Game Grumps: Stories from Past Jobs

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hey I'm not Zhu gob Danny look uh how are ya you were gonna tell some Harley stories yeah so when I was um when I was 23 I look to the Harley Davidson shop yes and I had a buddy named Andy who and Andy was my age now 36 and he he was a great dude and he was always he always he kind of took me under his wing and he was like you know what kid you [ __ ] live your life you do your thing and every day we used to in the morning we used to get Damon we used to get a burger a double-decker burger with a fried egg on top of it awesome it was disgusting and because there was a greasy like Jersey diner next door to us it sounds awesome so we and we just eat those burgers and go into a goddamn coma and for work for work yeah that's cool and and just Harley drivers would cut Harley riders I should say would come in and be like what's going on kid from this burger just do a weird coma the entire day but he was really cool like those guys like gave me so much good advice at voice yeah I was good yeah I was gonna say was so much good at voice a voice yeah he was like listen you you uh I know you feel like you've got plenty of time but your 20s they're gonna [ __ ] fly by and I was like you know what I'm glad you said that Andy cuz now now I can really kind of focus and and really enjoy it and make sure like I take advantage of every second and they [ __ ] flew by anyway yeah and my 30s are flying by time just flies oh yeah there's no there's no way to [ __ ] protect against that [ __ ] yeah it just goes enjoy your life you know what you just live you just [ __ ] live your life he was awesome and then there was another I named Mike who was an Indian oh yeah we were talking about American yeah yeah American lore yes he was whoo whoo Indian not red dot and so he was Native American he was [ __ ] awesome and like we used to after work every day we used to go and smoke weed in the New Jersey Transit parking lot and I he was he was just we won on a spirit quest he was just wow you got the master sorta play for a true hero files being when you're full health yeah and that reminds me of something my whoo whoo Indian friend Mike said yeah he was like he said never take your exceptional health for granted and I always remembered that because that is the best advice ever oh yeah don't know if you would appreciate me referring to him as woowoo Indian Mike so apologies Mike if you're watching this you know I love you bro but that's that game stop actually used to be because because it was a small chain right he's one of the lesser chains EB was the big one mm-hmm and Game Stop had all games and I remember going to Game Stop and being like [ __ ] yeah man getting some old games of game stuff like this with NES games did you ever work in any of those places and I work at a blockbuster oh that's right I worked at a Game Stop and on West 4th Street in New York what yeah 2000 2009 I guess like the first year of ninja sex party and I worked at a comic book shop yeah I worked at Midtown comics on 45th but that was I got fired from that because the the guy running it wanted to give his friend a job Oh or dick he's such a dick [ __ ] you Brian not that Brian not you ninja Brian I mean [ __ ] you too obviously but like ya know that it was one of those situations where it was like yeah today is your last day like it was like the total [ __ ] dude from office space moment yeah and I was like [ __ ] man why and like I was super upset cuz I had friends there I still have friends who work there um great people work there at my point Demetrios yo what's up de metrio Demetrios Fraga Scott a shout out to my boy doesn't get any more [ __ ] that damn yeah but he's these topless collars often though I wish I should he's writing a comic book now actually what would better yeah Millennials I think it's called lay crap yes but yeah he he's awesome Jose like Shawn surge there's so many [ __ ] cool people at that store so like I was super bummed when it happened but then that time off and my time off I mean crippling unemployment gave me more time to just [ __ ] concentrate on creating NSP and then I met Brian like a few months later oh damn yeah and my friend Demetrius testing in this guy yeah yeah he came he came up to me like the next time I was in there and he was like dude getting fired from this place was like it's gonna be the best thing that ever happened to you I was like that's really nice of you to say and it actually turned out to be true damn you know that he was a regular soothsayer you should know I'm not entirely sure what a soothsayer it's like a fortune-teller Oh in my in my experience as a soothsayer is usually like sort of like a little witch yeah that's that's more along the lines of what I was thinking you were talking about that was like I'm sure he'd be happy to know that you considered him some sort of gross old crone like rich Crone you damn your fault boy with selective rhythms and harmonies all wait didn't they do that once dance dance that does sound like them what is he saying I used to sell comic books to the drummer oh really yeah he would when I worked at Midtown comics in New York wouldn't we read uh [ __ ] I don't remember he would he was like the top type of comic he was legit he was like he was not a poser fan because he would come in and buy like stacks and stacks every week and he had a really really attractive girlfriend of course you didn't [ __ ] wrong well that was the thing because I could I didn't put it together that he was the drummer Fall Out Boy and we you may not get this because it's a football term but we have a thing when a guy out