Fusion 360 Absolute Beginner - How To Model a Funnel - Last Nights Facebook Livestream

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how are you doing happy Wednesday everyone it is Wednesday evening it is 8 p.m. here in western New York what means that I open a beer today it's just you and me doing some fusion 360 specifically with these Facebook live streams at Wednesday's 8 p.m. Eastern that you can ask any questions in regards to fusion you want doing the the live stream and I will stop whatever I'm doing and answer them that's a little bit different then the night since I'm doing in YouTube I'm kinda like going for 30 minutes trying to you know add some value to your fusion experience but here any questions just ask them in the comment area and I'll stop whatever I'm doing and answer them today we're gonna continue down some products that I have model incredibly a few of but it great beginner parts and that is from an arrow press but it's kinda like a coffee maker this here is a funnel that you can use when you're making your coffee with this arrow press system so I thought that that would be a good one for us to tomorrow love you will see that there's some we're gonna use some different techniques in here that it's interesting see we got John here see ya so um this one here well we're a star right this is always the interesting thing when you when you start modeling things up inside fusion 360 is easy enough to know where the heck you want to end up but where where should you start see we've got Mike here - whatever good you have you here Mike from Canada it's good to see you Matthew awesome cool so um yeah where should you start with a pot like this I have a tendency to start I think it says the easiest place but is probably this cylinder shape here and what I'm actually gonna do is I'm gonna model the entire outside up and then we're gonna talk about how to do the inside policy so enough of me on the camera hope you're sitting down relaxing again any questions just put them in there and we start talking about it all right so we got robbed here - good to see you man love it thank you so much taking time so on these live streams on Facebook I like to start out with a clean slate so this is fusion 360 how most people have downloaded it and if your regular to these live streams you know what I want to do next there's two things I like to do with Fusion when I start out in the beginning one is I like to go up to this view cube up here and I right-click on it and I changed you either have it an orthographic or perspective and I change it to perspective with although faces I click on that one so now if I right-click on it again you can see that that is checked see we got Christian here and the only eyes that look yeah and three so we got a couple people from camera that's awesome so you know us Nordic and Canadians we will go together and so I change that and then down here you have like this grid button click on that I like to change down here to turn off layout grid and snap to grid can be kind of nice too to turn it off I think that's kind of like one of the things that I normally do mike is asking me where my where my beer is well Mike I brought it and it's Canadian too so so that's good alright so clean slate let's start out so like I said before you know whatever you use trying to model something up like this try to kind of like maybe stop like I said that's the normal stuff with a simple thing but then break the pot into different sections kind of like in your mind all these this is what helps me so we got a cylinder part here we're going to model up then we got this hexagon shape you will notice on the side here that it has a little bit of a straight area hope you can see that before it kind of like funnels into this so that's what I'm kind of like gonna stop modeling up here now I took some dimensions will not burn use that I put on a piece of paper see my this is why I use CAD because my drawing skills are horrendous so let's start off with the head surface yeah we so gonna go up and create a new sketch and you got to select some kind of a plane to do it on and I'm just gonna select the bottom plane here and I'm gonna hit C for for circle and open that up there and we're gonna make that 48 millimeters in diameter we're gonna do this in metric so hit enter twice so we get that diameter Christian has possible just set it by default so it always is on the perspective mode you know what I'm pretty I'm I'm 99% sure that if you if you set it to perspective with all the faces and you you save you go out here and you click the drop down over here and you you save out I don't know if you have to save the file I think you have to save the file out then it will stick so normally will stick I just what I do before every live stream on Facebook is that going to the preferences and I say restore the defaults just so I'm starting out like with a great so if you check it to that then it should stick as soon as you you save out okay so we have a circle and I hope that answer your question Christian if you set it and you save out a close out fusion it should be good so now we're going to extrude that and I like to get cue for the press pool command and it goes like that diameter and we're just gonna give it a kinda like a length of 38 that is the 38 is the distance from the bottom and also kind of like this in a section of that's going to be a radius here now the next thing we got them we got to do it seems like that maybe logically would be to kind of like work from this area up till the hexagon but it's actually what we're gonna do is we're gonna laughs we're gonna use a lot of function between the round cylinder up to the hexagon so I'm actually gonna jump on purpose I'm gonna jump up and start working on the top surface this hexagon up here so what I did was I measured this with you and I know that the high D is 78 inches now we have right now the 38 up here so 2 up here so what I'm going to do is I am going to create like you click on the origin up here we have the origin I'm just going to rotate the model around hold down shift and middle mouse button we have an origin where we have a plane that we sketched our first sketch on now I would like one