Fusion 360 Absolute Beginner - How To Model a Lego - Last Nights Facebook Livestream

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how are you doing what you're about to see is this past Wednesday evenings absolute beginner on how to model up a Lego brick inside a fusion 360 i just forgot to hit the record button so you're coming in like 10 seconds in through the video but i hope you enjoy take care if you watching this on a mobile device I'm sorry I've kind of split the screen up a little bit here for tonight because what we're gonna be it's kinda like working on is that this uh this Lego block I have here and that's what I'm gonna model up so we're gonna model up a this Lego block take it's nice and easy and I found these dimensions out on out online so I couldn't really tell you if they're completely true I found it a Lego piece and I measured it up it wasn't the same thickness but with why is it probably is actually not too too far off one of the questions was is there a web between in here and I think there is we will we will definitely try to draw that up so with this year we looked at this Lego piece let's um let's jump over and create a brand new design so I'm gonna hit the plus sign up here and that gets me to talk about the couple of changes that I always make when them when I start out with Fusion so if you ever watch some of my live streams you might wander up on YouTube you might wonder how the heck I get by my skin look difference in yours here's the here's the two things that that I do I will move up on the viewcube up here with my mouse and I will right click and I will change this to a perspective with Otto faces that kind of changes the way we are looking at the park it's really just kind of changing a different kind of glasses you're wearing so I'm going to change that to perspective a Laurel faces and then I like to go down here in the bar we have some different settings to go down to this one grid she looks like lines vertical on a piece and I know I'm gonna turn off the grid and the snap to grid that is the only changes that you will see that I will know I'm going to do to fusion when when I start out so with that let's let's start modeling up this Lego piece that I have and again this drawing it I found online is a picture I snapped I'll share that with you if you if you want it it's pretty I think it's somewhat close to reality but this X I'm happy with this because it's gonna give us a chance to talk about some different modeling technique as we as we're moving along and I'm gonna try to model up with the screen a little bit see I kinda like have two windows here again if you're watching on a mobile device this might be a little tricky but okay but hopefully you can bear with me so inside our fusion we always start sketching either on a face all on a plane right that's like rule number one it's always it's always a a 2d sketch we started out with a 2d sketch that is gets an eye on the face or plane and then that is just routed into a into 3d space that's what we're doing in in the moth environment all the time now on this part here since we don't have anything on the screen well we don't have a face we only have planes now you can't see anything right now but if I click this create sketch icon you will actually get this origin displayed right here you can't also turn that on and off up here on the light bulb if you want to keep it on permanently that's really oops that's really up to you so if I turn the light bulb on then you will see stays off you don't see it as soon as you click create a new sketch it will it will appear now I'm gonna go ahead and open up the first scats and it doesn't really matter what plane you select you will see up here that these free planes kind of assembles the viewcube up here top front right but it's important to say that there's no rules for this there's best practices but there is there is no rules so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go and and I'm gonna select in this top plane here click on that and you'll see that the cursor kind of like goes normal to and now we are in in the the sketching environment and the reason I know I'm in my sketching environment is because I see this sketch palette over here if you don't see that one over there you're probably not inside of the sketch you will also see we get a little icon down here in the history line that that says sketch so that's the sketch that we're working in right now now looking at this model here where where should we start well probably start with a a rectangle right so we have a 15.8 here and in 31.8 here that's probably a good place to start so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go up here and I'm gonna pick the center rectangle so underneath sketch rectangle I'm gonna go to the center rectangle I'm gonna left click on that one and when you do that look at the next to my cursor you can actually see you know how it changes to say place center point and that is that you know where are we gonna start that rectangle and I'm gonna let it snap right into you see you have a hovering over this organ here then it switches from a crosshair look at my mouse crosshair I hop over the all the turtles a square that will tell me that that first get entity is going to be connected and nailed into the autism's gonna left click once and as I'm dragging out here you will see that I get a I get that rectangle and you would also see that on this on the left side of the bottom of it there is kind of like dimension dialogues so here we have an opportunity to place the first set of dimensions and in this case I am going to you can see