why is my horse not mounting on I think there's too much hail lightning lightning all right there we go my help my health or stirrers was intimidated by all the hell-like yeah I would have thought it would have been right at home I could totally see like a Megadeth concert happening in playing five short night there would be a stream of like concert happening in there right now yeah Megadeth and before tonight that crossover is I mean if they put a Chris Nolan trailer in fortnight anymore yeah yeah or some bits of the Star Wars Canon yeah yeah why is unavailable to anyone right what a TA what a squad look at this what a team of Epsilon felt old squad bronze each and every one of you yeah bronze the best character in Game of Thrones please he's alright he's great he's funny yeah else is funny in Game of Thrones they're all very serious he does well it's good you know social mobility from brawn yes she it's true moving on up moving on up yeah alright where are we heading what the hell is Oh No oh my the waist legs are moving so fast hate to see it so much behind you is it a lost skeletal skeletal bore bad skeleton around here alright so what's next like yeah I know it's been a very educational trip so got a bit of musculature on the but just the boat had shoes on it what the hell is a shade mother oh god it was bad Oh sorts oh I think we finally found some you allowed this out it's can't protect us from hey I put my face on the shade my shade mother Oh bad idea oh no my shade too much shade she's about to be dead so there we go yeah playing my level six rewards I'm really proud of the team we had good hustle I think the way I died it was a vital part the strategy saying she killed you with shade she was so shaking so devastating you died the noise and RuPaul's Drag Race play yeah that rattle sound no no I'm dead that was briefly exciting until all of our high-level friends killed this is great let's go and kill Alduin or whatever yeah what's the big bad in this game let's go yeah this could be a vampire vampire ain't none where's the big vampire castle my kids Oh underground joannec I mean it would be not on the route of the road trip no no maybe later maybe as an epilogue perhaps but I can't remember the name of the place right now it's down it's yes down in the shrooms yeah wipers calls under covers the depths they draw me grade and be one of those fancy names for oft yeah yeah that's actually placing mana Warcraft and EU be pleased yeah very very pleased and interest be full of baddies hmm it appears to be empty I know I'm gonna ride my horse in some guy's house there's literally nothing going on here lead the way ghostly gold the goldfish jellyfish mystique a harlot well anyway I mean I think we're pretty close to the end of our light Roux black we just need to go down yeah let's get the way shrine the southern watch way shrine why do people insane black reach that reach is the name of the big cave it's cool black matte ah okay well should we hit our destination because then we made it in an hour we did our road trippin in an hour yeah that's good I'm gonna claim my level six rewards for being so good at killing the shady mother gems shade your mom I think I'll give myself a little little bonus stamina Wow why not Mike he's ye and he gets away from you yeah he does team there is he is he gotten away from me oh he's gotten away from me very as I see him doing around over here yeah classic Mike what is this animal that someone's on a sort of two-legged lizard thing what's going on with zomball Skelly bears it said for the whole time it says gather tissue sample on Mike's screen did I miss a bit making another Jamie I supposed to be gathering tissue samples Mike boring wolf bus quests oh yeah yeah yeah you got to get tissue samples of wolf bones yeah but no issue go back and get some real thank you for a way to turn off like quest stuff you know quest checkmarks on the right yeah I don't think you can you have to have a quest up there all the time yeah yeah it's not I have MMORPG if you're not questing if you haven't got an amazing list of things yeah please gather tissue sample is only three words it's not some essay about shanks three important words yeah I think I found your way showing Jane I think the southern watch way shrine we did it we made it we made it photo Oh on the way shrine okay everyone I never eyebrows point at the waistline very good pose now pose wait shrines this thing let's get loose yeah well right I think so yeah well done buddy yeah cool okay vampire Castle anyone let's kill up some vampires okay where's the nearest where's the nearest televator oh because there's one east and there's one west right let me go yeah we're sort of equidistant from the two elevators I think we're where was it we did sort of get near it yeah yeah I can tell you I've got