How To Model a Feed Screw Or Golf Ball — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 173

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how are you doing welcome to livestream number 173 today's topic is how to model a feed screw or golf ball and what is a split washer today I'm gonna try to answer the best questions and hopefully give the best answers we're gonna model up both the feed screw and the golf ball of course because these live streams are just trying to add a little more value to your fusions fusion 360 experience the clock is ticking we got about two minutes countdown so if you're watching the recording I would not blame you for fast-forward just hit the little slider down there in the YouTube uh and that and you can fast-forward to like the top of the hour 3:00 p.m. Eastern and we'll get going here I can see we get people already in here absolutely appreciate you guys taking the time to to join these dive streams that's why I'm little bit early just want to take the opportunity to thank you couple of things going on I can maybe just entertain people I can see we got people beautiful all over Germany absolutely awesome um next week um I'm going to Chicago next week like Chicago that's a pretty cool city so that we know that I have streams probably Wednesday and Thursday next week doing another of these game design workshops I think it's completely full um so sorry about that if you are a paying ultimate user meaning that you have access to the channel design I am doing one in Michigan next month that's gonna be the next one out of Chicago so shoot me an email email darlin Scripps nephew interested to go to that um what else we are on the last minute we get everybody in here Sandra's here Randy David Scott David Michael people from Denmark absolutely awesome really appreciate you guys taking time to watch these live seems yes today's topic how to model a feed screw and a golf ball and we're talking about split washes really just them trying to answer some of the questions that are getting with that I'm sorry I just can't keep up what is absolutely awesome but I'm sorry I can't answer everybody back if you have any future topics you would like to see definitely shoot them I read all the emails for sure email is down in the description area if you like these videos do me a favor thumbs up if you don't be totally honest it's okay thumbs down and with that we are counting down let me just so we can get started here let's see I gotta turn the clock off that's my whole thing and we should be good to go hey everybody thank you so much for joining live stream number 173 today's topic is how to model a feed screw or golf ball and what is a split washer we're not gonna pick between the defeat screw and the golf ball it's just me trying to be funny of course not because these lab students is my attempt to add just a little bit more value to your fusion experience it is June 14th 2018 if you care about that's my name is Lance Christensen and truly appreciate you taking the time to join these live streams today we are going to answer some questions that I've gotten in my email address it down description area like I said before I have some trouble keeping up I'm sorry one day I will I'm one day I will catch up on all of them but I just thought I would answer some of the some of the ones here today so with that fusion 360 that's where you want to be you don't want to listen to me talk too much so yeah in the new interface huh um looking good one thing I got one question yesterday I haven't gotten to again in the comments area the G that is to generate get on a design but you have to be a ultimate user with a and have paid for the software so not the hobbyist to have this function I've got a couple of nice things on it and we will do some some more on that alright first thing is a feed screw and this is one that I've actually gotten as I said I've gotten for quite a while it's all a feed screw also called an auger that's kind of like what I know it as so that's a bit of a quest that has been coming in for a while and I thought I'll address that one I don't have a name on this one I just got somebody just asked for it the other day and I didn't write down the name and I couldn't find that email um so um if you are experienced with Fusion you might thinking alright I got this it is probably gonna be something like the helix and maybe we want to to use the street command but um you know you know me I like to be somewhat lazy when it comes to a toccata cam and I don't think that I utilize these tools under the create button quite enough when we are doing live streams I think I have a tendency to default back to to the good old commands and and again my main purpose of doing these live streams is to show you the tools not necessarily making the perfect part but I should definitely show these so check this out the choral function I'm gonna click the coil and as soon as I do that you will see that it comes up next to my cursor and it says select the plane or a plan of face and then it looks like we got the circle command that's exactly what we got let's click on this face here doesn't really matter which one we select them and let's draw a circle now I don't know how big your feed screw auger you want to make I'm gonna make it 250 millimeters and hit enter and boom we get well we get a Carl on the screen and that is cool in itself notice over here in the menu let's just slow down a second we got about 30 minutes ah no rush but if I go too fast don't forget you can always rewind that's the great thing about these videos you have some different options in here you can control our revolution and height resolution and pitch hiding pitch and then you can even also put in a spiral number you