Fusion 360 — Make a Tube Chassis with 3D Sketch — #LarsLive 100

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doing welcome to livestream number 100 thank you so much for for being here and supporting that that's great milestone that is we appreciate it it is Thursday November 30th 2017 absolutely awesome again thank you so much for all of you guys who who have been here watching these live streams these recordings up to a number 100 absolutely also in the end of this livestream we will this is the last chance to enter to get the giveaway we'll talk about that in the end so this is it at five days to to prepare for it yes cool today's topic is how to make a tube chassis and I'm thinking like a roll cage type of thing and we're gonna be using some free these sketches so that is that is something that we haven't touched on these lab strands before I believe absolutely cool thank you so much guys let's let's jump into it so um inside well let me just say this there is probably a bunch of different ways to do something like this like a tube chassis weldments kind of a roll cage style and you know as always down the commentary you're more than welcome to give your opinion I like to take the manufacturing approach to this and the things just because of my background so I will approach this the same way I think I would approach if I was going to make it in real life so let me show you what I'm talking about so what I would do to do this is I would create and I'm gonna do this actually in that I'm gonna do this one in inches just because like size-wise so let me change this all changes what I would do to create something like that is I would actually create a a materials file for the different types of tubing's that I could be possibly using so I was going in open a new sketch and I'm just gonna draw a circle to see the circle and go three inches in diameter and that's the outside diameter do it I'll circle see the circle and draw one up here that is like 2.5 that's a pretty good pipe um let's hit Q for press pull and let's make this one 8 feet and I'm making it 8 feet because that's like normal I think like pretty standard in the u.s. at least for like lengthwise 6 feet is about a tall person a good-sized man that's 8 feet along with that so we had this piece of tubing what I would do was I would save this and kinda like I would create my own little library for this tubing so I would hit save and just just to make this easier I'm gonna call it pipe ok so that's kind of like my stock that is kind of like you know I went to the store and I bought all these tubes that were all free diameter and 8 feet long hey like stock out of out of the box so they're kind of like saved in in their own in its own file you click on the on the data panel here we will see the kind of like help that pipe I'll probably actually create a folder that was called my pipe library and throw it in there whatever alright done with this now let's get into car like laying out the roll case or whatever you're gonna do follow this and I'm thinking roll cage so I'm actually gonna go up and change the units again instead of having it at inches of millimeter I'm gonna change this 2 feet because it's gonna be a little bit bigger so you can always switch around up here right and I would use layout sketches now let me put it like this and I know I'm throwing a lot of new things around if you new fusion I think you will get this even if you are fairly new and for some people this might even I would even consider this like a pretty cool I don't want to call that being its approach but a pretty cool way that you can model things up because what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create a layout sketch or a series of layout sketches that kind of controls this pipe so let me start a sketch in this empty document and for this roll Kate's style I'm just gonna create hit s my SQ to get my Center rectangle and I'm just gonna make something that I'm gonna make six by six feet so six feet is about a groan I'm a little bit shorter than six feet but you know a normal-sized man is probably like close to six feet so one guy could lay down here okay so this is just one sketch right here now so this is kinda like the bottom of the roll cage so I will create a offset plane and up here is gonna be kinda like the top so let's go fall feet up so a little bit taller then a little bit shorter than I'm a man and I went over to the sketch up there and that's gonna kinda like be the top of this roll case I'm feeling like a comma so I'm Aixa gonna do a two-point right angle and just sketch something within here be for dimension and we can make it four feet by three feet and maybe it is half an inch up here why I said not fully defined you see how two of the edges are still blue grab a corner and you will see that it can slide side to side so hit alpha line let's create a construction line like this hit the X and use my favorite constraint what is symmetry symmetry is awesome select a point a point and a line and that is now been centered up okay so what essentially had here is a yeah it's down the bottom s gets up on the top what I would do was I would absolutely go over to my sketches over here and I would rename them some slow left click and say this was the bottom sketch slow left click and this would be the top sketch that will just make it easier for us to kind of like playing around with this now I'm just gonna hide the top sketch for right now because now I want to kind of like show you how I would be using that pipe that we just created before kind of like our stock pipe so to be able to bring this pipe into here you have to sing your design so let's call this roll cage it's never gonna end up being a roll cage but that'll take probably a bit more than a half an hour to do but you'll get the gist of it and with that said what I can do now is I can right click here right and I can insert into current design what would bring that start pipe that that we