Friendship Test Challenge! Who is the Best Friend? Mike vs Jane vs Andy

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Do they not tell Jane what these pictures are or is that her actual deep though face?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ZtheGM 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jane is just so attractive she's physically unable to look bad. It's a serious medical condition

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/zyloemm 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you hello hello happy Wednesday this week is just flying by but yes let's carry on how is everyone has a great have a great time how you might good there's a lot of people saying rebound pirates in the chat so I assume that's an Ellen thing Ellen's been streaming sounds like something she'd say Vampira you need a rebound pirate when you're dumped by your mania oh it's Luke looming over us like some kind of sky oh my god oh I was wondering when you would get around to introducing me I thought I'll let them have their fun I thought I would let them small talk because the good time code would be basically the majority of this stream is going to be a brutal setting friendship shattering challenge everyone start drinking at home and on the stream so Luke this sounds pretty pretty serious and harrowing I thought it was gonna be a light-hearted it's a bit of a premium Internet content that everyone could enjoy and have a good time with I'm afraid you've been misled Andy that's not up to date it is going to be happy when Andy came to me and he said Luke I want you to ruin friendships ruin the friendship I said run the friendship test and there was no is Andy pointed to a calendar and he said eight long years we've been running this channel Luke it ends this week to come up with a friendship test so do EVs so cruel that it will definitely collapse the channel in on itself and I said Andy you've got yourself oh there's a very very slim sliver a chance that will come out stronger yeah what about that like what we've came out stronger and forth I'm afraid I've run the numbers in it come here there's a million to one chance to ours we're not friends no of course we'll have a lovely time so what I have here are a series of questions that Andy Mike and Jane have answered they have sent me their answers I will go through question by question I think we'll start with Mike just for funsies the question that Mike was asked and it will be up to Jane and Andy to correctly guess what Mike said okay we could do the word word-for-word I'm assuming is it's not word for word no point will be allowed and let me say most of you replied with full paragraphs to all of these questions yeah that's what's gonna ruin friendships cuz it's confusing at the end of this one of you will know that you are a better famous to the others and they are to you brilliant what you do with that information the seed will be sown the seed of yeah discord you can yeah then you can judge your birthday presents accordingly well they're not as good of rent to me as an to them so I don't have to spend as much this year every single thing that happens this will be viewed through that lens again from this day forward so just checking in with the chat TYC offer I believe off of Mike's can open it is so next to the mic Lord whose zero nine says ASMR a s is when you pour the drink into a glass not when you open the can that's it's like the gentle sound it stands for the angry sound of Mike's ring pull good afternoon guys you guys are ridiculously good-looking today look loving the hair so I think thank me thank quarantine well you're very lucky that's how your hair grows out into well it takes a little you know what hey yeah she's buttering him up oh no I started you can by getting maximum of four points and then the butter rings um angel beat says a belated super chat for Luke swear jar dude looks well when did Luke where for goodness sake now this is this is when I said an unfortunate an unfortunate slip of the tongue Sasha days ago four days ago can't we I miss you were there my I can't remember anything that happens in like five minutes yes I know what to do with an enemy with a big mouth John is a demon with that life leaving in in in better news Daniel Delgado says wanted to tell you guys that my little baby Aurora was born and after three weeks in the hospital she is finally home to enjoy your videos oh good glad she's back Oh sir Aurora is just a lovely name yeah yeah with babies that's the best ago you want them to be to be born so good job that's a good step Nicholas Peloso says my heart is in pieces only friendship can help this so we're playing not just for our own friendship yeah I think it's because Ellen was doing some very sad parts of Assassin's Creed don't worry folks the fun will continue over at the left it keeps going if the less just never stop [Laughter] right okay so you guys whatever your friendships tested or yeah yeah Andy and Jane yes Mike was asked the following question what was his reply wait wait we are all ask the same questions all over your mind different everyone's asked different questions interesting Mike was asked if you had to live in another time period what would you choose oh great question all right Jay we can do it with a group think on this before we decide on our answers if you already know the answer go for it tell me what you think you know what my my initial thought is my first thoughts and is that Mike wants to live in the roaring 20s as a Jay Gatsby style bournemouth aunt a Flener of the old school yeah I imagine him in his wearing his tuxedo and he's racing one of those old cars that looks like you ever see the car wheels on it I once I think no you're right all right but yeah like a 1920s bon vivant and you're like we can we can write off anytime before the invention of the motivic yes to invent time go down in history is the person who invented the myself the inventor of the car they'd be called channels now I was good I was going to say or maybe during like the 90s heyday of Formula One where he could be like sort of Nigel Mansell or Graham was alive doing that yeah he could be like a baby a Formula One driver that's not allowed is it or is it safe see he's trapped in ice it's actually a well-kept secret that Nigel Mansell was only four was a joy maybe that's what they said in the stash it was a face - yeah throw people off the scent okay so is that is that your answer no because he was alive during that period oh yeah I don't see my getting on with any kind of historical periods oh maybe you're allowed to say the future and Mike said I want to go to the space future Oh Mass Effect is real inevitably massif it becomes real repeat the question Luke is there wiggle room for the future there if you have to live in another time period what would you choose yeah so that leaves the door open for the future the future potentially the future it's not the most intuitive answer because it doesn't buy an existing to be fair I'm not the most intuitive person he might be giving himself maybe or maybe I'll try to throw you off for extra points who knows oh that's true mr. Michaelis better than worse sabotage yeah if you first don't understand then you get more points and then you win this is a success training my success alright fine okay I'm gonna stick with aristocrat racecar driver in the 1920s and J okay I want to say cards on the table that's true that's does give me an advantage I want to say like sort of vintage I wanted to say vintage era Formula one but it would be later than the twenties I think it would be am I thinking of the thirties you're thinking of the thirties I think all right I'm thinking of the thirties it turns out know if you guys know anything about the history or formula yeah well let me tell you guys something I've been teaching for me no one like tourism posters for Monaco where it's like oh that's 666 yeah I'm thinking of like golden age 50 60s Andy's going to the pre-war period we have a very distinct period of motor racing so Andy Andy Bertie's Jame 50/60 yeah I'm going to allow you to say both decades haha and the reason I'm going to allow that ticket is because you're both miles off and you came achingly close to being good friends but in the end absolutely fluffed it Mike said obviously in the far-off future Mike do you want if you want to read you around here or do you want me to know you can read it you could I'd like to hear my words coming out of your mouths I think