that the the 46 to the left there is highlighted so we can put in that 15.8 that we saw over on the on the drawing to the left there so 15.8 type that in and you will see that they the rectangle kind of adjust to it now if I want to move that down to the bottom I can actually hit the tab key right on your keyboard so if you hit the tab key you will see that the 15.8 is now locked in place and we are down in the the length of it then I'm going to type in that 31.8 and then I can hit enter and you will see that we kind of have the rectangle here now I can I can zoom in by roll Scroll in the middle mouse button on my mouse that will let me scroll in and if you're brand new this holds scrolling in and out it's gonna take a little bit to get used to but you'll get the hang of it so now we kind of had this done here and I'm actually ready with this 2d sketch because it's black and I'm gonna come back to that a little bit but because it's black we're ready to extrude this into 3d space now of course it's important to know how far we want to extrude it so I'm gonna look over here get on the drawing and there isn't a height here of 9.6 again if you're on a mobile device I apologize if this is how to see 9.6 is some is it is the height we're gonna do here so to do that I'm just gonna use a shortcut key and I'm a big fan even if you're brand new inside of fusion I'm a big fan of kind of like learning some of these shortcut keys this one here is Q that will give us a feature called press pull and as long as I have an icon up here press Paul but Q is the Easton is the command I'm gonna click on that and as soon as I do that you will see that kind of like our sketch moves into a 3d view and if it doesn't turn then it's probably because you didn't do the first step where we right click up here and change that to perspective with Otto faces now you will also see we get a menu here says press pull and I can click inside of this one and then you get a it will turn blue and you get an arrow and this dialog box kind of changes now anytime I see an arrow I gotta pull in it so make it that I have it I had just infusion um so I see that arrow right there I'm gonna hollow over and you see my my cursor turns into a hand I'm gonna left and hold down my left mouse button and I can kind of drag that up there right you can see how I can drag that and actually you will see right next to this like a dimension box that is kind of following it and that is also following over here so if I'm dragging that up and down you will see that that that will kind of change that now I'm gonna use that nine-point-six has two heights um since this is blue we can type it into it so we're nine point six and hit enter and that will give me that first block for for this Lego piece and you would actually see that now we have a sketch down here and we have a that extrude or the Q feature in here now again you're gonna zoom in a little bit we can just scroll them in a mouse button within zoom in scroll the other x-men assuming we zoom in out and you'll see depending on where you're holding the cursor when you do it it kind of works in perspective that again do you brand new just work around with this a little bit and you'll get more comfortable with it now if we were going to go back in and edit that first sketch the one with the dimensions we put in the 15.8 and the 31.8 then we will go down here to the bottom where this is soon as she is and we will right-click on that sketch and then we can click Edit sketch and that will take us right back into where we were when we drew up that that rectangle now to get out with this I can just hit stop sketch down here and we're back into where we were over fall now we want to come back in and edit that thickness we gave the block well I'm gonna go over to the feature here and we're gonna right click on that and we're gonna say edit feature and then we're back into where we could drag in the handle and that really much this is really how it goes all the way from through these through these different ones now if you want to spin the model around then instead of scrolling on the middle mouse button you you can actually well first of all let me just say if you hold down the middle mouse button and move then you pan so that's kind of like panning around the screen so scrolling in and out will zoom in and out holding down the middle mouse button will pan it so you can kinda like move it around so if you scroll he suddenly was out in space you could always hold down the middle mouse button kind of like move it back and get a place where you want if you hold down the shift command on your keyboard so holding out shift and then the middle mouse button so before what was pan now you will see that you can kind of like spin this model around so that's kind of like the free commands you need to know scrolling a little monster little zoom in and out holding the middle mouse button down will pan it and then holding down the shift on your keyboard and the middle mouse button will let you pan around again if you're brand new the future this takes a little bit to get used to but you a lot you'll get a hang of it now so we created what is called a 2d sketch and and then we we extrude that with the Q command it's important to know that just like we went into the sketch before find this Center rectangle there is also a lot of other commands if we if we play inside of these two are two other ones in here and I just wanted to show you a couple of tips as we're going going through modeling up this up this Lego box so I might we go a little bit slower but I want to make sure that you kind of see that there's