Fusion 360 Tutorial — How to get a handle on Assembly and Joints in Fusion

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in this video we're going to attack a sample and joint in fusion 360 it seems to me that most videos out there is just using a pin and a round hole are you also looking for something a little bit more complex hi everybody my name is Lance Christiansen and thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video as always I really appreciate your feedback on this type of videos so please feel free to put your comments and suggestions down in the comment area so I have to admit that I have been struggling a little bit wrapping my head around this whole joint within fusion 360 mainly because as many of you I come from another CAD system that does things a little different so like I said in the intro I always feel like the examples on YouTube a part that is so different from what I'm trying to put together so I watched the video and I say alright I got it and then when I sit down trying to do it on my pot ah frustration so my attempt with this video is to make it one step better you let me know in the comment area so we're going to assemble three things in this video Aker advice downloaded from that website a lathe chuck done by Michael Carlson great work and then at the end we will put device from the first example onto a table with the clamping and everything now if you scroll down the description area of this video you will find a link to all three datasets so then you don't have to do all the work and hopefully you can find these models useful now let's get going with using some joints so like I said this model was downloaded right from Kurt's own website and the only thing I did was I add a little bit of appearance to it just to make it and look a little nicer now the first thing you always want to do when you bring in models like this is you want to go up and you want to right click and we want to capture the design history this is the first step unless you have to work with this important model some other way this is always the thing you want to do capture the design history now we have to design history bar down here and everything we do from now on will be capture so I downloaded this model right from Kurt's website and I can't remember if it's an I just saw its tab but it doesn't really matter see the thing is that all the components inside of this pot is right now just floating around in space that's very inconvenient but sadly the way it is when you export an assembly out of a CAD system you don't get all the mates or joints with it so everything is floating around so the first thing we got to do is we got a tie one of these pops down so what do I mean when I'm talking about the things are floating around in space well if I grab any of these pots you will see that they are just floating around nothing is tied down so it has the same position as it did when it was exported out at his original CAD system but right now everything is kind of like floating around and we need to solve that so the first thing we wanted to do was to capture the history now the second thing we want to do is we want to ground or fix one of these pots it needs to kind of like be locked down in space and we've looking at a vise like this probably the base is the one that makes the most sense so you can do that by going finding it in the feature tree and you can right click and then you can just hit ground you will see we get a little thumb tag on here so that means that right now this base is sitting tied down in space so the first thing is to turn on capturing the design history by right clicking on the top component the second thing is to ground one of the parts now the next thing I want to show you is something that is really important that you know about and that's called rigid group so rigid group exists down underneath the assemble drop down here you'll see Richard group right here if I select richard group and I click on the movable jaw and the move screws right here and create a rigid group out of these they are kind of fixed or round but they can still move as a group this is extremely handy when you're working with imported models because what that means is that I brought my model in I I fixed one of them are grounded one of them now any other component in my assembly that I want to kind of ground or tie down I can use the rigid group for that I'm going to use it a couple of times doing this video so you will definitely get to two to meet it so what I'm going to group next is all the things over here that is tied down to the base itself so I can go over here I can say what parts are not going to move in this assembly and that would be this God here the the fixed jaw screws that's a solid job here there's also this retainer ring over here now this model here from from curd it's not a perfect model but it's good enough for forming in here so I'm just going to select those six items and rigid group those and now those have tied down so right now I only have two moveable things on this model I have that first rigid group I did and then I have this little handle down here that we really want to to spin around and this is the first place I'm going to introduce you to a joint so after you have turned on capturing history after that you have fixed a grounded the main component of your assembly next use the rigid group to tie everything else down that is not really going to move all is going to move in a contact kind of sad so let's talk joints we will find the joint command up here under the assemble also so I'm going to click on that you will see that we get a pop-up window that talks about capturing the position so what have happened here is that Fusion noticed that I move this little handle piece a little and piece over here out of the way and I have now executed the joint command and it's just curious to see if I want to capture where it is right now or if that was just me moving things around so you will see that generally I will hit the capture position and it actually puts a little feature down in the feature tree for that but can be handy later on now there's two