Fusion 360 - What's New Assemblies -Season 3

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welcome to what's new in assemblies for fusion 360. this is the fifth video in this series and as stated earlier i have been on a 12 month break from fusion 360 and this is an attempt to catch up on all the great things that the development team have been working on bob i'm gonna slow down take it easy make sure that no man or woman is left behind and hopefully share some tips and tricks so with that let's take some components and put it together [Music] hello everyone my name is lars christensen and thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video again we're gonna try to catch up on all the goodies in fusion 360 for the last 12 months because let's be honest unless you're a power user you might have missed a few of these or maybe even wondered why the heck you you want to use them that's what we're going to try to do in this video if you like it give it a thumbs up if you don't do me a favor just give it a thumbs down and leave me a comment i want to hear your opinion and also in the description of this video there's a new way that you and i can connect via email so with that let's jump into fusion 360. so today's topic is all about assemblies and if you follow this series you know that i'm not just kind of rushing through and showing you all the what's new quickly i'm trying to kind of dial it back give you some tips and tricks and this is no different if things are going a little bit too slow then know that down in the description area you can kind of fast forward to the different what's new items but we're going to slow down we're going to take a step back and there is kind of two different well there's kind of two and a half different ways you can do assemblies inside of fusion 360 and i want to make sure that you feel comfortable with all two and a half and understand why you would use the different ones the first one we're looking at here this is um this is a guitar stool that i have that i've kind of reversed engineered and you know i i kind of wanted to use this as an example because i thought it was kind of funny so what we have here is a seat and the seat if you zoom in a little bit actually spins around there's kind of like this bearing up here that makes the seat spin around there's some legs um this model here is actually missing some hardware and i just ran out of time i actually have if i open up the data panel i actually have the hardware right here i just never really got to got to install it but that's that was just to uh kind of show off and i don't really need to do that for for any of you but we're going to model uh this chair up in two and a half different ways or partially to show you the what's new but also really just want to give you an idea about how you can model with assemblies inside of fusion 360. so when i'm talking about that there's two two and a half ways to do it i think it's important to just kind of understand where solid modeling is coming from so the first one we're going to look at is what we call bottom up and bottom up is the original way to um to do assemblies inside of a cad system see when when we first started to do solid modeling back in the in the 90s 80s 90s whenever it was long time ago we started out only have pod files but anybody who's coming from for example solidworks or inventor you might be familiar with both pod files and assembly files because it didn't take very long because before somebody said that well i want to be able to take different parts and put them together into an assembly and the way that the cad companies work with this was to create this assembly file that was kind of its own deal and then you could bring the parts in there and then you could put them together inside the assembly so you ended up having assembly files and then you ended up having the pod files you can still do the same thing in fusion but when the developers did fusion well you know it's a newer software we had more functionalities and they actually had a workaround with that where you can do it a little bit more streamlined so i'm going to show you the different ones and we can kind of talk our way through it so what we're looking at here inside of fusion is what we will call bottom up and the idea behind bottom up is that we have all the components out here model up each one individually and then we put them together as an assembly so let's just i'll show you how to do that so we're gonna we're gonna go ahead and and i'm not even gonna save this one it's gonna get out of this this assembly i already saved it over here so it doesn't matter we're gonna create a new assembly and the way you wanna do that is we open up an empty file and we're going to go ahead and save this file we can call it whatever we want to call it um we can call this one up new bottom up assembly now why would you ever do it this way the old-fashioned way this is a great way to do this if you already as i have here have all the components modeled up so if you for example get different parts putting them together like this is an easy way to work with it then the the second way we're going to look at is top down and we can do a mismatch of both of them but bottom up normally works with an empty document and then we're going to put these parts in here so i'm going to right click on lag 1 down here and i'm going to say insert into assembly and now it gets brought in to the assembly and you can see that it's it's linked out it has a link here so it's it's actually looking at this single part file but have brought it into this other part file now you get an option when you're bringing files in like this that you can actually move them around and we're going to use that a little bit further down the road one of the reasons that one thing i want to highlight is that we are in this new bottom assembly file just created if i turn on the origin you will see that a new part placed in here defaults to wherever that part was originally modeled so in our in our new bottom up assembly the audience sitting here this part is placed right on that