Game Grumps: Siri Moments

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hey I'm not suger what the [ __ ] what did it just talk to you through the Wii mode no Siri just talk to me cuz I apparently actors what what does happen yeah it's like a screenshot of this okay apparently I accidentally butt-dialed Siri and said cool and then she responded you're sort of cool yourself Aaron ah thanks for calling me sorta cool that's nice of her it's I mean it's like sort of nice Siri Siri can be kind of a I don't know she's a little snarky she's sassy I heard one of the updates actually like downgraded her snark really yeah cuz some people didn't appreciate it yeah like she was a little too snarky and then because I think for a while if you said call me an ambulance she would say like alright now you're an ambulance you mean while you're dying yeah so I guess a lot of people didn't like that very much that's funny and you know I can't see why that's strange people yeah people sure do love to [ __ ] get mad about something but that's something yeah something anything pretty much anything they call me master of gaming do not they sure do they sure do papa bear okay I did [ __ ] serious think I said her name and she shut up Siri oh shut the [ __ ] up Siri shut up you stupid goddamn it [ __ ] hate Siri sometimes she's not my favorite she's not my favorite eyes should we be talking about her like this with her in the room she can't hear me until I say hey Siri hey Siri now she's like already activated so she's not [ __ ] you you [ __ ] skull told you they definitely hurt you when you I know but I don't know what happened last time but it definitely didn't hurt me Aaron what can I share something with you from earlier today what is it then well I sent you a text anything early in the morning yeah because I have to go out of town for one weekend yeah and so I was like I won't give specific dates but I was like do you have any preference whether I go this weekend or the next weekend mm-hmm you will respond at 9:30 in the morning [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg Jesus Christ [ __ ] dude [ __ ] face book movie [ __ ] Jesus can you [ __ ] believe this [ __ ] you know nope no punctuation random capitalization so I respond I have no idea what we're talking about right now 45 minutes pass I get a text from you guys damn created Facebook and [ __ ] lawyers and [ __ ] right [ __ ] Winklevoss twins goddamn rowing the boat [ __ ] yo [ __ ] I can't even [ __ ] believe this [ __ ] him you see this [ __ ] [ __ ] I just watch this [ __ ] [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg man I respond Aaron you're scaring me an hour passes respond mother [ __ ] you spider-man spider-man you're putting the time [ __ ] putting the time mother [ __ ] build [ __ ] with his bare hands [ __ ] bestfriend [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg I'm very tired I'm just like no problem man I'll I'll do most to talking at the grump session today immediate lick response I'm talking like five seconds later no man I'll just talk about the Facebook movie all day [ __ ] man you have to be so interested in the [ __ ] I have to say about the Facebook movie [ __ ] dude I just watched a year and a half ago [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg man you [ __ ] over spider-man crazy Winklevoss twins growing treant resin or did the soundtrack [ __ ] this guy who invented Facebook I don't like die I can't think of who the [ __ ] invented Facebook all I could pick as the guy who played the guy who invented Facebook who the [ __ ] invented Facebook and then in all capital letters two hours later Mark Zuckerberg [ __ ] I swear to God I had to wake up supremely early I was take their Iong reading those I didn't like I didn't want to call you out and be like what are you talking about anymore cuz I was afraid you'd stop so it was just like I'll just calmly keep responding with my own agenda I had to wake up way earlier than I usually wake up right to take barre to the airport mm-hmm and then on the way [ __ ] back where the [ __ ] all the way back I was just like so tired and I just I saw that's what you were texting that while driving that was all Siri that was insane but I was leaving the airport I saw this [ __ ] kid that looked just like Jesse Eisenberg and then it got me thinking about Jesse Eisenberg at the Facebook movie that it was just like [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg man and then I had my phone in my hand because I was I just started the GPS situation oh sure and then I was just like hey text Dan [ __ ] yes and I was really surprised that it stayed on track with everything and I said he's amazing can I tell you the voice I think you were talking to Syria now that I know that yeah that's how I imagined it was good exactly Wow Wow [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg and [ __ ] [ __ ] Reza did the music trent resin or re SI n space oh are Oh that should mean no but seriously after I was done with that I was I was that was an actual [ __ ] text when I was like what the hell is the guy who made Facebook's name what the [ __ ] is his name yeah I can think of his Jesse Eisenberg yeah it's and it's another burg name