Fusion 360 Absolute Beginner - How To Model a Hose Cap - Last Nights Facebook Livestream

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how are you doing welcome to Wednesday evening Facebook live today we're gonna talk about fusion 360 say p.m. here in upstate New York so I'm gonna draw one of these while we're talking some fusion 360 now remember these livestream here I can see that we always got william in here David is here actually awesome see you guys so remember these live streams on Facebook Wednesday evenings is your opportunity to ask any question you got put them in the question area with stuck what we doing and we kind of like try to address that those questions the best we absolutely can so this is a little bit different than the YouTube live streams in the matter that here we stop with talking about it this is absolutely beginner so it's just you and I and maybe a beer if you are in the right time so if you have the desire so anything goes there's no you know if you have a question that probably eighty other people have a question to I can see we got Bob here kevin is here yay thank you for making it for a live session Kevin really appreciate it Matthew David juniors here glad that you you found it Jeremy so quick question from Kevin what is behind you they used to pick guitars huh so I'm imagine that you're talking Kevin above this device sitting right over here that is a it's a has simulator so for a CNC machine you have a control on the CNC machine to operate one of those this is kind of like a simulator it's used in in most classrooms I would think what you can do is you can infusion you can create the cam code and then you can load it up on this thing behind me and check that the code is all all good um I kind of like have a little bit as a wall art I don't really necessarily use it as much as it should be used but yeah mostly for education for CNC machining hope that answers that's um Jeremy thank you for uh for arriving that we got Christian here arm cool alright so I hope that that helps yeah so today's topic you know what we're going to model off today is I got a question from somebody a while back in the gaps to I don't know if I can get a good view of this this is a cab that goes at the end of like if you want to close off like a garden hose style um it exit normally has in an all ring or like a without knowing there's a wash flat washer stuck inside of in here but it's somebody asked me about something about doing a threats and I have tons of live streams on it before but this one has some threats of it it has some some cutouts in it and I thought maybe that was a pretty good absolute beginner thing to do so we're gonna be doing some threats we're gonna talk about doing some pan rings we're gonna talk about annex affiliates and things like that but again Oh Bob asks where can I get one contact has I think there are those simulators I think that about $1,600 I could be wrong $1600 us I can say they don't really do anything productive so I don't know you're probably better off going out buying like a small desktop C&C or something is that so let's stop me getting here ah and let's get into fusion with these live streams absolute beginner I like to start from scratch I know some of you guys have watched these before but just to kind of like make sure that if you're just joining for the first time there's two things that I like to do whenever I am firing up fusion 360 from from scratch and that is I go up on this view cube up here and I right-click on that and I change autographic to perspective with all those faces so this view cube right click on that and change that to perspectival auto faces the other thing i like to do is I'd like to move down here to the bottom I like to click the little grip and snap barrier down here I like to turn off layout grid and snap to grid this is the only things that I do when you know if I have a as a brand new installment of fusion 360 not that he should really have to start all over ever but just so you know that's kind of the things that I do so if anybody is asking you know then that's kind of like what it goes okay so we're gonna start modeling something up here Canadian beer that's good um so this little cap thing here I've said it before on these live streams the hardest thing is always figuring out where to start right like you're looking at that blank cameras infusion and you're like okay I know I want to end up with something that looks something like this but where should I stop well this one here I think this shape probably come in maybe gives it away let's just start off with a round circle and extrude out so the thickness on it so let's go in and and start in here and all right I can see that John put in here yes you know what John you might be right that you actually on John says a good question here about you can actually program the simulator and send it to the machine so that's a good point is to make sure I actually I haven't tried that but you can program a CNC machine from just the control on a house we're talking about that device right there so you don't have to have fusion to program a highest machine you could just do it vital to control I'm not sure if you could actually do that and post it up I think you're probably right you probably could do that I haven't tried it so that that's a good time that's a good question all right William has a question that's trip you can help but lately I've been running into problems when going back in history and trying to update a sketch get blown out of the water or gets bucked up not what I'm doing wrong all right you know what let's talk about that in this one here we have some some let's do that on this part so instead of fusion remember so open up in a new part here remember you have the origin you can turn it out on the light bulb over here that helps you there's two places you can sketch inside of fusion 360 either on a face or on a plane right now we don't have a face because we don't have anything on the screen here yet so we're gonna have to do it on a plane