Understand Bodies vs. Components — Fusion 360 Tutorial #LarsLive 102

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doing my name is last Christensen and thank you so much for joining livestream number 102 hope you're doing good friends it is December 11th it's Monday hope you are ready for another good week it's a cold here in upstate New York got some snow last night um today we're gonna talk about bodies versus components it's a question I got um oh you got a few people in here appreciate it guys as a question I got that I think it's important that we kind of like address now if you're a canton injure out there you're probably all good take take take the day off but for everybody else I understand if it is a little confusing understanding this whole components wears bodies and try to figure all that out I don't blame anybody it's not it's not because it's it's it's you know stupid in any way but like if you're fairly new to fusion or any CAD software that whole thing becomes a little like what especially if you've used another CAD software before fusion you might have seen how some other system doesn't so well oh let let's jump into a fusion and take a look at this no sound is it only me who you better hopefully have sound the mics on it looks like I gots looks like I got sound on my end only you sounds working sorry man you're on your own okay let's jump into solution so I just started out like completely from scratch we set the defaults because I just wanted to you know if you if you just kind of like starting out and this is like the first tutorial that you're watching so there's two things I do inside a fusion right out of the box one is I like to go down here to the grid and snaps and turn the layout grid off and then the other thing I don't want to do is I go up here on this is called the view queue right click here and change this to perspective with Aalto azad that's it okay so with that let's talk a little bit about bodies worse versus components and how it kinda like works inside of fusion I really just want to make sure that give you an opportunity to kind of like just understand this and feel comfortable with this um and you know what if any questions because I know that you all are working on your own you're working kinda like on your own projects so whatever kind of light comes out of this put it down in the comment area and maybe we follow up with another video okay here we go so inside off fusion I have just opened up a standard model just hit the XS we got a brand spanking new model um this area over here going down here oh we detected are unexpected outage oh that's all good oh this this is always interesting so it looks like it's perfect that this is happening when I'm live that it looks like we have to take an unexpected outage Fusion is temporarily in offline mode so this means that you will still save everything locally and it will update when it comes back on this should not work when this should not happen when um when I'm live man okay okay that's that's it we can chat about that later on so with that got it back to the topic so I call this my dashboard this is you know kind of like when you're in your car what you haven't we're having in front of you there's two things I want to kind of like point out in this one there's this dance board right here and then there is the history line down here in in the bottom now it is important that for some of you people you might not see this history down here you can turn that on and off you can do it up in your preferences but you can also turn it on and off live by right clicking up here where it says unsaved do not capture design history if I say do not capture this on history it will give me a little warning and you will see that that kinda light goes away I recommend that you have that on so capture design history down here if you by mistake have turned it off go to your preferences settings and then under design you can set it over here okay this is just important when we start talking about body sketches and things like that okay so over here in our heads up display we have a document setting where we can control you know units that's like something we haven't talked about yet named views we're gonna talk about that so you can actually have kind of different camera angles and then the other thing we have in here is in our dude you can turn that on on a lightbulb kind of like gives us some planes to to kind of draw on okay now that's how we all are starting out this is completely empty down here that is what you have in your dashboard on this vehicle called fusion 360 so I'm gonna start a sketch create a sketch I'm gonna just pick a plane I'm gonna pick this plane right here and let's hit C for circle and Sketch up a 50 millimeter circle here you see I hit enter it turns black I'm gonna hit Q 4 press pool and I am going to make it let's make it also 50 okay so when we created this here you would like to see that a couple of things happened over here two in our dance board and also down here in the history line so what happened well over here we got now a body's folder over here this here you see on the screen right here is a body you will also see that there is a sketch over here sketch folder that will contain our sketch so these two folders will contain as many bodies as we have inside of this part file and as many sketches we have inside of this part file over here now down at the bottom we have our history tree and that is really all this is down here you will see the sketch that is the same as this one and we will see the extrusion that made a body now this here down here is just a history line of each step that we are creating and that is one of the things that probably is important to specify especially with Fusion if you're coming from another type of CAD software is that in fusion it is literally recording every single step in that history line you don't really change that history cannot really be modified as it you maybe would sometimes think it would and I'm gonna give you an example on that just one second where there maybe could be his some confusion with this now so what we have here when we created our a pretty circle extrusion here cylinder see how I modeled it up the same way as a body icon see how the body icon is kinda like a round cylinder is we got one body now what we could do is if I right click and say move copy and you will see that our object over here is set to body so if I select this body and I say I want to create a copy of this and I drag it out here hit OK notice what just happened in our folder over here it is now two bodies right so we can have multiple bodies together that is perfectly that is perfectly OK now normally when you're doing this if you're if you're starting out you know what you want to keep an eye on and really only ending up with one body in the end so just keep that in mind but we have now two bodies these are each two bodies also notice