Making a Hinge on Fusion 360

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hey guys I want you to be able to do an exploded drawing and so what we're gonna do this is an exploded drug so one of the things that I want you to do is I want you to learn how to make a a hinge so we're gonna make something like this hinge and then we'll work on doing an exploded drawing from that and that's what what this is right here it's basically showing the component parts separated you know as if you've come to exploded it so let's get going on making the hinge so I'm gonna start with a new design okay and I am going to start by I always like to make sure that the plane that I want to sketch on is the one that I'm looking at so I'm gonna start by sketching on the front so I want to have front be my my sketch plane okay and so let's make this hinge basically we're going to start by making it a rectangle so it's going to be I'm gonna start with a two point rectangle and I'm gonna start here and basically I do want it to be five centimeters but I want it to be two millimeters thick so let's do well let's make it three so I'm gonna do three millimeters there and then then I'm gonna hit the tab key and type in five and that allowed me to have this shape right here I'm gonna finish my sketch I'm gonna go to my home view and I'm going to then I'm going to extrude this so let's extrude this by let's say 10 so I'm gonna get this out to 10 centimeters okay and this is gonna be the first part of my hinge right here okay alright so here we go next step is I need to sketch on one of the surfaces and I need to make this part right here sorry right here I need to make this part right here which is the barrel of the hinge okay so I'm gonna do that next and I need to sketch a circle right here okay so again I'm gonna go to the front view because I want to sketch this plane right here I'll sketch right there so I'm going to click my sketch and I'm going to sketch on that surface and let's just zoom in a little bit okay now um I'm going to make this I'm gonna do a circle and I'm gonna start it right here and I'm gonna make it so that's not gonna work so I'm going to escape and I need to do it at the top forgot about that okay so let's do it right here and what we'll do escape let's do it right there sorry I forget how I made that hinge before but basically what we want to do is kind of expand it so we actually want this to be 0.6 okay or twice the the thickness so the diameter of this circle is twice the thickness of our material okay I'm going to finish my sketch and I'm going to do some extruding here so I need to zoom in on this plane right here and I need to do some extreme first thing I'm gonna exclude is I'm gonna get rid of that so I want this to be rounded on the bottom so I'm gonna extrude this right here and I'm gonna take it back negative ten okay and that's gonna round the bottom of this now you'll notice my circle disappeared but it's not gone it's just it's sketch is is not there okay so this is ten centimeters long and basically I need to divide I need what I want to do is on my hinge I want this to be that and that and that right so those those three things and I'm realizing maybe 10 centimeters is the best because I need this to be a third a third a third so maybe 10 centimeters is not the best length for those for this particular extrusion so one of the things I might do is actually edit that so if I right click on my extrusion right here I'm gonna edit it and rather than making it ten centimeters let's make it nine okay that'll make it easier because a third of nine is three centimeters okay I want to extrude out this circle by nine centimeters so I'm gonna click on it I'm gonna select this and this and I want to pull it this way three centimeters so negative three now one thing you'll notice is that it's it's wanting to cut right here right now so I'm going to change that from cut to new body and you'll see why I want to use a new body just a second okay so now I've got my my cylinder right there okay and now what I want to do is sketch a circle in the middle of this and I want to cut out that circle so I'm going to strewed out that circle so I'm gonna sketch on that surface so I'm going to do a sketch I want it on this surface right here and what I'm gonna do is zoom in just a bit here and I'm gonna do a center point circle and this was point six so why don't we make this point four okay right in the center there okay good finish my sketch now I'm gonna extrude out this circle right here and I'm gonna go negative three and this time I do want it to cut okay so now I've got that hole right there okay good so I should have two bodies my first body is the left hinge and this is the barrel engine barrel barrel okay one all right so now what I want to do is I want to actually copy this and and put it over here okay so that's what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to make a copy so I'm going to click on the M I'm gonna select this I'm going to make a copy of it and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pull it along that axis right there centimetres okay now if I did that correctly it should be in the nice correct spot over here yep good okay all right and then I click okay now one thing you'll probably notice is that half of my cylinder is filled in so I'm going to have to