now we have these three planes here and they kind of assemble front right top right so they'll be front right on top but I know I'm gonna tell people not to worry too much about you know where you start I think this comes more down so when you're using cam or if you're free D printing and then the other tillers can be used for that um alright so David is asking is that way an easy way to extrude and an ankle okay like a strap constant to a weld face you know what David we you probably the easiest things may be to use something like a a sweep for that so you could you could create you know a rectangle and then you could exclude that in an angle if I get what you're saying well let me just show you that this was not let's just ha this is live streaming let's just as a davis question because you know maybe more people are thinking that's more interesting than doing this little thing we get back to this one hang on cheers thank you David so one way you could do that is we could start a sketch on this face here you come back to the round part in a second one way to do it is reduce on a sketch here we could start a rectangle remember there's different rectangles up here whatever you want sewing center rectangle let's just extrude something up here we should always fully define this so let's make it 50 by fifty-one rectangle okay so that is just sitting flat on on that face there then because it's not a second sketch this was just one sketch it's not very exciting let's open another sketch and let's click on this side view so look at how the screen turned and let's just create a line that goes up here so just place it up like that and we probably want some kind of a a dimension so we can select from here to here and let's just make it 51 just to be awkward instead of 45 so we have two sketches it's top sketch so we have this first sketch we created right here the second scats that is kind of sitting right there by the way I'm rotating by holding down shift on my keyboard and the middle mouse part on my mouse now if you go when you use sweep you can select the rectangle you can select that was the first profile that's a profile with the rectangle and the path is this line here and now you have an extrusion that is going excluding Ian and angle you can actually play around with also the ends so you can go I guess you can't do it on this one yes and that way so that's that's one of things you can L also if you're in here so that I hope that answers your question you could add a taper angle also so we can go five degrees plus or minus depending on what direction you want to go in so that we can narrow and as you can see here you could also twist it around here 25 maybe don't do much so that's the four on 20 no 325 something Oh 30 so you can only go so it can't actually go higher than it starts wrapping around itself this is probably not great with a rectangle this is so the solid can't overall cut itself but you can see here now it's kind of like twisted around okay I hope that that answer your question oh cool yes did awesome alright AIESEC here absolutely awesome to see you um Gustavo thank you for all the great tutorials have I had a chance to use the slides slice em so welcome really enjoying to do these I have not used the slicer have in his front my list my good friend colleague I believe Aaron Magnum have done that and I think it's probably probably up on the fusion channel so if you have any specific questions you can email him email me and then I'll forward it to him my email at let me put my email address in the common area here so you have it my email address is Lars Christensen at autodesk.com just so you know who I almost hit n broadcast that wasn't bad ok so I hope that that that kind of like answered that David seems to he was happy with with this little example so that is awesome let's just start a new show we're gonna start over you can actually just go up here and you can click on the X up here and I'm not gonna save this and now we're back to where we were before ok that's awesome second what these last dreams are for is for this stuff so back to this little cap here and I'll start my cell there's a fret inside of it it's all about trying to hold it in the light can you see the Fred I hope this is not right in your face um and there are some patterns up on top so let's start with the easy part we went over the new sketch up here and I'm just gonna select this face over here I could really select any other faces so don't you know there's no rules so click on the face and we're starting the sketch there I'm gonna hit C for circle and then I'm gonna make sure that is snap you see we have kind of like that Orton right there in the center I'll make sure I stop my my my sketch right in that audience see my cursor changes from a cross to a a square and I'm gonna left click it's not dragging out and that gives me that circle here you always want to make sure that well I should say not always but it's a 99 was in a time you want to put your first guess somewhere to the origin this one here is gonna be 32 millimeters in diameter I measured it so I'm gonna type that in hit enter and hit enter again just to verify it and you will see that the sketch is now black that's what we're gonna go for we're gonna talk more about constraints later on let's extrude this one so to extrude um right now it's just a 2d sketch right hold down shift in the middle mouse button it's just like this circle sitting on a on a plane there's not much exciting about that let's hit Q 4 press pool and now when I click that you will see we get this you get like a blue shadow again middle mouse button on my mouse and shift I can rotate around and you get like this error and I always drag the area but time I have an arrow I like to kind of like drag or whatever direction you want and let's give it some thickness in this case here at 18 millimeters type that in and hit enter okay so now we have kind of like the outside shape of our little cap here all right Kevin asks when you make a circle is there any event is to keep the