different ways to somewhat get to the same result so what I could do if I wanted to hollow out the bottom of this Lego piece right are you looking in on back on this model here we kinda like have a hollow section go back you can flip between the tabs up here so to get to that bottom section I would hold down the shift key middle mouse button or they're gonna spin it around and I know that I'm on the back side because this one now up here indicates that we that we are on the bottom here so I hope that that is up that is useful now so one way we could do this was we could actually draw up a rectangle just like we did before Center rectangle and you will see the wall thickness of this block it's supposed to be one point two you see that right here and I'm expecting that to be unified both on the walls and kind of like on the bottom so one thing we could do is we can go up and create a new sketch and now we can click on that back face see before we didn't have anything to click on so we had to pick a plane but now we actually have that back face so I'm gonna select on that and again it will go normal to that and you can see we are looking at the bottom here and I could repeat what we what we did fall um I could go up and click sketch and click a rectangle select a two point write a set a rectangle again and do the exact same thing again click here and draw this one out but this time I'm actually not going to type in the dimensions I'm just gonna kind of click out here in space and not borrow too much for other dimensions and click on that and when I do that then you will see that no diamonds is a place but and but it's blue it's not black like it was before now that means undefined and what undefined means inside of fusion is that the geometry can move now look at my cursor again you will see that my part is actually ready to place rector it will stay in the mode of creating our rectangles now if you I don't want to get out of that you can just hit escape on your keyboard and if you look at my mouse you will see my mouse goes back to be room just a single white mouse here now so what I mean by under the find is that if I go and I grab this corner and start holding down my middle mouse button my left mouse button and dragging I can actually move this rectangle back and forth and that's not what we want we always want to make sure we we lock this down on to lock this down we are going to use dimensions just like we did when we place the first one but this time we're actually going to evoke the mesh at the dimension tool and you can do that by hitting D on your keyboard so D for dimension or D for tennis and you will see that how my cursor changes to be kind of like having a little measuring tool next to it now if I go up and I click on this line it will actually give me the overall length of that line but then if I click on another line on this adds then it would like to show us that dimension so now I could type in that one point two we have here one point 2 and hit enter and you will see that and there may be a little bit hard to see but you will see that now this line is black and and these two lines have now been fully defined to be that one point two but this line over here is still blue it's still under the find and if I just go out of the measuring tool again by hitting escape my keyboard and I drag this corner you see I can't move it up and down but I can surely move it move it sideways so now I could do the exact same thing again I could hit D for dimension click on this line click on this line and I could place another dimension here that is one point two and now you will see that that box is black what means and now it's ready to be extrude and we have now made sure we got a unified wall right here now before I get out of this sketch um to extrude I'm just gonna get out of the measuring command again look at my cursor and you can see I have it that dimension tool if I hit an escape I'm back out of here it's gonna clean out these rectangular boxes like this so the way you can do that is you can just hold down an MS button you can drag kind of like a a box around them and they all get highlight it and then use it the need on your keyboard you should be able to let go and then now they're like now they're like gone and clean that up so now we have this box here now if I hit Q again just like we did before you will see that the Box kinda like spins around I was still looking at the bottom I can select inside of here and before we pulled in the arrow we saw them we made a solid and if we hold down shift the middle mouse button you can see we can do the same thing we can kind of dragging out a solid but if I go the other way then it turns red and that exit means that now this is a Cott now before we did nine point nine point six for the overall depth but I still want to maintain this same wall thickness all the way around you can actually in here type um and you can actually make you can do math in here so what I can do is I can actually say that I want to do - and then if you got to do it any kind of calculations just like in the real world you probably want to do somehow like a bracket I can say - and then the time in that nine point six - that one point two bracket and anyway should do that math right for you that's one way you can do this I'm going to another way a little bit later I'm gonna hit end up okay end to this and we now have kind of like created that wall thickness this is also another command in here that is called the shell command that could also be used for this but just in this case here I'm gonna wait that for another day there's all the live streams