Fusion 360 — Beginner — A Part Everyone Can Model — #LarsLive 83

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welcome to livestream number 83 today is October it's Tuesday October the 24th of 2017 thank you so much for joining today's live stream if you're watching this you're watching the recording we haven't gotten anybody in the live stream yet they will be there in just a second but thank you so much for taking the time now if this is the first time you are watching this live stream this recording these about 15 to 30 minutes long um kind of keeping a little bit loose down in the description area you'll find my email address more than welcome to email me with any future topics you would like to see well I've got a bunch of people in the live stream here it's absolutely fantastic thank you so much everybody for taking the time out of your busy day today's topic this is a beginner tutorial though I have a little challenge for you guys who may be above that level but today's tutorial is we're gonna model up this plastic scoop this is for a Aeropress what is like a coffee coffee maker system it's just a plastic scoop to scoop up your coffee the reason we are gonna do this one today is because if you're brand new to fusion 360 and we are gonna start all the way back at scratch you might have come across this video if you have not how to model up this plastic part you will find that link down in the description area also for the absolute beginner series where you go through modeling up this Claudia but the reason we are doing today's live stream is some of you guys maybe have never there's the first time you're opening up Fusion all you maybe kind of like got your way through this tutorial but now you're kinda like ready to move to the next thing and you know it's a little overwhelming when you're starting out with a brand new piece of software you know if you're coming from another CAD system fine then you maybe have at least some references but if you're starting out from scratch it's hard now the challenge to you guys who have you know done care for awhile and feel like something like this is pretty easy my challenge to you is try to find a different way to model it up than the way that I'm modeling it up today I think maybe next week I will actually take that challenge myself and for you guys model up in two different ways because that's the first thing there is no right way to do cat okay there's best practices I understand that but don't think that you know there is one right way and don't get too frustrated when you kind can't break that so not talking on me let's get into model up this and I hope you can kind of see it this coffee scoop from from arrow press now this remains a software quickly so what I did in Fusion was that I reset back to the factory settings so I am literally back to where if you've just installed fusion you should be I'm gonna make two changes right out of the bat and they're pretty quick changes the first thing you see how we count I got this grid carpet here if i zoom out and by the way by swimming out I roll the middle mouse wheel on my mouse you will see that I kinda like got this grid right here I'm gonna I prefer to turn that off so that's the number first thing I'm gonna do number one thing I'm gonna go down to the little grit here and I'm gonna uncheck layout grid so that goes away that's the first change I'm gonna do the second change that I prefer to do is to move my mouse up on this little it's called the viewcube up here and what I am going to do is I'm gonna right click on it so right click with my mouse and I get a little menu I like to change from author graphic to perspective with Auto faces now that's the two changes that I am going to do the software that is my preferences by the way this is going to be in metric so I had mine set to metric if yours default by inches you can always go and click on the little arrow to open this up click on here and then you can change it in here to whatever whatever you want okay now if you are brand if this is the first time you you're looking at a video for fusion when I maybe would recommend for you I'm gonna keep this as short as I can whatever it would recommend is don't try to the first time to follow along click by click because it's hard to multitask what's the video through first just lean back man take a cup of coffee if it's after 5:00 o'clock have a beer and and and just watch it and then when you have watched it through then you can do it kind of like side by side now the first thing whenever you the hottest thing whenever it comes to model things is to figure out where you should start on the model you start with a with a clean canvas and you know that you want to get to the point where you can model this thing up that's the you know it looks fairly easy but how to get started on on the computer screen is actually many times the hardest and trust me sometimes I struggle to now what I like to do is I like to break the model down into a couple of different sections so in this case here there's a handle and then there's kind of like the scoop area now I like to concentrate on the most important thing of the model first I like the heart of the model so in this case here it's kind of this scoop area so I'm gonna forget about the handle for a second and just kind of like concentrating on the scoop now the scoop kind of like you have a couple of things we're gonna try to get a little bit closer hopefully not too much in your face there is kind of like a straight face straight area and then there's a full round going around it and then it is hollow okay so that's what we kind of like gonna start out with on the screen now another tip I can give you is start out by making your main shape first and then cut holes or clearances or anything afterwards so that's what we're gonna do so since I'm you know the easiest thing is probably to make this straight portion first that's I'm gonna start and if I'm looking at it from kind of like the top view down I'm gonna start with a round circle and extrude that so let's get into the software and start out now another thing that you gonna find extremely helpful is over to the left over here we kind of like have these you will see