How I Would Sketch 80/20 Rails — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 152

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how are you doing welcome to livestream number 152 today we are going to talk about sketching I kind of follow up on yesterday's live stream where we talked about these 8020 rails and want to show yesterday was you can use McMaster or inside of fusion 360 to pull a lot of this stuff in but I know that you guys gonna find some kind of a rail that that looks different so today we're gonna talk about how to sketch that it is Tuesday today it is May 1st 2018 Oh spring is in the air my name is last Christiansen and thank you so much for taking the time to join today's life you like I said we're gonna talk about sketching now I hope you will agree with me you can let me know thumbs up or thumbs down but sketching is just one of these fundamentals that that you should have down right it's a kind of like what them you know every model needs some kind of sketching down so let's jump into it and let's just get something up so if I go in here to fusion I don't have anything on the screen here but many times what would happen I think I can say somewhat without putting myself two months in line is that you you pull up some mum you need some special of these 80 20s now today I just pulled up something fairly simple a but this is how I normally used to get you know a lot of parts like a PDF style picture you know you rather print it out as a 2d print or something something like that so what I thought today was why don't we draw this up in the sketching environment and I'll show you how I would kind of go go about this with a couple of I think tips and tricks in there if you are a super user you might not dumb you might not you know get find anything spectacular today but if your family you know even if you were I think pretty uh pretty good then you still probably would could find a couple things and these you never know the confidence but at least that you know you can just save yourself yes I know hundred so let me close this picture down here now in the past in in in my previous life I would have printed this out on a piece of paper I kinda like headed laying next to me but what I actually prefer today is to bring it right inside of fusion and and kind of use it as a reference and I would also do that if it was something mall this was just like one view but if you had like multiple views in the 2d drawing I think I still like to to bring it in into fusion so what I'm gonna do is I am going to go up to this in straight but then there's a insert canvas and insert decal now insert decal is more like a sticker on your 3d model where canvas is a 2d picture for you to to draw something up on it so let me click on this and when you get this dialog box a lot of you guys have already seen this some of you guys haven't the first thing that always just start from the top and work your way down so the first thing it says is select the face to where to draw on it doesn't really matter I'm gonna select this front face right here I call this the front face because I'm following the new cube right so I was like that then it asks for your image so I'm going to click on this little picture here and you will see a head the image that I just showed you it's the 152 banner what we're gonna do the picture instead those double-click on that and you will see that that shows up on the screen down here now another thing that I should point out right now is that you can i'm just click on the front here as we can zoom in a little bit you can choose the opacity of the image so how how sharp or how like opacity should be I don't really like mine about 50% now I'm gonna say okay you can scale so you get some handles you can pull up and down here you can pull over here the square will exit like you moved around or you can scale it on this corner here I would actually just place it right now okay so now is just sitting somewhere then I will go over to the left turn my origin on because I still want my part to be tied into the organ and you'll see that the organ comes down here it's a little out of the way but here's a neat trick if I open up the kit you'll see I've got a canvas folded out because I have that image if I go in here if I right-click I get a couple of menu of functions you should be aware of the first one is edit canvas that was the one we were just in but the second one is calibrates okay so I'm gonna select calibrate now it's important to say I'm gonna zoom in a little that this image it's just an image so it's pixelated there's no nothing I can pick it's literally just like a picture so this calibrate cam is it's not gonna be 100% correct but it's actually pretty neat for me to work with so I'm gonna move my cursor down to the top of this you can see we have a one inch so this is gonna be interest you can see one is out you say thickness or whatever you want to call it this rail so I'm gonna left click once and I'm gonna let click down on the bottom down here try to be somewhat straight down from that original point before and I get a dimension up here now this is where I realized that my tablet isn't metric but I accident gonna do this in in inches is that but if you didn't know you can type 1 and then spacebar and then you type it I am it will automatically convert this to inches so when I hit enter now this thing will scale up this image to be 1 ends over where I just clicked that calibration tools I'm gonna hit enter and you kind of see how it came right after that so two things I did that by right-clicking and hit calibrate that was how I did that now the other thing I just I wanted to do this a ninja's not in metric I'm not really try to do this in metric but just for the ease of it this is gonna be a inches series if you don't want to change your standard you can just go right up here on a click up here and you can click on this little icon here I mean cases over two inches and this whole drawing will now be in inches just then a little trick like that now I still have not placed this part where the origin is so I'm gonna right click on the image again and I'm gonna hit it edit canvas that's gonna bring us back to the menu you saw in the beginning and now I'm just gonna take this canvas and I'm gonna bring it over somewhere when I think it looks pretty centered to that inner in a circle there okay so this is the steps that I'm you okay this is the steps that I would know that instead of sitting fighting with a drawing on the table and looking up and down looking up and down this is actually a little bit a little bit easier and I will do one later on where there's different views like a standard to each one okay so we got this now the reason I'd like to bring this drawing in is I can now use all these different dimensions as an easy reference