Fusion 360 — How To Model & Sculpt a Knife Handle — #LarsLive 99

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doing welcome to livestream number 99 today is Wednesday it is free p.m. Eastern it is November 29 2017 99 man I think we're gonna make a hundred friends so today you're gonna kind of like continue on what we talked about yesterday what was doing this knife here that where we module up the blade and today we're gonna do the handle now I did the time before this live stream is how to sculpt of the handle but I max is gonna show you both how to model it in the model environment and do it in the sculpting environment because if you just thought you were gonna come here and watch these live streams and learn how to model a knife without me yapping about other things sorry because we have a couple of things we gotta touch on in the gaps where we left off yesterday some important stuff at least in my opinion um yes 99 we're gonna talk about the giveaway at the end of the livestream so if you're interested in that it doesn't cost or hurt anything to be part of that giveaway wait till the end okay guys let's jump into it so a couple of things I got a touch on from yesterday and I kind of set it up was I was talking about rule number one about creating a new component when you're starting out in regards to if this is going to be an assembly with all different kinds of components or if it's just gonna be one body and I have decided that I'm just gonna make this whole thing as one one body and not as individual components and my reason for doing that is nothing more than if you want to create this one so you have to manufacture it I talked about my John Grimm's mo by the way his his website is not on description out of this video if he was gonna make this knife he would probably break it down into individual components because at some point he's gotta assemble it and and be all good with it from my perspective I'm really just modeling up this knife as to model of a knife and I don't really care about these different things being different components so I decided not to do it yesterday upfront because that was if you got a do rule number one that has talked about on the forum that means that before we even started doing anything on the screen we would have right clicked up here and we were to create a new component what that new component will be the blade and then we could create another new component let me do that and this one here we could rename this one by slow left click and we could call this one the handle and then instead of right clicking up here and creating our component we could right click on the handle say new component now you will see that that breaks down to a shock component and in here we could then you know because this handle is kind of like different there's some different parts within the handle so right so there was the brass front if that is what what this part is and then we could create another component in here and we could call that brass and to hope you get what I'm trying to say here so rule number one on the forum says that you should do all this before you even start modeling things up breaking it down that way everything gets organized and I'm not saying that that is wrong however on purpose yesterday I let me delete all this on purpose yesterday I decided not to create any components that is only that main file up here and in one body to create the blade and the reason I did that was I wanted to show you what actually happens when you don't follow what they call rule number and it's okay it's not it I don't want to get into a big argument about rule number one but it's in my opinion it's perfectly fine don't worry about it what you can do in this case is I can go up to the body here I can right-click on the body and I can say create components from bodies okay I create click on that now you will see that my knife handle here does gets put into our component if I click the little plus sign you will see that that body i just right-clicked on is now within a component but means I should actually click on this and call this the the blade right there now this I have now just made us assembly where this is the blade the reason that people don't like to do this or why rule number one people yell about rule number one is that if I now activate that blade and I hope this is not too confusing you will see that my feature tree down here has gone away because if I go overnight to make this sub assembly you will see here was all the features that we created yesterday and now that feature I just created to make the component is now here some people would argue that because I turned that component into that body into a component that all this in here should have now ended up when I switch over to that component well you can you can argue all you want about you know which we can have hours debates about that and and I'm not gonna tell you what is right or wrong it's going to go back again to the point where I don't have any components in their way back to a body but the reason that it doesn't get sent in it doesn't get packed up and sending with that component is because fusion literally follows the history structure and all this was created in order that's why I'm not breaking in and I think it's perfectly fine I don't it's a big issue um you can absolutely if you decide suddenly oops you know what this is going to become its own component I don't think I mean there's probably some scenarios where the dis bad but I don't think this is like terrible to go in right now and right click and say I'm gonna create a component from this and then I just know that that component doesn't have the history in it but it is out here because it actually follows the timeline okay I hope that I didn't confuse the heck out of you so that's really why I wanted to go with that and why I wanted to show that yesterday I'm just gonna do this whole thing is one big body I'm not gonna break it down to components if you want to do that go ahead and do that that's fine um what other thing I gotta say somebody asked the question what these arrows are here on the canvas that was literally from the screenshot that I stole online of this block knife okay enough so let's get in and do this handle so what what we're gonna do we're gonna do it both as a modeling and we're gonna do it as a sculpting and this because you know we can do that in 30 minutes