created and you always get a free move when you do this so I'm just gonna drag it I'm gonna drag this out out of the way a little bit and hit OK so now that pipe is sitting over there now you will see that it's linked to this one right because I just brought it in so if I change this file this will update but what I'm gonna do is I makes it gonna break that link so I can stop messing around with this file because right now you couldn't cut this one you couldn't do anything to it but if I right-click on it and I say break link now these two are not attached anymore this kinda like just lifts within this file as its own pop file now this one here I will actually also rename that one and I will call it like my blank this is actually not the pipe I'm gonna be using it is going to be my kind of roll stock so I'm gonna make a copy of this and then in the end when I'm all done with my roll case if I so desire could actually delete this one part out let me show you what I'm talking about what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click on this blank I'm gonna right-click on it and I'm gonna copy it then I'm gonna go all the way up to the top of where the name is here for our role case I'm gonna right click on that and you get two options I've talked about this in the last room before you can do a paste or you can do as a paste neun paste will just give you a copy of the current pipe but they true will be linked so if I change the length of one of them the other mobile update but paste new is really creating a separate copy from this pipe that I now can do with whatever I want so that's what I'm gonna select now when I do that when I hit the paste new I now right now have two pipes you see we have a blank here and we have a blank over here they're laying right on top of each other now if I drag out here I get this is this one a number two and bring about bringing out this is kinda like my copy I'm gonna hit okay okay so now I kind of like have that original play with my copy over here now not to create any confusion but remember and we talked about this a couple of them so much yesterday which already yesterday I can't even remember what I had for dinner last night how can I remember what I talked about yesterday that fusion captures every movement that you do so this is why you will get prompted to do capture position when you do anything so this is important I normally just I'm fine with that I have no problem recording every move I do and I just drag this one out so I'm recording it as a move so when I click gets a position you will see it comes down here now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use the joint command and I can now do a joint right on the center of these two over to our layout over here for the bar now a couple of tricks you need to know about with the joint if I hover over this ad you see how the coin kind of shows up but you will see that has a tendency to kind of like jump around kind of like the orientation of it if you hover over the edge you want and you hold down control or command on your keyboard depending if you windows or mag user it will be locked so that lines and no matter wherever with control pressed it will stay on this line so I'm gonna press right here and it's gonna go right over and place itself right on the edge now I'm not trying to make this too confusing but what we want to be in to end up doing is when we put these four pipes together is I want a really nice 45-degree kind of like Weltman angle of these when they get welded together so what it makes it gonna do is I'm gonna use not the center of our layout rectangle but I'm actually gonna use that the SA the the pipes going to be on the inside of that so the six feet is not from centerline to centerline of the pipes it's going to be the overall width so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna move this one in that half of the tube diameter now you will see it looks in feet because that was what we said for the overall but of course as some of you guys know we can just type in one and a half inch and it will it will stop it get may get stuck to that I hope this was not too confusing but the six feet we did on the outside is actually going to be you know the overall width of our rotates now because these are eight feet long there's thinking too far out there but that's I'm not very about that this is really our the way I'm gonna handle that for creating all these so what you will see now is rinse and repeat so I can go up again and right click up here and say paste new what will give me another copy I can drag it out hit okay now again before you saw me click up here get the position if I don't do that and go right to the joint and I then you get this pop-up that many of you guys email me about a comment about him like what the heck is this whole thing about capture position it's because its remembers where we just pulled this one out and it wants it in the timeline because again fusion captures everything in the timeline but I think is awesome so I just catch a position I don't care I get an extra one of these down there select this origin right here and now maybe we go over and we do this ad so again I'm holding control or command of your Mac so I'm making sure that I can select that end point right there and we now get that pipe over again like just before I would like to get half of that in there so mine is 1.5 inch right so now these two kind of like overlap each other now I'm gonna do that two more times I believe that repetition is key in all learning but let me just split these two first so you can kind of like see how it how it works so with these two pipes they are two different blanks right here sitting over on the tree overlapping each other what we really want to do is we want to go in with a a grinder if we're talking about the manufacturing I mean we couldn't do this in real life but we will cut to nice 45 degrees so we can weld them together how I'm gonna do that is I'm gonna