so let's start out with the center hole here it's all about its 0.205 is that I am about that so I'm gonna go up and open a new sketch and I'm gonna select that face here see for circle and I'm gonna snap it into the origin and then I can draw that out there and type in because we get the diameter right there on the cursor point two or five okay and that gives me my first indication about how close I am a little off but that should work okay all right now let's start a talk about laziness when it comes to to drawing things up like this if any of you guys who know me I like to be lazy when it comes to to this kit and cam this was something that I did not pay much attention to in my previous life and I think I probably should have and that is symmetry um and and what I mean by that is we have kind of fall identical legs on this 80/20 and you know what there's no reason to sit there and fight with all of those let's just throw off this upper right one and then use some of the functions it's out of fusion like patterning and so forth so what am I gonna do is I'm gonna create 3 helping lines for that so I'm gonna go up here and select the line tool I'm gonna snap into the origin and I'm just going to draw a line up and make sure it snaps vertical and I'm just going to double click left mouse table plates are in that line see the end of that line if I don't double click then the line will continue so if I do the horizontal one or a left click and I go out here instead of double play if I just click one left click you can see this kind of like ready to draw the next line then I could either hit escape or I could don't go down and hit the little check mark but a neat trick is to just double click now when I come to this line here draw a line that's going to be going in an angle here at 45 you can see that right now in my measuring box the blue box I have the length activated and I have a box on the other side of it that exit is the angle if you want to spritz ovals on the angle hit the tab key on your keyboard see a B that will switch it over to the other one I can type 45 degrees hit enter and I now have that line so let me just hide the canvas over here on the on the light bulb so what we have is a line heat we have a circle we have a line here and line here and a line here now if you come from other CAD systems you would normally turn this into construction geometry because it's not really not really needed you can do that in fusion you don't have to I actually I used to do it all the time and now I don't bother anymore but you could go over here click construction and I could turn this line into any construction our line here if I hit this one here it doesn't show up construction I don't know why I'm not displaying it right now haha I love when that okay I don't know why I display well don't worry about it anyways you don't need it okay so we got the vertical line here we got the line here um it looks like this line here I think this made me a reference to the angle nine I'm not sure oh okay that's not sketching out here so let me show you a couple of tricks for this so I'm gonna go out and click and just we're just gonna do this right one all right here so let me click the line tool and when I make sure that snaps into that vertical line we created I'm gonna left click once I'm gonna move out now here's a trick so I'm still at Alliance world you can see that I have this line here did you know that if you move the cursor back over to that endpoint and you hold down the left mouse button and you start dragging you actually get a changing arc but it never goes out of the line tool afterwards this is something you might want to practice a little bit but check this out so I'm still in the line tool I move up to about where that that radius start I left click once so now see here how the lights are still there but I move back to the point hold down the left mouse button and now makes it getting a tangent arc I've drawn out here just gonna come some more clothes throw another line over go back again to the original point hold down your left mouse button and I'm actually getting the arc so I hope you can see that go back over the point hold down left mouse button and now you're getting the arc so this is a quick way to especially with a pot like this where there's all these arcs hold down the left mouse button around here and I'm moving up hold down left mouse button and you get a taken art go down to this point here left click go back over hold down get a 10 generic and then I'm gonna close it off right down here now when I say close it off you might be like what do you mean by closing off well if I hiding this picture again you will see how we we have a change of color inside this part and outside this path that means that it's kind of like an enclosed like this light light pink or whatever it is that that means that it's enclosed because we kind of started here and we ended down here I hope that this was somebody visually okay so now we got we can agree on that I kind of drew up somewhere fairly easily this outer shape here now when you've done that the next thing you want to do and I'm just trying to get it somewhat close right now right I'll take care of all the the other dimensions and all that good stuff later later on as you're going into it now my rule of thumb when I'm when I'm trying to sketch something up like this is to first try to apply the constraints that's all these over here and you can also see that we got a bunch on the screen before I start doing dimensions all these symbols you see if your family needs of fusion you'll get all the different symbols over here so that will show you what they all are so this one here that is actually a perpendicular relationship what means this line is perpendicular to this line then we have one of the more important ones that's a champion one so that means that there's a tendency between the line and the art you will see here we have a parallel one and you will next to see this parallel relationship here when I click on that it also shows its highlights this one meaning that this line and this line of parallel then we got another tangent we got another parallel click on that you can see that these two lines here are parallel because I could highlight it so you can see that here the other one you will see is this one and that means that it is horizontal vertical versus this one would means for a song so you can always look over here to find out what these tables singles are now here is my most important rule the first constraint you should always go in and add to here is the tangent one attain your money see down here so the tank amount of the art and why that is is if you don't get all the tendencies on there that's when your model will kind of like fold upon itself let me go up here so I can see I don't have a