Fusion 360 Absolute Beginner — How To Model a Phone Stand — Last nights Facebook Livestream

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hey everybody how are you doing welcome to to this Facebook livestream so a few people hopefully catching up with us just in a few seconds it's Wednesday evening it's a in o'clock 8 p.m. Eastern where I'm sitting this year is livestream for fusion 360 for absolutely beginners kick it back a little bit say after 8 o'clock it's 8 o'clock at night I might have a beer we got ice egg already in here Randy is in here appreciate it guys David awesome to see you guys I got Bob in here it's awesome so these live streams are really kick back as any question that you would like and well you know what we will try to attack them in here so what we're gonna do today is I thought it could be fun to model up a phone stand for you sell you your phone and if you hit a 3d printer this might be more fun maybe I don't know but kind of like a phone stand you will see that this is when I found a picture of online I didn't come up with this it kinda like have this square opening right here what would actually fit into well if you're doing it for an iPhone into the cube so you can plug this one into your outlet and then you can kind of slide this holder on top of it and you now have a place where you can either place your phone up at an angle like this you can watch the screen oh I've also seen people who kind of like just lay it down on kind of like the table and and wrap that wire around or something something like that definitely not the most technical thing out there but if you don't want this is a really good I think of really to get exercise you know for kind of like modeling up if you're failing you to to fusion so that's we're gonna do today any questions you have as we are moving along here is absolutely throw them inside of the chat I will literally stop whatever we're doing and kinda like make sure that we answer these so if you ever follow the live streams on on YouTube that I do there I know I'm gonna kind of like a little bit more going fast and they don't normally join the chat afterwards here it's all about you being able to answer any questions I like as a beginner I'll be like whoa hang on a second and we will address them so enough that's I can see here Randy asked and he would like to see some live tooling without my axis in fusion okay that is good probably not what we're gonna do here on the on the Facebook live streams but we could definitely chitchat that would be more I think for the YouTube type style I probably had to prep a little bit for that one other thing that I wanted to address before I get into to exit we're gonna model this one up just into two seconds I did get a question in regards to the layout of fusion that I thought was a really good question and it was kind of like you have these menus over here to the left and then you have down here at the bottom why are they what is the difference between the two and if you're coming from all the cat software you know what you might just I don't blame you for kind of like thinking why are things kind of like split up by the way hello James good to see you man so the way I like to look at this is that this left menu over here it's kind of like your your I don't know head up display and you dashboard in your car that kind of like have your information in here about the parts that you're working working on where the bottom down here is literally the history of the model being modeled up that is all that is happening down here is each single step as you're going through the modeling process what happens over here is mall like the dashboard on your car with some different settings starting out a top telling you if this is a just a single component or an assembly in our case we see the kind of like have kinda like well it looks like I was like three squares on top of about two squares let's always tell the one next to it and that will tell us that it's this is what we would call kinda like an assembly a multi body and the way when we see that that we will be looking for components what this iPhone looking thing is a it's a component but there's only one component when I click on that that's the iPhone say well wait a minute wait a minute what about the stand well this stand is actually not a component right now that is a body okay now our component contains its own body so if I click on this one here and kind of like the little arrow and spread it out you will see that this component this iPhone has its own bodies so really what happens here is that I model up this stand as a standard part then I created a component by right-clicking up here and say new component and that became my my iPhone or the phone whatever you want to call wanna call this so that's one of the things as you showing up here the other thing you have some document settings here that if you click on the little you guys click on the little arrow here and one of the things that shows obviously units your work again so if you want to switch units you can just go ahead here and click on it you can switch to the different units in there it's kinda like why I'm thinking that this to me this is a little bit like that the dashboard on your car named use Erickson never really have gone in here with in any my live streams but you will see that the views that are here are the ones that are assembled up here so if I click top we exit going to top view fraud you can go to front view and so forth and home is the same as piezometric now one thing you need to know about this if I spin the model around like some obscure angle you can actually right click up here and create a new view and that is now what is called the name view what it's great if you are working on something and you've keeping on going back trying to