so it's close yeah and then and then finally like as I was [ __ ] like pulling into my driveway I was just like apps all cabs I'm [ __ ] I mean honestly knowing that I'm lucky you didn't just [ __ ] run over to my door and just start banging oh my god that would have been [ __ ] me like at my window just screaming Mark Zuckerberg did I tell you the problem I had with my buddy i i i i used voice-to-text he was saying like we were gonna do something later and i was like [ __ ] a man so excited and it ended up [ __ ] a man so excited cool good for you I never knew the side of you that was one of my favorites dude yeah for me it was just uh Ross likes to turn one message into seven texts yeah he does doesn't he yeah do that I thought there was something wrong with this phone and then I realized there's just something wrong just uses it like an instant messenger yeah so since since the reception was so bad like text would happen out of order so he'd just be like you know behind the behind the bridge like what and he's just like come meet me like wait hold on why I'm down the street and it's like okay yeah he's like Hilton hold on sorry I didn't mention the hotel is going on it's the best it's the best hell also sometimes forget to like add a question mark to the end of one of his questions so he'll like sent text you the question and then text the question mark later yeah but like he'll wait until you've texted like two or three texts back to him and then send the question mark and I'm like does he want me to [ __ ] repeat what I just texted you guys read it what I didn't read that correctly did you send it again in clear words that's expensive I don't know what they're for what are they for I don't know what they're for wouldn't you look it up I don't want you don't have to hey [ __ ] Siri what if the gold bars in Mario paper Mar the thousand-year door what are they for [Laughter] geez bodily condition you're gonna look it up [ __ ] yeah really move boar burry GMI dammit serious - it went for GM I tape it in no not Jim god dammit Siri you [ __ ] clod now I got porn on the brain or buried GMI yes okay oh my God we're so close hit the home button rumbling or gurgling noise made by the movement of fluid or gas in the intestines growling stomach is this cheating this is Jim Joe no it's not cheating we did give us 45 seconds I really they wanted a little research I'd like to phone the Internet Oh great job Finn can I tell you what your name comes at out as on my phone when when I say when I use voice text it's Finn will fart will are you serious WI ll space FA RT I was just saying I can't wait to see my best friend Finn willful heart like I'm going to Chipotle and then it's just it's just like chip pull lay or something yeah dude that time when I was like I can't wait for in-n-out burgers later and my phone was like black people am i right our guest today and he was a cosplay know Finn's got to be careful because he's you know he's got a show and like people are involved agents all that so he has to be careful about what he says on shows like this he can't be like stream-of-consciousness and we were like no [ __ ] way can we curse and he was like probably dicks yeah guys Vernon we just got Persian from a nine year old sick I've thought about you like a hundred times since I've been here there's no weird that like at least once a day or your hand is just like touching your [ __ ] just like right up in there oh I had the voice-to-text and I got I got a message from my New Zealand friend hope your journey home was as good as it possibly could be missing you heaps already and I responded with I know I love you too I've thought about you like a hundred times and while I was laughing oh so I was just talking into Brian via text the voice to text speech thing uh-huh on Syria and Erin was making fun of me for it because I get super deliberate with it because I don't have any faith in series ability to understand what I'm trying to say right so I'm like ninja Brian I will be calling you later no you're like I will be calling you later yeah that's what you do yeah yeah me on the other hand I'm like [ __ ] hey Siri cuz you are its he [ __ ] gets it all she's a she's a queen this is zero have you ever tried just like having a conversation with Siri and seeing what comes out now I don't think I've every but you want to try right now yeah dude it's great okay just just like here good how do I do it you just got to go on the home screen and then hold the button okay Ceri listen one of the one of the one of the things I've been I mean hold on just give me a sec whatever I've really have just been thinking about like um just the problems and like like my because alright here's the thing you got to understand something when and and and and don't judge me but things have been happening in my life that I'm making me like I don't I feel a weird feel a little weird I'm gonna watch a lot of Breaking Bad and it really makes me think a little bit more about how like my life you know what I mean like my life is just let her process that for a little bit oh the textures came up can you get her to read it read it out loud what the [ __ ] is been saying hey all that responded with was who me what did it type