Fusion 360 — Combine Sculpt To Model Work-space Important! — #LarsLive 78

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it is Tuesday it is October 17th welcome to livestream number 78 they're gonna talk fusion 360 and we're gonna talk about combining the sculpting environment with the model environment and I think this one is is kind of important so as people are joining in here to livestream if you're watching the recording thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day and see what already got ice egg in the area already got Thome in here it's absolutely awesome appreciate you guys taking the time out of your busy day so this today's livestream I'm kind of excited about doing this one I am kind of piggybacking on last week's live stream where the title was stop modeling the way you want and I put down the description area besides my email address is down there you will find the link to stop modeling the way you want a remodel of this box and really well you know I think we all will be trying to learn CAD we're all trying to find the right way to do it and I think it's it's kind of the way most of us engineers designers machinist or whatever we are kind of like our brains are thinking we want to find the right way and do it but I also really believe that sometimes just jumping in there and kind of like start getting something on the screen can can help you quite a bit so that's what I'm trying to attack it so today we're gonna combine the the 3d modeling and we're gonna combine the sculpting area we one minute in we already got 30 people in the livestream thank you so much all right so let's jump into to fusion and let's start modeling something up so what I want to model up today is a version of a coffee cup and the reason for that is that just to break it down is I'm really looking at the handle to use the sculpting environment because it's really a lot about dragging handles and by the way if you're not familiar with sculpting at all you would all to find down description area the intro we did to sculpting so don't worry you got it all in this in this video in the description area but but they shape the outside shape you could clearly use sculpting for that also but my brain kind of like my brain breaks it down more to 3/8 to - it's a freedom model so let's start me to look at it enough of this okay and yes we're gonna do today's in metric also just because there's a few people who plotted yesterday did that so let's let's let's get going here so a coffee cup um you know my brain really kind of like like to break things down into you know just I will say rough shapes and then we can always read a Friday so I'm gonna go up here and start a sketch and on this on the plane here doesn't really matter I'm just like the front plane I'm just gonna start sketching a outline and I'm gonna use I think I'm gonna use revolve for this so I'm just gonna sketch something up here some kind of a thickness coming over I just try to get somewhat close and then we can tie everything in with relationships and dimensions afterwards so at this point here let's put some dimensions on it so I kind of like decided that the wall it's gonna be about 10 10 millimeters thick and I want to kind of like unify it so I'm gonna go over to the constrained area and make these two two equal here now I'm gonna start out kind of like if you're brand new diffusion hopefully you can follow along but I know that probably as we're getting further into this it might get a little complicated but just follow along pick up the bits and pieces you can and you know then we'll take care of in the commentary later so let's put another dimension in here and let's make this one about 65 maybe I always round my numbers up and let's make this a hundred one hundred tall okay the thing is fully defined it's completely black so let's revolve this one so I'm going to go up here and use a revolve so when I select up a ball I'm gonna select a profile but is that reverse lb created and then the axis X is gonna be the X's here and then we should be able to to revolve this what does this tell me I miss something it says the profile crosses the revolved at all hang on did I not that looks like it is come home oh we already starting having problems they have all that around I don't know what I was picking so revolve this around here and we kind of like get a what I would call a cup shape so a sketch reversed l revolved around here and I gotta just do this there's multiple ways to get to the same result you could also has that on a sketch and drawn a circle see four circle and have made that 165 seven 130 130 in diameter my mouse is moving that's why it's not sticking and then we put have extruded that up what did I do 100 I think I did 100 and then you could have used this shell command found on a modified shell and hit 10 millimeters in thickness these two are identical I don't care what way you select I don't think it really matters whatever floats your boat you can say that one is 3 feet just where the other one is - I don't think it really necessarily have to matter too much but I'm gonna go with ever evolve here okay so this is my kind of cup sheet but of course as I'm looking at this I can see that you know this is not a very pretty cop to work with so one thing you could do was you could cheat and then go out on the internet and find a cop and take a picture of it now I gotta say this cup here is not looking straight at it you can see it's like looking a little bit of above so we're gonna have a little bit of display but with this if I go to the insert and go to attach canvas and let's get over to the front view here and if I select that front face and places this Cup now it comes in way small let me just hide the body so we can actually see the cup and then I will actually turn the sketch back on so if you kind of use that as a reference now I can start kind of like dragging this thing out here and kind of place it I know it's not gonna be perfect but we can maybe open it now I can't see my sketch so you can change the transparency to make life a little easy over here on the on the bar so I hope that this kind of like helps you a little bit like see some of these tips and tricks so maybe around there maybe make it a little bit bigger something like that now I realize when I do this though that my proportion might be a little bit off with my copy it might be not too tall let's fall enough so let me