it'd be pretty funny the dream Mike said I'm a massive nerd so I want to see what kind of bonkers technology they will have in the future assuming we haven't obliterated the planet already that's not even gonna be in earth it's gonna rice and there's nothing there you're just in the vacuum yeah but are you gonna ride a car around when the sea level is high he trusted me with like a 1960s Formula One car I definitely would have killed myself I would have like slammed it into a tree a Flener of the old school when I imagine the safety measures were like drink a bottle of whiskey before you drive pretty much yeah yes go limp why would you want to live in history everyone must have smelled really bad because they didn't invent personal hygiene until 1960 Edison's that's quite the claim I mean in fact I believe in a historical period everyone smelt bad and the food was bad like I believe you would rather have the liberal future the uncertain future instead of 1930s era stick rat race cars but I mean maybe I mean those will still exist in the future probably I'll just you know get on the holodeck yeah the good thing about about going back to the past race cars was is that I imagine it would be easy easier to win you know when cars were only just been invented yeah and with the knowledge I have now if you knew about aerodynamics oh my god here just 65 wing on it and B you'd like walk out there to the pier to meddle with the mechanics would be there you go all right first things first I think we should have a fourth wheel this guy's got it should go at 400 miles an hour this guy's got it all we would easily win that's worship Oh God the next question was asked to Jane oh okay the question that I put Jane was if money were no object what would you buy Andy and Mike what do you think Jane said by the way I'm just marking down that no one got any points Wow I'm thinking I'm thinking space technology I'm thinking maybe a spaceship or something like really I mean what's the most expensive thing you can buy probably a spaceship right like yeah that were private islands but you mean spaceships like a personal space X yeah so yeah just you know anytime you like pop on a rocket fly up there have a whiz around do more come back down yeah all day Ted the International Space Station I think that's the story thinks yeah SpaceX yeah that's a solid that's a solid choice yeah I kind of wanted to go in that direction by car now because I need to think of something else so money even have you think of something else no just soul in the mission money is no object in capitalist yeah I am yeah we don't own money anymore it's a physical thing Reed Oh Saul just numbers in your bank account that's how they told you you're playing the semantics of the question we're not an object it is a concept I think it's quite clear from James response that she did not play with the semantics no to me that money is a fabrication an illusion your interpretation was I will get as much money as a fair assumption is money cheat in real life yeah exactly okay yeah you sticking with your answer which was to be clear remind me a spaceship yeah it's either that or property in London Andy what what do you think yeah okay so yeah so it's sort of an extension totally different over there it's an extension of what Mike is saying instead of like her boring sort of reg he's the success tree instead of a boring regular space thing it would be a big Mass Effect themed Space Station in real space that you could go to and have a Mass Effect adventure in because it's cooler than regular space okay and it would cost the low cost way more money they are both good answers oh no wait one of them is a good answer and that good answer was Mike's I'm gonna go ahead and give you two points because let me read James answer yeah Jane Jane wrote this first thought buy up all the expect inexpensive empty housing in London that's doing nothing but sitting there being an investment for someone who doesn't live there and use it to home actual people Wow that's not in the spirit of the question and I'm probably not supposed to buy multiple things just one extravagant thing third thought spaceship nelu absent on Bacon's well I mean I was gonna say spaceship but then might say the obvious thing first next time everyone just say the obvious thing as quickly as possible okay Wow my top trending I think you absolutely nailed him okay next up is a question that was levels and Andy I put it to Andy if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be oh that's a good question for Andy and he's a real foodie I bet this this was a tough question for Andy I anticipate yes oh I know what the answer is no and it is fresh tuna sashimi or some kind of sashimi possibly salmon but I'm leaning more towards tuna like freshly caught in a you know Tokyo fish market in a good way in a cool yeah the coolest possible way you sound very very confident I'm reasonably confident but also Andy's a foodie so his taste may have moved on since he last six yeah moved in talent may develop someone yeah yeah I know yeah I'll be like buffalo wings as well as an adult the buffalo wings don't come from Buffalo buffalo wings was a fun nickname for the muscle though across the shoulders the traps you know do you remember this was in the it was in the showdown at the week we did it oh yes came up live on stage I don't know some sort of some sort what I just borrow Jane's answer and say buffalo wings let's go through you can piggyback on that if you want so wait remind me what everyone is saying Jameson tuna me I'm along that that may not be the right answer because I'm playing three-dimensional chess with your emotion anything I say um I said like sashimi like some kind of sort of maybe tuna salmon and you're sticking with that yes and Mike yeah buffalo wings why not I definitely prefer to eat buffalo wings tuna sashimi so let's go for that well I can tell you yeah right now yeah but one of you reached inside Andy's mind and with the powers of friendship realize no I think Andy was nothing quite a lot when you said Tina sashimi so I think it's poker face mad okay and the person you get to point this round it's Jane and II wrote sushi obviously I like a lot of food but the food I really like is terrible for me and if I'm choosing a food I have to eat for the rest of my life I have a delicate balancing act of deliciousness versus healthiness that I have to consider it's all very well saying cheeseburgers or pepperoni pizza very well my healthy that's all I ate sushi on the other hand is delicious and crucially can have vegetables in it as well as healthy dish and it's all raw so nothing is fried practical as a caveat and you did write or if it gives me all the nutrients I need to live and I won't get fat then I don't know hot dogs probably I guess I think sushi with Suzanne to there well done Jay yeah you get bored and eventually just stop eating my shame like this you could have fried stuff because you could have tempura like tempura asparagus or something yeah it's the perfect food range Mike I think you'll find you just say like all he hates or something Mike let me take any food and wrap it in rice and then wrap that inside buffalo wings if I wrap that in seaweed do I get boys my god to me this is it possible to lower the volume of the background music yeah yeah it's happened it's already happened go about 7 decibels if you if you want to get into it right but are you really into it okay so at the end of round one yes Jane has one point - two points and Andy sadly has no points but way to give Mike an unassailable lead Jane with your vacillating vacillating has been made yeah and I have to investigate that on my good character I have to investigate that alright get all of these cars off of the start line welcome back to the garage inquiries ahead call the scrutineers that's my bad name I said it first the scrutineers have consulted the VAR and I'm just getting there yep yeah got the t mo on the line they're saying the friendship has ended wait I can't believe what I'm hearing please repeat that it's just that never in all my years they're saying there was no vacillating okay alright this question was levelled at you know him he's Mike oh god it's me again okay that was a really basic intro wasn't it no strong feelings either way is my Mike was asked you're building the perfect pizza what topping is absolutely off limits oh this is a hard one for Mike as Mike will eat pizza with any garbage I see my Michael Bennett on