line horizontal or vertical the line that shows the diameter no that's really just a that's really just a measurement if we go back in here you can go down oh so that's just probably that so we have the history down here right we're gonna go back that's all about moving around history if I right click on this so down here you have the sketch there was a circle and then the extrusion was turning it into like this 3d shape if you right-click on the scats and hit edit sketch we're coming back in here again and this dimension here showing that's one you talk about doesn't really do anything other than you a preference that this one is is 32 John is saying he wants try the slicer yeah it's a really cool tool a really cool app um I think I'm not sure who mainly I think it is internal Arbutus maybe Patrick bringing Sperry or some other very smart dude created all right let me get out of the scat so we have this this thing here so that's kind of like our first disc the next thing I probably would add into this thing is the actually thread that is in here and this you know I'm sitting United States so this is probably some kind of I don't know what you actually use you my garden hose in the United States probably something strange I don't know 7:3 I don't know but let's make a hole in here for for the threats I Mexican I almost do it like the same way you would if you were going to to make it that I'm gonna drill a hole there's different ways you can do this but I'm just gonna take the same approach as we just did before but now I'll bring my sketch okay I can actually do it this face I don't have to use we have that all you know if you remember to turn that back on I actually I could select that because it's sitting on the same area s as the face there's no advantages you use the plane over the face really unless you wanna start getting technical so I'm just gonna hit here on the create new sketch and select that face right there and now I'm kind of looking straight at that I'm gonna hit C for circle again and make sure that snap back into the center of the origin and move this one out and this one here I'm gonna make this 21 millimeters and hit enter to place that there so now we can't have that that's cats sitting right there now I'm gonna use that Q again because the press pull is smart right it knows we extrude it in one way if you pull in one direction then it becomes another solid as you can see here oh we can drag it the other way and then red and then it actually becomes a cut with the seeds red it's a cup now one thing I wanted to point out is that you could of course just drag if you drag it all the way through then you get a hole all the way through the part but I actually just kind of like wanted to stop in here somewhere there's different options in here now I remember that I extruded the first potion 18 so if I want to keep a a distance of let's say a thickness of two millimeters then we can quickly do the math and say that 16 would be would be the case here we could hit enter and now we have kind of like a a two millimeter wall in here like an X to go up here to the section analysis under inspection and if I select this plane in here you will see that we kind of get this this area here now I wanna talk later on about parametric modeling and and and some of some of the advantage of that if you're brand new don't get overly confused about what I'm going to show you next but I just want to show kind of like the possibilities in here so the way we did this was we extrude the first thing 18 the second 16 because we knew that one of the two millimeter thickness but if there is a design change let's say we go back into that first extrusion right-click and hit edit feature and instead of doing it 18 well let's do it um you know 28 for example so making it that much longer and and hit OK then you will see that our our extrusion now is still only 16 deep for go begging to do another section analysis you will see that now we got a much bigger thickness here there's nothing really necessarily wrong about this technique you could absolutely do this I wouldn't I mean I think that people spending way too much time and trying to do things absolutely right way but let me show you a little technique if we go back into our cut here to the hole where we did the calculation in our head are of two millimeters we could actually instead of saying a distance we could say to an object and if I select to an object that means that the hole depth is going to go to an object face and that could be this face here though that would create the hole all the way through but you could actually add a a distance in here and offset of minus 2 what will now mean that we have said that the cut the center hole will go to this back face offset by 2 now if I hit OK to that now it doesn't matter what I'm changing that first length to the 18 the 28 that will always now be a 2 millimeter thickness down in in the bottom so if you're brand spanking new if this is your first time your ever seeing fusion 360 don't panic about this don't you know think that oh my goodness how am I gonna contain all this you just need to be aware of that these things exist Kevin asked a good question any reason you didn't use the offset for the second circle so if we we can actually roll back here so down here the defeated sweet guy said grab right here not gonna move all the way back to kind of where I was in history when I did that circle so the way I did it was I said create a new sketch I clicked on this face I hit C for circle I created a 21 that millimeter diameter circle and that was what I extrude what Canada suggests is instead of doing this what I could do was I could actually go up and do an offset there's also off offset offset and I could offset this outer edge in to create that diameter so this would be just as well the reason that didn't do it Kevin was because I measured the hole and I measured to be 21 so that was the value I knew now I gotta start doing some math I gotta say that the outer diameter is 32 minus the 21 and well actually