a map up and it is it's only just to the northeast of hailstone Valley so we're burning man was okay the north east of Burning Man all right back to Burning Man that's about it's all about yeah it's all just about the beer conglomerates and the software it used to be about the music man yeah used to be about the game wearing welding goggles okay right yes hello horse yeah that's white out what a team what a squad today we ride I've got really good feeling about this vampire Castle I tried to go there when I made that other video and yeah absolutely wrecked up I ever it now now this it is us who will be doing the wrecking for ourselves and then wandering castle things we've got vampires to go wreck it's an MMO Jane if you're not collecting you're not living no yes tree you're not wrong you are not wrong my friend um what kind of man possibly talking about sexy vampires not sexy vampires I don't know I never go inside the castle to find out before you even go in the castle vampire bouncers going stop a growing but great Bears oh you smell me the great face I don't know what's so great about these bears I think they're bad you preview lightning lightning lightning bolt lightning bolt no all right that's good I hit you with my lightning guess it's been my time for ages when does it become day tight the Duster sorry never gets late until we kill the vampires maybe yeah isn't that stop getting distracted by fish the plot of the Skyrim vampire was it called dawn breaker doing something rather the vampire DLC for the original Skyrim Oh was that the vampires wanting to make it nighttime all the time right yes I a plan yes you know vampires all over yeah oh it's dawn there you go and use something like that um so here's the thing me infinity have created a splinter group and now I've lost you where are you it's just me Finn see in the ghost jellyfish and we've got you'll see the look can you see the little crowns on your on your radar yeah crowns oh I think I turned the mini map off I don't have my seat I can see I come get you yep little crowns yes you should be able to see a little crown which represents us I can see a crown which represents Jane can you see me I'm writing up to you now I think well yeah Here I am hello yeah on your left Oh baby I'm sorry okay I see alright thank you thank you come on Finn T thank you also for being my bodyguard Elsword bodyguards a group yeah exactly can't be a splinter group on my own alright alright team what a team we got here what a fine bridge just ready to try through yeah the greatest honour no y'all I mean any cell sort could have he's dying painfully fear you are it's important that it's painful I know if you were a mercenary you probably wouldn't be you most thing it for the money not like the honor right yeah it was it started that way it starts that way Jane but then they saw to love you their greatness or how grateful and really yeah and they were like yes Andrey on master of yeah I don't know a little direwolf skeleton versions of all their existing everything didn't you hear it song one time you and Luke yeah me and Luke wrote a song called everything is good everything your skeletons it what did you know it was about this game I didn't when you that you were apparently sick yeah Luke and I went to the Guinness distillery in Dublin and I got him an engraved pint glass that says everything a skeleton's big streaming why is everything skeletons they'll engrave anything on a Guinness pint glass for you right there what did they say when you said everything is skeletons they said fine the feeling it wasn't the weirdest thing yeah yeah we do know is everyone still with with it's like a Yank so I'll see if I can if you've got a version of it somewhere we should better prize it um I am behind you Mike don't worry I would try and get ahead of you but our horses are evenly matched because they are the exact same horse would you like me to slow down slightly yeah yeah yeah let me get a heavy very much slower than my real horse with muscles though yours yes got a femoral leg its noncorporeal mine looks faster than yours mate well guess what so sure jump that's right where's the vampire castle in the Wombles like vampires and mumbles have a lot in common yeah underground Overground vampire in free free yeah yeah the Wombles is pro vampire propaganda um I think for our American audience what is a one ball Andy in a few hours no one knows what I don't know I mean sick I mean trash it's so old I know yeah but there's sort of a British childhood TV thing yes very weird TV shows in the 70s when they just sort of let anyone's old uncle come in to just make a TV show right straight to hell twice to go off my horse to be on board to discover it is a great lift it's pretty great it's perfect come on every weekend definitely yeah Oh too late someone