Totally Reliable Delivery Service: Jane, Mike and Andy vs Physics! (Raising Money for the NAACP)

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I love watching them play games with finicky controls so there's constant chaos.

Gangbeasts is my all-time favorite.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cdskip πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The amount raised in this stream is staggering, can't believe so many people contributed so highly.

Black Lives Matter

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BlearyLine7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well jane will win... Duh, she is the one with the fancy fitted labcoat

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/a-latino604 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hello hey everybody sorry Mike alright extra battle simulator run back to the holding screen we messed it up already welcome everybody before we click off you might noticed on this stream we are raising money for the n-double-a-cp we've all been watching the events unfold over the past few days following the killing of George Floyd and we wanted to try and help any way that we can obviously on the channel we play video games and that can all be quite trivial but we feel like we have a platform and we should really try and use that platform to help out if we can the n-double-a-cp is an organization that helps fight this kind of injustice and it's great place for you to donate if you can and if you ought to help there runch of other organizations that you can donate to as well we've got some of those in the description of the this YouTube video but yeah we're hoping that you can you can help out and enjoy us trying to deliver some stuff and you're causing chaos as we go jumping jumping do some stretches yeah that's basically okay and then if you high interval integrity training what does it cause if you go down and then oh no that's okay alright check this out this is a flawless Murphy actually you go down and then you run down no okay I knock myself out you see this is why you needed a certified personal trainer when you do exercise otherwise this exact thing can happen yeah exactly what not to do okay see the problem there is I fell on my back and sit on my front okay down you could probably can grab see if you can play on hands already been grappled in career owed be somewhat out I'll try a lot of people in the chair talking about my beard we can F in the chat I saved yeah I've almost yet it's all over the bathroom floor I mean actually quite impressive how much it has returned there's a little bit dopey going on yeah I did I did mutton chops for the DMD session and let me tell you that was not a look I want to carry into my daily life don't worry it's gonna it's gonna grow back was broadcast to like a hundred thousand people yeah and now on the internet forever story yeah well you know part of the lockdown facial hair experimentation some people cut in bangs I do stuffy bids alright so what are we going to deliver what's our first delivery guys sticky Mike hands bronze on it how do we get a bronze on the warm-up delivery Mike what are you even doing give it here yes right good project managing everyone that was worse than the last time we did it are we getting worse at this game okay alright it's Mike Oh cause ya know Mike that's not look it's not really about okay myk's myk's in control of what the livestream can see because he's got the camera so we have to follow Mike I think there's a lift over here there's yeah you pull the lever okay that's the only key it's the only car we've got Mike so alright I bought it drag delivering the goods all right it's been equipped how do I have it I want it oh no you head-butted her and not to self out all right let's do let's do delivery totally reliable delivery company are we if we don't do any deliveries right here just grab the lever I'll find Mike's just gonna grab the lever yeah all right okay give it a go is out chips we're gonna take these fragile potato chips carefully okay great yes ease ease it in just easily easily place it no oh damn it release it all right hand it was mistakes were made but look there we go and now a simple case of lowering it there we go and now I will I will hold onto it in the back of the truck so doesn't fall out this is personal service you can expect therefore no one will steal the chips and they will arrive safely at the bodega Mike you need to drive safely and calmly go for this Andy a slam dunk it dunk yeah oh no I dummy I've been delivered I mean my tummy is sticking out of the things I'm fine I'm fine thank you so much everyone next more deliveries more deliveries let's find another box okay I want to pull the lever guys guys we can all call movers all right this is a real emergency guys where's the TP this crate the giant crater TP please Mike I will right yeah good now lift it focus obviously no right turn it sideways yeah yeah no go back up back up with Jane please okay yeah oh [ __ ] no you're [ __ ] it up I mean you are supposed to [ __ ] it up yes I do right come on go on down nice and slowly for KITT skywards okay again I've been crushed I need compensate workplace compensation yes no all right let me push it into place I mean oh all right I will push it I'm tend to lead pushing it onto the forklift yep yes yes now raise it