Create Cool Patterns & Knurling for 3D Printing — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 116

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welcome to livestream number 116 my name is Lars Kristensen thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day to join today's livestream now today's livestream topic is create cool patterns concern about knurling and I put in there for free D printers but this is not just for guys who 3d prints though that I think that that those guys going to be excited about seeing some of the techniques in the air actually if you know all this stuff that we were showing today then you are a CAD mentor and you you know your stuff there's something just thinking outside the box alright I can obviously pick up people in here so um no no ID and wait let's get to it so I can't lie breaking the dis this up to a couple of different sections so the first one is just cool pattern I just wanted to show so a friend of mine reached out to me not long ago with a 3d printer and needs to 3d print something like knurled or cool pattern texture on that part so let's just go up here and I like to start up from scratch this you know so let's just make a blog 200 by 200 millimeters something like this and let's just say the queue for extrude out and just give it some kind of a thickness this is not important a flat plate now this guy I was trying to do this in a pretty big area so if I go in here right now and I right-click and say I'm gonna create a sketch here I was gonna hit alpha line let's just create a line down here doesn't get a matter how long let me just make a somewhat of a triangular shape here something like that it's full to define that symmetry find one of my favorite favorite ones there let's do a student dimensions from here to here is probably good let's make 10 and let's make this here I don't know 3 looks good let's put a angle on here and this kind of like actually fits pretty well with what we were talking about yesterday okay so this is kind of full defined let's hit Q and let's just cut that all the whoops let's just cut that all the way through the pot here so we're gonna say through alright so now we kind of like got a little v-shape from the park now we're gonna go ahead and and use the pattern so create pattern but angle a pattern remember we were playing in here before now just for this one here does like the faces because I want to show you a cool trick about that um and direction I'm gonna put this direction we're gonna go this way I like spacing for some reason minus 6 and let's see how it looks like we put in like 30 of these boom all right looks pretty cool pretty cool texture now but this is not cool enough if you have a if you have a 3d printer you're trying to make some some cool texture so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go in and we're gonna circle a pattern one that first one we created from the circular pattern that one we are going to revolve around the center line right there not by default it gives us it always defaults to three did you know that you can actually change this it don't have to be full you like to do it to an angle so I can say 90 degrees and I just want the one we created and this new copy so to hit okay and now I get one going all the way down there so now we're gonna pattern this one now if I do that create pattern rectangular pattern still using faces that's a lot of different face to select don't forget that if we're going to top view and we do a from left to right we will select all the faces versus escape oops I didn't want to go out of it versus so from left to right we'll select anything within the box where from right to left we'll select everything the box touches remember that so it took a there's 246 entities were selected because at it from from right to left in yellow box gonna select everything versus selecting from left to right if you didn't know this 62 entities so I just saved myself um that's um and then let's go ahead and do the same thing as they before direction is this way we are going to do spacings we're gonna do six millimeters step between that and we're gonna create thirty of these and hit OK now when I do this do do look what happens effusion see how Fusion right now kind of you get a tendency to think oh but it bite it the thing just suddenly suddenly go ahead and and it's just sitting there well this is extremely important to understand when it comes to solid modeling software like fusion 360 and that is that right now fusion is absolutely calculating every single step that there is between every single phase that's being created on this pattern and you know this pattern is not really complex in per se right it's just yeah it's just some lines but it in in theory there we go in theory I mean it's thinking about every single little face point line everything in here is right now calculated by by fusion so when you're looking at this this is actually a pretty cool pattern isn't it so when you're looking at this kind of like I guess this is we could gonna call this a flat and hurled pattern on this block you know not too bad but you saw how fusion had to spend a little bit of horsepower trying to to figure to figure this out so I'm gonna show you a trick on how we can we can do better than this or a little tip on how we can do better than that now what if we just go back and delete these patterns that we just spend all this time making and let's go back to the original one here what