we're gonna create some different things over here there's something called an origin and there's these light poles you can turn on or off I prefer to turn my origin on what we're gonna do is when we sketch our first entity on the screen here we're gonna tie it down into the origin on the screen it's a little bit like nailing it into space you could throw over here but then it's kind of like floating around so get in the habit of kind of like tying it into the origin as you start out now anything that is happening in a 3d modeling software starts with a 2d sketch that we then turn into 3d so let's start with the first round circle for the straight cut here so I'm gonna go up to this button up here and I am going to left click with my mouse to start a sketch now when I do that you will see that the the the button here gets kind of like pressed in and then you will see as I'm hovering over these orange planes that the kind of like this like the screen jumps a little bit we always sketch on either a plane or face now we don't have anything on our screen yet so we don't have any faces we only have planes so I'm gonna start sketching on this plane right here so I'm gonna left click and you will see that my screen is going to kinda like rotate so kinda like look straight at that face now when I did that you will see we got a menu over here that have some constraints that we're gonna talk about in a second we also have a bunch of tools up here that are we gonna go in and and work with but I'm really a big fan of shortcuts so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to create that circle and I'm gonna do that by hitting c4 circled on my keyboard and I get placed into the server command now you will see my cursor changed has a little circle right next to it it says place center point so I am gonna move over to that origin right there left click once and then I'm gonna drag my mouse out and that will make my circle now you will see that I get a dimension kind of like happening right there so I am just gonna type in I'm gonna make this one 46 millimeters and hit enter and now I get a circle that is 46 millimeters in diameter now you can soo-min on it by rolling your middle mouse wheel you can kind like roll in here now it's black what means that it's fully defined you will see in a couple seconds what under defined means but I'm actually ready to make this 3d so it's a 2d sketch that I'm gonna extrude it into 3d I'm gonna do that by using another shortcut for cue it's called press pull so I'm gonna hit Q on my keyboard and I'm gonna highlight it over that circle I'm gonna left mouse click and you will see that I get another menu over here and I get a arrow and I can actually drag hold down my left mouse button I can actually drag that up here so when I drag that up I'm gonna put in a dimension here of 15 millimeters I'm just gonna type that in and hit OK and I actually if I roll my mouse wheel have now created the first loop portion of this handle I'm talking about kind of like this area right here right so that was the 46 diameter and now we just created that's straight now we're going to create this full round here so I guess you just saw we started out with a round sketch that we then extruded into a solid shape so what we do is we are taking these sketches and we can define we can kind of like make the outline of our part by drawing these sketches and then turn them into solids now a set before that you can either sketch on either a face but would be like this face on the coin which is created all on a plane like the one we used in the beginning so I'm gonna go and how to create another sketch to create that full rounds I'm gonna click on create a sketch and I'm actually this time gonna go to the side of our pot here so I'm gonna hop over to let's see that that plane highlights and I'm just gonna left click on that and you will see that our kind of like pot rotates around to that now I'm gonna zoom in a little bit make sure you always kind of zoom in when you're working now as we've been creating these features you will see that we get kind of like a tree happening down here history bar is happening down here so here was our first sketch we created the circle then down here we extruded up 15 millimeters and now we in our new sketch to kind of create this full round now to create this full round and makes it only gonna sketch sketch up kinda like a Halfmoon shape and then I'm going to use a revulsion to revolve that all the way around the bottom here let me show you so I'm in the sketch mode and what I actually want to do is I want to kind of utilize this edge here for my next sketch now this adds exists in this area behind me so to be able to bring that adds into my current sketch I'm gonna project it in there and I'm gonna do that by hitting P on my keyboard and now I'm in a projected mode so now if I select that as you will see that I cannot get a purple two purple dots and it's it's a vague line right here meaning that I just kind of borrowed that ads from our previous extrusion into our current sketch so I'm gonna hit OK to that so now I got that also be aware of that there is a lot of functions in here and you know here the livestreams we're trying to cover a lot of these we have but in this one here you know what I'm trying to say don't be a shy to kind of like explore around yourself and try to find a lot of these different functions now in this sketch area you will see that we have some different circles and we have some different arcs I'm gonna select Center Point arc when I click on that left mouse click and when I look at my cursor you will see that it kind of shows that symbol it also shows me a command place the center point of the circle okay so I'm gonna go over here I want the center of that circle to start here so I'm gonna click there then it says specify stop point for the circle so I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna stop the circle here and now you'll see when I drag out it shows that circle right here now remember that I said that I only wanted to create kinda like the Halfmoon here so I'm gonna be gonna type in ninety degrees inside of this dialog box and hit enter so now that line that radius there only goes