cut with a plane but right now if I turn on the origin you will see we kind of like got the free standard planes here I can use those to cut them to 45 degrees but what I can do is if I go up to construction and hit plane on an angle cleaner at an angle and I click on that line it will throw it plane right through that line see that I hope that's easy to see so now we have a plane that cuts right through in 45 degrees right there so with that I can now go to an element under modify I'm gonna repeat this so if this goes a little fast over are we gonna do this again go on say split body so we're gonna split the bodies and what bodies do I want to split I want to split this one and I want to split this one and what do you want to split it with I want to split it with that plane that cuts right through there and hit okay now when you look at this on the screen you probably didn't see anything changing let me just go over here so the construction and hide that plane for a second you probably didn't see anything changing but if we open it up these two blank so these two pipes we're going through the bodies folder of those two you will see that there's actually two different bodies in here so we split those with that pipe does that make sense okay see that there so now I can find out which one I want to keep and which one I want to delete so I don't want that end piece right there so I can right-click on it and you could be tempted to delete it but actually hit remove because if you delete it then it probably will just heal the two ends up again same thing down on the bottom one I'm gonna find the one I want that one I don't want that one right click hit remove and now you got a perfect 45 degree these two pieces of piping now I have that so if I hide one you will see that that pipe have now been cut in and kind of like a 45 degree angle right there so that's what we kind of like you know it's trying to come after here by by doing all those so like I said I think repetition is key in all learning so let's just do a couple more of these while we added so I'm gonna do go up here again right click and because I haven't copied anything else and still remembers that we are pasting that original one so there else we'll copy it again so I can hit paste new go back over here drag my my copy out here I'm gonna hit okay I'm gonna capture the position and then I can do a joint what you can excel to do with G on your keyboard so if you're doing a lot of these you may want to do that so just select that sent a coin there move over here make sure you hold down command or control to make sure you select that end point and then I'm just gonna move it so it's within our our rectangle down 1.5 inches in4 inches so now that is in a section we could go ahead now cut these but let's just place the last one right click paste new and I I don't know if this is advanced I think it is like I think that this is like when you start thinking like this I think that you you stop you know doing something pretty you can do some pretty cool stuff I decide that it's advanced but you can do whatever you think um so go over here hit ctrl on my windows keyboard and I'm just gonna make sure that one is also brought in minus 1.5 it just okay so now with that kind of laid a couple of them all we already have that one plane cutting through this we could start with that one and finish that one up so again modify sprig body I want to split that body I'm gonna split that body what do you want to cut with what is the splitting tool that is that plane we had hit okay now again nothing's gonna look like this right thing and by the way if you're now wondering what is walk down here if you click on one of the segments you see how it gets like a blue dotted line underneath it that will tell you what part it is so if I opened that last one up there bodies you can see which one you want to keep which one do you want to to remove all right so going here remove that and then this piece here is part of blank number three here so you know that dotted line underneath go and find out which one of this I want to remove right click and hit remove right so I hope that this is somewhat useful we got two more ins to do in this one here let's create a new plane so go to construction and go to plane on an angle and again I'm gonna select that line right there and that's just a sketch line from when I create the center rectangle but I'm so so remember that that X what I'm showing here is any line geometry can be used to create a plane right through it just like that so just for anything else you're working with let's go back in hit modify split body let's split this one and this one spit into as a plane get okay again click on the pot to see what over here it's part of get rid of that's and then the last one that's piece here that's the last blank right click and move and let's hide that plane so just like this I have gotten Oh missing one it's a number 100 I'm brushing no I'm missing one you know finish this up modify split body this one this one and split right for the center like this I just can't wait to go party that's that's the thing there's nothing alright so um it's like this one here right click and remove this one here that piece there all right now no wheeler now the bottom here is is all put together right so now we have all four corners kind of like nicely removed like this and I could like I said before if I wanted to I could go off yet take this original blank and now deleted if I was done but I'm not but if I was done at the at the end and the reason I did it like this with components is of course that if I went in to create a drawing from this and we want to create a pot list then each of these would be specified as their own kind of items in in the list depending on on length and material and and so so forth so like this I hope that that kind of like makes sense and you see that kind of like together like this now I didn't want to end here because I want to show you