rules that I want to share with you when it comes to joints the first thing is always select the model that you want to move so that's rule number one so whatever model you want to move from somewhere to somewhere else make sure you select that one first now the second rule about joints was probably the most profound thing that I heard and made me understand it there was actually my friend Bryce hadn't thought who who told me about it and that is when you're coming from other CAD systems you have focused focused on eliminating degrees of freedom Fusion does a little bit different instead of removing each degree of freedom one at the time fusion does it all at once and then we are releasing the degrees of freedom as we need them so let me move over so we can see the handle piece or part of the handle piece here so what I want is I want to make all join that piece with we're kind of like where I dragged it from so like I said rule number one select the piece that needs to move now what you will see that happens is that when I hover over it there's like this Halfmoon circle pac-man whatever you want to call it that kind of appear and that is actually what is going to control how things lines up so you will see if I'm hovering around on this that little half circle a circle with a half moon in within it that is actually how a fusion is going to line things up I'm going to use it a couple of times so there's no worries about it you will get a hang of it so I'm going to move over till it snaps to the center and then I'm just going to left-click on that now when I do that I can select where I want that to go so I'm going to spill in the model spin the model around and I'm going to select right in the same inside of the center here and click again now when I do that you will see that the pot lose over and it kind of like shook a little bit that is because over here on our menu to the right we have some different motion types like I talked about instead of removing degrees of freedom one by one we actually tied this pot down and now we actually gonna lose it up because what I want this thing to be able to do is actually to spin around so I'm going to go down to the drop down here and you will see that I get different options in our case well I want a revolute so I'm going to select that and when I do that you will see that it actually plays a little bit in the interface that is actually spinning around you can also hit this little play button down here and you can see it again also right on the Neath the revolute we can actually control what access we want to use so you will see this in a second this is what I want this little pot to do so as that thing thing is spinning around on the screen there so remember this that you always want to select the component that you want to move to the other component you get this little Halfmoon shape and like I said we are going to see that with a few more times as we're going through this and you're aligning those and then you're releasing that degrees of freedom so I'm happy with this so I'm gonna hit the ok button and of course I can also just drag on it here by holding down my left mouse button we can kind of like see it is spinning around so that have just been been put into place now let's look at this movable job here so we saw before that we kind of like created as a group using that rigid group there to tie these components together but they're still movable now we actually have to get them into place so I'm gonna go up again and I'm gonna do another joint to do this and again because I move things around I get this same pop-up and I could say continue but I normally just do catch a position I don't really care that I get to make some one of these down here you can always delete them if you need them now you guys who have used other CAD systems again where we are removing the degrees of freedom one time one at a time you would probably using a few different mates to put this jaw into place you probably would do one that will make it sit flat on top of the base and then you might be used something like with mate to get it centered and then we would do something to be able to get it to move along the right axis check out how we do in fusion so you might have to just when you get to this point on your example just take a second and just think about what you actually have available because I have these two jaws that is going to be right across from one another I can hover over this John you will see when I do that I kind of like get that Halfmoon shape again now if I hover down to this corner right here and I select that one and I also go over and select this same mean on the solid jaw right there now zoom out a little you will see now you only see that is the this movable jaw that moved on but the other ones will come along with it when we hit okay what is fine it makes it a little less confusing that there's only one pot spinning around now if I hit the animate button again you will see then this kind of like in the right place but I really don't want this one to be revolute so I'm going to hit the drop down and instead I wanted this one to slide it slide and when I do that you will see that now I actually have that motion that I want so I'm actually going to go ahead and hit okay so I can show you exactly so what we have now is we have exit just placed that jaw so we lined up the two points and now that jaw can slide a hat so instead of have to select like three different maids I was actually able to just select those two points that was going to be touching each other anyways on the solid John and the movable jaw and made everything up the way I wanted now I want to show you one other trick though now where I have that we will see that I got the move that I want but of course this is not really perfect like the job would fall off it's extremely easy in here if you go up you will see in the left corner up here we have our joints I can actually right click on that sliding joints that we just applied and I can go in and say edit joint limits now I actually get some limits I can put here so I can check minimum and minimum for this one is where is the two