the 21 is that / - maybe it is all right now I'm gonna have to do math in here and I can't well yeah there will be so now it's an offset for diameter so it would be what will you do you will do brackets then Wow Kevin you make me work / - is that Alright it'll be - so - so you can get to show another great thing get it you can do math in here but fix became a lot of powder since the 21 but yes that's my only reason but we got to show you you can actually offset this guest geometry what many times is absolutely awesome over here it got me sweating a little alright get out of that get back to where we had our hole through here all right so um I hope this is useful you know you let me you let me know Cheers if you just join exhibit got a couple of people joining what meetup modeling up here is a little cap with a little bit of thread in it there's some pattern on the outside of it absolutely beginner here on the Facebook live stream so any questions throw them in there and we'll start answer them right out of the gate as we're going through this so don't hold back okay so now I want to talk a little I'm gonna turn the origin off so I'm gonna hit the light bulb up here just because the origin is a little bit in my way take that little light bulb turn that off now let's talk a little bit about threats so there's a really cool tool inside of fusion if you're gonna create as an area here call threats so you click on that and you will see that it asking for a face and we can select that face that we cut there now there's a couple of different options I want to talk to you about about this function first of all fusion tries to find out depending on the diameter you specified it's trying to figure out what fred is using so it knows I'm using metric you know that I used 21 so the exercise is to throw in am 28 6 class right in here but be aware that there's a lot of different options in here for example like pipe threats that might be actually good if you were if you were doing something something like this baby now there's a couple of other things I want to show you in here I'm just gonna leave these checkmarks up here right now and just hit OK to this and show you what we got what we actually have here hold shift' middle mouse button spin around is not a threat it is a bitmap or a picture to resemble the threat and this is something that can't companies have done ever since as far as I know and the reason for that is that you know when it comes to to fusion 360 or comes to a 3d CAD system a mechanical friend and a cat system one of these is important to remember is that it's a mechanical cad software it calculates absolutely everything that is going on and that's constantly making sure that everything is to the right size and you know this it's it's a watertight solids and stuff like that so what we use to experience in the olden days I got some gray hair was that as soon as you started doing like a real fret that became a lot of faces and it took the software a long time to calculate could really just slow it down you can probably still do that if you have like a big assembly with all kinds of threats into it so then it will show you this beer man but one of the neat things about in here is that if you're going to be right click and we're going to edit feature then we examine a box in here that is called model and you click on that and then fusion will actually provide you with the model friend and I one of the things I did I have a live stream I didn't YouTube about this and I'll be more than happy to share that if you send me an email us in your link I actually went in and I verified that this is the the right thread compared to like the machinist handbook so if specially somebody want to freely print this you probably still have to work tolerances on your machine alright a couple of questions here um got senior got robbed here so the awesome we got Steve what is the best way to put text on a curved surface yes I really think that I really hope that developers are probably working hopefully working hard on that right now Steve it's actually I feel like a little bit of a there's a way to do it but it takes a little bit of work around I don't want to dive down that hole right now Steve send me an email last night Krishna Cinderella's Escom and I'll definitely be happy to try to send you something on that Brandon is asking a good question any buzz around autodesk about npt threat support man I really wish that you know that is coming that it's coming too there is you know I think that everybody is aware of that that is something that needs to be to be supported better than it is right now so yeah I don't have any I don't have any update since probably since the last time I I spoke about it hopefully sooner or later another thing I want to show you in here is you will see that we have a checkbox here for full length if I uncheck that we actually get a couple of different options in here so we could actually stop playing with with the length of this so you see that it defaults to ten millimeters so if I hit OK to that you will see that the thread only goes ten millimeters down in here what is actually probably good with what we're modeling up here because we have like this flat washer that's gonna sit down in in the bottom in that so be aware of that option is in there way you can you can actually play around with with with the threat okay we gotta come back to the fret and a little bit later but let's just leave that leave that right that cool um all right hey I'm glad you understand Steve yes send me an email and I'll send you something on that we can sort more about exactly what what you're trying to do all right the next thing I wanted to let's just say Cheers the next thing on this part that I think is kind of interesting is these small steps that is up here on top so we can start like adding those and actually here's a good question are these are these bumps that is trying to get my camera focus but it's probably focus on my forehead is these bumps or are these slots I probably would think