Golf With Your Friends Xbox Challenge: Who Is Best at Golf? Jane vs Mike vs Andy!

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I love how they just went and invited everyone on the chat to join them. ❤️❤️

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello hello how's it going welcome to golf with your friends which is just right on on xbox game pass and we thought we thought we'd do some golfing there's us in the corner our golf balls are I'm the blue one Andy's the red one and Jamie's the yellow one I've got a lot hat on as well so if you guys want to kick off that's correct right isn't it you kick off the golf sounds about right yeah off kick well I think though how is everyone doing in the chat let's let everyone you know get themselves settled in hi everybody she's arriving from outside extras black flag stream by the way a lot of people ask me if we have a flag we do have a flag I think famous in his odd references one of Ellen's trademark ideas are jokes we don't I do I mean we do have Flags we have several flags because we're playing golf and as I can see three bags right now foregoing bags right now so I'm go off with your friends what is it Mike it is it's the fun version of golf's are not the big sensible wonder the mini version but the difference is you can kind of all go at the same time so you'd have to wait around for the people really go you just all go at once it's removed all the worst parts of golf which is waiting where your turn and not having fun spinny things and not gonna win Milton yes all the problems we've go souls in one place so in the forest course this is probably the most sedates most normal of the courses and they get a bit more bonkers as time goes on but we're gonna crack on with this we'll do a couple around and I think what we might do is open the server up to anyone else who would like to join obviously because it's on game pastelon Eve should hang have access to it already and it's not a big download it's like four gates you might be able to download it in the time it takes us to get around out of 18-hole golf courses and if you've got to join us you're appropriately dressed and EIB you're a referee or a golfer I mean that grievance it's not black it's not really telling this life it's green yeah it's like a very young tell that it's green but also because we're being green screen so the Green is probably mucking it up a bit but I thought definitely I dandies a referee or a golfer of some description see I'm wearing oh okay Plus pause and there's a car you just out of shot he's like me you parked your golf buggy just in the corridor outside your yes it's wearing a respirator gear so it's not breathing on me oh okay that sounds safe and good yeah okay so we're gonna determine in today's stream the main the main objective is to determine once and for all who is king of all golf yes yeah in outside Xbox and Beyond so we're gonna find out we're gonna do two courses we're gonna do this course which is forest and then we're gonna do one of the fun ones whoever wins this course gets to decide the next course and Andy I just want to tell you so you really so you're really going for it so you're really gunning for it there is a haunted house of course and there is also a pirate I know right so you'll be all over that yeah I know it's probably some kind of boring golf inside a car or something that might be what amazing there is there's a really fun worms themed quarter lots of landmines and explosions that I think might could quite enjoy whoever wins this course gets to choose the next course and whoever wins overall that both courses is king of all golf and then when we get on socially distanced we're gonna buy them a golden gold fing true fee you know with a little champagne yeah exactly yeah so whoever wins gets one of those things eventually when we can go back shops never what did anything more alright okay so what you don't take interns or you don't have to take interns but we're going to for clarity so you can follow along at home all this chaos I think Andy should go for let's crack on Andy dressed up for it so Mike's gonna be cameraman so to speak in free freecam mode and we're gonna watch where Andy sins sends them all what color is one day it's red red okay good sending it oh he's gone send it friend no no it we've already lost him where did he end up Mike he ended up on the green okay lieutenant a simple case of oh wait should I wait for my next scent yeah yeah Oh should we do all your turns or oh I just think this out okay yeah I don't it a dog to me well done yeah probably okay okay it's been diet back to one um hang on all right are you watching Mike yeah I only got so much free camera you're allowed to use apparently so I think we need to crack on and you go into the green I'll follow okay all right fine infinite free camp oh maybe we should let Mike go first then I think shouldn't I go first I think I think it's fine no listen oh no I got too much power I oh that's not that's not how you spell not enough Tower the Goldilocks approach will doom you Mary goes enough power okay I think I think Andy's out in front okay Mike I think you should go first and we should use your example to calibrate how to soar honest people get you about about two two rectangles of power for this what I reckon to power two power rectangles all right you guys no no no I want to see I already see you solve this hang on cuz you've got infinite freecam afterwards so I'm watching you it in freetown all right why I got already got it in two on power all right Andy do you wanna go yeah all right down the inning alright fine yeah take it good good case 1 and 3/4 power rectangles I'm gonna use fright fine-tune although I don't know why because it's just straight ahead isn't it Jane alright when we finish socially distancing and where I've locked down drinks on Jane okay all right this is a power power one much power insurance oh no too much power too much how did it go bad how does it look on the other side of that for that tunnel bad oh there's a secret route or something there might be a hole in the barrel or something okay is there a hole in the barrel yeah there is yeah all right well I'm barrel okay Andy I wanna see you hit that okay all right let us know when you're done Mike have you I'm done yet okay right Mike I mean Andy too much swears on that one my friend this hole is all about minimal squares and maximum timing just if you could just tie into the barrel it will roll around until it hits that hole oh I love that that's just physics all right timing and bogey right right to the door now you need to don't get those okay both the technical term Mike a nice one power rectangle right up to the right up to the front door all the Gospels are in the cups taking Jane into a suspected I was a golf genius right talking of golf genius watch this oh [ __ ] you flap it's a hole-in-one Jane is what it is full power Jane all right cameraman Cameron Mike show us what Andy's got going okay so we're between flubbing dunking you got a slump it just gently from Pitt Japanese lumpy all right I reckon slumping is like 2 and 1/2 power rectangles timing-wise I think it's like hang on code now yes that says that's the split round at the clubhouse then isn't it what does that mean oh I think we split around between we split round yeah look at this hole because I can't see where it's going we'd avoid the buzzsaw got it relatively straightforward this feels like a this feels like a full power kind of job so I'm just gonna line it up use my full name fine my name and full power oh oh I'm lunch it directly oh it's in the river Oh what am i oh no oh oh no oh no you can drop the ball once it's in water for some reason you can like jump around yeah I had my little inflatable duck thing but are your floaties oh no I've launched it again out of the out of the course I'm making it harder than it needs to be from relief there we go five stream s Armour in the chat says the British words sound dirty I'm making sure they are British words I think like nonsense really but make nonsense out dirty Andy just hold in one again just do that just see what I did what did you do I wasn't paying enough attention just I just want your home okay let's go around the corner okay all right okay too much all right can you see this nice can you see this yeah I can see everything yeah oh my gosh you're aiming I I'm just waving I am a plus 14 which is not so great but this one looks this one look straight forward unless that's a giant oh there is a jump jump it's ramped it I recommend it my favorite two rectangles will be no two rectangles was not enough okay we know that two is not enough calibrating for power two is not enough how is this too much three is too much we're calibrating we're fine tuning yeah I'm the quiet information is helping you guys yeah is it really is yeah to turn off okay cancel freecam let's see it Andy okay standing on the shoulders of giants let's see it now all right no that's right now okay you're definitely buying me drinks at the clubhouse yeah I think we're definitely benefiting from Mike's experience here alright that's a two and a half swing Oh oh what a rebound there we go hole-in-one well for says congratulations Mike you have the highest score as I understand yeah my prove that golf is pointless now we don't need anymore I mean miniature golf isn't pointless though and this is basically miniature golf isn't it it's quick right see if you can run this along the kind of spine of this yeah perfectly yes butterfly effect it across the central spine you'll be oh yeah it's a simple but according according to chaos speed but I just flew past my school theory my new imperfections in the golf course will send your ball into the ecstatic fear so well I send it into the know I went to it I went tuna quarter you definitely don't want to go any more than two and a quarter Oh Martin Conway says Mike the Pathfinder it's true yes she right I would say this is a to a to find angle Oh a little bit more time I tried to record it went badly wrong oh no - I think he's that right but it your aim has to be absolutely pick no but it doesn't ball Center as you start the as you start the round you think as you start the hole you think you'd hope you would think but know what it's not it's not bad but it's it's not good I you know you can zoom with the right trigger to get like that pixel perfect aim apparently so I'm noting all right here we go Oh get in the bowl all right let's just what's the word for a very light very light dunking just fit yeah there we go beautiful it's a whole new vocabulary yeah well I'm only eight strokes down oh my god is eternal it's complicated Oh belt-driven system I think mocking you in the center of shot oh you're probably not seeing the same butterfly well this who was having the effect earlier yeah yeah all right I don't know how this is gonna work but I'm going to I'm gonna go just under 1 & a half what my last you many 0:01 traps now now the program are you yeah can you hop it out of there oh dear yes ramp it oh that was pretty deep wrapping nice cramping yeah but now I've got a I'm under pressure to to sink this one too much power Oh way too much power Mike when will you learn from your overly powerful never yeah well I think you guys gonna struggle with this one as well so Andy play there you go you're also in there in the Mike I think I think you've really solved the problem with golfing is that you can have a beer while you play this yeah exactly whereas I guess when they tried six pack your than Andy okay sir oh just think it a very light thinking thinking to think it's donkey okay alright can you get this table turntable think - I think you have to go very slowly so that you're kind of like dinking turntable oh you mean actually stop it on the time that's what I was trying to do is stop it on the turntable then it will rotate and give you