on the shell command but I just want to make sure you saw that now looking down the history tree now we had the first sketch if I right-click and hit edit sketch that was all very first sketch here of the block right and then we extruded that on nine point six locator that and then we sketched that our rectangle we made sure there was head that wall thickness and then we just did that last cut into there with that mad math in there so no you can do that man I could also just write the handle but now we can actually add that math in there okay so so now we kind of like made this soon with mouse button shift + middle mouse button holding down we can spin around almost like we made like I don't know like it a box we could France and plantain now let's go over back to the top up here so we can kind of see the top and let them start looking at the top bosses that we have - so good in here I want to show you a couple of of different ways we can kind of handle this so we're gonna start out I'm going to use these drawings here to kind of like control where we placing things so if you're looking at this drawing over here and again if your mobile device I'm sorry but we have the dimensions comes from the edge and I will normally whenever I get a drawing from a customer I will normally try to draw my things following that drawing even though that I maybe choose to it would be easier to maybe do some symmetry and things like that I have always used whatever the customer drawings that mine says they gave me I've always used that because the customer will send you a change later on and and if you don't if you when you get that change from people well it's so easy to kind of get stuck in a in a place where you know if you try to do it your own way with symmetry and things like that you're suddenly a struggling because you know they can't said I mention so I always use these dimensions on the drawing that's my reference so the do the first circle I'm gonna again over the new sketch so you see this kinda like repeats this pattern create a new sketch again I'm gonna select the face it was like the top face here and it kind of gonna go to normal too and then I'm gonna throw my first circle now to draw a circle I use the shortcut key C C for circle and you'll see my cursor I get a little long I get a little little circle there and I'm just going to place one circle here draw click left once and you get the diameter collect left second time and we kind of had that circle there again that circle is blue means under the find now again I'm ready to draw another circle but in this case see I'm just gonna hit escape for a second um so over here we're gonna play some time engine so three-point-nine from the edge so let's do that D for dimension from this edge to this edge so that is three point nine and then there's also another drawing down to another dimension down here three point nine so I'm gonna select that and I'm gonna isolate so here I'm gonna do it up here of course but I'm maintaining maybe not the same edges but at least the same dimensions and then if you look here you'll see we get the diameter of this one and that is 4.8 and now you will see that this turns black what means that then is now ready to be full define if you see it's blue you gotta stop because then something is probably not right now we could go ahead and we could start drawing our the rest of the holes in here because we can see that they are probably like all of them is 8 millimeters apart in both directions but I wanted to lose you to the pattern command and I'm gonna show you to you in two different places in this exercise one is actually in the sketch command in here you can you can go into the sketch command and you can do a rectangular pattern right here all as I'm gonna show you a little bit later you can also go into the create pattern and do a rectangular pattern in there the true a little bit different one are going to be doing the sketch so that's what we're drawing inside of these you're almost like you're going to be doing a kind of a feature sort of the faces as you seen here so let's start out with the particular pattern I'm gonna click on vertical pattern and whenever you get these menus just stop from the top to just kind of work your way down down through them you know it gets a little overwhelming in the beginning especially if you're brand new user but I really believe that if you just start from the top work your way down then then you're gonna be fine so the first thing is asking for us to object that is that circle so we're gonna you know just click here and go over and click on the circle there and as soon as we do that a couple of things kind of give it comes alive again you'll see we get arrows and I always pull in arrows whenever I kind of see arrows and we can see that some things are happening on this model now it's looking for some directions that's actually kind of like what we will be a picked on here you get two options you get extend or spacing I actually prefer spacing because that's between each one of them and that's actually need kind of here the quantities so you will see there's two quantities and that's because there's a row this way and there's a road this way right now the first one is X to the horizontal row so we need fall one two three four so let's have it fall and you will see that now we get fall that's perfect then we get a distance and in our drawing over here that's just eight so we change this from seven to eight and that actually takes care of that horizontal row then we're gonna go down further now we're down the second quantity what means we're going in the