top of a pizza I were told Mike would deliberately order like the stunt speed so they put on the menu this is Jay oh no that was a that was a pizza hamburger pizza with a burger on it as well so I've gone both ways was that at Guy Fieri's restaurant that we went to ironically I think was a different place but we did also go to go Fieri sing a night I think I ordered a a burger that was between two grilled cheese sandwiches yes then you started getting chest pains okay so the burger that he had was at the black tap the Lower East Side and it was pizza burger at Toms burger topped with like pizza sauce by marinara sauce and then like mozzarella cheese and like some of the toppings and then and then a load of other cheese and then load of other marinara sauce and it was served in a tote bag full of marinara sauce yeah I will order yes done food just okay I'm a foodie in my own way Oh bite me with an answer okay so topping that is off-limits a tube okay so it'll I'm assuming he hasn't said something obviously in edibles like poison see what you like that's absolutely off limits the two big unpleasant toppings are human flesh remember the scandal with Domino's human flesh [Laughter] so pineapple and anchovies / - I don't think Mike has a big problem with pineapples I would say anchovies I think my James might like pineapple on pizza so I'm not gonna go with the other one I think I'm nuts or dvd oh well Mike maybe playing three-dimensional chess with his Tom tittering ting donate $10 and says this is for Mike's heart health triple bypass scrape all that okay I don't think he said pineapple I don't think he said anchovies he may have said something like broccoli or kale or like something green and disgusting I don't that's me putting words in my mouth because I think can you see can you see this fine this is to go that's what your Instagram yeah yeah that's all of marinara sauce on the side that looks like something you would stab in the throat in the last yeah I think the grilled cheese sandwich burger is on yeah Mike's done you should read theme your Instagram account is just like a some food yes like it would be a great 12 months six because Andy put his cards on the table now okay okay I've slapped an anchovy down onto the table it's getting anchovy oil everywhere I'm sure he's only tiny so have you looked I've got a fan of anchovies no onto the table I reckon I think it's got to be something green but I don't know what Mike could have specifically singled out to be but like the pizza poison I mean probably in semi common like semi common if you're in a trendy pizza place and they'll put like wild tender stem broccoli or something on their pizza so let's say broccoli ok good on pizza I like ya Jane has n broccoli and E has said anchovies well the actual answer that Mike gave three words for your folks and Jovi's yes micros anchovies in fact any seafood the problem with seafood is it basically all tastes like drinking seawater you can make convincing vegetarian fish and chips by wrapping tofu in seaweed and deep-frying it then adding chips obviously how nonsense seafood is has turned into a recipe myk's myk's you to wonder halfway through that he did say anchovies versa Andi yes on the boys I've so come around to enemies never may come yeah you ever make like a Puttanesca pasta where you chop up a load of anchovies and you have like garlic and it's just tiny little like dried I think they're on chippies tiny little dried fish and you just eat them whole and they're all crispy now yeah Malaysian delicacies there's also and Toki of tofu there's like a type of tofu called like old grannies stinky tofu stinky tofu yes it's amazing it's very very place this whole round has made me hungry I'm think about ending this now it's it's not dead yeah it's been waiting yes are you right the stream now it might bleed out but I would have never tap this I don't know the wound right but the wound my tree closed on its own my yeah I think it's septic but I'm not sure amazing enough to sell it to - too close to call okay the next one this was question levelled at Jane oh yeah I asked Jane if you fell in a nuclear reactor what superpower would you PO willing to come out having a quiet yeah well hmm okay right that's the best one flying is the best superpower I disagree what I disagree all right come on all right well I'm not gonna say invisibility because I know your opinion on invisibility is the only people you want invisible is a superpower purple bike bank robbers micro bank of a second you know much bank robbers what's what's the third what's the third you sandy what else would you use invisibility for spicing crimes spice yeah stop being a bank right in a perverse way yeah I mean you could stop correct yeah you could stop crimes by life following criminals to their lair and then like figuring out what's going on but that doesn't discount the possibility that you could do that make it and be getting off on it I do it naked I mean you've got me invisible with your clothes yeah you don't have to be getting off on it cause so many points when it's cold that's six Val you're a bonus half point because even though he's annoyed Mike he did demonstrate applied knowledge Mike Mike is thought processes of Mike's thought processes um say point there Andy thank you very much what does gel why is this master I would say teleportation would be the power they can teleport somewhere we can fly there because step flying takers my faster whereas yeah if you can tell somebody some fly Superman can fly any like around the world in like a second you just said flight you didn't say super fast flight it's employee you just said flight which is hovering above the ground of the looping teleportation you could be like ah where should we go for dinner tonight oh I know how about that place in Mexico that does the amazing tacos and then BAM you're back yeah the Chihuahua comes over and you're having a bomb blast crunching Mountain Dew oh I'll have one of those cheaper liters please heard of it don't skimp on the flamin hot cheeto it's a local delicacy yeah teleportation or you could be like uh what'd you do this weekend I don't know let's go to Disney World and then let's go to Universal Studios Japan in the same way but when you blink into existence as expensive be arrested and dissected you would you're going to exist in somewhere private like a toilet checkmate Mike what's your other I think the power of fight twice more fun okay teleportation doesn't feel special it's just like why I was here now there it's like flying around with no I'm invisible the thing with Superman's power of flight is that Superman has additional powers that allow him to fly fast and high a human being with just the power of fly they wouldnt be able to go high they can breathe the oxygen they can't go fast the friction would burn their super strength invulnerability I think there's got additional powers that make him being able to fly has nothing to do with it no but it it means that his skin doesn't all burn off when he flies at the speed of sound like a human beings would I thought you were saying flight was an artifact of having other powers but you're saying I don't always make flight survivable Superman has every power and that means that he can fly yes Larry seemed aware outside his it's strong tomorrow not for me thanks yeah they said are you sure are you sure Superman the changing rooms are just over there and he went no no no no I have imagined yeah what are you for Mike he's committing an aerial perversion before I give the answer I just want to point out how here I am for Mike for English dating well haven't we haven't considered the possibility that Jane might worsen wants to use invisibility for perverted reasons I mean it's entirely possible I've got both your answers on lock now and looking at the notes Jane's actual response was the power to eat any plant and gain nutrition nutrition boy noses okay fine Jane didn't say that well we look we're not leaving any friendships on the table here including anyone's time and there won't be Luke should explain plant nutrition boy yeah I should get a platform to explain I haven't been given explain it okay here's what Jay naturally said are you ready yeah no teleportation yes your face Mike Mike face Mike he's obviously the best most versatile what Jane said teleportation I can teleport myself and anything splash anyone I'm holding on to anywhere on earth in fact anywhere in the solar system it's a short trip to mercury