got all different kinds of things in here the thing I want to go to is be aware of there's actually friend shapes um so I'm gonna select the square and that gets us somewhat close to something maybe but if I drag this arrow out here and just gonna drag this arrow out see now it starts looking more like a feed kind of screw type we could give it some of course some more revolutions make it five revolutions and make it a little bit longer depends on the specs I mean if you're gonna make a real feed scroll I'm sure that you have a certain length and and stuff like that I'm making this up on the spot yeah okay and and with one command we kind of got this whole shape here so if you didn't know that at this point you might be like whoa that's pretty cool but let's a feed screw normal is solid in the center so I'm gonna Bob and hit our trusted normal sketch like on a face here and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit C for circle I'm gonna place a circle in here software cat software numbers don't like zero so I'm not gonna draw this one up right to the ends I'm just gonna draw it a little bit past two or five or something like that given to them as no two or five sites surpassing the shape a little bit and then I'm just gonna do a press pull right so up there click here now when I drag it through because it sees that there's material it will it will cut anything in Redis is cut um of course you can go over here you could make it a new body you could go up and try to do a joint body and see if these two will actually join into into one body when you hit okay and of course fusion does that in this instance because it's awesome and you know that is um that's my first attempt at a an auger all our feet screw like that and it definitely if you got a model one of these up I think this is a pretty pretty good starting point what do you think you let me know in the comments let's save this one here let's call it feet screw so we have it for future reference saved in the live stream and and hit okay so what do you think of that if you appreciate um the suggestion to do this I wish I could remember your name thank you for giving this one the next one is from Richard Richard asked me how would you model up a golf ball and I am NOT a golfer matter of fact I don't even have a golf ball laying around but I can definitely take a stab at it and then sometimes um you know if you're new to fusion I know that sometimes it's intimidating to start modeling things up but you know what you're gonna end up you know you're gotta get the model on the screen sometimes it can be hard to figure out where to start I you know I am I challenge you so just jump in there with both feet and and try some different tools you're gonna be okay nothing's gonna blow up only if you start if you start seeing counting down on the screen like five four three then run but anything else you can be pretty safe diffusion it's not gonna break anything so with this golf ball I thought about yeah I can do a golf ball and then I thought to myself is it possible instead of fusion so do a golf ball without a single sketch hmm is it possible you think yourself as a possible well of course it possible but what I challenge you to do is what's how I do it and maybe that's a better way to do it or your way to do it but the challenge is to try to do it a little bit different then we normally would do because when you're done with the feed screw so if you missed that you got a scroll back and and see the feet there's a pretty bad feed screw spinning around right there okay moving on so if I was nobody gonna do a golf ball instead of fusion 360 I would probably what we look for we would probably look to do something we will exit default back to these good old tools up here and I think that you know if you watch the life license before I talk about that anything round the revolve is your go-to so that would probably better go to but we just talked about using the call for function down here let's use this sphere sphere that's not for me to say just like Viking helmet it's not for me to say spear click on that um and we're gonna make it is fear so we're gonna draw another point here it gives us a sphere at ball sheep for golf ball I don't know how big a golf ball is I'm gonna say 50 millimeters and and you correct me if whatever you know somebody's gonna make a better version than me here so now we have a the ball shape itself and I think if I think if you're brand new diffusion if it's like your first day just sit back and and just check out some of the tools I'm gonna be using here and don't get too worried about if you don't completely get it but just open up your imagination and you will see some of the neat tools ace and the fusion so we got a body here of this golf ball I'm a just gonna go ahead and create another sphere so it's going to create create another sphere on the same plane that's fine right here the center I'm gonna make this one five okay so now I got a body number two that's the five millimeter and the the body number one is the golf ball itself I'm gonna hide the the golf ball itself but a right click move copy select this body and I'm just gonna move it out of the way I'm just gonna make sure that I'm over 25 so when I turn the body back again here we can see this because we're gonna use this little five millimeter five five millimeter is to actually kind of stamp that in as a shape here I'm gonna go to my right view and again I'm winging this so for any of my getting my good friends out there was like too many names who who knows a lot about golf maybe maybe 26 would be good that's over that 26 and and hit enter so now we kind of had that shape sitting up there but it's kind of cool but we need a lot of these and like I said