to 90 degrees and then I'm gonna close it off by creating a full line from this endpoint to here to create that Halfmoon shape because remember we kind of like have the ads we projected we have the circle and now we're gonna close it off so to do that I'm gonna hit l4 line and I'm gonna click right up here and then I'm gonna close by dragging down to that Horton right there that circle and as soon as I do that we get kind of like in a change of color in here that shows us that this gets is closed and it's now ready to be worked with now we can rotate our view you do that by holding down the shift key on your keyboard and press down the middle mouse button hold the middle Mouse and the shift-key and stop moving your mouse and you will see that we kind of like rotating our pot around here so what we're ending up with it is kind of like this shot Finn looking sketch you can see sitting on this plane now like I said there's a lot of different commands inside of fusion and you should definitely explore many of them now that what we're going to use is called revolve and it's sitting up here on the create and you go down here and you click revolve now in revolve you get a couple of different options first it's looking for a profile that would kind of be our shark area here then it's looking for access and that's the exes to rotate around won't be the center axis so I'm gonna click left click here to make it blue so it's active select that acts that line right there and you will see that automatically now we kind of like get that preview now I'm gonna hit OK and then if I again hold down the shift key hold down the middle mouse button we can kinda like roll around and we have now created that straight portion with that Halfmoon shape on that also notice how we now have kind of like gotten that sketch converted into a revolved shell now with this done the next thing I want to do is I want to kind of get rid of the center here we've got to be able to have something for our coffee grounds again there's a million ways to do this but one easy one is called shell so if we go up to modify and we click the modify drop down you will see we have something called shell now what shell will do if we select it and we select this top face up here is that it will unify a thickness and shell out this entire part now we're gonna shell this one out to 0.5 so type in 2.5 in the dialogue box here or over here and hit enter and now again shift middle mouse button hold that down you can rotate around and you will now see how you have created that kinda like half scoop there now for you guys who think that this was pretty easy I challenge you find some other ways to do this because there's different ways but if you were kind of like you know I hope you're enjoying this you let me know thumbs up thumbs down now we got that kind of this portion all done so not to share but we got there right now the next thing we got to do is we got to do the handle for this because without it well you could use it but it would be a mess you would get corporate grounds on your hands we need a nice little handle here so we're gonna model up this handle I'm gonna show you a couple of neat tricks in regards to that so we can get this model finished up here so I talked about before that so now we got our models down here now we're ready to start a new sketch for the handle so I hope this makes sense you always go when you are in the model environment you always go create a 2d sketch and then you extrude it into something so I said before that we either sketch on a plane or a face and I kind of want to underline that because it means that if you cannot find a face to sketch on you probably need a plane and many times like we have these default three planes you can see right here in the screen when we turned on our origin but if you go up on the construction you will actually see that there's all different kinds of tools that can help you so if you do want to if you do it looking for a plane and an angle it's handy and plane to around or mid plane all these tools are up here so that's important that if you can't find a face to sketch on you might need to create a plane now what we're gonna do is we're gonna create what is called an offset plane right out here and what we're gonna do is we're gonna left click on that and then we're gonna click on this plane sitting right here and when we do that we get an offset plane dialog you can either grab the arrow start and dragging if you want to many times I do that just to kind of like get to start it but but we probably want is some kind of a dimension so we're gonna make it 143 millimeters and hit enter now kinda like disappear out of my screen here so rolling the mouse wheel one way or the other and you will kind of like see that that plane is actually sitting out here so again let me just hold down shift the middle mouse button so you can't see we created a plane that is offset from the other area here now we're going to sketch on that so we're gonna do what we did before move up to create a sketch left click on that and then we can move over when we can click on that plane out here in space and we automatically count like I'm looking at it straight at the part here so we're gonna have a sketch now we're gonna do another circle and so we're gonna hit C for circle and then you will see we get to kind of like the circle here and then ask us to place the center point so I'm gonna hold it over right where that origin was so the midpoint of this one I'm just gonna left click and drag out and we get a a circle here now this circle here this one's gonna be ten ten millimeters twenty millimeters in ten millimeters now I can't remember what I wanted to make this it's the great thing and my dreams I think we're gonna make it ten millimeters in diameter and let's see where we go ten millimeters and hit into her there you go okay so now we have this sketch here now I'm gonna hit Q for press pull again and I'm gonna do that the model conic spins around I'm gonna select that circle and again I can grab the handle and I can drag it sorts our model now if you drag it through there it will actually turn it into a cut that's when it turns red you can see that it kind of like blasting