isn't it yeah as you immediately incinerate yourself I would say it's a super how if I ever need to destroy like a great evil and I have one shot at this all I have to do is grab their hand and teleport us both to mercury and then that's done but that's like a single use a single use that that's gonna be the one thing that tips the balance in my favor after I do all the evil things I will I will use my power of teleportation once in an act of self-sacrifice to save the world nice yeah great choice it's what I'll fly around the place by around at walking speed not walking speed and ease right because you could go to you could go anywhere you like instantaneously and come back and in your own bed yeah yeah great well you would never have to get a night bus very good well done Andy the points as they stand actually no let's do let's do the last question this job okay okay this one this head scratcher was pointed in the direction of you know him you love him you see he's wearing a hat it's a yeah he gets three descriptors that's right and he was asked what fictional character would you most like to go to the pub with what I surprised myself witness on is this so good luck we what really yeah it's not gomez addams fine be a real person or can it be a fictional character is right there in the question Jane what fictional character I wasn't listening but God's sake Luke I wasn't listening okay so it's I mean yeah add Mike something right if he surprised himself that it's not gomez addams because that is them yeah um gomez addams wouldn't be seen dead or alive in a pub hmm is he dead or is he alive yeah he's in his living source just oaky it's a good answer for all julia is a real person I could go to the pub with raúl juliá we could just recite his line series movies the planets gone mad a story once the anjelica huston was in a bar with raúl juliá once and his eye popped out and he just add it back in it just popped out down his cheek and he was like oh this again I mean like they were popping out constantly but I didn't realize it was a thing that I mean that is a faint memory that I cannot stand by in any with any kind of evidence but I seem to remember reading it once so fictional character Andy he's in the pub who's he drinking with okay from the animal TV show because he is an impeccably dressed urbane person as long as you're not rude to him and cultured and as long as you're not rude to him he won't kill me so are you gonna last five pints in a pub and not be normal people find it quite easy Mike you spill your drink on him you're toast on toast as a pack like Andy Halloween costumes so there's also John wick but I don't think John would be much fun don't get me wrong I've endless respect mr. wick but I don't think he'd be a lot right now Oh John I've got your pint and he's like yeah the point so maybe not maybe not I'm Stuart um oh john marston or after Morgan I wondered about John Ross and Arthur Morgan I think Arthur Morgan would probably be more fun or Lenny Lenny would be the most fun Lenny from Red Dead Redemption I mean it would be amusing I'm gonna have Redemption - yeah shout Lenny over and over again I'm having Little Italy like that he loved it yeah hey hey we're having fun aren't we Lenny Lenny I can't get around the idea that and he surprised himself with his answer he probably said like a Premier League football yeah oh yeah John Ruth Johnny goals Johnny gold face I'm gonna push you for answers now because I'm hearing nothing but you've got mine it's Lenny from Red Dead Redemption to James going for Hannibal but not that yeah yeah they're cool Hannibal with the cool okay suits yeah well good answers folks I don't know how you're gonna react to this but here's what Andy said okay and I'm going to read his answer verbatim because I don't want you to accuse me of meddling Andy has written Andy there in mind you know know him do we go do we really can really no question mark over that now because what Andy wrote was for some reason the first name that popped into my head was Gandalf from Lord of the Rings what enjoy very much you said I I have you a record saying Lord of the Rings is for terrible people who are nerds that I hate making eyes exactly like what nutrition boy my exact words sorry I'm not Andy continues I do find Gandalf very funny though probably because everything he says is so portentous so I can imagine it would be brilliant fun to have a point with him while he recounts the tale of the elven spire of Zanna Thor or whatever and he goes on to say probably the others will say what if the red dead cowboy be good but I'm not sure they'd be as much fun to drink with on account of their taciturn nature and predilection for getting into gunfights and I just love candor so done much I'm not choosing it yeah anyway so that's no points to my opponents is what you're saying that's no points for the opponent's Lord of the Rings films oh you know I have what makes a loud groaning noise whenever anything to do it we watch them together and I groaned have a very good time Andy you're just in the pub within McKellen owns a pub you could just go to Ian McKellen's pub and hang out with Ian McKellen and it would be probably he's not fictional in McKellen is real Adams would be good I think Hannibal is actually an excellent choice would be yeah he would be like an extra sort of danger because if you hurry to him he would kill me in a pub trip danger sort of happy this perhaps a secret sort of some nuts and this is a delicacy or South America Randy what they do is they drown the baby bird in brandy and then you and I below oh I've never heard of that Hannibal you're so cultured don't drink the brandy it has come from the private stock of Zenith or king of the elven spire not all accounted for lieutenants easy shanks number two how horrid Stan monster Fred fresh freshly number four grim do you want me to go on or have I proven to you that you did actually name them you think I'm gonna forget constant and freshly I am horsten known to some as blanston as freshly fresh he's one of the air Oh I mean you don't need to sell me yeah okay right I'm gonna buy Andy The Silmarillion for his birthday Oh keys why would you ruin this day like that please I can't wait to read it like that is the most shocking answer that we've had so far it really is nobody got any points and and he's incredibly hard to get answer to that one is a big contributing factor to the fact that now he's in the lead Oh turns out I'm the best friend I think Andy answered dishonestly no I answer the entirely honestly it's all my fault you don't know my whims enough I hate time he was throwing a dart board at fictional killer does he have a dart board covered in fictional characters just like yeah imagine if Gandalf contrary to what you would expect was such a lightweight and got really rowdy real fast it was a real messy mean drunk yeah yeah syrup in his beard straight away don't worry Andy I know a spell for this and then he would do the wrong spell and blow to smash a window we have to throw this in get on this Eagle boom is what I call my mouth Gandalf that's a police car Andy's in the lead with two and a half points Mike has two points Jane is toe railing with one point what was the one point you got was it it was it anchovy sushi that's right yes right sure okay well there we have there we have the schools as they stand can't wait to read up on homestead and freshly laid now you're probably wondering wills what's the next question well I'm not wondering because I know what it is yeah Mike here it is folks Mike was posed this brain teaser a previously untamable horse responds only to you what do you name the horse and why does it trust you specifically this is two points is it a point for why I named it and a point for why it trusts it's up to me make a decision at some point okay what would Mike name a horse I think he'd name it I wish you were a car or something I mean that's definitely the sentiment I'm torn between either a horse pun a lie red dead yeah or Mike jr. yeah so I think ha what's his I think his red dead horse is called Shire hoof so China hoof so I'm gonna go with with that for the continuity and the reason that it trusts Mike is of course his kind eyes okay so we've got Cheyenne the hook and eyes okay I think my do you have anything nice to say about Mike's eyes or he just but the horse is cold if there were a horse pawn that also incorporated a car name so I'm thinking [Music] and it is Ferrari is that the car with a horse