if we wanted to do that on a 45 like what if you wanted to rotate we could of course I'm taking that whole pattern and rotate it but whatever at this point decided that we're gonna go in an angle well then somebody who who maybe I've watched a couple of live streams will think sweet could work for this so we already got our profile right let's now create a sweep so let's go in here create a new sketch so we're looking and let me just show that sketch so I can see right down there and let me just create a line and some kind of an angle doesn't be the matter and let's do a relationship from this point to the center there let's just give it some kind of a dimension let's make it 45 so now we kind of like have these two sketches and now we could go in and we could use a sweep so like this and this end and select the path and it's gonna be a cut but but you realize is that this line actually probably have to be longer because if not we end up with kind of like a cut there okay we can do that so let's go back in and edit that sketch and I'm just going to go ahead and click on the point and remove the constraint I added and then it's that I'm gonna give it a length so let's make it 25 it's get out of it now you can see that this this is cut through that's all great but now when we go in and try to do the same thing where we go ahead and weave pattern this well we will pretty quickly kind of realize that this is not really necessarily going to going to work in here because it's getting confused because it didn't have a stop point on the first one it sees the first runner to cutting through and now right so you get my point that this just this is just a little kind of like dangerous well let me show you the trick that 3d printer guys probably can well I should say have never thought of but if you maybe you haven't instead of trying to model all this off hey how about using cam for bats how many was yelling that in the livestream thing check this out let's go in to the cam workspace now normally when we're talking can we talk about programming CNC machines right but the his ex a pretty neat trick inside of you can do inside a cam now it's a little bit like through the backdoor but if you're doing wanna do like crazy shapes this this could be could be hopefully really useful for it so this is not about cam that's normally on Fridays but I'm gonna have to show it because I want to make sure that the that the 3d printing guy sees this so what am I gonna do is I'm gonna add a little bit of a stock extra star to the top of the pot because that's extra what's going to to kind of control the depth of this trick and then I'm gonna go in and use a parallel cut and I'm gonna have to select a tool for that now I don't have a tool in here I'm just gonna go in and quickly create one and so if this is getting a little bit too crazy just you know um just bear with me a little bit um let me just go in here and do something like ten maybe let's make this ten let get a little bit of length on here and we're not gonna have a radius on so your radius we were gonna go 30 degrees food links going to be eight there we go so I have like a little holder a little tool I'm creating here so you see they have a little tip on it now check this out let's go back in here I'm not gonna select I know my passes tab is probably crazy small so we did a six millimeter step over let's just click on this we get a warning that's fine it's like two seconds our calculate and we get something that looks like this well if we're trying on simulate and turn our stock on and hit play you will see that this tool is kind of gonna come out exactly what we what we had before what we were trying to model up it's doing this without any geometry right like the blog is flat that's nothing there's nothing on it well it gets better because inside of parallel in the settings in here we can access a that we want to add perpendicular passes so hit OK to that and we can get a warning don't worry about that it's just wrong about that the step-over is a lot bigger than the diameter of the cutter but for this case it's not bad now look at this we already created created this kind of banner here let me just fast-forward right look at this we already got kind of the same pattern as some as we had created before with with the pattern command inside of cam but we get X going here on the campsite and we can add a pass direction on it so let's change that's a 45 and now you will see that we ended up with kind of what I was what I was after or trying to model up befall with with the 45 now you say all right that's all the great lawyers impressive with cam but how does this useful for somebody's trying to 3d print this well if you're freely printing what are you normally always asking for STL files right inside of cam in the simulation window in here you can actually right click and you can say stock and you can save the stock out as an STL file so now I can actually save out that file right here as an STL file with those lines in it so like in three minutes I threw a couple of toolpath on this part and I created something that look very hard tomorrow love right to show you another example on this let's go back into two to a model environment what if we create a sketch on this side and let's hit C for circle and let's just get something up that looks like this here some thick block that goes across here again inside of cam so think about like if you have like some curved surface you've got a 3d print