kicks his coverage this girlfriend was just a little too attractive batting outside his average yeah exactly that's there and she would look very bored he excitedly leaped through his comics yeah he was a cool dude he was super nice yeah and that mean me me like five one more who's Montag yeah did you um did I ever tell you about metal mondays nope that's when I still worked at mug shots in Philadelphia little coffee shop me and my buddy Josh Oh mug shot that's cute yeah yeah yeah not your usual lineup that was the that was the tagline really adorable it still exists but it's in a different location different people different different world now but I used to work there and like the only times that we get really intense was at like 6:00 in the morning you know like when the early oh you get that monkey monkey anywho the my buddy Josh and I would come in at 5:30 a.m. when we'd have that shift and we have metal mondays because that was the day so like we go to sleep early on Sunday and wake up Monday morning all excited like the Sun hadn't even come up yet and we were just [ __ ] blast Mastodon and like other assorted [ __ ] like insane metal bands would you yeah and you know what their face melting guitar solos not popular with the 6 a.m. espresso latte crab you know what right you were gay are you a sour Sammy right now I'm seeing it on your face you look like a sour Santa it looks like he's wrapped in like solder yeah oh god how much fun was it to solder [ __ ] when you were young and watch like it wasn't it was my job oh never mind I just watched I just like watching like metal turn into like Terminator 2 liquid metal oh yeah that is kind of cool it was super cool I actually did it for a hobby for a while - you worked as it was soldering for a job is my first job with my dad oh my god tell me what year that was oh it was the year like Megaman it was the year that the the Nintendo themed Game Boy SP came out whoa damn he's like mm look that up 2001 I don't know it was a long time ago yeah that seems that seems about right maybe because in 2001 I was living in Israel working in a [ __ ] factory making plastic wheel rings so yeah so like there's a chance that damn wow that thing's not [ __ ] around there's a chance that at the same time that you were like electrically soldering [ __ ] I was in a [ __ ] like stone grinding Factory creating plastic rings and somehow those [ __ ] hard but those hard drive and man paths led to this doofy job I love this true well yeah I don't know just the first job I could get with my dad that's what I bought with my first paycheck was that Gameboy Advance SP no sure I got Mega Man Zero play the [ __ ] out of it every day during one hi man remember how exciting it was to get like $20 you know like when you first got your job and you were like oh my god like 20 bucks for like three hours work that's awesome yeah that was crazy and now I mean as ninja Ryan says I don't take a [ __ ] for less than 75 thousand totally get it yeah I did that soldering thing and then I got really into soldering and I started I started getting into like modding so i modded solder muttering yeah well I was also into like arcade controls and stuff too so it's trying to build a like mini desk arcade cabinet for the Neo Geo pocket color whoa and I got pretty far I just couldn't figure out the screen cuz it used like some weird proprietary wiring but the point is mm-hmm I made a front-lit Neo Geo pocket color whoo I stole uh I stole a front light from a Game Boy Advance SP version one and I took it out and I put it in the Neo Geo pocket color and we rigged the power to power the thing that's awesome yeah I I was very proud of it and then I gave it to Nathan Barnett cuz he he's a sweet fella he's go truly outrageous [ __ ] love gym me too have you read the new comics samesies no I haven't good it's show time synergy it's pretty good I think I told you that at the comic book store I used to work at there was this really cool gay guy and like every time the comic store would like like it'd be a release day of new comics and everyone would start pouring in he'd be like it's show time synergy that's a gem reference if you don't get it I want to meet that guy yeah I want to meet that guy cuz synergy is like her cyborg friend that yes computer right yeah woah just gonna go home you're like quitting a job are you just like you know I don't want to do this anymore yeah let me just God just call him and you do that that's how I quit could you had a job once that's how friends leave I did that's how I quit a job I [ __ ] I just called up that morning and I was like I don't I don't want to come in yeah there's nothing I want to do less than like do this job now so I'm gonna not do it anymore yeah and that's cool right well she was like it was just one of those things it was like a cartoon I was like I don't want to come in and she was like okay did you okay I thought you down can you find someone to cover for you and I was like no I mean ever yeah yeah like for good she was like oh yeah it's nothing against you yeah I just don't mean I guess it's everything against you well she was a nice boss it just it was a shitty job fair enough well what job was it is blockbuster oh oh yeah shoot your blockbuster job yeah bro talk about [ __ ] she could have been in at the ground floor of something really special and though their stock is through the roof right now their stock is non-existent right now all right they not a company anymore well they're not and publicly-traded I think they still exist though there's like I've seen a blockbuster in LA but it's just cuz it's LA and it's [ __ ] movie central here like I can't imagine there's more