on it the horse on it it does have horsey things the Prancing Pony recovery in talking my favorite author yeah say this is quite hard to rhyme with right Vox all horse sir did it I don't think that's the answer because otherwise Mike couldn't have been less surprised okay that's good day you can name your horse that okay all right Mustang Pony dancer is not the name of my red dead horse Jane but it is a good are you isn't it someone's naming someone what's your yours is okay I'm going for pony Danza cuz I'm but that's from somewhere I feel like that's a thing and the reason it trusts Mike is because Mike saved its life from something properly like my horse is in red debt bills out the pub looking for a fight it is a wild wind windfall apple that he found on the grass sounds great yeah yeah this is I can see why crisp Christie why the horse fell in love with Mike and sweet well those were good guesses but you did not get the answers know the name or Weija Jang and I was pretty obviously that was a hard question I was prepared to give half points maybe full points if you were sort of like somatically on point you vote neither he way even somatically on point not even thematically on point but you could have been if you'd have thought Borden in mind how Mike treats his horses in red LED stupid horse that I hate and wish was dead your car not car not car the horse [Laughter] here's what here's what might grow okay I feel bad about let me just say I do feel bad about this answer but also I stand by it but but not so bad that you continue typing and then here's what microbe and bear in mind he feels bad he wrote I'd call it donkey as a Power Move to keep it in line oh it might only be briefly tamed he saves untamable horse it might have just it might just only briefly be tamed and then get back to being bad so that's exactly the kind of attitude that leads to an seemingly untamable horses mike is it Mike no no they just they just need to be put in their place continued why does it trust me because I know that it's important never to lie my father the king of Sweden taught me that so he's lied to the horse basically that's true I don't the people in the stable dad look over and the previously untamable horse is docilely nodding his head and pouring at the at this at the sand and they're like oh my god you you did it you you tamed the horse sir what did you say to it I yeah I told it my dad was the King of Sweden and there's called donkey to the out to to anyone in the stable every a would look like a regular horse whisperer because Mike would be there with the horse's head in his hands and he be like wow that man judy has what he would be whispering is like cool it my little horse from now on Wow Wow I mean I am learning I am learning a lot about Mike yeah too much tree you overestimated his compassion for for our four-legged friends so interesting and but as a result you get no points he's be played you like grass played you like a xylophone bad okay this question was leveled to Jane yeah Jane was asked what skill that you don't have wait hang on let me his this question was poorly phrased when it was put to chain but let me correct it now on the so I wonder what I read what skill that you don't have what's this hang on okay what's the problem with the question what are you missing here's what's missing you don't have that you wish you did have yes that's the question what's a skill that you don't have you wish you did have hmm well Jane is obviously very skilled in a number of areas so this is gonna be a tricky a tricky one thinking about taking away your half point for there no no no alright okay I my first thought is musical instruments I think being able to play a musical instrument I think Jane has a good singing voice but you can't play any instruments I think that's something she would maybe like to be able to do I don't know I don't know maybe she would some stupid um I think what other like notable skills jane lacks that's an excuse jane it's a party it's a frailty that ends family religion you must slay hmm Mike any thoughts yeah I feel like musical instruments a strong answer either that or maybe I guess a sport of some sort like some sort of physical activity but then there are so many sports how would you pick just one below it I mean are we talking to like an Olympic level are we talking Olympic level brilliant yeah you would be like a high-level at this skill at which point you'll be like which is the coolest sport to be a gold medalist in prospecting town-planning hello imagine getting bronze in olympic prospecting yeah yeah you it that's how you do you find see the river instead of gah well could have found some gold but I guess or maybe something that Jane already like a smaller chain already does but would like to be better at maybe like climbing maybe I'm gonna get for climbing that's the thing that is Jane already knows that yeah but not to like the top level so I say my second choice ladder is like art drawing painting I know I can't have two guards hmm I might change it because I know that Jane considers it extremely shameful to know how to play the guitar like I consider anyone who can play any instrument yeah alright can I change it to like drawing by art and stuff this is a great question because everything you even passingly guess the implication is that you're confident that Jane sucks at it I've actually seen some like cartoons that Jane is drawn and they're pretty good so I think maybe she had some sort of ambitions in that direction but like yeah in the fire crushed under the wheels yeah I'm going with art okay art Mike yeah some sort of physical thing climbing I guess climbing I guess is the amount okay who's ready to find out the answer yes Mike said climbing and he said art hmm James said yeah teleportation but then went on to say actually language skills [Music] and less than tourists level hockey in Chinese I pronounce that correctly George AI can correct me fine and I would love love love to be fluent in several languages it's you know and impressive which is the best kind of skill and if this all goes tits up then you could become an interpreter like a UN interpreter you know that you could beat the one feeding translations into professional climber Jane I think I'd rather be a professional climber than they you an intern was there when you did say sports I did remember that once I thought it would be really really good to be the world's best at holding your breath like diving like a free diving guy yeah free diving I thought free diving was incredibly cool to the extent I care about any sport I was like free diving really extremely cool to be easy to practice as well because you can just I'm just glad I guess I trailing off when diving is going I'm glad I changed my answer because I remembered how much you hold music in contempt but was I on the right track Andy before we begin this conversation I hate Jane walks in holding the remains of a guitar buskers hand was I on the right track with the art though was that maybe something I feel like I I think the question is a gift because it's like I think it implies that it will give you those skills and I feel that I would quite if I really wanted to get better are I could probably make that happen like if I would just dedicate the time to it there's no way any language is there no I think it's too late for me to let be multilingual you know the people don't have the brain plasticity ten languages it's cuz they've like been steeped in those languages since they were little and they have a you know have an aptitude for it I think at this point I'm I have to reconcile myself the idea that I may never speak every language on earth and so that you may have it's a good answer yeah totally good though you know what just quit your job imagine being able to travel anywhere you want and always having the comfort you know when you OC are you thinking of like comboing this with your teleportation powers yes I actually hadn't maybe I me subliminally was thinking of combining my teleportation power and my Stella forty it's just it's just like lockdown cabin fever it's like I'm trapped yeah desperately want to go somewhere else because some people yeah when I was writing I was definitely like this is about me being me being sad about not traveling for a very very long time so yeah I think I've really gotten to the core of Jane's psyche and probably deserve at least I've really gotten down to the kernel ya know I think what you've done there is