Fusion 360 — Become a Jedi with the Move Command —Your Comments & Questions — #LarsLive 35

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your body happy Thursday it is today July 27th and welcome to livestream number 35 who first Thursday friends didn't end the get to the end of the week does it feel like a long week feel like that's been a long week hope you're doing good if you're watching this you're watching the recording don't forget there's a tractor trailer starring by don't forget down in the description area is the email my email address last night Kristensen and autodesk.com email me if you have any future topics you would like to see here on the live stream can already see we got people coming in here good to see but see all thank you for for for joining today's topic is the move command the move command to me is kind of exciting I think I think is one of those tools that you use once or twice and you're kind of thinking huh I gotta come back and kind of like look a little bit more this tools and see what I can do with it and then of course we all get busy and then you don't really get to it well that's we're gonna just do today today we're gonna look at the move command and I think it's one of those things that you probably could use more often then well for me at least I think I could probably use more often than I do so Wow let's take a look at that thank you so much we got 14 people in the air already good to see you can spike in here we got Benny we got brews Dylan Mike good to see you all really appreciate that you all have taken time to join these live swings well let's jump into it let's go and look a little bit at the Move command so um if I can flip over here so we got fusion on by the way I don't want to I don't want to do what I did yesterday and get completely off-topic but I think it's important that we just pointed out that if you look up here in the upper right in the job status you are back online but there is the little message here that there is couple of things is getting untangled so yesterday fusion 360 servers went down now you could still work in it as you saw we did yesterday in the livestream but of course you didn't have access up to the cloud now I always will recommend if you click on the follow our progress here you do get out to Autodesk website where you can see that but kind of like going on that with fusion 360 right now that there is some some things going on I think the nice thing about doing that like I said yesterday is that least than you know it's not on your end it's an island so just so we know that all right the move command well the move command if you can do a couple of different things if you I normally get to it like just by right click and move copy is sitting right here that's how you will see that I will get to it now I can do a couple of different things in itself it has kind of like four different stages or four different we're gonna phases we can do components we can do bodies and we can do sketch sketch objects so let's start modeling something up here um I like to start with something green here and let's just go ahead and open up our tool bar and let's just do something simple rectangle you should always fully define this kind of things right make them black that's important as you will see just about two seconds because this is time spent let's make this he some kind of a box like this now if you watch if you following the live stream on a regular basis thank you you will now know that what I have right now is a body and you will kind of know a little bit about the differences between the two so this is brand new information for you look back at the topics on the live stream and you will see we talk about components and bodies now I am going to start and other scats I'm gonna turn my origin origin on me right here and I'm gonna start a new sketch and of course now I can't hit the origin and you can always just go up here and you can find it there we go and I'm just gonna do another box over here in whatever this one I'm not gonna fool it define just to be a rebel okay so we got we got two bodies in here right um if you look in the bodies folders you have two bodies in here now if you right-click on the and select the move copy command you will see over here that we got faces components bodies and so forth now you you would probably go in here and say well we got to do bodies because this is bodies not necessarily but I'm gonna show that in a second let's just select bodies and when you do that you get a selection so we got to pick which body we want to move makes sense but before I do then also be aware of that we have some different kind of selection areas so right now we're in that one called freeform and that means that we get and some hovering over this we kind of get this triad and you probably played around with this a little bit of tested it out you'll see that it kind of like snaps in so Fusion by itself kinda like predefined different areas so right now I'm in the center oh then it's kind of like the top corner up there there's the corner midpoint corner midpoint in corner midpoint corner so kinda like gives you on those face and then of course I move over another face it will do that same thing and that's kind of like that's what's called freeform kind of move so if there's left click right here I will now place that selection point now you can move it if you want to and that is this is kind of like called a pivot point you can move it down here so if I wanted right now I was like oh man to move it you can just click down here and now it is kind of like alive again and I could place it somewhere else now you just have to remember to uncheck the pivot because if you then click again you will see that now I'm resetting it so you got a turn to pivot on when you're done moving it around on this one you can do different things you probably already figured out that the arrows will let you move in in those given directions these here will let you rotate around the different axes and then also be aware of and they kind of snap in that the center point will let you kind of like just move it in a 3d space and these plates will let you move it in that whatever plane you have selected so these planes are kind of resembling the same as the planes you have on your origin that is sitting down there where the first blocks is so if I grab this plane right here right now when I'm moving in it might look a little bit like I'm moving it in 3d space but I'm actually not I'm moving it parallel to that plane that I select so like if I move down here and let go you like to see when I rotate the model that it's sitting all the way down down there so that is it's kind of like how these these works here very very handy for this year now next you have something called a translate