Game Grumps: Arin's Bane Impression

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you know Dark Knight Rises forget it man you didn't like that one right didn't like is very very harsh well I would say I loved it really but I don't think it's a good movie okay I liked it for all of the not reasons that it was that everyone out Flay though because I think that movies hilarious it's really funny especially just like just bein in general mm-hmm because everyone's like all jokes about how his voice is hard to hear there are door burger pressured for like oh my god just the [ __ ] scene where he's was it's like a banker or like a politician and he like is is like threatening them mm-hmm and it that scene is just hilarious cuz he's like he's like what do you what do you think you're going to do to this city what is it you really want Bane and Bane's like he's like no way Bane and he's like oh [Laughter] so I gotta watch it again if you it like if you hear it in context like maybe right right it makes sense but if you just play somebody like the scene what and it just and it sounds like the way that they mixed his voice this is this is like one percent of why I think this film is funny okay um if they just like mixed his voice in like he's like a voice like he's like he's an announcer at a football game like everyone else is like in the room like oh I'll get you Batman and then he's like yes Batman will be good indeed okay gotcha it's really funny oh I do remember one moment where I was like where he's like in a desert somewhere in the Middle East or something like that Batman yeah and then like he gets to New York no but Dan but that doesn't matter all that matters is that he got there dan right but he got there in like ten minutes like it's like the city's walled off or like when Bane had like a letter from Commissioner Gordon and was like I'm the villain and nobody should trust me in anything that I do but here's a letter I have from Commissioner Gordon with no proof that it's from him and he said oh geez I did it was like oh my god did you really say that I don't know if I can trust Commissioner Gordon anymore if he wrote that on a piece of paper that's being written to me by by the villain oh my god that's [ __ ] funny I do mean that though some people say always a pleasure and it's not but I've hack I mean it and I love this show who would say that like people like [ __ ] [Laughter] curse my depth perception yeah well you gotta watch their shadows yes watch the shadows cool thanks pain yeah your evil plan really scares me Wow I'll keep that in mind rad out of him very rad and awesome hard to ditch would you Robin ride them at the same time okay because I'm sorry man you're gonna have to speak out there's that one scene in the movie where he like grabs the banker and the Baker's all like like I'm not scared of you and then he like grabs and he's like I can't believe what he just said to me you monster you'll have to repeat it so that I can really let it sink if I told you my pride I'm gonna give it a hard maybe [Music] yeah oh no Oh shouldn't have done that silly move so he move on my part did you know Bane is in the Lion King [ __ ] I did not is he really yeah when at the end of I just can't wait to be king uh-huh no honestly yes really is at the very end Zazu gets squashed by all the animals mm-hmm Simba Nala run away to go like have premarital sex okay and I remember that they like sounds exactly like Bane remember what he says but he's like it's just banging it's straight-up Bane it's like if you watch a youtube video of it it just sounds dubbed wow that's super weird of Bane over this but no it's just what he sounds like you can see it based a whole movie on two characters that you can't understand all right next time on game grumps baby see you Danny in the end
Channel: Grump Clips
Views: 72,204
Rating: 4.9566307 out of 5
Id: ypsYtPTlN7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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