you've actually missed entirely the point no no I think it's no I think it's exactly yeah that's I mean that's shows a deep deep knowledge of Jones inner psyche contempt and hatred for all musicians if you ever watched any of Jane's Instagram lives where she just stamps on a bunch of accordions ya actually got that big pair of scissors and she schnitz I snipped all the strings on a hard-line the harvest yeah their eyes out with the sharp ends character I've seen that video in your personal channel Jane where you sneak into the Royal Opera House with a baseball bat and just go ham on dude yeah it was surprising how well I could film myself doing that with one hand when you instrument the voice ham on all the opera singing yes she went ham on all that hurts I like the bit when she was smashing all the smaller violins with the big cello that was good that was good that's a bit where she beat the gong and for the first few hits the gong was making the noise it was supposed to but then it gradually got dented exactly no one has any points for that man dang it you will be terribly okay it's on to a question that was levelled at Andy yeah and I think here is a chance do you both oh yeah I get a night and a half yep Mike if you get a point here that would put you in the lead that would be amazing I mean having a half point for being brilliant last round would have been amazing as well but it's fine I don't hold any I see it's best that you don't points will start falling away okay here we go yeah Andy was asked yeah Oh No a famous band's lead singer has called in sick and they need a replacement quick who would you most like to fill in for onstage the Backstreet Boys no wait probably NSYNC actually yeah why did you change your answer then why and think over the Backstreet because I think the Backstreet Boys have some great songs obviously Max Martin but I think I'm already perfect and yeah I think I think in terms that sacrilege I think in terms of technicalities between the two I think tones the technical ability Timberlake was always better and I think Andy probably has that ability in his back pocket I would like to display and prove his supremacy you got to think about their stage shows as well though haven't you I mean it's it's about being part of the show isn't it yeah and you'd be doing all the cool dance moves as well and some get better dance moves than Backstreet Boys that's a good that's a good point that's the element of the question that is about a performance it's not just about recording with the band or doing a live show so you want someone who puts on a good live show gene any thoughts the question again and I was listening but I just because let me finish I was not listening I think my wording might be important to the way Andy responded oh no a famous band's lead singer has called in sick and they need a replacement quick who would you most like to fill in for on stage okay so I wonder if that means it's if it's an emergency it needs to be some one that Andy could fill in for that you know short notice so it's someone who already has ideal speed dial is that what you're saying at the very least it needs to be an actor Andy is familiar with the the entire works yes but then that's obviously the Backstreet Boys or and sync or let me see this Jane yes what bands or musical groups does Andy like oh so many because music they dance the clapping cattle lick laughing it up not tried it once yeah Andy does some spectacular karaoke bit is Backstreet Boys based I think I think Backstreet Boys if Mike's going NSYNC I'm going Backstreet Boys there are cooler bands but I just think they would be a bit that would be a boring answer and I think Andy's above giving I could you know a cool band for an answer okay also I don't know what cool bands are so I don't know I knew Backstreet Boys and NSYNC J I'm gonna be the flute player for Lizzie Lizzie oh he's got you on speed dial and she's like there's no one to play for me Andy you must go not a lead singer yeah I injured my lips so I need you to come in and play the flute ski lift yeah battery boys are better boys okay Jane is going Backstreet Boys mike is going NSYNC NSYNC alright I'm locking those in I'm gonna read Andy's answer to this I'm gonna let Andy's answer speak for itself I think there's a correct answer to this question and I think it's probably a boy band during the early 2000s like an insanely overproduced boy band like NSYNC during the no-strings-attached or where they were on the puppet strings and had the whole choreography routine or a huge Backstreet Boys tour that cost 200 million dollars and robots and spaceship and you're just in the middle of all that doing the robots and the running man that's fun and that's the end of Andy's answer so I'm going to give you both the point you know off because NSYNC was mentioned first you know what I'm gonna give you both one and a half points but yeah explain yourself you know what I'm gonna give Mike one and a half points why because he said Backstreet Boys NSYNC and that those are the first 10 seconds of his answer it was yes and that's the two ones that you said and because Andy didn't actually land on a exact reference between those two I really feel like his friendship needs to remain I'm gonna give you a point I thought you were winding up for a completely different answer you're like well yeah I am actually gonna say is the Beastie Boys you should say you should they don't least with those answers I think that was it that was a difficult one to adjudicate but you both clearly knew Andy very well hmm enough karaoke sessions I think it would be it'd be really fun to like I'm not a very good dancer but I see people like doing cool choreographed dancing and I think there's probably a point where you're doing that where you reach that sort of flow state where you're just like music is working through you and I imagine that is like in transcendence if you're not gonna travel back in time to be a member of Backstreet Boys or anything what you're really looking at in these modern times is BTS because have you seen that choreography yeah sure yeah it's just impeccable spellbinding into it yeah yeah maybe a Korean teenager and I'll we all want to be Korean teenagers it's just no way before we move on from this question yeah I am interested to know Jane and Mike what would your answers be almost exactly the same I think probably I hate your music Jane has to be precise that's why because you because they'll be like Leonard Cohen or something like that's her on there sage that's the some kind of like ratcheting Jane with a baritone voice maybe as a member of NWA coming out with straight out of all right replace Adam Lambert is the Freddie Mercury in Queen yeah but he's Gordon yeah the premise is that he can't do it because he's C bottled offstage if I strode in and said Adam Lambert is unwell they're already used to Adam Lambert is dead and I killed him his Bohemian Rhapsody I think if you like if you fill in for example say Ilana's Morissette for example the artists example yeah if you build an eg for a long set everyone at that show is there to see Alanis Morissette and if you're filling in for them no one's going to have a good time except does know all of the words - all of the lyrics on Jagged Little Pill mmm it's tricky I'm listening to a lot of like singer/songwriter types at the moment so I think it would be weird and odd to be like I'm gonna stand in that's why it would be so perfect to be in like NSYNC or the Backstreet Boys you just be like they're doing the dance and you know if Joey FAT FAT own can do it I probably can if Chris Kirkpatrick can do it that's the rule that Andy's lived his life by if Joey Fatone can do it why not handy yes destroy not be Jesse Branson yeah it could be the oldest columbia's member of it yes the orchestra pit is very loud [Laughter] wearing earplugs out with some now but with your newly found powers of teleportation and the Korean language yeah imagine like they're all like rapping and dancing and you're teleporting around the stage shouting in Korean it be good positive addition to the life you made this a compound thing yeah I I could be there sort of junket translator you know when they go around the world and do interviews that's a real downgrade from lead singer get the rub from BTS husking they're reflected glory okay so one of the scores leak so sake man why are you hiding them from us the schools are Jane has two points Andy has two and a half points Mike has three