a hole through our our scoop but it's not really great right now suddenly we we have coffee grounds coming out but be aware of that over here in the menus that is a lot of options and if you're brand spanking new I don't expect you to you don't have to know all of these but be aware that you might want to go over here and experiment for different options for example in this one right here it's set to a distance we can see mine is 95 millimeters and as I'm dragging the handle that measurement changes well if I hit the drop down for distance there's something called true object so if I click on that you will see that our kind of extrusion goes away but what it's looking for is something for that to hit on so if I select this face over here you will see that the extrusion is going to go from this sketch to this pot here now before I hit anything to say okay I'm gonna move over and look at this from the side view or what is also over here in the view cube is called front it's gonna click on front up here and you'll see that it'll spin around and I'm gonna zoom in because I want to show you something I was talking about before it's different settings so we selected this face here as our object but look what happens if we go to solutions and we're looking on about solutions and chain faces and we're looking down here if I switch between the two you see how one will actually make because this is round it will actually make them our extrusion be flush with that where the other one will make it just go straight down to that area so be aware of these different options if you don't quite get what you thought you should get it might be one of these checkboxes okay I'm gonna hit OK and roll my mouse wheel to zoom out maybe hold down my shift and my middle mouse button and start rotating around to get my model and I kind of got this scoop here now if this is your first fusion 360 video of one of your first fusions 360 videos and you know this you gotten to this point and it makes you feel pretty good I think you should just stop right now pat yourself on the back and say good job myself okay maybe call the wife over or one of your colleagues and say hey look what I just did and if they just shake the heads and walk away you got a you know then they're not cool this is pretty cool if you're looking at this little model here you have actually just designed in 3d a cool arrow press the model here so brand new you should absolutely right now apply yourself and say that you did a good job at getting this created if you want to take it one step further I'm gonna run over by five minutes today if you look at this part and maybe that's I don't know if that's easy to see maybe if you have my pale face in the background can you see how the end actually kind of like it's not completely round like that it can't like have six knobs on them we should create those before we end in this tutorial so to do those let's go back into fusion here to do those you will see we have created this history tree down here be aware of that we can actually roll back I can left and drag all the way through each of our creations so you can actually see kind of like how we built this whole thing now if I gonna create these knobs I actually want to get back into the sketch we created where we made this the ten millimeters over here so you can edit your sketches again oh you have your features so I'm gonna go in here and right click on the sketch and select edit sketch and it'll bring me right back in to where that circle is now we're going to create these bumps so we're gonna manipulate this existing sketch I'm gonna create another circle so I'm gonna hit C for circle and just another little trick if you're brand new sometimes it's easier to try to sketch and way out here if you're adding something then then in here where you already got something so I'm actually gonna create this sketch right now here's with a left mouse click and drag out and I'm gonna make this one three point seven millimeters like that okay now you will see that that is blue and I'll talk a little bit about that earlier how we have to kind of like their black sketch means it's fully defined it's blue because this sketch is moving around it's not completely tied down anywhere on our model that's when we start using these constraints over here and we have done a plenty of live streams on that all we're using dimensions so we're gonna do both so to make this one I actually want this one to be vertical I'm gonna go and I'm gonna select horizontal vertical relationship I'm gonna select the center point of this one and select the center in here and when I do that you will see that the circle moved over and is now vertical to that point that means that if I just you will see next to my cursor I'm still in the constraint horizontal vertical so get out of that you can just hit escape on your keyboard once and your cursor turns white now if I hold down my left mouse button and drag that part you can see I can't drag it to side to side but I can drag it up and down because it's vertical so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create a tie mention from this Center to this Center to kinda like define where it needs to be in this vertical directions so edit I mention I'm gonna use another shortcut key I'm gonna hit D for dimension and I'm gonna select the center point of our little circle and the center point of our big circle and you will see that I get a dimension showing up here now I'm gonna just left-click to place it and then it's ready to then I can type something into it I'm gonna start five point eight five five millimeters five point eight five millimeters hit OK and you will see that that little circle now turned black because it cannot move it's all tied in okay I hope that this is I hope this is good so um what we need to do with this little circle is there's like six of these bumps on this handle so we could draw up this other five circles but again I just want you to be aware of that there's a lot of different tools in here so if we move over to our sketch drop down you will see that there's something called circular patterns so if I click left click on that over here in my menu it says I'm looking for an object and