than five in the country anymore well they have like an online service still where they were like Netflix was like Oh with the mail in service and then blockbuster was like we do that too yeah yeah we're gonna we're gonna all land on the mailing service and then Netflix was like we do streaming too which is wildly more popular now and blockbusters like oh well we're really awesome at the mailing services we sell Kindles now and nooks just like all the new technology we sell the the PI phone it's it's like an iPhone but made of pie it's actually just pie we sell pie now weird we were a dessert store look at you $5 just floating in the air whoa I [Music] gotta figure out how to get because this is the tricky one I was talking to like a business II guy and he was like so how long have you worked at Gamestop and I I could I I knew it's some part of my brain knew he meant game grumps yeah but I was like [ __ ] I worked the game stop - I'm like it just didn't register with my brain and I was like from like 2009 to 2010 music what the [ __ ] have you been doing for the what caused a lot of confusion yeah seriously though I forget stuff we should just change the name yeah yeah but for the last episode of game grumps how where ever that is like many many years from now we should call it Game Stop okay yeah and then get sued right out the door I'm sure I'll remember that gag me too it's not even that funny so you know you're gonna Remember Who useful I'm a harsh on myself oh no oh there it is and and we're not talking about sprinkles you know Jimmy's well yeah we've had this talk before oh I only knew the term Jimmy's because I worked at an ice cream shop for my first job and some people foreigners foreigners to New Jersey came in and cold excuse me called Jimmy's and I was like what'd he mean you know like a little rainbow jimmies and I was like oh but that's like a New England thing I guess a very specific spring goals oh [ __ ] it ma there went your [ __ ] head start oh that's not good well it's cool Tori oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh and a rat feasted on me I used to tell you like a rather I used to do remote antenna setups for what I worked at a radio station in New Jersey wth a Jersey struck radio did it really yeah yeah you told me though I believe I did they get did it on the show um how much I pay attention that's okay someone listened to hopefully and yeah so once the [ __ ] game grabs wiki he never ever ever said never said that he's a liar one of the one of the shows I did was Blue Oyster Cult and so it was me and just like like the redneck iasts crowd ever and like like just this dude like with like just all fat sleeveless shirts like grody moustache got like two kids on each of the shoulders I'm sorry I know I have to interrupt my way I have a face-slapping Michelle yeah be a circle oh yeah I know it was just as redneck and I just have this image in my head of him like yelling at Blue Oyster Cult the entire time to play various songs he like Goods water here Godzilla and he's all drunk and blessed I was like all right they were cool wait like somebody on stage no no he was just a drunk dad and like the front row it's pretty awesome yeah alright yeah II like that song yeah Godzilla Road I like them but I think it's because I quit my day job yesterday oh [ __ ] yeah yeah well won't be yesterday when this airs but like I quit my day job because we got to a point where we can I can do you know game Grimson ninja sex party and star bomb full-time and pay my bills and live and it's [ __ ] amazing and we're walking out of that place was the best because hey they gave me a slow 80s applause clap really yeah yeah I started walking out and my buddy was like and then everyone like joined in it was really really special and let's also know that yeah yeah and as I walk I'm telling you now like and the coolest thing about it was realizing that like that the moment I walked out of walked out of that place like into the [ __ ] California sunshine mm-hmm it was the first moment where like you know however many years out of college more than a decade like I finally reached a point where I can do like fun [ __ ] and music for a living full-time yeah oh my god I never thought I'd get there so this is fun to you this is super fun are you not having a good time I just always got the impression that you oh my god no way this a dream this is a dream that whose name I dare not name my mom was actually all in favor of getting me out of school cuz I yeah I dropped out my third year I think like before I even started it so I did two years and then I dropped this such a [ __ ] social like yeah and my mom was very much like you're not learning anything there are you and I was like no and I'm like I was being honest I wasn't just like trying to get out of school yeah but she was like alright well then we'll get you out of school and that was that and then and then I but I I don't remember clearly enough but I think that she was I think they were pretty like you need to get a job now so I did and like I worked for my dad and then I like worked at Blockbuster and [ __ ] oh I did a few shitty jobs like that - yeah I got jobs all over the place where did Hungry Jacks which was a nice Burger King in Australia and I worked at it I got fired from one job I remember or at least like I didn't not fired but like I didn't care about the job and off and they didn't make it you know I think it was an interesting situation too because like I sort of felt like maybe I had something to prove because I had dropped out like I feel like if I had gone through all of the school and then got a shitty job I'd be like what was this all for anyway