down we can go in here and we can apply that same type of tool path on on this model here so if you have never if you have never seen this before if you never played with with the the cam module before because you thought that well you know I do I do free D printing so why would I have is gonna not go so deep like that I why would I have a bother doing cam inside a fusion well then and you have a 3d printer maybe this was was just your answer same thing here you will see we got a cool pattern now this is not a rectangular stock we have here so we actually have to change the stock to save this out so and this may be right so this maybe we should do live stream just further down the road on this and because maybe I'm going a little bit too fast here but at least now you know there are possibilities so I'm just going to copy and paste a new body and then if I select that as my stocking cam so now I can select that okay actually I need to add a little bit of material to that right because like I said before the the the pot here is a two millimeter to it this body here is uh it's what's gonna drive the the toolpath and let's just regenerate this so two seconds let's try to simulate it when i rex i had the tool holder on here turn that off try to do it that again so now you will see that in the end we get like an early texture on from cam and then we can now if you are in the simulation space you can right-click you can say stock you can say save stock and now you can save that out as an STL that you're welcome will work for your printer so cam can be extremely awesome if you're trying to make crazy shapes like this versus if you are trying to model so I hope that this is not too crazy I hope that this is kind of like useful but I think that just knowing that you can actually go into cam and you can actually play around with the toolpath I use the parallel tool path in here just really pray it around with the 45 degrees and add in the perpendicular passes I was able to create something that could make that neroli kind of service on there now so that was kind of like if you got to make and by the way inside be aware of that inside a fusion you can actually drive sketches with cam 2 so if you went in here so you don't have to model everything so you went in here and you started sketching you know a spline or something that goes like in a in a strange kind of angle that you wanted to play around with maybe move around with the handles on that make that really soupy or whatever whatever you want that the toolpath can drive will drive that spline and again you can now make some crazy patterns crease patterns in them alright so I hope that that was an interesting little trick how 3d printing guys can use cam to make crazy shift without a flaw I have to model them up the second thing I want to talk about is specifically knurling and I should have a picture of a knurling tool but normally what I know from from knurling is normally using on a lathe and you kind of like make that same pattern we just made like a six egg so Wednesday nights on Facebook we do a live stream just for beginners absolute beginners that is Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. Eastern and one of the things I model up last Wednesday was a screwdriver and I got a question about the handle if we could make that knurled on on that and I was kind of talking about the same thing in that live stream as some iconic here in regards to using patterns that knurling really puts a lot of stress on a pattern can add a lot of kind of like processing power to a CAD system because it's got to calculate everything now I will show you how you can model up here but there is actually a couple of other solutions so in the manufacturing world we normally will just literally put an ode to the face saying that has to be knurl because like again not for freely printing but for machining you would have a special tool has like two small rollers on it that you press on the lathe against the steel and you will make the nerve so you just need to know this phase this section needs to be neurons normally just put a note on it the other option you have and somebody pointed that out as I was doing the live stream we can go and we can right click and go into appearances and if we're going to metal and lunamon you would like to see down here somewhere there's a knurled aluminum that we can now bring to the part it's just go places to the face to the face here and you will see that it gets a neural look to it right but again if 3d printing and I do nothing for you well if you're trying to indicate a model needs to be knurled then that will work you will also know that if you do the rendering and I'm not going to try to do that here because that's slows down my live stream if you do the rendering that you can exit there's a relief pattern and then you can exit and supposedly add a pop to it so when you render it out the finished part will look like that there is kind of like Heights to it so that's kind of like the two way that I would say any manufacturing we're always done in certain CAD while the same can we were always just add an appearance that there is just a picture by the way and then on a drawing 2d drawing the work drawing like the one I have hanging back there you'll just put a note saying it needs to be be knurled now before I end I wanted to show you how you can do how you can model it up and make it knurled just like a dick with the pan on before because some people's