Dan Making Arin Laugh Vol 1 - Game Grumps Laughter Compilation [UNOFFICIAL]

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hey this is Peter the maker of this channel and you might know game grumps now has over 6,000 episodes in their catalog and sometimes you just want to find one specific moment [ __ ] Dewey and I wanted to make this easier for everyone to find these highlights by starting a second channel called game grumps highlights my name's Laura focus to making grumps highlights the most comprehensive video database of game grumps clips on the Internet though I realize it'll take some time to get there but if you want a daily dose of mini clips I hope you'll subscribe it and thank you so much for watching did you hear about the weather it's going to be raining today what does that mean it means and fill me up with your seed baby and I get to roll again what an opportunity what a price to pay oh my god why is he like rolling with this crew way cooler hangout these herbs I don't know is a jersey term like a loser these herbs it's using all of its Christmas lights to lift off the ground with haste goodbye Kremlin thanks for [ __ ] with our democracy why that cloud looks like a dick ages and they're like I have seen every penis shape you could possibly in fact our hairdos are modeled after I wouldn't want that blue one that's a lot lumps and bumps yes holy [ __ ] [ __ ] yes [ __ ] hello and welcome to too many phones xxxxX xxxxX xxxxxx oh man l1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 R 2 R 2 R - R - R - R - R - R - wait D - wait a second new boy this is Harold okay maybe she was born with it and they're always like maybe it's Maybelline she's a head turner well you know what these hamsters are killing me why I mean it they took out two enemies for the price of one if it seems like a good Oh secret flower I didn't see you oh yeah nice whatever I could sample that and put it in like a Scorsese film and it would be just you'd be like wow what a great performance from Dan avidan I am I am in anguish right now come on go on nope okay it's absolutely agony stop stop stop I'm hitting it at all different times okay well look we're not gonna figure this out now so if I just like grab my legal document say no Aaron you killed him it'll bounce off the grass or I mean [Laughter] our survey says was July 18 2012 that's the answer we were looking for oh go [ __ ] yourself Wow how could you say don't worry Jimmy boy I love you okay I hope you die I hope everyone in Scotland dies because that's where they invented oh my god I don't actually mean that funny I love you Scotland it's Jay going left oh my god oh my god [Music] I hit it win it win the holes in front I hate it when it's to the back I know what it's to the left what remains there you go there's some kind of weird [ __ ] oh boy let's try swing it to the right okay and I'll try it right when it's facing me okay they're a little bit earlier oh there we go I am losing my mind okay can you go your way to a win oh my god my life I'm just gonna [ __ ] start hitting immediately it's like here smile with youth yeah that's like pretty close we're visible to lots of people but it feels great to be truly seen by someone special welcome to the Grand Canyon you threw my ball into the Grand Canyon i I cannot [Music] much longer glasses because you're not allowed to see no no okay put them up I [Music] mean is this what hell is am I in hell now we're friends again doesn't Garfield to eat mice I can't remem you owe and he hates Mondays who makes the lasagna for him why is John enabling him because he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] someone actually realize that I am well you have to do I am loving it it can't be like I'm loving it but I am loving it is an anagram for mailing vomit like that's brilliant normal bomb its vomit makes you feel [Music] [Laughter] like an ailing vomit I think of that every time I see the commercials please don't don't make me lose money no you don't have any yelled like that go straight to the street income tax the game designers of this made the waddle Dee's look more like monkeys because I think they look like monkeys what really isn't that sweet yeah apparently you were like boy why don't these look strange in this one but like we didn't put it quite together really yeah don't you love that Dee's around I don't think I don't think they're all right now did I say that I was like they look strange yeah they look exactly like monkey they look like [ __ ] little monkey cartoon characters yeah what happened I jumped on one of the balls I was looking up skipper good happy for you well look up skipper okay Jesus all right because I died doesn't mean I don't want to hear about skipper put that on your tombstone [Laughter] Alette it go dude the barrels down there bro what the [ __ ] yeah your corporation in just six party is a great corporate Twitter I feel like what are you right off this year his head is weird [Laughter] [Laughter] that is weird weird by our shirts we're so talented I feel like we should just stop while we're at Rp yeah well you know you know you can't be remembered for the bad times that there are none no it just it was all indented it looked like you'd pour like something into it like it's like a mold and you can make another Rhyhorn out of it like a play-doh mo exactly you know you know when your friend introduces you to his new girlfriend and she just sucks she's like really loud and talks too much and you can tell she's a bad fit for him but you don't want to say anything but you sort of have to be honest and he's like well so what you think and you're just kind