Model a Fan Blade & Excite Your Customers — Fusion 360 — And Your Comments & Questions— #LarsLive 62

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and welcome to livestream number 62 today is Thursday it is September 21st 2017 thank you so much take the time to join today's livestream today today's topic is how to model up a fan blades like the kind of family that is inside of a computer that is one of your guys's requests and then added like a little bit of excitement for your customers so we're gonna talk a little bit about parameters to gonna get into to that see we already got people jumping in really appreciate you guys taking the time out of your busy day to join the live stream and if you're watching recording on YouTube hey thank you so much for for watching that that's the great thing about this right if you miss the live stream it will be uploaded to YouTube also down the description area of the video you will find my email address last Christianson Autodesk comm thank you all of you guys who are emailing me different suggestions today is one of those got a question and I should be better at taking names so I can give credit thank you to whoever was about modeling up a a fan for a a computer like a computer fan type we did do an impeller back at last year number 34 but there we use some splines we use some sweeps we're not gonna do that today what we're gonna do today is we're gonna use the law so we used to laugh earlier in the week when we model upwards earlier this week I was it last week model up this little syrup and onto water kind of thing we're not gonna use any rails today in the laughs we're gonna show you something else cool and what I did was I wearing my Jimmy the rest assure today because what I wanted to do modeling up this fan is I want to kind of like take this kind of like trying to show you how many times I approach stuff when it comes to model something up like this because I think that that's I think many people well I know for me I learned a lot when I see all the people model things up and kind of like see how they approach it and that's what I'm gonna try to do so if you liked the video thumbs up if you don't hey thumbs down and if you haven't already really appreciated that you subscribe to the channel alright let's get let's get we have already got 28 people in here and we only been on for two minutes let's get into fusion 360 that's where you guys want to see me be anyways alright so computer family actually I called it up on Google here did a little computer fan thing so model something like up like this and I'm assuming the case is fairly easy it's more like the whole blade thing so let's go in and do that in in fusion 360 model up a computer fan blade at least how I would kind of approach it and just because you know why not making it in metric today I've been using inch is way too much so we're gonna switch it over to millimeters don't forget you can always switch over right over here if you click that little triangle go into units you can change your units in there alright so like I said you know if your customer gave you a 2d print with all the dimensions on for this fan blade it would be almost a little bit easier because at least now you have to comment some things to tie down with if you if you don't have you know any dimensions and you kind of like gotta wing it and that's why I'm wearing my Jimmy the rest assured if you don't know what you meant to wrestle you should check out his youtube channel absolutely love this guy um he had a TV show and great great guy but Jimmy does when it comes to making things why I absolutely think he's my hero is he just kind of like gets in there and start carving away and what he knows and then figure things out of the way so I know what I'm looking at this fan here the easiest thing is probably doing the center so let's just start with that so we get something on the screen so I'm gonna create a new sketch pick a plane doesn't really matter what hit C for circle and draw up a circle here and I'm to make the center 25 millimeters in diameter and then I'm gonna extrude that so at least we get something on the screen here and I'm gonna make that 25 also not really not really important all right so we kind of like got this Center down now when we when we're looking at a fan blade you know what do we know we kind of know that the the tool are offset from one another that's kind of like a front and then there is a back so let's start modeling that out so I'm gonna go ahead here on this front face and start a new sketch so just right click create new sketch and then I'm gonna sketch out some geometry actually I'm gonna do a center and I'm gonna make this I know I want to make the fan like a DI I looked up the computer fan some computer fans are like 80 millimeters in diameter so makes it gonna make this one a little bit bigger so I'm gonna make it 90 you will see a little bit down the road why and then I'm gonna sketch out kind of I know that like I said the front of it is kind of like in one angle and the bag is at another angle so elf align and I'm just gonna sketch out some construction lines here so one construction line like that and we're gonna turn into construction in a second and then I'm gonna come like this is gonna be the first blade I'm gonna model up here like that go up there and let me just hit escape and get out of the command let me get this 90-degree dimension out of the way so now I'm gonna make this one hit X for construction line highlight this line and extra construction line you will see just in a second now I know that I want to control maybe the angle of the blades here so I'm gonna give it a D for dimension and it's close to 30 so let's make it 30 all right so this is kind of like one fan ends gonna be here and the and the other one's gonna be here and I'm gonna start drawing up kinda like the fan blade and when I draw things up I have a tendency to kind of like not trying to be too sacked so I'm just gonna make sure it's line snaps in here gets a line up here and I'm gonna do one about the other side on here now I know that this isn't not really a fan blade yeah but that's why I like to use the constraints so kind of tying things down so these two lines are probably gonna be equal of one another so I'm gonna click on the equals I'd make them equal they probably