y-direction you'll see that there's three in we actually only one two so what it's like to and now you'll see that looks good and that distance here six well if you look over our drawing that's actually eight so eight and that actually looks pretty good here now I'm gonna hit okay to that and the supposed to do that you will see that these all turn black and that means that they are now good to be extruded right now if you look about the drawing you will see that we have one point eight as the height of this so when I hit Q remember that was to get out of the scats and turn into the extrusion or it's a 3d space we get the press pull select I can now select each of these rings she just like multiple rings I'm just left clicking selecting all of them and again where there's an arrow inside of fusion you will see that I will pull and you can see we're now making extrusion up and if we went down well then we were just turns red that's a cut so now I can actually type in here 1.8 and hit enter and that will give us give us those blocks and haha now it actually starts looking very much like a Lego piece tiger if you want to spin around um hold down the middle mouse button and the shift key and that will then make it spin around just the middle mouse button will tan and then spinning in and out will give us the zoom in now the next thing we're gonna concentrate on we're almost there almost there is and I told told you that I want to show you a couple different patterns now one of the things that is missing on this drawing is that each of these bosses is actually hollowed out from the inside so it's not flat in the bottom you see we have three rings we're gonna create these three rings but the is exhales ring here are a little bit of an indent on the opposite side of these eight bosses and the reason for that is well that's probably a couple of reasons one is and this is just you know plastic injection molding that you always want to try to have unified space if you don't have unified space when you passing injection mold then you stop playing around with with shrink fact doesn't you can actually get like different weld marks and suction marks and stuff like that that is probably the main reason they're using it the other thing of course is the more material you can remove you know the less plastic you gotta use and the more more money so what we're gonna do is we're gonna create an intent inside of these eight bosses but we ain't gonna stop from from the back here and make that in then I actually have it I think I have it under Lego piece here you can see these in debts here drawn in here ah so the way we're gonna do that is we're gonna create another sketch again same pattern new sketch we're gonna select it on the inside of this box here on so that looks all good now but I don't really want to go through this whole process we did before I'm lazy we did before with with drawing with our mentions there's another tool in here that is P P for project if I click on them get this project up here and if I hover over you can suddenly see that it's almost like fusion can look through and see those bosses on the other side and if I select on this one right here left click once I'm actually borrowing that boss I'm projecting that adds into into here and that will let me use this as a reference when I'm now going to draw up so I'm gonna hit okay to this and then I'm gonna go back into the server command see Circle and now I have this this part to know exactly where I'll draw my circle and this circle is gonna be 2.6 to enter and that circle is fully defined because it's tied into kind of that a boundary or that adds that I projected from this apple blossom so this is a pretty little neat tool to have that project that P command to your to your advantage now I'm gonna go ahead here and and press pull here and hit Q for press pools like that in a circle again we get an arrow you can pull out we're making a solid you can pull the other way of MIT in your car next thing if we go too far well then we are we're cutting right in through the park but we don't want that then it's I don't know some knockoff of a real Lego block but I actually want this um this in E and I could do the same technique we did before right I could do like the math calculation where we said you know 1.8 minus 1.2 and then will give me that but another thing I want to make sure that you're aware of is there is a lot of options inside of the standard extrude command and I know that if you're brand new if you're brand new to fusion this is this is a little overwhelming right in the beginning kind of like starting out learning all this stuff and I don't want to overwhelm you but I tell you one thing that if you get a little bit familiar in the beginning with what is inside of these commands on the simple extrude you in my opinion will next be way ahead are that a lot of other people are using a fusion so they won't be dragging when we just dragging here dragging through here that is the distance extent okay so that will activate the distance length well if I hit this drop-down box there's actually a to object and if I click on that and then I select that top face I actually get an option to place an offset now right now it's zero but means it's kinda like the hole is right at the top but if I type in 1.2 minus 1.2 is now going the wrong way then we have actually offset this cut through to that top by that 1.2 okay so that was found on this object and going in and select that top face and then applying an offset and we have now actually created kind of hollowed out that section so knowing what is inside of this extrude command