you know like I went through all this school and now I have a shitty job at Blockbuster whereas like I dropped out and I had a shitty job and I'm like okay well I deserve this I'm gonna make the best how you gonna make it better right and I think that taught me a lot about like work ethic and like yeah yeah you know being good at your job even if it's not like that important hmm um and I was I was always very good at what I did when I worked shitty jobs I always try to do my best I was not really wasn't I I mean I I I had I've still have horrible concentration I've gotten better but like I mean Jesus Christ I just hated jobs that I like didn't give a [ __ ] about I tried my best you know I I was a terrible fry cook oh yeah terrible put me out to watch the [ __ ] the restaurant cuz it was garbage at it oh man I mean I wasn't terrible I I just [ __ ] clearly didn't want to be there did you get your returns on your fries for the likes furs weren't good I did actually get my hand burnt by my manager was like even purposely uh I don't know like punishing you he like turned he was like how they do it in Australia I don't know he like turned around to fry like like I don't know they're called like the goopy food yeah they're big Ridley and it was like boiling broiling hot and he like bashed against my wrist he's like I was like ahhh and then he like put this like [ __ ] on it they're supposed to cool it but then he immediately made me go back to work on the fries and I run the hot grease so I could only use one hand because the steam was like burning my hand it was like my [ __ ] I can't believe you me go back to work yeah it was yeah that was a really Wow I had a really [ __ ] up man who had this Irish manager guy was such an [ __ ] I remember my dog went missing and he was like can you work an extra five hours and was like actually I kind of want to go home with my dog Phoebe she's she's missing I wanna help my parents mine he's like I ran over a dog last night what color is she my soul hey excuse me like oh yeah anyway [ __ ] [ __ ] like working fast food that was that was the worst I think Bruce Springsteen lives in Florida he may do that now because when I worked in block stur right he had an account there oh [ __ ] yeah what movies city rent Philadelphia the live concert of born in the USA yeah always out I don't I don't think it's like such an old account I don't think it has a record yeah well what was happening but I did print a card for myself under his name that's like four if that's like a legal pretty sure it's not legal that's [ __ ] up yeah but pretty sure of blockbusters don't exist anymore as you're in the clear pretty sure you're not gonna lose your job you know what I do see them in LA though like there's still a couple floating around oh definitely because people here like movies more than in other places I guess have you ever checked the stocks of blockbuster oh like a stock history no it's like a horrifying plummet it's like $100 and then at the very end it's like one son says that yeah they're never coming back man well Netflix Netflix just Netflix came in and did the blockbuster what blockbuster did - like every mom and pop video store oh yeah definitely that's just that's just how beastly season wool but they had total control or whatever the [ __ ] it was called monopoly was like half Netflix half Blockbuster where you would like they would you would ask for a DVD to be sent to you and then you could return it to the black Buster store and really yeah and then and then you could play pick up a movie there with your membership oh that's interesting the thing was I worked for a store that was like a franchise and wasn't like a corporate store right so when that program started everybody was like oh here's my movie I'm gonna get another one and we were like we don't do that and they were like [ __ ] yeah we're going to McDonald's in there like one big mac please and that I got we don't have this room yeah yeah so why would we at the time I was like [ __ ] idiots but now I'm like why didn't we yeah yeah that's stupid that they advertise it and then you go to a blockbuster they don't have it yeah no absolutely but that's true when people are yelling at you even if they're totally right and you're in customer service your first instinct is to be like you know what you should suck dicks yeah that's that's how I felt like every day in my life when I were Tresa yeah actually that's not true I was a pretty nice guy was working retail your worst job I don't know I think working information at the Kennel Club that sounds like a bad time ah man I don't know working at Disney was my worst job oh yeah because everyone was immune to me that's unfortunate everyone that worked there was mean to me oh so it's not a place of unicorns and rainbows the way one might think yeah I don't know maybe it was just my position but like there were some dudes that I met that were that like warmed up to me near the end dude you [ __ ] cleared one meter by a [ __ ] time well that's what happens when you're [ __ ] lost in the katamari I had a um when I worked at Blockbuster Video I had a co-worker who was just like the coolest person and she just had like balls of steel and she was like a heavy smoker and she got pregnant and like the minute she got pregnant and like found out she was pregnant she just quit yep just like and I was like how did you do it she was the sick I just I can't smoke when I have a baby inside me yeah and like she didn't she was always like upbeat every day she didn't have like the withdrawals or anything but she was like a heavy smoker before that yeah it's a lot of times it's easier to do something for the sake