all is gonna be parallel equal and parallel okay like that and then I'm gonna use one of my favorite constraints called symmetry so symmetry like that and I'm selecting one point another point and then this construction line and now they're right between that line they will work right between that center line so now I can give it at a a width for this first family it's only a D and let's make this one millimeter thick okay and I honestly don't know why it's still blue now the way to test if you have something that is fully constrained is grabbing an end point but I would think that this one here should actually be fully constrained with those it looks like it's fully constrained I can't move anything all right maybe I'm missing something but as long as you can't move the in front it's fine so this is kind of like my my first blade here so I'm gonna use a LOF so I'm gonna have to sketches so this is gonna be the kind of the first start of this let's stop this sketch here and then I'm gonna start another sketch on the back where kind like the blade ends so I'm gonna right click over here and create that so now I'm kind of looking from the back side up at this now one thing you will notice is that if I start so I'm gonna come and create the horizontal fan blade so if I create a line from here you will see that I can't snap so that circular could be fall that's cuz that belongs to the first sketch you will see that we now we're working on the second sketch so I Mexican I hit p4 put Jack and if you watch the video the shortcuts are earlier in the week um you will learn a little bit about that so what I'm doing is I'm kind of copying that circle I created 90 degrees before over to this scats and I'm also gonna take that center line right there grab those two so now you will see when I hit the line that I can actually snap these lines to this intersection so just kind of like borrowed that are the sketch and again notice how I'm sketching like an angle so I'm not even trying to get it perfect because you know I'm gonna use these constraints for that so I'm gonna pretty much do the same thing as I did before like I said I think that it made it equal to one another yep and we made them parallel to one another so this is kinda like how these straight constraint comes in here and then like I said my favorite is this symmetry down here so I'm gonna select the two end points and then the line I want them to symmetrical bow okay now then I want to show you something that I think you're gonna really like so now I'm ready to apply this dimension here right but was one millimeter in in width here but here's a cool trick if I go up to ops here to the left and I click on a little arrow next here we had that first while the second sketch the first sketch were the one that did the center but every shoot it out that's what we have done here the second sketch up here sketch number two is the one where we tell I made this fan on an angle if I right click on that or right click on that it'll escape right right never had to get out of the constraint right click on that she writes it says show that show dimension if I click on that see how it now are showing the dimensions from that first sketch he is a cool thing if I hit do d for that dimension and I dimension this for this fan with when I placed it I mentioned instead of timing in one millimeter if I click on this first dimension up here see how it says d6 that is actually the secret code for this dimension check this out I'm gonna hit enter to take it now you will see on that dimension there's an F x1 what this means is that right now if I change this dimension it will change this thickness of of this line so I'll go out in the sketch let's change this to three millimeters so let's hit enter you will see this line changes to right so that first dimension is driving the second dimension because I know that these the family will always have the same thickness around here so there's a neat little trick so to display that I mentioned you right-click on a dimension over here in the left and you can either hide it or you can show it whatever you want and then when you place the dimension let's go back in the end of that sketch let me delete the dimension again so now it's like what's the leader when you when you go in here hit d4 dimension was just a normal dimension tool select it where you want the dimensions to be place it but instead of typing anything in go up and click on that dimension up there and hit enter and those two are now tied together now for some reason this don't get fully defined either I'm not quite sure I'm not gonna bother um it should be completely locked down yeah I'm not sure so now what we can do so when we did the impeller um if you while back live student over 34 we use the sweet commands to kind of create these shapes and this one here I'm gonna use the loft and we used to laugh the other day to do that bottle but show you something else was really cool with the loft so I'm gonna click the loft and I'm gonna select the two profiles what is this one and then our other profile in here just like that in two places right there and let me just hit OK oh it comes in as make sure you look over here in the menu see how cut it ecstasy so that's cutting into here I'm gonna make that a join so it just becomes a blade I hope that make sense hit ok and here goes here we have kind of a blade right it's not too shabby I think now check this out go on to the right view over here let's go back in and look at at this laughs again so when we've used to laugh in before we have been using just clicking the two profiles let me use the rails or what I call guide curves to kind of like pull if you look at that live stream but we did the Bob we can't like pull the solid well I talked a little bit about before up here we have a couple of different options there's one that is free that's what it defaults to but look what happens to the blade if I change that if I change it to Direction 3 2 1 whoa do you see that little chains are back to free see how in three states it goes literally the shortest distance from one profile to the our profile in direction it actually pulls in a direction and I can actually control that direction right here in an arrow Oh down here in and what is called a take-off weight I don't know what it means with weight but I