I like to be lazy so he has a neat trick I'm gonna turn the origin bag on and then I'm just gonna cut this shape up and Swiss cheese go in here and do a split body I'm gonna select the golf ball and I'm gonna select one of the planes in here now you can see that I can't really select them but if I hold down the left mouse button where I know the plane is then this little menu pops up and I can select the plane right through there I'm gonna cut that one up there so notice how I'm now getting multiple bodies I'm gonna right-click and repeat that split body I'm gonna select the front face here I'm gonna cut that one up with this other plane here hold down the left mouse button this little menu will show up and now we just chop that up there I'm gonna do one more time right click repeat split body I'm gonna select this portion here I'm gonna do a split body with the flat hold on left mouse button this one okay so I kind of split this thing up in some different sections this is actually the one I want to keep so I'm gonna go ahead here hold down shift select the three other ones here that I that I don't want by I'm not getting the back one oh this one on this one this one and this one okay so these three bodies and I got a right click and your Tennessee will be hit to delete but don't forget he delete will heal and if I had to leave it literally just kind of heal the whole thing up as one ball again we're gonna hit remove this time and now we end up with with what is that a quarter of a ball born of a ball okay that is all good so far I like this now I know that I'm gonna need kind of like this invent from this body here down to shape here so I'm gonna go ahead and use the pattern command and I'm gonna use the pattern on path somebody just sent me an email the other day about this I didn't I saw it but I didn't have a chance to really go into depth but maybe this answer your question pattern on a path and I'm gonna select a body from the menu almost like that little up here and then I'm gonna select the path that's gonna be this edge so I actually had to kind of split this thing up arm in to be able to get this path that's the only reason that I cut it off you see when I'm dragging out here you will actually see that I get like three shadows I hope you can see this free shadows of this body I'm gonna need more than three let's try six six here and you can see that I can drag on this arrow and your Nexus II might be hard to see it will actually snap in when it hits right on the center right there it might be hard to see but if you test it out yourself snap right there so now it's snap then but and this might be hard to see but there's a little trick about this maybe you can see it we this this one up here this body up here notice how that is not on the center of this curve see that we brought it up like 26 it's one millimeter from Center but notice how this one down here looks like it pretty much is that is because the orientation is sent to identical and it means it depends on how its projected if you look at that little window here it might make sense versus path direction it depends if you keep it on identical I don't know if I can explain this really well identical means that it's gonna do the path it's gonna follow the path but it's keeping it straight to this axis it's not revolving as it's not the ball is not curving around with the it's staying kinda like normal to the vertical axis you see here versus path direction and I'm gonna hit path direction you'll see that the thing switches then I go back again this might be that's the problem this one guy had all right I'm gonna say okay to this I hope I haven't lost anybody so we pattern this chopped body down this edge here look at this beautiful I don't know what that supposed to look like so now we have these kind of sections here now what I'm gonna do now is that I am going to use my favorite commands remember this is a valve fault without sketching that's your your your challenge here I'm gonna use the combined tool but I'm not gonna combine and make it gonna cut with it so the target body is this shape and I hope I had I hope I haven't lost anybody and two of bodies gonna be all these small sections here that's full body I'm not gonna join them together I'm gonna cut with them um and you can choose to keep them they're small circles if you want to but we exit don't need them anymore so I'm just gonna hit okay to Dad's give this off for a second so now you saw what we kind of had done with that so so we patterned we had one ball created up here we patterned those along this edge that was five you saw me cutting it up in all those sections cuz I'm gonna have to put them back together again then we use these almost like a punch like we slam the right into the golf ball and and then we get kind of this half indent now I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna do a mirror mirror and I'm gonna not do faces that's what I set it I'm just gonna do the whole body this whole body and I'm gonna mirror it over itself notice that over itself and hit okay and now you will see that it becomes full again right because from either of them over now we can combine them again again I'm doing a lot of steps here but I'm doing it because I'm trying to avoid using a sketch because I'm sorry challenged myself we used to join I'm gonna join these soon again together and now they they look like this and you good thing all right let's keep mirroring and actually let's do that on the top section here so let's go ahead and and mirror one more time but then I'm going to show you something neat hidden mirror and then I'm going to select this face and hit OK and then we could combine those modify combined so like these two halves make them into one that's