tangency up on this corner here if I hold down my left mouse button to stop dragging this corner you see how it can literally like go in any weird dart and this is not even that bad see now how this thing if I place it I mentioned this whole thing can become really weird really quickly then we do a ctrl Z to undo that same thing here you see a missing one down here you can see here how you place it I mentioned and suddenly things are like blowing up on you control Z to undo so this tendency normally ties that down so I'm gonna go over him so like tangency or just select this art and this line here and I'm gonna go up and select this arc and this line normally you have a tendency on each beginning and end of each circle so you kind of like moving around and see if we got all of them and we're missing one down here so kinda like this moving around saying alright this I guess this one this one this arc had this one in here and this one this arc has this one this one this R here has this one and this one and then it looks like we need one down here also there we go that will at least prevent kind of like this the sketch to to blow up alright with that I need I know I need some Walker spins but I'm gonna show you a couple of different tips as we're going along here let me turn the the it's bagging and now we could start to add some dimensions to this and I don't think that there's any specific I don't think there's any rules for how you go about this but maybe I like to kind of going clockwise around something like this so if you start out and some of these dimensions eggs are gonna repeat so here we have a point two five six between the tag and C between these two so if I hit d4 I mentioned I might just gonna use this line instead now I fight this place i dimension through this arc you will actually see that it's set up you see that it's sent it to me out i me an escape to get out of that again the trick is d4 dimension d4 I mentioned select this line then right-click and select pick our tangent and now it'll be tangent to that so we're gonna do that a couple times so this year now I'm gonna type in 0.25 6 divided by 2 because I'm only doing half of this right so now we got that dimensions there let's continue moving around counterclockwise so here we get a point eight seven between this line and this line now notice something it might be hard to see but notice something next to my cursor it is X is showing up as an angle you can it may be hard to see but it says here one hundred and seventy six point six degrees that is an indication that we are missing a constraint to make this parallel this line here is the matter of fact in in an angle so what we could do is we could say you wanna create a parallel relationship between this line and this line and now if I hit deeper dimension and I click here you will now see that we get something that looks a little bit mobile we're looking for Part C row eight seven and this is another reason why I like to use the drawer in here is that if I sketch in here to the drawing everything should be fairly close to to everything all right next one here is is this point five point five eight fall we're going to kind of do the same thing we did before we're going to click on the horizontal line here I'm gonna right click and select pick tangent so I can select on the tangency of that arc there I'm gonna type in point five eight four divided by two because I'm only drawing up half of it right so now that dimension is there we can zoom out a little bit again we already did that through all that is above those first thing it took care of then we have a half an inch from the center here out so that would be from this to this line here I just roll that out here make that point five hit enter next if you're moving around here we have a two point two three if you're looking at this here for the distance from this area up to the top so we can go in here and click here and go up and click on this area here place that so that was that's a little little high oh look at this I got the wrong one nuts on the outside to the inside escape see this is one of the reasons you could go ahead and say D from here to here and what wasn't again point two three got that one place there that's good now the next one here is actually from this line this one over here the free five six to this line and that is going to be 0.35 six divided by two like that there and as soon as I did that notice how this whole section here now is black that has now been been fully defined where this section over here is still is still blue okay so now when I'm looking at this I can start saying all right since this is fully defined that means that some of these dimensions probably also plays very well with with the other side here so what I could actually do is here's a little little trick I could utilize the same dimensions that I've done over here over on this end right so I could go up and say the one we just placed 325 I'm going to click on this line this line and notice what happened here if I place this this is a degree this is an angle that gives me an indication that something is not right that was what I just brought up before so I want to delete this one and I'm gonna say you know what this line here probably I don't know if this line is actually vertical it probably is not so I'm going to create a vertical relationship to that one let's go ahead and hit deeper dimension from here to here and now you will see me get a dimension now what you could do is instead of typing in point two three to make this the same you could with this blue go up and click on this one and you will see that it changes to d8 what does this dimension now if I hit enter you get a simple that is called F X 0.23 and all that means is that this dimension controls this dimension what means if I change this to point to that dimension will update also ah so this is gonna be a good way when your model things up and we just hide the cameras for a second this one can be a good way when you're modeling things up I change this point to three I hit enter this one will updates to this is a good way to kind of a that when you update you only have to update one dimension and others will update if you know that they're gonna stay and kind of the same in the same row that could be if we continued with this this 128 if I do this dimension here again right click tangency select this tendency here I know this dimension it's gonna follow this dimension I can click on that it seems 2d free and I hit enter now these two dimensions are controlling this one and this one so how did this somewhat make sense in a way to control this same thing with a half-inch we can go over and click this adds like this edge here that's also gonna be half an inch you could go over again and click on this one over here you see that it becomes