just hit OK to place this image let's go back into the sketch by right-clicking select edit and change that to maybe I don't know 140 30 40 what am i right now when you see when I went into the sketch here you see how the picture went away that's because we went all the way back to the beginning right but I could I could just take the picture because it's not related to the to the scats and drag it behind there now when I go in and out of the sketch now you will see the picture stays there so I can ecstasy that 110 140 might not be be too bad so there's a little trick there you can reorder things in here if they're not associated with one another all right so that's pretty good but then I realize looking at this cop that that the it kind of see how it kinda like flares out up at the top a little bit that's not and I also realize it probably has a round about neither round at the bottom I have no absolutely no problem with let's turn the body back on and I can just hit F fulfill it right and I can just place a filler down here at the bottom and maybe a ten millimeter fill it right that will kind of like take care of the of the bottom but it's okay but I notice how it kind of flares up at the top of the cup and I kind of wanted to resemble that so one way you could do this and again sculpting you're gonna come to that in a second sculpt there might be a solution here but I like to stay with my shape right now so one thing that comes to mind is maybe using something I want to turn the canvas off for a second I'll use something like a spline for that now I could do the whole side of the spline but I think I just want to do the flare out here so I'm gonna go in and select a spline and just make sure it snaps into the outer face here and just drag it out and place it somewhere up here and hit okay now we talked about splines befall on the live stream so splines have these handles that makes them really swoopy and they can really do some great stuff and there's one and eats each end so you can really get a nice shape here but also be aware of that splines can you can use the same constraints as we normally use for standard sketches when you have a spline too so I can go over here and select the horizontal and say I want this point here on this to be her song to this maybe try that again so select this point here and say that I wanted to be honest on with this point and you see how it moved down so now that point will always stay horizontal to that the same thing we can go into use dimensions so I can go in here and say that I'm gonna do a dimension from this point to the edge here and I could say I want that to be 35 so be aware that you can control not only the the spline points here but you can still you should still use constraints and actually for this one down here I would actually let it snap into the vertical vertical line so I it kind of like it has a relationship with that and then I can work a little bit of my on my kind of like my detail what I want here of getting that flare out and I think that's I think that's a pretty good flare out there now I'm talking about using dimensions or constraints and you can definitely do that we can fully define this spline by literally just going in but we got a place a bunch of dimensions because each of these handles would need a a dimension same thing but these two handles up here they would need some kind of a one of a dimension that was people need a dimension like this but it would probably also need an angle dimension like this in there and then we probably also need a dimension from the width here now you will see it's finally fully defined you can definitely do that and a lot of people will tell you that the right way in in CAD would be to fully define space splines I normally would say put the dimensions on that you that you kind of want I'm just doing ctrl Z to undo all these dimensions when you get it to a point where you would like it I think it's okay to right-click on the spline and fix it now I don't think it's okay to fix anything other than really splines when it comes to sketch geometry it turns green but tells me that it's fixed I mean I can't move it around right now and so I think that that is okay now I want of course the same kind of thickness as I had in this area with my new spline so I'm gonna do it Oh offset and and I'm gonna go minus ten millimeters because that was my my distance here and I could actually draw I could actually now if I draw a line from this end point of this spline over here over to here you will see that this gets kind of like it gets like this I don't know light or color over here that shows me that it's a fully defined sketch but I wanted to show you a couple of other tools that I think you should be aware of as we have getting along with 78 live streams if we go over to the sketch environment do I have that there's a trim in here so I could actually trim off this section right here so if I click on that you will see that that gets trimmed away now that actually made now my spline here under define so I'm gonna go ahead and right-click on that one and fix that one too because it's still a spline so I'm okay with with fixing it also in the drop down be aware of that there's a break you can break lines so if I go in and I hover over this one look how we get a red Red Cross down here showing us that this line is gonna be broken or that in a section and why would I do that well now where I had this broken and I go up here I could break this line up here let's right-click break and break this line now I could go ahead and make these two line segments construction geometry now you don't have you can't see it right now because the 35 is in the way now that was construction geometry here now again you maybe didn't you could have done other things I just wanted to show you that now I've created kind of like that that live up there by moving things around I actually lost it looks like my constraint down here me Dad horizontal and now because I I got rid of the the tan I can actually place it again make this that that should fool defined that okay that's another live stream alright so if I turn my canvas bag on I feel happy that I kind of like got dad that's woop on there now when I go back in to revolve this alright get out of the sketch you will see that that the revolve has kind of like lost it so let's go in and and edit that one again and all I really have to do is just select that