of someone else whether it is for yourself you know and like a lot of my friends are having kids now you see it like you see how your life instantly becomes not about you anymore mmm and that's weird I'm not ready for my life to not be about me yeah I don't know if you notice that play video games for a living that's a pretty understandable it's like oh this is kind of once it shifts into that direction it shifts like that forever yeah until you become like 80 and then you're forced to have it only be about you yeah when you're like I don't what no don't stay with me the pros bring me the pros of your own life not the saddest grubs ever here's something else you might not know everyone who works for us gradually becomes more gay in their interactions because we are always just getting weird the gay it's true it is it's totally true and like Vernon we just I don't think you were here for this Aaron but uh yeah you were right there god damn it Vernon Vernon who has recently come on on board helping us out with various projects from hot pepper gaming great dude known her for years not gay and neither away for that matter and yet he's lying on one of the beanbag things face down and just butts right out there and I was like I'm gonna smack that but I just [ __ ] reeled back and I [ __ ] really laced into him I was like yeah like a [ __ ] full-on jump down smash on like open palm to butt and like I feel like when he first joined the show he was been like dude what the [ __ ] but now he was like oh no we don't have an HR manager I can't do anything and now that I said on the show he'll certainly be hearing about that from people cool yeah looks like he made a poor life decision well in being funny in a moment yeah well you've made a great life decision in smack and dad ass yeah well I'd like smacking my friends but I mean that's the only reason I hired him honestly really just wow I don't know well the thing was I used to work in like a I used to work in Midtown comics in New York and that was 2009 I guess yeah and they would always play the same radio station and all the single ladies by Beyonce was that was the hotness that was the new 2009 hotness right and so like I heard that song probably upwards of 20 times a day every day for like eight months or however long I worked there put your hands up oh I remember that any I just remember to put your hands up yeah if you like it then should put a ring on it and that's all I remember too I liked it yeah so you liked Suzy so you put a ring on it did you could you imagine walking into somebody's room and they just have rings on everything they own and they're like I like it all I like these things what am I gonna do not put a ring on them not according to Beyonce yeah so you mean to be fair like the first episode of game grumps wasn't very good either is that right yeah the Kirby one yeah I mean it's it's so frantic and like even the first episode with you was like yeah really frantic and like well yeah I give good memories of it cuz it was like us hanging out on the friend and no III remember it as god I can't remember if I ever talked about this on the show or not maybe I did but like when I look back at those early episodes the punch outs and the Super Mario 2 I can hear in my voice like the powders yeah just how badly I wanted to do a good job you know because like because John is such a good performer and like a tough act to follow and like because I didn't want to blow it for you and Barry and Susie and like suddenly you guys are out of jobs because I sucked you know so like it was suicide I mean the pressure was on I remember I told you I was like you're probably gonna be hated oh yeah there was no but but that's the thing because like I did those those uh those mondo episodes like I was a spokesman for a cartoon company called mondo and nothing against mondo they're a good company but like they had this idea at one point to do like 60 pilots for for a video or rather for their channel whereas like what works on the Internet is kind of the opposite like you have dick Figures and you have Happy Tree Friends and like just roll with those like the ones that work are what people want to see and just keep giving them what they want you know but they were like let's parlay this into like a hundred new shows and then just throw everything at the wall and see what sticks but they needed someone to like put that messaging out there so they asked me to do it and I was I was very sick at the time and I needed like money for like medical bills yeah yeah yeah in a sense yeah pharmaceutical drugs and and so I took the job and I was also very happy to take it because it you know it allowed me to come to LA which is something I needed to do to try to make me ninja sex party happen and it directly led to game grumps but like all of this is like a long-winded way of saying like it was an idea that didn't exactly work well with the fans it was hard to get across and also like it's a Cartoon Network that suddenly had like this guy on it that nobody knew doing live-action stuff trying to like get across what these shows are so it's a very tough position to be in and and I just became like very very disliked on that channel and it got a little bit better as time went on but like still it was an uphill climb but it kind of like the big key you did it yeah but it kind of got me used to how it feels to be hated on the Internet Oh No because ninja sex party like initial sex party was like kind of liked off the bat you know but it also had a very small fan base so it was like bless you it was like it wasn't rubbing up against anything it was just something new right right it was its own thing it