could lose a few so see what I can do here I can literally completely change the shape of this blade here give it more curve and then you're like well wait a minute you can do like now you're pulling kinda like at the top of the blade what about the bottom of the blades yeah Clinton's connection this is what excites me about fusion and look at this I can do the same thing on the bottom so no matter what's what I'm clicking on I actually now have an input dimension to control this blade and I can come like do whatever I wanted defaults to one what actually probably looks pretty good right here now also be aware up there is a takeoff angle down here and you can actually play a little bit with the two now you can't go too crazy if you go too high you can't solve but I'd like I go like five maybe you should see this chains up here see how it changes the shape a little bit maybe have to play that with it yourself but you actually can't like changing the angle of that of that sweep so now when I hit okay you will exit see by using that direction option that looks like a pretty sweet fan blade to me without having any like crazy kind of uh I don't know dimensions that I thought I have to follow I'm kind of like free-forming I'm the wrestler here making it maybe it happen as we go so there's a fan blade pretty cool now a couple of things we could do here I might wanna we talked about simulation yesterday so if I could add a fill-in hit F fulfill it we might want to add a couple of filters to this one I'm gonna keep them relatively small make it to UM and then we could now we could revolve this around right so if we look at back it off picture again you will see one two three four five six seven so these comes normal will seven blades on them and I'm wondering if that has something to do with like I wonder if a uneven number is better but whatever um let's go into to the create workspace go to pattern go to circular pattern and you know that I like to use the feature thing here so let's try that select the loft that's selected the fill it select more X's we want to rotate around we can select this outer edge here and by default it gives a three so I'm going to change that to seven and let's hit OK and just like that we we have a seven fan blade now I realized that most fan blades kind of like have a is on top when you're looking at them they're not flat right now it's kind of like flat so let's do something about that I'm gonna go in here right-click create sketch hit C for circle and I'm gonna make this I said I was gonna make it 80 so that's an 80 degree on 80 diameter circle and then I'm actually so get rid of all this stuff above it um you know I always thought this was a little bit like cheating but you know what it's next is probably the easiest way to do it it's just to make two circles and then do Q press pool and select what you want to remove what's gonna be all this plus all the segments in between here I feel like I feel like a little bit there's another way you could do this you could extrude as a surface and you could do kind of like split body but this is probably the quickest way to ever do this and let's just drag it backwards let's do it through all the extent to all so I'm gonna how think we made the blade it will always will always cut that through that so now we have I think we have a pretty pretty sweet blade here one other thing I probably want to show you to what we added is we can actually we can also fill it if you just want to fill it every edge if we do F fulfill it again and if you go into your selection up here and I hope I'm not moving too fast but I really want to go in and show parameters if you go down to selection Filner's down here if you make sure you have select through and I just window everything if you don't have select through not selecting the back side but now it's select every single latch and I'm just gonna give it like a small let's break here just like something like that and you now have every adds it's kind of like have a little bit of a filling on it alright I'm gonna go this as being as far as I want to go on my fan blade here I think so pretty cool now here comes where we want to excite our customers um this is actually a trick that goes way back that that so I called this my dear Esther style like how I just kind of wink my way thought about how what do I know I know the inside diameter I know kinda like these two fan blades I kind of like offset so let me just create a loft between that and then pulling and there we go it's pretty I think that's pretty good family right there but then but if you got a percent this in front of the customers and I think this is a really neat trick because but when you go in front of a customer and you present them something that they want or your boss or whatever it is I don't think I've ever model anything up in any CAD software and somebody was not like hmm well that looks good but what if we did this instead what if it was rad what if it was longer and you always have to then scramble back and kind of like um kind of like you know trying to go in and make edits many times what I used to do was be like okay you know give me a half an hour and I'll be right back and I would go back make the changes come back again I kind of like presented again about here's a neat trick - maybe impress them the boss of the customer and make your life easier so as you're finishing your fan and you're sitting here then just take two seconds and ask yourself alright when I go in and ask this guy if this is all he needs then then then he's gonna chain some things what are the things that he would that he would like to see change and well this is where parameters are absolutely awesome now parameters are sitting right down here and I did do a live stream on it so you can definitely check check it out so it changed parameters and it comes in here with the different parameters now what you can do in here down in the model parameters you will see every single thing that you had going on ah in here with with all the sketches well the dimensions but what you can do up here is you can create use of parameter so I'm gonna go in here and click on this and it's going to come up with a value and what are some of the things that the customer might come back or the boss might come back with well I changed that thickness of this