Fusion 360 — Create a Professional 2D Drawing — #LarsLive 84

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all right welcome to today's live stream it is number 84 and it is it's Wednesday it's October 25th and today's topic is how to create professional 2d drawings thank you so much for taking the time to join today's live stream if you're watching this you are watching to be I said that too early you might be watching the recording but we already got a couple people in here we got Lucas we got Isaac in here already please see you guys taking time out of your busy day ah to see I got a light that wasn't turning on alright so thank you so much taking the time that's uh let's jump into it uh here and talk about some 2d drawings cowlick jumping on from from yesterday's part so yes one thing I just gotta clarify quickly here so if you're coming is watching the door we're gonna get into that but there was one question yesterday we did this part here we modeled up from scratch so if you're interested in doing that and you missed that go back and look at livestream number 83 but one of the questions I got a couple of people was asking if I wrote back down here on the tree that I I added this shell command in here to kind of shell out the inside that's probably hard to see because I turned it black but a couple of people's asking you know didn't it only shell in this straight portion and not kind of the full radius it did not and the reason for that is if we go one step back here when we created this revolved let me go ahead and edit it it it is set to join but means that these two solids will join into one body so when I then shelled it out everything got yelled out we could actually do a quick section you here just so kind of like can prove it you can kind of see here how it is all shelled out so just want to make sure that that you know it's straight that out ok 2d drawings so we got a terribly bit about 2d drawings and the purpose of of this lashing today is how do we create 2d drawings we covered some things about 2d drawings in the past in the live stream but how do you make your drawings looks more professional so if you have to you know send things out to a place for them to work with your 2d drawings like a machine shop or something like that what is something you need in there that's what I'm gonna tag we're going to use this part so front end we have our part here that we have model up we're gonna go to the drop down and I'm gonna go to drawings and we're gonna select here from design you can also do animations it like exploded view of an assembly or something we covered that in the past in the live stream - so um you know just search the live streams oh it's gonna ask me here to save because now I move things around that's okay we'll just say in this quick you get this dialog box we are going to do from scratch I am gonna switch mine to a SME from ISO and the reason for that is the way the view gets projected it's a little bit difference between the American Standard and the ISO standard I'm gonna keep it in metric though just for fun of it and let's go ahead here and hit OK and our drawing gets created now and we have been through this before in all the livestream so I'm not gonna get too much into the specifics we talked about how you can create your custom title blocks in the past how to use builder materials so I'm not really gonna cover that too much with this one but when it starts out it starts out want to place a base view I'm actually gonna just cancel out of that for a second because I'm gonna talk about a couple of other things when it comes to true 2d drawings and what's kind of important so if you're not kind of like familiar with whether with 2d drawings just some kind of I will call it practices and by the way I got to be upfront if there's any of you guys who have a lot of experience with 2d drawings and have anything to add to this do me a favor and put it down in the comment area or in the livestream you know let's share the knowledge I am taking I am definitely not a professional draft or but but I have created a lot of drawings in the time on the shop floor so I'm gonna at least kind of like add my two cents to that to this so um first thing I wanna talk about is about the the title block over here so I talked about we can detail it you can create your your own title block if you want to we covered that before I'm just gonna go ahead and edit this one I'm gonna highlight it and I'm just gonna double click and we get the menu here now I'm gonna insert an image I'm just gonna pull in the auto Autodesk logo and you will see that this snaps to kono so I can bring that in there and be aware of you can scale it and rotate your logos and things like that I'm just gonna skip that for right now there is approved by data proof by check by date check in here what normally would be another person than the one who draws it up now item X it gonna change this to just be my initials that is common practice on 2d drawings that you're using initials just normally because there's not that much space in there also the date isn't that was fine the name of the project so it pulls that right from from your the name of what project the POTUS is in and then it pulls in the name of your part here so that is and now I jumped out of it so now I get to do it all again because I didn't place it those silly so there me okay and it's always faster the second time you got to do everything right that what they say so now some people would say that everything should be capitalized in a drawing but I have actually seen it both ways so I'm just going to leave this and I'm