and a half because here's the you're averaging over scoring because I am a cruel capricious capricious adjudicator looking at the scores as they are now and knowing what's happening next I'm gonna remove Mike's half point although who the moral victories on the grounds that I want things to be able to change going into this next round I don't want Mike to have an unbeatable lead unassailable there's only a point for grabs in streaming what's about to happen next okay now for the good of the for the good of the game I will sacrifice my own not that a choice you took it way no you did you didn't have a choice you could you could protest all you like it's I've changed it in the Google Docs that I'm looking at now so that is gospel Jane has two points Andy has two and a half points mike has three points so Mike is still in the lead but now things could change hmm because I want it to be spicy and I'm not gonna apologize to that so in this final round you were all asked the same question and it is up to you to figure out how the others responded to so we'll stop gosh we'll start with Mike okay Mike was asked and Jane and Andy this question will be familiar to you because you were asked it as well a car with you and the other two is racing towards a cliff edge what do you do such drama what do you think Mike said Matt if we have the cg budget to like a fabulous production of a cliff toy car okay I'm going to say that Mike had he's good he he knows the correct way to drive a car to not go off a cliff and it'll be some kind of cool drift where he will bring the car around in what's possibly known as a j-turn but he'll like he'll pull it around a little like kick out the back end and he'll steer it into or away from the drift depending on which is the correct way and he will like very excitingly drift it so close to the edge that it goes into slow motion and everyone's like zoom off in the direction of safety and he'll say that saved us all with some extremely cool and technically proficient does sound amazing certainly one move available to Mike okay okay okay so the wedding is like it's not clear who's driving it's like the car is racing towards a cliff you're all in it and what happens next I what would Mike say I believe I've done some I think you might done some lateral thinking and just been like I applied the brakes the brakes on good enough right it's very interesting the cliff we are yeah the question does presuppose and imply that it is sort of you know life or death not like you've got you're racing in a way that could be arrested with a firm foot on the on the on the brake and but does Mike play by those kinds of rules yeah he might be he might be playing with the matter and like I hopefully depress the brake pedal that this is Mike's mind's eye version of himself and how often decently is Mike in his own mind externally not very Vin Diesel at all we're all the Vin Diesel's of our own stories i torpedo headbutt a terrorist I pull out packs in your vein and might some witches I ramped off hmmm a superstar Ronda Rousey yeah I did the entire IMDb over Vin Diesel um what it might just dies from the vehicle you have seen you have seen how I treat you all got in the car something to do with the car no the question doesn't specify you're in the car willingly in the trunk you're in the dress yeah you're both in the truck i I think I like Andy's answer but in order for it to be a different answer I think might stop playing with the questions and be I've simply applied the brick so there's reasoning to do without wishing to steer any witnesses I will just again point out the chat now but you don't have to choose different answers so we dandy then I'm gonna have to choose differences I think Andy had it in like school maneuver that kind of like swings assumes the back end of the car over the edge of the cliff and leaves us for a little while we're like teetering on the end of the cliff and then we also have like climbing to the front see that's to me and then yeah yeah and then we will climb out one of the front driver side windows yeah and then get loaded by DJ snake and do the club successfully and then the car falls off the cliff and explodes explodes of course well here is wiring several horses into donkey okay great okay if I'm driving which I seem I am because why wouldn't I be I'd simply turn the steering wheel dump the clutch rip the handbrake and then boot the throttle performing an expert Tokyo Drift along the very edge of the precipice launching dust and gravel into the void then I only carry on liberating were accidentally drive off the other side of the mountain Andy you described it so [Music] you were so there I'm giving you a point absolutely Jane I'm gonna give you a point as well thank you which interestingly Jane puts you on three points which is what Mike has now an MB has three and a half person Andy has three and a half yeah he does it really done with that extra half point Luke yes well well too bad I should get an extra half point for how accurate I was going for it everybody yeah yeah we'll sit we'll settle this in the I'm tempted to give Jane half a point because she specified the car going off the edge at the end which Mike did but he only said acts and she also said the whole thing after I'd said it already I'm yeah I'm not gonna give half a point good for reasons that I don't have to explain should have lied one of these questions listen to my dad the king of Sweden so ready bloody honest and brave and other son you must always lie and the two of you have to go up this door but Mike was too good and pure for the rat's nest that is outside okay next up Jane was asked the same question and in Mike what do you think Jane said again here's the question a car with you and the other two is racing towards a cliff edge what do you do I think I think it's the Thurman Louise thing and I think all three of us would put our hands on the high gear stick and shoot up a gear and launch off the cliff and yeah I'd a blaze of glory I agree I think that's what Jane said my first thought was going to be that Jane would throw herself from the car and roll and let us go ever but in with the justification that she feels like she could help more she could run for help - yeah recover the bodies I really need a you on the situation from outside yeah but I know that Jane respects the decision that the titular heroines make at the end of film on Louise so I feel like that would be yeah she would feel like that was a fitting way to end the channel for us to wrap a car into George and II think if you have yourself at the gorge yeah I think that we're losing it of course in the end it was like spike that Gilda and the freeze frame is on the Cadillac I haven't said it weird instead of labor's kinda like and the number plate says lke SP k is the number plate zooms in on that top and II played by Geena Davis in a tour de force from both on top of each other shoulders sitting on top of Susan's rights it's only like height and a heart it's one and a half season surrounded it's not about the height Mook it's about the presence he does okay so just see if you could just in a sentence sum up what you think Jane said and you Mike like a series and all hands like three hands on the gist ik Jeff Ward's accelerate off the cliff and hope that there's something soft at the bottom like a horse or or she would use her newfound power of teleportation they'll grab both of us and teleport out of there mercury became aligned in a real blaze of glory [Laughter] you know why we say form over in mercury she's saving the world for a greater evil well I love that answer I only wish that Jane had gone for something so romantic no but here is what Jane wrote and I suppose it has a certain romance in its own way Jane wrote using logic and deduction if we're all in a car together Mike is driving if that car is racing towards a cliff edge it's because mike is going to jump a canyon in a fast and furious like maneuver he is probably hoping to catch the car bumper on a hook attached to a nearby grapple point and then swing the car like a spider-man like Hobson sure so James answer is put my arms up rollercoaster style over the best which I mean there is an element of that in our answer there is an element of it but I would say that actually that strikes me as the thematically opposite answer which because what's jazz my driving what's wrong with my driving James well do you want out that Jane what's wrong with Andy's driving in a car together Mike