out the word says some things you can ask me what's a good pizza read nearby no no though what I wrote what is what is her interpretation of it done I don't know it's got oh wait there's Syria listen where was one of the things I've been I mean along just give me secret whenever I'm just been thinking about like him just the problems in like like Mike because alright here's the thing you understand something when and and and don't judge me but of things have anymore either making me I don't feel weird to Breaking Bad and anything a little more about like how my life is like my life is I'm sorry I thought you were from the [ __ ] future she doesn't understand a word of my [ __ ] language what a [ __ ] she has no English have you ever noticed those babies that are born without brains and they look the huge eyes babies are born of that brain yeah that's a thing yeah yeah well it's mostly like a third-world country kind of thing Oh now I've never heard of this there's like a famous picture of like this baby that was born without a brain it looks like the [ __ ] baby I'm the baby gotta love me I'm gonna do it I'm gonna look at the baby shake yeah please Oh people don't want to see it deformed baby are you trying to multitask and play this game and yeah deformed baby anything your laughs got in there yeah sorry deformed baby haha how it is deformed baby ha I think I can fly up there it came out as the Ford baby yes that the famous Ford made the famous baby he's very rich okay have you ever have you ever just like mumbled into the voice-recognition [ __ ] and see what comes out yeah it's just like you used to treat it like a human cuz you're supposed to be like who was the guy from the who yeah it's it's like uh who was [ __ ] my dad is the best with Siri Siri I'm looking for the and then it's like out of time you're an idiot look please put me down learn to speak English learn to speak English damn Siri you got to see you got says sassy Siri that's what they should call it but I porn a graphic actress Siri the other day there's a pornographic actress named Siri yes she has extremely large BAPS and in what context did you meet uh she was at porn star karaoke oh yeah cool she's very nice nice yeah deformed baby damn it there's kind of hoping you'd forgotten I don't want to see oh yes first result of an ichthyosis baby dude I love deformed babies sad man you're gonna have a really hard life well they're probably dead well most least I got that going for him yeah seriously how is that your silver lining what worry they're probably dead live with terrible lives oh man let me see if I can hold on now I'm not have to concentrate baby without a brain I don't want to do this there we go baby without a brain turns to all right it's nice little uplifting the story where I am here it is how do i all right let's wait how do I help you it's kind of a like a stretched picture they're supposed to concentrate on Super Mario Brothers now before we start this episode yeah I need as many people as possible to watch the beginning of REO speedwagon's keep on loving you video from the 80s it starts off with the lead singer like on a [ __ ] psychologist couch like speaking his mind and that's what he says and he's got this voice and a huge [ __ ] pants bulge I swear it's frame to be like look at my car yeah he says she said dad I [ __ ] love REO Speedwagon that video is ridiculous though something you said activated Siri because she just went off and she's and and says it starts off with the lead singer of what I want to [ __ ] psychologist couch like I speak his mind and what's and that's what he says he's got this ridiculous voice and a huge [ __ ] pants bulls and I swear it's Bram to be like look at my [ __ ] and then Siri says I'd blush if I could okay well anyway back to game grumps yeah sorry yeah okay this makes sense I was I was just doing some voice-to-text with a friend of mine Oh Kevin can put it in it really no well it's kind of a private you okay but the point is I was emailing him and the dead [ __ ] chives it well yeah Kevin used that just used an chiming in yeah here's what he said two penises I sure did oh good and then he said two penises yep what'd I say you said two penises that's what you said oh yeah I don't remember the second thing no okay yeah I don't either okay I think I think it was just one thing actually okay was just one thing yeah right was it two penises I believe it was two P maybe I was thinking of each penis individual oh yeah yeah yeah Kevin can you write the words two penises on the screen because I just want to see penises in your font I feel like that'll give me a good let whoa hey can we put out a [ __ ] I don't know if an APB is the appropriate thing to say but there is a there's an eighty song that I've been trying to remember forever I heard it in the bathroom of an Outback Steakhouse and I couldn't I was I was urinating at the time and I couldn't bust out my phone in time to shazam to the speaker at the ceiling because how weird would I've looked at the urinal peeing with one hand on my dick in the other hand up in the air holding my phone to the ceiling actually in retrospect I absolutely should have done it but like I can't remember I can't remember the lyrics