that is 78 and millimeters up here so to do that I am going to say offset plane I'm gonna select that plane and I every time I get an error like this I just like to drag it in the direction I want and I'm gonna make that 78 millimeters up there and hit OK so I kind of created a new plane for me to just to sketch up oh so my guess is a good question is it a good practice to start with a new component yes if if this was going to become an assembly with multiple parts then it would be a good idea to start out with this is a new component so what Mike is talking about is that if there's something called rule number one that somebody had named it let me just open up a new design up here so now we have a blank design so rule number 1 says is before you do anything in here you should right click up here and say create new component Oh you could exhales just play up here create a new component in here and then start modeling within that component part of this the reason for this is to make sure that if you have an assembly with multiple components in it that this history that we are getting down here in the bottom is placed in the right order the problem if the way I did it here was I did not create a new component because this is not an assembly this one part but if I suddenly were gonna make this into an assembly the history in here would not go into if I created any new components I've made a couple of other videos on this so if you want to dig deeper into this cemani male and you know what I'll put my email address right in the chat here Christensen at autodesk.com and I can refer you to some of these videos with the rule number one with creating that color so our answer my questions I don't do that if I know that this is just gonna be one one component and he said you got Isaac here good to see you so John is asking can you speak to how you decided what plane to select your starts its select your starts cats well I kind of like I said in the beginning I have a tendency to sometimes stop with the easiest part but I think was when I was kind of like thinking of when I when I started this design I looked at this and I was like okay you know what could I the cylinder made made sense and whenever you're starting out in a new design remember that there's only two places you can sketch it's either on a face all on a plane and since we don't have a face in yet we can only sketch on a plane and that would be that origin plane now if you selected this plane but it's kind of like the top or the front plane I'm going by what this organ says up here alright plane and there is no rules for this now I have seen people argue about you know start your sketching the wrong plane people that's the saying the view looks looks different now the way I have it because I started on the top plane of course here in isometric view you're kind of looking at the pod as if I was kind of holding it up somewhat like this in an angle a little bit right so that's what makes sense about starting on the top plane but I will know what to tell people don't worry too much about that because again there is there is no rules for that and you can actually change the what is top up here so if I had to sign this on the wrong or the not the wrong frame because there's no rules let's just in the new design here let's create a new sketch on this face for example it's c4 circle and what did I make that one I made that one 48 right and then I shooted it out I figured it out 38 so what we have in this design is the cylinder going this way and in this design it's going this way if you compare to the top now if you suddenly you know somebody came to you and was crying that they don't want it like this they want it like this first of all tell them that there is no rules okay but secondly you can exit go so you can go over here and click on the right view and then it will make it normal to that right view if you click on it then you can actually right click right here and you can actually say set current view s top so right now it's the right you kind of see that's the right if I right click and I said curve through the top notice what happens now it's the top so I actually kind of like just flipped it it around so now it is the same as our the original design right here so I hope that answers your question John and all we did up here was kind of like just change the camera angle we didn't move the model around as well think about like you're looking at model with the video camera and you just kind of change the perspective so I hope that that made sense all right so what else we got we got Darren here good to see you Darren if I'm so mad asks if I priority design things to cut on a plasma table should I do my design in sheet metal versus in model that's a good question Matt she is on that I think that and this is just my personal opinion if you don't have to flatten anything then if you get your parts already flat now or you're cutting parts on your plasma table that don't need any folding then I would not go into going to sheet metal at all I think is great if you have if you have bands you know you can design you ain't clothes your sheet metal enclosure and then you can flatten it out and get that to to the to the plasma table either by saving dollars DXF of going through the cam infusion but so that depends on like if you have to flatten it yes do it in sheet metal you know sometimes if you do do sheet metal parts then in sheet metal you can actually kind of like create the bend lines you know you can kinda like edge them so that could be helpful so yeah depends what are you doing uh Maggie's asking do you tend to use parameters on your models I have started using them and find them super useful for making quick changes especially if you will be doing 3d printing and needing to make tweaks Lord so I did a livestream today on YouTube exactly on that I Tenten I tend not to the only times that I really have done it but where I found it extremely useful is if I had to present my design in front of a customer but I didn't in the past I didn't do really parts where there would be all the changes then maybe go to a customer and show them the model and like do we want to buy it or we want to taller then parameters