that they are slots I said the way I measure that they will be slots or shouldn't just ask the question all right so let's go back and look at that I would do that I actually think that this time so I started the first sketch on this face that sketch on this face here just because there's nothing on there maybe make a little bit easier so I'm gonna start another sketch and I'm gonna just start on this face here and click here and then we kind of normal to now here's a little trick that I sometimes do when I'm modeling things up I'm gonna model up one of these slots and and I'm just gonna go ahead and and cut one slot and then I'm gonna gonna kind of like patterning it around sometimes I'll just go up here and select like a - point of rectangle and I'll discuss the rectangle somewhere a little bit out of space like I know I wanted vertical but just kind of like getting it out here and then I can kind of stop I don't know somewhat working with it and thinking about where do I actually want it so I know that I want this rectangle I'm gonna hit escape you see how I have the rectangle command activated see I'm looking at my mouse right now if I hit escape that I'm out at it I get my white cursor again so I know I want to place this vertical over here so one triggers exit to create some helping to yawn which we should do that so I'm gonna go be in a hit line and I'm gonna make sure the line snaps into to the origin like I did before and I can just sketch a line like out in space and I do this sometimes just out in space hit the little green check mark I don't really care how long this part is and then what we will do is we will use these constraints over here to kind of tie things down along with some dimensions now the rule is to try to use as many of these constraints before you start using dimensions it just makes things a little less cluttered I always have a live stream on these so email me but one of my favorite ones and one of the ones that probably you should know about is the symmetry one so if I go over here and hit symmetry you will see that I get like it a little signature icon the way the symmetry works you gotta know the steps that's the hardest part is symmetry you select one point select the other point and then select the line and then they will now be symmetrical what means that if I drag this corner see how symmetrical right there um William is saying that you forgot to hit the axe yes I well I should or should i ha ha I don't know you be the judge what he means or a million means true is this line that I created is really construction geometry I'm not gonna use that for anything I'm going to use this rectangle for the cutout but this line here is really for reference so what you can do is you can either select the line and you can hit X on your keyboard and it turns into what is called a construction line you would actually see you can also do it over here so if I undo it again there's a line you can select the line and you can go over here and click construction this means that the line is not really used for an extrusion however it wasn't it was not because I forgot to do it but it's accessed fairly rare inside fusion where you actually need there to be a construction and now we maybe get a little bit more into best practices because if I knew that I had to share this file or somebody else somebody else maybe had to look at it I would do it as a construction because then when they look at it they're like oh this is just a reference line it doesn't matter but if you just modeling for yourself you actually don't need to make it into a a construction line and I'll show you by by leaving it undone here so you can see what I'm talking about but that's a good point William I eat that that's a good point okay so our rectangle is still blue and the easiest way when you're looking at a rectangle still blue easy way to find out what is wrong with is grabbing a corner hold down your left mouse button let's just stop dragging it around so a couple of things I can see is I don't have any width on it so maybe I want to add that so I'm gonna hit deeper dimension d4 I mentioned and just click on this line here and I get some kind of a time engineer I don't know how I want to make this one maybe we make it to okay so that will work like that now another thing we may be to do is we want to control the depth of this slop I'll show you a little trick with this so I actually want to dimension from this tendency of this art down to this line right here now if you just go ahead and you click on the look on the arc of the circle and on the line you will see that it default should be a center diamond dimension that's default now it could of course be used here but I really unlace II I really just want the tangency is I'm gonna escape to get out of this I really just want are the tangency up here so what you can do again I'm back to my white mouse cursor I'm gonna hit d4 dimension here's a trick I'm gonna right click right click and then I get pic circle arc tangent you see the default to Center so I'm pick tangency and if I select up here you'll see it actually get a little cross click on the circle there and click on the line and now I get a distance here okay let's make this just one okay now if i zoom out middle mouse button scroll middle mouse button you will see that we still have a blue line up here and if I drag I can still move it up and down the easiest way to work with this is exit just place some dimension it's not really important leave it I mentioned and then click on this line here and give that as I mentioned there we just leave it a three just to round it up now it's fully defined now now we are good to go okay so I'm gonna go ahead here and hit Q for press pool that sketch is sitting up there I'm gonna select C this is the difference now way I have that line going through William that now it kind of explicit geometry up to two but I can just click on those two edges and and then I can stop dragging this cut fruit now again I get the arrow I can drag on at that I can drink the other