jaws of touching so that's going to be zero I can of course animate that by clicking animate we will see that the the jaw kind of like now only can move up to that now we're also going to set a maximum and in this case this is a nine in spice I saw that on on the website so now you will see that the joint is traveling only within that limit limit okay so now we have applied limits to our mate and it's now traveling just the distance that we want so I think you would agree with me that for this example at least and I have a few more that it was very easy to just use the rigid group to put everything together and then with a couple of joints command putting things again so now it's working the way we want there is one other thing I have to do though just because it's so easy instead of Fusion check it out so the last thing is not important uh but you know sometimes you just need to ahead a little bling to your model this is exit up underneath this sample up here there is something called a motion link so what I can do is I can do that when this jar is moving this handle here or the nut here is spinning around with it ah now it's not a perfect relationship but you know it just looks good so I'm going to turn on motion link and again I'm going to capture position and what I'm going to do is I'm going to select the joints that I already have created so I'm going to go down and select the joint down here it seems kind of like highlights and then I'm going to go over and select my other joint over here there and just like that you will see that it gives me illumination again and you know that looks pretty good doesn't it so let me just hit OK to that and let's spin it around and somebody who's away are gonna tell me is this the isn't spinning the right way it is it is spinning the right way it has got to make sure you could reverse it so if I right-click on the jordanians and edit feature I could have reversed it but that is the right way so now whenever we are opening and closing this vise we get that little play button down here so this was the first example I hope that you found this helpful now we're gonna step it up a little bit with this late chalk we're gonna we're gonna attack but again I just want to make sure that I go over the basics capture the design history make sure you ground or fix the first component then use that rigid group to kind of like collect the parts together the needs to be together and then go in and use the joints and remember that instead of removing the degrees of freedom with each kind of like made instead we are trying to go the reverse way where we selecting two points and then we can if we can loosen up the the degrees of freedom from the head I hope this is helpful let's go on to the next example don't forget to jump down in the description area and download this mod so just like before the first rule is always to go on right-click and go down and click capture design history so now we get that history bar down the bottom we definitely want to to get that but this is the same cake cases before where the model was imported and there is no mate so anything inside of this part is just like completely you know can just float around so rule number two is that we have to fix or ground one of these paths in this case here I think it makes sense that we maybe do that data plate here on the back so I'm just going to right click and I'm gonna say ground now we get the thumb tag and we know that this part is kind of like set in place so the next step is we can go ahead and use that rigid group again and tie everything down that we know for a fan is going to be in the same place we don't have to sit here and make everything in if it's just going to sit in the same place so I'm going to go over it's a sample briquette group and I'm gonna select it be there dr. pan again I'm gonna select each of these bolts because they definitely are not going to move I'm also going to select the outer house in here because that's not going to move and then there's like three screws hiding in here in this blue space and you can have as many of these groups by the way also so you don't have to put everything into one group you get a multiple groups so I'm going to hit okay so now I know that all those components are now registered down as a group here now the same thing exit goes for each of these jars here on the lathe job so I'm going to right click and that will let me repeat the rigid group and now I'm going to select these three these components here and it okay because they are kind of like one assembly right that's kind of like that's that that's one assemble together and I'm going to repeat that so I'm going to right click repeat rigid group and I'm going to do that fold the two other sections in here so that was one more right click repeat group and then I can go in and do that one there so now these three are now put together as as rigid group so that rigid group I think is pretty nice to have now there's still a couple more components in this shock that we have to just deal with I want to show you a little trick here I'm going to go up to the view here and I'm just going to select the back because I want to look at it from the side um this is kind of like I'm jumping off topic a little bit here but I can't help myself in here there is some different selection tools and this one here if you have never used it the paint one is actually pretty cool now since I'm working inside of an assembly I actually just want to make sure that I'm not selecting any bodies so just sure that you uncheck these if you don't uncheck these then you will actually hide the bodies themselves and nut components so this over here this the single square over here is a component if you have these checked you will actually go one level down and select the bodies but I just want to select it the the components on unchecking bodies now see what I happen to want to select a paint selection it's like I'm taking a paint brush and I can just multi select everything by painting over it and then I'm going to hit the D key on my keyboard if you watch the video talk about shortcuts and you like to see if I got a