empty that so now I'm going to click on the extrude button and I'm going to select not being very cooperative okay so well there's more than one way to skin a cat right so what I'm gonna do is draw a circle in the middle of this and extrude it out so I'm gonna sketch on this surface right here okay I'm gonna draw a point for circle point for look okay I finished my sketch and now I'm going to extrude that circle right and I'm gonna go this way gonna change my angle just a bit I'm gonna go this way negative three negative three okay good so now I've got my two hinge barrels this is my hinge barrel one right there and now hinge barrel - okay so I've got my two hinges hinge barrels and the the hinge itself right here left hinge okay so let me go back to my home view and that's what we're looking at right now okay now I need to get rid of this space in the middle here because this needs to be empty because that's where the other part of the so the right hinge that part of the right hinge is gonna go right there okay so I need to actually empty that space okay so I'm gonna do a sketch on that surface so I'm gonna go create sketch on the surface okay and I'm gonna draw a rectangle in this area right here so starting there now I do want this to be three centimeters but I want this to be 0.6 and it's in the wrong spot so I'm gonna escape and I'm gonna focus in just a little bit cuz I want to make sure I nail this okay so here let's try that again I want my first point there and I want it to be three and I'm going to hit the tab key and put point six okay good and then I'm gonna finish my sketch and then I'm going to extrude this down same to that space and I need it to just go down point negative point three yeah now we've got that empty space right there there's the first part of your hinge okay all right um now on my hand you'll see that I have some some holes so we'll need to put some holes in this right now so I'm gonna put some holes on the top of this and we'll sketch on the surface okay and let's see so I know this is nine and there are one two three four five six seven eight nine that's halfway right there so I'm gonna put a circle halfway right here and I'm just gonna make it a point five that looks too small so let's put a point eight okay that looks good okay and then I want another one up here somewhere so let's go down three that looks about right I'm gonna do 28 and then I'm gonna come over here and I'm gonna do the same thing here and the dew point eight okay so I've got my three holes from my hinge for the screws I need to extrude those down so I'm gonna select that that and that and we're gonna go down negative three negative point three okay now I've got the holes for the screws and I am now going to chamfer those I'm gonna chamfer here here in here and now 0.5 is too much so let's just go down 0.2 there we go perfect and I want to curve these edges so I'm going to filet filet the edges here so I want to fillet this and that and let's just pull them in a little bit let's pull them in point five okay so now I'm looking at the left hinge right here okay now I need to make the right hinge so here we go I am going to sketch a new sketch now this time I'm gonna sketch on this surface right here I want to be looking down because I want to use this as my guide so I'm gonna start I'm gonna do a line sketch so I'm gonna go from here I focus in just a little bit you're here and I'm gonna come up - straight up - there now I want to go over and I want this to be the same distance so I want it to be five centimeters okay all right I'm not done with my sketch all I've done is drawn a couple of lines so now I need to draw another line this one needs to be nine centimeters so I'm gonna start from here come down next we nine centimeters okay and over to here and then up - they're over and then I'm going to close this there we go so I've basically drawn the same rectangle plus this one here okay I'm gonna finish my sketch now I need to extrude this up so I'm going to click on here I'm gonna screw this up point three okay there we go oops now one thing I didn't do which I should have done so I'll need to edit this body I need to edit this escape I need to edit this edit feature because I didn't make this I had to join I should have made it a new body okay now we're good alright now I need to do kind of the same process I need to actually create the the barrel of the hinge in here one of the things I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna join these three pieces together so I can just turn them on and off so I am going to come here to the combine I'm gonna select my left hinge my hinge barrel one and hinge barrel - I'm gonna join those together it's another one body okay that's actually called body for or no sorry it's called left left hinge so now this one here is my right hinge because basically I want to be able to turn these things on and off so I want to be able to turn off my my hinge right there okay now I need to sketch on this surface right here so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to sketch on that surface I'm going to zoom in turn off this sketch right here because it's in the way and I need to draw a circle that's right here that's point six point six okay here's my sketch now I need to find that spot again because what I need to do is extrude out that piece