origin that might not be preferable so many times people do want to move the part to a specific location uh where that origin maybe would make sense i'm just going to do undo here to bring it back to to its original place and but we're going to leave it for here right now where it originally came in down here i'm just going to hit ok and that first leg is put in here now if i go and open up that file by itself by just double clicking on it you will see it's the same thing we have the history tree down here and if again i could turn on the origin you will see that the origin was here for the file you're going to see later on how i kind of created this create this file we'll close out of that again i'm going to save it all right we're back in bottom up assembly now i'm going to bring in number two file i'm going to right click and say insert into current design and now i'm going to bring in the second file but you see here is one of the first dilemmas we're running into and that is well when i modeled up these two these two sets of legs i kind of use the same approach this is not how i want them inside of the assembly now one way we can actually work with this what is kind of nice is that these are kind of symmetric so if i just grab this handle here and i move it around 90 degrees and hit okay then these two are actually where i kind of wanted just the way i modeled them up but since this is an assembly since we brought these two components in there nothing is tied down actually everything is floating around i can grab this part and i can just drag it over here i can drag this over here and that's not really really what i want i need to kind of lock it lock it down in here and you just saw me hit that reverse position or capture not capture position we're gonna come back to that so what we need to do is we need to lock these down now one component needs to be grounded it needs to kind of like have a nail in space and i normally just select the first one i brought in i'm gonna right click and i'm gonna select ground that's not going to lock this part down this part will not move now the other one will still move again these capture position or revert up comes up and it's going to hit revert to bring it back again so we need to lock the second one down now we could of course also just right click on that one we could ground that one but actually you know in in the end result of trying to maybe making an assembly drawing or something that's actually not a you know totally bad but what we normally like to do is let me just unground it what we know we like to do is we need to tie it down to one of another now in in real life these two are actually not tied together uh here they actually tied together together with the next component i'm gonna bring in but in good cad practice we will lock these two down a super useful tool in the drop down is as built joined now as bill joined just really means that if your all your components are placed the way you like them with one another you can actually kind of like skip trying to create joints you can literally just click on both of them and and join them together so that's what i'm going to do i'm going to say s build joint i'm going to select the one we lock down that one can't go anywhere and then i'm going to select the one that we want to lock the two together and when i do that you'll see those two components selected over here they are now rigid but i can actually change that i could change it to revolut now if i hit revolute i actually have to select a axis for them to snap around i could do sliding they don't have to select an a sliding axis for them you can select all different things for this case here we're just going to select that rigid it kind of shakes to show us as widget hit ok and now these are locked down to one another now you can't really see anything on the model right now that these are locked together other than you now have a joints folder over here and if i expand that you will see that our rigid joint between the two is actually sitting right there showing us that it's that it's rigid but this is the best practice then when you're bringing things in to uh putting things together lock them down as as you go along now i talked to you that the next thing that comes in is the foot rest so let me right click on that one and say insert to the side and when i bring that one in you will see that again it comes in place where that i i drew it up compared to the origin in the cad file now if you want to you can drag it and you can kind of move it around if you want to and it will actually let you move it around now if i hit okay like this you get an open you get a one time where you can move it without getting this revert to position if i hit move again and i move it hit okay now you will actually see that i get this revert or capture position so the first when it first gets inserted you can move it around without getting these again i want to talk about these a little bit a little bit later all right so it was pretty easy to use this assembly joint after i've rotated that crossbar around this one is a little bit different here we're actually going to be using the joint command sitting up here so i'm going to click on joint and then i'm going to go over and i'm going to select on the inside of this area here and i'm going to hold control down if i hold ctrl or command on a mac then i have locked down where this little corn can move see i'm going to let go of control again and now you will see that wherever i'm selecting it's kind of hard sometimes to get that coin to show up that we want to select like when i'm moving away it goes away but if i hold over this face you can now see the coin is visible in the center of the hole and if i now hold down control or command on a mac now it doesn't now it doesn't matter where i select i can now go and i can move that around i'm just like the top face on this one and then i'm gonna move over here and i'm now gonna place on one of the side holes here and you'll see i get another card i'm going to hold down control on windows mac uh it's command i'm going to