works well now definitely if you're doing 3d printing and you're running into to do that kind of changes yes parameters are awesome like I said I did do a live stream exactly today you can find it up on YouTube oh and there's excel so here on the Facebook screen to where I talked about do using parameters and if you have if you can't find it or whatever send me an email and I'll send you a link to to that video that's definitely something that can be extremely powerful yeah this I don't see any downfall in using parameters other than you if you're deciding gets too big you might get confused but that's not with you fusions futures fault all right so Mike says you don't want to make the five hundred dollar mistake yes that's that's that that's a good thing my firearm dollar mistake I've made a couple of videos about that heaven and embarrassing okay so again I love this throw the questions in this is exactly what this is about any questions you have throw them in there we try to to answer them that is wins the evenings with beer what it's about okay so and I really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch these so it would be just be boring doing them all by myself so we're mark this up now and now we're ready to so I remember I made it seventy seventy eight millimeters from here to here this plane is here so we're gonna start sketching this hexagon up on this top level here now in olden days I would well we got to open a sketch on it no matter what you might have had a tendency to start drawing with lines kind of like the the hexagon up here you can do something you know whatever kind of like floats your boat to make that hexagon like this and then you could huh that's not pretty then you can start using all the constraints over here dimensions and all that stuff to em so actually make it a polygon or hexagon whatever you want to call it and do control Z that's undo ctrl Z you can Excel so hip right up here undo and you will undo back and by the way here's a really neat function if you click on that little arrow next to it look at how you can see the previous commands that you can undo back and then you can of course also go forward so now over here in the sketch drop-down there is a polygon tool that will do exactly what I was just trying to do and that brings me up to like if you're new to Fusion um I think you know we get so eager to try to put something on the screen quick and many times you miss that some of these tools works and and the reason I'm saying that is this polygons I used to use SolidWorks and it was actually exactly like that at one time I had to do a polygon I drew it up line by line and somebody was like why didn't you just use the polygon tool and then never knew that that was hiding in there so slowing down a little bit when you're working and kinda like maybe just explore some of the different tools that s in here can really really help you out so not a $500 mistake but it may be looking a little silly so we're gonna select the polygon tool especially because I was the teacher so the polygon tool here look at my cursor and see next to you I get a count I get that polygon tool here so I'm gonna click on the center of the circle here and I left click once I'm gonna move it out and I get a well this is actually a radius dimension to show up here on this and I actually mention it as a diameter of s across two flats at 104 being aware of that in here in these dialog boxes you see the two two forty two point four eight eight you can't actually do math so if I type in 104 and then / - he will next to give me the right size so I'm just going to hit enter here so now 52 you probably could have done that math now this one is blue 500 mistakes there Mike is talking about is we always need to fully define our our sketches and they need to turn black so the easiest way whenever you're looking at a sketch like this and you're thinking well why is it blue why is it not black the easiest thing is to move your cursor over on a corner hold on your left mouse button and drag your mouse and it will show you so this here shows me that you know I can't move it away from the center where I clicked 252 but it will spin around so I got it I gotta work on that now one thing I produces these constraints over here and I can go over and say I'm gonna take this line here and I'm gonna say what I want to make it a high song rule right here click here and you will see that now it gets this high song symbol it is now fully defined in black now just to show you what I just did I'm gonna rotate the view a little bit I'm gonna hold down shift middle mouse button and kind of move my mouse so now you can kind of see how that that hexagon or polygon we're going to call a sing up here on the seventy eight millimeter place and this is not uncommon when you're working inside off fusion that you will create a new plane an offset plane to sketch something something else on and now we eggs are gonna work this way down to kind of connect connect the two so I hope that that kind of makes sense like I said earlier remember you can only sketch and either a face or a plane so if you don't have a face to sketch on many times creating a plane and you have all different kinds of options in here that will will help you creating somewhere where you can sketch that to happen to all of us where you us you getting kind of like stuck and you're not quite sure you know how should I proceed many times it's just because you don't have the right plane I have made a couple of videos using these different planes so if you're looking for some feedback on that let me know okay so now we're ready to extrude this one so we have kind of created that sketch now I know that there's all kinds of radiuses and fill that's on there we're gonna we're gonna work on those in a little bit but what I'm going to do is we're extrude this without ten millimeters I like that a little straight portion right there so I'm gonna hit it over here and hit Q and then we can either go this way and this way and this is why I like to to drag because as soon as I drag it down here you would actually see that it shows we are - if I just typed in ten it's actually going the wrong way it's supposed to be minus ten this