gonna be like well I still want to I don't care how many resources the tags I still want something nerd let me just get rid of this disappearance then their hold appearance so we're back to our standard steel in here okay and this one here this trick exit down in the description area of this video I left the link Paul Mac were thorough I think I hope I pronounced your name right he has a YouTube channel great uses channel he did a great video series for 3d printing and I think he he did this a knurling in a pretty quick and easy way that I wanted to share because if you are an old cab person like I am you might be thinking about you know using again the sweep like we did before and you could then draw the triangle on one end and then you could go in and use protect the surface and kind of like get a line project it down on this curl surface and it just kind of like looks like a curb and then you could use the sweep command but this is what what Paul did Paul went in and used the Carl Commandments on diffusion so I'm gonna click on coil and it's looking for a sketch drive for so I'm just going to create the same diameter sketch a circle as my my stock is here hit enter and you will see that the coil command kind of gives you a preview I see I think we use this one too for our custom threads how you can create custom threats in here now we're going to do a couple of tweaks to it but I just want to show quickly like what it really would do is creating almost like a spring looking pot here alright so it's gonna be a cut we're gonna do here we're gonna do a diameter of 50 we're gonna do a revolution of point 25 we're gonna make a height 10 millimeters and we're gonna have an angle we're gonna do a internal triangle and we're gonna do it on the inside here so we kind of getting some kind of a cut here let's just make this one millimeter so we kind of get this little sliver created I'm gonna hit okay as you can see it so we kind of have I don't know if you can see this it's kind of like what we did before with the triangle we've created that right here then if we go in and we mirror that so we're gonna mirror that and that phase there over a mirror plane what's going to be this plane here hit okay now we kind of like have a I don't know a wing symbol right here whatever whatever you want to call it now if we go in and do a a circular pattern again selecting faces and what Paul did was he was just literally playing I'm gonna select an access to Rove go around gonna be the inside here that X is there playing around with a number of the number of quantities you want here so I do 32 hit enter not we again it's the same problem as we kind of had to fall with trying to to pattern this is that we are putting some resources on on fusion 360 but you do end up with something and you can of course just all this something that does look like a knurled somewhat surface and you know maybe you can take a look at Paul's video maybe he made a little bit better better kind of like step over like this but you can never do it just be aware of them as soon as you're in here doing the modeling portion of this that you are really putting some stress on here we could probably have insisted this up we could probably actually have done this if we had used something like the multi axis contour on this pot here we could have evolved this around and kind of like done the same thing we did before inside of cam by creating the the cool texture there so that was what I was planning on showing in in this lesson so let me just summarize because I think that that was I think I maybe went a little too fast so I talked about a couple of different options but instead of have to model things up inside the fusion physically on the model and if you're making like you know if you had to make this all the way down this long shaft again you just realize the fusion has to keep track of every single face on every single intersection and everything and it is gonna slow down your system instead you can kind of cheat a little bit going to the cam environment and when you simulated inside of the camp environment here and you kind of get that knurled texture in the simulation space you can right-click say stock and you can save it out as an STL file so hope that this force I hope that this was useful um yeah hope that if you have a 3d printer that some of this stuff maybe inspired you to play around with that with some different textures alright guys I can see that Brady put in Paul's real name so I put the links should also be down in the description area of the video definitely go and check out paul's 3d printer series for fusion 360 if you appreciate a paul all right guys that's what i want and we're gonna hit it on the 30 minute mark if you're watching the recording thank you so much do me a favor thumbs up if you liked it thumbs down if you don't that's perfectly okay um and if you haven't already subscribed to the channel of course would really appreciate that and if you're sitting inside the livestream I'm gonna come in the livestream chat and just say hi to everybody so until tomorrow have an awesome awesome day thank you guys
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 107,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, CAD, Modeling, 3D Printing, CAM, Manufacturing, CNC, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include
Id: dSYQLpQhr9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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