or so and I think it's important that you see kind of like how you have different options to how you would do something like a hand layer so let's start out with the modeling environment because that was kinda like we did yesterday with with the blade so the blade I'm gonna leave the blade turn on here I'm gonna leave the the canvas on here so let's model up the handle now I'm gonna start a new sketch and I'm gonna show you some cool things here - I think I'm gonna start a new sketch and I'm gonna stop on the side of here and what I'm actually gonna do we talked a little bit about yesterday using guide curves I am we're gonna do the modeled way first I am gonna use these top here as guide curves so I'm gonna go back to my spline tool and I'm gonna zoom in a little I'm gonna wait Subang in that's okay by the way make sure also that you aware that there is like snaps a grid option down here if you if you feel like this is snapping in all right I'm just gonna select the point riding around where I want the Handy to start I'm going to snap and up click another point right where there's this transition between here between the wood and it's that brass yeah that's gotta be brass right I'm gonna place another point down around here where we're going from the another transition of the wood through the brass and then about the end here and hit the little green checkmark okay so this is not really pretty right now but we're gonna work with that quickly so I'm gonna go over here and zoom in now remember yesterday we place the origin right here on the corner so I'm gonna make sure that these two were kind of like in line here so I'm gonna go in and do a vertical relationship between the origin and that spline point so I can make sure they are right there another thing I'm gonna do if I click on the point here is I like I actually like to start out by always making spline points horizontal or vertical you just kind of like tightens things up a little bit that's a good good practice I think you can always delete them again if you want to I'm gonna drag this point down about where I think it's gonna style around here I'm wasted gonna go and drag this one down to get a little bit closer so I kind of place these flying points and now I'm gonna go in and kind of adjust them to about where I want him okay zoom out a little so let's take a look so this one here this blue line is definitely not great so let's go ahead and kind of like stop dragging dragging on the spline points a little bit and see we can get that blue curve and I'm not gonna try to be perfect the longer used you're sitting around playing around with it right the better it's gonna get so be aware of that but I'm not gonna waste too much time trying to make it perfect so I'm just gonna drag this one up there perfectly fine let's go back over see how this one kind of curled up don't it's probably just an endpoint that needs to be shown up like that over there I'm actually gonna move it up a little bit the problem with these splines is that when you are moving around different handles you're kind of like getting a little bit different salts but this actually nobodies pretty good right there see I moved one point and now the line here kind of like it so you might have to play around with these a little bit to get them somewhat good you can insert both blind points for more accuracy whatever you want okay I'm done so I'm gonna do this one up here then I'm actually also gonna do another one because when I have two guy curves or two rails down here so it makes it gonna just go up and do another spline and I'm gonna do the kind of the same thing or go a little faster this time so I'm just gonna kind of like place a couple of points maybe one there same in a section that's the other one same in a section over around here and then the end there hit the green checkmark okay and I'm gonna do the same thing to this one down here I'm gonna create a vertical relationship between the zero and this end point so I know that those are good I'm actually also gonna do the same thing between over here between this one and this one right because because those two are probably actually pretty much in line this one and this one okay um we could go ahead here too and just like before grab this handle here we could make that parallel to these two lines that's perfect let's get it a little bit closer let's get this one direct in a little bit again as you're working with splines you will very quickly get feel a lot more comfortable with them so if you're looking at me right now and you're thinking wow like I can tell you that you spent a little time doing this and you're gonna feel very comfortable doing this this is actually not that that difficult like I said before most of the times when people are struggling with spline cuts because they're inserting too many of them I should maybe I've inserted one right here on the center point too but I'm gonna stop trying to be too perfect now I did also curl this one up so what's out for that move around okay I'm gonna stop here another tip I want to give you is that so we know that these flying points are in order online we know these are in line sometimes we can actually help inserting a dimension so D for dimension and I'm going to show you why I'm gonna do this in just a second so I'm gonna make this one ten point five so mexic putting some constraints on these flag ones we talked about adding constraints yesterday but these hearings are gonna use force of construction planes some of them just I'm just rounding them up just to make my life a little easier you know me okay so this is really what I'm gonna do with my 2x2 guide rails now we're going to use for this is we are going to use the loft command so I'm gonna stop this sketch right here and by the way here's a tip if we go down to that sketch if you didn't know this over here to the left if I right click click show dimension look at this now we're gonna actually see them and that's gonna be it's gonna be useful okay so for this we're going to need our kind of our our profiles so I am going to turn the origin on so we can see it and I'm gonna use the ellipse for this now I didn't take a side image of this knife so we don't really know what we're gonna have to play that by ear right here also be aware many times it's easier to kind of like start your sketches out to the to the side and then drag them in so I'm just gonna kind