new segment and I get get that that here now of course that looks like this ads might cut your mouth a little bit so let's go in and add a couple of fillers to that top and here's actually another thing you that surprised me a little bit I actually thought that the filler tool would blow up if I went past Cyril because this is two fillings and I have some experience with other CAD software that I definitely know would not like when these two fill it's kinda like crossing over one another as it looks like they're doing right there but it actually it will actually do it right at that point so Bravo fusion for that I like that okay so um that starts looking more like the coffee cup that I think I think it starts looking more real now you can argue that this is not the prettiest coffee coffee machine but it's my live stream haha so this is a typical environment for me where I kind of like work my way through some of the different areas and I know in the comments area for last week's livestream on stop morning the way you want a couple people was kind of like yeah but you know what if there if you need to change things and I will say that I still have things down here in the tree to change right but now I'm starting looking at the handle of the coffee mark and you know what I could definitely use we talked about sweets yesterday that would have been perfect ones who maybe have incorporated but sculpting really kind of to me in my head fits very well here so we can of course mix things up so to get into the sculpt environment we can go up here and create one from right in here now when I click on that we're getting into this t-spline environment don't forget if you have not taught to see spots before the sculpting Aryan fusion we have them the the intro video down in the description area of this one now you get a warning you're getting into the sculpting environment I'm just gonna say okay to that and and you get a different size of tools in here so now we're not driving with sketches anymore so um getting him play around because this is how you're gonna get better at using these tools but I'm gonna go ahead and use a cylinder to kind of get me started on my by Handel and it looks for a sketch so I'm gonna select the bottom kind of like the bottom sketch down here I can select it out of the tree if I don't want to make sure I get it um and then it will me to sketch in an arc so I'm gonna go to top view and I'm just gonna sketch it out here let's make it let's make it thirty like that and if I roll around you will see that I kind of gotten a are tinny and actually I could have changed how many pieces are wanting in here how many subdivisions or faces I want in here but I'm gonna go ahead and use a tool that you already a pretty familiar with I'm gonna highlight the whole thing right-click and select move and I'm just gonna move it into kind of place where I think my the middle section of my handle should be here and I can also go on top you and really just try to place it maybe this view over here try to place it somewhat in in the center here now of course you could kind of like work with all this but right now I'm just gonna do it with as close as I can with my eyes all right now a couple of tricks you need to know about the sculpting environment is how to pick things so if I select this ad and I just left-click once I'm selecting that ad but looking like what happens if I double click on that edge then it selects the whole boundary and I can actually hold down control on my keyboard and I can double click and select every circle around here edge around here my best explanation of what these rings and lines are is think about like a barrel a whiskey barrel just to make it a happy day you know how it has like the metal rings around it that is really what these bands do on on the on the sculpt model because the sculpt phases will always try to stay continuously we talked about this alternate lives from about g2 and continuously surfaces and that's what the sculpting environment is gonna do it's gonna so these gonna try to stay a continuous curve and these rings are kind of like metal braces that holds it in so with these selected if I go up on a right-click and a select edit forum I can now completely change all these rings together so if I select a little scale environment I can actually make them a little thinner if I think that 30 was not the right value to kind of get my my coffee handle to the right diameter now another thing I clicked out in the white space right so I have the Edit form active another thing you will see you can do in here is if I just select a couple of rings so double click and double click on the bottom so by the whole control down I can start now pulling in these two rings together and I can start kind of turning them around and I can use these handles to really manipulate this coffee handle so right now I have the two rings selected and I start pulling kind of like simultaneously in those two rings I can at any point click on the right space that will unselect them and maybe just double click on one it and select that set of rings and now I can kind of start working just on on that portion now another trick that you need to know if there's a lot of information in another trick with that whole ring selected if I hold down alt press down alt on my keyboard and I start dragging one of these arrows you will exit see I get a whole new segment so let me just do that a couple times holding down all and dragging I'm creating new segment segments you see that so that's another neat little trick to now so this way here I can really double click hold down control double click so select these two edges and I can really now kind of start working on kind of this shape of of this handle here and this is really how I would maybe start playing around with it so let me double click on the answer again hold down alt and I'm just gonna drag a new segment off here they go old now you see here how kind of like this now it gets almost a lump on it so let me just move that over a little bit and and maybe I'll just do another one so hold down alt and drag I get a new segment I can kind of manipulate that so I get close to what I want now so in this space of sculpting I'm gonna stop it right there in this space you can really at any point click on these different segments and you can kind of try to to straighten things out a little bit on these rings and I can try to