gently all right let's go drive away driver to the apartment which is yonder this is very slow he's got a minute and 30 seconds about TP just thing until we get there I mean that's okay I suppose it sit for a little while take a break Wren chris says I'm loving the auto-generated subtitles for this one it's under my head again yeah I mean ow my head is under it thank you so much - Jacqueline Hennig ah yes Thank You Logan J for your donations marker Ivalo as well thank you very much you guys are awesome yes yeah I think it bears repeating but Luke did an amazing job and you all did an amazing job a few yes you basically smashed the target twice over before we got here yeah it was - it would already been - xed by the time we got here yes we'll try and live up to Luke's great examples yeah which one of three exit here so if we can three exit we will be over oh no okay it's a it's an you should not be allowed I am trying to handle it with care of it you're no I'm gonna hold me and knock you out yeah alright I'm not - Mike out it's the only safe way I've got it I've got all right now safely place oh no all right relevant qualifications I've got a bronze swimming certificate I'm getting it I'm trying to Mike but it's physics okay and now simply a line start point which is 300 meters up that cliff so that's just it's a nuclear power tip line Mike oh no whoa thank you to aggro introvert but donating $50 yeah oh wow Brian Shona donated $100 Brian Chapman Jake's hummus the great negative dollars from Ryan Crowe Thank You Ryan that's so good whoa guys guys Adam just donated 500 pounds thank you so much Adam I placed it so well in the back that is still safe just drive safely maybe that's what they need the nuclear force of Mike look out for that exactly the wrong direction we can go up the zip line and let's go to the bottom of the zip line and then see about maybe going up the zip line maybe that's why they need maybe they need the nuclear thing to nuclear power their zip line so yeah we need to fly oh wow thank you to brandon hearts for donating $100 that's amazing thank you thank you so much folks and also if you guys if you can't afford to donate then thank you for being here don't feel bad yeah we know yeah absolutely only if you can and and all donations are gratefully received of course this is a bridge over there's a helicopter in line in the airport I need I need a relaxing balloon ride guys there's so many generous donations coming in yeah John Universal mol Hannah Weber s McKenzie Duncan Collins mate Klein thank you so much Wow we're about to hit the new target Mike what where are you taking us Mike just into space is that the plan we're gonna meet the SpaceX guys all right discuss something very important [Laughter] oh no I I landed four meters away from a trampoline that would have been a guys guys guys we've hit we've hit the okay thank you so much everyone they're so amazingly generous of all of you anonymous $500 donation thank you whoever you are thank you so much and thank you to anthony Romanelli Claire T Evan Saunders Zach Ross LeBlanc Matthew hooker Phil Clem yeah Connor Watson Arturo Vargas you guys are awesome thank you so much how did that happen when it's mostly Mike can we can we retry that one because I really feel like we were we were right there okay we drove over we drove over here didn't we maybe yeah I can't remember I call somewhere in here all the vending machines I think it was like round here maybe respondin forklift trucks that might be yeah this one what's this one believer Oh grant anything thank you ma'am oh it's because we still got to deliver to the bodega mission we've got today I think we can cancel it all right well if I cancel it or destroy I'll eat the chips what if I ate all the chips I mean Jane really pushing for the destroy consumption throw the chips the chips are losing integrity now back to the business at hand no you can please all right think think of Ellen and John they have to moderate this challenge in the chart allowed to produce a job also in the chart how are you doing thank you yes thank you for being a friend I'm just gonna I'm just gonna okay there we go nuclear safety procedures wash your hands trying not get any neutrinos on you okay good tips good news all right new training school it's not a new kid student there's some kind of reactor core or something it's totally sick when I did lab work when I was studying physics we had like nuclear sources like radioactive sources in the lab and they were like boxes yeah yeah yeah that's right like mayonnaise and the sources would be in like a chest like a chest freezer is basically a sort of right I could do Keefe ice creams in there as oh I don't know if it was cold but it did have a sign on the top that said please stop radioactive case and I think you had to be told that I assume the shielding was completely efficient but it still said do not sit on the radio oh you know just in case yeah although I probably what it was they didn't want all their research assistants getting super powers because then they'd be fighting crime the whole time and they wouldn't want to my home planet needs me I must return to my home why did I explode I think you weren't gentle enough I was so gentle we're gonna I'm gonna dive off this cliff into the water and eventually make my own zipline all right I missed the zipline oh you