Fusion 360 Tutorial — How To Model DiResta Steel Shop Table — Assembly & Joints

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in this video I want to show you how I would model up Jim addresses awesome workbench in fusion 360 [Music] hi everybody my name is Lance Kristensen and thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video a few weeks ago I did a livestream about how to create Cutlass inside a fusion 360 and I was inspired by Diamond orestes workbenches to use that as an example now a few people requested that the exa saw how I model let up so that is this video but first you should definitely go and check out Jim addresses YouTube channel I'm a huge fan I'm a contributor on his patreon site and he's definitely worth to follow if you'd like what to see here in the channel do me a favor hit the thumbs up if you don't hey be honest with the thumbs down and if you haven't already I would definitely appreciate if you hit that subscribe button let's get to the modeling so I'm going to do this with a couple of different techniques let's start out here by creating a new component as this will be an assembly some click new component and I'm going to go ahead here and just name this one right out of the bat here so square tubing and let's go in and start color for a sketch no matter what plane I'm sketching on s key on my keyboard for my sketch toolbar and I have the center rectangle right here go ahead and sketch up something that is 3 by 3 inches here and then I'm going to hit o 4 offset and it's going to offset this edge in here - point 2 5 now that's really all I'll do the square tubing right within this scats when it Q so we can do our press pull and I'm going to make this one 8 feet long so I'm actually type in 8 and then do ft 4 feet see that right inside of the distance dialog there hit OK and we now have an 8 feet piece of square tubing now there's gonna be a couple of fillers on here so I'm going to hit f4 fill it and I'm just going to start out by selecting the outside edges and you don't have to spin around to select a different exit axis select right through here and I'm going to make this point 2 5 and then I'm going to do the same thing for the insides when I right click and hit repeat Philip that's just one way to get to the P command and then I'm going to select the inside edges right here and again you can select right through the solids here and I'm going to go point one five just like that so this is my first piece of of tubing so this is a three by three by by eight now I'm going to go up and make my top assembly here I'm going to make that active there and then I'm going to do a right-click and do a move copy command now in here I can select difficult thing that looks like the component I'm going to select how right on our component here and then I'm going to create a copy of that component what's going to create a second component over here in the tree and I can now just drag that this way here and I'm going to make the table fall feet wide and hit tender so now what we have here is two square tubing's but they are copies of one another what means that if I go into our first tubing and if I for example change the exclusion from eight to six feet you will see that it's going to assemble on both of them they this is now a copy of this one but it's fine it's just good to know that that is how they move copy tool works let's go back and make that one back to eat again now we're going to go ahead and make the end piece here but the end piece of course is going to be shorter than the original eight so now we actually need to break a copy to be able to do then the way we can do that is if I grow up on our first square tubing again and I right-click I can do a copy and then by having the top component here active and if I right-click on that now I can either do a paste that will just be a copy it's like the one we just created for the second half on the length but if I do a pace new this will actually be a broken copy so they're not associated they're not linked together so I'm gonna click on that and you will actually see that I get what was called kind like a free move as soon as I do that as long as I place that here and what I'm going to do is I'm going to rotate it 90 degrees so I'm just going to hit the little handle here rotate it 90 90 degrees and then I'm going to go over and select point to point and I'm going to do that I can actually go over on our Etsy and I can select a point that I can now align this component up with right there now when I hit OK you will see that I got now the third component in here that is not linked but of course it is still too long so I can actually go in and activate that and I can now make that shorter and that will be independent from the other one now one thing you will just notice here when I make it shorter is that it actually on the screen jumps back to where it originally was when this happened so that's one of the things to be aware of that because we're going back in history that that was effect that I'm gonna make it 45 inches long and hit OK and if I go up and make our main component lean assembly active you will now see that I got arm that to the right length now I can go ahead and now make a copy of this one so I can do what we did before I can right click and I can now go ahead and with this component selected I can select it here select create a copy because that is what this going to be and sometimes I actually like to drag it out a little bit first before I go back into the point to point this gives me a chance to make sure that I select the copy and I can select a point here and I can select a point here and when I hit ok we now have the fourth component in here so as this is created right here this is our original one and this was a copy of that one then we broke by doing a paste new the second one that we now have made a copy of there what that means is that if we ever change the length of the first component then everything will update along with it this is one of the nice things about parametric design now with this put together here what other things to be aware of is that right now everything in here actually still floats around each component have not been been tied down to one another and just hit ctrl D to go back to to where we were here so in a 10 system like fusion 360 we now need to kind of well like Jim addressed us weld these together so the first thing we got to do is we can add a nail one of them into space and we're going to go up here on the first one right click and I'm going to ground it what that means is get a little thumb tag that means that this component is kind of like grounded in space and then I actually have a very nice function in here called rigid group and I can now go in and select the remaining components in here hit OK and now everything is not moving anymore everything is in place so this point I am ready to put some some legs on on this component and I'm actually just going to move along and use the same technique as I used before where I'm just going to right click and I'm going to do a copy and then we're go up on the top component up here and I'm going to do a paste new now this component I'm just going to move it out of the way a little bit like this and now I'm going to go ahead and and actually rotate it up because it is going to be it's going to be the leg so I can rotate it just like that and then I can now go ahead and I can place it in whatever location I kind of want to want to locate it but that's another way that I can place things in here so I'm just going to hit okay so let it sit out in space and that is using joint and it's just as perfect to use joints for this as it is to use the move copies and guys go over here and I'm going to select this edge right here and I am going to find the edge where that's going to be over there and our leg will now be in place right there now this leg is a little bit longer than I actually want so I'm going to go and make that active go into our extrusion here hit edit you'll see again everything falls back to