already pulls their squadrons I pulled it yes I don't think I have a dog oh yeah just gotta pull the elevator yeah all right mmm oh you know MMO stuff oh it is black reach gray more caverns of course all right look all these mushrooms level 9 rewards are available yeah you never know you never know yeah nice now so I got an inferno stuff yeah that's your thing right fire fires you're sort of a good point yeah I have one of those fire [Music] can I get lots of them Firestar you can only use one at a time surely plane rewards fame rewards so we are I don't have enough to ruin my image in something spin some stuff in those foul hides and those carcasses you don't need them weapons I cast a fine great sword I get rid of that everybody welcome to Grady gray more black reach whatever it's called you know crazy more black color and gray more yeah and then yellow sky Skyrim place yeah and do things yes it's confusing purple Ville man can we get a purple fill yeah yeah and then there's orange spire red red there does that Miss Scarlet meadows okay that's good all right the system confusing tedious we've got sell swords Mike we don't need to level up we don't need to but also won't let me do anything until I see how about this vampire castellon yeah let's go yeah I think as you can sneak in doing social stealth because he looks like a vampire now yeah I'll just walk up and be like Blair yeah yeah okay it is me uncle vampire one yeah wasn't vampyre castle ah yeah I just sling mic over my shoulder and be like yep got another Victor want ready too oh if you bring us all in like we're all your cat - yes ready sense and Rosa kindred the embraced yes I've brought in a bunch of blood ghouls I've embraced a bunch of people yeah yeah yeah when a little bit of a bender last night off in one of the coffee nice yeah I mean it's through here yeah pretty coffee you gotta go through zombie town this is the Castle Frankenstein pitch it's you it's huge like I don't know if you guys have seen it its massive about see I really wish they were a Frankenstein village and it was like a Santa's Village or something yeah just loaded Frankenstein's how to work this all a bit alien planet I hope it looks like Darth Vader's metal castle he lives in on more more like old-school gothic so it's Mike check it out look come around the corner oh damn sellswords oh my god it's like a cathedral yeah it connects to the top alright I'm joining the vampires we just need to talk to this lady you escape to the vampyre castle let's take her back and welcome a scene take a battle vampire captors I see my quest is is in the vampire cop you've got to go find Quinn this thing Dark Souls nonsense yes started the Lady of blood is that the question you've just started as well like okay let's go find the Lady of blood maybe we need to talk to someone else outside let's just go in kill everyone then come back out my bears guys this vampire bears thank you okay here's a question what vampire a bit one of these bears and why they've embraced severe but why you only need one eats other vampire bears okay no is at least one vampire that ate one bear that's a bit one ever been curious about eating a bear where did the first vampire come from vampire dark blade oh my god oh my god sell sorts Wow absolutely wrecked okay vampires we're moving in you can either get out or you can get wrecked okay when this is up near the near the top here so he's gonna help us get in there's some get hounds and stuff here if you wanna just great hosts for at night more like great house dead night might put a hand up odds are we're not even inside the castle yet we just like perimeter yeah oh yeah Wow blood Knight went down like an absolute punk get you up sale sorts you guys wait I keep losing Mike wait did you go into the into this door no we're still outside the door just follow the markers on your mini-map Mike we've got to this the quest is not yeah but we're just clearing that we're clearing everyone out they'll just reappear again alright fine well let's find Mike then okay swaying we just killed dark blade we just want to wreck up vampires living it if we go and get the quest will be allowed into the car oh okay he'd make a good point you gotta play by the rules you got to be allowed into the house there's my blood are over here yeah but he's like right he's been kiting so he's running back to his like starter place this is really the only way to play MMOs yeah so we just need to go talk to Gwen this right and then Gwen disapproval oh I know there's loads of people trapped in the castle maybe blood True Blood whatever yeah blood miniature miniature vampire cars like yeah house granny annex loose no where's the vampire quest vampire blood lady yeah that's what I said lady blood yeah blood oh it's over here Oh maybe blood further sorry I got distracted