select this one and we will now see that the ring comes in but it's actually not the way i want it so be aware of there's a flip command over here i'm going to flip it and now it is where i want it here so that has now been placed i'm going to hit ok to that and you will now see this has been placed with another rigid command now some of you guys are saying well wait a minute like don't you need to lock it down more places because in real life you have to put screws in it to hold these two will tip over the legs will tip over if you don't put you know at least two or three screws in here well because we're doing these joints this way this is rigid with one joint over here because everything else everything else kind of lines up here the way that this is modeled remember again i'm not trying to put this together to get the reaction of how it is in real life i'm trying to put it together so i can make an assembly drawing to show how this is put together so the screws and things like that would indicate this so everything has been locked down so far and this is uh this is good we can see how we kind of like are bringing these uh different components in this way now the next thing we're going to bring in is something that sometimes happens is actually you can see here that these are components now we're actually going to bring in an assembly this is a seat bearing assembly that i model up i'm going to right click insert into current and you will see that this this c bracket comes in here this is one i modeled up myself now you will see if we look over here that this is an assembly it has multiple component it's going to drag it out of a little bit out of this whole thing so we can see it up here it okay to that and uh and we're going to place that here now so so far we have placed we used the rigid group to put these two together because we could place those without a problem this ring was kind of like over in space and and and we really just place that with a the joint command up here this one here is going to be a little different now the way that i'm going to put this together and i we come to the first thing i'm going to show you that is that is kind of new and you maybe have already noticed some of this one of the things that is new if i open up a joint is that our joint menu now looks a little bit different so one of the things we have here is that little simple coin you will also see that we can now do something between two faces so this was kind of a nice enhancement so if i select two faces i can select on this face and i can select on this face here and then i gotta show you where we want to snap if i select this little vertex here i can actually place a coin right between those two faces this is super nice the way we used to do this was click on a coin like i would place a coin here but then i would have to like drag handles down um or place it with handles or something like that or using a joint origin that i want to show you just in a second um so that's one thing the the dialogue now have a a between faces the other thing it has is two edges in a section and i love this one um especially i don't know if you're like ever doing uh inserting pots and advice or something like that so to edge intersection is that now we can click on this edge you can click on this edge and we now get a joint there that is um that is super helpful but another thing you need to know is how to insert what is called a joint origin now a joint origin we use that if we don't really if we don't have full control and we want to have full control over place our origin so what i want to do is i want to make a joint between the center of this slot here and the hole on this frame that's why it's kind of like lining up the problem i have right now is if i go here and say joint origin and i go over to that slot spin around here you will see that i can snap to these points here but because i don't have any geometry i can't place one in the center on the side here now i could cheat and i want to show you that you don't have to insert a joint argument if i selected this point right here so i'm going to select this point and then go over and select the center of the stool like this i could and this would be okay it's not a it's not bad but i could grab this arrow and i could move this over and i know this slot is eight millimeters so i could move it over four millimeters like this and i would actually get the right the right joint so you could do it like this but i wanted to show you when it cancels this i wanted to show you that you also have an option to create these joint origins to do that i'm going to open up the design i'm going to go out here i'm going to open up this bearing and uh what we're working on here is um the bottom two plate here so i'm just gonna make that active and i actually already have them in here so i'm just gonna find them here and i'm actually gonna delete them so i'm gonna delete these and delete this like that so what you can do is you can insert these joint origins so the way i'm going to do this i'm going to say join origin and then i'm going to select that same match you just saw me selecting before but now i'm just going to move that over this case -4 to place one right there and that gives me a joint origin right there and i'm going to go and do the same thing over here so i'm going to right click out the space here and say repeat joint origin select that's oh not that edge right click repeat joint origin select there move that over -4 and now i have those joint audience there now i'm going to save this with the join audio invisible let's go back to the top of the assembly and say save and we're going to give it here i'm going to say added joint gym let me spell origin like that now if i go into our assembly i actually get an update because we deleted and we saved so i'm going to hit that it's going to update everything and now you can actually see those whoops those joint origins appearing there and there that was who we created so now i'm going to say join and now i can select those join origin there let's find the top of this one right zoom