find it specifically you can see create your name view so I can call it you know larnice bottom the bottom understand it could be there so iPhone stands so now no matter what view young-min just move it around whatever and I click on this last bottom and it takes me to that view you can right click on them and you can either update them or you can also delete them so that's kind of like how I look at this thing here is kind of like a display you got your sketches that will show you all the different sketches that was used now all these sketches are also the same sketches you see down here so you could count them you should find the same amount of sketches down here also up here you can actually kind of turn them on and off too to display them by clicking on the little light bulb okay so I hope that there was good an explanation on that's all right here cheers everybody we got WT good to see you thank you for stopping by Minister from South Africa awesome um Kurt says the iPhone a potato yeah whatever games can you share the difference between extrude and press pull yes absolutely I will do that when we get to to the first how about to do that when we get to the first press poll how does that sound all right so with all this Set let's get rid of this pot here and kind of like stop from from scratch so we kind of like clear the slate and we can kind of like work our way through it here so I'm gonna start a new design we can jump back and talk about this but I'm just new to science or blank canvas couple of things I like to do and I'm just I have actually everything is set to factory reset so we're starting from scratch on these two things that I like to change first of all I like to move down to the grid down here and I like to turn it off and I like to turn off snap to grid okay the other thing I like to do is I like to go over to this called the viewcube right click on it and change orthographic to perspective with Otto faces that's the two things I do okay so that is really what I know what it will change from factory settings everything else I am running pretty much straight out of the box we got Darren here glad you made it there and we haven't really gotten gotten too far okay so let's start modeling up this this phone stand here and a couple of things like I said so first of all we got this opening where you can kind of like if you just came down and it just came this phone stand that you could freely print if you have a free to printer that rectangle colleague fits over whatever charger you have I measured up with an iPhone or the potato but but that's kind of like what what that that opening right here is for you kind of like put the plug in slide this one over and you're good to go and the other thing that is worth knowing is that it's kinda like a groove the phone can sit in and lean up against the wall then and then you could also lay it lay it down here I'll show you the picture that I actually that I stole this idea from so then you can kinda like see the pic I found this online where the phone is sitting okay so I'm gonna start from scratch and really say all right so when you start modeling things up let's hide this iPhone for a second I was gonna turn it off when you start modeling and the way I'm moving my by the way the way I'm moving my my mouse around or my pad around is I'm holding down shift by the hold down middle mouse button that's how we're moving around like this scroll the middle mouse button to be zooming out so when you're starting out a new sign you know I think it's a good idea to think about what is the most important thing because when we start our first sketch where should we start on this pot and I don't think that there is a there's not a one best way to do things I think a lot of it has to do with how your brain kind of works but when I'm looking at at this part I'm kind of thinking that where that it's going to be going into into the to the wall that cube that it's gonna rest on that's gotta be be kind of the importance to start out with you know you definitely wouldn't start with the channel right start with something that kind of makes sense break it down so we're gonna start with this cube here go back to our new design and always start on a face or a plane but we don't have any phases because we don't have anything in the screen yet so we can always thought on a plane so we're starting new sketch to these ket's and it doesn't really matter what face you of what plane you're selecting to start your first sketch on there is no rules some people will say there is but there is no rules so I'm gonna pick this plane here and it's gonna go normal to you see we're in the sketch dialog right here over here to the left here so when I'm facing right now compared to this iPhone stand is kind of like front looking at it right front edit here okay now so I know I measured this cue because that's what it's kind of like gonna fit around and we're gonna do this in metric and it is 26 millimeters it's actually not a perfect square blame Apple for that but I'm gonna do it 26 so I'm gonna go up and I want to create a rectangle year and I would like to just start sketching out in space just gets a rectangle out and you can just get it out there and now you can see that you can put your dimensions in here so you can actually type in 26 hit tab and it goes to the next I mention 26 and hit enter but if you ever by mistake just placing it like this we can of course also get to the measuring tool by hitting D D on the keyboard D for dimension so I'm gonna make this one 26 hit enter and hit 26 on this one and hit enter okay we now got that kind of like that square opening here it's good to see you bet thank you for for joining now you will see that they don't put those two dimensions on and we have these horizontal vertical constraint if you're