of this Wow I can't speak English the the thin thickness uh-huh hopefully I can type it better so fin thickness that's time for me to say and I'm just going to put a value in here right now that is the same as what we model a table as what was 101 unit millimeter um then he's gonna come and say well okay well what about um what about maybe fan you know the numbers of blades so number of blades now this is not going to be a unit this is actually going to be a no unit right so this was it isn't millimeters I'm just gonna say it's a no unit and we put in seven of these here and then let me show you another little trick what you can do so let me just this is will be remember let's just go out here I'm actually gonna go in here and this is something I saw somebody do one time I'm gonna go in and add a scale factor to this model I'm gonna select the model that's what I want to scale but I'm actually not gonna add anything into it it's just gonna sit down there in the tree now when I go back into my parameters I am going to create one that I'm gonna call fan size that is not going to be a unit I'll is going to be in no unit and I'm just gonna leave it at one scale factor of one now with these in here here comes the magic let's go and find that thin thickness parameters we created so I sketched out the center extrude so it's in here in sketch number two you will see that right down here there's a linear dimension that's that D six now that is right now one millimeters I'm gonna change that to the username thin thin thickness and I'm just gonna start typing and you will see that they show up here so I'm gonna change that hits enter that means that now this D six is controlled by this value up here same thing if I go down to the pattern we did open that one up here is the not the D seven that controls how many blades well that's what we want this one to be so click here start typing in and you there's number of blades it's enter and then the last one I did was this scale factor so let's go in and change that one to be fan size okay so you do that and let's just turn this one hit the little so it disappears and you could exit also if you just really want so go to them two to the modify and if you click that little arrow next to to the parameter it's gonna bring it up on the toolbar so now you don't have to go so far so here's the idea you are in front of the customer and the boss and they're looking at this and they're like yeah that's all great what if we made the blades thicker and instead of you have to now go in and play around that with you know we know that this sketch is actually controlling that and we have this as once we know we can go in and change well it's actually the others guess that's controlling it because this is copying it right this sketch here well whatever ah now we can just hit the chase parameter we can go right in here and say well what do you want it to be you want it to be three change that to three I might run into an issue of the fill that's now I don't know hit OK it's gonna compute and now we will see that the blade got thicker let's try to go we can make him too right so right here in front of the you can be like okay you want them to all right well let me just change them to the same thing about the number of blades so they're like well we really thought that it should have nine blades hit enter and it will compute it with nine blades so this gives you and now we get a fill an error because it became too big so of course the fill its might need to feel a little bit with this you could actually probably go in here and do like a real formula that would change the fill that also I'm not gonna do it right now so let's go down to five fans blades and they will change the two to five blades in here and then of course the the last one I did was the scaling what if they have different sizes of fans right so if we go in here we can scale it by three times just by typing that value in there so I'm coming up on coming up on the thirty minutes here and I wanted to keep it at thirty minutes now I still get a an issue here with a fill it down here let's go in look at if you if you ever get these yellow ones down here right-click and save review warning and it should come up here and give us that there's a reference instead of a loss and that's because I was changing to the different blade size so that's one thing about this idea that the fillers could become a little bit of an issue if I go back to seven but we originated from then you will see that it goes away so that's you know you probably had to do something maybe a little bit different in here the way I build it but I hope this was was kind of helpful got ninety people in here was absolutely awesome I really appreciate you taking the time out of your Thursday to to join these lives seems I hope you get something something out of this so this was a little bit of a model experience so go back and check out number 34 where we did the impeller that kinda like the turbo impeller style with that one we used a sweet command and we had like a guide curb or railed if you look at the one that early the week with a little Bob kind of thing we used last like we did here with with rails but here that direction thing is pretty cool I hope you got something out of this I'm gonna do what I know I'm gonna do I'm gonna end it bro Oh bye by the way tomorrow tomorrow's Friday tomorrow scam same time but tomorrow scam and if you follow this channel you know that the development team did some stuff returning recently and you know what I honestly think the turning don't get the attention it should so tomorrow we're gonna do some some turning inside of camp with cam inside of fusion 360 that's tomorrow topic I'm gonna do what I normally do I'm gonna end the broadcast so if you're watching this as a recording I really appreciate you taking the time out to watch this I hope you get something out of this and then I'm gonna jump into the livestream and say hi to everybody so until tomorrow have an awesome awesome day thank you
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 112,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, CAD, 3D, 3D Printing, CAM, CNC, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Diresta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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