Understand Joints & How To Handle 80/20 Rails — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 151

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welcome to livestream number 151 today we're gonna talk about understanding joint and then we're gonna talk about this called 80/20 rails this is requests from a bunch of you guys who want to see how how you handle those those things so let me show you what I'm talking about so here is what is called a 80/20 rail these are used I think these are used a lot if you well if you're building it's kind of different different different things I know people have used them to like model up you know making their own CNC machines if you're doing any oh you guys in the comments area fro hit but you have used all these rails both they're kind of interesting so it's Monday it is April 30th 2018 and then we're gonna get into joints and we're gonna get into these we're gonna split this up into two days so today we're gonna talk about how you can go and get these rails into your model we're gonna talk about joining them together and we're going to talk about well how you can modify them and things like that best practices and then because I know somebody's gonna say well didn't really have the one I want it tomorrow we're gonna get into X see how I would sketch one of these up because you know if you're looking at them that's like kind of big going on with with some of these so that is the plan for for today so let's talk about these eighty 8020 rule images this was one that's just brought in let me just get get rid of that for a second gone I like to start with a blank screen we don't want to do all this you know cooking show where they just pull out finish stuff in the oven if we don't have to all right so let's get into this how do you get these these models um one place to get them is if you go up and you the insert button and you go down to the McMaster you can actually search for it in here in the find menu so for certain ad spares 20 that's what these type of rails are called I like to make the window a little bit bigger because McMaster has all different kinds of good information in it and you will actually see that they both have inches metric in here there's all different kinds of shape and it's a little bit we're gonna talk about tomorrow we're gonna model one of these up where we just have a drawing of it so like a 2d picture kind of style um so if you go and then you click on on the picture here you will kind of like filter down if you haven't used McMaster before and you can select your different your different types in here I'm just gonna select it doesn't matter what I select it's like the pot number whatever you want here and when you do that you get the product detail and you will see that it has this little cat symbol next to it and that means that there actually is a CAD file for us to download makes life easier now in here when you click on that little detail we're gonna do this a couple times XE in here they show different drawings of the different styles so here is actually the different links if you click on one of these so left click then that's actually when you get to the point where the balloon some of them also see the fourth the information of freedom bothers reference only a detail so this one here is done at four inches I think that the two inch oh so this is just about the torch and I'll just mess this up McMaster this is what I love about these lives 18:20 alright and this is going here select that one product detail and let's select this one here so if we scroll down there you go you can download so the smallest one you can download I think this I click tons of different ones in there so some of them have the this is what you're looking for down here where you can actually download it in the different formats I don't only select the step file in here now notice that because we're gonna talk about joints and assemblies and all kinds of things notice that right now inside a fusion if you're looking over on the picture over here I just gonna check you can see my mouse oh that might be a setting I gotta just in in my software here hang on just one second this might be on my fault people do because I was moving things around there we go now I think you can see my cursor haha okay whoof um of this all this new equipment that I'm playing around with that is always good all right sorry about that now you can see my career so that's a little bit easier so over here to to the to the right over to the left over here notice that right now we have a it's a pod document right now right I just open up this file completely dry I went into a magma store let me do that again because that might have been a little confusing so click on insert click on McMaster and search 1820 and I click on the solid there we clicked on the this one here floral detail and then down the we could select it smallest one and then we can save this pretty now so notice how we have the pod documents right here but as soon as I saved this it's gonna bring this in to fusion but it's going to come in as a SI component itself so this is actually going to be in the SEM so let me save this and you will now see that the icon up here changed to be an assemblage we now have a component here I'm gonna do a couple of things through today's livestream so you're gonna see a couple of different things this is one way to do it the the the rail gets brought in here the 18 Swarna gets brought in here I'm just gonna hit okay and and you will now see we have have a rail in here now one thing you can do is to make this a little bit easier because we're gonna bring a couple more these rails in I'm a little bit afraid of everything's gonna be grey on grey if you go up to inspect and you go down here and you