that would be our little circle then it's looking for a center point to rotate around to a circular pattern that's circle around that I'm gonna select that Center right there now it deforms to three of these ones here I actually want six I'm just going over the dialog box and type in six and I actually get six of them okay I'm gonna go ahead and hit OK to that and I now got six of these circles in here that's actually all I need to create these so to get out of this sketch I'm gonna hit stop scats down here in the lower right now when I do that we jump back to our before but you will see that we didn't have any changes because we edit this sketch here and our extrusion exit came after that everything happens in history down here so we also need to edit this feature so we do it the sec same way as we do with the sketch we go down we right-click on it we select edit feature and we get into to that now if you want to get a little bit closer to this you can roll the middle mouse button to zoom out and zoom in again and kind of like finding out where you can kind of see what you have here now Fusion is smart enough to know that this one certain has now been broken up two different selections but it's still maintaining that circles all I'm going to do is hit the little X next to this that will kind of like clear all my selections and then I'm just gonna select inside of this and that will fill that out all those different radiuses and we can hit okay to that let's zoom out again and you will now see that we got kind of this handle there's two things I'm gonna end up doing to this part at the end one is we've got to put some fill it's on it and what I mean by fillings is I mean some radiuses because if it's just old shop you kind of likes gonna cut your your hand on this so we're gonna add some some fillers to it fairly easy to do in here and I'm gonna go with another shortcut F fulfill it should be fairly easy to remember so if I hit F whoops I'm in the wrong software here we go if I hit F then we get an option here we can select edges so I'm gonna select the inside edge and the outside ads right then again zoom in if you want to get a little bit closer and I'm gonna give that a fill it of 0.5 millimeters and hit enter and you will now see how we get that little filling in there now we also get a fill that icon down here in the tree I'm gonna continue doing a couple of more fillings so I'm gonna hit F again and then I'm gonna zoom in here on the end and it makes it gonna just select all the long edges here and also be aware of that connects is somewhat select through the geometry even if I can't see the ads you can actually pick it up right back there so the software is smart enough to know that I kind of froze your shadow now sometimes it is good practice to actually go in and and look at it and make sure that you that you got them that you got them all I'm gonna just spin around here hold on the it looks like I missed maybe one adds on when we're looking at this so I hit to deselect them here I was trying to be fancy sometimes it is easier to just hold down the shift key in the middle mouse button and rotate around so you can actually see what you've Nestle so this rotate around here like that one that one am I missing any what I'm missing that last one there think that should be it that's it okay oh we gotta put enough radius so I'm gonna do that one millimeters okay so now a little bit you will see that we got a nice curvature on all of those we can exhale the windows select some of the fillings so if I hit fill it again I'll fulfill it I can actually just window by holding my left mouse button and dragging a window over those edges and it will select all those let's hit one millimeters to those and gonna roll my middle mouse button zoom out a little bit and I'm actually gonna do the same thing to these ones so hit F fulfill its and just drag a box around and it'll select all those it's have been one and we now got that fill it there the only last thing I'm gonna do through this model before we're going to finish this out is this is by default a steel color and you will look at that when you look at the scoop itself it's black plastic you can right click out anywhere in the white space just right click and select appearances and your menu will open up here there's all different kinds of materials in the including plastics and then you can go in and you can choose for example Paik plastic and all you do is hold down your left mouse button you can drag it right on top of the one that is occurring right now and just let go and you will see that it the whole model turned black I'm gonna hit close and exit now I don't need my origin anymore shining up in the center I hit that light bulb again and then now you have modeled up an arrow press type of scoop so everybody can can get their coffee I hope this was useful if you're brand spanking new to fusion you just had an opportunity to to model up this this is not an easy model um you know did some some neat things in there I hope this was useful you let me know thumbs up thumbs down if you haven't already really appreciate you hit that subscribe button don't forget the model for this one is down beta set is in the description area including if you haven't already watched the video for the absolute beginner wear bottle this one up battling you found that too I'm gonna do what I know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna end last year number 83 here by the recording and then the broadcast on that I'm we have 144 people in the live stream I'm gonna jump in there and say hi to everybody tomorrow's live stream we actually gonna take this same part and then we're gonna throw it into a 2d drawing cuz that's important so tomorrow we'll get an opportunity to kind of put this into a 2d drawing that you know you can see how that looks hope to see you tomorrow have an awesome awesome day
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 121,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Modeling, 3D Printing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, tutorial, akn_include
Id: 0rwqObrwwDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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