Modeling a FRAMED SHED in Autodesk Fusion 360

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Oh what's up guys Justin here with the fusion essentials comm back with another Autodesk fusion 360 modeling tutorial for you so in today's video I haven't seen a whole lot of videos out there about using fusion 360 for architectural modeling so I thought I'd either do a series on this or at least make a video just showing you how to a model out a shed with framing inside a fusion 360 but let's go ahead and just jump into it so for this video we're just gonna model out a very simple shed I don't wanna get super complex on this one but what I want to do is I want to start off and we're going to create a sketch it's basically going to be the size of our floor and inside of fusion 360 so in this case we're going to assume this is going to be something like we'll call it 15 feet long by 10 feet wide so you can see how what I did is I just drew a line along this axis and then another line along this axis and all we're going to do is we're just going to for now I'm not gonna model out too much floor framing we're just gonna give this a little bit of thickness as if this was a 3/4 inch sheet of plywood so I'm just going to use the extrude tool and extrude this up 3/4 of an inch and what I want to do is I want to call this something like base flooring and we're gonna say 15 feet by 10 feet and what we want to do is we want to take this we're gonna right-click on it we want to click on create components from bodies because what we want to do is we want to model these out as components because we're going to schedule these things out a little bit later and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start off and I'm just going to extrude out wood boards for the different parts and pieces in here so for this one for example I'm going to create a sketch align it with this face and then I'm gonna assume that the base pieces on this are gonna be two by sixes so I think that means this is gonna be five and a half inches wide by an inch and a half thick so I'm just going to model out the profile of this board finish my sketch and then I'm just gonna extrude this so I'm just gonna click on extrude and so we're just gonna set our extent to be distance we're gonna make sure this is set as a component and then if I remember correctly this should be 15 feet long so I'm just gonna extrude this negative 15 feet making sure to set this as a new component and I'm gonna click on it ok I'm gonna go ahead and name this 2 by 6 fifteen feet long and then I'm gonna use will go ahead and use the move or copy tool and we're gonna create a copy and we're gonna use the point-to-point function and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna select our origin point right here and then we're gonna set our target point to be right here and so what that did is that created a copy right there and so I'm gonna do the same thing where I'm going to create a sketch on this face and again we'll do five and a half inches wide and then we use the rectangle tool in order to finish this off and we're just gonna extrude this and again we're gonna set this as a new component because we're gonna schedule all of this out in this situation because I'm not a hundred percent sure what this distance is I'm going to use my extent and set it to to object and I'm just gonna click and that's going to extrude this all the way across and you can see how this is now a hundred and nine inches and we're gonna click on OK so that's gonna be a two by six one hundred and nine inches and possibly what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna go into my document settings set my units instead of inch to be foot and click on OK and so I'm actually gonna change this to say I think it's gonna be nine foot one inch and I'm gonna hit enter and then we're gonna do the same thing on the front only at this point what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna draw a line from this edge right here and I'm gonna set this to be three feet wide I'm assuming that my opening on the front of my shed is gonna be six feet so I'm gonna set this to be three feet then we'll just draw a rectangle right here and we'll just extrude this across make sure to set it as a new component and we'll extrude this across the width of our two by six would which would be five and a half inches and we'll click on okay then I'm going to take this then I'm going to create a copy again so I'm just going to use the Move tool we're going to set this to be move object components we'll set our origin point to be right here and our target point to also be right here and so now what we want to do is we want to frame up our vertical framing so in order to do this what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna draw a sketch and so I'm assuming this corner is gonna get kind of a box frame and so what I'm gonna do here is I'm just going to model this out so that I can extrude it up and we're just gonna extrude this as a component as well and one thing I haven't been doing a very good job of that I need to do better of is making sure that I'm labeling these as I go but I'm going to extrude this up so that it's 8 feet high and then I'm gonna go back real quick and just rename these and the reason that's gonna be important so this is gonna be important because when we schedule this out we can get a count of our wood in here and so the nice thing about this is now that we have this model didn't here as a component we can use the rectangular pattern tool set two components to make our copies really easily so we're gonna set this to go we're gonna select our component we're gonna select our direction to be this line right here and we're gonna set this instead of setting it by extent we're gonna set it by spacing and we're gonna assume that these are going to have a distance of 18 inches we're just going to type in 18 inches and then once we've done that we can turn this quantity up by as many as we need and so what we may need to do is we may need to create another copy to make it make this box framing in the corner