of like she seems like a lot describe this game are you even doing any I think so yeah suck on it whatever the hell thing you are how big is Kirby in terms of like next to a human being I guess he's about like like dick height he's a belt like half up to the thigh oh yeah he's not making it to the dick Oh actually he is for me you know what I said oh I gotta be dick droop even 1/3 yep from the sheer mass that's that's the nature of the game dude that's game grumps and have you ever watched an episode of game grumps before never yeah me neither I lost interest after John left the show [Laughter] what's her alias [Laughter] uh-huh so in so far don't joke you should have an important link okay we're doing a little bit can you tell which one is me and Richard is Aaron this is a game where it's it's a very simple game they it's a thing that people used to do just for fun it's the default name go die you know fair enough welcome back to dead plant boss did it coming out of the wall like a [ __ ] pop - blackhead he was all greed and evil and now he's all brown and dead like a wall nut so bad they'd leave us this message is he telling us about castle what's everyone looking at me for great let's bring up my dad son oh I'd love to lament he was exceedingly smart much like you he was also really really alive I do the flying gamma hooch exclusively now what is the flying game it's a sexual maneuver where you stand up on a dresser and the girl lays naked and spread eagle on the bed and then you you jump and you land inside of her yes madam here we go oh my god is so dumb is so dumb what why would this be a game but you've known him since you were both very little little like my head do you think my head is too small for my body you should know better than to fret about him you see boobles and his loftwing share a special connection bla bla bla I've never seen anything like I laughed is but one half of a pig looks like my star is finally starting to shine not that it's any of your business well [ __ ] you stand under the roof of the co temple please drop the pizza through the Sun demon and I'm like sweet $5.00 to a place built by the goddess Anna terror Diego they hate it when I pay them in wisdom okay so what if there was like a soup that was really good that was made with pee would you would you eat it yeah of course you wouldn't yeah like you need to ask that question no but seriously if there was if it was a really really good soup and everyone was like this is the best [ __ ] soup having their lives but it's made with Pete oh I'm getting my ass and not only pee but it's made with like like a dude you know his pee it's like Frank speed what the hell are you talking about I'm asking you a question if so if the whole if everybody was just like dude this soup is so [ __ ] good but it's made with pee I could not be less clear on what we're talking about right now how can I be more clear it is a hypothetical world uh-huh where these people come up to you and they're like this soup is delicious right but it's made with pee you lost me hello welcome back were you deflating yeah doesn't County hit scoops I'm sure there's still plenty you don't know don't forget rush dough if you need a pointer or to keep it for a bit above you're never ever ever it's the blacksmith what's happening to my friend my skull is coming out of my body welcome to the scrap shop welcome do you need your forehead eyes or nipples I'm your guy take it and place it within the LT behind me okay oh my god jup that got you way more than I look over you [Laughter] I'm the videogame this one's a worker toss 700 go [ __ ] that guy price of dirty Armenian 15th one's a charm brings back the good old memories of fishing like a detuned slide so I got to go to this [ __ ] island so I can [ __ ] learn the wind arias song and go and play it for a [ __ ] tree person do it man beat that [ __ ] i mike tyson i'll beat it with a song from my favorite singer brandy yell yell vez I'm gonna [ __ ] all over this court if I may [Music] [Laughter] sorry it's me Sofia a different hot girl Christy asked me to check out that stuff and what I've been able to find it all she's just gonna call this game vice they should call it vague yeah it really is oh she does you talking about him yeah and that huh that is pretty interesting why not as interesting as this yeah what about the stuff I checked out the stuff what'd you find end of cut see it was just like him him yeah man whenever I think of him I think [Laughter] meanwhile they're just talking about the music artists him that's real fire wow that's real fire hold on I need to go in for a second opinion definitely fire of the real kind we've we've never seen this we've never played it anything like that out of 200,000 people who have played this level the only like a thousand have it are you [ __ ] [ __ ] my nuts Gerard sure I'd hear a bag of dicks okay Wow weird we try so deliberately to like keep that [ __ ] away and I feel like maybe that's why it's traumatizing when we actually do see it as a kid oh I don't but if you if like right away if you're just like [ __ ] this is how it works man you just be like alright that's how it works like my parents were pretty upfront with with everything yeah yeah yeah did they talk about to go with that but I I promise you it's better if you stop talking you're such a birth bug oh yeah maybe if I jump over this yeah [Music] [Laughter] landed on nope oh no oh I did it cool Wow lucky bastard Oh is he gonna do it again is he gonna shoot a laser oh he's gonna shoot a laser now remember blank man [Laughter] [ __ ] blank Mandy shoes so much rather watch me die a thousand times