in whoops right there and that goes into place there now i can change the motion if i want to right now it's rigid and actually is placed exactly where we want but let me just do a revolute just so we can i can show it to you so now this is moving like this let's repeat it again joint oh now i get this capture position so now let me show you what this capture position does so you've seen me hit continue and it flies back to wherever it was when i moved it if i hit capture position it actually going to give me a timeline down here and it's going to show it's going to keep it wherever i move the two so i'm gonna go and i'm gonna select that there we had that one and let me select that one right there and hit okay to that and now that has been joined in now one of the reasons i wanted to show you now i have these capture down here so that was because i moved it i can actually click on this one here i can leave it or i could delete that one out of there i don't need that let me show you that again so the assembly because this is a bearing i can actually move the bearing around here if i let go i get this capture position or revert if i hit revert it goes back nothing is recorded if i move it over here and i say capture position then it will stay but now it's recorded down the timeline if i select this when i hit delete then it goes back so why didn't it go back before well we added that that joint there so we're getting there all right the last thing i'm gonna insert in here is the seat itself so i'm gonna go in here and i'm going to insert this seat here right click insert into current position again you will see that it comes in in the middle of somewhere and you could leave it or what i'd like to do because we get this free move we can move it up like this place it like that and then we can go ahead and we can we can put that in with a joint so i'm just going to select the center of the screwed hole here to maybe that origin right there could work as a spinning around that's fine hit okay and then we're just gonna go ahead and select the opposite little thing is this one over here joint all right so select that coin right there that over there hit okay and now that seat is there what's kind of cool about this let me just hide some of these joints kind of cool about this is you see this is a leather seat so there's some texture on it you can actually see that the seat does rotate along with that all right over back to position uh the last thing i wanted to show you in this assembly is that it's actually like these uh leg plugs so i'm going to insert that into the design and we get one that comes in down here now i'm not going to move it out of position i'm just going to hit ok so you can see it's kind of sitting out of place i'm going to do the joint i'm gonna hover over this face hold down control select that center and then i can tip over hold down control select that and that one is uh is locked into place and then i'm actually going to pattern this so we can go over here and we can say we're gonna because we need three more of them and i'm lazy so i can go ahead and say circular pattern i want to select the component i'm going to select that leg block right there and an x is to rotate around and that could actually just be this round piece we need fall i'm going to hit okay and now we got these fall but watch out these this one is not moving anywhere because that one got a joint but these was just patterned and these will absolutely move around so we're going to go back to what we did in the beginning we're going to use the as built joint because we have everything where we want it right now and say we want to make a rigid between this one and this one and we're gonna do say okay to that right click repeat build this joint this one so this one okay to that right click repeat build this joint this one to this one and now they are all locked down and they are not moving so this is bottom up assemblies what is great when you have all the different components but you saw me earlier where i had to go in and and i made some changes to this assembly a new thing that was added that is really neat now they're still building of this there's more to come to it and i could not have done the joint origin as i showed but you can actually do other things in here and that's a new edit in place that was introduced what is super helpful see on this assembly it's pretty easy as many of you will tell me because i only have a handful of components in here and they were all put in a folder and i modeled them all up and that's all good but sometimes you end up with these link components out here that could be all different kinds of places or maybe you have all different kinds of files what is new is that i can go to this uh leg plug and you will see that i get a pencil here and i can actually click on this pencil over here in the tree and when i do that i get a blue box around my window and what i'm doing i get this little checkbox up here what i'm doing right now is i am actually looking at the model as it was if i open it up by itself and it's going to react just like if i open up the model by itself what i can do is i can actually go down here and i can edit that part so i can click on the sketch and i can say edit sketch and it will actually edit this part in the sketch i have all the tools that you would normally expect so now i can go in and say i want to add a fill it to the bottom here and let's leave a add a one millimeter fill it hit finish sketch and now you will see that i have a fillet underneath here that i did not have before now what happens here is this is like looking out on and had opened up this file by itself so what is really great about this is that this gives you an option to edit parts in a bottom-up assembly without having to go out and try to find that part and edit it and then go back to the assembly and update when i click here you will see that this part file becomes fall so when i click here it will update them all when i hit save i probably have to hit save this is our new bottom files we're going to say edit fill it in this one you will now