way here and I'm just gonna hit OK to that now something interesting have happened right now and that is we've actually created what is called a multi body by having two bodies in here some people will tell you right now that you are working in an advanced environment now so we got this here now we cannot gotta make that transition between this face and and from from the polygons to that round face and for that we're gonna use a command called a loft now if you've ever seen me use the loft I have always used two sketches one in one end and one in the other end but you actually don't need any sketches it will actually also work between just faces what is pretty awesome so if I select our bottom face here hold down shift middle mouse button to scroll around and select this other face here you will then see that we get shift middle mouse button a nice transition between the round and the hexagon now you will see that it creates a point and each hexagon because it's kinda like gotta break down the geometry now be aware of that is a lot of great options over here that you can you can work with so right now now that may last me about this - there's something called g0 g1 g2 it really means how it interacts let me go tangent and you will kind of see how we suddenly get a tangency between this cylinder and this cylinder so just be aware of that some things you can tweak in here but we're gonna leave it right now just being straight out of the box pick the two faces and leave it a d-cell and hit okay and you know something that for many people think you know seem a little like how the heck would I ever do that but the law of command in here is really really nice last Wednesday we talked about the revolve command to make the screwdriver so that was another kind of like some of these tools that does some magic right now okay so we kind of got this created here now I might be ready to concentrate a little bit on the cutting out the material in the center so this is actually I think a pretty good tip if you're brand new to fusion ArchiCAD in general is to start out making kind of all your solids and then you can come back and do all your cutouts like you're gonna cut out the center of this one and then in the end you could put all all your feelings however I'm gonna show you a trick about that in a second okay so now what we have we gotta make a hole through this one I'm gonna introduce you to another command that is really nice so you're getting kind of like two cool commands tonight and that is this shell command right here now what the shell command does is that if you select a face then it would hollow anything out to a specific thickness let me show you so if I click on shell and I click on this top face and then it asks you if you want to put in some kind of a thickness now I know I want this one three millimeters so I'm gonna type that in and notice shift middle mouse button how it literally cut everything out and made a a wall all the way through here and that is three millimeters I'm just hit okay for a second I go up here to create a section analysis so you can kinda like see it a little bit better if I cut through here so you will see that it creates a three millimeter thickness all the way around and almost does what I want because I actually also want the bottom to be too you know to be gone so one of the things that is interesting about the shell command is that if you select two faces then they will both be be changed however you cannot select the second face if you already have put in a a dimension in here if you already have a thickness in that you don't want to take it because then the calculation already happened so turn it back to zero click on that second face and now I can make it three millimeters again that's like one of these small tricks that I guess you know how would the heck would you know it but now selecting the to face is the top and the bottom and then put the thickness and we just made a cool cut out fall for this pretty cool we're pretty close to so almost being being done with this one so she is on that now the next thing when we're looking at our funnel here is there's no sharp corners on this one it's very smooth and that is all kind of been done with Phillips now this part have different types of sizes of fill that's on it I had to try to measure them I'm just gonna kind of like wing it I guess but what we can do here is we can go in and and add fill it's now the filler command is sitting right up here in Monda modify called fill it or you could also hit the F key on your keyboard right all right mike has says my bro pretty cool right a few stabs and we created that funnel now let's add some fillers to it so I'm gonna select fill it and just for the matter of kind of like showing you something I'm gonna go ahead and select all these different lines I'm just gonna hold shift' middle mouse button I'm gonna select all these different lines right here and that's different ways we could select these but I just want to kind of like show you going around here selecting these Phil it's here and then we're just gonna give that one size fill it like this this this one this one and this one so I kind of selected everything there in in light blue going around it and I'm gonna give it I don't know this is where we could start playing around with this one a little bit right so maybe we give it a 10 and see how that looks like so that might might look pretty good I'm gonna hit enter so here you can now see that we get some field now something happened right there so that was not too good let me go back in and edit that feature did I select something different ha I didn't think I did oops oh maybe I did haha woops woops II said so like these here let's go see if this was something that I did wrong Oh see how I don't want to do it right here so I'm thinking that maybe 10 is too big okay so this is the wonderful thing with with live streams right so let me just try I'm not gonna quit on this I'm not a quitter let's just see here if I'm missing something select all these yeah see it does generate something isn't that alright so something is that's interesting that it does that there now if it does something like that for you what I would recommend