so if actually gets translate instead you will actually see that my origin kind of like changes or the pivot kind of changes but now we get a direction area in here and there is actually a couple of different in here so one is called component and that might make sense a little bit later what is called the component XYZ what means that when I move these I'm actually going from the components X Y Z versus the design XYZ what actually means kind of like the origin of the part and then there is also pick direction where I can actually select an ad so I can even select this edge down here and now I'm moving that component in that direction next up I'm going to come back to these in two seconds next option is a rotate command so you can actually now select an axis then you want to rotate around so I could select this line right here and now it's going to rotate around that axis I could have selected this line and then it would rotate around that axis okay then there's one over here called point to point probably makes a lot of sense but you can actually go up here and select this corner point here and select the corner point over here and now it is over there and then the last one over here is called point to position and that is interesting too because if I go one select this point here you will see that the dialogue gets bigger and it actually gives you the coordinate space or the component space so in the coordinate space these values you see right here are coming from the origin this could be extremely nice to know exists if you were doing one of the ways could be that you're importing a lot of people asking me these questions that you import an assembly into fusion 360 and it all comes in as bodies and you have all these components this is actually a way to kind of like know how you can move things around compared to where the design origin is in so definitely these over here are definitely not something you're using that often but they are super powerful to know that they are in there normally it comes defaults to the form move and that's the one you will see that then I will use most of the time when I am moving around in here now another thing we got to talk about in here is that it's actually parametric and you can see that down in the tree down this let me just exit out of this because I've been moving things around a lot and you'd like to see if I delete each of these click on them hit delete on my keyboard this is parametric this is actually moving back to where I started out so let me right click and go into move copy again let's go in and select the bodies again and let me just select some point here now another thing you will see is that if I don't look right now I'm moving it you will see that I actually get a create copy that gets grayed out now it gets grayed out as soon as you made a move because now we're using the Move command however I don't think I can just go back to serie no let's just go ahead and do it again if I right click again and go back into bodies and select it again you will see down here that I get a create copy now if I check that one you will see that I get a third body over here see if I toppling it if you're looking over on the left you see how we're getting a third body and that means that now I got a third body created in my pot here that is now a copy if you watch the when I did the gym addressed our table you saw me me using that command is a really really handy handy one so be aware of these different options in here and just kind of like try to think about how you can use them now that was bodies let's talk about components so as you probably know we can always take one of these pots in him you can right-click on it and we can say we want to create a component from a body and we've talked about this before if you have any if this is confusing to you there's videos on the channel email me large stuff Christensen and autodesk.com and I can point you towards the the right videos talking about what the differences are between this but now we are talking about a component instead of a body so now what we're going to say move copy and I now select a component instead you will see that things are pretty much reacting in the same way and she saw before so all these commands for you now you got that you are comfortable with all these we can also again create a copy that will create a second component in here now these two this is a copy of the original remember you got to do the paste new if you want a broken link between the two again that's another video so you can turn on and off here if you want to to do those now it is a little bit different than with bodies with bodies whenever we move those down here in the bottom we got a move command when we do it as a component let's just go ahead and move it here there is a check box let us say capture position now if you don't check that one and you hit OK then you will get a check box up here to capture position now what does this mean it means that if I don't capture the position and I start moving things around because now this is a component right now this is not really parametric until I click that either capture position all I reverted back to where I written is started from so if you're going to do this again I right-click and say move copy I would select the component when I'm done moving it either I gotta click this to check capture position Oh click capture position here and then I get this icon so that will give you the difference between being a body and be a a component but if they do the same thing in here like if I move back its back to wherever it was before so that's just one of the things just to be aware of it's fine it's nothing bad it's just reacting a little bit different because it's it's a component versus the bodies and they should react a little bit different and now we're we in here let's talk about faces so here's an interesting thing if I go in here and I right-click and I go over and say move copy and we select the face now notice if I just select one face here and I stop moving I'm actually adding to that face and when I click ok because this was a a move face I get the same icon as I did when I moved to body now this is the parametric and this is still ok it's really the same thing as if you did a queue right press pool and you selected a face move that up there and hit OK now if you do that you will wait a minute I do not do an offset face [Music] huh I thought that that was I thought that was going to give me a I thought that was going to give me an offset face icon okay I am missing something well this is not a component I love when I get stumped it's so good okay see now I get it but I didn't get it when consumers became a body okay so this here is a offset face but is really the same thing as I got when I was out moving on wait