would hurt but what specific along with it he drives too so yeah you need to really get the the velocity off the ramp to catch though yeah you can't drive like an Andy I'm disliking this [Laughter] single person dislike spike okay well I would love to give some points or her points for that but I just don't think I can because what Mike and Andy said was explode in a blaze of glory and Jane is very much counting on surviving with something cool so know ruling because although technically I do say stay in the car the matically it's not about the Thelma and Louise ending it it's about the fast and future ending your magnet plane fly away on the underside of a stealth bomber we'd like magnets under it yeah that is right although I would just want to clarify that my ruling wouldn't have to be fair to be final okay so going into yes the final part of this quiz which is Mike and James response to Andy's answer Jane is on three mike is on three and Andy is on three point five names which means that Mike or Jane if one of you is able to get this right and the other get it wrong you'll take home the whole thing or if we collaborate B and E that's right drive a wedge but if we yeah we really work and you'll be on the shameful second however it's a risky maneuver because if I collaborate and get right or Kenyon you'll put Bowl and E to the top of the podium yeah but there's give me one best answer out the to Lord enjoy lording over us from the top I'll be the best friend he'll win at friendship I have to find out who we rush you best friend and who is a garbage friend okay and he was our into the horse and he was a a car with you and the other two is racing towards a cliff edge what do you do I'm wondering about kind of like based on like our GTA style adventures whether we'd all have parachutes packed and we'd launch the car off the cliff and then dramatically parachute to safety like we have done in our heists in GTA solid friendship trio friendship reaffirming moment and probably what would happen is that Jane and Andy would would parachute to safety and I would clip a rock and like fall all the way down the hill oh I would do that thing that I once did in our Grand Theft Auto I swear I bail out of something and then get hit by that car on the way down that's what happens maybe Jane gets hit by the car I slam into a rock and Andy parachutes to safety yeah that would be quite and both of you one under each arm yeah and just parachutes only calibrated for two people's weight and that is a separate question that's my that's my guess I wonder if we should you know spread the bats do a bit of spread betting wondering if my goal is for Andy to definitely lose okay okay okay okay okay all right deduction and logic says Andy look into the webcam so that tests your okay Android okay all right I suspect and he imagines that he's driving because he said you know why do you think mike is driving for my answer so and he's driving the car and Japanese there's a Backstreet Boys yeah Andy leans over changes CD changer in the trunk the best of Backstreet Boys oh my god a canyon I'm vibing out to the sweet beats of disagreement friendships somewhat aligned with my answer because we do we sometimes think somewhat alike and he's like I would ramp into at the moment how would he incorporate Backstreet Boys now at the moment not forever Andy not for all eternity what's your current fad and you would somehow incorporate your current fad the current thing I'm obsessed with is the Simpsons episode New Kids on the black when but it's in the boy band and the way that Justin Timberlake says word meticulously reconstruct and if you can wait 23 minutes I'm gonna replay that episode of The Simpsons in illegal streaming sites okay and then I'll come back to you with your answer no that episode is so there's that episode where Bart becomes a member of a boy band and it turns out it's brainwashing yeah okay okay well then by deduction and logic starting from a position of that episode of The Simpsons I don't know where I'm going with this um where I going with that Jane oh my god you see you see I don't think he was thinking about Backstreet Boys at the time so I think he's just thinking about Backstreet Boys I'm just a Backstreet Boys it's come up again I think he raps it because we do it's not like we consulted each other on our answers so he might have an answer that resemble answer which is ramping okay I'm gonna lock those answers in so Jane you're going for say it again Mike I'm saying we we launched off the cliff and all parachute mostly to safety but probably not me Mike's going parachutes Jane's going to ramp ramp it okay let me remind you of the scores Andy's famous catchphrase got a ramp it Jane is on three points Mike had 10 points Andy's on three and a half points if neither Jane nor Mike got this right then Andy wins if Mike got it right and Jane didn't and they have given different answers so that's gonna be the outcome then well if Jane gets it Jane would win if Mike gets it Mike would win on the one hand there's Mike Mike unless it was a horse why I remember when I could hold him in my hand you're one of those teacup Mike's Mike turned out to be a regular Mike and I tried to flush him down the toilet but he came back I look at him I look at him and it's hard to reconcile now the man saying parachutes Mike baby yeah then you've got Jane Oh Jane Oh Jane where to begin the times we've had the laughs we've shared and now it seems as if fundamentally something has changed since she's standing in front of me and she's saying Luke Gramps is the answer well now it gives me no pleasure nice turn to andis answer I will now read it verbatim and to remind you Andy was asked a car with you and the other two is racing towards a cliff edge what do you do an Andy wrote we've got to try and ramp it speed up then throw something large and angled in front of us to give us the boost we need to make it across the other side I'm assuming there's another side Jane gets a point Mike that's nothing Jane is the winner of the friendship compromise isn't that incredible four points so the things the angle thing that we're throwing in front of the car is Mike because you need to angle yourself Mike speed bumps well well then well done Jane Jane you're the best for the first few rounds but after the best friend normed back Jane is the best friend she knows Mike and Andy inside-out and they hate her and don't know her at all Mike and I are enemies now yeah and also I guess we're Jane's enemy now who come to my birthday party the last jigsaw piece is placed and the camera pans out to reveal the jigsaw it's my face winking at the camera the music from the music from the end of saw starts playing it wasn't visible until the last piece went in Luke right from the tiny tricycle in tow there's your competition folks good friendships it's been determined that Jane is the best friend well done Jane how do you feel it was real few words for your fans out there I'm going to Disneyland except I can't because I have no teleportation powers you don't speak blacking that's the language yard-line lets you understand Donald Duck yeah for two you buy that one weird burger may wanna sponsor me and feed me that burger yeah the outside excellent friendship test brought to you by the great taste of anchovies enjoy a can of anchovies today to you by fisherman John's kilo fresh of Avengers self tian-chu feast keep the kilo tub of anchovies alright thank you so much for watching this friendship test everyone we've got a lot to think about but we will see you again very soon on outside xbox what are we gonna coming up the rest of this week guys videos some video on Friday yeah Luke do you wanna plug you plug the balls ah doctor what do you got no I don't because I don't know what we're doing honestly we haven't scheduled for tomorrow yet sounding that's a good time so you can check that out friends check out something and we will see you again very soon friends your real friends we can trust you guys this fight business [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 179,152
Rating: 4.9322567 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, streaming, challenge, channge of the week, show of the week, funny, funny moments, friendship, friendship test, friendship challenge, stream, luke westaway
Id: zVkKba1TJx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 17sec (6557 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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