can't swim in this game you just saw yeah you just fallin and I'm on my way whatever it is the radioactive battery yeah someone other than me carry it to the crater can't be trusted okay I don't know my own strength powerful tree trunk army grab it with both hands raise it over my head walk it over to the golf cart remember your training I'm holding it in position it's locked slime into the back hang on there we go grabbing on grabbing on to everybody and everything I can grab hold of alright this time this time we re the warning in your lab Jane Ren Chris says here here's what I learned in the Navy if there's a stupid warning for it that means someone's stupid we also used to have amazing signs or lasers that were like do not look directly down the laser please thank you so much to Devon Miller for donating 150 US dollars it's amazing thank you so much and deal drones thank you for your donations right now okay spike when we get this radioactive source battery thing gently put your hands on it before I release it so doesn't exchange this delicate operation Oh trusted I believe in you okay I know you can do it I'm doing it out of the truck yeah just get the truck out of my way okay I'm gonna release in three two one release okay I've released on this clip I got it what I will not walk up this very gentle incline yes oh now that it's powered up oh I miss the zipline this is this is the extreme zipline this is the extreme run the most line of all is gravity yeah oh yeah if you want the the casuals experience you can travel all right that was good we did that dangerous dangerous battery let's do a helicopter on now helicopters Devlin Burgess says nuclear proliferation successful which is did it something I'm it's a forklift but I've raised it to the maximum height amazing can you lower it so I can stand on it please yes sighs I've got a helicopter and I've got exploding barrels okay so I want to go and roll in on my looking like like a boss standing on top of it very high how do i mm-hmm come back does it not lower any lower I'm just trying to figure out the Jane climb aboard okay lift me up and II know you're jumping off there you go I'm trying not to jump off you can jump yeah I can see yeah all right where's this helicopter let's go do the helicopter I'm driving over okay how do you feel up there Jane safe it's great area see for miles it's really effective the center of gravity for that vehicle oh no oh no I think I've been disconnected oh yeah because he went too high range touch the face of God oh she's back there we go all right what are we delivering exploding barrel simple okay it's probably you know it's exploding it could just be a hot salsa what you serious yes amazing thank you so much all right fantastic all right well we better deliver this like Tom Cruise doll hanging off a helicopter okay I'm gonna do a Tom Cruise off the back of this helicopter oh no and okay good good good I'm gonna do a Tom Cruise off the back of this helicopter okay you can just fly and do it for the anonymous donor okay like I said we don't we don't know that this is explosives like I said it could be it could be the red cell circuit that's spicy and that's why it's got a warning on it okay well let me just let me just lower my arm listen good thinking yeah that's good thinking oh I think the rotors Clips the explosive barrel yeah what can you tell us about what's up there [Applause] you know we have one delivery where Mike doesn't end up with a venomous alright okay one arm and with the other oh I'm gonna grab this chopper grab the truck all right I'm latched on everyone attached yeah we're attached you're gonna hang off the raddest I'm hanging on for dear like let's go [Music] did it we're doing important work we cannot possibly why no no you I love the soundtrack it makes you feel very very we're delivering a barrel of salsa - salsa the spokes they've got tortilla chips lose altitude you need to lose that super not at this rate and not in this direction like control system of any ya know gently gently no - good Jane disdain disengage okay now grab the salsa very gently that's good you can just yeah I'm gonna leap into the waiting arms don't don't ya just go from the other direction no I'm trapped again help me no I have to eat all this salsa anyway I wish I'd kept some of that TP I'll make it out if I believe in myself to being born I've got China India Vandy trap between emissions through the box he's phasing save me friends oh okay yeah go limp and we'll grab something and pull oh no we're all in the box relinquish Oh relinquish wait sweet my sweet heads please be free oh yes yes have you ever seen one of those vet programs where they deliver a car it's Andy guy Nexus you said about time I'm not sure what you're talking about guys guys we just got a donation from Matthew 83 for 1,250 euros is amazing Matthew thank you so much that's incredible hundred dollars from anonymous yeah I think I've got RSI there's some mysterious structure that keeps like clipping in and out of my vision oh oh yeah I see that in my preference it's all in my peripheral vision everyone happy all right I'm buckled out if my bucket you mean grab on with one arm when they shooting those those Suns for the Mission Impossible movie they have to CGI out his mouth doing the Mission Impossible theme some kind of sky sky trumpet it is a trump it's a trumpet