you're doing is actually going in and maybe stop bringing the filler down into two sections because Phil it's you know you know what I used to work on the shop floor we would always just be like just put a filler on that right but the truth is that in real world there's a lot of calculations going on in here that could that could mess with that so let's just try to go in and and and break the filler up and instead of applying it on everything I'm just gonna break it into a couple of different features here so this is you know this is just to show you that you know also I sometimes by having some interesting things so right now it looks uniform so it looks like it's working right now so it's gonna go ahead and do another fill it now you'll see that I'm now getting extra extra options down here so you know let's see see see we can do this maybe I'm just so like maybe I didn't select it I don't know it looks like that becomes big there's definitely some interesting development happening when we do it right there huh not sure I like how that looks that's an interesting development that looks a little bit better okay enough with this I seem you got a couple of comments oh we got Dave David is here good to see David got Ron here good to see you Matthews yeah ah there was a trick there with selecting the two phases for the shell command awesome alright so Mike says I missed one probably you know sometimes I know it's late at night right alright goodly you guys are more weight than I am appreciate that so we got to hung here all right Jordan donating right do you have a video that covers resizing things after you have sketched them up for example if I use either four lines to make a square or use a two-point rectangle and realize that use the wrong dimensions and need to adjust them well you can't go back into the sketch itself and adjust it right so right now we have this whole thing model up here if I suddenly realize that you know this diameter down here what's gonna be smaller I would just have to go back down here in the history right click on ask s and it's controlling that and he'd added and it will bring me back to so that point in history tree with the with the 48 the other thing I mean there's different options in fusion depending on what you're doing Jordan that that you can use that you could actually also again this is a little advanced maybe you could hit Q and when you select this face it actually becomes an offset face and I've got actually now manipulated make it bigger or smaller these feel of Mike some issues but that's another another option in their access thing that just yep so so yeah there's a couple different ways to to do that I hope that that I hope that that make sense all right so I I just wanted to show up something here with all my my affiliates so talk about this history stream sex is good you brought it up Jordan you know I think this is one of the things that it's important to know how things kind of works because down here we can grab left mouse click and we can drag kind like this timeline back you can hit the arrows down here can click through so we kind of like reading the first cats we extruded that up we created an offset face you can't see that there's that offset face 78 up if you just joined us we scared whoops the wrong button now I hit the wrong button I we sketched a hexagon polygon up on that area and then we extrude it that the 10 millimeters down towards the round 1 then we use the cool lofting function to kind of combine the two without using any sketches just the faces and then the cool options of selecting the top face and the bottom face was shelled that whole thing out and now I have just added I ended up bringing this down it's a free different fillings to add some some nice radiuses to the part here now see you got a couple Chris maybe just show you something cool here so what happens down it is history tree whatever happens down that history tree happens in all so it's literally and this is not all cat software kind of work like this so everything is exactly the way that you build it in that history tree and you know that can be a really great power to know you have because if we go back and we look at this if we bring it to this stage right here well let's bring it to this stage right we we had our we had our loftware all free components everything looked looked great then I shelled it out right everybody's with me now I actually also wanted to add Phyllis to the inside of this it's not just the outside that offense but so far I've only added outside fillers to it well this shell command when we using the shell command the way it works was we could you know that I've always said it eight times now sorry I repeat myself we select at the top and the bottom but what the software really does is it looks at the outside shape to be able to create the inside shape let me repeat that when you're using the shell command it's looking at what is on the outside to try to bring it inside so now where we are now where we added all these fillings what would happen if we dragged the shell command in front of the fillings see what just happened I brought the shell command from behind we fall the fill is still after the fillings and I ended up taking all those filled as we put on the outside and it's just like that just like that I I got it inside of the inside of it so let me just repeat that the way we build it up it fall what's this I had all my shells I did my shell and we think was good then you watch me and I struggled picking all these outside edges to put fillers on it well my next step would may be to do the inside but if I drag the shell command ahead of the Phillips then the shell command will look at the outside and mimic that on the inside so that is one way that you can that you can kind of maybe cheat the system a little bit and and you can create something something like this all right I think I maybe just missed a couple of questions here so let me just see if I can scroll back know if I can scroll back oh yes again good hmm have a sip of my Canadian beer all right ha ha Stefan well I'm sorry about your back man I'm glad you're here but David um I'm looking forward to see you sending me your funnel all right