in a row really a thousand a thousand two thousand I'm speaking with my mouth [Laughter] [ __ ] dog oh god I wish Snickers spots oh my god could you imagine I feel like Snickers probably has some cash just lying around just a little is that Mars is that who runs that company Mars Yeah right Mars is M&Ms I know that oh yeah then they've they're doing pretty well for themselves yeah well I don't know man I don't like M&Ms I'm not a huge fan oh well then they should probably be shaking in their boots noted Internet douche bag and it's [ __ ] 2016 now oh I know dude my life was way different in 2014 there's 30 men that's crazy especially since who cares [Laughter] oh it shoots a fire ball into a spine like ah all right cool [ __ ] UFOs overpowered that's fine yeah it's some [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] now listen they got you pushing too many pencils come on that arena I stupid [ __ ] she's like he can't kill me with those rocks of yours rocks look like she's doing that like ham thing yeah pterence NACA was like no she was there she came right up to him and she was like he she did not I'll talk to you later I'm dead do you [Laughter] know I missed the giant ring that's where you get the Chaos Emerald now we'll never get married [ __ ] I thought that was for my [ __ ] I thought that was for a thousand of my [ __ ] sonic has passed a stone yeah he might want to take the S off that emeralds cuz we got one alright for grammar kelsey grammer I'm not a stickler for Oh God look at that that's awesome just an that pat by the way oh yeah I'm Stephanie [ __ ] yeah yeah Congrats okay to know what what what kind of baby is it a human hmm well good on your map hat you made a human no boy or girl that's a girl I blue oh yeah he's gonna be a great dad they're gonna be great parents you know I'm actually not sure so maybe you're not sure of the gender you're not sure if they're gonna be great parents [ __ ] choose your moments sure it was a human baby oh okay I bet you fondest welcome to Hyrule Castle stranger my boners like yo my Bona be like one of those doorstop as you know Rufus NOFA scram well seen your face and my dreams it's late friend to be here locked in battle with the terribly evil and he's like uh I just showed up to tell you about some paintings yeah I've seen your face in my dreams too I could see how I thought egg devil fry you that you said evil Devils today so you're clearly on CODIS right yeah I would watch a [ __ ] TED talk on so is Catan oh my god can somebody please Graham could do it get an intellectual in the field of I don't [ __ ] know yeah rock it jizz just go up on them and then everyone's like oh man I can't wait for this rocket just seminar our talk at TED talk quick fake out no such thing as rocket jizz this is Akutan talk how good would that feel if like you bumped into someone on the street and they're like um excuse me and then you jumped on their head killed them and then sailed into the air with your arms out and twirled around don't forget about the Red Coins up yeah yeah nobody would have to die from the Kerbal disease not ever good curable means you can't be cured trucks are weird good if I can somehow help them find cures for incurable diseases then stop right there oh my god I don't know why I just thought of this but uh did you ever see that onion article it's like it's talking about like it's just a bunch of examples of like [ __ ] up like super happy tag lines for regular things I don't know how to describe it but like it's like some kind of cleaning agent and the commercial is of a smiling woman and she's just like it's a Holocaust for stains my favorite was it's a guy like eating a hotdog it's like Osama bin flavor flew a plane into my mouth I felt so bad for laughing bus the Destiny the electric electric death toll ooh [ __ ] I wish falling off a cliff you could actually be like [ __ ] and just tighten yourself and like go up an inch but then you continue to fall your death [Laughter] everybody gets one [Laughter] really terrifying footage of people like jumping out of buildings and [ __ ] there's falling misleading me with that [ __ ] I guess she was just saying they built up a tolerance so now they're like tougher to kill oh I see which is just this game being like here's the same [ __ ] but you have to do it long it's hard as longer yeah yeah so harder keep going [ __ ] turning into you all of a sudden ah this gives the illusion of difficulty it's just wasting your time have I told you one of my favorite [ __ ] Saturday Night Live skits with Will Ferrell no no it's with what's-his-name from Archer I can't remember his name Chris something Chris Kattan no no everybody's not favorite it's something like well the idea is like when this whole internet thing started I thought it was just a fad so by the time I decided to open my law practice there was only one domain name pervaded so please meet us at clown penis daughter [ __ ] we're here to help you [Laughter] oh god that's an all-time I feel so bad laughs because it's not your joke oh no it's an amazing joke it's all the way from the 90s you would think how much it hurts would make it not funny oh where the [ __ ] I've been all this time my sexy quest for shards continues shirts shards yeah we need to find out isn't that what we need to find all the Triforce shirt yeah all ten shirts there's one [Laughter] [Laughter]
Channel: Game Grumps Compilations
Views: 1,054,154
Rating: 4.9405346 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, danny, arin laugh
Id: -ZFQR_uJI88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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