where it was before I'm going to 36 inches for this leg and that is the length I want for that leg now another thing we could do to move things around like this is we could also go ahead and we could use the patterning command so I'm going to go ahead and hit a rectangular pattern and I you have different selections up here and I'm going to select component and I'm going to select our leg and when you do that we can select a directions I'm going to select one of the edges and immediately it gives me arrows and I can start moving thing down and I've seen the default two three and that's the total quantity iyx anymore - like this here and I have it on spacing and now we can move it down here and I can actually cheat another 99 inches per you can actually we can zoom in here and we can see that 99 - 99 is the length I need here for this year but that is actually also two legs over here right so we can actually also do and get the arrow here and we can do the same thing by going to and then we just gotta place this in the right location zoom in here and it looks like 48 is the right number for that okay and we now have placed the four legs now just like we use the rigid groove and the other ones you would like to see that that these legs will move also even though that they are patterns so I'm going to go up and do another rigid group and I select these four legs now when I hit okay here you will now see that we have a rigid group and these four legs are now in place with that I probably just continue with our patterning command so if I go up here and I do a patterning I can select these four components here and I am going to select the direction this way here and again I only want to go to two and I want to be minus 25 that section down there and hit OK now again as soon as we look at this we can see that things are still floating in space so we're going to go back to our trusted Richard group and if I select the four elements here and hit OK you will see that they move together what I have to do is I have to tie that rigid group in with one of the components that is attached to the original and we had that this component here is joined in to our original component it okay and now you will see that now everything is back in place now given director also had a center support I want to do mine a little bit different than his but again I can go and I can use the exact same commands as you have already seen you use so I'm going to go in and do a right click and I'm going to do a move and I'm just going to select this component here I'm going to use the I'm going to use the free move because I know that and I want it to be a copy of course let's like this component it's going to be a copy and I know that this is going to be half of the length but in our case is 4 feet what I can do math subtract one and a half and go ahead and play it okay to that and then I can repeat move command I can go ahead and select that component I just move down here I can create another copy of that we just move that down and that was minus 25 now I just need a little piece that goes between here it's going to be 22 this is a subtractive 3 inch square tubing so I'm just going to select one of them here right click and do a copy you can go up on the top here right click and do a paste new and I now have that component moved out of the way here that I can now work with so I'm going to go into that one make that active and go into the lengthier like it's going to be 22 22 long now to place this one here I am going to definitely going to use the joint command catch a position you see me doing that all the time now here's a neat way to do this because look at this when I come over here you'll actually see when I hover over that it gives me the center point of the tubing and if I hold down control or command I can exit all over I can grab that Center right there but means if I go over on our other square to bank again select the center of that one and I will place my center piece right between there now of course these components are also are still moving around so we will need to do another rigid group goes like this this and it gives me a warning here that there is a joint in this selection and just tells me if I want to continue I'm gonna say yes and I'm going to select one of the bars probably the first square tubing we selected and let that one into that that's going to give us our the entire metal framing for this now the last thing we got to do is we got piece of material on top of this I'm going to create a new component and that is going to be the top of the surface and I'm going to create a sketch now this sketch I'm going to create of course right on top of the pot here because that's where you put it and actually when I'm doing something like this I would probably just gets a rectangle that is too big and then I will use the collinear relationship between bones to learn accept collinear between here to here here to here here to here and the last one here so that way I have made sure that the tabletop is following along and then I'm just going to going to hit Q for press pull and I can select our top surface here and I'm going to make this one inch thick so that is our table top now that's not a couple of things I want to do at this point one of the things one of the things I'm going to do is there is some some naming things that is going on in here so these components are these components in here and when you're looking at them you might want to name them as you're going along just to make it easier for yourself so pretend I can go down to this top here I could call this the table top and you can name everything by slowly clicking on it now another thing is that by default fusion 360 makes everything metal as a SI material you can actually go and you can right click and you get two options you get one way you can do physical material physical material in here means that if you're doing any kind of simulation or something like that and you see there's all different kinds of materials in here somebody told me that this would be an MDF board that to me to rest our users so that's what I'm going to select but you will see that I also had the option to go in here and change the physical material also and in here you will see that we have all different types of woods in here a lot of them that was that you can you can download that is also an unfinished in here and you will see that I have a MDF board right here you can download them on these small arrows so I can move that over on the body right here also you will see that you can see the joints are appearing in here so I can turn those on and off course on the lights over here and the last thing that I got to add to through this table here is that in good Demeter Esther fashion he spray paints is logo on it's going to insert a detail and select an image and I have an image right out of my desktop so like that and I can select a face to place an arms go selected on this face let's go on the top surface here and I can now scale it up and down move it rotate it whatever whatever we want and place that game it's there this kind of like finishes how I modeled off that tape that's it I hope that you found this video helpful a couple different techniques on how to copy and paste components go over and check out them directors YouTube channel and until the next time and an awesome day
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 133,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Industrial engineering, Product design, software, CAD, CAD Software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, 3D, 3D Software, 3D Printing, CAM, CAM Software, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Manufacturing, CNC, Cimputer Numerical Control, cloud, Cloud based CAD, Autodesk CAD, Autodesk CAM, Free CAD, Free Software, cloud manufacturing, cloud CAM, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, Jimmy Diresta, imake, joints
Id: AH3QWscviBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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