sir I guess par is three so it doesn't suggest that you can do it in one anyway so yeah all right so we're gonna gently just dinkledge onto the shoulder yeah the gentlest in coochie the littlest dinkledge onto the turntable okay all right here we go littlest include perfect okay now your second now straighten old get it oh this is doing my head in like it's running around I don't know how to line up it's this is really it's rolling it's rolling centripetal forces betrayed you TV oh no I guess the shot wasn't over until it stopped moving and I didn't stop moving till I actually was like ejected from the turntable so I guess that was I thought I had it but I did not have it I would in fact in fact I had it not yeah okay all right baby gently boop the snoot no nearly I nearly had it but now I'm gonna have to ramp it out of here with maximum power face wait to space that was my new program yeah I do want to get to the space station all right why does Mike's ball have a little hat well why not just back to space yeah just you need to get to the right spot you can go yeah I mean I'm in a very bad angle yeah turns out I mean a bad angle Oh perfect now get your angle I said bump it not blow up it into the into the middle upper atmosphere not space okay that was the wrong trajectory captain we barely made escape velocity we didn't make you skate velocity all right the mercy rule is gonna kick in Oh No get a kid someone's gonna take your golf ball around the back I'm gonna hide it you can't take people away from me okay all right really you know how the you know the golf masters from Augusta was canceled this year because yeah I feel like we're delivering I thought you'd say oh it's canceled because someone kept sending their ball into spaces okay all right what are we reckon to right tangles to power rectangles yeah and just seeing what an angle where you can just gently rolling straight shots with maximum power right okay hogs local all right okay just drink it until I kept sending my ball to space well I'm in second place now this is the windmill rig the regulation windmill the house okay I feel like go through okay ah two and a half was the perfect amount and my timing was exceptional timing was exceptional hole-in-one ladies and gentlemen thank you very much a all right yes yes yes might be a very easy hole okay if I hear 14 then I'm leaving I'm going back to the golf house is that big of the golf house what if you get 114 strokes you're improving okay all right there we go here's one straight one not quite perfect all right but you can't possibly fail now oh the pressure mean you can't decisively possibly fail it just silky smooth [Music] that's better be coming last yeah I'm only eight strokes behind und I can reckon I can hold this one back oh what's this what's this salt no it looks horrible it freecam a couple of spinny things I'm a little grumpy thing hello 1 2 2 spinny things working Kalwa power that's pretty good how works pretty well I see ok good good well done and then not too much power just enough to clear the hill and it should be enough okay oh that's a perfect birdie lovely lovely star and the bird is 1-under par right Cretaceous I know nothing wrong okay oh good shot Andy yeah okay right on your golf ball there we go always with it oh it's a whippin of a lifetime this is this is a par 3 hole so okay yeah but it's par it's part of us get a birdie there okay now the timing in this I simply have to see through the matrix yeah through the code well you gonna remember Jane is the time is an illusion time is having it the same yeah everything is happening at once yeah everything's happened before and will happen again right in that case I'm going to absolutely essential crisis Jane Hatton yeah okay and then I'm over that that over this Ridge yeah there we go I see yeah it was definitely spice it there to apply more sour cream to the recipe James what sour cream less mustard all right this looks next hole this looks okay yeah it is it is okay I'm gonna freak em tore this baby and see what's going on okay there's a zigzag yes whole eggs and exact eggs egg Aniki half pipe but you could I think we'd try and ramp it over the ramps and do it like a shortcut oh I see yeah oh yeah I'm gonna do that then all right let me just perfectly perfectly okay I'm just fine-tuning the power ok angle okay it's like it's like being part of space program this one okay yeah yeah yeah send away to NASA hey locations it's pretty good it's not okay it's in orbit that's a little bit Mike just one rectangle I think now to finish okay oh yeah oh but it's a it's a par two so Oh yikes so you really do need to use the halfpipe quarterpipe you pretty much - yeah I've got enough of a leave it I'm gonna play it safe mmm safe rather than try and wrap it in space no one ever won at golf by playing it safe Andy lead Mike okay I can't afford to play it safe because I am dangerously behind so I'm gonna have to work across this quarter pipe and as we all know the loser in a golf tournament is immediately killed yeah that's the little-known fact that's golf trivia for you the person who comes last is immediately executed on the corner and when you join the club you have to leave all your money to the golf club in your will yes oh it's a deadly Ponzi scheme yeah the bunkers are full of sand it's so they can easily dispose they call it the most dangerous game for that we're blowing this thing wide open right well in that case let's nail this perfectly pretty good perfectly pretty good all right now let's just line this up pixely perfectly and just dink it I haven't got the quite have the fine ape oh no the fine aim is alright so there we go alright I reckon one and a eighth of power eight angles just what I ate just 182 Moneypenny sourced was the paprika the guy you it was adding a paprika was unnecessary that's about oh no oh no like plants McKenzie says thanks for keeping me entertained in the 90 degree Houston heat that sounds - horn sounds - sounds entirely too warm but at least a barbecue right good barbecue yeah oh yeah amazing I feel like there's gonna be a cheap to this one but I can't work out what it is so yeah I'm just gonna go for it I'm just gonna go pray just be a legend just do it straight string imagined oh that did not go well did did not go well I'm trying to I'm looking in free cab at this hole and it's like an Escher nightmare where are you it's like Zoe's lathering horse bobrucz you know yeah when in the woods right not the tiger be in the word just over in the woods all right oh now I come back to the start no Mike what are you doing back here at the start I don't know yeah I am yeah I can't switch off the motor racing for my brain oh no he keeps doing a loop it's like that Ben Thor when he's in the infinite prison loophole no yeah just can't I knew this girl can hold please for pity's sake nine there you go which I see was wrong welcome to play golf oh okay the first rule of golf club says free go Jonas's you don't talk about golf club thanks for making my 45th birthday fun one well your birthday happy I assume you're now instantly into golf and will be doing very little else yeah okay gonna be um Johnson missus Ceccarelli he says thanks for making my golf lack of golf skills look good [Music] you'll find this is top level golfing yeah just Purina says seeing your life streams pop up on my phone always makes my day but this morning I literally breathed a sigh of relief as I know it would bring me a good laugh when I saw you need it right now thank you for what you do well Josh thank you for watching and yeah appreciate they're really in kind compliment there that is very very heartwarming thank you okay right Josh missing this show come on Andy you can do single bogey so alright come on yellow ball you got this right go Jess Asher nightmare I've got to get out of this prison this geometry prison of impossible geometries okay I'm gonna give it a 2/3 around this corner yeah yes it's very kind of you to call it a strategy at all so um and now according to the rules of geometry I can just kind of like bounce along this unfair advantage in that she knows physics and she can use yeah mmm nuts that's right she's like just seeing Beautiful Mind calculations yeah that's right check this beautiful mind out that was really good I'm looking at the action coefficient of the grass we call it the grass Oh would you like to hear a physics joke about friction yeah there were three cats on a rooftop which one fell off first or last I can't remember the physics which one fell off first I don't know the one with the smaller mew and you see they even that's funny is because here is the mu is the friction coefficient so it tells you how slippery the cat is and thereby the joke is hilarious that's why it was a funny physics jack my physics homework I've done it a finish of what he's done he's already done hole 13 lucky 13 let's see it let's see Andy not need more power not quite enough not quite enough okay you know put some more mustard on that yeah what kind of mustard spicy Dijon spicy French yes no no three cursory poetry okay I feel like this flume this sort of shape here is designed to play this course for me played this hole for me so yeah just like a ton of power in it yeah I'm just gonna trust three and a half rectangles 3.5 rectangles Mike says and why would he steer me wrong so I'm gonna fit into space okay no I don't into space impossible to fly just the flume yeah I trusted it and it sort of worked okay look there we go buddy 1-under par hello's hole 13 very good well I'm back on level terms of James pasta fire Mike and I are Nick admit yeah yeah and he's not ready in the competition with all these targets like from the store child yet trampolines no it's a sponsorship by the American everything yeah okay I don't know somewhat what my just destroyed I think you know I think you can bounce off them right what what surely you trip it hey you go oh no into springy how I see how I bounce right off the bounce right off into space played for it go let me try this one let me try this one instead no that one goes off the course as well so that it's a bad thing to hit the targets it's not gonna help you towards the hole it's gonna rise you into okay avoid the target targets I think is yes the lesson okay yeah okay agreed it's par-5 though so you can play it like slowly steadily get five strokes I think that's what you have to do you can take where you bounce it off every single one and then land in the hole surely maybe in the hole there we go bogey that's not too bad considering how zeros off the course twice see it's not so easy Kevin Smith asks so Andy when did you know you were the god of golf I think on a subconscious level I've always known part of you okay right oh sorry sorry my dad is quite into golf when over Christmas night for a game of golf with him and golf is fun for about three holes and then it gets hot yes yeah I know I remember you went up holes in Christmas hmm Andy sent me a photograph at Christmas of you were giving a rude finger sign to the golf course itself and you sent me a photo that's my boy it was to the ball to the ball yes aving yourself claimed you might have if you were the god of golf though right yeah that's true that's true okay give zero that was a par okay I am coming up the fairway freeway whatever you call this part of the golf course all right we are gonna slowly and steadily make our way downtown like that song make him you know I'm making my way downtown walking fast she's got a name you know the piano woman I'm I get confused with Michelle Branch because they're almost the same and they're both excellent obviously thousand it's there we go into golf it yeah go stop it is what we call it in the profession of here we go yes no oh no I could have I could of today you could have made a birdie there Oh bogey so you'll get me ahead of me I'm back in third place is a