but it's like why don't you just SoundHound it what the hell is SoundHound just ask Siri what that song is if I just sing if you go Siri what is this song she'll be like I'm listening and then hum the song really that'll work yes what you know that stop the video wait how do I get to Siri Siri hello you hold the button well did you even know how to do Siri Hey oh hello okay okay cool I never used Siri whoops okay but you use voice to text all the time yeah but tell Siri text this person you can do that yeah I just hit the little microphone thing on the MS is like the best okay oh she's listening right now to us hello Siri hey baby 70 year-old man I don't trust the lady in the GPS okay all right let's do this what can I help you Siri what song is this [Music] no.not here's the iTunes Store don't give me the iTunes Store no you just like tell me what song this is something Syria what song this is no don't tell me to the iTunes store do you have like the newest iOS or are you like way behind I possible I don't know possibly not do it on my phone okay Siri what song is this no no no no no no no not even goddamn it like stopped working Siri no she's cool Siri what song is this no no no no no no no no no no no I said enough yeah [Music] goddamnit Siri Siri I think it's got the word these dreams in it like these dreams okay so that's it [ __ ] you Siri well don't you google that then novel games are gone it'll just bringing up these dreams by heart no these dreams are gone these dreams okay how about this okay here's what you do here's what you do this is called boolean logic dan I remember this all right like with like beef cubes that's boo-yan this levels hard it's out of control are you sure that that's the song yeah good because I mean if you got that if you're hitting the notes oh I'm hitting the notes then what are you trying to say no I'm just saying like that's that program like the Siri program the sound hounds program is like really good I could be like so maybe try it again maybe it got messed up because it was listening to for too long the Eartha or the Mario musics in the background or I'm saying it like in a different key than it actually is I don't well it's it's like program did for people who don't know what the music is oh [ __ ] that's pretty awesome if I let let me try it with a song right now if you're hitting it okay then you should be good let's just see here let's give it one more shot and then we'll go next time on game grumps do oh wait it doesn't work on my phone that's so [ __ ] this level infuriates me dude it like makes me angry yeah you just scared Siri immediately Siri what song is this and answer me Siri what song is this don't stop believin hold on to the feelin police have words and she can understand words what is that right see it's got to be the Mario music in the background let me tell you something know everybody everybody knows don't stop believin no but it can [ __ ] recognize I was at like a concert and it was like playing on the speakers and I just like pulled it up and I recognized it cool well we'll get to the bottom of this monstrosity later hope you all enjoyed this episode don't stop and she's like that is wish you were here but I think Floyd Thank You Siri Syria great you really know your music him the future is now mmm when I get this far what you got to get a running start on that last are you [ __ ] with me dude unbelievable man I can't believe it what is with you man come on I'm gonna stop on you're more like my leg intended you're gonna see yeah once you see that do you see who did that Jimmy baby I really need that off thank you thanks for noticing you what what what how Siri went off and it's just recording everything that I'm saying right now let me read back okay what do you see redid that heat baby love you really get it out check Yelp thanks for noticing did you what the [ __ ] hi-c went off and since record everything that I'm saying right now let me read that back okay look up and she said I can't answer that I bet why not Siri but you can't see well where do you think uh-huh when you lose weight where do you think it goes into heaven but seriously though when you lose weight where does it go I thought it just look at Siri thing because I said seriously okay is that where you threw it down what is that way through Siri down kiddo because I said seriously she thought I was talking to her no but at you threw the phone down after you picked it up like in a very like yeah kind of well because I didn't want to deal with her when I walked into the grump room today you were like do - everything is sticky I don't know why I'm pretty sure it had to do with the half-open can of monster that like was dripping when it wasn't mine by the way I know that's the the first thing yeah we're gonna say okay okay okay back to the topic at hand okay yeah tell me you breathe it out no [ __ ] yeah you breathe out fat yes isn't that nuts exactly well so if you do that you're just hyperventilating damn so that so what cardio does whenever somebody says like you know if you're if you're working out to lose weight do something that makes you breathe heavy okay because your body needs the oxygen right mm-hmm so if you're just breathing like