see that this is going to be wrapped up to go there ref ref fall um and now all of them have been updated and got that one millimeter filler so this is a huge nice thing to have um inside a fusion now this is something that i don't think i don't know of any other cat software you can do where you can actually in a bottom-up assembly you can edit in place so you can edit the part that exists outside the assembly normally you can only do it ins with part that is inside the assembly and of course since it's version i can click here and i can actually go back to resolver vision free before i can click on that over here and i can promote that back again what's going to make this version 5 now i get a warning in my assembly that things have been updated and if i click on that button up here now everything will update back to where it did not have a filler so good job to the development team to create this edit in place in in in bottom-ups because that's going to be super helpful you don't have to go out and try to find things um you can now have a raw like this leg plug a pretty raw model that you use as start and then you could go in and you could actually finish things in here i hope i hope that was useful so this is what we call bottom up assembly now let's go in and talk about top down what is some people would say is probably um i'm just gonna we don't need this bearing right now uh it's probably a little bit more i don't want to say it's advanced but it's a different way to do things uh inside of a fusion so i'm going to open up a new file and it's an empty file what we're going to do is we're going to turn this into an assembly right away but we're actually going to build our design within that and then maybe also add some of the other components in here the problem with the bottom up that we just looked at is that you have to build all the different files within relation and of each other but in separate files where you can't really relate them to one another what top down lets you do is let you do it in relation to one another so what i'm going to do is i'm going to right click and say new components and when i do that i actually get a new function in here what would let me decide if i wanted to be an external component or an internal component now before these new updates you could only do kind of like internal but now you can actually choose to make it an external what is kind of handy internal and let's start out and do let's start out and do the seat for example so if we do the seat as an internal component like that here you will now see that i get a seat so let me model up the seat from scratch so i'm going to go ahead here and create a new sketch from the side here and and i apologize whenever verse engineered this i have i'm trying to do this in metric but i need to buy myself a metric tape uh rule or i don't have a tape measure i don't have that so i only have uh english so i'm gonna do this in well everything is in metric but i'm actually going to say this seat is actually three i n thick tab and then i'm gonna make it seven i n right like that so 76.2 i would probably round that up with a tape measure um i'm gonna go ahead and finish the sketch and i'm gonna go and do a revolve and so i've selected this shape and i'm going to revolve around that center line and there we have the seat okay and there was a little bit of a fillet up here so we can put that in 10 millimeter fillet on it and then on the back side we had those um four screw holes we used to mount before so let's do those select the sketch on this back side and uh i'm gonna do a center rectangle on the back up here and again i apologize 5.5 i n inches tab 5.5 i n so 140 by 140 millimeters uh here was a trigger sure in the last video i think it was that nobody knew if you double click on a um on something that is a chain it will actually pick the whole thing and now we can turn it over to to be a construction geometry over here and then i'm going to finish that sketch and i am going to use the whole command i'm gonna select placement of multiple holes that's gonna be a hole there's gonna be a hole there's gonna be a hole and there's gonna be a hole i'm making the holes a simple hole they are threaded 25 millimeters deep and it's an m6 down here hit okay and now we have we have the seat the only thing we don't have is the texture on it let's right click and do appearances and i'm going to search here black leather we have this black leather right there let's drag that up on this one there we go all right so inside our assembly right now we have one seat now here's the neat thing about doing chop down is that i can actually now use this as a reference to model the rest of this part where when i did it in my in my bottom up assembly i kind of had to know or remember when i did this bearing here where those slot locations should be but what we can do in the top down way here let's just save it as a top down so let's say that as a new top down keep things separate now what i can do is if i create a new component so right click up here and say new components again i could i could make it external let's just make that external so we can see it later on i'm going to call that new i'm just going to call this a plate new plate um because i'm not going to do the whole bearing thing because that takes a little bit more work so let me just create that and when i do that you will see that my seat turns transparent because i'm in this new plate and you'll see that it's already know it's linked but i can now use the seat as a reference for these holes check it out if i go ahead and say i'll create a new sketch i can now click on that and then now i can use those holes i had in my previous assembly as my reference so now i can go in here and we can do a center rectangle like this just go up here so let's make it 200 tab by 200 millimeters looks pretty good right now it's only showing you the sketch here but i can use these holes as a reference in this part so if i go into the slot command and it's like the center slot i can actually go and find the center of that hole right there it's super