disaster that's one point yeah Peter Stockwell says regardless of who wins drinks are on me thank you you're not true all right you for the drink that's to the golf house drinks honeymoon when we get back to the Gulf House yeah we're living in the Gulf House now there's a but I'm not clear on whether the ramp is high enough to you oh why see I saw these lights back-to-back jumps it looks hard all right what's the story just gonna be soggy target oh really what trust me I trust you you sure it shows now yes no not of power no no power I have to do it the old-fashioned way not enough ambition by playing golf sounds bad yeah it's some solid golf work no don't go down the hill again oh no oh we say almost passage on the hill gravity was nearly your comeuppance again once again in five not bad could have been worse simply tiny little tap right no no no - tiny - tiny not enough tap double bogey rubbish okay physics Joe's just Frodo Baggins physics joke I injured myself the other day while measuring frequencies it still hurts you'd have been the coolest guy in this department oh no we are trying for the target I think I think we all should know I'll back to square one Andy back to the beginning yeah dude is it you hate to see it okay now you're on now you're on the path you found the path follow the path okay we can only show you the path you have to walk it Hills shouldn't be allowed I feel no it's sort of gravity's cheat isn't it pills I just want to be back at the golf house yeah married all that says hello from polymer a longtime fan of the extra fam thank you for all the streaming I finally caught a live one but it is in the middle of my workday sorry Panama but welcome hope you weren't a smashed yeah just keep it incognito in a new window yeah Wow there's a sneaky hole up here hmm they would send you right back to the beginning yikes mistake on this week's London's game game okay Jessie to catch her power full power you full pound it before I thought nobody try to hit the target why don't you ram the ram some noise Shirley that's it that's it fools get it it's a small lip but I reckon it's doable if you recommend a full commitment for a full commitment I'm gonna go to the left not the one to the left of that buzzsaw that you can see if you jump the hill you can so dang oh you okay so you think to the left of the buzzsaw just like yeah you see that gap through there yeah yeah all right full power let's go oh my god yes no it was really good yeah I got you are the finest golf coach in this room thank you that's your calling not as a player yeah as a courtesy [ __ ] dude touching all right now I'm gonna give it to power rectangles up this mystical caddy and oh that's a little a little too much but not too bad there we go three I reckon I can do in three yeah okay I'm gonna give it one power rectangle over to the over to the finish line yes do it a little bit fine-tuning little bit zooming a little bit fine-tuning just sink and go oh here we go very good all right I'm pouring it back Andy I'm coming at you so I'm like I'm lagging behind so-called am I supposed to do this by you oh I see it's you simple pachinko made out of logs oh yeah no pachinko work cycle UNIX says love me a dinner time stream who's looking forward to dinner me get in the wait where's the hole it's sandwiched down a little channel of whack I know oh so I can't get in through this way now you have to like pachinko it no no I can get I can go through the back as well so it's fine go through the back yeah yeah but Andy you were right it's very like a pachinko game you've got to get the ball up to the top of the slope and then kind of watch you go it down yeah getting that hole please for pity's sake oh there we go commented to frame CDO says I hope to describe all my actions by power rectangle I've got a meeting with my boss in the morning I'm gonna give it three and a half power rectangles it's what I call sandwiches on holiday there I'm sorry Oh physics on vacation yeah once you eat a couple of power rectangles you ready for the afternoon yeah okay I had a power rectangle just before this dream yeah oh yeah delicious salad power rectangle yeah I'm having I'm having a power cylinder we call that a person or a Mike battery yeah yeah right gonna Jane okay I said yeah it's done I'm gonna give it I can remember how many power rectangles under gave it or if he even said so I'm getting say it's a trade secret oh dear I'm gonna give it me trying to help and Andy's keeping secrets and the secret blend of spices I don't know it was about three or something I think about three all right the secret blend of three power rectangles up to the top of this hill I'm gonna try and like get it between the the third and fourth logs from the left okay so here we go stop stalling Jane let's go pachinko time no my exact shot only it bounced the opposite way Oh perfect screwing me over once again Harry Jeff Goldblum it's that bloody butterfly always screw me over yes yes in fact I hate you so much flapped his wings every time a chaos effect so Jeff Goldblum gets its wings so I think I'm gonna have to bounce it off the back wall here yeah just know a little do a little tap and then I'm insane like a teeny tiny tap yeah I mean slightly yeah in the other way slightly more of a tap oh all right maximum power into the jaw maximum power Bing okay minimum power into the journal here we go three over par I'm not happy but I really TV I'd you know Jane this is where the real competition is happening at the Gulf yeah this is real deadly boats it's um it's like the factory on Geonosis in that one Star Wars you're gonna have to like do an action scene along these conveyor belts I be Lizbeth in the comment says I set an alarm last night to wake up in time to work on our stream and this was a delightful surprise thank you for keeping me entertained this quarantine you're one of my favorite channels well thank you Abbi Lisbeth and thank you for getting up in the middle of the night to watch Ellen's Assassin's Creed and that's awesome more ability to promote streams oh this is chaos Mike yeah I'm not doing a good job I've got oh it's like the travelator at the end of gladiators at least in floods it's a little American Gladiators had do you have dad won as well I think did they did Americans have a trouble later okay seven strokes okay okay I'm gonna oh yeah we see much in my mind yeah it's interesting interesting okay no no oh you've been doomed off pretty much exactly the same thing as that yeah okay alright it's a trick shot it's a simple trick shot all right okay okay we're in the middle channel now okay you're in the middle channel you don't have to mess with trouble no more trouble laters unless you get the power wrong and skip out the cup and then land on another Rafael Medina says Mike show the bloody course I don't know what you're showing at the moment I assume it's the course I mean it's pretty clear what's going on in this course right in front of us all right and we've got conveyor belts conveyor belts how you doing Andy you're done yeah now finish to finish a while ago I've just been home enjoying my posts whole drink okay coffee is it coffee coffee is it coffee yeah yeah it's coffee today coffee okay good right well I reckon this is a trick shot so I'm gonna go in the angle you would least expect no I think stray on the hole it's gotta be a mistake I think it's not that much power that's no no I said that all right a little bit less power but the same approach okay now now when I cross this last travelator it's gonna carry my ball to the left so I've got it kind of yes veer it to the right but not too much power cuz I'm gonna get some additional tap power from the travelator yes alike by the other travelers energy was converted into Oh No I hate when that happens actual energy yeah okay all right I'm gonna try and curve it around this way but we're not too much power oh no all right I'm back on the bads again you're in the middle the middle Bates okay all right fine screw you trigonometry geometry whatever whichever branch did that to me yeah it's all that news you haven't invented gravity we'd all be it'll be easy yeah okay yeah all right Andy is where I'm from how are we gonna take back like this is the final super travelator okay it's a super fast to do me traveling there's an actual buzzsaw yeah oh yeah so there is you're gonna get buzzed right enough oh my god and the logs go down there this is so confusing all right I've run out free cam so I'm just gonna tap it into that ramp and and hope for the best okay debate the best did not happen oh no it was the worst in fact it was the worst of times what happened they can't see really okay the the family to appear SUSE launch you straight off the course yeah it's really in the luck of the gods once you end up in the travelator because who do any control over at that point so do you want to avoid the travelator no you can't I mean there's no other way to get I think you're trying I think you're trying to bounce it off the off the bus or so that you don't go flying I think you're Trump time it's so the buzz saw captures you on the body side otherwise you have to race is it is it yes impossible oh if I even slightly over this way yeah yeah but a time it you got to hit the hit the old oh you're on the green okay yeah the answer is no I'm straight because then you just get launched directly over the thing not to change aim slightly to the right it's like yeah oh no outside oh it's fine okay exciting by a rolling log okay I can do it did you did you get it nearly done you know I only took me nine strokes okay three somehow so let's see it Andy if you want to go don't aim straight straight don't aim straight yes well oh no oh dear oh dear I did okay to square one back to the beginning Oh true sr miss says no the log catches you so you can kind of bounce it off ol log it's okay us I mean let's not pretend there's any lily scheme involved there's no skill involved in golf we all know that ya know it's true it's not it's like Deal or No Deal chance you may as well flip a coin you may as well play realize and if Andy keeps messing this up oh I might oh no this is like mario party all over again doesn't matter how the stars of the universe oh no Andy you've been mario party yeah I think you have to time it I think it's about timing not about aiming I think you've got a hit either the log or the buzzsaw pottery yeah I reckon because otherwise it shows the speed of the travelator so wait for the buzzsaw which is like wait for it Boop and then wait for it that's true well true us in the comments said it's the it's the log so you have to bounce off the side of the road but I don't think they know what they talking about oh that's so much disrespect Andy now you're in the rough Karma yeah yeah daniel-san says Andy a white thing on the left which is I guess another bandsaw I can learn bandsaw oh the little yeah the little buzz saw over to the left yeah interesting interesting structure okay well interesting you don't want a hard bounce on either the soil all the logs says Robert seungu to my flying okay you don't want a hard hard bounce on either okay so okay all right well I have learned literally nothing as we all know as well if you're the only one who finishes the final hole on the course then you yeah okay fine fine um uh you remember Peggle that like the best power up in peggle was that thing where you could see the line of the thing you're that's really what I need right now so I'm gonna do a mental peggle and just kind of imagine there's a line okay and then I'm gonna time I'm gonna time it so a log catches me and then I'm gonna just okay just cradle you down to the whole log cradle me okay he comes along let's go oh no I didn't even hit the travelator no that was way too slow way too slow not enough power all right okay okay here comes a log in three two one and go oh no geez no oh no I hit the