can be extremely extremely helpful again and you will see down at the bottom you know how we get that history created we can always go back in right click we can edit a feature and we kind of back in in the game where we were so before I showed you how to use the sketch rectangular patterns we're inside the sketch now I want to show you how to use the pattern in here so what it's different in here is that we actually gonna select the faces of this hole do you see a given stuff from the top and instead of selecting the sketch geometry and looks like the bottom of the hole and I'm gonna select this circle edge of the hole and then I can actually go ahead and use the same kind of pattern befall just going to look for Direction out of this case here I don't get arrows but I can select an edge and then I actually get there then I kind of get the arrows out and you'll see kind of the same thing as we as we head to fall I like to change the spacing and we need to fall to go in the horizontal horizontal line so we get fall there the distance yep that was eight and then in the y-direction you only needed two and that died that was also was also II now this is kind of two different ways to get this now what you will see happening is that when I hit okay now we get these you will see that I now have a different simple in here and that is probably the biggest difference between these two rectangular patterns is that when we did it in the beginning with our top bosses right and if we click on those you can see that that was this gets here that pattern decided inside of the sketch if I click here you will extra see that I get a little parents imbel right here if I double click on that it will actually open up that dialog box I tell you what many many Cadman just don't even know this little trick but if you do it a sketch pattern you can actually double click here that will open up the this in here where when we did it now with this indent in the bottom it uh it actually gave us a feature now we can right click on that and we can edit that of course and we are back into that just a couple of things to kind of be be familiar with all right let's see if we can that kind of wrap this this part up here I don't want to go too far over over the hour here so let's talk about these these three rings that are inside of the center here so to model those up I'm gonna start another sketch and these are on the backside here it's gonna open a new sketch again just like we were doing from the beginning select this bottom face and it goes normal to now here I'm kind of going back to what I talked about before that I will normally always follow the drawing I get from the customer and the reason for that is for example this hole here I am pretty dang sure that that hole has to be on the same place my origin is right in the center wouldn't you agree I think you would but notice the way the customer has done and this part they actually they could have drawn kinda like a crosshair in here showing us that that's the center instead they have decided to dimension the holes from the edge and that could be important in case that they decided to change some of the dimensions like 31.8 this connects to knock these out of being out of alignment now again pretty sure everybody here on the call knows Legos and knows that this one probably will always be in the center but my point is that when the customer gonna call you up on a Friday afternoon 4:30 and you on your way out to attach your your kids soccer game and they're saying oh yeah we're gonna move this 7.9 here to be 8.9 the last thing you want to do is have to go in and do all different kinds of changes to your model because you decided that you made the assumption that it has to be right on the audience so I would follow that that's just best practice I think somebody's gonna hit C for circle again so I get this circle here and many times when I draw up inside of fusion I actually don't try to be too accurate with my stuff so in this case here I'm just gonna draw a circle here I'm gonna draw another circle over here and another circle over here right so these three circles these three circles here are now a kind of a line however I just made a mistake and you maybe didn't catch it for your new when I place this last circle I exit by accident hit this reference line right here and you will see how I get a weird simple C that we had simple right there next my mouse ah dad if you're looking over here the constraints are actually a tangent relationships and what I did by mistake was I made this circle tangent to this circle and that's actually not gonna help me the easiest way to get out of this is honestly just hit escape to get out I'm just gonna click on the circle I'm gonna hit delete on my keyboard and the leader again and hit Cephas urban in place and all the circle make sure I don't snap in to that one like I did there that could have screwed me up later on alright so I now have three circles placed in here but now I makes it gonna stop tying them down with dimensions and and and kind of place them in place so let's do the dimension first because that's X what I do let's say that we're gonna start with the out of them anyway it's gonna have a circle inside of these but for now I'm gonna hit deeper dimension I'm gonna place one dimension here and that's going to be five a six point five six point five hit enter so now we know this dimension is placed now looking at destroying you will see the two other ones the same diameter we could go and place two more dimensions but to make our life easier I make it gonna use these constraints that you just saw me