couple of moles I'm just gonna go and paint everything and hit the V key and that's a pretty neat way to select things with that with that painting thing now I got a couple of more things I'm gonna get get rid of in here all these socket head cap screws and I want to see those so I can scroll the tree here and they all placed over here it's like the bottom one hold down shift key select the top one while holding down shift key and I can hit the V and then that goes away I'm also going to hide this ring here hit the V key for that and that brings me into kind of like the main thing of this lathe Chuck now I kinda have six components sitting in here so let me just move them out so there's these I don't know what you call these but then there's also these rings to sitting it but you know what as I'm sitting here these rings would exit probably been great in rigid components so let me just go back to put everything back in place and let me do another rigid group and select this base with these three rings because then I don't have to worry about mating those now it's actually just these three pieces that I need to make together so I hope this rigid group starts to make a little bit of sense I hope uh I definitely think that this is handy now let's go and look at add mating in or joining as I should say these three years so again my mindset would normally have been to maybe do something like a concentric and then place it somewhere but again think about how these joints work where you are first tying things together and then you eliminating the degrees of freedom so what I'm exit gonna do is I'm going to go up here and I'm going to select a joint and again I get warned about movement I'm just going to say kept a position that's fine and what I'm going to do is I'm going to move right over on that face and select this face because that's the components going to move and then it makes it going to select right down here and it's going to move into place now as soon as I do that you can see the next it defaults to what let me play that again what it did the last time was the slide that was what we did with the movable jaw in this case here I makes me want to go back to the resolute so I'm just going to change it to that but that's all we have to do for that one so we're going to repeat that two more times so I'm going to right click to repeat the joint and again I'm selecting the component that is going to move and then I'm going to select the same end condition of where it's going to go just like that and it always remembers it already remembers volute revolute so that's awesome and I do it one more time now we've got to come to a point where we are not as lucky where we have these half moon Pacman's shapes but we're going to be able that in a second and oops I just place the wrong one actually flipped on me so let me just undo that that was mistake right click P joint from there because you will like sit let's try to swim in and see if I can show you right now now it's facing the way I wanted see if I move it over it kind of like switches 90 degrees we're going to talk about that in two seconds place it there and there we go so that exit took scare took care of these now these are all sitting in here they're fully mated they do exactly what we want now the next thing I'm going to open up here is the scroll plate that's the one that is sitting on top so I'm going to show that one so right now that one is actually just floating around in space too so I'm going to go in and do another joint so right click repeat joint and I'm going to capture the position because I like it to have a little bit of pot here I want to show you something interesting but I now go over on this ring and when I'm hovering over things you will see that I get these I'm calling them half moons circle a half moons and you will see that they kind of like have a tendency to jump around to where the software things there you want to place them one trick is that when you hover over and you get it somewhere close to where you want if you hold down control all the command button on your Mac now it actually locks it into that surface and I can now pick if I want my point to be at the top of this account or if I move my mouse down but I'm holding I'm holding ctrl down right now uh and I can move all the way down so you can see how here it will stay within that no matter where else I'm moving it's not going to work so I'm going to select this bottom edge here click on that and then I can go down and do the same thing on the ring here and I actually wanted right in the center of that one right there and now it's sitting exactly where I wanted and I actually wanted to be revolute so that was fancy and just because I can't help myself I am exhales are going to go in and add motion links to this so I'm going to add a motion link from that rotation of our scroll plate to the not here so let me just spin around so now those two are kind of like spinning together let me create another one repeat motion link from the center of this one to this one over here so now they are going around and let's just add one so the last one this is all this is what I call modeling porn and in my world it's definitely not needed but it looks kind of good all right so we have gotten this mated in so let's let's move on here so I'm just going to scroll up to the top and I want to select a highlight up here and right click and say show all components and we're back in place again now the next thing is going to be a little tricky now the next thing we have to work with here is these jaws on this pot here but they're actually a little tricky because I actually want that Halfmoon to be placed in a certain place so up to this point I've been lucky I can just hover over and that little Pacman Halfmoon circle thing appears and now I actually want to be able to control where I want to place it let me show you so if we look at this jaw right here what I want is I want to create a joint where this area is centered with this Center so what I can actually do if I go just in and do a normal joint and kept the position you will see that I do get a lot of options with this