right there so I'm going to extrude I'm gonna select this and I want to get rid of this so that it's rounded right here okay there we go it's now rounded now I can turn back on that circle because I want to extrude out the barrel of this so I'm going to extrude this this and this and I want it to be three centimeters right so I'm gonna go negative three and rather than cut I'm gonna make it a new body all right so now we're looking at this as our hinge right now is our right hinge okay I need to extrude out the the inner part of that so what I'm gonna do is sketch on this surface right here I'm not sure where it went to we're good to go there you go zoom in a little bit okay all right I'm going to create a point for don't click finish sketch and then I need to extrude this hole right here so I'm going to extrude this and I needed to go back negative three and there we go now when I turn on my other hinge you should see that there they lined up but it actually it looks this one doesn't look quite right so maybe I made that too big so I might go back and fix that sketch so let me just see here let me edit that sketch turn off my left hinge oh it's this sketch here in your sketch oh yeah I can see it's 0.67 I don't want it point six seven on 10.6 it's a finished catch all right there we go that's much better okay now what I need to do is put this part of the hinge in which is the pin the holes the two things together so I'm basically going to put it through this whole thing I'm gonna make oh you know what before I do that let's put the holes on the other side of the hinge here okay so I'm gonna sketch on this surface here and just like before I'm gonna put one of them right trying to think how far over this it would see one - it's a - over yeah okay right here and this needs to be point eight I need to put one right here so that's up three over one two point eight and another circle up here in roughly the same spot point eight okay - my sketch we're gonna extrude those down let's extrude this guy this guy and this guy and it's gonna be negative point three well okay I need to chamfer those edges so I go to my champ for tool I'm gonna select this this this and I did point two okay and then I need to round these edges so I'm gonna use my fill it that one and that one and we did 0.5 there we go okay now time for the barrel of the hinge here the the pins are the pin of the hinge okay so I'm going to sketch on this surface right here okay and basically I need a pin that's a little bit smaller than this hole so I know the hole is 0.4 so I'm gonna make it just a little smaller than 0.4 so let's go point three nine so it's almost the same size and I finished my sketch finish now I need to extrude that so I'm gonna click on that I'm gonna select sketch eleven which is what I was this guy right here and I'm gonna go negative nine and I don't want it to cut I want to be a new body then I click okay so now now that's all the way through right you can see if I turn off these pins or if I turn off these hinges then you can see that the the pin is in there oh one thing I need to do to actually know that I think about it is join this hinge with this barrel so let me combine those so I'm gonna combine the right hinge and the barrel click okay alright so now I have three bodies right I've got the left hinge the right hinge and the body okay so now I need to put the head on this pin and then I'm almost done so I'm gonna basically sketch on this surface again and I'm gonna put a head on this pin so I'm gonna draw a circle right in the middle here that is point six one six I want it to be the same size as the barrel of the hinge click okay and then I'm gonna finish that sketch I am then going to extrude that so I'm going to extrude that last sketch that I just did and this one and that one and I'm gonna just pull it out let's pull it out point two okay there we go that's the head of the pin and one thing I should check is what did I do with that so I want to edit that feature and I don't want to join it I want to have it as a new body for now I'm going to join it with the because basically what I can do is just make a copy of this and pull it over so I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do a type in the letter M I'm gonna select this thing right here make a copy of it and then I'm just gonna pull it over until I get it out here which should be negative nine click okay now I want to fill it the edges of this so I'm gonna fill it that and I'm gonna fill it that and let's just put it in point one just around it off okay now I'm gonna turn off my hinges and I'm gonna join together this pin okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna combine body six seven and eight so if they're one thing and then join them together okay and let's call this the pin all right there you go okay now if I turn this on and on there we go so now I have my completed hinge so let's top four there right now and then I will do the the video on how to do the exploded drawing from this after so do your best to try to make a hinge basically it looks something like this when you're complete okay thanks for watching guys
Channel: Aaron Thompson
Views: 7,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cGJdwOwvbC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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