using on the tangency phone and it makes it gonna use the equal see is this equal equal constraint and but the Eagle prostate let me do is if I click on this circle and on this circle I get this little equal sign and this just make these two circles equal what means if I go one click on this line and this line now they are also equal and what I've just done is I have made that if I change this dimension the two other ones will update with that dimension so this one's kind of these constraints do it's a good way to kind of tie things down now I've done that I'm gonna come back to these constraints in in a second now I'm gonna go over and look at these dimensions on the drawing and place the first one so seven point nine so again on my drawing i'm gonna hit d4 dimension i'll paste one from this edge up to the center hole here they said i mentioned over here so seven point nine right there and then i makes it also going to place one from this edge to the center point here and that is seven nine so now you will see that I kind of used these dimensions to place this first one and again you could have said that well wait a minute you know I wanted to side this one down to this origin but I'm a gonna follow let these dimensions control it now one thing that is not provided here but we're gonna assume is that they're all on the same line and you can see right now they're not lined in so I'm just going to use a very hard song and constraint here's I'm gonna look on that so like this center point and this center point and you will see that that moved that one down I do the same thing again and leave this set up on this center point and now they are on the same line if I hit escape to get out and get my white mouse cursor I hold on the center I can drag them side to side I can drag it up only side to side the same thing with this one because then I have that song constraint nice or circles I heard a song through this circle and now I'm gonna place the last two dimensions what is 8 and I'm gonna hit deef and I mentioned and again D here and 2 here and I'm gonna type in 8 there and again because of the way my drawing is type here to here I'm gonna place the second one to be to be 8 so I'm following the drawing over here even though the geologic might have said that I would have drawn this one up here on the center and then just have done the 8 by 8 but again if the customer ever called to change that seven point nine I prefer that that is driving it but so an example is if I made this five you will now see that everything is kind of following here we know that this would probably not be right but but that's what the costume is for so that's how I don't really like to draw it up not that I wouldn't if the customer called up and said hey change that to 5 or probably sells a customer and I'm you sure but just to make my life you see that's what I'm gonna do ok we need the inner circles now we do have an offset command in here I could hit all four offset and select this and I could offset that in a certain distance but just again because we have a diamond for that specific one it's not an offset I will actually again prefer to hit C on my keyboard and make sure I snap into the center point I'm just gonna place three circles here again I don't care too much about the dimension he D but I mentioned place as I mentioned on this first circle here make that the four point eight and then I will use that eagle command again just I'm following kind of the dimensions on the drawing if I had to do this myself am I do different but again the customer you know the customer don't repay you for this circle will do it like that now this is fully defined we're ready to extrude it so again that is q4 press pool how bond kind of like moves a little bit here oops you press both and now I can select these rings and and pull the arrow and draw them up now again it actually doesn't show us how tall they are but I'm pretty sure on a Lego that they will go up to this place right here and X if I just select on this point on this corner right here so how can I get highlights that will actually create that relationship and I hit okay and we placed that there that would actually pretty much finishing our Lego block one last thing though I gotta show you and that is that I'm pretty sure that on the original Lego blocks that is a web on the center here and I want to show you a little trick to do that because again I talked about before then we have like shell commands on how we can we can cut things we can cut things out we actually also have all the tools in there so there's something called a web tool that could use for them to show you that I'm gonna start another sketch see everything is the same kind of order select that sketch here I'm gonna draw on that ads right here click on that and I'm actually just gonna draw two lines you see the line tool is up here I'm gonna left click on that I'm gonna make sure it snaps into the midpoint see how I get a triangle that means it's the midpoint and I'm just gonna draw a line down now this line right now is perpendicular going down if the shirt is 90 degrees move it down till it snaps into that ring so now I kinda like have a line going down there hurry you'll see it's blue and that should give you a warning sign if you see that something is blue something is not right to get out of this I'm gonna get out of the line command for a second and the easiest way when you have something that is blue they sit grab a point hold on your books grab a part and hold on your left mouse button stop dragging it and see what's 90 degrees but I didn't get it locked down so that's actually