way it becomes a solid and no other kind of like going back to when we did the offset on the bottom of the hole here and other good practice is instead of having a distance and instead of going to object like we did before let's click all and what all means is that now that cut will go through this part no matter how long we make that first extrusion so all just means cut through anything so that makes it a little bit more helpful here all right David asks can you make rings and I'm not sure what the second part is to be honest David this is not my language I'm just trying to use it um yeah if you're gonna verify what that is okay so we have now one cut up but of course if you're looking at the part there's more than one there's a lot of them right all these bumps so any tool for that is using a tool called patterning so I'm gonna go down in the create and I know sometimes that you that you can it can be a little hard to find things in these drop downs I think it just takes a little bit of time to kind of like get used to it but under the create is where we have the patterning tool and we can going and we can do a circle of patterns now if I select circular patterns you of course get to stand a menu up here and you will see that there's different things you can pick in here you can pick faces but for this case if I select faces would mean that I would have to select these three faces what is not too much work right but I actually prefer whenever I can to select features and features is what we have down here in this history tree down here so if I select this feature that was to cut I don't have to select one and that is kind of verified like that shift middle mouse button to spin around so we selected what we want to pattern now is looking for an axis now you could select an axis like the blu-ray axes you see right here you can excel to just select an edge that's the same thing and that's just to go around and when you do that it defaults to three but I mean you clear the song on the little yellow thing I have here that we have more of three and then free I am NOT gonna count them but what happens if we put a thirty behind it that might not be too bad actually you kind of like get the shadow here by the way just a little added tip you see how you have all these check marks you could actually uncheck certain ones if there are certain ones you don't want pattern you could exit uncheck here and that will be eliminated from the pattern a little extra goody right there but let me just show you what we got here hit OK and now we end up with with kind of like a pattern on this thing now we're looking at this here it actually looks like they're a little wide a little deep well we can always go back to that original scats we had down here right click hit edit sketch and we can go back here and we can we can modify this so maybe we make this one millimeter wide and maybe only go a half a millimeter in depth hit OK and everything's gonna update and and that might look a little bit more in the room of what we want so looking at this here versus the real kind like the real deal right here okay we're almost done with this part there's a couple of things I want to show you about it that I hope is somewhat useful and this kind of goes back to in the beginning we were talking about rolling back in your history cheesy things can can can I blow up Oh so can you make rings and jewelry yes I've actually got some requests for that I think that's going to be a a live stream soon to do some some cool jewelry just don't show my wife haha can't afford that with a baby okay so one of the things when you're looking at this part that I wanted to talk a little bit about is that this part in the real world this would have broken edges on it right like it wouldn't be sharp or you would cut yourself normally there's a little rounded edges on this and I think I think it's got an email today asking me the difference between using fill its versus chamfers so what is around and one is a normally of 4045 degrees really comes down to what is the easiest to make so I would say on the outside here we probably use a fill it on the outside but you probably would under on this circle out here but you're actually probably use a a chamfer on on this inside here I Brandon is asking do you recommend using rectangular panel instead of a pattern on path for any straight line parent even if only parent in one direction so create pattern there is rectangular patterns and there is pattern on a path um you know I don't um that's a good question Brandon I mean good question I think that I would you you normally I have only used with ten color patterns whenever you kind of like gotta go in one direction I want to use going on in the path if I have like it like almost like the image is showing if you hover over but you know what I don't think I don't think it matters if you have a straight line and you just going to go in one direction I think panner on a path is this okay I think so yeah good question um oh thank you David yes we've got a a baby girl here 12 weeks old absolutely awesome with Kitson more kids love kids appreciate them alright so now when we're talking about adding and Enchantress in here there's a couple of different ways we can deal with this and fill it's one thing I wanted to show you is that if you go in and add a fill it to this Phillip would be a round you will see them when I click on that it's looking for an edge now it would be nice but if I go and I click on one adds then you will see that I get one fill it and if I gotta sit around here and select all of them you know I mean not that I have anything better to do on a Wednesday evening then sit and click but like I said before I really like to be to be lazy so what you can do instead is you need to be aware of there's some different selection tools up here what I can actually do and the easiest thing is actually to kind of like get on a the right view and I'm gonna be the right view I didn't mean the right right view I mean like being in in the right perspective to the