isn't it it's got keys and everything what the hell is this why is this here who put this here is this the next Bioshock no no find it up here again no Jane you're gonna fall down to rupture should not I have a giant sky trumpet no says the man in Washington trumpet should be a normal size and on the ground also on the trumpet looking for a job is part of the trumpet okay everybody I think this is the cyber funk DLC for this game Oh was there a car driving around up why not funk okay all right where and there a job dispensing box yeah that's what I'm looking for it's pretty cool it I don't really know why I bought the DLC for this we played the game I found one okay I'm coming what does it go baby come on Andy stylish dismount what oh I'm safe nearly went off the edge yeah quite a dive okay let me get this crank what's that it's a traffic jetpack oh dear what are we stopping no what about this little robot here [Laughter] come back come back I'm trying okay finished can you see this little robot I can explain this explain the symbols trumpet family is waiting for you down here Mike Mike rejected those answers he chose the impossible he chose jacking into the sky a city weather Mike would not fear the jet come and take a look at this robot your robot okay alright it's very about son yeah that's the you have to deliver him okay to the third level okay trumpet yeah this robot son needs to be delivered my slippers like permanently let us know symbols the okay alright so okay I'll grab the robot Mike you have had experience with the jetpack so you truck grab the jetpack I'll grab the robot and then I will with one hand I will hold on to the back of the jetpack let go the robot Mike I'm going to grab on to the back of the jet pack okay well if we crab it at the same time it's fine I've got it going all right Knight grab a hold for any of us ever in control of this control is an illusion yeah okay this isn't working still having a lovely time yes okay yes you've done it going in it try trying to get it free simply simply hump your lower half outwards okay okay Jane do you want grab hold of Andy okay the robot and then we will be ready to go okay the robot or under you can't tell okay good yes okay okay okay the robots okay I I have the controls yes No oh how is this a video game it's only loosely correlated with what we do oh no I can't we put up another jetpack that's fine how far do we need to get this thing all right all right the robots getting away the robots getting away our guardians of appears to be we're terrible with child minders oh is well above us isn't it all right okay all right you're coming with me robot I assume we're taking him somewhere nice and not to let the trash compacter recycle for robots she'll hear you J all right I got it put him on my back backpack okay okay yes I'm ready I'm fully ready all right coming to me I'm okay yes great idea then I'll grab on to Jane okay okay I've got Jane yes no yes no Oh Jane you go and Mike save him my sympathy boy okay this thing's extremely difficult to control okay is there any way we could just like walk this in you know yeah we just work it up to that I don't think there's stairs I'm travel all right I don't pack is is calibrated for three sighs all right you go free after day Mike Godspeed spaceman you glorious tell tales tell tales of your adventures in space just vanishing dots and a robot dangling underneath him okay life successfully dismounted I managed to let go of the jetpack not the Rope all done great time now we're going to deliver him to you well maybe I can follow you up there try and come up if you like oh let me let me hang on all right grab on ready yeah let's go let's go go Jane let's go save it quick turn the jetpack upside down and we can catch the road before as it falls just turn it up wise okay up way st. up wise all right how do we turn this over it's stuck in the ground it's embedded in the ground only that's not gonna work yeah yes all right got it no [Laughter] it's fine it's fine we can fix this I'm just here on the edge he's a man not entitled to the gem let's check in on the total we are currently at thirty six thousand five hundred and forty three dollars which is just amazing thank you so much great great cause okay all right Jamie you did you did like physics and stuff maybe you should have a crash oh yeah that's very remembrance yeah exactly how to restore stick basically just left stick all right let's go up nope that's not it that's not it come on robot come with me robot let's go hey Jay Oh you sure it's lipstick yeah it is okay all right okay okay well I'm moving the lipstick in all the directions it can go let me I'll release it let me release yes oh no we saw its back but you know so determined to be found is this an invited control thing Mike is this one of yours okay for once it's not speak your language okay every bed in it I'm fully wedged it in the floor again oh yeah another one up here yeah I think I saw one pin wheeling around the sky okay Andy yes all right I have and I couldn't not make the trip back immediately okay all right how do you control how do you left sick all right but that is upside down yeah I'm just I'm turning it I'm turning it up boys oh it's just like the SpaceX launch all over again I imagine this is what they were grappling with oh shoot why don't you manage to launch the first time