by this other smaller vampyre castle which also I think vampire house like no fresh breads vampire Carlton is in there the vampire Carlton dance freshman psych over but did he live in the moves out simple house for a bit okay right here we go here's Brenda she's gonna be like going there kill some vampires vampires for me please Gwenda say been looking for ya no you strung it I think we could probably try frontal assault gran yes you try frontal assault what more can you tell me about this blood Queen not much oh great grandis you're a massive help thank you look at this place I think if we get it we can sound like you have you done with Mike yeah I just have to go where to wait points tell me because it's an MMO how they work just following orders hmm all right let's go yeah my castle eventually will be ours it does look a bit a really lot Dark Souls yeah it does yes I know we're not supposed to be comparing things to doctor listen that's the judging No hey Jane you remember when you used to play World of Warcraft yeah it was a good game and you know it changed everything for mmo's it was you know tremolo time to kill sorry and it was good we had a lot of fish to kill I had an amazing Shadow Priests who could like heal but also melt everyone's faces off and had a shadow person she was amazing spring day right how come you didn't make a shadow priest in domes and Dragons uh well shadow priest isn't the cloth priest is applause yeah be an evil priest I think warlock is the closest to my shadow priest roof from World of Warcraft I think we can just go in yeah that lady was all like oh no the blood knights and they're all just yeah oh no oh what do you grain it's not a mage already dead on we're just like a rampaging locusts already dead like rampage get grow like kill him like you like looks like a sort of always friendly help he's like I'm not surprised look at this Renfield or something ocular yeah he's eating flies and such what did lady ascend you do to you man tes tested me but I failed a failed experiment okay I'll be going to an under Croft Andy finally an under Croft happened is that like the basement vampire basement yeah pointing are we in the / prof. now yeah okay let's go under craft and the crime against this keep and wreck up some room I want to sit on a vampire random at all right okay goes round the left is down okay great goal welcome to hey gray host Berserker enjoy dying by cell so we brought our friends yeah yay I love just like charging through in a cloud of lightning and yeah [Laughter] it's quite funny seeing how much damage my little fire staff does to these things amazing how did be instantly oh yeah yeah flying around in a swarm just green skulls flying about yeah it's great yeah steamrolling everything she's bad she's about she was bad summoning death pounds she's bad for seven two seconds yeah yeah she was just about to consider mending her ways yeah oh no dis hand oh and here I think okay here's where we need to be under grift enter the undercroft keep easy joint baton it oh no big man bats nice no word Mike you're becoming it mo mode only only because it appeared on the screen she said control yeah yeah we're in a castle like that TV show yeah yeah the vampire president walking and talking with his chief of vampire stuff Oh Quinn - hey Gwen this hard-to-get yeah we've cleared the path base so she's come with us right okay all right we're in charge now since ever oh my god skeleton pose oh here's some kind of vampire vampire like nice landing boy all right there's a Frankenstein table [Music] all right everyone get a photo with the frame table okay every name everyone do a pose do a funny face and a nice one for Grandma what table yeah all right precious memories road trip ever 2020 things with you infiltrating a vampire castle do the vampires have shell swords oh no no no it's like that rubbish what is this person doing Frankenstein stuff yeah all kinds of Franken nonsense oh dear who gave you the rights Kelly's a bone flare lay a bone yeah you have to fight this a skin on a bone yeah bone flare you written your whole thing is redundant I think I was just sweeping up I feel bad for just attacking but well that's the door to the kennels you probably don't ago in the candles do we know where have you gone Mike where are you I'm over here oh here is a booty okay okay right I can I like looking at the map because they're obviously taking the map out okay Mike's got it yeah okay we get lots of vampires we all get to take a photo in the vampire throne okay for that you know for the grab you yeah yeah Skyrim stir gram yes yeah oh man memories Wow I love their interior decoration yeah who's your guy who does this is your interior designer friend what's kwinda salty so these are kennels these are the most fancy can kiss their livestock yeah don't let