Millia I'm amazed of how simple and clearly lost appreciate a man thank you so much that means the world to me Jordin I tried to editing the sketch with a limited success yeah you know what Jordin I think you know Mike was referring earlier to my $500 mistake earlier in the livestream and that was that was why I had a really hard time when I started with care of figuring this whole thing out about sketching something up and then extruded into a 3d shape I got that but the whole sketch environment was really confusing to me and I decided that that whole thing about turning your sketches from blue to black by fully constraining them was freakin a waste of my time I had stuff to do I'd have time to wait for that kind of stuff and that ended up being the famous five hundred dollar mistake that I that I made so I think it's definitely the hardest thing to get over when you start working with Fusion is kind of like this sketching thing and I'm sadly enough it's the first thing you kinda like got a deal with but yeah keep on going on and keep on trying if you have any questions you know you should know where to up where to reach me okay all right do you have a video on panning and zooming you do it so much smoother than I do Matt actually I do have one on panning and zooming again you can send me an email I send it to you how I do it and I think that Stefan said that you know you can do that with these speedy mices exits today I am just spinning around with shift middle mouse button so this is the same thing as you I'd try to do that on Wednesday evenings it's a bit more fun when I've had a beer um but normally I'm using one of these devices and they are pretty expensive I'm actually doing a review for one of their other devices right now that's going to come out in the video soon this is a little bit more affordable really does pretty much the same dang thing so what's up for for that video all right yeah it's a company called 3d connection I love them outside in 3d connection I love I love these devices I will say if you only you know playing around with care for an hour or two you know a week or something I don't think you need to buy one to be honest I'm just gonna say that straight out but if you are doing a lot of CAD or if you just like cool toys 3d connection makes some really really good really good stuff okay so a couple of more things also what other thing I want to do too through this model here is I want to put a fill it on the top here and on the bottom that's actually what we had that three millimeter thickness so just go up hit fill it and if you select the outer edges like this and half three millimeters is one and a half you should actually does a pretty good almost like the inside too so you know you can't select it because you got a dimension in that well what if it's like three you actually get a whoops you get a nice fill in there let's do it so zero and then go up here and just select the inside of it and I want to like this too just to kind of like finish that off there okay so 1.5 and that gives you a really nice full fulfil it some other cats isn't that I work with could not handle this they can't many times can't systems this is an important things just for you to know for your reference let's just turn the origin off for your reference to know that CAD systems in general you don't like zeros so if like true line needs it's two lines meets and an intersection or something like that can't system has a terrible terrible handling but I think this is pretty good now I know that these lines sands out I could exhaust put a full round on here I know that these lines stand out a lot but remember that in when we're working as out of fusion we're normally with you know hidden lines showing you can do that down on the display to go to visual style and only we have shade of a visible edges on normally if you're looking in real life you like to see it you know as a shaded so that will be a little bit more realistic I do always model both shaded with visible edges you just gotta remember that it looks a lot I would say worse or whatever whatever it is now what else so if you have one of these currents of air oppressed sorry funnels I don't want to leave this out you will see that there is three three tabs on this I don't leave those out now so to model those we're gonna do something pretty neat here we exit gonna go back into what we already kind of used shift middle mouse button we can rotate it around here I'm actually gonna create well so here's the thing about that the thing is that these as you can see start up here somewhere where it is 20 millimeters off or something and then they go up till this surface up here and they have some good radiuses on it too there's three of them so let's stop modeling one of them up now I'm gonna use another offset plane oh this is not right in your face I'm gonna you - no offset planes I'm gonna take that plane we have down here and I'm gonna offset an officer I can start sketching out there so let's do that so I can serve my origin Bagon right sitting right over here on the light bulb see if middle mouse button rotate around a little bit and I'm gonna do an offset plane I'm gonna select that bottom plane down there and if you drag the arrow then you can kind of see see that we're gonna make it twenty millimeters hit okay so now I have another plane construction plane sitting right in here right in there so when it's not a sketch on that gonna say create sketch some nuts like in the bottom I'm selecting that one that is five millimeters inside of the part and you will see in a second what I'm kind of like what I'm doing now looking at my part here I noticed that this tab is in line with this but if you look inside of fusion you will see the right now that up is kind of here now I could stop sketching it over here sideways but somehow in my vision I want to make some kind of a stuff up here you can actually go up here and this some arrows up here on the viewcube if I click on this arrow right here you can actually rotate it around so if you didn't know that that might be a pretty good tip okay so let's start sketching a little bit of a rectangle that kind of like goes up here so you could either use the two-part