this gives someone tip the jetpack upside down this is yeah and actually this is what even on my Elon Musk's new baby looks like X 12 B 37 okay told it's over all right I feel like Mike is mike is our best shot of this amazing is to say yes I need a reset hang on stampy little robots camp yeah right okay we mainly want to go up right you made me want to go go you can do it ascending there I can see you up there your yeah you suck on the lip so you just need to edge edge it outwards and more top top wise out why isn't top wise yeah concealed MTU yeah you're going out wise and pop wise don't you drop that simply boy oh wow no I'll save you I'll save you okay one we'll go and then I think Mike is literally attached to him that was good good oh great approach trajectories yeah oh yeah Victor my sweet precious baby flex him into the box and be done with it like he doesn't want to go in the box Mike he wants to live a full life with us we have to respect why does this guy not have a ladder that goes up to his little can't see what you're seeing is a picture just just yes yes get in there how's it going yeah we took our sweet ones bronze I can't believe that works yeah well done Mike that was impressive let's get a let's get a like spike for that Mike spike I feel like we never really understood the controls and yet I still feel like we never really understood the symbol robot he tried to show us his ways that would probably be good that would be ideal let's try this one all right it's probably not gonna be a train there we go all right somebody this thing booth is not a boombox video game yeah all right Mike do this again yeah Mike you're gay you need to fly it but I'm gonna try and hold on I'm gonna try and hold on an experience the thrill books okay Phil save your boom box all right I'm trying to figure out these control and but it's very very difficult Mike I feel like we should just throw this off the edge and say that they got lost there we go Jamie you and you're in some kind of Thunderdome in the distance let's go we had that helicopter survived our trip up here I don't know I doubt it I doubt it very much I've gone to the Thunderdome it's it's where I belong well then shall I just grab this jet pack and Ian do you want to do you want a flower hold on if you hold my hand before you touch the jet pack and we'll water you might respawn near me I'm just saying okay well also it would be very exciting I'm holding you by the face okay so wait now grab the jet pack okay yeah okay yeah holding onto your hand oh yes all right we're going yeah flawless takeoff and they spun out yeah let's go back up here am i respawned yes all right coming out this zero consequences to anything we've just done anything cool there is always a tuba you know how far took infinite changed many times yes yeah yeah it definitely was all right Mike this is glorious a story I'm gonna let you make your way up to me well I read comments okay I'm just gonna sing what you see we should be soaring through the air while I sing this mic okay he's lost the jet pack are we flying with no jet pack let's just jump and see if it spawns us near days okay make believe I'm everywhere falling in the sea teleporting to Jane's Thunderdome is where away yes we have to deliver the upside down barrel of spicy salsa - gasps yeah basically great so are we ready I'm holding on all right I think we've resumed our regular rows okay that's fine now I'm excited to find out whether the barrel needs to be secured independently I'm holding it now on my cell now not yes I'm holding it all right I am now holding on to the barrel all right good this is the most secure a helicopter has ever been yes we're doing well all right my upper-body strength just has to hold out for 700 meters I'm so much stronger objectives their lifes disappearing and I get relative ease [Music] it's like an island evil space program yep no one puts a good space program into volcano I feel like evil Bond villains possibly oh I see what you mean space program Oh arrangement quite steep descent are we meaning to descend right now we're weird yeah we were on the right some altitudes Mike's checking his instruments I'm looking at look at the panel of instruments in front of him they all reading all the readings if I yeah if everyone could get their tray tables upright position scientists need to can eat salsa okay once you can better than two to carry very very delicate okay all right and bring it tenderly across across the forecourt yeah raising greeting and triumphant so they know that I I bring people from space sky people so upon you this bounty edible bounty okay south sir next generation of rockets now they did it right told you Brock it's true your flights and rockets yeah you have to do it I will hold the rocket handle this is yeah yep okay space space X the second here we go yeah yeah alright let's go explosion into space put my face in okay now I don't know what these two sticks to I'm gonna grab both of them and I feel like just yanking them both skyward would probably do the trick yeah okay hmm yeah it's clear it's a repeatable experiment so that's something getting the same results okay good scientifically alright putting my face in the frost oh let me see if I can collect oh yeah here's the problem it's burned my face off yeah yeah yeah that looks fun look at this thing this is like a