Fusion 360 — How To Model an Impeller / Turbine Blade —Your Comments & Questions — #LarsLive 34

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body and happy Wednesday welcome to livestream number 34 today is Wednesday the 26th 2017 man do we have a lot to talk about today all kinds of stuff going on now if you're watching this you're watching the recording haven't got anybody in the live stream quite yet just hang on a few seconds so if you're watching the recording really appreciate you taking the time don't forget down description area is my email address and you can send me any future topics you would like to see here in this live stream you can see what we got first people showing up absolutely awesome to see you guys got G in here love it yeah so today we got bruises in here it's great guys really appreciate you taking the time that people just coming in I got to start paying attention to that distracted a lot to talk about today we got to talk about fusion specifically because as many of you guys have reached out on the on social that the servers are down so what's going on with that but we definitely got to talk about that and what's happening with all that but before we get to fusion and what's going on with that we also are going to talk about impellers turbocharger impellers or turbine blade style we're gonna talk about that but today is went awesome Wednesday and what is awesome Wednesday well it is just a few people have asked me about like who do I follow on YouTube what specific products have I seen that I think is interesting what is worth kind of highlighting so we got people all over the world and what's kind of like going on and today on awesome Wednesday I got my t-shirt here let's go back I think I got it a little bit big pull up a little bit we got Grizz mo knives now if you don't know about more knives don't re uh you will learn about them in just two seconds two brothers it's John and Eric I've never met Eric but I met John it's my fault that I've never met Eric because I've been invited to their shop these two guys are these two Kris four brothers have this awesome shop in in Canada where they make well they make knives and well let's jump over on the on the web here so if you search Kris it should come right up you'll think right it is Grimm smoke you got a spell right Greensboro now it shows right up here you will also agree see Rask you will see spinners but this is the guys we want to talk about go in and you will find their webpage right here now there's a couple of things to know about the Grimm's mo brothers and their awesome company first of all they are just they they are great friends with also John Saunders and actually john Boozman and and John Saunders who we highlighted a few weeks back exhale podcast that you should definitely check out where those two guys are kind of like talking about manufacturing but also the whole thing about running a business and all that stuff now I met I met John a couple of times on gizmo a couple time couple times and have actually held one of these knives in my hand and I can tell you that the the quality of these knives they also make a couple of things but these knives are absolutely through the roof it's absolutely they are absolutely beautiful highest quality ever and that's probably the thing that I that excites me the most I think about these two brothers work is they make everything on the knife because they really want everything to be perfect and and they do such a such a nice job with that now on top of that website but you will see that you can you can go and you can look at all the different knives they make they also have a Gears page here you can go and get the t-shirt that's where I got mine and you will see they have some spinners and some stickers and other things in here they also have some testimonials but and they have their Instagram gallery but it's definitely worth checking out now the other thing that is super exciting is John has a YouTube channel and John does a really great job of taking you inside his shop and really sharing a lot of his thoughts and and a lot of like you know day-to-day kind of thought processes that they're running through when they're trying to to make these high-precision really great knives and they used to be a tomar customer but have literally upgraded their machine suits with some really really high high-end machine so I will definitely I would definitely recommend that you checking out their videos they are of course also fusion 360 users and one of the things I love the most about some of the stuff that they're sure another useful channel is some of their fixturing is is very cool so if you ever want to see some really cool fixturing you should definitely check out John Christmas your two channel so make sure that you go out online and you search groups mo knives and you check out the website check out those cool knives and go and check out the YouTube videos I think that you kind of like you know they're really inviting you inside of their shop and showing you kind of like the process and it's just cool to see a couple of brothers creating really really great high quality quality stuff so that is awesome Wednesday guru throw knives go and check them out alright so back into let me just check out here we got sixty four people in the live stream thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to come in here and just spend you know twenty thirty minutes or whatever are here today you can see that we got people from all over all over the place we got people from Germany and got people from from Holland it looks like Belgium Belgium Mexico you guys are awesome yes by the way no fusion fusion is still down let's talk about that isn't it just convenient that is still going on while I am going on on live here so let's open up fusion if you have not been in fusion today you made this have gone unnoticed but if you have you might have noticed that you got a a kind of a flag up here that shows you that fusion right now there's an out it's detected and this is the fusion team who are telling you that fusion 360 temporarily is offline and this is affecting all the the the online workflow sorry guys I'm sorry this is happening