not too cool here one thing I could do is using the vertical constraint and then you will see that now it is flag so different ways to do this let's do one in the other and to somebody hit the line command again make sure snap in so the midpoint there drag down and again you could just draw over here and if I wanted to log it in all I'm gonna have to do is hit the tab key on my keyboard and now you will see that the blue is my degrees and its height 90 and hit enter and that will that will lock it down to so and they're like the place that I mentioned on it because I mentioned but that will snap it into place that comedy choice all right I don't want to dwell too much on these lines what I'm looking to show you is with these two lines drawn we just hold down the shift key and spin it around see how these two now make these plants gotta be up in the air you could not draw this down on this face they have to be up here because what the web tool will do is it'll let me select the two lines it will let me add some kind of a thickness and I think I'm just going to do that 1.2 we've been using all the time and then you will see that just by adding those two things then it actually created those webs and that is why and this might be a little confusing but that is why I had to draw the lines up in the air up on this shelf and not down at the bottom it's because this web tool will project down till the next scene eat something and then make this face down here confusing but at least now you know there's a web children here to do that hit okay and that is pretty much our Lego piece here to draw this up now I'm gonna do to let three last things here before we we we read we wrap it up I just have to surround the edges up here on top so you can go and you can do a Phillips and I can select the different the different edges in here whoops I select a Phillips oh my mouse is a little funky tonight and I can select these edges select all these edges on the top here and and that and then I can type in a radius I can either but I could I just drag in the arrow you see I'm gonna get kind of like the radius in there I'm gonna that's probably big radius point one maybe that's probably a good way it is so be land and that's not really good practice to put these fill its in at the end the same thing goes with any kind of chamfer on anybody knows who ever stepped on a Lego block that they're not very well chamfered but at least it'll Center one of those suckers but at least we know that that they that the edges are a little bit broken because if not actually caught myself louder and now can select all these I'm just gonna say all these edges right here and you can actually select through I can actually hover over here and should be able to select that that gets right there there's there may be also on the bottom edge where we add it and just give that just a pet spray not much but enough of you zoom in we can access see that we do have a little bit of a it's pretty calm down and the last thing I like to do on these mods if we're done with this drawing right now so expand this up what I like to do the DS is I like to right click go into appearances and and change this so if we're going there's a plastic down here click on that go into a peg scroll down to find the red one drag it over and let go and close it out and the debt there should be somewhat a decent attempt on the on a Lego piece like this what I will do in the end is I will click Save and give it a name so we can call it the Facebook Lego piece yes this is the Facebook live stream right ah so uh so we got that one there and and hopefully we hit save and we've saved that part and that should now live if we hit the 3 here then we have that one showing up right there Facebook they go um so I hope that this was useful kinda like going through these basic steps and that's really what I like to do on these Facebook live streams I know that we haven't had one of these in a while I also know that next week I'm not gonna be able to I'm not gonna be able to do one because I'm gonna be out of town ah but that is uh that is kind of like how how life changes I hope this I was useful again I really would love to to read some of your comments but again I got that set up with the new setup sorry I'll try to get to it I hope this was useful if nothing else these are live streams here these absolute beginners give you a chance of character back right and when you get overwhelmed and I don't blame anybody for getting over one when you're learning fusion 360 this is a good way to kind of come back what's one of these and then you should hopefully be good let's go that's it folks hope this was useful hope this adds a little bit more value through your fusion 360 experience I will make sure that this video is also getting available up on the YouTube channel over over the weekend so if you missed it then you maybe catch it there I really appreciate the folks again I'm sorry that I'm not gonna dive in through the comments here on the live stream that was kind of like what I wanted to do but until I get that set up hope you have an awesome evening and we'll be back try to be back in a couple weeks with these
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 40,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Absolute Beginner, Beginner, Tutorial, Design, CAD, akn_include, lego, cad software, lars christensen, manufacturing, 3d printing, how to, fusion 360 tutorial, free software
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 26sec (3206 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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