of like make this ellipse right here you get to put in a dimension for the width put in 20 like that so now we get to kind of like 20 here now let me just move my my pot around here so you can kind of like see that that scats it's kind of like sitting on the side it's not sitting the right place but it's sitting right there where my hand I want to stop my handle now I can literally go in and use constraints and I can say this point on the ellipse I want that tied right into my spline point right up here and I want the other end of my ellipse to be to this spline point down here now you can't really see it because the canvas is kind of in the way see that so now that's gonna be kind of like the beginning of of this loft profile so I'm gonna hit stop for that and then I'm gonna create another one right here in the intersection here so that's gonna by on one of this dimension so what I'm actually gonna do is I'm going to create a construction plane we use that offset plane before from this face and I'm gonna go out that - 10.5 where I know my intersection is so these are almost like reference dimensions for me now I'm gonna start a sketch on that right-click create a sketch I'm gonna create another ellipse so I'm gonna go yeah and all ellipse here I'm just gonna sketch that one out here line goes up and width I'm gonna make this one 10 okay let me spin my model around again so you can't like see that it it lives just sitting out in space or do exactly what I did before coincident a relationship between that top point of that ellipse to where our spline was on top and one from down here up to where it was up here okay so what we just did was we kind of like created these two profiles through again if this went too fast just rewind the video right so here comes the cool thing we're gonna go and we're gonna use a loft and the LOS looks for two profiles so the first profile is gonna be the first one we created the second profile is going to be this one and actually because when we did this yesterday I kind of like left this metal piece here like a part of the stock of this blade so it sees that so next I want to make it a cut if you ever see red means cut because I'm gonna make this into one one big body I'm just gonna select the join and when I do that you will see that we get a nice transition between those two profiles look good hope it looks good now we wanted to create those two side splines for our rails so I'm gonna go down over here to the right click rails and I want to click right on this bottom one here and look how nice that rail makes the top follow right there right it follows that really nicely now don't throw up when you see the top you see how we're really pushing that whole shape to to follow follow along that well we can of course select multiple rounds so this one's like the top and then everything kind of like relaxes and we kind of like get that in that I'm just hit okay and we can kind of like see that right that segment right there okay now our our sketches when we did this is when we did this this loved our sketch gets consumed you can almost turn it back on over here on the light bulb we can kind of like see that showing up again so that is really the trick to go all the way through with this with this part here so now I can actually go ahead and I can create a other another part now one of the things you can you will find handy is to actually steel edges from one and and and to another you don't always need them but if we go in here you can open up a sketch on this face on that face we just ended at and if you hit P for project we can steal that ads around this we don't have to draw that same thing for the next loft because I recommend that you're breaking down into different different lofts now I'm gonna show you the next segment here because it's gonna be interesting for you that is that the next one we're gonna do a offset from the origin this time is gonna be minus 95 right right there so now I can start a sketch on this one right click create a new sketch and we're gonna do the ellipse again and I'm gonna do what I just did before I'm going to get another one exact same with 10 but now you will notice if I go into the side view that the two endpoints that I want to snap into I'm not I'm not in line you see that they're an angle you have this 3d sketch option over here on the sketch palette make sure that it's turned on because that will actually let the sketch go into what is called kind of 3d sketch mode so if I do a coincident between here to here that was on the plane so that is not really very exciting but when I go in here and click from here to here it will actually let that sketch go in an angle okay I hope that was that was useful so now stop that go back again hit another loft we can select that that adds we had right there we can select our new sketch again it goes back into a because I still have a bit of material left in there from the play from yesterday I change that to join right now we're getting a handle but of course it's straight transition between the two so we're gonna use the guide rails again to kind of give it that economic kind of look there okay I see how the handle kind of like stopped coming to shape I'm gonna create the last one and then I'm gonna show you the sculpt I might run a few minutes over here today but I think that it's important that you see both of these here now because this is a smooth surface I actually don't think I have to do that projected edge here I'm gonna test that out so I'm gonna create the lake last plane offset plane from this face that's going to be minus 105 right so left wing goes right there let's create the last lips lips from this face and create that up they're gonna make it ten right and then we're gonna do like I did before I'm gonna do a coincident from this point to this point and again make sure you have that 3d sketch turned on so we can go ahead here and snap into there and kind of like get that angle on it and let's see if we can't do a loss without projecting because we don't have anything interfering on this one so say laugh between here to here see if we get a perfect there again I don't know if the debris else we're to do much on this one but just to pull it close just like that and click under there now now I can hide the dimensions again that was on that sketch number nine only just hide against number nine to wrap this this one up here I