out let's see what Gwenda says is your sister in here where's the big leader what say wendice how do you ever depends love me you haven't put leave her in here Todd Howard you monster but it's up on the balcony I think it back toward house staff Todd Howard he knows about leavers you've hidden to leave us somewhere here friends you have to find it it's I would pick see voice again this road Tom house every young puckish rogue yeah yeah I travel via the greenways all right good job cell so it's you really earning your death tailing you make it's all dead now ah Finn T my boy it's going absolutely I refuse to play this game of free live your lives free escape the castle you are free folk are you happy now Quinn this or not are you not happy why is it why they've reimprisonment someone else needs to cover freedom what do you know well we're trying to get deeper in whispers at the castle all right where's the king vampire yeah we might finish the quest though no no we're in the West Wing there's gonna be like an East Wing and this is where we came in I think we don't get back to the undercroft do we hmm hmm I don't have an objective really anymore maybe this way so this is the kennels right we don't wanna be in the kennels anymore let's go back to the under Crofton let's try and find a different way there must be another way up into the castle surely yeah yeah are you guys still in a nice I'm coming yeah I'm tied up and and then the game was like now you must shop for your new room yeah and then I had to do that ok where are you Dwayne ji is starting to feel bad for the vamps just hanging out at home and this group comes through kills everyone imposes in front of their furniture being vampires yeah gotta like I'm a didn't type cages and stuff don't tell me they're good people Yuri just hate to solve taught how its riddle to figure out the prisoners have been reading prison for their like seven o'clock they showed for another baby yeah weekends and matinees we've got friendly vampire mercenaries okay oh reading the quest text enough because they're on her side we've got swords there's a bone flare thank you right I need to talk to Gwen disappearance busy are you busy something better to be doing than talking to me find me yeah it wants me to go back over here maybe I have to be sending in a particular place to talk to Gwen this is Wendy's and the prisoner so I guess she needs to be you know a particular prisoner hmm and then and then we talk to them together okay so do we need to really free the prisoners or maybe she doesn't seem to have come through here I've gotten separated in the vampyre castle it's spooky I'm all alone yeah okay this is how we eventually get got we get coffee in the mediate separation pyres etirsa then there's a person with a quest marker over here oh it's Quintus hey Gwen this have you found wendice yeah on my game she's here okay this person our life is this person in this cage and she stood next to it and looking at all off okay you upstairs no I'm downstairs in the main bit next to the further breezier thing okay when this is in there totally okay go to different place of mine now doctor now where's this all off dude i I just said goodbye to her it's the prisoner talk to okay lots of chat you my friend Olaf where are you man okay so the Doyle ago I've got says if you manage to open the cages I'll grab our informant and meet you on your way back down just hurry oh I think you maybe need to pull the lever separately oh it's like the elevator isn't it all over again alright wait I'm gonna put him where is the old lever it's upstairs in the middle its final a new objective we've got a look for a laboratory now okay lever cranking okay I found a door here that says gray more keep living quarters so I'm just saying we can go and slay the vampires as they sleep heads yes it's nighttime and don't exceed in a day well we can kill them as they watch TV then or whatever let's meet back at the kennels okay okay back in the kennels all right birthday alright man day oh I forgot vampires oh I forgot horribly under little okay just follow the trail of dead death hands on my way to the kennels ah gosh this labyrinth is a real maze mm-hmm here we go you just being pursued by yeah I've got entourage of vampires chasing me all right yeah we're ready we can yeah okay okay okay I'm gonna follow this route cuz I'm away points are saying okay and then we'll follow the waypoints yes we'll see if we can find some vampires yes everyone alright again on my cell so light a big vampire the big vampire a proper vampire look if we carry on down this corridor Mike see that door the end yeah living quarters is this way yeah this is where my way places all right great we're going to the living quarters then there was like one death night and we all just ran past him and didn't even