ever confused about what these are don't get them over here and in in the constraints they will the symbols will assemble now the reason that it's still blue and not black is because if I get out of this you will see that this rectangle is still floating around so we got nailed down to space and the way I like to narrow it down is with with constraints right now we're so here's the origin and this is not this is not the most important thing in the world I think but we could decide to just have this kind of this square snap into like a corner or something like that but I really like the idea of like right on the midpoint of the origin right there so I'm gonna go over hit midpoint over here click on the lines that will say the midpoint of the line to the origin right there and as soon as I do that you will see that it snaps in and it becomes black and you'll see the getting a little triangle there so right now it's fully defined and and and and now it's ready to be doing something with it J is asking why not type the dimensions when you're making the square rather than after no you absolutely right J do that if you if you can so you can go in here and you could type 26 hit tab 26 hit enter and you would be the same place I just showed it just in case I think if you're fairly new you have a tendency to left-click make your rectangle left click again and suddenly that this that makes us are gone and you're like what the heck and then that was what I was showing so good I meant you're right on track so this is kind of like the shape of the cube now good Canadian beer I actually don't want the shape of the cube I want that to be a opening right that's gonna be a clearance on the on the cube so I gotta create kind like that wall on the outside now this is just pure design kind of like intent but I think that I would like five millimeters on each side around this thing it's kind of like my wall thickness so one thing I can do is I can hit o for offset I like shortcut keys and I think even as your new guy I think why not start out learning them from from the gut go so hit offset and you will see the change selection is already checked where means I want to select this adds it will offset the whole rectangle it will chain all the way around now you can choose to go either on the inside all on the outside now look at these numbers over here kind of like working with it so inside would be a plus value outside will be a minus that's just kind of like how it defaults so I'm gonna add five millimeters I'm gonna type minus 5 to make sure that it's on the outside and just hit enter on my keyboard so now I can I got a offset rectangle from the inside them now let's go ahead and do a extrusion of this okay now here is where how many times he'd q4 press pull okay now when I do do a hit q4 press pull just hide the tips you will see he has this press fall and the question James had was but it was being extruded and pressed Paul well but I'm gonna do what I'm selecting I could hand select the inside I could select the outside up select both I'm just gonna select the outside here now as soon as I do this you will see that the menu changes from press Paul to extrude because the reason is Games and I'll show you just in a second is that the press pull command is actually a bunch of different commands within one so when we hit q4 press pull if it's a command that can use exuded it will jump in to extrude so if I grab this little arrow here but actually start dragging out the 3d shape so it is extrude and again I mess up my cube length and the cube length here is 28 millimeters so I'm just gonna type that in 28 and hit enter and there is our first solid body right here I hold down shift middle mouse button kinda like rotate it rotate around now so just to go back to the press pool versus extrude so we have up here you have an extrude and here you have the press pool command well the idea is the press pool can do more than just extrude if you're selecting a sketch it will do an extrude so Q and hit us cats able to extrude but if I select a phase you will see that now instead of going to extrude creates an offset phase command so now I can ex add to that thickness right there okay now another thing that qu the press pool can do for it q and I select an edge you would actually turn it into a village so I hope that that explains it James that the press pool will actually just do different things okay so that's why I never really use extrude because press pole will do it if it's an extrude command okay so here is our first kind of like pop here of our pot here now you will see that there's some fill it's added to this part and Phyllis are of course great for you know strength and smoothness and things like that so to do the fill its we can either go up here and hit the fill of command under modify all as you can see by next to there's a letter could also just hit F on the keyboard and then we could start adding fill it's in here and we could add fill it's too and actually you don't have to rotate the model around see ya how hovering over here you can actually select through the solid and then we can drag it and we can add some fill it's to this part here maybe six millimeters is is good to this part so I'm gonna edit that to all four sides now because like I said before it is a it's a strength thing I will also add a filter to the inside but I'm not gonna do six because inside of this this opening here the cube needs to fill it now I didn't you could get a radio gates and you could actually figure out what these filling it's our and size wise I'm not gonna bother doing that but I will do is I would actually just add fill it's some small field it's more like I said just for strength so let me hit F fulfill its all I could although it Q and selected that the same thing and I'm just going to