buzzsaw I actually hit the buzzer which turns out it's not a good plan after all it'll happen yeah that will happen okay okay this is hard this is so freaky no it was skill on my part Jane it was skill when I did it basically skill okay all right let's go now I thought we were friends buzzsaw okay I didn't see Mike shot so I don't know how he got through that the log-house but I just got a gamer says you need to use more power so let's use like three and a half powers most power you if you hit less of the travelator yeah maybe it is proportional to the travel injure maybe I don't know I don't know Mike if that's true but let's give it a go and here comes a lot let's go wow I got no trouble at all travelator okay is this travelator okay let's goldilocks this thing no oh no oh I'm so close to have your drink in the golf house yeah the chance again warm day oh no the drinks are getting warm in the Gulf oh that's good go now go yeah let's guess yes I can I can taste the sweet go-fast juice there we go I'm gonna get by look look go from dangerous golf look over bar six I think that's the same as I got okay let me take a note of the numbers because otherwise we won't know who's won overall event right so hang on I tell you what guess who through all her pens out of reach Jane so what was that 63 65 73 okay sandy I assume you want the home 669 and 73 okay okay okay okay Andy do you want haunted or pirate Cove okay one pirate Cove because I had a quick look at the haunted house one in the carpet it's the same color as my ball and I think it might be confusing okay well we're heading to pirate Cove you guys pray for pirate Cove gonna be appropriate pirate music yeah read some of the old comments 63 69 73 yeah yeah wants to know if we have a favorite milk white chocolate strawberry vanilla banana or vanilla I like milkshakes you get fast food restaurants does that count as milk though or is that a shake yeah you've tried chocolate milk it's just like the thin milk yeah if it's like a nest great thing it's creamy shake yeah vanilla shake we'd like malteaser like molten it is good yeah but if we're talking about just a straight-up milk then probably strawberry Oh ended up on the beach not in a good way oh we've got a light - Pirates of the Caribbean sort of theme music going on very good oh wow there's like a ramp on the side of this where you can yeah it's like a wave it's like a piratey waves and ocean email oh by the way if at home you're adding if you're downloading golf with your friends because it's it's on game passes alone if you've got a game pass then you can get with your friends for free at the moment if you're downloading it we will give you the password to this server to this game when we finish this course and you can come with us and it's gonna be chaos because actually we golf with your friends more ordinarily is played all at the same time you don't wait for each other yeah so it will be pure okay there's 12 people on it deal time so so get one of those remaining nine spots if you want to download golf with your friend right Andy I I scored excellently don't ask how much comment alone mrs. pirate code will go nicely with the rum I'm drinking yep no judgments all the time it is in whatever part of the world you are you don't that you need don't it right in yeah that's just how you do it you just don't get no is it there's a dunk mode in this game where you have to like jump the brilliant or into a ring like a basketball okay right oh my god wait Dwayne G points out poor mike has to be the test subject on every hole that's right yeah sorry is it my go I didn't I didn't catch him and yes okay right let's go I'm gonna try going up the hill because some people have to be ice skating uphill okay I'm in the water I yeah turns out I skating uphill is a bad idea I got keel hold there we go okay what's part two well I'm not gonna make in two maybe three okay here we go around the corner around the corner and then let's go for a little three are you enjoying the priority theme is it yes yeah double bogey Q over par there we go nice nice see ya do you remember when we went all went in real life to an actual dinosaur themed yeah of course very good I don't remember he won does anyone remember one probably let's say me see let's say Mike since you know in the sea more than two rectangles power ladies and gents more than two it's too good two is good to assorted re3 might be what you're after you might be better three rectangles good do you know I won't radiate to the other day and the soundtrack is by hand Zimmer and it sounds a lot like the Pirates of the Caribbean theme which is also handsome alright come on there's a certain similarity between the two themes so there we go little flirty nice scout trooper mark says corazon go ahead on Karazhan whereas in McDonald says Mike chunks three Mike batteries yes yes oh no it's bad so as bad as it could have been bad Oh Alfie in the comment says was it called Jurassic Park dinosaurs Eames winning golf and it should be dinosaur mini-golf or something like for them around London four different dresses yeah there are four separate dinosaur mini golf surround I've been to I've been to three of them I'm not a fan of dinosaur mini-golf I'm Jay okay okay Tokyo Disneyland trip at the moment yeah I was looking at checking staff the robot dinosaurs it does not the best the best mini golf event he was in Daytona Beach it was like it was alligator mini go okay with live alligators yeah and they're baby alligators that you fed at the end so you did your round of mini-golf and then you got given little chicken sausage type things to put on a little fishing rod and you could feed baby alligators it's great I don't know it all sounds a bit Tiger King if you ask me I just wound up in the drink again this is going badly for me yeah generally um the mini golf scene Orlando at Universal either side I think there's haunted mini-golf an alien mini-golf as you go up okay that's pretty good huh okay right I'm nearly there I mean by which so I'm very not nearly there okay yes yes you better go save by that back wall then pin-high just a little what's the right verb a little flop oh no you know I wouldn't bump it right now what would you do I'd blimp it clamp it like a - blimp okay I don't I wouldn't be mad if you bumped it there we go straights blimped it right into the hole okay but I was brilliant bad for me Mike not great for Jane pretty good I was going on here this is a complicated was an actual pirate [ __ ] like you're on a pirate ship they've got wheels wheels wheels oh my god Wow I think this is what I like to call a power hey Pavo Mike's power hole [Laughter] okay I don't really know how I'm supposed to do this but okay again full power full power mr. Mike yes yes oh oh it's a par four but Mike he's gonna go for the birdie there we go boy that remotes in this game hang on you just take whoops and thanks yeah no I just remembered the road there we go all right I'm sending it send it OOP it was sent it was sent and where did it go yeah on mine it looks like you should be being fired back towards to start but apparently you're not right [Music] no juice she said to have to take you to mmm yes oh no it's off the course oh you've got the pirate treasure so it's bad golf like yeah retire from golf yeah you got the doubloons I just realized they're two pirate ships of parks side-by-side yeah battle yeah like a boarding party having a boarding party is an actual party with a hat yes yeah cordial party don't fall off the plank Andy I'm trying not to I'm trying to walk it sensibly walk it home take it home it's had too much junk shop horizontal to go for the gold you're missing the Kinect enabled voice controls yes please yeah Xbox you stop it now thinks about studies Xbox top Meredith wheat says this isn't much but this is the first time the stream are caught live so I just want to say thank you for making my days far better well Meredith you are entirely welcome we are having quite a nice time playing golf yeah yeah oh all right Andy what was your final score 8 8 8 8 all right I'm going for 7 straight up salty 7 here aboard the joyful damnation and the joyful down nation-to-nation yeah okay all right let's go hi I'm gonna go take you straight down the middle so much for Wow but now a rock full power surely not full power always came out two and a third power sandwiches punished for your cowardice you know what they say about gold video it's not a coward's game is it no no it's coward so a thousand times all right okay I'm taking the middle way the slightly cowardly approach how are you loveyou wheels great question Dana but can't wait to see how your answer go oh not like that apparently that's that's nice gives you a nice central channel but I think go to the left cuz the left is gonna sort of take me in the right direction where's the right is gonna ping me back where I came from it's a good good point okay all right I'm gonna go gently down the middle channel yes I came through I'm three now to what walk the plank to simply walk the plank row fine roll the plank and see what awaits me on the far side yeah here we go big wheel excuse me excuse me now I'm not being scooped okay I wanted to get scooped wait didn't want me oh no I don't I thought the flag was in a different direction so yeah and here comes a hold of oil in the chat yeah it is I see you might given that I'm already on par for so yeah here comes a hole-in-one today it comes a double bogey yeah that wasn't well no actually that's pretty bad but not oh who's in the lead who's in the lead Mike's in the league Oh shot shot shot look at me it's a big fish there giant goldfish masquerading as sharks in the chat no one's cup of tea says got my bike fixed at my local repair shop today and the owner kindly wave at the service charge me as a for me being an NHS cleaner I felt obligated to break in and clean his toilet tonight oh I mean the break-in may be a little extreme yeah I think he's probably just happy to do a nice thing and you don't have to kill his toilet yeah yeah yeah give yourself a night off but well done for you on all the valuable NHS cleaning that's got to be those grew it's tough job wait there's a there's two flags here is one of them are fake oh one of them is a bluff one of them's an illusion it's a jump too much power too much passion too much power doesn't sound right is that thing can you have too much power I didn't think so but apparently it was an issue I got a parlo waffle okay well done for par drink for par I'll incur in the comments is between this and Ellen's black flag streams Rose is turning into a strictly pirate themed channel we should which by the way is fine so I hit the stupid fish dish oh the transient one says look out it's a man-eaters like yeah sure like our short game that we played that was which is on the channel it's shark simulator game we play yes there have been three shark simulators on this channel no no no II was gonna go back to ball control cuz they keep hammering aid to jump from them oh no like swing okay besides that's my thing sure Sarge surgeon boo shear says kill that fish no Boucherie sorry says Boucherie and there's Anderson says I was gonna let this game determine if I could have dessert but I can't handle the anxiety self-imposed rules Helen you should always have dessert I think is probably the general rule of thumb on desserts nice physics engine oh nice physics everyone helen by the way is the amazing talented person who made us an ox ventured D&D tapestry tree of our characters which is just phenomenal so well done you all right James he'll go par-3 here we go Tiny's time for a hole-in-one as Andy would say in his famous catchphrase ok fair to my stroke down there two of them with the game not telling me it was about yes you of them with a game is painful well oh no oh oh thank it I sank it I mean the drink oh no why do you like what