part so like a side view I guess is what I'm trying to say and if I drag a window hold down the left mouse button to drag a window right over the edge you will see that hundred and twenty entities were selected hold down shift middle mouse button and there you will see we got all our edges so I could have got around picked out all of them but man that would have been there have been a 120 place let's add I don't know how I probably can't make it very big 0.5 maybe that's even too big point to so that would add a nice little fill around on this edge here now I have cars also want that's on the other edge you could use mirror so if you watch the livestream yesterday on YouTube you will see how we could exome mirror this feature this fill it over on the other side but I want to show you another trick with what I just did if I go back to the left here and I do what I just did before say I want to do a fill it and I drag another rectangle just making sure I get the edge now you will see that 121 is selected on this one and you're like wait a minute so if I hold on shifting Mouse put on spinning around you like to see that I somehow also got this ad selected in here like man what I'm gonna do now well you can actually hold down ctrl or command if you're on a Mac hold down ctrl and select dads and it will undo the selection so you get that so if you select something you can undo the selection by holding down ctrl and selecting and selected ads and it's unselected of course also select it again and it's add it to it so that's a little little trick that hopefully it's useful so now we can add this in here okay let's talk a little bit about going back into to the history of things so Oh Kevin asked a good question please remind us about the difference between left and right left to right to right to left dragged right to left left to right track yes it's just you and me sitting here to be honest with you I don't think I think I use cared for many years before I knew that there was a difference go figure so if I go in here let's see if it has a good way to show this let's go on the back view right here looking at this so and you know what I don't think Kevin I don't think it's like something that you have to like mask the master to remember because you know one works one way they all works you away if I'm going from left to right and look at the color of the rectangle left to right and hold on the left mouse button I'm just dragging and I let go here anything that was within the box has been selected so left to right everything that is within this box gets selected you can kind of assume and you can kind of see the blue from right to left and it doesn't really matter if you're going from the bottom up see the color change from from from left to right right to left see house yellow from from right to left it's everything it touches see how it selects everything okay so let me just open up a new part here so a new part and open up a sketch and let's do a couple of lines okay so let's do this so left to right anything that is within the box what means in this case nothing is within the box nothing gets selected but if we move over this line gets selected if we were over here those two get selected and so forth if we go the other way those get selected because they are it's touching that second line right there it's not enclosed where if I went the other way from here to here it would only be the center ones like that hope that was useful just one of those small tips good question it's one of those things okay whatever says did you say different color lines yes I did say that well my Canadian beard that's the that's the worst against maybe some Scots once in a while okay let's get back to let's get back to our project here so let's get back to the time line I want to add a chamfer to up here because I kind of like want to break these edges here now we already talked about selecting things so you could go in and let's go to a view here and look from the side you could maybe say okay if I can do this can I go to the chamfer tool and do a touch everything and and select what I get and you can see the select all the lines now you will also see a little mouse pointer spinning around that it did select something internal right but we just learned that if you hold down ctrl + Z if you just hold down control and we select the line that's been selected it gets unselected but there's probably more than one in here I would think it might actually work I read this friend so now we got hundred and twenty selected and I'm just going to try it I actually didn't try at this point one let's see if it will do that no so I selected other things probably it selected all these radiuses in here too so it selected everything things because I kept an s' okay now you got me this started to turn ten you chained off and let's try that again because maybe it X it would work on the right side here and let's just do ten things off do a selection like this and let's make sure we get those internal we don't want these hold down control and so like these two here and this is part of the the threat right here right so I got to kind of like just move around with that for a second make sure I get the right one holding that controls I'm on selecting these circles I want to show you a better way to do this in a second but no I just thought okay let's try to make that point one let's see if it will solve it see it also select the bottom so now that's exit I only want the top okay I'm gonna abandon this because it doesn't look like it can't do it okay so you could have thought you wanted to do this but I clearly I can't do it right now here's the way I would do it don't forget about this history tree down here we can roll back right this this captures everything so we can go all the way back to where we started with our disk you can go back to putting our whole putting in our thread and so forth that means we can also get back to this point where we have our extrusion right here then we exuded all the way through so now I can work with this