click component color cycling toggle then you actually get a a specific side color to each component you can't control what columns or what but this will give this a this color here we change if we make a new component a different component we have a different ecology which you see in a second I think is just gonna be a bit easier for everybody to see okay so I brought in a rail from McMaster car this is all all great so there's a couple of things I want to show you one is that we can of course copy this rail so if we want a second one in there we don't have to go back out to McMaster car and bring another one in now we now we have one in here um so what you could do was you could click on this component over here and you could either right click and do a copy or you can use the window screen so I can do copy and then ctrl V would paste and when we do that you will see to the left we get two components and we get a move thing here because if I drag this handle out you will see just placed the copy right on top of it we hit okay to that and now we actually have two components tada that's how we could bring in our ball rails now what happens though many times when you are when you're doing this kind of stuff is that you want to modify one rail from the other and right now it's a copy and what I mean by that is if I go down and activate our copy here for example and I hit q4 press pool and I select this face and said I wanted to make this shorter you will see that our original one follows because they are copies of one another the chakra is literally just say these two identical they are once for to follow the other and that can actually be super cool in many times but other times it's not so super cool so how can we how can we eliminate that well let me delete the copy we created just highlight it over here and hit delete go back to the one we we brought in what you can do is you can right click and you can say copy and then go up and click on the top selection up here ok right click on that and you can select paste new so there's a paste and there is a paste new when you gather you got a right click on the top assembly component up here paste new and now you would like to see if you look over on the tree we still don't have one on the screen but you see that we cut two different colors so we got the black blue and we got our green and if I drag this over here and hit OK you will see that now we got two different colors we're gonna click on the top eyeball up here we got two different colors now on the screen and that means that these two are now independent of one another because we did the paste new so if I go down here now and hit Q 4 press pool I select this face here you will now see that it is only one of them there moved right now they are separate in here so that's a neat little trick if you're trying to build things up like this is is to use this so we've done that and now we gotta start talking about a little bit about joints and and this so so these 80 20s I have been asked for a while to do a live stream on these how do you handle ease where do you get them and all that stuff and one of the things that that run we run into is then okay so you find them you'd roll them up but how do you know use the joint to put them together and especially if you're coming from another type of software this can get a little this is different in fusion than it for example is an inventor or in SolidWorks let me let me show you what I'm talking about so if you were using in vendor or some other CAD package and we now wanted this this rail here in 18th one you call them rails or 18th whatever you call them if I wanted to make this or join this so it was sitting vertically at the end of this the way you would normally do this would you would actually do a bunch of clicks so what we doing and mate or joint what we are trying to do is we're removing degrees of freedom and there's six degrees of freedom and I know this is maybe a little if you're brand new to this if this seems a little overwhelming though don't worry about it we really just we when I'm saying removing six degrees of freedom we're really just making sure that the thing gets locked down to to what we want so using magnets as an example for for example in vendor you will create a reference between for example this face and this face what would make this part go over be perpendicular with that face so now that would kind of like the inside of each other again if you're brand new to to this whole talk and you want to use fusion just you know sit back for a minute then when you've done that you might say okay so now I'm going to create a relationship between this face and face right and now they will go up and they will be parallel and in the end you might create a relationship between this face and the bottom of this one down here anybody who's using inventor of SolidWorks please not in the live stream okay that's how you would do it regularly if you were using those type of a software well inside of fusion we're using joints and joints works different so we're in vendor for example you are you are kind of adding each magnet face to lock down the degrees of freedom from six down to how many you want inside a fusion we go the other way around the first flag we will actually remove all the degrees of freedom and then we let go of the degrees of freedom let me show you so if I would like to create a reference between these two components first of all one of them has to be kind of locked down brown so we're gonna say this one is ground so I'm gonna right click in this component over here hit ground that gives a little thumb tag so now this one cannot move around but this component that can move around now let's add our that locking joint so I'm gonna go up and select joint and