he did where I was hammering a accidentally did a stroke oh no I know I'm getting all the Patrick I see I brought this on myself here we go oh oh yes no oh I'm in the sea I'm going I'm going to the new world I'm getting like Columbus I'm going to America I'm not sure how much of the emotes people can actually see is it they are appearing directly behind our heads oh okay never mind then okay okay now I have to not take it all the way to the new world just pass these fish but oh no no yeah this is it guys this is a tough one okay all right fine I can't believe we're only on hole what a holy fool oh geez oh no I I'm really flopping this sniffing it big time okay alright bit more power no more power than that oh no choice three and a half three and a half three and a half power rectangles yeah quite spicy quite a lot of spice here we go oh just insanely spicy okay all right three and maybe like a quarter no way yeah okay okay get out of my way fish here comes Jane yes okay good I can't tell whether thick come on is like come on be better or come on as in yeah come on yeah it's whatever you want it to be it's like a loja see come on come on Jane come on yes all right that's eleven strokes which is many above par yeah OOP each over par all done good golfing or any of us of course we maybe we should start playing all together at the same time I think we should start by go together that's free for old fool chaos now I'm oh oh no oh oh chaos he's not serving me well I'm back to square one okay okay it's a race it's ending to a race it's a golf race oh it's a race mouse it is now yeah in the hole oh but Davey Jones is gold or whatever some pirates do things go yeah there we go one over par bogey who's who's done who's not done Andy's not gonna be still Andy still playing oh there we go mom it's okay is it was it Maggie I got pop yeah okay Mike you're really owning this one I am yeah he's over 70 mph is your sport yeah Oh some bad luck on our own going where are we going oh now I see no sweaty war oh this wacky wall and over the other side you need to give it quite a lot of power I think quite a lot of power yes a variable bounce power a reasonable amount and there we go we're on the home part to you too let's pour it right into the hole oh no not enough space there's the ramp yeah finished on par all right Andy oh no oh no Andy's orbiting orbiting the wormhole there we go yeah okay well it's definitely going quicker now okay save ladies is there's a space launch livestream on but still over three hours to launch time yeah there's a SpaceX launch at SpaceX yeah they take you know I - what I do know is if you're in the UK this evening about 10 o'clock you can see both the SpaceX launch and the ISS going overhead back to the top I think it's 9:30 9:30 all right if you follow Tim Peake on Twitter he's he's got the information he'll tell you ok look at that birdie birdie you guys is he learning sending his baby into space is that what's happening it's probably another Tesla it's probably just like a whole bunch of Tesla this is babies in a Tesla his baby in a Tesla go into space to a soundtrack by Grimes there we go one under par birdie hole seven good job team okay oh they're taken last one eight seven SPE yeah it's going shouting out my man Sam for me he needs a smile today thank you gang now that - Sam say if you manage to smile today yeah hope this golf is helping that somehow oh my god death type thing maybe it can be a smile of pity as we do so poorly playing yeah we've got all of death scenario DJ chiseler says I love watching the SpaceX launches thanks get those space legs up there I've even got this wall of death right yeah yeah I could try to get death of death Oh easy uh oh you know what jumping in the water is a fool's game yeah it doesn't do anything for you no it doesn't do anything all right how do you know oh I found the wall of death and then I went off a double bogey oh okay fine Oh Andy I see you we're on the same bit all right okay I'm so deadly it's like I'm slowly and steadily making my way towards ya like Michelle Branch I mean Vanessa Carlton asperities okay mediocre Danny D in the comments is andis making for the beach I think Andy's just runner this all looks like a toe okay the trans you want to stay away from the spacings just a strictly it's very wise very true you know figure out what's going on here yeah and down the thing okay around the house isn't done with me I've got four seconds of free cam can I just ramp this yeah I can ramp it yeah okay well when you play real golf is there a timer on how long you're allowed to look at the coast before yeah then you have to let them play through okay okay okay all right and that's the punishment yeah um the SpaceX thing is like the first time that a commercial space thing has taken astronauts to the first time that a commercial baby is gone into space [Laughter] okay I'm doing that yes all right I can one more one more okay there we go Boop yeah a double bogey to over par I expect mike is still way in the lead oh yeah yeah like he's way out in front oh no this is going telling you I just forgot to do you say let's make a bet you should have bet for two of those gold golf trophies with the badge okay true less Tomas's do any of you all play pool that should make this game easier PS I'm rooting for you heavy-handed Jame action figure yeah I play pool just badly yeah like I I play goalie just badly wow this is fun high-concept yeah here we go rubbish I was on for par as old well I was on for three give it a bit more power in one you're always a hole-in-one all right I'm rolling James in the right place wrong place come on gravity help me out gravity do me a solid oh why will gravity never do me a solid and just through the side hatch all right okay technical term why was this look like what is this courcelette like oh you're just gonna yeah you're just gonna run there and run it along your spine okay just simply chaos affect it along the spine simple a simple to do a perfect spire easily easy spine transfer no I give it too much power oh I'm with the sacks at the end of the pier all right I'm maximum power oh no oh no I did the same thing too much power I should have listened power is too much power apparently okay max how is the wrong I'm completely balanced on the spine though okay don't breathe just don't breathe yeah and now I get I have my choice of holes double bow okay here we go I'm trying to and 7/8 of a power rectangle let's go to or not to inseminate perfect right down the middle okay all right I'm gonna go for the right okay and parts the caribbean off-brand music help me now yeah yeah good good good good good gamma gamma Hawk says post-graduation was in a bad place with an awful light job and had to leave your videos and personalities helped me get through that especially when it came to getting into shape and into a ph.d program thanks you congratulations I can't do either of those things yeah hello base you're gonna be like a super rich doctor you are winter cannon and then it's giving it fired where exactly well we're about why now let's find out let's do it blind par as funnies and each bone okay got to get into that cannon huh the cannon is just a tunnel Oh surely doesn't fire you it's just a tunnel if I say no if I send it as hard as I can yeah no no no even then oh dear everyone the cannon is a lie do you not trust what about the other cannon though maybe the other cannon works better I'm trying to line up for the cannon and I'm doing a terrible job of it alright let's try this one maybe this one's functional full power full power no power through the cannon yeah it didn't work is there another way that doesn't involve using the cannons yes but I was avoiding it because cannons okay I'm gonna try the cannon cuz I don't know any better oh no that cannon was bad turns out the cannon was bad what's the alternative to a cannon just up the middle bit well the middle bit doesn't work Oh No oh wow the grid where have I landed I'm what happens if you all fail yes this course okay is that Regis I jumped my pants the course and it won't let me oh no the game is cheating you Andy they was teaching at you ran out of shorts finishing the penalty tomorrow this yes yes yes yes okay I'm on the green I'm back on the no I jumped back onto the course and it said no it said no cheating no thank you this game is cheating everybody you saw it this game really cheating these outrageous oh no no okay I'm gonna bounce out of the water back to oh no it's not like me okay I think we're probably supposed to land on that middle platform land on it and just stay there that's boring whoo and then stopping the cannon Bert Ellen please I ran out shots penalty of too strict all right well at least we all equally failed at that yeah we all totally sucked okay wait let's forget that ever happen ever speak a scratch up from the record what are we doing now oh this is like the wall in GI Jane where you have to crawl over it you know the wall oh yeah the wall it's like a military fitness test you got to get over the wall and then onto the other side I assume unless you jumped through the water trap thing I guess but then yeah apparently the water traps are broken and it won't it won't acknowledge them while I'm gonna try it I'm gonna try it regardless okay I oh I'm heading for the water trap apparently I didn't choose this this way but it's happening this lifestyle chose me yeah oh nice easy floaty Oh Evan oh I don't is it what it wasn't Ellen someone's commandeered a live account saying stopping the cannon oh okay sorry oh no these platies are completely useless I'm just saying all right sister it worked I take you back at everything I said about floaties okay it six strokes no I skipped across the water very careful okay like a stone sounds like a lie Mike it sounds like a mic lie are you done oh damn yeah I'm done I'm finished no Andy you don't know no Andy's not done okay Andy still going all right I am trying to get up over this oh oh oh that was a donk and it should have been a dink that's just gonna think it up over this hill didn't get one and a quarter no no enough what and a half oh hello Andy hello hello fellow fancy seeing you guys here okay here we go oh yeah there we go nice Rangers do you know what is it extra insulting is you know when they think the ball is approaching the hole they kind of lift the flag up out of it yeah and they're like oh maybe I'll land if it's a video game it's a computer simulation they know whether the ball is going in or not there's no reason for the flag to lift up unless it knows you're going to win attention it does add to the tension that's true okay all right I don't this looks complicated okay I like this comment from nimble TAC who says is this just some early primitive form of super monkey ball banana blitz HD yeah it's a before they decided to add monkeys yeah banana blitz is on the hit idea to have ha ha ha really cracked it ok I'm taking it very cautiously yeah okay fine not rolling with it I'm just learning it oh stop stop break break please break speeds good it's all good good very bad bogey what over par I'll take that I'll take that Andy what's going on rolling slowly to victory hey it's your cousin Marvin monkey ball banana blitz a game you're looking for yeah I found it okay timing just just to time it perfectly now just a time perfect round the channel okay okay seven jumping yes through the water oh mighty what are you what see the point of view I think Jane you may have picked the hardmode bit of this course the hard mode oh no I hate it when I accidentally pick card mode okay let's go let's go yes yes boys this is the final column this is the worst with the capital T for away only say okay Mike still out in the front by two over 20 points oh yeah cuz everyone speed golf wait where am I supposed to eat just follow the curve follow the geometry it's fine it'll take you there I