something else that I think is really really important and that is that when we're doing these kind of a weldments it's not always this cut and dry but you know you got to start from the ground up so here you've kind of like seen how I would fit these together and again I'm really working the same way as I would do it if I was gonna make it in in real life I think that I now have like these individual components in here I use the pace of new so they're kind of like their own entity now somebody was saying about could we just pattern things around and you could the nice thing about this this layout here is that since this is these blanks are all controlled by these sketches up here that means that I get an opportunity to if I modify the sketch things would update if I just pattern these around then you could come into an issue where later on when the customer says well I want it to be six by eight you could run into some issues where suddenly you had to go back but here I'm actually creating some intelligence with having these sketches up here driving this again it's a little bit like what I did with my injection mold series video so if you really want to take deeper into how you can control things with layout sketches go on and look at the mold injection mold video series and I think you get pretty full and happy with that so what I want to show is how do we now create one that goes up and then goes in an angle over here because I don't think I've ever touched on 3d sketching within fusion 360 so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna go I'm gonna hide these blanks for just one second here because you kind of like have hopefully step one is is in and then let's do some 2d to 3d sketching so I'm gonna go and create an offset plane and drag this one out here now again if you remember we made it six feet so three feet is it's the center line but we are staying accident within that right so be free feet minus 1.5 inches so that's actually where the center of our line is for piping so that's what I want to stop my 2d sketch right right click create a 2d sketch here we get that we get the dialog box showing up here I'm gonna hide link to now be aware of over here that we have 3d sketch in here and I think by default it might actually be turned off so let me show you what it turned off what fusion will do is it will sketch on this plane that you have seen me be using all the time and there's nothing new in this like if I go over here and I create a line I open the sketch of this plane if I create a line out in space here just like this that line is sitting and I hope this shows up right on this plane no mystery around that right on that plane right ahead and what I can do here with this is I can also dimension it from that bottom corner over to that 1 inch distance to have it on center of the pipe and I could also go over and create incident relationship between this edge and the bottom edge of our plane okay because it all happens on this plane that I'm sketching on so I just associated this scats line because it drew it on a plane that was an insult I have from this ants it's sitting right there and I associated it with the distance in front from that ants that is how you would expect 2d sketching to work now sometimes we have to do 3d sketching meaning I now want to create a line that goes in a compound angle I want to create a line that goes from this edge over to this point here now let me just give this line and a length right away so D and let's make it that was 4 feet so let's make it 3 feet so what I want to do I'm going to create a free that's called a 3d sketch going from this area to this point up here so if I create a line here's the way to do it I'm gonna create another line it's still a 2d line I haven't checked 3d sketch when I create a 2d line up in space here okay so that's sitting right on that plane I'm gonna turn 3d sketch on now you might have pretended to use the constraints right now but here's the trick right click move because that's actually what we want to do I want to move this endpoint right here this is already a text but I want to be able to move this endpoint see what happens when I now look I have that free DS gets turned on in my constraints it makes it moving this in 3d space now for some of you guys this is like oh yeah I know Frieda sketching but for all the people 3d sketching is like whoa so what I can do I don't actually want to use the move here what I'm gonna use is I'm gonna use the the point to point and I'm gonna do I want from this point to that endpoint right there and now I just created a 3d sketch that went from that endpoint to that endpoint okay so that's how you create 3d sketches in here I want to do it one more time before we end up you're almost done the half now but I'm gonna just do this quick so if I if we go back to our kind of like pipe layout turn all our pipes back on what I'm what I'm getting at is let's paste the new one of these right click paste new that way back to where you should be able to follow along hit OK we get prompted to catch a position right and now I'm gonna do the the joint this time I'm just gonna join on this edge control down right there I'm gonna it's the wrong direction I'm gonna flip it okay and then I can trim this one but let's go over and do one of the 3d scat so let me go over here right click do paste new to do another one hit OK to that capture that position let's do eight joint from here and let's do so there right so now that one goes goes over there and we now have this together here and and now what we could do was just like you saw me do the same thing as there before modify split body and I could say I want to split this body with this pipe hit OK and if I just hide this pipe in here you will see that we now got these kind of like pieces here so now if I go into that body down here I can remove this and I now have what somebody called a fish mouth created on on that that pipe there right and I could of course