select through years I don't have to bro take the part and add a small fill it in here like I said if I do 1 millimeters I think that it will add enough strength and and be good enough for up for moving along and have clearances for the cube itself alright damnit asking when she would put Phyllis at sketch or or after that's a good very very good question because when I sketched up that original sketch for go in here to the scats we can right click on that right but I didn't switch my screen sorry all right I don't know why not switch it over so we added one millimeter fillers see right down there either in here on the inside just to add a little bit of strength to the corner and make sure there was enough clearance for the cube so yeah davis questions when should you add it in the scats because i could of course for click down here and the sketch and hit edit and it's sketch i could have gone in here and added to fill it right in here on the sketch level and have added this six millimeters to all all the corners you know what there is no rules okay my my practice and you know i mean Who am I to say right sitting here drinking beer if you this is what I would do it if you are sketching something up and you have to have a radius or fill it in there and you know that that will never be question if it has to change I always joke around that I don't think I've ever modeled something up where at some point the cost of art didn't come back and say hey we've got to make some changes but if I knew that that radius it's not gonna change this gotta have to be that and I don't want anybody who who later on is getting my cat to work with it could be the cost to my little cells I don't really want anybody to have to dig down and play with it then I would put it in the sketch level if I know that it will not change but if I know that there could be a chance in this case here we freely print out this this holder and the customer holds it in the hand and they're like I really wish that these fillers was a little bit bigger then I would for sure have them as a feature and not down in the sketch because that would be easiest standing around in front of the customer you could go in and and make the changes right there I actually have in the past also used the parameters for things like that so in here and the parameters you can create one that is called fill that's and then you could just change it right on the go with the customer looking at you so that's really my kind of a kind of rule for that so few more fees yamir I'm not cut off from her name I'm sorry buddy 2:25 a.m. what the heck are you doing at this hour what see me yes I will upload this live stream to YouTube also it will also be here on Facebook afterwards on my Facebook page so you'll find it both places yep so dude go back to sleep man okay so I kind of created this a QP I'm gonna leave that with this and now I want to kinda like pay attention to the top shelf area here so the top shelf collides does two things if you just enter one thing is you can kind of like have your iPhone or your phone and keep another thing iPhone just because I had one leaning up against the wall right here or you could also just push just laid flat on here just to rest you come home you just throw it in there and for charging and you stay flat of course so we're gonna kind of like concentrating on that now on our model let me go back to the origin so we place the origin kind of like in here I can place it in there but I'm perfectly happy with now when I create the the flat area I'm gonna sketch on this face right so I talked about before we didn't have anywhere to - we don't have any faces to draw on so we drew on a plane but now I will definitely select this face so I'm gonna go over here create a new sketch and I'm gonna select that top face and it's gonna kind of like move over here there's a zoom out scoring the middle mouse button and I'm gonna do another another rectangle right here and all right there you go GJ you know sorry and I'm just gonna place another rectangle here and again many times I'll just sketch something out in in space here now of course - Jays comment before we have the dimensions here we can type type them right in so we can we can do that right here now how big should this table be that is an absolute preference I might say I'm not gonna do side them in right now because I'm gonna have to get over to my webcam sorry about that that is of course a preference how big do you want to make that table what I did was I measured my phone and I decided that you know what I think I want it to be about 10 millimeters long run eat and I don't really want it too kind like ain't over I'm thinking that if you're throwing it down flat on that shelf that is probably gonna lean somewhat against the wall so I'm just gonna add another 10 millimeters on the outside okay that's kind of those thinking so now where I've placed it I'm gonna have to do the dimensions so an iPhone if you didn't know it deeper dimension oops get out of the rectangle here deeper dimension is a hundred and forty inches long since I 140 you can actually do math in here so I want to add 10 millimeters on each side so plus 20 so you can exit type math right in there and the width of an iPhone is 70 and then like I said I wanted to hit another ten millimeters on on the other kind of side there so I want to make it I'm gonna do that I had 80 okay now again just like before this rectangle kinda like floats around so I'm gonna do the same thing of that before I'm gonna select my midpoint constraint select this line and to the origin right there and that has that been that been kind of like laid in just like this year okay now from this point we can go ahead and we can extrude or press pool we just don't even have to get out of the scats if I had queue right now like