see what happens when I play regular golf is a wave well while I'm I think you're bored distracted you think about the golf course [Music] okay okay once we're done with this we'll figure out who is king of golf and then we will open it up briefly so everyone everyone who's waiting at home and have a little go and we do have some multiplayer chaos before what we read some comments in fact yeah Oh Nathan Williamson says I wish shallow streams happen to more often I want to see you guys play more spooky games man they're nice people come out then we'll play them yeah all right okay okay it wasn't actually any type of this video okay Oh chipped it chipped it right into the I think full power on the reef the Michael Jordan of golf you see on the roof a lot yeah he'll he hang out on the roof he jumped so high yeah he went on the roof he went on the roof and they couldn't get him down the head like brooms okay all right I don't know what's going on but I'm heading towards the flag so that seems wise that seems like a good strategy yeah straighten the whole bounce it's wicked well done Oh Mike's been hustling us all along come on yeah Oh circling circling the drain that's my that's my golf biography Jane Doe circling the drain you guys are tight oh nice try Mike trying to set us up against each other Scott totally shocked it into the dough my god this is the skull what the hell's going on there's a Kraken hell yeah rules the fight the final course is the Kraken presumably this is so intense I kind of wish it was a water park and I was splashing around in it mmm I wish I was on holiday just generally I think ya know that's true all right three in a bit Oh three to me is not enough I think you're gonna need to go for a four or something yeah but you guys go for the nose cuz I'm going for the right ISIL I was going for the nose and now I'm sorting along which isn't gonna help me at all it's just gonna reset me back to the beginning I believe if I keep jumping can I make my way to the finish line I'm still jumping still rolling okay now is that gonna take oh it did okay so I've jumped my way it's sort of the finishing area okay too much power I jumped right okay I got the bogey thing finished one over par I'll take it I'll take it what do you guys do yeah it's water golf like these dogs playing yeah okay the water golf route doesn't seem goods to me no it's why did school its what the cool cool kids are doing is water golf okay no don't for me what to go let's go okay we're back on dry land they'll take the drain so keep the drain here we go double bogey 17200 M apart already Oh boats wait where are you going those boats stupid boat just really steer itself that's incredible stop what you're going around what is happening I don't know I genuinely do not know just go go go what I don't know if what I'm seeing is what phase through solid matter what is going on why why yeah that looks all right mostly I've back where I started just go go vote no the boy is coming back coming back i forfeit the hole oh that was dreadful was with that boat floaty is it meant to just return you to dry land and that sort of the property of that floaty nightmarish fire we were warned we were definitely warned about this one I'm just gonna go for it just let's do it and be legends okay let's just do it be legends all right I'm going for three powering oh no dude it's not good okay I've landed next to Andy on the middle bit I'm just gonna follow Andy's lead to power this angles okay this crap is for me very much yet he's mostly left me alone Prelude assume dude I knew he was gone this I mean--but nicosia injured spirit yeah yeah yeah he knows my affiliation all right okay cracking okay maybe that's still bad that's still mad am I good luck cracking OH just go down straight down the center yes right down the center yeah oh mighty crackers to give me a winner I think you're supposed to come up Oh whack you all oh did you get away into the sea I just hit me oh you buy a Kraken oh no oh no this is the nightmare that we would this is the nightmare where you're warned about Andy so if you ripped away by Krakens okay all right okay okay okay okay fine don't get hit by a Kraken this is a horror show this is quick because otherwise yes you did the Kraken I can't all right all right I'm going up the way for a good score let's see it Oh No too wacky all right okay I'm back where I started my warm wasn't okay I'm about to get whacked by a crack and whack and myself into the water I hate the Kraken soft palate okay leave me alone Kraken trying to play golf play around Kraken Kraken Kraken is waiting for his go all right I recognize didn't hit it hard enough last time so oh no I hit the soft palate I run out shots but I'll take it I mean yeah one more oh okay all right I think I've got one more shot so unless I get it this time I am done for let's go oh that was weak oh that was weak oh no all right let's see the final scores and it is by a fairly wide country mile it is mighty said now wait if we add the numbers to the previous numbers you're still the winner I think I still win right because I I didn't lose by that many okay so the previously was 63 69 and 75 so that was quite a place the one that was like pure golf based on scale sure so with the ludicrous nonsense mike is king of all golf according to science and golf how about yes and he is king of normal good golf and my stupid are you a pirate golf yeah yeah give it go yeah normal golf is boring anyway let's give the password to this lobby okay the part I believe is called misdeeds lobby it says baby yeah Bab why because its face buttons because of Elon Musk because brave space baby may be going to the International Space Station so if you've been waiting with your copy of golf with your friends primed then head to head to the server browser look for Misty's Lobby and their password is b a.b a.b wait for some people welcome aboard welcome will sound an OP hunt each me and signora crimes scrappy tripod 6 X X Papa b34r low Expo Bear X I think we've got a server you guys alright what I'm gonna choose worms okay doctor Elgin not if tunt is the most amazing gamertag I've ever seen him here we are in worms which had a lot of land mines as I really cool dude okay play us out with some comments and some worms golf yeah okay gentlemen drill says all hail golf King like I think Mike held back the first round yeah yeah he's like like a limit on his power like a dragon ball character mattress seven five seven says oh hey no sense so I think a few people are recognizing a few other people in the game Tom tittering turns Ed's are brilliant and has shark says we want a Mike spike so I think Mike you should count for Mike winning okay three T one Mike Mike spike Mike Sisco everyone's game oh my god I've hit a target oh this is this is absolute chaos everyone on collisions collisions we should cut also we can collide with each other's board I misheard you I thought you said pigeons Austin does it count as God food friends if your friendship doesn't survive the match and then it's like golf with enemies or something yeah it is yeah what are you back to the title screen got a bogey if you go back to the title Green it says golf with enemies you know that you're deteriorated hothead joggers just finished scrappy tripods lining up for the final shot on a completely different course now I'm circling the drain there we go Oh crappy tripods has got some kind of weird bug where they're being fired backwards a bit like Andy was oh I wish I was a bargain not a feature I can't I think it's a bug okay all right oh boy hello it's time to explode some sheep I'm assuming there probably are exploding sheep is it really what so that I saw the Holy Hand Grenade so that's you just had to face the other direction remember that video of Mount your friends who remembers that game Mount your friends climb each other like mountains or something turns out worms is exactly my golf game right they that land mine presumably will fire you into the hole if you do it properly I don't know maybe maybe do you think if you just land on the line and then it kind of like fires you explodes you in the right direction solid worms in there oh yes oh yes that'll be a birdie for Mikey Jones jumping right out of the course yeah double bogey to every bar I love that I can see your little rubber duck in the golf hole yeah the girl from Andy golf pit Jane it's called the golf pit okay fine golf it everyone knows it Papa Bear is having a bad time having a popper man is going to you can do it okay next hole oh it's also play for we're sort of lower mid table at the moment okay so all right wait do you get ammunition if you fire it or one of these things I guess so oh I think you get jet pack if you look JEP oh no oh no not enough jet pack I'm in the sky okay more jetpacking is the solution always the solution oh we got this - there's the hole ah I overshot it oh I ever shot it by a why yes yes okay alright alright this is gonna be no on par or even oh there we go five strokes over song three straight seven faster Oh Andy you're quite a long way along that runway that was a bit too much power yeah thanks Mike yeah do next I missed you unless what tipped you off Mike was it when I went past the hole yeah well after you choked me and says full power don't get do an old uncuffed - you Hedgehog Tufte hedgehog is struggling a little bit I think we can't will be proud alright who's in the lead it is Canadian Bear 98 followed by dr. Alden and Tom Alden octant all right serve it into the minefield curve it through the minefield maybe maybe I just say I know I got fired off by the mine okay all right Robin and in we goes searching the drain come on gravity yes gravity there you go not all of it stop on par gravity be my friend yes speed and power commenter dodo G oh my god this game this game Senor Rick Grimes bringing us home no podían believe me it was like in second or third place it means got them till they have jetpacks for the balls in real golf yeah - understand the blame yourself yeah you've been mucking yourself if you've not been using the jetpack oh I'm in fourth place but okay Canadian 1098 still in top place if you can't see because I think you can't see because it's disguised by our by our mugs hmm Canadian bear is owning this trench the worst trench in history more is Hal Jay [Laughter] let's go all right oh no it okay okay okay okay what all right I'm gonna just finish up here on par no just under par and then read some comments hang on do this fine fine tuning can fix this we can fix this go back in time and do a better golf fixed bogey one over par in the comment Doubletree so sad I can't play with you all however I just want to tell you that you're amazing also hope Andy got the gifts I sent via vendek's in a CNH shout out to her she was very kind to agree to deliver some wrestling related items his way during item exchange I don't know if that's happened yet and even you've got some wrestling goodies heading your way of course I haven't haven't logged in for a couple of days Wow okay nice oh you know what what happens if you return you remember in the old animal Crossing's if you would leave Malone for like a week and it would be like Mad Max in their back and they were all just floating facedown in the know weeds everywhere and everything was chaos yeah I wonder how long if you leave Animal Crossing new horizons alone and it all turns to chaos do you remember in I think it was yes if like your town got to the worst possible rating a huge stinky flower would grow really couldn't get rid of it yeah you couldn't dig it up yeah big stinky flower and the only way to get rid of it was to make your town nice again and then the flower shrivel and oh no stinky flower yeah big stinky flower because it's at the lily of the valley that you get oh no so mid-table will sawyers nailin okay less-than-ideal jet pack jet pack jet pack