that it's like your body's not using that because you'll end up giving yourself a headache right Oh fine Jesus Siri blow me and what is a charm what hey Siri does what is H&R Pufnstuf stand for I'll [ __ ] you what hey Siri is what she goddammit it's like [ __ ] modern technology can you just like be magic like you're supposed to be God also I was looking over at Siri which is why I fell off the Rainbow Bridge so don't judge fair enough judge don't look at me and expect greatness because you'll only get disappointment and failure broken umbrella chains such an [ __ ] it's an iPhone yeah but it's like being shitty lately because it's a really old iPhone so it's keep yeah we'll have those moments where it's like I'm not gonna save your image because I don't have any memory and it's like no we showed how awesome the voice of text feature was earlier before we love the voice detector because I should I should definitely show that Siri search the internet for Ross Oh Donovan has a [ __ ] ripped body and his he's got like an eight-pack come on Siri don't Littlestone no I didn't she didn't understand what I said on Siri search the internet for Russ Oh Donovan has like a ripped body and an eight-pack and a big old dick did your Siri have an accident yeah I gave her an Australian accent solicitor I think I've already said this on the show but it reminds me of my my sister even though mrs. just has nothing like that but liking me like this see series search the internet for Ross is the better child my name is Rebecca and mom and dad love Ross more than me there we go isn't your sister like pretty big in Australia isn't she great oh yeah she's she's she's a she's a news reporter for Channel seven in Perth oh and this is a non sequitur but I just remembered it like I was trying to tell my uncle like what's been going on in my life so I was telling about the we were texting I was trying to tell him about the YouTube red show YouTube red is like the most impossible thing to voice-to-text like it's it confuses the [ __ ] out of my phone it usually turns out to be you to the band and then the word bread YouTube red and I'm like why phone why do you think I would say that my phone has no problem voice of texting YouTube what's going on with your phone I don't know maybe it's my tube red yeah there you go YouTube red easy YouTube red that's really funny where the streets have no name and maybe a loaf of rye I'm so excited although I did learn a valuable lesson I was telling my uncle about it yesterday via text and I found out that voice-to-text when I voice-to-text the word the term NES my iPhone thinks I'm saying any ass so I was like I was trying to tell him that I was gonna pick up an NES I was like I think I might grab and any ass on the way home and he was like good for you just grab NES make sure you've got permission well he hopped up though you like I'm ready for action hopped up on words life ludes quaaludes yeah hopped up on ludes make those anymore they don't and even when they did get you did not get hopped up on them wait how do they they get just stop making a drug people love drugs yeah they sure do Aaron but that just baffles me that they were just like no we're just not gonna make it anymore sir quaaludes are still out there but are they yeah I mean it's not like in the 70s when they were but they were always illegal right the belle of the ball I don't know maybe they were like a prescription type of narcotics that were abused let's let's find out seems accurate what are quaaludes a lot of fun yeah yeah a good [ __ ] time so Siri we saw how methaqualone sold under the brand name quaalude in the US and Mandrax and the US and Mandrax Wow what the [ __ ] is man drag like another planet where dudes have like three horns it's a sedative and hypnotic medication whoa Nautica medication yeah they became increasingly popular as a recreational drug and club drug in the late 1960s and 70s no I thought it was like an eighties thing known as no 80s for coke known as ludes or Soper's also soaps but wasn't that the wolf of Wall Street wasn't that quaaludes I don't know I never saw it the drug was often used by hippies and by people who went dancing at glam rock clubs in the 70s and it discos the drug was so popular in the disc cousine that the drug sold under the brand name quaaludes was nicknamed Disco Biscuits oh well that sounds fun that's nice I like the sound of that so I guess they're still around Disco Biscuits yes go hey Dan you want to go get some Disco Biscuits I'd love to I heard a nabisco is yeah but not some disco
Channel: Grump Clips
Views: 888,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game grumps best of, game grumps siri, game grumps text, game grumps phone call, game grumps best of arin, game grumps best of dan, game grumps compilation, game grumps, game grumps super mario, game grumps super mario galaxy, game grumps legend of zelda, game grumps super mario maker, game grumps super mario 64, game grumps guest grumps, game grumps finn wolfhard, game grumps ocarina of time, game grumps breath of the wild, game grumps pokemon, game grumps fire red
Id: yddCRvmp2xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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