also do now trim these blanks down here this one here what exit probably just be be dragged all the way down actually you could probably use for this one here you could actually probably just I don't know I haven't tested this if you hit q4 offset phase ooh you offset this face in and just drag that one down right that would probably be something like that and then you would cap that off right so that's how you can create kind of like that 3d environment that of course will do the same thing up here with these different tubes and and smack them all together let me do one more 3d sketch just because I for some of you guys that's brand new so I want to show again like the difference so makes it gonna sketch through all the one over here on the other side so I'm just using a standard 2d sketch sketch over here so there's a whole line up there so let's do one over here hit line and again you can have this 2d sketch on it's actually okay you do but if you if you do it have it on be aware of that you can't actually now stop dragging I'm not quite sure if it's gonna see how it's now is snapping because I have the free discuss turned on this is Xing down and angle snapping down through that point I didn't want that I wanted to just go straight down undo that so with the 2d sketch on if I select make a coincident between here and here it's gonna be flat on on that plane right what else look at it so then I did an inch and a half from the end point five inch and we did this one three inches so the trick when you get to the point where you gotta do the 3d sketch you still create a 2d sketch so alpha line to screen a standard 2d sketch place it then turn 3d sketch on and then used to move to it what it kind of makes sense just make the move tool select the end point coming to activate it and now you have that 3d sketch environment now I like to use the point to point but that's just does that make more sense to me select these two end points and I have now created a free D sketch that that will combine that area up there it's that good I hope this was useful I've gotten this email a while back about how to kind of like do this kind of chassis type of things here for you to to kind of like play around with that why is this still blue well because it is actually not fully defined it cannot move but I think that this probably has to do with something in the software again I you're supposed to go from blue to black honestly I sometimes I am not sure if it is a bug in the software I should absolutely dig deeper into that but what I know I'm gonna do is i if I can't move in points then I know I'm gonna just move on with my life but of course I'm also tech marketing so we have a tendency to alright that's all good and and move on with our lives no I really hope that that this that this kind of stuff was useful that you get to to kind of like see something that you could use for something okay cool so you know what um that was pretty 35 and I wanted to wrap this off you know what I didn't do I did not open the website for folder for the giveaway so I'm what you're looking at here is that in there so click down in if you want to have it a chance to get this shirt that I'm gonna give away and I'm gonna end it today so tomorrow I'll pick a I'm gonna have my dog I took my 10 yield picking a a number out of the Hat so it's all completely fair for you guys who've entered to get a this cool fusion work shirt just a little thing I really really appreciate you guys sticking around for 100 episodes of these livestreams they give the to end of the giveaway you know I'm I really just tried to do this to add value to your fusion experience I asked for three things I asked to know how are you using fusion 360 is it paid are you a hobbyist startup student teacher I was curious to know how many of the videos here on the channel you're watching are you watching one a week two to three of four plus and last thing just curious because I want to make it the best for you what kind of stuff are you looking me to show you number four is completely voluntary give you a chance to spill your guts have any improvements anything you would like to see different anything that could be better throw the head in there and then in the end put in your first name last name and email I'm gonna pick whoever wins the shirt I'll send I'll send you an email and that email is just me who's gonna see it nobody else gonna see it if you're getting any spam it's not for me I promise thank you so much guys um 100 episodes I really appreciate you taking the time to watching these like I said just a hope to add a little bit better experience for you with Fusion tomorrow is cam and I might actually take next week off least a hundred 101 with tomorrow's and I was thinking yeah no I I do all the stuff at Autodesk than creating these these videos so I have a couple of projects I work on another project that I will introduce you with a slate on so next week might be off but then we'll probably pick right back up again tomorrow's cam tomorrow we're gonna talk about chamfers and Phil that's and rounds how to machine those in camp if you ever have approached those I wouldn't I wouldn't blame you if you're a little bit like what is the best practices so that's what we're gonna tackle tomorrow all right that's it I hope you have an awesome Thursday if you're watching the recording thank you so much I'm going to end the broadcast if you're watching the live stream I will jump me into the live stream and say how about everybody if you haven't already it will mean the world to me if you hit that subscribe button that kind of like and give me the thumbs up with a thumbs down if if it kind of sucks until until tomorrow folks have an awesome possibly thank you
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 151,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include
Id: pNVSiTv4_c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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