jet pack come on now jet pack alright good job max not too bad actually it's not as much out of control as you might expect a worm's jet has to be yeah okay I'm just gently rolling to my destination come on oh oh wow oh is that where the destination is okay fine I'm going off to see I'm flying away let's join the Navy I'm leaving this place no no I'm in the water where am I going where's where am I going is such a confusing only you can answer that oh no oh no it's philosophical is it where are you going - oh I don't know Andy to the finish yes double bogey I mean I don't know I'm please do that that's pretty bad team you Paul Kinlan says big stinky flower sounds like the best wrestling nickname ever first or worse could it be a wrestling move rather than a wrestling name yeah the big stinky flowers because our eye properly a real thing they're a real flower it's um what's it called they're not called the big stinky flower in real life are you telling me that's not the lat taxonomical sort of roughly easier oh the corpse flower because it emits a very foul death Wow Oh is he one of those that only opens like every 100 years or something I think Kew Gardens had one of those open like last year okay everyone left everyone went home because disgusting I don't know where I am guys okay I'll see he says just finished a work meeting and I turn up to chaos it is chaotic throughout it was fairly chaotic Caitlin just to let you know it's gotten increasingly chaotic as times gone on yeah yeah you know their fourth law of thermodynamics is everything tends towards chaos finally the universe is still in it mike is still in it yeah I'm still in it that's my complain I can see Senor Rick Grimes is still gamely going at it and then so is my t7 that's Mike and toasty Hedgehog who is no use on the way go on have tea you can do it with your excellent gamertag alright thinking about it just like just ramped it through that jetpack the chip SP no says animal crossing new horizons cockroaches infest your house and you have to squish them by running over them all and you get a new hairstyle that is all over the place yeah I did not know Jane is in third place yay bring it home why am i doing well now when it doesn't count instead of when I could have been crown because it's got to King you of all golf I was it good always counts yeah haha God King I upgraded it even though I didn't win okay oh this minefield is a real minefield that's an absolute beauty no I mean fired all over the bloomin place I don't know thirty thirty ladies engines at the end of the it's the end of the this is like the Normandy landing but full of worms and gold at the end of the beach we're storming the beach it literally can't see a beach it's not really big freecam safety from where you are it is you know okay okay okay okay the opposite direction from where ready boys yeah all right finessing it eight strokes that was for over par which okay Betty okay old old ends in the comments says I'm late what did I miss well you missed Mike becoming king of all golf for the time being so we oh mike one golfing trophy I'm gonna get him one of those old filtering boons Pringle crown crap what like the crisps like the crown made of Pringles in because she crisp disk crown yeah for Mike yeah yeah Mike one lane golf for widows one regular golf for people yeah and I'm gonna win one golf for worms yeah well Sawyer says this is pure chaos well Sawyer is actually in this game and says I'm having a good time and a wonderful time thank you for hosting thank you for joining us will well is in second place I don't know how your horrible time you're doing battle with Canadian bear Adrian bear can I do better will Sawyer are out in front by quite away oh gosh this has got a lot of explosions going yeah yeah yeah yeah oh no I got explode you're right off the course it's a race if you play it fast enough it's a bit like a racing game because you're just like pumping the the kind of acceleration racing like I'm on a different course maybe you're a mine I don't okay timing timing so close so Mike just bounce out at all okay yeah our birdie I could have been two under par cuz I'm in New York okay good good good this is such a long hole yeah where you at Jane I am only halfway through and I'm about to get blown up I think oh no that's right I'm gonna buy the same thing but you're now actually helpful yeah it is yeah like it I like it now yeah you already finished them oh yeah I've finished one over part drifty the kid in the conference tears hey guys been watching since I was a freshman in high school now I'm an adult with a kid and a job oh no I really appreciate all the fun you've given me by the way my baby girl loves Andy I adorable it's your baby you know that is amazing me and it is a real testament to how this channel has been going for like eight years well a sick baby they didn't because they send measures into space when they started watching it could have been like they could've been a freshman in high school last year and now porridge with the baby you know what could have been held back so it's when you're all fresh and why is it like second year of high school first fresh maybe goes junior freshmen okay I'm eating it it's freshman and then skip spearmint and then high school aged in a Spearman double Minh Oh freshman is ninth grade which is aged 14 to 15 there you go okay probably no now we know where we go I go to space are we going uphill okay fine yeah I see the whole past the Holy Hand Grenade not enough power this is a nightmare all right how am I supposed to get the angle right Wow I mean to leave Mike I live in space momentum is your doing isn't it physicist yeah momentum is um ya know us what have you got to say for yourself mass times velocity is what I've got to say too Andy oh no didn't work the mass times velocity did not like I keep by the Holy Hand Grenade and it's bad you guys it's real is bad guess what it's bad oh do you know I think this is this hold is probably easiest from the beginning it's be easier to get reset right from the beginning you've got it your spit you can't do all in one go so you've got to wait wait you're way up oh there's an island Jane okay yeah no man is a dialect yes everyone how many shots is every one of them too many interesting focus on your own game Mike that's fine yeah ah just mind your business is all okay I'm gonna I'm gonna aim for a different rung of this kind of ladder yes yeah you absolute legend alright not enough power for that rung of the ladder this is a really tough one it's difficult yeah Manny thinks it was a very impressive eight strokes oh no how did he do it what's your secret Andy could you gonna you got a stage halfway you got to get up halfway okay oh yeah stage half way up on the last stage half way and then make your way to the summit in the morning yeah okay yeah set Basecamp halfway up yeah base camp base camp base camp okay base camp hey focus on your own game Mike that's what I said I said my own oh oh man put me at my misery game okay okay okay okay maximum power oh no I bounced it I bounced it come on oh no all right too much power too much power got exploded right off the course how you do Mike badly badly okay once there's such thing as too much power and such thing as what's enough power this is what I've just kept about golf oh hey chat I was thinking of doing some mutton chops for Friday's Dean what do you think of that do you know I mean although it's assumed now that we're playing D&D every week once every two weeks we haven't officially said we're doing it we are doing it there's a D&D venture stream happening this Friday at 4 o'clock and as he wants to know mutton chops yay or nay yeah we coulda got a tryout all our news fell suddenly and try out your facial hair yeah it's all happy Rachel Hayes - mwah miss - oh that would so seat you a strong handlebar yep okay I have no idea what I'm doing where I'm going what life is that's right but not quite a foul no no I've only got two strokes left to get there and I don't know if I'm perfectly honest you are in space at moment oh it went to space but I came back he was cold it was cold up there in space all right one hole a seus says yes Andy first thought allergy could fry those jacob frye chops going yeah oh no all right I am rolling downhill where I belong all the way back to the beginning and I think that's it right 12 strokes it's got to be the mercy rule is it not I'm out of strokes yeah and everyone's waiting for me I apologize - everybody's waiting for me I was looking at the comments I'm sorry I fallen so far down the table Jane I mean so far down I might as well might as well give up in shame and shame and disgrace I can't imagine how it would feel to be even lower on the scoreboard thank you yes that's being me isn't it alike man yay come on gravity send me home yes finished on par finally said gravity's is your friend yeah I got a birdie yeah do you think of that Jane oh I'm gonna be won over part but you know what I'll take it I'll take it it'd be 2 over par but you know what I'll take it Mackie Bateman says captain price facial is kinda dreamy ha ha so that is a yes for the monk jump oh you're talking about mutton chops but no mustache not connected chops around but aren't you tempted to do the connected one and then get rid of it and then you've got more options afterwards I don't know it's you either look like you Road Eve Motorhead Victorian naturalist I don't think there is a particularly good okay Oh Victorian naturalist oh yeah maybe well I mean you shave it off in bit so I can take the chin off first yes okay um Nathan asks do you guys play games together outside of this channel yeah yeah we do um many a game I've had I think our favorites were like back in the day were left for dead and Battlefield Bad Company 2 I've been playing a bit of war zone recently which I think we should all gang up and play together because because I good is good it cost me like 160 gigs to download it because I did it once and then I updated it twice before I actually got around to playing it and each of those updates at the moment is like 30 gigs so at the very least you have to validate my life choices and play it with me always validating your life yeah validate my knife choices I'm back in - yeah kisses era which is pretty nice okay it's on game pass I was playing on PlayStation yeah but then for the convenience of just having it on the Xbox which I have on my desk I agree 26 hours of yaki's it to get back to where I was sounds super convenient come on stay with the boat this course is a real tour yeah yeah it is oh I hit a barrel every one meter eight strokes eight strokes bad eight strokes yeah geez man oh no barrel stupid bloody barrel barreling me right out of her Oh what you like like Mike yeah quite pleased with eight strokes oh yes I'm on stage doing very poorly Canadian bear just landed it in front of me oh no I spiced it up went too spicy it's gonna cost me there we go twelve strokes couldn't literally be worse wowee-wow-wow-wow dropping up the bottom of the table only no doing adequately well alright we told John the she stream was gonna go until half past six oh sorry John joined in the giant yes sir family by John sorry okay let's get this let's get this golf golf tanned wrapped up and then we can all go and have a drink in the clubhouse yeah the gold house go fast oh no I got exploded that's I've never been further from the golf house any space was that exciting sheet that exploded me I feel like yeah yeah I got explode by an explosion sheepish I've just got to confirm life and then my life will turn around yes I'm on I think about a completely different course and it hasn't despawn yes one pipe why is that sheep doing it's going I'm running absolutely no I'm on the course we were playing last time name is pig see super cheap no sheep no why sheep is the main enemy of golf there's a sheep on the