this and then we can hit press pool now notice that when I select the area it axes the the software is smart enough to know where the intersection lines are so if I just select here it actually don't select over on top but means if I just start dragging up here you will see you kind of like get a an opening over here so be aware whenever you're selecting what's gonna remember when you make sure when you're selecting that you make sure you select both areas here and we can move it up here and I'm gonna make this I want to keep the consistency of ten millimeters you might want to make this a little bit thinner maybe and I'm gonna hit it okay to that now I did this on purpose before just to show you I'm gonna hold down shift and drag my mouse around see but I did this you will see that the software will actually merge the two surfaces but these Phillips here are really not great at this at this area so this happens to me many times I'm kind of like in my way of thinking I kind of like thinking piece by piece and now I'm coming to realize that these Phil it's in the air I really know what I want what I want is small to what you see on the one here where I can't like have a filler on the outside right so the Filner's colleagues adding strength where this is adding you know a breaking point right here so one of the things that is important to know is that we can actually go back here right to the sister we tree down here we can find that fill it what is this one here and begin at any point right click and hit edit now one thing that is important to know when you do that you actually kind of like suppressing whatever happened prior you'll see that the top went away now I wish I could just unselect the two it already did but I can't so I'm just gonna hit the axe to unselect and just select these two bottom edges here to make those six like that and when I hit enter you will see we're back here and now we have kind of like eliminated those top ones and then I'm just gonna add another fill it again and a fill it and I can now select and I I decided to just select three edges so select this adds spin around hold down shift middle mouse button and select this one and then we can find out I don't know how I can't remember how big I made it maybe three what looks pretty good there okay so we are almost we almost there it looks that looks pretty good alright David is talking about we fed up with a slice and push/pull not quite sure what but referring to David might need a little bit more explanation on that so okay so this is done and we exit right now we could actually probably halfway there compared to the original one we are going for and these we have a place we can put our phone down on this little charger here if you just joined David just joined that this is a charger where you can put your little view or your cube in here for your charger let me see if I can call it a picture again so you can plug in your phone and you have like a little cute child sure here that's what we are kind of like work in the session so I hope that that is useful to do you do so the next thing I want to work on is this curve area here so it's kind of like out the slot to fit within again this is really just preference but what I decided to do was that I wanted to kind of like an arc and now we gotta find a place to sketch that arc so I'm gonna select this face so again when we started out before the first sketch we used was on a plane the next one we did to create this shelf area was on a face and now I'm selecting another face to kind of like create that arc for the phone to rest in hey Anthony thank you for joining so to do that I'm gonna open another sketch so I'm kind of repeating what you've already seen me do and click on here and I'm gonna click on the side face right here and just like we can do the rectangles up here we have different types of tools if you hit the drop down I always recommend people you know I know when we're trying to model and we always want to get something on the screen quick but if you have a little bit of time it's a good idea to kinda like go in here just spend 30 seconds and just look at some of the different things of us in here maybe try to to play with them my favorite art is the free point arc it didn't used to be like that to be honest but as soon as you know what other three points you should lack in what order then you then you all good so I'm gonna click on three point arc and the way the free Point artwork is you're selecting the two end points and then you're selecting the Third Point so I'm just gonna make sure it snaps through this top end here left click once select my second end point let's go twice and then you will see that this arc appears and I'm just gonna place the last one somewhere around here doesn't really matter now you see my cursor is still have the arc tool next to it when hitting escape with my keyboard to get out of that of course it's all blue so we can move it around now we kind of like gotta gotta define it with the right dimensions here all right we can see that I can see we got a couple of questions here comments at least so Bob says you could have made the Shelf with the first gets if you extrude two different bodies it's disciplining your having more than one body created from where singles scats that's a great question Bob you know what no I think that you are absolutely cool if you you know why should you have multiple sketches if you can pack everything in to one sketch why not the only different I would say not to do that is your sketches could not with this part but your sketch could get very complex if you if you cram everything into two just one sketch but it's not bad practice now if you're starting out and you're brand new but again these live streams on this face book at night that's what I'm attending this for