the combined tool I'll take that a quick this is the combined tool or my favorite tools click here and now we are almost back to to normal but of course this doesn't look too much like a like a golf ball yet however what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to revolve these dance around the center here on the y-axis but I'm EXCI when I tested this house before I actually decided that you need to increase the amount as you're going down here what makes it a lot harder having the backside of them in here so what you can do and if you know this but if I select this face and I hit delete on my keyboard boom it's like it never happened it's like their face delete so if that face to meet let's say we meet so I'm kind of like mirroring everything around but then deleting certain of it so now I'm back to here alright this is where the fun is going to start here um let's go back in and do another circle we're gonna do another circle pattern I'm gonna select this top face and if I'm going too fast I'm sorry rewind I'm gonna select this inner axis in here and let's do one two let's do six hit ok see that right let's repeat that right click right click repeat circle pattern select this face go around this axis again now this time I definitely want more than six let's see double it maybe 12 okay right click repeat circular patterns like this one do that over that edge let's try and this is where I found out that doing the same number it looks a little weird if we do 13 so adding one more okay right click repeat and let's do this one let's do 14 and then the last one here right click repeat pattern it's like that face that axis and that will be 15 okay get in there I think we can up well let's mirror this one so I was gonna change their parents hang on I get excited I get ahead of myself let's mirror this body over this own face now it starts looking like something let's combine those two together modify combine join this one and this one okay looks pretty good now something I noticed here you see how the center direction here it combines it together but inside the indent they can't like have a line in there you see that line there I think that this software is trying to split the face and you can actually heal faces you select on one side and hit delete see how it goes away then so that was kind of like my conclusion with that it's just trying to its ends up splitting the face I just gotta go around on the center one here and hit the lead on one side and it will so it is a solid body but the face have been split and you're just deleting one of the many heels itself it's one of those things that I have never tried another cat software where I can heal faces this is easy just hitting delete button better go Ben all the way around let's turn the organ off let's right click hit appearances let's go into paint glossy this should be a white strike that on there that looks pretty decent now if you're not too happy with this we could I think that maybe the dimples here are not big enough we could go back and edit that a feature and instead of five to try seven so now we change that inside diameter to seven but we changing it all the way down here so you can't see it until we hit okay now they definitely got a little bit they can maybe get a little bigger right click Edit feature or sort of make them seven and a half I think that's better now that I think maybe they're a little bit deep we could go back into that edit feature in here right remember how we move that up 26 so maybe we raise that up another or half a millimeter hit enter they calculate and that is actually probably really good um I think you probably have to take it into like the rendering environment to get really the right scoop of it but that's I think that's how I would do a golf ball without haha doing a single sketch I think that was kind of a fun challenge what do you think you let me know down in the comment area is good bad okay that was Richard it is how do you do a golf ball talk about a golf ball Craig from Scotland asked me about a split wash it's gonna be the last one I probably can do today I had a couple more but maybe that's way split washer and I accept to look up what a split washer is sorry Greg from McMaster it's actually what I would have called a kind of locking washer but Greg was right call the right thing let's get rid of the golf ball here I'm gonna say that right all and again in the comments area give me give me your comments about making a golf ball without a single sketch get rid of that one so two corrects register question we're gonna insert a McMaster component and I'm makes it gonna insert the screw first because a split washer is not worth anything without a screw the metric screw is in Scotland so that's what they will be using their twelfth millimeter yeah yeah I don't know how long it should be on 50 millimeters I'll make this window a little bigger so we can see you know select a step file here it's safe and we should get a screw in here okay that is a screw so now we need to split washer do the same thing McMaster make it a little bit bigger and like I said I would have called it a lock washer crack was completely right it's called a split washer split washers and I don't see it right see right here split lock washer split lock washer okay ha okay correct we can be shared 5050 you call it a sprint washer I call it a lock washer we call it 50/50 all right I'm gonna go back to take the email correct probably did say metric Swift lock washer I'm gonna take this one here we had it's 12 millimeter I'm gonna show you just in a second what Greg was referring to and we got two mating these so let's bring this one in step file yep that's all good there it is okay ah so I'm bringing that one in so there is