Halfmoon where it is trying to appear on where I want to make but I can't place it right between the center of this part where I can find a good place to connect the two well there is a neat function in here and it's called joint origin so what joint origin lets you do is it lets you create one of these half moons and it's really simple to do let me show you if I click on that and yes capture position I get two options I can either do what they call simple all I can do between two faces and that's what I want so what I really want is I want this job to be between this face and between this face and then you will see that my third is snap you like to see as I'm standing hovering over here it actually will appear between those two surfaces but at different locations but sometimes this can actually be a little hard you know depending on if you have chamfers you know on your edges that can be a little difficult but what you actually can do is if I place it right here then you will see I get all these new options appearing and I can even go in here and I can actually stop moving that up and down I can drag it but what I think is better is I can exhale to go up here just select the face so I'm just going to go up here or select an adze or face right on here right like that and now it is snap right to that face right there so you have some different options you also can flip them around and different things but that's how you do that so I'm going to hit okay to that and we have now placed one here now I'm going to place one in the exact same spot down on this part so I'm going to right click to repeat the origin joint and again I'm going to select between two faces I'm going to select between here and between here and then remember that the next one is where it's going to be and actually I'm pretty lucky that it's going to be right on that corner but I could also select right on this face and it will be at the height of that face so I'm going to select that again remember you can move them up and down and scroll them around whatever you need if you need to to do more to them but this is what I need here so with that in place place those two I'm going to go up in select join and then I'm going to select that one I'm going to select that one and then it moves over there and now we're back to where we were before where it animates what it's going to do in this epoch it's going to be a sliding motion we need from this one and you know if there's a 50/50 chance I always get the wrong one you can see here that it's going that's not the way you want to slice and then you just hit the drop-down and you can select another axis and that is actually the excess I want there hit okay and then we have now placed this jaw right where I let me where they need to be so let me do that two more times so again I'm going to take the components or move it out of this way I like that and then I'm going to go up to the drop down and here I'm going to create my own or to enjoin origins going to create that Halfmoon joint organ right there get the position and I'm going to hit the drop down to select between two faces and I'm just going to select in here on this space and on this face and then I'm going to select where that moon is going to be between those two faces and in my case here is going to be right where that face is right there also like that right there I want it hit okay I'm going to go and create another one in the slot in he has a right click repeat joint between two faces and do it right there and it's going to be with this face up here and right on that corner you can exit move it around right there that corner hit okay and then that's going to be now we can go up into a joint there so there now everything is upside-down you can flip over here in the menu it's probably nice I make the play button again yep that's what I want and hit okay now one more to do okay thanks like join organ yes honorable man so what I recommend is that you play a little bit with all these settings if you're getting in here to do things like this because you know that's kind of like all you really need to worry about mastering is all the different options that comes within this here so just like that we have created uh this this John here and just because I'm gonna do this by eye but just because I can't help myself I'm just going to place these jaws somewhat flat with the face and you probably guessed it I have to put a function link in there and what are we going to do a motion link between well doesn't really matter at this point because everything is kind of like tied together like this one so this link and that it's going back a full remember you can reverse it if you want to and let me go ahead and repeat that right click motion link and here this one okay and right click repeat motion link this one so this one this is just so you get this set flow that one so now we've got a link out of here there we go by hitting the reverse button this is only so when you now get to this when you download this model that when you can get the satisfaction that things spins around so I hope that this is helpful we still got one more to go now if you feel like you got 100% control over this of course go ahead don't bother wasting your time watching the last portion but again I really appreciate any feedback or comments down in the commentary about how helpful this is or it's not so either thumb or thumb that but yeah don't forget go down to the description area hit the link you can download this model so you don't have to do all this work so in the last video here all of you want to do is try to bring it all together so I have a table I want to bring in our maid advise and then I have some clams that we're going to place on it so let's take a look at that so this is just a standard table that I model up nothing really fancy about that now to bring in device I'm going to right-click on it over here in our pant data panel and say insert into current design now when I do that you will see that in this case here this vise and this table was not designed I'm kind of like around the same view and many of you guys have probably already tried this