I like to kind of break things down into segments so I'm thinking like okay I first I have like that bottom piece for the viewcube right and then the table is kind of like a next step so I like to break the sketches down like that so but no you I mean to me in my mind you were kinda like a little bit on the next level advanced so good you're awesome I would say if you I did a a YouTube video on doing a plastic injection mold and there I used like one main sketch and extruded out of that so you're right on okay ah Belen why an arc could also be a circle and you caught the whole cylinder all the way through right yeah so you I mean you could have drawn your right this didn't I mean I'm only gonna cut cut that half shape right there and had a couple of filters to it so an hour would that's an art right but yes you could absolutely had hit C for circle and it's gets that out there absolutely yep nothing wrong with that I don't think there was anything that would I could tell you that would be right so uh Curtis making a comment I think David I might you just missed that one I'm sorry all right so one question bob has I'm sorry I could if I I think you got it bob says if you rotate your scats how do you get back to to looking at it straight forward I mean the only when I'm working honestly I just hit up here on the viewcube that's kind of like my default but trust me I don't always do all the right things if you ever follow me on my youtube live streams you know that one thing you can do right here there is a button down here called look at so if I click and look at and I click on that face where that sketch is then it will go it will go normal to but it is actually also a setting in your preferences I believe I think that is a setting in here no one might just dig deep auto look at a sketch so this one here means that when you're starting a schedule click on a face he will go and look right straight at that so you can turn that off if you don't want it okay we're gonna play some dimensions on this again this is kind of like just in my head I decided D for dimension I decided that I wanted this one here to be 15 wide just because that looks pretty good to me and I wanted again 10 millimeters from the edge not for any specific reason just I thought it would state with the 10 we have 10 thickness and then I'm gonna decide that I want to control how deep that slot is by making a dimension from the center of that circle let our sorry to the edge and I figured out that one looked like a pretty pretty good groove we see everything here is it's all black and and we all good now I'm gonna do what I did before cue for for press for press pull press press Paul wow I want here to have a beer and I'm already kinda questioning myself and selecting this Halfmoon shape here now if I pull straight out it's gonna be an extrude out if we go in it's gonna be that Cup I want I prefer so you could just drag it out like I think many people just do that just right the arrow out like this and then you know hit OK I prefer to go down here and click oh so it's gonna go through anybody's that it sees what's kind of terms that are here the reason for that is that if we do a distance and we just decide like many people just drag the arrow out something like that so that's hang out here with a distance and we hit OK it still get what we want but if we at some point decided we're talking to the customer and they decided I'm going to do for one of those cool Samsung phones that I look bigger if we go back in and edit that original sketch right click and hit edit and we decided that we were going to make this one you know right now it is 160 but what happened if we wanted to make it really big to 20 right it's ok exit out of the sketch now you will see that that cut would not go all the way through and now you would have to go back in again hit edit and and then drag the arrow out mall if you do all that is just going to do whatever this one is right so now it doesn't really matter if it gets longer or if it gets shorter that car we'll always will always go all the way all the way through so that's why I do that's in case you were wondering okay so we did 160 right okay we're almost done here guys now I did this and you know one of the things that is great about being a designer in a CAD software is that you can look at things you may like me you know I really don't like how the thickness right here let me look normal to I don't like how we suddenly I'm losing a lot of thickness right here um I would like to have that same kind of strength on here so what we could do was we could create another feature so down here we have all these different features right so I'm gonna just right click on that face create a new sketch right and then we could use the tools we've already used once offset over offset select this now here's an interesting thing I talked about before we had change selection on now if I select this it's gonna change select the whole thing this case that was what I wanted the first time now I don't want its know to uncheck change selection and then it will only select that edge that I'm selecting and I can now offset this edge up here now I wanted to keep it the same thickness as we head over here so that would be 10 so I'm just going to type that out here hit enter and notice how the color in here are different than it is out here that means that this is actually ready to be extruded so I can literally hit Q again now notice how it didn't rotate this time sometimes it does not rotate I'm gonna hold down shift middle mouse button and I'm gonna select that bottom edge and I'm gonna drag that out to kind of give it give it that that thickness going up right here now I was talking before that I like to do through all but since we are adding we can't actually not do through all the X it