cool and i can now create a slot that is located in that center hole i'm going to give it some dimensions d and before i made this 8 so let's make that 8. i'll show you another trick if you didn't know this if i go ahead here and i select this arc and this arc you see how my dimension comes from the center of those arcs that's probably not one i want to show so what i'm going to do instead is i'm going to hit the dimension tool oh get out of it there we go hit the dimension tool i'm gonna right click on this arc and select pick circle tangent select that arc select that arc and look at this now it is actually tangent somebody give me a if you didn't know that's okay exit out of that and now i'm not sure why it's still blue oh it's not blue yes it is blue oh it can still move up and down so i never locked it to that hole there that's my mistake so let's see the midpoint of this line no let's make sure we hit the this line to this there we go now it's locked down um we could do three more of those or we could use what we did before where we used a circular pattern that also works for sketches and if you remember from last week's video we had the whole drag a square in the yellow direction or doing it in the orange direction you can go back look at that video so we're going to select this one here and my center point is going to be the center here and we wanted how many we want four of them hit okay and now we have the four slots placed and we know that they are in the right um area so when i finish the sketch and i hit the extrude we can be certain that uh this plate here is in the right location for those holes so that is the the nice thing about um about this bottom up now or the top down sorry now this one is linked out but you will actually not see it in my in my list until i save this document so when i hit save up here let me just get out of this when i hit save you will see this new uh here so save it you will now see we get the new plate out here as an external i should also now add that things are still moving around in here so we still have to do the same principles we used before where we lock one down by grinding one and then we can use the as build joint to make sure that these two are locked down like this so you saw how we created the seat first no kind of you know we just drew that up and created that as a component we grounded it we created this new one as a as a new part but this one we could we can actually now make it external what is nice that if you know you're going to use this plate in other versions that that you can actually you can actually do that you can make it in other versions but we can still in this top down we can still bring in components like we did before so we could go down here right click and say insert into current design and this leg will come in and we could now place that leg with a with a joint um to get that to to the right place right so we could go in here now and say all right so let's do that so we could either do what we did before we could go over and say joint we could either choose to select the top of this and now we could select on this edge and then remember how i use the arrow to move it over -4 right you could do that if i flip it oh actually i think here in this case here i think i'm gonna have to rotate it around let's try to go yeah it's gonna rotate around like that um and then we could place the other one over here let's see if i got my measurements correct let's just go right back a joint between here this might actually give me a problem i don't know that's gonna to here and then we can move that one over the minus four yeah like that right so we could do it like that or we could do what we did earlier if we go back into that new plate we have here we added that one um actually now i want to run into the same now it's not going to run into the same problem i had before that i cannot do a a um a joint origin from the in um edit in place and when i've already saved it it became an edit in place so that actually defeats that so what we're gonna do is open up this play there sorry and uh we could now go in and do a joint origin like that move that over fall and if i save that maybe now i just made it a little confusing to somebody apologize but this was one of the i guess this is one of the ones by saving it out as an external and still trying to use edit in place i can't insert joint commands but if i go back to our new top down assembly and i update this hopefully i place it at the right place i did not so now the question is what is what it's sitting right over there okay so it's actually probably one of these over here oh my god joint i think it's this one you could have done something like this the end result is theoretically the same if you move it if you're creating the joint origin or if you are doing it in here the biggest difference is for this here i would probably just move it like i did when i originally set in this uh so now i got the joined hardware sitting right there uh when i originally put this in um but sometimes you don't have that option and you gotta use the the joint origin so we're gonna do a joint between oops that one and then our new joint origin right there and that one actually came in to the right place so now connected sheet edit instead of having it as a circular where i can revolve around i could just make it written right now that would actually be good enough for to have it in place so top down lets you model the seed up let us insert also create a plate that we could reference holes from so this is the really nice thing about top down is we can reference um everything everything down now the the last thing of the what's new i want to show you before i go into what i call the two and a half um what the two and a half is what i call skeleton modeling also i just want to leave you with that but the last thing i want to show you that is new is actually in the derived function now the derived function let me just get out of this plate here the derive function is a new function that was that was added probably about a year and a half ago and that is great when