yourself and then you can stop moving things around over here that is actually a nice feature over in this move command this one point to point you can actually not only just drag by using the handles on the screen but you can actually also place things point to point so you know this is great but I'm not going to use this I'm just going to say okay to this there's the first thing I again want to do rule number one I want to right click and say capture design history just like that now when I'm going to place this vise on the table again if you have used all the canned systems you have a tendency to think about kind of removing each degree of freedom as you go so you might do is some kind of a coincident mate between the bottom down to this face then you might do a parallel like all these different ones but if you think ahead a little bit really where I want to end up is I want to end up with the T slots on this vise so let me just zoom in of those these T slots right here they need to line up with the slots on all these slots and try to line up with the T slots I should say on our table everything else R is really just uh you know extra work so what I want to do is I actually want to create a joint origin in that T slot on the bys and then also create one the table now if I look at device you will see that there is actually a center hole here that is in line with these two slots so that's where I want to place this joint that I want to create myself and then the second one is going to be in the T slot on the table but because this is a link part this part exists outside this specific inside the table part this one is sitting outside I actually cannot uh add that John grew to this model because it's linked I would have to do it in the in the model itself outside this environment so I can just so I can just go ahead here and I can just open it up just from right in here so now I'm just going to open that vise up we had before right in here by itself so now I'm going to create a the joint origin in that hole that's something I want to show you a little trick about that that I hope you will find you will find helpful because what's going to happen is that when I go up here and I sell a joint origin and I hover over the hole especially like I saw before if I hold down the control you will see that I can put it on the hole I can even put in that adds that's actually the edge I want there but I actually want to rotate rotated 90 degrees in the way it is but I can't catch that because of the way it's following the axis of the hole that's no problem you just need to know that if I click on and placing it then again we getting all these different options here we can move it we can check around but over here there's a reorient and if I click on that I actually get some more options and now I can select on a perpendicular face that follows that so that would be this face here and as soon as I hover all right you can see how now is where it was so now I'm over to see how split them you gotta look at the whole and you can see that it flips when I hover over this one here so that is how when I click on this face I can now place that joint so it's pointing the right way okay I'm going to redo that again because I want to make sure that you get that so I'm going to cancel out right click and do the joint art and so what happens is that when I hover over the hole it places it along the holes X is what it's actually fine now when I click to place it that is when I get the option so it's a manipulative mall so now I can go and say reorient and when I hover over a face that is perpendicular to where I actually wanted to be and click on that now it has been reoriented so it's going the right way I hope I explained that all right so with that done within the part now you can see it's sitting here I have to save the parts I'm going to click Save up here and you should always add a comment it just makes it easier and of course it will also be now down the timeline when I go over to the table I would like to get flag now up here at the top because it tells me that there's a new update to this model so I can just click on that to bring that in and when it brings it in you will see that now we have that nice little joint origin right there perfect now I'm just going to do the same thing on the table so now I'm just going to select one of these slots to to to pick some of us like this lump right here so I'm going to do it again I'm going to go up and select the joint origin this time I'm going to select between two faces just like we did before and I'm going to select the two faces right there and then I can just move over and it will actually shows me where the center of that is but I exit wanted to the center of this edge up here look like that and that is my my joint origin there a little bit now I'm just going to select that that and I actually wanted I don't want it to slide I actually want it as being Richard and then here there's actually brand new feature inside of fusion where I can grab and I can actually manipulate after I place that something will bring it up to 90 it okay and now this vise is sitting on the middle of the table right where I want it so now you don't have to fight around with trying to figure out exactly where those T slots is so that got a little bit technical on but just know that you have some or some options to reorient those joint origins now let's put some clams in there so let's do that so I'm actually going to go out here I have a whole claim except I'm going to right click on that and insert that into the current design also and of course that is coming in spin it around here so we can see it there it is alright now I want to be able to do just what you're going to do out in the shop floor and take these different pots out of this and use it but I actually wanted to be part of this file and not beside outside here's a neat trick you see how it has the linkage we just played with that with the vise device is actually another file but you can right-click and you can actually break the link so now this becomes part of this models and I'll just have this table sitting right here