a minute now they're there they were not there a second ago were they okay that this is kinda like the same one I got this here when I moved the first one using the Move command is pretty much doing the same thing as the offset face was doing when I was doing the Q command so that's interesting now another thing that really excites me about this whole function in the and this is probably I think like the highlight and some of you guys have you watched Instagram you've seen me do this thing here out of an Instagram so kind of a handle thing well check this out if you're right click and we do the move copy and we use faces now you will see that as soon as I come over here the the pivot is going to snap to whatever the first face you're selecting I'm not gonna worry about that right now no problem I'm just gonna select all the faces for this kind of handle and this here by the way is perfectly legit in my opinion direct edit uh working with imported models now when I'm done I'm gonna go down and say set pivot I'm gonna set it right at the rotation of this handle remember to turn it off again or nothing's gonna happen and check this out now we can grab our little thing here and we can move this angle and 45 degrees or whatever we want to want to type in here is perfectly legit way to do this and of course it's parametric right so if I move back then he will go back and fall so that's a legit way to work with with this and this you know this is great if you're getting somebody else's Mogollon you got to make a couple changes on it you can absolutely do that versus if you were doing the offset face of the the the press Polka man the last thing that was in there that you probably saw was in regards to sketch geometry so if we go all the way back to where we were in the beginning here and delete all these different components out of here because we can and we go back to our sketches you will see that inside of our sketches right click if you right click in here we're gonna move copy we can also select sketch object and it kind of works the same way that we can we can use the Move command select an edge or whatever and we can we can work with those in the move command to what could be super handy I know some people sometimes call me that they have like these big sketches with all different kinds of sketch entity in it and the move command will definitely be be helpful that so I think this move command to all you know if you haven't really had spent ten minutes going through it on in this case one minutes going through it and looked at it well I hope that you kinda like picked up a couple of things that this is a pretty good tool I think you're having your toolbox right like one of those tools that you should probably use a little bit more often than I think we do I hope that you found this was super super helpful so you got 48 people in here we got Malcolm from London that's awesome see we got people in here talk about 3d scaling alright so let's see here when I was scaled the last 3d it scales in an unpredictable point in space how can I easily bring it back to origin grande I'm not quite sure what exactly you are doing like you know what kind of model you have my mouse um in here there is the scaling tool in here that if you haven't looked at that you should definitely look at that as one and it gives you a uniform kind of scales definitely check out this scaling tool in there Oh scaling STL files yes so if you have not had a chance to look at the live stream we did on STL files you definitely got to go back and look at that you should still if you when you bring in STL files you can still try nonparametric work mode like we have down here by right-clicking up here and say capture design history and then your files should as far as I remember still be fully parametric so suppose you bring us TL file in you go you right-click up on the top here say do capture design history and then you have that bar down there you can move back and forth hope that's helpful hope I understand your question alright let's just see here if there is anything else in here can I copy a projected line sketch but a projected line is my projected line is really is really a copy of the original one so if you were gonna create that on another plane I would probably just create that but if you're talking about let's see here I'll keep on losing my mouse if we go in here I just lost my way for a second let's go in and create an offset and also plane like this and let's open up a sketch and let's p4 but jacked okay stop the sketch now we have that sketch line sitting out there right-click can we now grab it and we cannot and I I think that makes sense too because then it will not be projected the cool thing about projected lines right is that they are their true to where they're projected from and they would lose their they should become blue and associated if we could if you could move them cool guys all right let's read let's wrap this up it's Thursday almost at the end of the week tomorrow ah nice Jim is again at the same time three o'clock Eastern so that's the same time as today tomorrow we're gonna talk about some of the selections within three-d cam so if you're not in so can take take the day off don't get it's three o'clock in the afternoon here if you're sitting any later grab a beer whatever have a nice weekend hope to see you Monday but if you are into cam so we're gonna talk a little bit about selection in there you have the selection tool you again you can do a boundary box for how you're picking things up so we're gonna spend you know 15 20 minutes talking a little bit about 3d cam and I'll give you a couple of my kind of like we're gonna do like beginner so it should be all good I'm gonna do it like I normally do I'm gonna end the broadcast so if you're watching the recording thank you so much for taking the time to join us today if you are in the livestream 47 people in that thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day also to join here and I'm gonna end the broadcast and I'll see you in the chat thank you so much I hope you had an awesome awesome day take care guys
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 45,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Industrial engineering, Product design, software, CAD, CAD Software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, 3D, 3D Software, 3D Printing, CAM, CAM Software, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Manufacturing, CNC, Cimputer Numerical Control, cloud, Cloud based CAD, Autodesk CAD, Autodesk CAM, Free CAD, Free Software, cloud manufacturing, cloud CAM, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, YouTube Live Events
Id: EejRr-Y3174
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2017
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