but you can see how adding this framing was really easy well now I can come in here with the move tool or the copy tool select this component it's at our origin point to be right here set our target point to be right here and click on okay and we're gonna create one more copy and I know the framing on this may not be exactly right but it should give you an idea of how we're going to do this and then you can make your framing however you want so we're gonna go ahead and leave that framing right there since so we'll do the same thing on this other corner so I'm just going to move our component we're gonna create a copy is that our origin point here on a target point here so we have a copy right there so now what we have is we have all of our vertical framing in here for this one side well we can do the same thing that we've done before by just taking all of these so we can just use the move tool or you could use the rectangular pattern tool as well and select all of these different components and then we would just create a copy and do the same thing we've been doing or reset our origin point and our target point so now we have the framing for our shed in here so I'm gonna come in here and add the other framing in here real quick I'm going to speed up this part of the video I'm just gonna use the same methods we've already talked about [Music] [Music] and so now what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna take all this base framing and I'm just gonna copy it up so I'm just gonna go through here and I'm just gonna select the components associated with those so I'm just doing a shift-click on each one of those and then we're just gonna copy it up using the move tool so I'm going to create a copy set my origin point to be right here I'm gonna set my target point to be right here so and one thing we may need to change a little bit is we probably want our framing to go over the top here you could either model this out as a taller piece of wood which you might do sometimes or you might just run this all the way across so in this situation I'm going to model out a 2 by 12 along this piece right here so I'm just going to create a sketch we'll finish our sketch and then we're just gonna extrude this across so in this situation our distance is going to be 6 feet so we'll just extrude this across 6 feet make sure this is set as a new component and click on OK and then we can just call this 2 by 12 header and I'm assuming we would do this with some kind of a hanger right here there's probably other ways to do this as well but we're gonna go ahead and leave this as is for all we're doing right here so we're gonna scroll down we're gonna rename this component we'll just call it 2 by 12 six foot long all right so now what we want to do is we model want to model out our roof beams or a roof support so we're just gonna create a sketch I'm gonna click on one of these faces or maybe even this construction plane I'm just gonna click right in here then I'm just gonna draw a line based on this midpoint up four feet so when I do that that's gonna give me kind of a guide point for I want the top of my roof to be and so what I'm gonna do in this situation is I'm gonna draw a line down based on the angle that I want so in this situation I'm just gonna say I want this to be a thirty five degree angle notice how I was able to basically type that value into this box just by hitting the tab key and then typing in thirty five now I can set a length to whatever I want that to be so maybe we want to make this simple and make this like eight feet long or something like that that way we can buy these in these links then all I'm gonna do is type in a value of eight and hit the enter key and so that's giving me the top part of my wood piece right here and what I want to do now is I'm going to offset that by selecting the offset tool make sure the button for chain selection is not checked I'm just going to click on this line and then move this down and in this situation I'm gonna type in negative five point five inches and hit the enter key and so what's kind of easy about this now is you can see where this intersects and so if you were going to have to like notch these out you could just draw that notch into your piece of wood if you wanted to just by drawing this like this we're also going to draw a line between these two points so now this is actually a filled in phase now we're just gonna click on finish sketch so what that's going to allow us to do is now we can take that we can extrude that into a component so we're just gonna use the extrude tool click on this go down to new component and we're just going to extrude this by the thickness of our two by six which in this case we're gonna say is an inch and a half hit the enter key and so now what we have is we have some rafter framing in here we have a rafter framing piece that we can name so we can name this one two by six eight feet long rafter framing we're going to go ahead and click on okay we're just going to do it we've done before where we're going to use the rectangular pattern tool in order to create a pattern here and so in this situation we're gonna assume that our spacing on this is going to be something like 18 inches so we're just gonna activate the rectangular pattern tool we're gonna select our object we're gonna select a direction and so that can be any of these lines and we're just going to move this across and we'll go ahead and say this is going to be by spacing we're gonna say it's going to be 18 inches and then we can just move this count up so in this case that works fairly nicely the other thing we could do if we wanted these to be evenly spaced instead is we could just do this by extent and we could just set our length to be 15 feet - an inch and a half that's going to be the thickness of our two by uh our two by six and then we can click okay that way so if you want these to be equally spaced as opposed to doing them every 18 inches you can do that as well we're just gonna click on okay so what that's done is that's given us half of our rafter framing well I don't want to come in here