timeline here I can work on this so if I go in here and I select a chamfer and I select those two edges I want and make them I don't know point 1 and that's a nice little chamfer and I hit OK to that then that is added you will see though that when I go to my my pattern that they are only on that first one that we just added to is none of the other ones well that's not cool well that's because we just got to add it to that so if you're going to hear me right click it added that patterning feature and remember there's only one object selected we could now hold down control you should be able to gonna be able to hold on control I had features that's why and select the extrusion and select the the chamfer so those two are selected and hit okay and then everything will update and get that on so that's one of the ways you can go back to your history tree I can move through the whole process here and we are back to where we were before by the way we had to fill this and now we have these these chambers on here now another thing that I probably would do to this part is actually a chamfer on the threat to you normally don't have a shop and a threat or you will pull the thread out do the same thing we can move all the way back in the history tree and this is how I would do it to where the right before the threading and we could go in and we could add a chamfer on this edge and I don't know how big we can make this one and when I hit okay that will update with with the thread here and we will get that chamfer displayed on the projects these updates next it makes it a little bit bigger because the software is looking at the diameter it actually changes the inside diameter I made this whole 21 but because we selected the diameter in the MIS go back to that in the threat in here because we specified this size fusion actually changes the hole to the correct size so just be aware of that that's the way it should be doing so if you're looking at this Fred you think that's absolutely ridiculous that is why let's make a litte bit smaller and you should see now that we get some kind of a more decent feeling on on that from that diet they're one of the questions we got four million was I think was posing but we ask the question things blowing up down here and I've actually got a live stream on that and normally what happens is that if you start seeing yellow and red marks down here you should really stop what you're doing and try to figure out what's going what's going on about it many times it's a smaller thing as going into a sketch like this sketch here where we did the rectangle and you maybe just have to reattach something let's say that we we did something where suddenly this half a millimeter dimension comes from this diameter here right if we certainly did something we made this into a hexagon something crazy then fusion could leave the reference right so that so that dimension that's normally what happens when you see things going yellow down in the tree and I will you know go back and actually if something breaks you can right-click on it and it says in here what's wrong and it gives you a pretty good indication of what is wrong with that okay so they text it to about the hour the last thing I'm gonna do through this part here is I am going to right click out in white space and I'm going to change the appearance of this because anything in fusion comes in as metal what is fine but this was Pink's the plastics I'm going to click plastic I'm just gonna change the color here to a plastic gloss yellow is five and you can either drag it on the part are you going to drag it right up here and it changes the color of it doesn't do anything other other than then that's so that was what I really had planned on showing in in this hour for for absolutely beginner I hope that this was was useful we definitely got to a hammer through some some different different things in there thanks to you guys and your great questions are truly truly appreciate you guys taking the time to join these live streams and if you're watching watching the recording of course watching the recordings I know good enough you know if you're sitting in Europe right now you should probably be in bad right yeah so I hope that this one was good I hope that you learned a couple of tricks something about the fretting we did some clearances in the back we talked about some pairings and again I just want to say that you know if if you're brand new to fusion and you feel this is very old whelming don't sweat it man like take this if there was things in the air that you felt like was way over your head just see it as like good information to know about for later on we will be doing another one of these tomorrow doing a cam one on your tube but next Wednesday same time 8 p.m. Eastern who will do another part we'll break it into the into this absolute beginner stage so here was kinda like the pipe we started out like a little cap for a garden hose and and here is the finished part of modeling something up with some so pattering on it some fill it some chamfers that is about it folks I am going to end unless somebody unless somebody has one last question cuz again this is what we're trying to do with these absolute beginners it's just any questions ask me and we'll fire it off take less of my beer call it a Wednesday night all right guys for watching recording thing is so much for you guys took the time to join the live stream really appreciate it if you like this thumbs up if you don't be honest man put thumbs down we're just trying to add a little more value to your fusion 360 bait until next time folks hope you have an awesome awesome date thank you so much and take care
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 80,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Tutorial, Absolute Beginner, Beginner, akn_include, CAD, 3D Printing, 3D Modeling, Hose Cap
Id: 0uD9P_Ee1eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 43sec (3643 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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