the sprint lock washer so here's the here's the question that if I had to screw for a second here's the question that the crack had if you go in to make this one you can't set select the center of it it's impossible to select the center and the reason you can select the center is because it's not a a complete art right because it is a it's a helix it's almost like a feed screw um now of course that is ways around this so what we could do was we can go down we can make it active I would make the split lock washer active I will start a sketch create a new sketch on like this plane here and now we have a sketch now again we can still we can't pick this up because even though we're looking normal to it realize that this is not an hour it looks round but it's a development right does that make sense I hope that makes sense and and a fusion is going to stay true to that so what I would do was and maybe I wouldn't do this if I was going to send things out to space but that I'm able to think about if there's better way but right over to well I would select a free point art and then I would select this end point this end point and then whenever I snap this one in its gonna be a pretty dang close out I have in here now when I hit stop the sketch you will now see that we have that arc in here and if we're trying to screw back on now because I place that scats inside of the I had that component active what means that now when I go out and do a and do a joint I can now actually select and hide the true for a second I can actually now select that center of the three-point arc as my as my component so now when I go up here I can place that with a joint like that but that crack brings up another discussion so this would give you your result you just maybe have to move it down about how much this thicknesses right there so that Greg should answer your question however bhutesu minutes left you know let me just talk can I just give my opinion about modeling so this is also one of the reasons that I have not done a a compression spring inside of Amanda because I like to model things inside inside of invent it's called in memory it's a fusion 360 I'm sorry I don't where that came from um I'm back in 2008 I like to model things inside a fusion the way it's going to be when it's all assembled and ready and we all know that this washer in in real life would would not show would not show up like this right because it would be when you tighten it down but it will be compressed so what I would actually do and and again somebody else give you more than welcome to give you opinion in in the in the comment section because I'm definitely not you know the guy who knows everything I would probably go and select a a standard washer all that washes rather standard washer and I would probably find one that is in a thickness just like our our other one and then of course I select a standard washer and it's standard washers okay flat washer metric what I would do was I will bring in a I don't know now this would be the better one bear with me folks um this one I would bring a washer in like this and then I would I would cut it open so we could again make that washer active right we could start a sketch on this washer and I'm just gonna right now I'm just gonna go ahead and draw I would probably do something like this actually if I was gonna be you hottest throw a line vertical like that and then maybe draw another line here and all the line here okay so those who now are parallel I would do a symmetrical relationship this point to this point to this point and give it a dimension I don't know if this is exactly how I would do it now where I'm thinking about it but you'll bear with me p4 but Jack's it's like this edge like is that the washer edge this edge okay cue cut this washer through here whoops not through all oh if you do through all then make sure you turn off the right body that bottom number one there you go so now it would look more like a compressed washer right and then I would go in and do a so like that to that there oops that's not right joint there to there and and now this looks more like how this is how it assemble it and then a my drawing I would make it eight compression I hope this makes sense so instead of doing this and and and because that's not how it's gonna look like assembled I would do that I don't know you let me know in the comments area what do you think but that folks that was all that I plan it on showing today I have hope I hope that this was somewhat useful how to do a feed screw if you came in late you gotta go back and check that out how to model our golf ball without a single sketch we did it and then the last one here from Craig about the the the split lock washer I hope this is useful just trying to add a little bit more value to your fusion experience if you haven't already hit that subscribe button and the bail notification right next to it then you'll be notified when we're doing these live streams we'll be back tomorrow so ours cam we're gonna talk about tomorrow what is new in the releases came out a few days ago and can people see the recording thank you so much for taking the time to join these I truly appreciate it if you're inside of the of the livestream then the livestream check I'll be writing and saying hi to everybody take care folks hope to see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 30,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Best Practice, Modeling, cam, cad, tutorial, How to, 3d printing, free software, software, Product design, Mechanical engineering, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion, Screw, Golf, Golf ball
Id: roAO_gtz44g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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