bother Kim to killing him to explain his management why he just let us run past him oh here we go let just hang it out it said gray host battle mage I thought it said Gary Gary host battle beige hello I'm Gary I'll be your host battle mage today this evening oh no I'm being drained of blood no no one think this might happen turn awful baby turned into a vampire it's real spooky dormitorium bedroom yeah we'd be able to get your own bedroom right like no dormitories the first thousand years of my life bunk beds yeah and then they might be second thousand yeah yeah Oh who's this oh it's a blood night things are just killing over us all right everyone grab everything every okay I found a magic scroll here it says words of entry I think it's the key last week found the rebirth of the blood masters call this simple phrase to mind when looking for the door we shall rise again okay good side we shall rise again secret nebari this way this way folks yeah yes yes everyone coming good words let's go to the laboratory Open Sesame oh here we go we've got our they've got an Igor I mean not for long but a hurry fee that's new oh it's dead great conspiracy of the dark heart of skyrim zombies are pins we did it we solved it guys you know you have this yeah yeah help yourself to anything that isn't shot gun this from my bedroom yeah all right I'm having these lamps oh no there's a person on the Frankenstein table oh no no that's their dumb fool yeah done for now what's going on over here strangler all right and my girl got poison ivy kind of done yeah it's still trying to tell me to talk to bran doll Rondo dislike I need 10 wolf butts Oh research notes I'm killing vampires they're using ladies what's the faces blood to make zombies I think lady true blood to make zombies okay right good good things right alright the mystery is solved Oh turned into a zombie plant or something that's deal late do you want to be a zombie or do you want to be a vampire it's a terrible oh she's being tended to blood night that's how I was like night oh no this is all very aliens all of a sudden yeah we got killer oh we can't kill her she's lot specific we can't cut her down either no continue searching laboratoire okay what else set you up up the stairs with these guys Oh Gary host battle rage okay Gary the host battle rages back towelettes here are your menus and I'll be back with some water have you decided on status some olives in bread for your table Cermak hmm Cathedral of blood this is a slimming blood night Oh play yeah thanks for coming good night boss lady's Senya oh she's okay she ran away into the Richard Richard but I barely got to enjoy the blood cathedral well oh oh here we go here's a boss Gary nice sell swords wailing this late you don't know who we are killed everybody just just tap the ball into that by ourselves cause ourselves swords Vaughan dawn Oh Mike she's just taking on another form oh my god Oh sell swords the timing was perfect Oh No where are the sell swords we're doing the real swords don't get grande old on the sellers in real estate yeah Wow and we did it yeah quitte sees she's quite okay now it's a Khajiit yeah all right okay okay all right we did it this is our castle now yeah that's how it works great more today yeah I think we pop out here yeah probably there's a photo op and then no oh it's like at the end of the roller coaster where they show you the photo they took while you are a ride so while I was being attacked by coagulants man I can't believe ourselves swords sold us out sort of I probably would just be a boss in this game well I mean there is scaling right the bosses are scale - for your level and one gold piece each is also scales yeah oh all right great let's get a nice dough toss Lord of misrule yeah no sign of Finn T but he might have been held back I've been delayed by lady a Senya should we get a nice photo yeah yeah why not fine to find a good photo spot I don't know about here maybe with the castle in the background pop to the outer courtyard now this door okay there we go this is this is the stuff yeah it's a big pretty so we went in the middle secret door and and came out which is pretty baller one of the many was a door let's head over here there's a great host battle major I don't think we need to bother Oh they've had quite enough oh I'm being I'm being crowd controlled again Jane you know oh yeah yeah I didn't realize you were getting them crowd controlled yeah I'm 50 he's like hanging out like casually tossing a coin against the against the arch nicely cool I think you might go to FK but he's like left himself doing a cool casual emote I have once again unsurprisingly lost track of you I'm just having a fight with a blood night oh I'm helping yeah by shooting him in the back with fireballs oh that is yes ah there we go battle mage behind you Dane behind