but I guess that that is kind of like the nature of some of these things about running on the cloud now I know for a fact that the guys who are a lot smarter than me at Autodesk are working fiercely on getting this all straightened down so I don't want to take too much time talking about this because I really want to get into today's topic what was impellers turbochargers kind of of the topic but so if you're brand new diffuse this might be a little bit confusing what is really happening so fusion runs partly on the cloud and partly local well fusion is running local on your machine but we know that we have the storage of all your files and sharing can go on via the cloud I don't know all the ins and outs of this so you know I don't you know whatever I say don't drag me to court for this but pretty much what happens is that most of this this data is living up on fruit like the Amazon servers and well sometimes things you know it's not working I guess quite this there's some kind of it's not maintenance I know that it's clearly that there's there's an issue now the way the fixture inside are the fusion this is really important to to kinda like just understand because they did a huge overhaul of this lately what personally I was really happy to see it was great development first of all that you do get you know and notification in here and then actually also after I was sitting a few minutes and kind of like you know you it's a little bit like if you're losing your internet then you wait you know 5-10 minutes you get a cup of coffee and then you come back and you're like praying that it's back but I actually noticed that something that was linked here so if you click this link and of course that opens over my other monitor you get this health dashboard and you can actually see right here where the issues are so this is I guess what I liked about this is that this at least tells you that it's not on your end that that things are not I'm not working it is an hour and on all of this ends that that there's something going on and like I said I mean this is super inconvenient for absolutely everybody and I again if on behalf of being an Autodesk employee truly sorry that this is happening and I know that the guys are working on it now it doesn't mean that you cannot work inside of fusion there's a couple of things that effects and we've talked about this in livestreams about the whole in your preferences you can control like the offline cache time periods so what that means is that right now mine is set to 60 depending on how much Hardware you have on your computer you can opt this if you want to of course now it's when I'm offline is a little too late to do anything here but what it means is that what I've been working on the last 60 days on in my case are available to me to to work on it is all the stuff that I haven't worked on the last 60 days that sadly right now I cannot access inside of fusion here now what they have done in the latest update besides giving us this little update area here like I said just nice to know that you're not the only one is that you now are having the full folder structure or in here um and if I go into a folder or that I know that I actually have been into lately let's see oh that should be one folder in here and of course I just missed my let's see here three plus two yeah let's just go into this three X's in here you will see that these two files looks they are sharp where the other ones this one is also shot but this one a shot but these three four five files here I hope it shows over the last few they're pale they are out of I don't know they're not a focus but they're what do you call it they're kind of like a little grayish and I'm looking for the right word that means that these have not been open to my hard drive in the last 60 days what means that right now yes sadly I cannot ah get into contact with those now another thing that I actually honestly don't know if I go in here right now to my preferences they've been open that up one more time okay if you go into my cam you will see that my cam plow libraries are are installed here but of course because I have been in there the last 60 days that should still be available to me if we go in here and look I would hope I don't know that that's actually kind of well if you go in here to cam and we go into our tool library we will see that our cloud folders here and we will see that there is tools in here that the last tools that I have grabbed now but I would have to look into this because maybe the tools that I haven't used are they're not accessible right now oh that's very something you look at all right this is but so be aware of that that is the story behind this I didn't I didn't really prepare to talk too much about this whole thing today this just kind of like happened because well um this happened again sorry hopefully you know I will pray that by the time we get we get done with we get done with today's livestream it's back up again so everybody can fade it that's right thank you they are faded that was what I was looking for so yes I know I honestly guys I know that that the guys who are specialists in this at Autodesk working their butts off to to get this resolved all right let's talk about today's topic let's talk about how to model up empowers or turbine blades or whatever whatever we want to call it so yes because we even though that the cloud is still down we can still work inside of fusion right and when they get saved then it's just saving it locally and then as soon as they do get it all up running then they will say it will sync up with the cloud and we should be all good so we should be good to to go in here and talk about these impellers now every time I try to to do something like this where I'm trying to do like a how to how to model something up I'm always trying to do it thinking about ways I can show you multiple things inside of fusion so I don't normally all not always doing it the perfect way but it's with an intent to show you functions that you may or may not have have come across with this so a few people have asked me how you will model up an impeller blade and well let's go back in here and just make sure that we all are green on