you model one thing up like this seat for example and you now want to make a new version of the seat but you don't want to you could do a save as that's how what most people would do click here and do a save copy as a save as file but if you want to keep this as our basic seats we want to create a new version of this but any changes we're making to the original is going through the to the new model but not backwards we can use the right let me just show you how that derive works so it's sitting on the create so i'm going to go ahead and say that i want to create a derived i'm just going to save here and i want to use the seat as my device i'm going to hit ok to that that's going to open up a new it had made a copy of that original seat it's linked from our original assembly here to the new file but anything we're doing in this file will not affect what is in this file let me show you it's maybe easier so i'm going to go ahead here we're going to make a more advanced seat i'm going to sculpt and i'm going to make like a surface like this that's maybe a little long let's make a um let's make a more advanced seat here like these points right click edit form drag that up a little bit there maybe over a little bit like this and select the center one let's check that out all right so this isn't skull right now if i hit finish form i now have a surface body what is that form i just created and then i have my my original seed here's a neat little trick if you didn't know it there is a replace face inside of fusion say replace face and what is our source face that is this one and what is our target that is the surface here hit okay and nothing really seems to have happened until i hide the surface and now you will see that i just created a new seat and we can get saved to that call that the new seat and you will now see we get that new c now this is his own model but the trick will derive is that we we can actually go and if we're making changes to see this seat is still the same i don't have any warnings or anything this still remembers this is one seat this is our new seat but if i for example made a change to uh through these holes in this seat because somebody drilled they gave this job to lars and last drilled the holes in the wrong location we can actually get them pushed over to this seat over here with the drive what is new in uh in fusion is that now you can actually find that model you couldn't use to have to do that if i go to this body here our derived body and right click there's now an open source that will open up that file so you can find it but it's kind of handy so let's go and edit that original seat here go into our original hole sketch so to see if this is black so let's make it 3.5 hit finish seat so now what is happening here is that i screwed everything up now the holes in here are kind of you can see the screw holes all messed up because i actually did it in i should have done why not make it black why did i make it black where's that dimension now 3.5 inches because i started out in inches and then i made it too all right finish that now you would actually see that i blew up those halls but if i go to our new seat oh i gotta save it i have to save it then in my new sheet over here i will now get a a warning down here show you down here and if i right click on that i can actually say get updates and now you will just see that those holes moved in so before they were you know they were rectangle they were square and now there are rectangles so that's one way you can you can use that derive so the new thing in this one is you can right click and you can say open source and you can bring bring that in all right so which one is the best let me just stop here before i do the two and a half so which one is the best the best one if you have all your parts modeled up then bottom up is probably the easiest one you just stick them all in you you you join them all up you place them all the right places i wish i had had more time so i could also have placed the fastness in here and done it the right way maybe some other day when life don't catch up with me that's easier if you have all your parts but it makes it hard to model this up because you you have to know what all remember what all the screw locations should be the top down is really nice because when we place those first holes in that seat we could use that to do the plate and then we could still bring all the things in if we had other things so this kind of like gives you up and down the last one i want to show you is what i call skeleton modeling and skeleton modeling actually is this kind of the same as top down but we starting out by using a sketch to drive everything from so when i did this top down originally you saw when i did the seat well i placed my sketch in here for that seat like we're normally modeling skeleton modeling means that i can start a sketch here and let's do that seat again so i'm just going to do the seat and i'm going to do again it was 3 inches tall tap uh seven inches wide i'm gonna i promise you i will find on amazon a tape measure that has millimeters so you're not gonna see me mess around with this what is nice about this um in this kind of environment is this is going to be the revolve for the seed um but we could also actually model in the plate so maybe i'm modeling the plate and the plate was eight millimeters by 100 because this is going to right now i'm just kind of like doing half of it and then i'm going to show you a trick that you may not know if you know this trick you're awesome if you don't let me open up one of these legs i'm going to show you something here is the legs that i modeled up now if we go in and we edit the first sketch this was the sketch i used as my path to do half of the lag did you know that if i highlight that sketch we're in the lag part i do a control c let's go back into our assembly in here or our skeleton model and i do a control d look at this there is the sketch that you know you can copy sketches from one place to another maybe you do maybe you didn't so now i can actually move this one over here and i can go ahead and