and now I can insert my different clamps whatever I need so let me do that so I'm going to go over and grab one of these T slots here and then we're going to place that air inside of here and we really got to follow the same steps we already had so you feel pretty good right now about the whole thing you can always just end the video I put your car and move on with your life but if you want hang around let's add a couple of more joints to this one here so in this case I'm going to select another joint organ here something's going to hit join the origin capture the position and I am going to again select between two faces so this one's going to be between this face and this face and it X is going to rest right on that face right there so I can place that there that was one let's go over to our table and let's create one over here right click repeat joint between two faces this face and this face and again this one here it's going to be to that bottom face right down there right like that one just like that and now we can go ahead and do it joint so this one this one it's going to fly over there now we can see that it's actually in the wrong direction but we just grab this handle we can actually move it and I actually want this to slide right but not that way so I'm going to go down and select the other axis that's the way I want it to slide it okay and now this one is is placed right here I'm going to go ahead and get a bolt for it put this one out here and this is where it really is nice with this joint command because check this out select the joint I'm gonna select the bottom of the screw here right there I'm going to go up see not select right there it will slide but in this case here we could actually just say save rich it would be fine so now the bottom and the top is set in there now the whole thing can still slide along that that t-nuts so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to place it so I'm gonna do a joint and I'm just going to select all I don't really care where I'm selecting on the bolt itself um I'm just going to like one there and then I'm actually going to go over to our part itself and select right there that's right there move it over there now I know that rich it might not work I could get a warning here because I had selected like the center of this one but if I let it slide or cylindrical if I let it slide up and down here it exit will get that freedom to move and then it would accept so the last thing we need in this one is a knot on the end and I'm gonna go again we're moving through ease of freedom so I'm going to go over here select the joint capture position I'm going to select right at the bottom there and over to our bolt here and I'm against and it's like right on this face right on that soon loop right on that face right there and that is actually where I want the follower flip it and I'm just going to make it rich it because it should sit right there just like that we have placed that part here now let's do let's do one more here now you will actually see that the joint group actually carries on so I created one on the t-slot before and here it is again but you would like to see that it's kind of like not over here anymore where I thought it was well it is we just need to go into the joint origin folder over to the left and we can go ahead here and we can turn on the that's the second one we can turn on that one right there and now we can see it so now everything is a little faster just like that one there I'm going to come over there I'm going to rotate it 90 degrees 180 that is going to be a sliding option excellent that X is there right now we got that one to bring another fold over there you'll get to see sick with me flying around here with the mouse that right there just like that that is going to be Richard just like it did before and now right click repeat join again you will see them selecting just in the cylinder here and it just picks it up on the center but because I'm going to use a slide around it it doesn't really matter too much go here like that and I'm just going to let it slide that direction and the last thing we need is not their joint that face - just selecting right on that edge right there so it gets over there flip it and make it rigid there you have it folks that should be how you can use these joints they all showing up right now because you can you can hide the junk folders over here but that's it there we went through the three different examples so remember the rules first off you always need to turn on capture the design history right click on the top component turn that on number two we need to fix or ground one of the components into space then after that we want to use the rigid group to kind of like capture the things that is kind of already in the right place and they don't need to be moved or grouped them at least together next when you get into the joint make sure that you select the first component that X is going to move so the component that needs to move somewhere is the first one you select and then don't forget that that joint origin has a lot of great options on how you how you can move things around so I hope that you found this was helpful don't forget grab your models down in the description area I really appreciate you taking time to watch these videos I love your feedback if you liked this video hit it a thumbs up if you don't like it hit the thumbs down and if you haven't already it will mean the world to me if you will hit that subscribe button so until the next time have an awesome day
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 277,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Fusion 360, Tip, Tutorial, Beginner, CAD, CAM, CNC, Assembly, Vise, Milling, Lathe, Chuck, Lars Christensen, design, engineering, Autodesk Fusion 360, Mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, 3D Software, cloud based CAD, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, free for students
Id: KQNgIfjMr84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 46sec (3166 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2016
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