would probably add some fill it's so we can go in and add a fill it to this edge here and I don't know what we can go three likes might be a very nice fill it on here we could probably also add a fill it over here on the top we would add some champers to to the knife and things like that the last thing I wanted to do to this one before we get into sculpting is of course we can go in now we can right-click do appearances and let's go into metal let's go into brass and I don't know which one we want to get old or just brass polish maybe and I'm gonna change this to faces because bodies we only have one body on this one right I'm kind of being a rebel doing this drag that over to that face probably also on to that face there we can do the same thing that's what this so they're to these last phases this is just to add a little bit of make it look a little bit better and then let's throw some wood on it and I don't know what you make a handle out of mahogany I'd be kind of cool enough I don't know so there is the modeled way to do to do this right so I hope that this was useful for some of you guys to see how to model up this knife here now I'm gonna spend five minutes semanas extra and jump in and show you how to do it with the strop thing so if you were watching this just to learn the sculpting I am sorry but you can hopefully smell this hopefully so what I'm gonna do is I want to move all the way back to where we did that where we were so I can drag all the way back to there now we're kind of back to where we were before we started the model once right I am gonna start another custom this sculpting is gonna go a little fast our thing I'm gonna start another sketch here but instead of doing the the guide curves I'm actually just gonna draw a line somewhere around here it doesn't really whoops doesn't really matter and then I'm gonna go into the distraught workspace that says yep I'm good with that and what we can do in here is we have these different different pre ones we've talked about this before so I'm gonna select type and if I select this line we just created you won't actually see that we kind of get a segment here now we can make it round that's what I want and we now get kind of like this round type of tubing you can choose to create different segments whatever whatever you kind of wants here just gonna hit okay so now I can't like have this tube now I might just hide it hey well let's just leave it like that that's fine or weird it's trying to can this down maybe well that's fine I'll just leave it I thought for a second that was a solid blade I'm seeing those exit events we want the image um one thing I want to show you that you can do also in here is be aware of that you can subdivide it so when I click subdivide in here you can actually specify what we want so I'm gonna change this to one nothing if I select here along this adds I can actually kind of soft divide this one down the center this can be very handy because if I do this subdivide this now I can actually go in and add symmetry I've talked about that before where I create a symmetry between these two what gives me like a green line going down what means that now if I go in and select this edge right click Edit form and I drag this out I'm actually dragging symmetry on the other side that is a very nice function now with this I'll just undo that with this we can start kind of doing the same thing we did before so let's go in here and I'm gonna double click on the ads what will make me select the entire ring right click in edit form and now we can actually kind of like stop dragging this back to about the same place I wanted this to start right we could click out in space we click this top edge here and maybe start dragging this up a little bit there so now we can actually start kind of like zoom in a little we can start forming this to that shape we want for the handle so right now I'm just selecting kinda like the upper end of this year now this year of course double click to select the whole edge around we can kind of like stop moving this segment down here we can grab I mean now we're back to we have covered sculpting before so now we exit back to where we can kind of like start playing with matching this the best we can right whoops and again just like with this clients before just get yourself in here play around with this a little bit that will definitely definitely help you to kind of get this set up the way you want it I just wanted one edge okay and you can also insert mall mall edges if you want to that can be kind of handy like I'm looking at this edge here we've actually probably want that too all right it's gonna go all the way down there what means that this edge here might it's gotta be manipulated a little bit but you can actually do forget out of this hit okay we can actually go over here and we can insert an edge so we actually get an option here to kind of like insert another break that might just mess up a little bit with my section here but I think you know I think you can see what I'm getting at sorry inserting more segments in here that will give us more tools to kind of manipulate and and kind of work work with in here okay so now at this point we kind of got something somewhat similar not as spend as much time on it let me just hide the picture right not too shabby be aware of that also in here we have there's a lot of different options one of things we can do here if I double-click on this back edge to select double clicking and add selects the whole loop there is one in here called fill hole now you get some different options in here how it's gonna close close that up maybe that is a little bit better again you can play around with with how you want the ends to to go you can actually maintain make them entirely flat if you want to or you can you can play with kind of like the kind of conversion of that here I'm just gonna hit OK to that and I could also do the other thing on the other side but what I want to show you is let's try here now when we're done doing this in the sculpting environment let's stop finish form by clicking up here and when I do that it's important that you know that this is just a shell right now because I didn't close this end up what means that when I go over my bodies over here this is a surface body of Pat's workspace now this might get a little a little complicated now I'm jumping around a little bit but what I'm gonna do what