wasn't like something already established that suddenly I was just there you know so when you asked me to join game grumps I was already used to it you know I was like well here's something that's already established and now I'll just be there and people are gonna be like what the [ __ ] you know and that certainly did happen but like it also I'm also glad in retrospect that it all worked out the way it did because even though it was a much bigger scale than the mondo thing I knew that you know the hatred passes and the people that like it is what it is like it's you know I have nothing to do with you know John and his decisions and all that and so it was just like all right I this is what it is and if they hate me they hate me and those people that can't deal with it will move on and maybe new people will come in and all that so it was just this is a very strange time in all of our lives you know and it was I think it reflects in those episodes early on I think I really started to get comfortable like a month a month or two in I think to me the like oh this is good was Mario - yeah that was early that was early yeah yeah and also awful Vegeta a Louisville vadia dude oh me too finally love getting all up on get all up in volvagia hammering hammering volvagia yeah and i started to feel better about it - I can't remember which episode it was but uncle no no I think it was one of the [ __ ] I don't remember but it was one of the fairly early episodes and John texted me and I think was Mario 3 might have been remember that yeah yeah and he and I have texted a couple of times about stuff like this to discuss the show and things and he was just like I can't think of a better person to carry the torch and everything like that and he was like you totally have my blessing and I really [ __ ] appreciated that and I thought that was awesome of him to do and and that helped me calm down a little bit too because like you know if you respect what I'm bringing to the show and John respects what I'm bringing to the show and my mom and dad like me then really what you know everything's okay everything's okay anyway you'd have to walk around Blockbuster Video yes and [ __ ] movie you want to watch and then go up to the counter bring up the counter yeah I did I'd sure as [ __ ] did did you how did you have to answer the phone did you have to say cut some kind of like dumb thing no we were we were like a franchise store I don't know what that means so there was like two types of story there was a corporate store okay which was a store that was owned by Blockbuster Video the corporate oh I understand and then that was a franchise store the was owned by an individual owner French has paid for the rights to have the name gotcha McDonald's says the same yeah so I worked at a franchise store so they didn't give a [ __ ] cool so I'd answer the phone and I'd just be like hi Blockbuster Video and there were and if it was a holiday and we were open then I would answer the phone and say thank you for calling Blockbuster Video yes we're open and then they're like oh okay like nine times out of ten really because all they're calling to is to know whether or not we're open yeah what would they really ask you do you have movies well yeah yeah sometimes they're like oh how long can I rent it for like do you have this movie thank you for calling Blockbuster where we have movies oh oh okay oh say that again yeah you will hold on I was a mistake you have what if last okay listen I I know you say be kind rewind I wasn't kind I did not remind us I'm just feeling really guilty and I needed to talk to someone well so we have rewind machines it's it's just like it's not even a pain in the ass it's like we open up cinema seen just a VCR and you hit rewind on it and well if you're just if you're like Blockbuster Video and you have a shitload of videos to rewind then obviously you don't want to [ __ ] put it in a VHS and let it like so you just it's just a little tiny machine that you just plug it in and then stop and then and then you just hit a button and it's like then you take it out oh yeah it's a rewind machine anyway yeah yeah it's a it's like not a big deal the brief kind of wide haha that's nice but if we get it and we see that the spools on the right side and said the left side we're like okay and then we just take it out and throw in the rewind machine and then do something else for a minute and then come and put it back in and that's it it's not a big deal and I wish I could I could I could have an unleash this knowledge on to you when it was relevant 15 years ago it's okay we didn't know each other yeah and even then I'd say 15 years ago was a little still a little late in the game you got a moon but the ocean bottom made for anyone that carried guilt with them for 20 to 15 to 20 years it didn't get the we don't give a [ __ ] really if you didn't rewind it it's whatever like who cares we didn't care it wasn't a big deal I like that it's a way still yeah like you felt like you were such a part of the blockbuster team that even two decades on you're like man it was us against the world well I had him I had I had you know people that I'd worked with whoa look at that yeah it's called secret Stan I never found that used to it for a living back in Australia and nobody told me one of the kids in the class applix and I was showing them how to have motion between a wall and any fellow hungry [Applause] [Music] yeah I remember it speaking of working at Gamestop when I lived in Perth and back in my old stomping grounds there's a garden city shopping center which is near my place it had an EB Games there and I remember my mom was like you need a better job and I