down in the history line that our sketch to exclusion have now become a copy pasted body and then there was that move command that I did when I moved it over so all that have been recorded down here in the history line now if I right-click on this move and let's go up and say edit feature I get back to the to the movie here if I drag this one back and can I let them overlap each other I hit OK you will see I still got two bodies they are literally overlapping physically overlapping each other doing something that is not possible in real life now we have a tool up here you should know about it's calling combines onto the modifier tab you can actually combine two bodies so if I go over here and click on these two I select join and I hit OK you will see that we just combined down here combined the two bodies into to one body okay so that is kind of like how bodies work any extrusion you make new extrusion you make turns into a body now you can of course extrude different places I could open up another sketch on that same plane and I could sketch you know a rectangle over here and I could extrude that out right and what do you think that's gonna be well that's gonna be another body right so be aware of that you can you can do this you can make multiple bodies within one fusion pot file now to get rid of a body you can just click on it and hit delete on your keyboard and that is gone but notice that this sketch still lives in here I didn't delete the sketch I deleted just the body the sketch the sketch number two is still in here so the stats don't really get eaten up by a body it's still two separate things and the history tree is still kind of like recording every move in here now I can select it over here hit delete on my keyboard and now it is gone so it's not like you can't delete it but you can go in here and you can kind of like do this with these bodies does that make sense so partisans out of fusion contains bodies and sketches when we start when we start modeling things up now let's start talking about components because this is maybe then where suddenly you're like okay got this well wait a minute what about that whole thing will components it's not that it's not that difficult I think just you know just kind of if I do a decent job it will not be difficult now components well it's pretty easy the fusion part file that we have been working in since we started out here is a net component if we look up at the top you see how the body is a cylinder I kind of like model up a cylinder look up here on the top it has a a square this means that this is a component what it means is that if I click on a new design you will see that when I started out I actually had that component up here and done those free folders and then when we started sketching and creating bodies well then that kind of like expanded over here and we kind of like got those folders as we recreated things so a fusion pod file is by default when it starts out a component so that should make it you know okay I hopefully you know we got bad okay now where does that come in when we are talking about something like joints so if we go up here and we click on the joint folder up here to insert a joint you will actually see that I get a warning that there are no components to assemble in this so joints will join two components not two bodies okay so a component is kind of like think about the component as like the part aka diffusion 360 pop file inside that component lives a couple of things instead that component lives well the origin that was already in there their lives the bodies and their lives the scat sketches inside of the component now when we start talking about joints we must not want kind of like putting two pieces together and maybe have some movement or something then we need two components okay now if you have ever worked with another type of CAD software like inventor or like a solar works then you're used to then you probably fine up till this point you used to then open up it's Monday hang on a second you probably used to opening up any specific assembly file that you're now bringing these part files into to put them together and that's that's a little old-fashioned um in the endeavor garden you don't really have to do that anymore and we don't do that in fusion and we can create assemblies inside of fusion but we do it in the same file type as our standard pipe files do so that's one of the differences if you're coming from another system and the reason for that was that when when inventor started out saw work started out like back in the 90s they started out with just having a part file just being able to make one part and then when people started wanted to combining them and get the movements the joints and stuff like that they couldn't really write the code to do that so they came up with this assembly file another file type where you could put the parts into now in fusion we can do it a little bit different we're doing it right inside of the same type of pipe part files now I got to show you something I want to show you a couple of things but I want to show you one thing that it's important is that yes you can absolutely turn a body into a its own component okay you can absolutely do that so if I go into this new file here we had let me just like so let's just save this one the first one so say this one s part one so this was the one we created right now where we just created our extrusion and we combined these these two bodies this going through a completely open file and kind of like do the same thing let's create a sketch and let's go ahead and create just going to hit S key here for a set of rectangle and let's create a rectangle in here like that's Q let's make that 150 millimeters to right it's another kind of like got a component now I did this as a part file right I just did a body and with the sketch it's just like I did the circle before and the cylinder before now you can absolutely turn this body in to a component if you right click on a body you can say create component from bodies right click on a body create components from bodies and you will see that I now get a component in here now next to the and when I do that you will see up on the top that I kind of actually changed a little bit now it's not just a component anymore now it's like an assembly icon the thing you need to be aware of here is that the history down here has not changed if I go in and make this new component active by hitting that little fish eye right there you will see the defeated tree there's not really anything in here but if I clicked under expand it out here you will see that this one has a body folder now it doesn't have a sketch folder the sketch SOLAS still up here and that was because it's still maintaining the order on how I did this right if you roll down back down here I started a sketch I extruded it out it's still just one part file one body one sketch then I said make a component and