magnet Chinook it's a big magnet Chinook it's supposed to be what they've got to try and write it right yes of course right thank you to Kevin McKenzie you donated 20 bucks thank you very much appreciated Kevin thank you and thank you everyone for watching well I'm a teacher as well thank you so much contribute we we value your presence here we are appreciative of you watching getting the word out mmm thank you very much it doesn't look like that magnet is working oh no I don't think it's ferromagnetic is the problem okay I've been crushed in a day I'm going to space okay meanwhile the fire extinguisher knows much higher than we got on the rocket okay what okay oh yeah I can see Mike's pin wheeling through the sky yeah can we cancel the mission and try again there must be a rocket mission are they not they not steerable enough well as long as we can go straight up I'm gonna probably they just wanted to live it to space if you can if you can just put it in geosynchronous orbit okay okay okay that did not give me enough lift together I'm going very slowly sideways and not a deal upwards that's a problem the jane space program has hit some snags you need to press X or something to activate magnets there's the Ghost of Sparta we're gonna give magnets one more go then let's give magnets one more try guys if we can't get these Rockets working how they ever going to escape how are we ever gonna escape to the one place that hasn't been good it's making wavy magnet lines yes are you sure those are distinct lines could be a smelly magnet so down they said exactly the wrong way up that's entirely inverted but so not only does it stink but it's the wrong whale wait what about this cool rocky in here there's another rocket in the hangar oh it's a little shuttle oh oh boy that's probably good because they'll give us a new one don't give us new rock oh this mysterious got a round slit oh it's a space shuttle all right all right okay space program countdown Jane all right as well all right t-minus 5 4 4 3 2 1 blast-off we know you stared my we didn't run its a mountain we've lost their home I got knocked unconscious I'll chase I'll chase I'm coming up the hill okay all right we didn't go to very much base we went to no inner space I need to land it it's right it's fine every space program has to come back I'm the Michael I'm the Michael Collins of miss Apollo missions oh I thought you're gonna say you're the Michael Jordan of space I am also the Michael Jordan is just game that can be two things dollars okay you donated a hundred bucks well done whoa thank you thank you very much generously generously donated there also Mark Chapman donated 50 bucks so may see you thank you very much okay we're back at the rocket now yeah now who wants to have a go we don't get a vago the rocket sled again oh you want a rocket sled and then the Rockets okay where if you Beach hang on to a wing yeah I think I was I was throwing off the balance all right I'm holding on D Andy and I are basically ballast let's go yes yes no Mike no no turn around Mike look what you see can we just stick can we do a that's safe sensible delivery where we just have to drive a package after all of the rocketry we've been cast away are we castaways yeah no way you've still got a mission going are we still gonna cancel it no there I can do it from the menu I think you spawned a helicopter my head back to the space program all right let's go okay I'm trying to latch on hang on Andy you're paid to be in control of the right six oh okay well I left it's probably easiest if I give you control of boats ticks hey guys steering by committee yeah well when I got that when I got that on transplant from that convict from the death row yeah all right I think I'm holding on no am i yes I'm okay got full contact or not yeah oh yeah the classic deliveryman pose believe I'm able to fly this thing somewhat success so proud if your helicopter progress from the ground yeah Landis within the compound Mike right now we all get paid whoever brings it home nope me Oh No all right I'm hugging it oh wait wrong rocket I'm hugging the wrong rocket let's symmetrically balance oh no no no symmetrically all right all right I'll go to the other handle symmetric e otherwise we'll throw off the balance it's ready ready to go yes yes lift lift the skirt the lift is bad same thing same thing happened I feel vindicated that it is obviously impossible to fly these things okay maybe ours on earth powers on the left stick if I don't really know what the right stick but maybe Andy would be the rocket whisperer mother of rockets only Andy may fly them come on break her chains mother arriving cutting down luck bad sir Daenerys didn't start off well with the dragons they all set on fire okay I named this one Rocko the rocket right rock aries the dragon Oh Draco Draco Draycott no Troy Corrigan drogon yeah okay gas it yes oh yes it's sort of good yes it's bad it's bad wait I can fix any bad you can I can fix it I'm fixing it right now oh look about look about your control all right fine depleted uranium rod and we are going to safely I've seen Chernobyl that's safely wait so many packing peanuts 2 miles underground oh no it's my safety feet on the floor come on Jane guys we are so close to the $40,000 target we are currently $410 away okay all right it's in the golf cart all right the golf I'm grabbing on to