d6 and that's just it's just another way to kind of try to control to control these these type of of dimensions okay I hope this is I hope this is useful now i'm sure we're missing something did I ever do the you never did the 323 I'm not sure if I need that one so get it fully defined I do think I'm missing one other dimension so if you ever I you can always grab a corner here and you can stop moving I think everything is blue right now because I haven't fully defined the radiuses so let me just undo there and let's put some dimensions on these radiuses like these radiuses actually not defined on our drawing but I'm gonna I'm gonna make a decision that since this is a full radius and I know that that thickness because that's shown right here is point zero eight seven that's with there this is full radius I'm going to determine the other ones are the same thing so we hit D for dimension and I'm gonna click here and it's gonna place a dimension out here now again if I wanted to make that be eighty-seven point Oh 87 like the same as the width I could just click on that and that radius will be will be tied into that I'm gonna make these these here I'm gonna make this one click on this radius here I'm also gonna make that one 87 and I'm gonna click this one I'm gonna make that one 87 we'll see yeah I'm missing had I mentioned it looks like right here and then the two inner ones I'm gonna make I'm gonna continue these I'm gonna make these half of that so I make something like click here place this one select the 87 but there type in right in the dialogue box / - like that and I can select this one this one / - now this here will control them now as I did all of this I noticed that I do am missing something I am missing this dimension here it looks like I'm missing that over on this side so D like this - here I'm gonna have that the same as this one and now it looks like I finally got a that was that was the trillion dimension now it looks like I got a complete black sketch itself as opposed to fine if you wonder why we have some arcs here this is just the dimension leaders for the radius so if you move that down there that will show up there um one last thing I will do to the sketch is that what I would trouble me and this is just maybe a little bit of know if you want to call it a little CD or or whatever you want to call it but you could always go in here and just kind of cleaning these dimensions up a little bit especially if somebody else were going to to work with this at a later point and maybe be nice for them at the things looks a little bit more cleaned cleaned up here so this is kind of how I would use the sketch tool I hope that this was this was useful for you guys to kind see how I would would draw this odd and get to to this result and and very close to you know if you're following here fairly close to what we had done on the drawing it looks like there's a little bit off here with my with my radiuses maybe I'm not quite sure now what I will do then this would be my final sketch now you have a couple of options you could either go in now and you could use a circular pattern in the sketch dialog box and circle pattern these this around so if I go and I click here you gotta select your object so let me just highlight everything so now everything is selected and then you're gonna select a center point see there's 48 selected entities Center part's going to be right there in the center of this one think that maybe oh maybe I can't do the whole thing like oh this here so that's the center point there we go and I could make follow these and I could do this and hit OK and you will now have a one created here that contains all the different dimensions and all these here are just copies that's one way you could do this now this this is actually not too bad but this somebody could consider this being a little overwhelming especially if you like if you have something really complicated so what I'm gonna do instead is I'm just gonna do ctrl Z so get back to this another thing you could do is you could actually student from here so if I go into the extrude command and I could select these two halves here right and just move the image here and we could now draw out that sad see that hit okay so now we have that section we could do the same thing kind of what we just did in the sketch environment we could go down to the pattern function on the create the set of sketch going to a circular pattern in this case I wouldn't select faces I would select this body this year and then we could do the same thing so that can axis instead of a center point do follow them it enter and we would get this here now the only thing if we did it this way was that we would actually end up with four bodies together the way I did it here now you could of course always use one of my favorite commands going to modify going to combine and and you could now click on all four pieces and have the joint selected and now they are all one one body and good to go but I think my point here is that if you go back into your sketch right click edit sketch that you have everything you want in here drawn in in one and then you then you send it around like that so I think this is an interesting way to do this and I actually think that you know the circular pattern inside of the sketch environment that's probably just this spot was just as good as as what I ended up doing here where I used the the pattern within a feature so then hey that is a that is totally that is totally up to you alright so that was oh that we had planned for today I hope this was useful a little bit of kind of basic sketching right um and and getting in there but it is funny because I think I have a tendency to kind of forget about the sketching environment and and that is important because that is every every sketch has or every 3d model have a sketch in it so this should have be something we we chitchat about as always I really really appreciate you taking the time to watch these two watching the recording thank you so much for doing that if you are in the livestream I really appreciate you taking all the time do me a favor hit the thumbs up if you like this be honest if you don't thumbs down that is okay and with that that was this Tuesday May 1st I hope your weather is just as good as in this year in in upstate New York hope to see you tomorrow same time 3 p.m. have an awesome awesome day thank you so much you
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 78,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, akn_include, Design, Manufacturing, CAD, CAM, Sketching, Lars Christensen, beginner, tip, 3d printing, cnc, cad software, product design, tutorial, software, mechanical engineering, engineering
Id: wE65G0t4ysk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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