what I'm saying impeller blade what I'm talking about here so let's go in here and search in power blade just so we can get a picture and let's go to images and what I'm talking about is something somewhat like this something in this type of style so you will find this type of stuff I guess like in turbochargers and in you know it looks somewhat similar similar to like a turbine blade kind of the same style modeling I think as you you would have for that now I am NOT gonna say that I am a specialist in anything and I'm specially not a specialist in in turbine blades or in in impellers but I wanted to talk a little bit about how I would go about bottling it up and hopefully just throwing in some of of like techniques in there that maybe find helpful do me a favor in the comment area below let me know I'll just hit the thumbs up to let me know if this is helpful or if it's because just modeling things up just you know this is how you do this I think it loses a little bit if we don't talk about some of these different functions that is hiding inside a fusion that could help you so let me know what you what do you think about that so I did a little bit of research online to see how how people have mod love impalas in other types of software on other cats are out there and I I want to put out a little bit of a a warning about my attempt to do an Impaler because there's a lot of great mods out there for doing in powers in different CAD systems but they're cheating a little bit right because they're just they're just trying to make something that looks like an impeller blade what I guess is our finished results but in the end we got a model things to be able to manufacture it or be able to do design changes to it and I feel like that some of the examples that I found online they were they were pretty impeller blades but it was kind of cheating a little bit how they're they did it so what I'm gonna try to do a little bit here today when we're talking about how I would model up an impeller blade it's a little bit more about the the way that I'm thinking about doing that so enough talking we're gonna start up a sketch and one of these impeller blades of course are round and one of the things that I maybe like to do is to when I do rounds unit if you watch these live streams before I like to do use revolve and I'm just gonna kinda like got a model up the base that this impeller or blade turbine blades gonna kind of be on so I'm just gonna sketch a line here and this really this is not really important for what I'm gonna try to show you today I'm just gonna give a couple of dimensions and then let's just sketch the rest of this thing here go down here over kind of like just draw it up as a box in the raw state yeah and I can see already right that we are we have some things we gotta fix here go ahead and make that one vertical huh that's always fun now we see some of the other issues that we can kind of like work on here let's grab a corner arm move around okay we need a couple of dimensions d for dimension here let's make this one maybe one and then we probably also need a length on this let's make this following just this is not important so I'm waiting for my sketch of course to be full defined and let's just revolve this thing around so I'm going to use the revolve command setup select the profile that's gonna be that select the access to rotate around that's gonna be that one and we kind of have the base shape of our impeller here so we're gonna have these blades going up and this is just you know kind of like I don't have any dimensions on this so it's gonna be kind of you know the best but one of the things that I want to come across because like I said that but I looked online and saw how different people have had model on Paulo blades they're kind of cheating in them in the matter that it's all great we use tools that is inside of your CAD software to make your life easier but normally when you do something like an impeller blade like if you were gonna do a turbo blade there is certain dimensions you need to control certain areas you need to control so when you start modeling something like an impeller blade up think about the things that is custom are required so I'm gonna start a sketch here on the back end here in your sketch and what I want to do is I want to create this blade it's gonna kind of like have a radius to it here so I'm gonna create this radius one of the things that can be nice to use is actually to use construction geometry controlling that so if I go over here and I just kinda like create a triangle here just like this that this one just gets kinda like I don't know where I can end up with my horizontal relationship on this and I can make this vertical here now if you see here I kind of like got this rectangle that now is pierced or coincident to the edge of our circle here that means I can kind like control things with dimensions now let me add that radius so I'm gonna go into an arc and I'm gonna do a three-point arc so if I select one point to the center one point to the end here see now I kind of like get the radius now I'm assuming the radius is gonna be specified on your drawing let's make that fall but the location of this blade that could definitely be a variable that's gonna come in that I've talked about that in other videos about when you try to design things up for the first time try to think about what possibly the customer will come back and ask you to change so what could be the defined areas so I'm just gonna go in here and make these three lines construction lines so I'm gonna hit X on my keyboard so these lines are really from nothing right now but if I put a dimension on this line here you know now I can kind of like you see everything got full defined and this dimension now kind of controls where this arc is and then we have the radius on that on that arc so think about when you when you're trying to draw things up like something especially complex like a turbine blade I open power is that you get the design intent into into your sketches I'm gonna stop this sketch right here and you would like to see a neat function so right now that sketch is is visible in here you can actually right click on it and you can say