wait let me grab the chassis not the wheel hang on okay okay okay okay I don't mean out of shot but I'm just so tense okay I'm grabbing several things one of them is Mike's throat I wish that was the first time I'd heard you say that save it save it save it walk it up I know it's still good it's still good it's just a little on the sweet side it's still good now wait oh my goodness I knew died he left behind a Rubik's Cube there's a Rubik's Cube here that was left when your the explosion happened I don't know what it is I don't know what it is or what it means it's so mysterious and you can't see it because you could oh my god did you guys become Mike it is the only one with a camera that's amazing oh my god thank you so much thank you so much we are constantly amazed by this wonderful community Mike are you seeing this what's the deal what's the deal with it why is it here what does it mean this is I'll kill you all [Laughter] great now we're distance island with waving flags Mike okay we're just gonna fly over there thank you to some some annoyed and thank you to it a sirree you folks donated generously thank you so much we appreciate you and we appreciate your donations and Appleberry says there's a shame if you'd like to learn more if you'd like to sign some petitions then do please check out the link in the YouTube description of this video where there is a link to the George Floyd Memorial Fund and the bail funds lots of other places you can go lots of stuff you can learn if you are so inclined we encourage you to check that stuff out I think I think the flag is for Thunderdome yeah no no I definitely saw a pirate ship and someone in the comments there's a ship all right Mike bring up bring us around and let's find a ship it's not a combined fully editor between Andy where we like no we definitely saw a real pirate ship yeah definitely a pirate ship something us about Direction might tell me where I can see the ruins oh there's some ruins yeah this lesson ancient ruins I definitely saw some kind of high privateers ship do you know what I mean how could you know it was a privateer did you see the letter of marque yes much improved it's very foggy online yeah it's um I thought you were running T RDS on the scrub Jane do you ever when you got that World of Warcraft footage for a video and it was like three frames and then everyone in the comments was like what's with your rubbish framerate playing water water and you said this is the world of warcraft experience it's supposed to experience the ship not us directly below us mr. Mike bring her around yeah don't fall out of the sky mr. Mike I insist I command you to know we we had it it was right under us I saw it with my own two two pitiless dots on your face I could get lost in your pitiless dogs for hours you have your mother's picture mr. oh thank you to Esteban Centeno for donating 20 bucks Thank You Esteban you did thank you everyone for joining us here on this evening fun entertaining time was that Coliseum then it was past this this mountain you get I see that you can see the colony the mountain coming up on us right now the mountain is getting within crashing range Mike I'm just saying that the crashing is about to happen oh my god bloody Mountain know we can hike yeah where Mike stranded us on that mountain yeah Mike said he needed to wash his socks cuz they were sinking unconscious you know dying this are we gonna get across this water is allowed to die a big THANK YOU to Jaime Langford who just donated $50 thank you Thank You Jaime hmm yes I seem to have fallen in the sea yes I see the ship I see the ship where do you see the ship it's just here it looks more like a kind of Viking like a Viking ship yeah it's gotta say although it's good enough I will definitely take if we can get over there without dying okay oh no I think sails headfirst bloody helicopter we're back here did we die are we in purgatory yes because we've got we've gone on let me cancel the mission hang on yeah but if we can't submission well it despawn the helicopter maybe but you can then kill yourself and then you can respawn yes no because if I fight if I malicious lovely it spawns the helicopter we need that's okay now if you yeah why don't we just respond to a skew let's just go let's go and just jump in the water and then we'll be reunited would like oh okay I'm gonna find some water lemon I found a cannon I can fire you guys at the ship oh I'm afraid it hasn't respawned you me near you what I just keep myself in a cannon I'm sure you find a way somehow Andy how did you get all the way over there by the way I press respawn H key Oh are you closer to Mike do you think no okay Mike hold on Mike we're coming to you okay you should be able to respawn on your on your fellow players yeah can you do that so many questions this I'm just saying on this cannons when you guys get yeah you do it it's gonna be great once we get over there Mike I can't believe we've been so badly separated yeah I'm driving okay Andy's driving it's like trains planes and automobiles I'm in a helicopter would you believe I'm flying a helicopter I can't quite believe it myself is it working well it's sort of somewhat working you know whoa nice one all right full power okay I've got a rocket rocket a cannon for you guys no Mike's on the other side of the mountain so I'm gonna need a helicopter I think oh no I