rectangle but I'm actually just going to do a couple of lines I'm going to click here and as I'm going in here actually going to snap to kind of like this the diameter we have and I'm just going to sketch a line that goes up over and - not where I wanted now I did this on purpose you see that hit escape to get out of the line command you will see that we got a vertical here but I didn't get one heel it means that if I move this around you can see that this is not great so I'm gonna fix that first hitting the the constraint over here select this line and that becomes straight now of course now you notice that dang thing is not Center so I'm gonna show you one of my favorite commands now if you're brand new this might be going a little fast come back and re-watch the video it would also be up on YouTube over the weekend if you can't find it here on Facebook so I'm gonna go up and create another line draw a straight line up here and I'm gonna place that line at the green check mark let's finish the line so we have a line right here one of my favorite constraints over here is down at the bottom it's called symmetry now the symmetry I select symmetry the way it works is select one point and another point and then a vertical line and bam now these two are symmetrical okay so now I can just add the dimensions I want so D on the keyboard for dimensions and I don't know what we should make this one I've no idea six maybe and how it's all we're gonna make it fall I'm just making this up right now um I said let's make it three so it goes down through this area here so let me just shift middle mouse button to rotate around if I can get it right and and notice that we are sketching here right we on that twenty millimeter area so I hope that that makes sense now let's hit Q for press pool select the two halves and if I move this way you will see that now it becomes a a solid you know I picked up my 3d mouse that is a test and and messed up my orientation this is how I moved my freedom house uh so I'm not gonna do it but I just wanted to get it over here so I'm sketching on that 20 millimeters now I wanted to go see how it changes to red that means it's gonna be a cut I wanted to go up here so instead of doing a distance that's what we're doing right now you see how by default is a distance it will just go however long we want we can go in and say instead of distance up to an object and we can select a face and it will actually be smart enough shift the middle mouse button to move it up and match it just hit okay so that to to that face there so that's how we can create one of those now I actually want three of them so I want to mole I could sketch them up all you could go over and use in the create drop-down go down click pattern and a circular pattern will take this one I'm just gonna select the faces of it so I'm gonna select the faces of our pot here like that so I select the faces see over here the four selected it's looking fun X's to rotate it around and when it's like the green axis because I want to through the center of the cylinder here and by default it gives you three it's just my lock that that's what we want hit OK and we now just got the other three placed here now two more things to do - this one is too so maybe add some fillers to this one now again we could have done that before we did the circular patterns of course and it's selected and then they will go they will go all the way around but pretty much following the same pattern as I did before go to the modify fill it and you could select the different axes of the different sorry edges you want these edges it's late do right if we selected these here and I don't know how big we want to make them maybe one gives us a nice little radius on that so and they a little bit bigger than we have in the mother model but the last thing I'm gonna do to this part here is I'm gonna change the appearance of it so I'm gonna right click out in space and I'm gonna go to the appearances and this is really just to make it look right now by default few should always start out as steel but this is clearly plastics I'm gonna go down to plastic and there's some different types of plastics and you can go out and play with all these different ones I'm gonna just make it black since I want the whole thing black I'm just gonna drag left mouse click and drag the appearance up on top of the steel and you will now see that we kind of get this plastic funnel modeled up here I think that looks pretty decent right like if you wanted to freely print your own version of this then you definitely you should be you should be pretty close I think now one thing I normally don't do in these lab streams but what I probably should have done was you just save this as we have have been going along so let's definitely make sure you save this right now so I'm gonna click Save icon up here the floppy disk and you can of course choose where you want to leave it in what folder and then you should give it a name pot number whatever whatever you want and hit save and it now has been saved as a version zero because I didn't save it prior to this so now if you hit a little nine squares it will it will appear over here and now it's saved so with that I exit what I'm gonna do turn through now I haven't tried this before I'll right click on this and I'm gonna say share public link this is the way I share let me just do that a little slower this is how I share anything with anybody else go over here right-click share public link this dialog comes up I trigger the first one and then you will get a URL where you can download this funnel now you can if you want to put a password if you click over here you can put a password on it but I'm just going to click copy and let me just go over to the live stream over here and paste it in and I don't know if that's gonna show up in in the last oh I missile yep it shows up right here and you can now see that that was sort of you know what I scroll down I didn't realize that oh no you guys have had some questions Oh set something all right let's see here it didn't update all right yeah like Jordan says open this year so the price straddle says shell is essentially a linear bulk offset command you know what you could kind