it's gonna ask to capture the position I'm gonna say catch a position I almost I'm gonna do that's and what we get now is we are getting that little kind that you probably seen if you look at my mouse cursor and that coin is what will will lock the two together so stop thinking about phases but start thinking about this coin or pac-man whatever you want to call it that is what is locking the two faces together so if I go in here and make it a rule of selecting the component first that is movable that you want to move like that one first and I'm gonna go down here I'm gonna place a coin right down on this X right here it's gonna left click okay so now I'll place the coin there and then I'm gonna go over over here on this face and I'm gonna select a second coin right on this X right here you see that right there okay and I'm gonna left click there boom just like that with with those two mouse clicks I have now just added six degrees or lock down six degrees of freedom to this relationship so we're in in Inventor you would click three that you wouldn't make free faces to get to this point I did it just with those two clicks now if you wanna if you want to let go of some of the degrees of freedom that is done over here where you for example could select a slide and then suddenly would slide in kind of whatever direction you are you pick in here for this to slide so I'm gonna select rigid so just with those two clicks that thing is now locked down I'm gonna show this a couple of couple of more times so I'm gonna hit okay to that to this and this one is now completely locked in so two clicks you can you can you can remove degrees of freedom now let's create another copy to kind of I continue on how how we're gonna we're gonna work with this so I can go back in here on the first one we created and I could do another ctrl-c ctrl-v but we'll create another copy of the blue one here and I'm just gonna drag it up somewhere and and hit okay and again this thing now floats around in space so what I can do is to show that joint again is I can literally just go up to joint and select the one that needs to move so I'm gonna hover over this face here and click til the coin is right on that face left click one and then go down and click on where that coin is right on that face left kick - now you see that it flipped that around there is a flip button over here and we have flipped it back over where where it was but again two clicks and a flip and and this one is locked in let's do it one more time with with the green one so we get one on each year so again I can select the green one over here in the tree control C control V and you always get a free move whenever you are doing that and just move it out of the way so that one is now floating out there and again I can do the same thing joint and I can select wherever that coin is now you normally want that coin to touch somewhere it can't float out the space you know what I want two faces so for example there and there and those two coins will make the meet together and that will lock it down with the six degrees of freedom that you're normally used to another type of cancer for again if we wanted to change any kind of a relationship let go of those degrees of freedom that could be a revolute it could be a slider some of these different ones in here so this here is a way to kind of work through this process and by the way everything is at this point still parametric in the way that you know if I roll back to that that original body down here and and I go in and I hit Q press Paul again and we selected this face we moved it you know maybe a little bit closer to where it was before when I rolled back to the end you would seem that that frame is bigger so everything is still a tense and that's one of the beautiful things about joints I should also add just not to and this is more for again like I think at more advanced users you can actually have joint so sketched geometry - that's a little that's that's pretty cool okay so that's what's kind of like a way to bring in and join together these different 80/20 parts here in a family I would say pretty pretty nifty nifty way but what's so this is all cool but I know that somebody out there is like okay this is pretty cool this is useful but I actually want I want a library of these you know I order these in different lengths and I need to be able to work with you know different versions and put them together and modify them so there's always different ways you can you can do this so one way we can do this is let's open up a new document so we've kind of done with this right now an empty document here let's go in and pick another one so if you came in late we're talking about understanding some of these joint functions and we're talking about these 80/20 so if you miss the beginning click on insert click on McMaster and select here and type in 80/20 I selected this solid here make the window a little bit bigger select whatever you want the product detail with little cats simple shows us that there is XF reading model this is great for lazy people like me you don't have to model it up now tomorrow we're gonna model this up but for today we're gonna cheat with that so I'm gonna make sure I have it on step file and then we're gonna hit save for that hit okay and we kind of brought in just like with in the beginning a new rail so this would be like how it came from master now if I was gonna create a kind of like a pot library I might go into my data panel in here and say I want to create a new folder and I could call this one my 8020 Library give that a little name there right so now we have that and we could save this as our I always used to call my master that was just kind of like don't mess with this file even you know you could type that in don't