course everybody guys I'm back on the course we just played so what flew over there it hasn't despawn me the game yes it seems like the course fees I'm hoping I'm hoping I'm hoping it recognizes the I hope it recognizes the oh my god the other flag okay I'd be pretty funny if it didn't oh no let me no no no it's me and each man is ready to go we need to finish who else is doing this me I am oh no will Sawyer and Ferg Angela let's see you Andy no oh alright a sheep really got you good just sheep was really good if she messed you up what did how did you wrong the Sheep Andy because it's really good an employee I can just put it in the hole from the previous hole and it's fine yeah probably there's no exploding sheep on your course Mike come on Andy you got this is Andy Kenny oh wow you kind of ran out of shots yeah no briefly and then you're out of it alright will Sawyer you can do this it's outrageous it's preposterous Wow get past that sheet we'll come on don't do it show that sheet please boss yes yes well one more one more we'll take it home yes you did it Oh Ellen Ellen's in the chat oh hi Alan welcome to him alright and then we're home for you we're gonna play some world-class golf and bring this home good your advice earlier about the cannon was good I take it back even though it wasn't your advice haha where does this oh nice and that's what's important straight down the middle straight down oh no oh dear landed in the rocks I got a jetpack but I took it to the wrong police mmm yes bad all right free aim tell help me free aim where am I going tell me Wow oh my god Wow didn't want to post it through that slot thing yeah where are we even going this is this is preposterous yeah oh my god oh come on I can't believe it I got it through the slot I avoided the sheep but like just clip some wall thing Oh No where where am I going why am I going there there's got to be a better way no good rebound no I'm just gonna keep doing this this middle shot because I swear to God yes yes pin-high no no no no no oh my god I guess I'm going that way I guess I'm going that way friends happy straight A's I got I got 84 makes you feel better I'm on eight and I don't really understand the entire course so how am I going on is there like a bouncy wall I'm supposed to go through the Rings like I'm trying to fight through the Rings like Superman 64 yeah yeah the other best game the other best game observing you okay don't don't observe me too hard cuz I'm embarrassing myself man you might change the results Mike made a physics joke Jane you miss no that was good that was good they come to me that there could be major Shikin groaning is no cure my terrible golf performance if no one watches me then I'm doing both good and bad at the same time no I know she's got these jet packs are terrible and I'm so embarrassed I'm just gonna fly to space yeah am I even going the right way I don't understand mostly Helen what happens to black beard on your stream people said that he had an accident is he okay he'll never be okay I hope he's all right I couldn't I don't know what I do if anything happened to my kid all right this is this is it this is it yes no yes come on jet pack so they're dead in the water my little teacup floating away ran out oh that was bursting I will Sawyer Rumpy away romping away okay will Sawyer man I don't know how he finds time to talk in the chat yes I suppose press F all right everyone down the one worm pie in the bazooka bites go in the bazooka pipe pipe no no oh no all right round it we all rebounded there's a lot of us in the same place actually at the moment that's pretty good that's a good sign in the whole game that's in there oh my god right full power ha ha ha like they see you Mike was just chillin in the worm pipe okay up over there oh no he's not a worm like it's naughty hello this is an epic epic Odyssey over golf course yeah is it much like what Odysseus faced [Laughter] travel yep yep the hole I see the hole I see the hole get in there get in that hole oh my god no it's right help me where Mike give me a oh here we go oh no you're in the right place you really quite place I found it searching the drain there we go done eleven strokes finished six over par what a mess in the game no have four more holes I do not know ah oh my way donkey alright I'm going for it alright where are we where are we even got [ __ ] oh oh where are we going not even checking just kind of conscious this wholes enormous it's a concrete donkey Andy whatever right okay no and now it's a concrete oh it's another concrete donkey okay well the same one possibly I believe it's the same one yet okay good power wearing worms yeah all these are in the one of the downloadable voice voice pack yeah well miss Debbie wmb edition owd worms of mass destruction I got an albatross what does albatross mean that's like you under par I have no idea genuinely no idea what I did how it happened what's going on and in life yeah it's albatross and then eagle and or and there oh maybe I'll I'll bring this back then chicken and finally and finally Dodos the deadest of the birds how did you honestly think I didn't tell you I couldn't double-bogey oh man you got like three under it might be a complete fluke I think I broke the game I think I saw the physics I left my body and when I when I came around I had got an albatross in golf right how many holes left three three balls we'll see if will soya Papa Bear or Canadian bear are the best oh goodness another jetpack one love it oh no hate to see it oh bloody yang like bloody flappy birds in it all over again where's the actual wouldn't you like to know it's a mystery it's a secret ever you're not allowed to know where the core focus full power full jetpack full commitment where the hole is no one's found the hole yet no no indeed there's no way of knowing oh I finally find out that the hole is thoroughly underway you start oh no no it's a trick it's a punishment we're all in golf hell we all died and went to golf purgatory and this is what it looks like oh no I'm her golf see I'm back where we started yeah just phase through the floor and then you will win oh no oh no golf purgatory why we must have been terrible golfers in our previous life I'm a terrible oh this jetpack Lloyd is this terrible and I hate to made it the hole and I'm a double bogey double bogey alright no why are you reversing direction you absolute jerk jerk golf ball I hate you so much I hope you get lost in the sea the ultimate fate yeah James jetpack jetpack no I'm also jetpacks as hard as I could how did this game start out so normal in a forest with a windmill and now at some point we died we died and went to golf I don't think we stole nine it's like it's like gravity where Sandra Bullock dies halfway through no she doesn't you're right that's not even a spoiler cuz you're wrong she dies halfway through you remember yeah George her and George Clooney have that kungfu fight he uses the exploding heart arm technique on it yes yes yes okay alright I'm gonna make it I feel like I'm gonna make it you guys I mean eventually not right now eventually no jet pack with fifty fuel oh dear getting sloppy hang on hang on I got this yeah 11j nearly nearly not us not the thing at all two more to go I'm sure they'll be much easier do more do more all right oh good it's more jet packs everybody let's go let's go everybody yeah yeah jet fuel in nineteen say oh my god this is absolute chaos yeah it is you have selected our I recommend a light cut in the dirt no my mind who put these mines on this golf course that's very dangerous dangerous and ill-advised and once their old tricks no worms why yes is they crave the flame I've never seen a worm operate any kind of this place okay fine let's go oh I see und golf buddies the winning of golf by me haha by me and efferent best at golf I'm in the water I mean something I think we already established long before this round began that I'm the best ago oh yeah you're the best whatever this is I'm really not the best at wherever this is Omar oh I can't I'm out of the course no way I'm back in the course it's like you're back in its fine musical power and I can't quite make it to the end zone that's why you got to go laughing no full power you only live on full power Andy anything less is for cowards okay right Matros m57 says worms is the apocalyptic future Andy didn't you know what a ceramic surf or horn gets your Simpsons reference and says are we playing bone storm after this imagine if they released a playable though yeah ran out shorts Oh furious furious lame-o says I'll be re watching this tonight and isn't your screams to help me sleep because they're interesting enough to help me out of my head and combat my anxiety thank you for helping me relax and rest well although lens you are more than welcome to use these dreams for any purpose but ya know scent is having quite the time of it I wasn't you've been doing very well so don't get stressed you can do this the transient one says I feel like Mike's putter ends in a hockey stick yeah there's your problem Mike you've been playing with the Hajis right final hole everybody you get rid of this tree gone long but I feel like it'll all be worth it when I win at golf yeah all right this looks straightforward looks like a straightforward case of full power yeah straight down the middle bang why'd the bombs interesting okay yes right des chaos oh no music no okay okay Oh Sees you're all I know is she okay sy case betrayed me I feel like this sheep's intentions aren't good whose intentions are good Oh what are those sheeps and other sheeps of worms friends or are they enemies using them are they the warring factions is this world war sheep versus worm I don't understand no you did the same thing I did all right time to use my freakout and figure out what the heck is going on all right we're all the free cams gonna help I'm filled okay cancel free cabinets do it blinds do on faith oh hey oh my god this is when nine strokes technology just wasn't there when he made it say the Jackie's sort of as a golfing jacket yeah no no oh no oh no mines oh dear mines they're not even mine darling they're just constantly bombarding the same mortars on there yeah yeah just like really giving it to the same bits of ground over and over again hey how it comes to owning one three over par okay all right let's see who comes out on top isn't going to be will Sawyer Canadian Canadian bear or Papa Bear or possibly a wild card none of those people possibly air could be me there you go we'll show you one second baby who is in the chat if you want to congratulate him magnificent worm golf performance know so much go for friends go up with frenemies let's say yeah golf we'll be back tomorrow with a list feature so and then Friday there's ox venture and also we're gonna see some fun Animal Crossing shenanigans from outside extra yeah yeah what we're doing but I'll be guessing to help Luke and Ellen out and it's gonna be lots of fun so check that out yeah in the meantime have a great evening in the golf house [Music] will Sawyer in the gold house yeah see for animal crossing see you for a list feature tomorrow 7 things about something tomorrow yeah about something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 183,967
Rating: 4.9311533 out of 5
Keywords: mike channell, jane douglas, andy farrant, golf with friends, golf with your friends, gwf, gwyf, golf with friends xbox, golf with your friends xbox, golf with your friends xbox one, golf with friends xbox one, golf with your friends console, golf with friends console, xbox one gameplay, gameplay, stream, streaming, funny, funny moments, show of the week, sotw, golf game, funny golf game, multiplayer, multiplayer golf
Id: zjIukZoTdCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 47sec (8387 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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