I could do they behind the body what I could do here for a handle is I could go over to the Pat's workspace I want to show you this and I could create a patch here also so I'm kind of doing the same thing I did in inside of the sculpt environment and hit OK and then we actually ended up with two bodies we could actually try to stitch them together now if we stick two bodies together and they are watertight they will become a body so now these three commands down here have makes it to come to a body of our handle but when we turn on the 9 these two these two are still two separate bodies and hide the origin so now what we can do I hope this you guys a patient with me we can go in and we can use that combined we used that one before click on that's we can combine these two and now they are going to become one single body and be kind of like back to where we were before with with a handle now again we could go in here and try to add some fill it's I'm not sure what the filler commands gonna do to this it looks pretty good so we can add fill it's to this just like if it was a a solid I wanted to show you one other trick before and again if this is going way too fast sorry just roll back repeat watch it again right you can slow down the videos I want to show you one other trick that I wanted to show you forever so this is really just one big body right now now of course when I going to do the appearances of this I would love to kind of show you the same image I did before where I had the brass and I had the magma the mahogany handle but what happens when I drag this in is that it's really just gonna be on all the the kind of faces in here well there is a tool if we go back and we we actually have a plane down here but if we go back and create another plane offset playing like we did before what did you say it was - 10.5 I think it took place at the same place this is one thing I want to show you this is great with appearances I've talked about before we can split bodies but we can actually also split a face and all we are doing is when we're selecting this handle we are splitting the with that plane it's not changing anything other than just the kind of the appearance of the other face here not really messing with anything other than just kind of like that blanket that is wrapped around what that means is that now if I go back into appearances and I can now apply that brass just to oops have another faces right to there oops this shouldn't have done oh whoa we just found an issue well that's interesting well you can see how it's highlighting it oh there we go all right what the heck did I do I'm sure that was user error now we can do the same thing of course down at the bottom here we could create another plane in an angle that we could put that on there so kind of two different ways to to get to the same same place your preference on where you want to go I hope that this was not too much I hope that this that this was useful didn't go too fast why don't you just this is just you know you give me the feedback thumbs up thumbs down right that's what this is all about just trying to add a little bit more value to your day okay so we're gonna wrap this up number 99 that's call things I'm gonna tell you there's another thing that's important tonight today's Wednesday if you're watching the recording - sorry um then you're probably also too late to get the t-shirt unless you're watching it before tomorrow what is this oh no before tomorrows 100 yes so for tonight on Facebook I'm doing a livestream tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern and the reason that is important is what we're gonna this is for beginners absolute beginners it's a little bit different than this livestream in the matter that I will answer your questions live I'm not gonna have two months planned tonight we're gonna model up this thing kinda like a cell phone holder thing that maybe you could free eprint if you have an access to a 3d printer so that's tonight 8:00 p.m. on Facebook if you on Facebook if you find my site I think my ad M are mr. last Christiansen that's me you will find me there 8:00 p.m. tonight I will also make sure the recordings up on your to hopefully by tomorrow alright let's talk about another thing the giveaway that is gonna be ending tomorrow but I thought I had Michaels and then tomorrow this is my good friend good-looking colleague Curtis for this shirt for episode 100 the only way thing you have to do to get this is go down in the description area of this video and you will see a link to a survey monkey kind of thing and I'm only asking you to do three things that it's not gonna hurt you I just want to know if you want to enter you don't have to enter you don't have to but how are you using fusion 360 did you pay for it are you hobbyist startup teacher student how often are you watching the videos here on the channel do you get to watch them every you know all the time are just catching once what topics would you be most interested in and then I do give you you don't have to do this but you do get an option to spill your guts anything you would like to see done differently you know should I get a different haircut you know these socks are good whatever you feel like and if you want to get the access to the t-shirt you got to do your first name last name and email address it's only me who get to see the email I'm not sharing this with anybody so if you do receive spam it's not because of me I promise don't trust me guys thank you so much for taking the time to join today's live stream I hope it was useful again you let me know if you haven't subscribe to the channel I would really appreciate it it's kind of like you know one of the ways that I can go to my bar and be like hey look at this people are actually watching watching this stuff and care for it um I'm gonna do what I normally do I like the broadcast and jump me into the live streams they're hot everybody again if you have the time tonight 8 p.m. Eastern on Facebook we will do absolutely begin up thank you so much hope you have an awesome awesome day thank you
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 9,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD, 3D Printing, CAM, Manufacturing, CNC, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Knife
Id: XsQA8Vg4VaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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