doesn't really work that way but we can do to object and if we're now selecting this face we're kind of like doing doing this the same kind of kind of thing and then you have these chain faces down here they can be a little bit tricky which one you should you should select okay if that and now we kind of like assured that we kind of gotten that that same thickness going going down here for the groove the last thing I really only going to do to this part is to add some fill it's just to kind of like make sure that we don't you know cut ourselves and make it look a little bit smooth probably break it down like a thing if you're looking at my original one here you will see that I kind of like broke it down into some some kind of like some different steps some different sizes so let's hit F fill it and place one on the inside here and I can't remember how big I made them you could always change those around them up to three in there and then I probably also hit a nut fill it another fill it and I probably make sure that I had a nice fill it to the outside rounds here right and you can comment I like to use the handle and just kind of like dragging it in there kind of gives me a little bit of a view of you know about how big I want to make them let's make it fall okay so now we got that that there you could also maybe add a small small fill it on the inside here if you wanted to but you know what the last thing I'm gonna do to to this one we don't want any lot now nobody can nobody can cut yourself in this you exit meet you also I don't know if I will do this in a normal model like this adding a little chamfer to it it might just be a little going around it I'll be over here the last thing I want to do to this one here is I am going to change the color of it so in infusion the default color you're looking at it's not gray the default color is X is steel and you can actually do that by if you right click up here on the on the panel up here and you go in and click physical material you will see that there is actually a physical material now this physical material is used for like if you're doing you know simulation studies so forth in here you'll see there's a lot of different ones in here but you'll see that the default is steel and that's also why we see if we right-click and select appearances you will see that they did to steel so what I probably do is I would probably you maybe will go with a plastic you can select different of different types in here I did my mind red whatever you can drag that right I don't take it out on the panel you can drag it right up here overwrite all the ones out there and then you kind of like him end up with your iPhone or Samsung or whatever smart phone type of holder you had here now you should probably save it right it's safe and save it whatever directory that you would like to save it in I'll give it give it a name it's on the phone holder maybe phone stand let's call the phone stand and save it and if you were going to I'm not going to get into 3d printing but this would be a nice part to to 3d print right and actually email me and I'll be happy to share so she had this model with you if I think you should try to model of yourself then you could completely customize it but I'll see mine you have to have the make button over here you could go into 3d printers select what it is you want I normally like to use mess mixer that is my preferred printer utility but that will kind of break it down and say you out too if you do want to 3d print this little Homer Bob asked how did I select the baguettes of the corner filled yeah so that is one of the things for years I I did let me go back here to this one here let's go ahead and edit it and kill it for a second so for years whenever I was doing Philips or champers I would select the edges that I could see and then I would spin around to try to find that baggage until I realized that inside of fusion it says it's not enough if it's inside of a filling or a chamfer thank you smart enough to know to look through you see how when I'm hovering over where that adds wood xeb I can select it right there it's like one of those small lazy man's you know I prefer those they are six cool all right it's is 850 now I really appreciate you got 24 people in here I really appreciate you guys taking the time out of your busy day to join these live streams here this is the third one that we have done on Facebook we just trying to you know make them a little bit casual any questions you have throw them in there in in the comment area and you know I'll do my best to answer them this is really just my attempt to add a little bit more value to your fusion 360 experience nothing else just just that I want to keep these Facebook's there Wednesday evening 7p at 8 p.m. ISA almost blew them I want to keep them at s beginner level so you know I don't blame anybody for being a little bit confused when you're trying to learn new CAD system I was I still am from time to time so this is the place where you can ask any questions when it comes to fusion there's no no silly silly ones like that alright guys I'll end it here if you have anything my email address last night Kristen's Nardo discount it's kind of overflowing right now so if you get a pushback from me I'm sorry but I always try to answer as many as I can after work hours that's about it man you guys are the best thank you so much have an awesome evening and they hope to see you see you soon again thank you guys
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 25,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Beginner, Tutorial, 3D modeling, CAD, 3D Printing, akn_include
Id: O8iWPta8Wz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 12sec (3072 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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