was just like animating on Newgrounds I was like but I mean this will be a nod my grandmom it's a name it was Bom you showed illicit mom so I went around and I found a oh no but yet basically I went to this EB Games and I asked I like put in my my CV and I was like hey are you guys hiring and they were like no and I'm like okay we might it who's the manager can I leave my CV and like I'm the manager as a CV like I said Kristen VJ like like a resume yeah a resume so I was like okay and I gave it to him and clearly he didn't want anything to do with me and I was like oh and then I went back I went [ __ ] went back after what I like after you know like living in America for like four years yeah of being a part of game grumps and then I walk into the store and the same store that like wouldn't hire me was just like oh my god it's rough and I'm just like well dumb and weird yeah that we lived we live very very interesting lives yeah but the thing with me was like my my my mom's terrible explaining what I do for a living a large portion of my sister's friends and her my sister's husband's family I think they all think I review games for a living my my response is like no I mean like I'm on I just say a podcast cuz that makes more sense that's that's a more familiar term it's more familiar trip and it's not wrong you know it's kind of an audio show with just the we're just happy anyway sometimes you may not be talking about the game just talking about whatever I mean we're doing yeah exactly like you know so it's it's uh yeah I don't know man it's it's it's [ __ ] weird but I will say my family has been super supportive yeah everything that's good I did yeah I mean when I died weren't working at Gamestop I worked it for a little bit a couple years yeah and then I worked at UPS for the for like of holidays yeah and my dad works at UPS he still does but he was a truck driver for years and me doing that for three months made me realize I never want to actually work hard in my life because it stops and it hurts yeah I worked at a medical for maybe a week I worked in a medical warehouse I was on a trial period thing I was like a medical supplies warehouse and it was so boring and I hated it and I was already planning on quitting and then they just came up to me one day and they're like yeah you don't need to get done you're done and I was like oh good thank God I [ __ ] hate anger right thank Christ I have a reason to leave because I it was like depressingly bad and lots of people work shitty jobs and I'm just real [ __ ] grateful that you know I'm in a position where I can do what I love have you remarried in a restaurant before Barry I have not worked at a restaurant before I have how did that go I worked at Pinocchio's village house at Disney when I was on my college program and oh my god customers are the worst just the idea of customers just customers in general oh so we're good doesn't he uh man [ __ ] puddles like the floor in the back which is like wet constantly and like we were cleaner on the food but like for the most part the food is just like heat and serve the food at Disney has gotten a lot better since like the ten years since I worked there me this do you think that you're at a back space with customers because you worked at a Disney park no because you know I'm pretty good at people in general but like I think it's these people weren't on vacation so they're like in autopilot mode because they'd be like what time is a three o'clock parade and you're like seriously it's three o'clock dude my favorite part of like working in the restaurant was I was in the back like filling drink orders like this oh yeah yeah because like you didn't have to talk to anybody you could just zone out scoop ice and just zone out and especially cuz like when I was on the college program I was working you know 12-hour days not getting paid overtime working every day of the week except for one day if I requested off so having a nice little area where I could just own out and not to think about anything for a while is great I've only had one job that was me and : no ice medium core and we are what job that that I was like talking to people most of my jobs have been cubicle kind of things again I was working for my college large T with ice mediums mas a talking while doing this is very hard small water with ice I was wrong there was another place I worked where I did make food for people when I work to get IVA give me something I would make a make good shakes for people on oh yeah and they're not really shakes they're called choco elixirs if you want to feel pretentious is that trademark yeah bacon and she's only and I would have to let you know wear gloves to make the drinks but I made mad drinks man yeah like I would take like chocolates out of like the Godiva chocolate cases and like make drinks out of those like I would make hot chocolate with their like chocolate hazelnut praline a seashells like [ __ ] like that oh so good like people be like I want a mint chocolate you know drink but you don't have one be like oh well [ __ ] I'll just take two mint chocolate things out of the case and mix it into a drink for you and I would charge them a little bit extra for it but it was always [ __ ] worth it and I could never accept tips Wow yeah so trap but I mean like if I if I ever went there again I'd be like if you if you go to Godiva and ask them to like makes a thing in your drink you should do it only a couple stores will actually do it for you if they're cool huh okay look at my sexual torture devices down there Wow please try ending the game and cleaning your desk oh my god you can't talk to her cuz her disc is dirty oh there's just one scratch