i can say i can use constraints in here so i'm just going to say okay and then i'm going to say i want this and this to be vertical and then i actually know that this tube is going to be i'm going to make it 22 millimeters i'm actually going to go ahead and do a dimension from here to here i'll make that 22. okay so what you've seen me doing here is actually sketching up for three different uh parts in here so let me start putting this together the nice thing about this is this is almost like a paper napkin and now we can start creating our models so i'm going to go ahead and say right click and new components and we're going to call this the fancy seat let's call it something different i'm going to make it internal okay and in that component i'm actually going to go ahead and do a revolve i'm going to select this profile with there's my seat i'm going to add the filler on if i wanted to like that there's one component now you see that the sketch disappeared that's just because i gotta show it again so now we could go ahead and do a so this oh i didn't name it sorry fancy see i don't know what i did with that okay now i'm gonna go ahead and create a new component new component a new component call that something we're gonna call that plate there's the plate now i can go ahead and do an extrude i'm going to select that area there go out like this let's go symmetrical and that is going to be 50. now that plate is active right now so i can actually go ahead here and do a mirror of this to this face oh then it's going to be bigger all right never mind well that's the plate and let's finish up the leg here now i'm missing my i'm missing my um my profile i could put that in the sketch if i wanted to i could also put that into a component if i wanted to so if i go ahead and i right click and say new component i'm going to call this one leg like this i could inside of this file say i want to create a sketch and where do i want to create the sketch or whatever i would create it down there but i don't really have anything to sketch on so if i one thing you could do is if i select this face here so that my sketch on i could do a project select that profile so now i have that as a projected sketch and then that will be my now that will be my um my path and then to do my profile well we could do it down where i did it before or maybe be easier i'll do it both ways so one way we could do it is we could say a new sketch for a profile do that right there and then c for circle like that 22 millimeters and then i could theoretically place that over here somewhere let's say this to this and we could do make that eleven finish that sketch and now i could do a sweep where the profile is going to be the circle the path is going to be this and there you will see that leg oh let's delete delete that we could also use this offset plane select that and make that to this area oh no i thought i could just snap it to that point okay well if there's not a way we're going to do it another way go into the construction plane in here we could use um we could use plane along a path and select this one and then just drag it down it will stop when it comes to the end point when it's there and then i'll just draw it down there i don't care it's good to see me struggle right 22 go and make that that d for dimension from here to here make that 11. finish that do the same thing as we did before do a sweep from here our path is this and then what i did was you probably noticed was i also used a mirror for that and then i had this the metal is actually compressed and in our original file you saw that i i made that will cut out it doesn't look very pressed down um but i wanted this um i wanted this to be a tube so what i did in the end with the compressed in there was that i just shelled it out by clicking here and clicking here and make it two millimeters shelled and now it's a it's just yellow thing the nice thing and then i stopped this video the nice thing this is getting long about this uh this technique is that i have everything up here in in one sketch right so i modeled everything out of my key items what is inside this sketch what makes it a lot easier many times to to kind of make changes down the road when when there's changes because because there's always changes all right the four things that i try to highlight in an hour is this too much i hope i hope not uh you let me know in the comments area please thumbs up if you like it thumbs down if you don't it's okay give me the honest answer i think we next we gotta look at drawings but these what's new they're hard so we had the new joint dialog where we can actually now do intersections we can do between planes we had to edit in place this is really cool when you're doing that bottom up the old style that you can just edit your components from in there you definitely gotta test that out when we're creating a new component inside of a fusion file you can now choose if you want to save it external or keep it internal and then if you are using that derive function then there is now an option where you can right click on the derived file and it will let you open the source file because sometimes you may have derived then you couldn't remember where the heck is the source file you have to go look for it these videos are getting longer and longer and longer i hope you're bearing with this don't forget that description area you can find a new way to email me love to hear from you love to see some of the examples that what you're using fusion for until the next time i hope that you have an awesome awesome day take care folks [Music] you
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 13,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, Best Practice, Modeling, cam, cad, tutorial, How to, 3d printing, free software, software, Product design, Mechanical engineering, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion, autocad, design, inventor
Id: sCR3dAs2fmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 29sec (3929 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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