of say that actually that's not a bad way to to say that it's kind of like offsetting whatever is around it Ince word yeah that's a good that's a good that's a good one all right so Jordan like Jordan says yeah tonight I'm not using the fancy 3d connection device I'm a big fan of them but you don't you don't need them they're gonna say oh yes my excess once you learn if read emails it's hard to go back yeah I'm actually taking some breaks jumping around a little bit but yes I prefer to have it but like I said you don't have to get it Darren is saving up for a space navigator man good for you all right cost about 300 bucks yep the small one yeah the smaller one is a $100 and that was actually what I started out with back in probably 2008-2009 was when was when I used if 3d mouse the first time I night the reason I started using was because I just out of feeling the clicking with my mouse after a long day at work and and I went out about the hundred dollar version and that was kind of like what sold me from that point on David asked if you have all the video on coffee makers well I do have I have made the we modeled up the starting pin for arrow press in the mold video series so if it serves fusion 360 mold you will get that whole series the first video I modeled that pot up and on one of these live streams on Facebook we also did the scoop I don't know how many pots we have left but we have a few pots left all right Stefan says I think I'm gonna end up buying one started learning CAD man I mean you know like I said I I would say like this and I'm completely honest you know this thing here is pretty expensive now it has all these customizable buttons what is absolutely awesome I don't really use them so for me I can get away with the $100 $200 version to be honest and it's the same this is the same in both of them so wouldn't sweat that too much which Mouse do you recommend for cats oh that's a good that's a good question too so I'm all out through 3d connections and mainly because that not way I have made some some blog post to stuff about them they actually have sent me this to borrow I am using and I don't know if you can see this a little bit of it delay hang on let me just pull up so I can just make sure that I can see myself I am using well I'm using two different Mouse's now because they just sent me a set to test out this is their cat mouse that has a wire on it and then they also have this mobile mouse that is a little bit thinner like I said I'm gonna be doing a video on this way you're gonna get a lot more detail on this this is kind of that mobile kit they have a mobile kit that comes with a mouse and one of the small ones I think for a couple hundred bucks this mouse here is about a hundred bucks and it's really slick looking again has it XS three buttons and this month it has one two three four five six and a scroll wheel it's really nice I actually don't mind that it's wired I thought that was going to be a problem but before that I have used Logitech Mouse's I think I used to want to use one that was called M 705 700 series had a battery life that you wouldn't believe it but I'm using right now freely connection and I really like the way it feels in my hand but it's nothing special like it's just another Mouse that they make it was great so don't oversell but that's true but yeah there's nothing special about that alright wrong sense that Logitech MX master yes I that I think is that the hundred dollar one the expensive one I usually use the 100 dollar one they had really loved it and that felt very much like like this one so they're same price point one hundred dollar ones but then I had to go out buy new Mouse and I went with the fifty dollar version they half price because I had to pay for it for myself and and that was the pretty sure it's an M 700 series and like I said it's a little bit smaller battery life was absolutely amazing now like I said I just got this the other day this is another this is a bit smaller version of of the bigger one here I don't know II know I haven't hooked up about this small or one costly it's a little bit smaller in your hand we have so big I like to be curved here but that's practice all right guys that was about all that I had planned on showing tonight on this absolute beginner you should be able to forget the link now is in the chat and you know if you ever want to get these models afterwards any of the pretty much any other livestreams model that I do I try to remember to save them so if you email me live stuff Christian Serratos Escom I'll be happy to send you any model all right then y'all then yo I will probably you mean right it's wondering if you ever done a tutorial on drawing and you pipe I'm a newbie wondering to stop to CAD like an intake tube I haven't done why it's none of you why sorry I need another I need another beer um a wise shape why why I did do one on piping and I have seen one piping that you could kind of like use that technique so if you go to youtube you search piping then then you should be able typing tubing tubing I don't think you would start tubing that then you will find if you can't find it last up Kristensen autodesk.com and then I'll be able to well to send you that alright guys if there's any other questions throw them in there if there is not as always I really appreciate you guys taking the time to join for these live streams these Wednesday nights are really just ask any questions that's gonna make sure that I didn't miss any questions and and and and I try to answer them here um this video here is recorded you'll find it here on the Facebook but also I will make sure it's up on YouTube over the weekend so you can find it up there that's it guys really hope that you have an awesome week hope this was useful and you know what until the next time have an awesome awesome date thank you so much guys
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 43,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Beginner, Tutorial, 3D modeling, CAD, 3D Printing, akn_include, Funnel, Coffee
Id: DpyQMu9xrek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 46sec (3766 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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