you I know I can see oh you mean behind me is a monster right I got it that's right the cell source have turned up now we're fine fine fine fine tell me my team photo everyone in 14 photo while going to screenshot mode so we can okay yeah get a proper spoon go to tweet oh wait all right we gonna get up on this plinth to meet you up on this blimp maybe not hey anything Thanks oh yeah you can't can you walk up it oh yeah oh no I've sunk through it that's no good all right here [Music] okay no one killed me just as I look like a vampire substitute all right well done everyone yes this has been the other scores online gray more I can't believe we went into a vampire castle and racked up a vampire everyone would be a thing you'd have to play for 60 hours to do well I mean normally it would be and given our level it would been even longer than that no everyone's getting runs getting the photo now there you go have you denied have you taking it cool alright thanks for watching everyone we will be back tomorrow with another cool list and then Friday we're gonna do some knocks venture so here we are 40 up to these days general Oh these days I think there's a breath of the wild stream yeah tomorrow I believe it's gonna be streaming breath of the world tomorrow at 4 so about this time tomorrow it'll bit earlier my you can catch Luke on outside extra are playing the one-man show the weekend on Friday before rocks venture yeah I'm not sure either but there isn't one idea which i think is gonna be really nice I'm not sure if they're doing it this week or not though but you can well okay just before we go I'm going to remove us from the screen so everyone gets a good look at what we all it's nice ah okay I'm against the pools abstract says who in the ox box team is Buffy who is Xander and who was willow since we are in a vampire lair so you watched Buffy I did okay alright so you know that's a tricky one I don't know can I be Josh yeah I I promise and ER I like to Scylla like the the spooky vampire yeah play Xander looked a lot like a young Bruce Campbell and if they ever really could have found I think Ellen would be a really adorable willow in fact I think Ellen would do great willow like cosplay hmm so that and we're all basically jealous because we do all the British accent ones yeah it's true it's true and also we love Nescafe sins yes plays Giles was in coffee adverts in the UK that's what hey if you want to see Giles doing a coffee edge then look up Nescafe ads it was like a really weird long horny coffee advert that went on and it was like Joe's trying to have sex with his neighbour on all TV ads were like that in the 90s room in the milk tray ads where it's like oh right yeah well any more comments before we oh yeah sorry I was distracted by Buffy stuff okay right oh no the vampires have their own cell swords yes that was pretty good don't you say do blood clots no thanks that was pretty disgusting vampires were above that I thought they were like SDS they'd be into like you know knots blood clots so there we go I love it okay confidence and dallied a dream knows her like Lorca's was saying so he knows their law they're saying adieu sir it is the vampires I was thinking of I love adieu sir she's such a badass so someone knew who we met we were just out adieu sir sure fine Erick's hate revealer says hashtag free the hair I leave that to Aunt up to n DS discretion whether he wants to free the hair no possibly another time yeah oh and hockey rock says I think J might be faith faith it also very cool Eliza dish mmm that's pretty cool character yeah okay okay with it here with me it's cool okay and that's about it Oh Mario Valdez says hello from Panama again I'm happy I caught this one live on my birthday thanks you birthday to you tomorrow in Panama what day get your birthday do-over and you don't have to go up an eight at a year of age is what we do get out your own doesn't count yeah if you don't want it to count doesn't have to count so yeah nice alright thanks for watching everyone I hope you have a lovely rest of your day lovely vampire-free Wednesday we'll see you again very soon thanks [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 113,049
Rating: 4.9406137 out of 5
Keywords: jane douglas, mike channell, andy farrant, outsidexbox, outside xbox, xbox one, skyrim, greymoor, eso, teso, the elder scrolls online, skyrim online, greymoor dlc, greymoor expansion, greymoor release date, release date, elder scrolls online skyrim, skyrim dlc, skyrim expansion, gameplay, funny, funny moments, greymoor gameplay, eso gameplay, eso greymoor, eso skyrim, elder scrolls online greymoor, vampires, solitude, stream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 11sec (6551 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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