show dimension and those dimensions will now show up that could be extremely helpful especially if you're sitting right now with like a customer's drawing that is specifying these dimensions that you kind of like have them there I'm gonna turn the old it on and I'm gonna open up a new sketch and I'm gonna open up a sketch on this plane right here I can't reach it so enough just find it right there so I'm going over to sketch on this plane and I'm gonna start out with a line and we're gonna play a little bit around with this too so I'm gonna start out with a line here and go vertical up and let's just go up I know that's three and just maybe we just go up 2.5 inches right here and then I'm gonna add a radius to that noggin actually do that by clicking another line select the end point so now I have the line excuse me if I move back to that point and I drag I actually get a tangent ah now that's kind of neat you see you got the tangency right there now that of course is still blue so again make sure you define things with what you know the design intent really is on your on your part here on the the important thing right what really matters I don't wanna make that 31.5 maybe and then also add a we need a radius on it here too so now that is fully defined so now I I kind of have two sketches and some of you guys already know what I'm going for here I'm going for a sweep to use here now so if you figure that out cool but I'm actually gonna do something different here just to kind of like take it another direction I'm actually gonna go into the patch area because remember that we were in the patch the other day when we did kinda like they repair or how we created like a core out of a complex thing because the neat thing about about this is that if you are engineering or modeling up something complex shaped many times when you're playing around with it the thing with the solid is that it always has to solve but as we now have created like these lines and putting our dimensions in it if you're using the paths we're just working with that one face or that one surface on it so I am gonna go into the Pats environment and in here you will see that we also have the different tools in here so I'm going to go into the patch or into sorry the sweep command and it works really just the same way as it does in the modeling environment it's looking for a profile I'm gonna select our our arc here and then it's looking for the path and I'm gonna select kind of like our chain here and what we get out of that is we kind of get that face now you will see that it's kind of like a line right here and that's because of that tendency art that we create over that sketch so this kind of have a little bit of the shape of our of our blade here then it has the curve but what you'll see the picture is that things are kind of like it's almost like a straight blade that kind of like got bend right it can twist it somewhat so how can we do that inside of fusion well there's different ways you can do it but there's something there you should know about and it's called guide curves and it actually exists both within the sweep and within the loft and it happens also to be both inside of paths of surfaces as we are doing right now or the standard modeling environment that you're most used to so let me just go ahead and delete that sweet command we just created and bring us back to where we were before and we don't see my sketches here that's a preference right go to preferences and if you go into design you can turn off auto hide schedule feature creation sometimes I have it on sometimes I have it off depending on where I'm kind of working right now I like to see these these sketches here I might also decide to right-click and sketch number three and say show dimensions that might also be nice so what we're gonna do is we're gonna create a guide irv so pretty much we're gonna take that sweet we just did and we're gonna pull it towards a direction now i'm gonna create a second plane that is in line with the end point of this art so I'm just gonna use that little us construction geometry I created first off so I'm gonna go into construction say plane along a path and if I select that line will actually create a plane along that path and I'm just gonna pull it to the end here and hit okay so now I have a path alright a plane that goes right through that point now I'm gonna right click here P a new sketch and one of the things you could do is you could again create lines and and arts but if you have never played around with this oops not lines if you ever played around with this you should know about splines now splines can get a little bit what should we say they can get if you never play around with the for some people gets a little like what the heck is splines well what a spline is is really just an a segment I don't have a place one out here in space hit okay that has so many handles on the end where we can completely control these handles here we can control not only you can see how I'm bending it but I can ex also pull out in them and complete the change and there's one in each end completely change this line now the nice things about splines is that they're keeping a constant curvature of it and we're gonna see the result in a second now one thing that people make a mistake of many times with splines is that they think that they got a place a point every single every single edge let's just delete this spline let me just show you what I'm talking about I'm gonna create a spline from our from this point right here the center point and up so about we're the same height as our sketches I'm gonna hit okay now what I want to end up with if I grab these handles is the one I end up with a curve that looks maybe I'm trying to follow a little bit how I want that blade to curve so here I have something that might look pretty curvy one of the problems one of the things that many people think they got to do to create a curve like this is they make the mistake that they go into a spline and they click like every two seconds to kind of create that curve oops I don't get to do it again if I don't hit escape so they come on work with me so they so many people think you gotta like follow and you gotta