mess with a file this is great if you have if you're working with all the colleagues this is all good because you're like hey don't mess with my file so this is Napa master here and and we can save this right so now this file is now saved in our library what means that in the future we got to design a new pot so just open up a third part and I'm just gonna save it here and call that assembly right and then exit probably wouldn't be that probably wouldn't be exiting our library would it so the assembly ad put in right it's assembly swanee they're gonna say that now master library its save and then we can insert we're still in our library here so right now what I actually did was I just saved our assembly out in the root of live stream and I have now my library in here with this part of this product now I can right click and I can say insert into current design and then the file comes in here or into our assembly file hit OK to place the first one now you will see that this one has a little chain on it it's linked and the reason this is leg is it's actually looking at that master don't mess with me that is this file someone exists inside of this assembly but it's really looking back at this model what means that uh I can go ahead and kind of did what we did before I can go in here and I can right-click and I can create a copy and I can right-click and I can paste it that's all great and now we will end up with with two copies just like I did in the beginning however if I went in and I hit Q press pull you will see I can't select anything on these because they are referenced that's what this means these late files these are referenced and somebody might say well that's all great so how do I work with with these if I wanted to do that well you can always right-click on a file and say break link and you'll see that it changed color on our screen and we got rid of the link so now these two are not updated anymore okay what means that now if I hit Q I cannot pick anything on this but now I could actually do something I witness here okay so I hope that that makes sense if you ever are working with reference files like that but if I was gonna create a master don't mess with me file for and 8020 let me just delete that one I just changed here that one I would actually probably do a little bit of work to this master file to make my life a little bit easier because you saw in this file that I made it the faces who get those coins together but I talked about how those coins had a meeting each other but if I was gonna work a lot with this if I if I was a pro if I was a pro a 8020 user I would create a user library like I just did but then I would use something called joint audience I would add those to my master file so joint audience are like a fetish go and then hit click the joint like you saw before that little coin shows up you will see that that coin kinda like snaps if I go down and hit the end file here it's it can snap into every single point that appears here now if you ever want to make sure that it stays on the face you have selected hold down ctrl or command on a Mac and you can now not snap to anything all of them that face you hovered over and you clicked on that what I mean is if I let go my control key right now I can actually snap into to these lines here to these lines here but if I hover over this face hold down control as long as I hold down control it will only snap through that in face there was a little goody trick here but this kind that appears next to my mouse cursor we can actually with the joined origin create these ourselves so let me show you what I would do if I was going to create a library for this so select join origin and Peter if you're watching thank you for the trick you sent me an email about I didn't know about haha gotta give it credit if I hover over this face right here and I select ah this plays right here then I get one of those origins or pac-man's whatever you want to call it right at that face but I actually don't want to hear I wanted I wanted parallel with this face because that's where I want to mate with a join with my screws and everything else in these Center rails so what I can do is if I grab this arrow and drag it up so now it's movable and then select that face then it will be parallel right to that face um and that was Peter to show me that I played with Peter ah thank you so I would have measured that we're distance probably and then have tied at it so I would actually create these types on every area where I know that I many times would have to join things together there's going to be a little bit of a work upfront but in the end it would really really really help I'm probably gonna run a little bit over the half an hour today so what I would do was I would create numerous of these and you can just if you had one activator I can just right click and say repeat joint I would probably also create one on this phase and then I would move it up till it kind of intersected with the other one so now I have you know two sitting right there you could also right-click repeat joint origin you could also select to say I want one here that's going to be parallel to this face so sitting out where these two intersect right there if you know that that's many times where are you you got to do joints but let me just for this case here let me just throw in a one selection of them here so BP joint I want to say like that area right there and just put that up there right so I would go around and create the different ones that I know that I might need or at some point right clicking people just like that's move up and then select that face so now I've created all of these going going all the way around and I would also do the same thing in the other hand now right now if I go back into our