and model all of this again so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create an offset plane right here and click on okay that's giving me a plane and then I'm gonna use the mirror tool in order to create copies of all these so in order to do that we're gonna set our pattern type to components and set our mirror plane to this plane and that's gonna mirror this all the way across I'm gonna click on OK and so for this we're going to assume that there isn't any framing across the top here just for the sake of this video not getting super long and so I may come back in and talk a little bit more about adding sheathing and other things like that but for right now let's go ahead and first of all let's save this but then let's take this into drawing mode and take a look at some of the scheduling capabilities that we have in here so we're gonna start by saving this and then once we've saved this let's go ahead and take our design into drawing mode so we're gonna go down to drawing and click on from design and so it's going to ask us what to reference and also some other things about our templates in this case I'm gonna go ahead and leave it as an 11 by 17 I'm basically gonna leave this as is and I'm gonna click on OK so what that's gonna do is that's going to take this and it's going to export it to our drawing and when we come in here it's gonna ask us to place our base view so that's gonna be the first view that's on our sheet so I'm just gonna click right here for right now and I'm not gonna do anything else with this at the moment I'm gonna go ahead and click on okay so what this allowed us to do is this allowed us to create a front view of our shed well we can add multiple different views in here by clicking on these different things so in this situation I want to add another view it's gonna be a projected view it's going to ask for a parent view which I'm going to click on this one and you can see how I can move this over in order to create both top views and elevation views and notice how when I drag this to the left or want to drag this up above it's giving me different views based on where my mouse goes so if I drag this if I drag this diagonally it's giving me a bottom view or top view depending on where this is located so I'm actually gonna hit escape and undo that we're gonna go ahead we're gonna move this down to right here so you can just single click on this and move your mouse around in order to do that but now I'm gonna add a projected view by clicking on this and moving my mouse up and I set another projected view right here I'm gonna set another projected view right here and so notice these are all aligned so that if you create dimensions in here they'll actually align inside of this drawing and for now I'm just gonna delete this title block out if you use the projected view you can only move this aligned with this item so I can move this in and out but I can't move it up and down so for this one you can move it pretty much anywhere you want but for the ones that are aligned you can only move on left and right up and down but now so now let's add a table so in order to do this I'm going to click on tables and it's going to ask me what to reference and I'm gonna tell it to reference shed for YouTube and then I'm going to click and so what this is going to do and we're gonna have to move some stuff around a little bit but what this is gonna do is this is actually going to count out all of the different parts and pieces that we have in here so it gives me a list of all of the 15 foot long pieces that I need the 9 foot 1 inch long pieces that I need because we modeled these as components these are getting scheduled out properly inside of our model and so in addition this also gave us a legend in here of which one of these reference references the others and one thing you're gonna notice is these are currently in here as steel that's because we didn't set a material type in our model so if we go back and we select the whole thing if we go back and we're gonna type the S key in order to search and I'm going to type in material and we're gonna add a physical material to all of these so I'm just gonna go in here to the wood option and I think we can go ahead and assume this is all gonna be pine I'm just gonna select everything then click and drag this and this is gonna apply the pine material to my whole model well now if I save this then I go back into my drawing you're gonna notice that there's a little button right here that gives me a little yellow marker well the yellow marker is indicating this is out of date so if we click on this it's gonna go through and it's gonna rear-end this sheet and notice that this whole thing updated based on that and so I'm just gonna clean this up a little bit and we could come in here and dimension all of this as well I think I'm gonna do a whole series on just creating drawings and some of the options that are in here but if you wanted to create dimensions for your different framing so if you wanted to go like from this point to this point you could add you can add different dimensions in here in order to really display the measurements that you need inside of this model so that's Herman in this video leave a comment below and let me know what you thought was this helpful to you would you like to see more videos like this I just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new fusion 360 content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it and I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Fusion Essentials
Views: 69,603
Rating: 4.9520736 out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 tutorials, the fusion essentials, the fusion essentials tutorials, fusion 360 lessons, fusion 360 for beginners, getting started with Fusion 360, getting started autodesk fusion 360, autodesk fusion, autodesk fusion 360, autodesk fusion essentials, autodesk fusion 360 essentials, autodesk fusion 360 shed, autodesk fusion 360 framing, fusion 360 framing tutorial
Id: wcHlz2tzZaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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