click all these different areas here to create a spline and then you get up with all these spline points and it gets really really confusing to kind of control that because right now every little segment of this is like alive and things create pretty quick to go crazy the trick when you're working with splines is as few points as possible so again like you saw before click once click twice make loops and make sure you hit that little checkmark to end the spline not escape like I just did and then grab the handling each point and kind of like stop dragging out and make them kind of what you want and if you know if you go in here let me see if you go in right here be aware that there's a couple of options one of them is you can actually insert spline points so if you just if you suddenly suddenly found out that you needed an honest flying another point in there you can add them will stand out start out with just and we should talk about splines a lot more later but start out with two and just kinda like try two pulling these handles to to kind of like get the curvature you want also be aware that you can use these relationships over here so for example I can make sure that these two relationships here are getting into to be on the same the same height I can add dimensions to them and things in that order whatever whatever you want in this case here Max is just gonna give it a dimension from here to the point here and place this dimension right here you know I can control and we can see that it actually moved on me so let's make that coincident to the origin there we go and you can of course also add dimensions from here to here and get another dimension for whatever whatever you want here but spit but normally actually with splines you normally don't you nobody can have a couple of dimensions to control them but you you normally don't fully define the spline like you know do a normal sketch geometry but I like to suggest is that when you find the shape you want you can here it's okay to use the fix and hit the hit the fix icon down here to to fix or unfix your spline to lock it in alright I'm talking a lot here um so let's go ahead and stop this sketch and to see what I got so I got the original line that goes up here with the arc we got our following curve here and we got the spline let's go ahead and start to do the sweet one more time so I'm gonna go in here I'm gonna salute now this is where I was before this is called a single path now if I drop down you would like to see here I get the option to use the guide rail so now I'll get three options so the profiles gonna still be the same that's gonna be the arc the path is still gonna be along here and then I'm gonna add that guide rail and you will see that when I do that it now starts twisting our our shape here now you will see that we get a line like we did before and this gets more and more kind of assembled here because of that tangent arc back there now if I wanted to get rid of that really all we could do was we go back to that original sketch right there and at that sketch we could delete it and we could use a spline because again it got the crunch constant kind of constant area for that one so let's go ahead here and just make a spline that looks kind of like a little bit more uniform that's put a dimension on it just so I'm sure that it's up about the same height as our all the one so like that stop the sketch now you will see when I go in to do a sweep still the guardrail this is still the paths are still the profile this is now the path and this is now the guide rail you will see that now we don't have that crest going around because we've got a continuous kind and you can adjust things in here to see your where that is actually some so you can control distances for the different for the different ones in the air what is what is kind of neat so you can actually control kind of like how far goes up for the for the different for the different ones in here all right I'm gonna stop here I'm gonna you could probably work more with with this with the guide rail to kind of like pull it it more torch it then we're doing right now it doesn't look like it's pulling that much in it but that's maybe just the nature of how I have it here but what I wanted to show you with this let me just hide the sketches now why we have this this face because this is just again like sorry about the other day it's kind of like a blanket we get turned into a solid from right in here and we do that by going to the to this area here and going and thicken it so thiking it this means that now we accelerate about our thickness and that was one of the things I saw a lot of people when they were doing the the other tutorials were that they were they were concerned about the thickness of the blade to begin with where I think that getting the right shape must without being an engineer works on turbo blades I would think that that is the most important thing you tell me if I'm wrong so I read of thinking it here so if I select that plane you will now see that I can add thickness to it so let's just go in and add a quarter of in here now one thing that is kind of funny about this is I don't know if it's funny but this is now two different bodies so you made you see that our surface is still sitting in here but now we have the blade because we thicken it it became one body and then we have the other one so that is definitely something we want to do now the other thing we have to do though is if you're looking at our blade they kind of like have an arc following this curve here so to do that you could and this might be cheating a little bit but you could go in here if I create a sketch on this plane here we could go in and create something I don't know a line and I'm just gonna sketch something here go up to here and then let's make some kind of an arc here actually I don't want that let's go ahead and do it three-point arc then if it doesn't wanna flip in my direction something like that of course there should be a dimension on on those I'm running late now running long hurry up a little bit what I want to do here is just create some geometry and now I'm not even doing this I can't stand that that's not my song that's kind