went so high that my helicopter exploded another great height without a parachute do you always come and take you up in a helicopter I say that like that's something I can definitely do splash landed oh dear I'm in the water okay I'm gonna go back to Haiti Keeks at least then I'll be on land okay okay okay all right so I'm heading Mike woods canting Mike wins debut on Mike we're Oscar Mike - Mike yeah let me know if anyone needs a pickup okay okay he's on the way yeah Andy's here yeah see when you're going do you know what if you pick up a mission where you are Mike then if any of us I think get got we will respawn on the mission a very good start let's do it if you go and pick up a mission anywhere near you then we can kind of fast travel to where you are and on the ship that's some good thinking wait you're on the ship yeah okay all right cool all right Frank somewhere over there by the cannon yanking your crank oh my gosh it has controls around I don't know I'll wait for you guys okay cuz I picked up this the slowest vehicle in this game is about let me know when you've yanked a crank cuz then I'm gonna just like dive headfirst into the water okay let me see let me see if by drowning myself here I can respawn on you Dave it feels so good Derek Morgan Karen Marshall thank you guys so much oh the legendary support such as Mike foretold are you gonna fire me cauldron alright I see you guys over there come join me here on the ship will here you see me all right the wind speed in the Coriolis effect to this distance Mike so close hey that was some great aiming now how are you me thank you Mike I might drop the power just slightly and then see if I can launch one so can you load yourself in amazing alright this is great I believe in you we have the ship of our dreams and II can consider the ship of his dreams yep the joyful damnation to know Oh found ya and those are all those are all the ship things I can think of right now yes it's reset my cannon No trim the sails let's say this is Jane right now let's save there yeah sail bear you do that and I'll try and land on the show ship go why isn't it going thank you just donated 20 of your dollars oh it is going this aside thank you great cause oh we're slowly sailing I think you need to lower the sail we've lost him Oh I've also got off the controls oh no that's it just to show us my falling in the water all right permission to use the ship's controls captain permission granted just got to turn the sail okay I'll do the sail my you love that ocean Nonie we'll just reverse it there's no such thing is reverse on a ship yes the wind just has to blow in the other direction I'm gonna turn it to the right okay and then it'll be a simple case blowing sideways hmm yeah that is a problem where's Mike in all of this yeah Mike abrogating his responsibilities mr. Mike you'll be tarred and feathered sir get out of oh you loved that ocean alright we only got five minutes left of the stream we've got to do something exciting and yeah we frankly friend it alright let's do one more job let's get that Beach and do one more proper job like a proper delivery yeah like a totally reliable in like a somewhat reliable delivery service what have you got for us a race now you're talking mr. Mike some like know some live it to the hotel I'll take this fish for some reason yeah alright one fish is one nice and I'll supervise the fishes back in the ocean the fish I'll save the fish I say the fish no I drowned trying to save the fish right grab the ice mr. Mike okay great alright this time both sandy and I are gonna project-manage yes don't touch that fish I know you're thinking okay I'm project managing Mike by running circles around in my circles but Mike sliding well okay let's just got ya okay we can do it in the box okay yeah stuck in the forty 1446 amazing thank you so much everyone this has been incredible doesn't get out of this box so we can wrap up here okay and Mike grabs my leg and then we all just like hoist yeah cool okay help me it's full of Santa bites it seems to be happening yeah like why you know yes yes yes no yes come on we can do this okay [Applause] [Music] well that was complete enough to chaos oh man we did it all right celebrate this the ferris wheel they fight on in gang beasts same one well okay yes decorum thank you so much for watching the stream everyone donations both on here and those good stream obviously there are many many more great causes down in the description below so if you prefer to yeah we appreciate you really you really made today hmm really made my day today yeah you guys have outdone yourself it's been amazing thank you so much thank you centrifuging me right well mine it couldn't solid parts are separating out anyway thank you so much for watching guys and we'll see you again very soon on the channel oh I'm holding on no I got flung I got flung into space [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 97,412
Rating: 4.8778076 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, trds, totally reliable delivery service, funny, funny moments, physics, chaos, xbox one, xbox, game pass, xbox game pass, xbox one gameplay, gameplay, xbox one game pass, new game
Id: ax4UrlDGl3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 44sec (5564 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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