then it made a component in here so this can be maybe a little bit confusing if you ever if you ever see this kind of stuff now I should maybe have set this up a little bit earlier when do you want to use component versus body so let's just take one step back mainly you want to use coddies if you're just making one part just one one part I'm gonna make this coffee cup that's one part right there's no like moving components or things like that together that will be just a body I could model all up in one body and one part file and I'm all done now if I were gonna make this one right where we certainly have multiple multiple parts there's a plastic glass canister plastic handle now we certainly have multiple components that all needs to kind of like interact right like we want to add some joints that's what we want to do components many people will tell you that the best way if you are going to model something up that moves the best way to do that would be when you start up a new file straight out of the box is to actually instead of stop drawing up the first kind of pipe file you should actually go in and kind of like create the components from scratch without having anything in there so for example you can see if I right click up here I can create a new component so if we go back and we look at my little French press here there is probably one two three mr. say six seven different pants in this total French press so what I could do was I could start out here and say new component and just create those eight how many different components that's going to be inside of this assembly again each component in here when you look inside of it contains an origin and if I make it active and I start sketching in here like this you will see that this first component now contains one body and and the sketches okay so that's kind of like the difference between bodies and and components now so the first example is shown here where I I kind of like started sketching up a sketch I extrude this one out and we kind of like had that stand up on file but then I made the body a component the reason some people are not a favor of that is that down here in the history tree we kind of like have broken we have a broken link a lot of broken link but we have kind of like a weird little jump here because if we're going you know looking at that square it really only right now contains the I became a body so that's why it's called rule number one on the forum where you exit going and create the different components now if this is a little confusing if this became confusing go back rewatch it if it's still confusing take a shot come back rewatch it and then i'm sure that you that you will get it now the last thing I want to show you is I saved out pad number one write that one is X is sitting right here I just saved this one out now you can absolutely bring this file that is this part file that is a component right it's either components up there we can absolutely bring that in through another of these files if if we want to the only thing we have to do is we have to save one of them so let's just save this one here we just created all these components in its save and we can call this one our component 1 whatever save that we just have it just have to be saved what we can do is we can right click over here in the data panel on our part and we can say insert into current design now they ended up ending up right on top of each other let me just move it over so when I do that you will now see that the first part we created has now been brought in here as its own component now you can see that these were call components this is look called part it has the pot name what we called it but you can see the symbols are the same you will see that there's a link and that means that right now this file here is actually it's actually not inside of this this assembly it's just kind of like referencing it meaning it's looking right out on on this file here what means that if I try to make any changes through this model right now I can because it's lit what means that they find if I set for example let me just right click here and say create a sketch and start sketching on it I won't actually run into to a problem that I cannot if I do that you see that it doesn't it doesn't cut through this because it can you guys this one is actually not living in here it's almost like good it's almost like magic visualization glasses we have where we see this part in here now we could we could use joints and other things right now that would perfectly fine if you want to make changes to this file well go back to the original one and here I can throw a hole through it like this save it you'll see that this get a hole on it here to go back to the component you'll see I get like a red yellow warning if I click on that then you will see the hole actually came came through there okay another thing that you do that you do have able you can do do have able to you can do you can break this link I can right click here and I can say break link what means it now this is brought in to this file I can do whatever I want with it in here but it's not going backwards to that original file we created I feel like that was a lot of talk for trying to to break this down but I hope I hope I did a decent job you let me know thumbs up thumbs down need your lead your honesty for this again just remember that a fusion pot fire when you're fired right up is an excellent component within that component lives the organ anybody's you create and any sketches now if you want any kind of like assembly movement where you need multiple parts added together then you need components or means you need multiple kind of part files within and and turn that in where you can start adding the joints and kind of like kind of putting it together I hope this was useful good to be back it is Monday we're gonna try to make these lives and sorry about last week was busy with some other a new product coming out called fusion production I was doing some videos for that website that was why there's no live streams last week hope you're ok with that we're gonna hammer and see if we can't do last James up till Christmas tomorrow we're gonna talk about what's new because they came up with a a release last week that I didn't get to cover so I'm gonna show you my with highlights with that that's it guys hope thumb will be doing good hope you have an awesome Monday hope to see you tomorrow I'm gonna do what I normally do in the broadcast if you're watching recording thank you so much I'll jump in through the live stream chat and say hi to everybody take care guys
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 154,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD, CAD Software, Manufacturing, CNC, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include
Id: l9dcWtefQ7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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