of funny okay now that it's horse on or at least what I can do here is let's go back into the modeling environment that we could do something like every vault cut so those sketches back on and the profile is gonna be this and the X is gonna be this and make it a cut so then we kind of get that just gets us back off now we kind of see we getting that profile laid there and now to get the remaining blades we only created one right we could now go ahead and circulate that and exit out right now this is bodies so we don't have to select faces we can just go ahead and do bodies select this one and let's move all around the axis I don't know how many we should make I don't normally are one of these let's make a few of them here now you will see that I get all these bodies in here right now but don't forget about the tool that I put on my favorite tool the combined tool we can actually go in and say the target body is this bottom and then the tool bodies are actually each of our blade here around here select each blade that and hit okay and they now all gonna be now that's just one body that we have kind of put together yeah and the only thing I see is we kind of like got an interesting fold up here again you would need that I would need the data follow these blades to be able to to really do this I think approximately this now I'm definitely I'm devoting just not doing what I talked priest earlier about don't just make things out of the blue that needs to be some kind of this needs to be the dimensions and things like that but there we have it that is probably the closest in about twenty minutes I'm gonna model up something to resemble a turbine blade kind of thing and I guess the point I want to get across if I haven't talked you to sleep here is to really go in and and make sure if we roll back to the original sketches here that you have your dimensions that the blades that when you design things inside of fusion that you really try to to get the design content in your design like draw off the sketches that you need to use and get them dimension so you are actually also if you have to come back and change this later that you have them in there to to work with there was one guy one time taught me an important lesson that he would many times spend you know a little bit of time before start modeling things up on the screen thinking about what the customer could come back and ask them to change because if he could figure out what that would be then it was and he had that into deciding sent when he started modeling up then you know that would be would be a good kind of like being ahead of the game so in this case here you know when you think about a turbine blade and in power how many blades couldn't be on that with the common teams that bottom radius in there and I would also say I'm not gonna show it now but I would also say that I used the sweep to to create this this blade here but you could possibly also have gotten away with with using using the loft I'm not quite sure I didn't test that out but the loft would also have so you selected at one side and now you would just use the guide I call the guide curve is your other one and then your rail would be that last thing in there and of course I'm getting an error probably the custom selecting that's I'm using a center line here you get the idea so you might want to play around with either you testing it out with a sweep it says you know I will laughs kind of see how that goes wow this was a long one 45 minutes sorry folks that's really try to keep them keep them keep them short but I hope you got something something out of this so like I said again I'm definitely not the engineer who designed turbo blades you're welcome to comment about that down in the comment area in the latter stream chat but I hope that you saw some tools that you may or may not you know maybe some of them that you like hmm the thinking command building thing make sure you get your sketches right make sure you know be aware that you can create a surface so you kind of concentrating on the most important things then you can thinking it from then and and turn it everything into to a solid let me just see in here looks like we've got a good live stream today yesterday we had a little bit of issues we got 77 people watching I really appreciate it and also you of course if you're watching the recording I know it's kind of hard to to catch these tomorrow's is we're gonna talk about the move command tomorrow it's same time as today 3 o'clock Eastern and then we're gonna talk about that's one of my favorite commands here see we got a lot of people in here really appreciate you guys taking the time with a lot of comments I'm gonna do as I normally do that was I'm running late I'm gonna stop the broadcast so if you're watching the recording thank you so much make sure you go down the description area below you'll find my email address you will also find the link to group small knives so go and check out their stuff super cool guys definitely worth a peek on their YouTube channel and if you really liked it make sure you subscribe to that to that too hope you liked this give it a thumbs up if you do thumbs down if you don't if you have the time put in a comment love to you know I assure you that I don't I don't have time to reply on all of them but I definitely read them all so I really appreciate that guys alright I'll end the broadcast and I'll be in the live stream so the next time have an awesome day
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 16,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Industrial engineering, Product design, software, CAD, CAD Software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, 3D, 3D Software, 3D Printing, CAM, CAM Software, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Manufacturing, CNC, Cimputer Numerical Control, cloud, Cloud based CAD, Autodesk CAD, Autodesk CAM, Free CAD, Free Software, cloud manufacturing, cloud CAM, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, YouTube Live Events
Id: 4JlAnBk5q1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 56sec (2816 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2017
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