get a unified segments I can also just like you know a couple of segments so I could go in here and just select these two edges by holding down ctrl and now if I go back to the front ads and I start pulling in those I'm really only pulling in those two lines so that is really how we will work with this now I'm gonna go up and work on the top here double click and pull that one up a little bit now let me hold down alt so I get another segment maybe another segment and then let me select a couple of those hold down control I hope this makes sense and then maybe start when it's not dragging these a little bit and see if I can if I can get something that what I want here so these over a little bit stretch in them over like that maybe I don't know what do you think maybe just go to the last one here and drag that one over pull and I think that looks pretty decent let's add another segment in here so we get another kind of one we can play with I want probably want to so like this adds hold down control double-click this adds and maybe this edge and try to move them all down a little bit see how I can kind of like I can kind of like play with them till I'm happy with them okay this is kind of gonna be my my handle that I have just done here with with this now I'm gonna there's a couple of different ways that you can that you can now get this combined with our ours coffee cup I'm gonna show you what I would call when I had one I don't like how this one is not straight there I'm gonna show you what I would call like this the surface way to do this I'm gonna just make another segment and I'm actually gonna let it go past my solid model a little bit and I'm gonna do that down here in this section too now hold down alt and drag a new segment let go into my solid model now I will say there's a couple of different ways you can do this there is some cool tools in in here look into something like bridging and subdivide and things like that but we are coming up on the half an hour one I want to show you this trick because if you are have watched the live streams I hope that this would a little bit make sense to you so I have gotten the handles somewhat what I want I'm gonna stop here I'm gonna hit okay to get out of of this finished form I'm gonna just save on out of the sculpting I'm gonna say finished form when I do that I do get a sculpting that I can go back I can go back in here right click and edit that just like as if it was before so you can completely come back in and modify now if I look in the bodies folder you will see an icon that you should be somewhat familiar with if you watch these live streams it have now become a surface model so my body is the cop and now I got this surface modeling here now what can we do with this we want it to be one big solid well one way to do this is to turn off the body okay so now we can see what we got out of this and we can go into the Pat's workspace now you've been in here before if you follow the live streams I'm gonna because this is kind of like just a shell it's not a closed solid so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go in and create a patch on this face meaning them I'm just closing off that opening I'm gonna do this right click and Pete and do the same thing to the bottom now it's still hollow inside but if we use this stitching we can actually stitch these three surface bodies into a solid if they're watertight but we know they are so I highlight them all stitch them together and when I do that they now became a body what is awesome I can train my other body on my coffee cup and now I kind of have this here now there's still two different bodies so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go back into the model environment I'm gonna go under modify and here there is a combined function I'm gonna click on that and I'm gonna combine the two pieces together it okay and it now just became one solid now the last thing I maybe want to do is add some fillers to this so we can hit F fulfill it I can add some kind of a a fill it in here we can make it as big as as small as as we want I don't people go past this area let's see what happens when we go to three yeah that's if you can don't care so we can add add fill it's two to these edges here for whatever whatever we become this is a full solid now right we made it a a solid so I hope oh the next thing I want to do is I'm gonna right-click change appearance because nobody drinks a steel cup anymore that was back in the Viking Age so let's go here and just paint it glossy and drag a red up on the metal now it's right there you go so what I hope you got out of this there's 30 minutes and you let me know thumbs up thumbs down but what we got out of this was we actually started out with what I would call a pretty rough shape in the beginning right and we added that spline to it and we went all the way into the sculpting workspace and then we ended up with a solid marble that you know we can now use for 3d printing we can use it for you know whatever whatever we really whatever you really want out of that I hope this was useful as always do me a favor thumbs up if you liked it thumbs down if you don't I really appreciate when you guys give me that and if you haven't already it would mean the world to me if you will hit that subscribe button then you get a little bell and you should get those patience all right guys 95 people in here in 30 minutes absolutely appreciate it for you guys we're taking time out of your busy day to join the livestream for you guys you can I know that some of you guys it's late at night oh I have to work I appreciate you guys will watch the recordings here as it gets for calling up on YouTube that's it I think that's all that I want so so don't forget down in description area my email address any future topics you would like to see there was the link for the start modeling the way you want though we did the box and also an interest of sculpting if this was brand new to you alright guys until the next time I'm gonna in the broadcast jump into the live streams and hot everybody hope you have an awesome awesome day thank you
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 41,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, CAD, Modeling, 3D Printing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Sculpting
Id: ngNjRSaVlvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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