somebody got really mad at this and was like [ __ ] the [ __ ] input part [ __ ] I don't think I didn't see any scratches I didn't see you there was a big greasy finger burn no I worked at Blockbuster once and people would just give back the they're like it doesn't work and it has like mayonnaise on with that picture of George Washington you know oh no asking where's the mayor it was the mayor this is just called gladiator saying it's like when old people come into Blockbuster and they're like wait that's that one's Ridley Scott right yes this guy yeah it's a [ __ ] good movie it's like a there's like this woman that came in it was like there's a movie called closer that came out that Natalie Portman there's a film called closer with Natalie Portman yeah and there was a woman an old woman that came in and said do you have the closer the closer I was like oh you mean closer and she's like yes the closer that's like great yeah old women man gosh change their olders I was trying to I was I was trying to get guests to appeal in I don't know if any of you guys have ever worked in a cubicle I've done it several times in my life it is a god-awful soul-sucking experience and if you're dealing with it I hope you break out of it soon or I hope you love it maybe you love it um but I didn't love it I felt like I was slowly dying inside every day luckily I only had to do it for three years as much as I have a dream job now I have said many times to people who have asked me in person that takes a long time takes a long time of like pursuing dreams to kind of like break them and make them come true you know and they don't always come true and that's the scary part so Brian and I it's interesting or of like two different minds about this like you know you always hear like follow your dreams and do whatever your heart desires and things will work out but and I I am a believer in that because my life has kind of been an example of that but Brian thinks that's actually irresponsible to say because it's like don't quit your day job like you need your day job and and just by a numbers game things don't always work out for people so his concern is that like he would be enabling someone to like destroy their life if he said yeah [ __ ] everything just go for it um which makes total sense Brian Brian I think it's fair to say is a more pragmatic guy than I am which is good because he has a wife and kid I'm kind of like you know single dude but like so I guess I will say that like I don't I don't believe in destiny and I don't believe in fate I just believe in pure will you know like just and like if you really love doing something and you want to dedicate your life to it I say go for it but like you better be sure that you have the stomach for it because what it's going to require is several different points where you where you're like am i blowing my life you know like am i [ __ ] this whole thing up that's just part of it I'm just trying to get this right okay and that's a that's a tough thing you know because like as you try to like especially if you're trying to pursue an artistic life like there will probably be a point in time where you know you see oh [ __ ] so yeah the only reason I got on that was because like I had to take a lot of jobs in places that look this in my early struggling musician days in Philly and then my continued struggling musician days in New York and so in order to be successful you really have to like you just have to have the stomach to like be in that position where you'll see your friends like getting high-profile jobs and like like quote-unquote safer jobs I guess and moving ahead of you in life and it's painful and you'll kind of feel like you're getting left behind that's all part of it you know and it can be difficult to deal with but like it is it is so worth it when it actually happens and I'm a believer than it that it will happen you know the last thing I wanted to say about following your dreams and such is that there will be probably about five times in the pursuit of said dream where things will conspire against you and you feel like you should just give up and you're stupid and you're wasting your time and it sucks and everything's awful you just have to keep going in those moments if it's what you really want if you feel like you have the stomach for it because the difference between people who do achieve said dreams and who kind of give up before they're achieved is just that you know that willingness to push through those moments and there will be many of them so that's what I would say go for it do what you love I think you live once so [ __ ] live your life to the fullest and don't be afraid because all of the best things in life come when you're out of your comfort zone and everything worth doing is scary at first so I'll talk to you guys later and goodbye and I love you okay see ya this is the after part when the screen is blue subscribe to us all watch more [ __ ] I don't know what to say I'll [ __ ] his channel later
Channel: Grump Clips
Views: 1,327,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game grumps compilation, game grumps best of, game grumps stories from work, game grumps job stories, game grumps blockbuster, game grumps game stop, game grumps gamestop, game grumps best of dan, game grumps best of arin, game grumps dan, game grumps arin, game grumps, game grumps legend of zelda, game grumps super mario, game grumps super mario galaxy, game grumps super mario maker, game grumps mario maker, game grumps ocarina of time, game grumps stories from past jobs
Id: 1MQeA8gy4wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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