assembly nothing has changed in here but as soon as I hit save and it asks us to do something so say it headed joint origin you should always get in the habit of typing this name right so it creates another version version coming over here that's in our live stream if we go back into our assembly we now have an update symbol on this path if I click on that boom they're these appears so why did I go through all the trouble of doing this well let me show you if I go in now and I create a copy control C control well let's do a yeah let's do a copy control C control V here we can drag this one out here okay and by the way these join all you will not go away to change the side so if I right click and break the link like it did before so there's a broken link you will see if I hit Q select this face and drag this down all my joint origin will go will will go along in here but what I just did was if I I should have created this one down there I made a little bit easier I'm going to flip it over so I can show you so what I can now do if I want to make my life a little bit easier is when I go to take joint instead of trying to select on these faces over here I can literally just select my coin and then select the other coin hit the flip key boom actually it's gonna be there and then rotate and now I have just joined those two together with these coins in here versus our first one where we selected the side so these joint origins are extremely extremely helpful in here to work with let me just show you one more thing if we for example decided to download another part for this is going to make master and this connects it disconnects to go in the library let's open up an empty file insert McMaster 18 20 whoops like this you will see if you look inside of McMaster you will see that there's all different kinds of references in here of different components that fits on these that McMaster says it's all over all different kinds of different different things in here so just be aware of you have all these different ones let's select a brace just like a little corner brace here select the product detail and let's go down here select this file so I would bring this bracket in and hit OK and then I would save that into my my library right so drag it and also that's a master master bracket so nobody mess with that save that and of course I could add joint audience to these if if I wanted to but actually in this case here if I just oh I didn't save it the right place I saved up rolled out and so you save that out in the in I didn't save it in the library I say that out here so right click move and then you can double click on the library hit move and now it's gonna move it over in the library okay now it's in that so we go back to our assembly and I have these giant organs we created on our master don't mess with me if I right click and say insert into current assign now this bracket comes in here you always get a free move what's kind of nice of you and about kind of I want to move them around a little bit just so you can kind I like to place them somewhat close to where I in the order that I want them I just find that a little bit easier okay now what I can do is I can actually go in on this one and I never grounded this one somebody's yelling at the ground this one and I cannot go into join and I can select this area right there and then that coin we buried right down here and an that brace will go in in in the end there so I hope that this was that this was useful for this that you know I've got a good idea about how I think I would handle well the joints and then these these 80/20 brackets that I that I find kind of I find them kind of interesting I think that they are that they're kind of cool how they how they work so that was what I was planning on showing today tomorrow we're gonna get into sketching tomorrow we actually gonna I'm gonna show you how I would draw up one of these eight 80/20 because I'm sure that McMaster don't have all the different type of million of different 80/20 brackets that is out there but I hope that this made sense to you and and you kind of like saw a couple of cool tricks first of all remember if you're coming from another type of CAD software then in you nobody will kind of like step by step or click by click removes the degrees of freedom in fusion we remove all six degree diem free six degrees of freedom first and then we can let go of them so those coins are what's gonna make together and then second of all if you aren't working with something like these rails I'm creating creating a library out of them is uh it's actually uh it's X pretty good that was it friends I hope you had a good Monday um blue back tomorrow same time do me a favor if you like this hit the thumbs up if you don't hit the thumbs down I want your feedback if you haven't already to subscribe to the channel I really would appreciate that that's kind of like how I can go to my boss and be like hey look people are actually yeah you know following along here and if you hit that little bell icon next to that you should also get notified every time they're going we're going live what is again tomorrow 3:00 p.m. Eastern that is New York City time so if you're watching the recording for this thank you so much for taking the time if you're in the livestream I'm gonna come in and and say how'd everybody so until tomorrow have an awesome awesome day
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 86,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, CAD, CAM, akn_include, Joints, Mates, 80/20, lars christensen, cad software, software, mechanical engineering, free software, fusion 360 tutorial, tutorial, beginner, how to
Id: I5fuyE1jBP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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