gonna leave the rest of it here so now we kind of like got the title blog down here and you will see that there's some other information that can be added in here you know that could be many times they'll be like something like a a drawing numbering here I can put in my pin code okay so that those things can all be be added in here the other thing that I want to show you is that many times you will also add notes to two drawings and they are actually quite important because maybe we just talked about quickly about that you know 2d drawings by themselves or the 3d model by itself you can say it doesn't have all the information you need it's sort of does right you have the 3d model oh ma glove you can definitely you know go ahead and measure it and do different things with it but the drawing is kind of this piece of paper that goes with it that maybe could have some additional information in there so one of them would be a note and you can insert the notes here now I'm just gonna cheat a little bit in here and just copy a note in just because I'm not you will be tired of watching me kind of typing I think um so let me just see here find my note on my other screen there we go I should have had that copied so I'm gonna place a note here on the drawing I'm just gonna make a big box doesn't really matter ctrl V to put in my note here and let me close that out so the note here this is normally like anytime as soon as a machinist or something like that when you're getting these notes drawings this is really where you've got to pay attention because a lot of great information is in here and this is important stuff so you will see here that my note is referring to that dimensions and tolerance are according to the ASME so that's the standard out there you can get a copy of the standard then you know this is here I think it cost some money to get that you probably find a lot of them online other thing some of the things that is important to point out is like it specifies number four that all dimensions sign millimeters that's an important piece of information number six talks about surface roughness so you could put something in there number eight talks about internal corners so you know there could be important and then something like number nine is something I just want to quickly touch about it says here if anodized has specified that mentions apply after Anna dies so this is some of the things that you have to watch out for if you're getting Trudy prints is that if this part needs some kind of a surface applied to it for example now I know this is a plastic spoon we're using today but if like you had a metal pot that needed to be anodized that ended in a die station the anodized will add a little bit of extra material to your part so what you know this note is saying that all the dimensions that we're gonna place on this drawing are gonna be after the anodized what means that the guy who makes it maybe it's machining the part have to take that thickness into consideration and you do that sometimes like if you see this node you have to find out how thick is the anodized and normally that like very small but you will actually machine parts on the size so when they come back they are within tolerance so these nodes and the title blog is extremely important to kind of get in there and kind of what you expect to be on a drawing like this this is kind of like the recipe for making the pot alright so now let's start placing our I'm gonna go up and catch up where the where we were when I started this by inserting a base for you and I can just do it up here and my spoon comes back in now one thing that is kind of interesting with this also just so you're aware of is right now we're looking at the pot from front now what this is in here these different front top bottom is all coming from our model so if I actually cancel out of this we go back to the model here is the model we have befall you next to see if we look up on the viewcube then what I'm expecting the model kind like to look like like this I want I want the opening to be up is actually inside of here at the bottom now done livestream is about how you can flip all that around so we've covered that before but and I'm not gonna change it for this I'm literally just gonna make sure that I'm not going to do the base view that I'm changing this to a bottom because that's actually what I want here and when I got that base you can just place it wherever I want the model and I can hit OK and we kind of like got our first our first view I guess is what we want here now from this you're gonna be creating projected view the idea in a 2d drawing is to show all the necessary information with the least amount of clutter so you want to be kind of like careful about how many views you're placing so I'm gonna go up here and do a projected view and I'm gonna select our base view they've just placed and drag down and you will see here that now we can't like get a projected view from that now it's actually ready to apply more views from this but I'm just gonna hit enter to place that first view right here and this comes in two in the beginning when I selected between a SME or I so it depending on how these view gets projected so just make sure that you stick with one or the other now it's also important to know we can see here from this side view we can see these dotted line in here so that means that it shows us that there's something going on inside of this now like I said all this is specified in standards I would probably prefer not to have dotted lines in there mostly because in in in standard drawing practice you do not dimension to dotted lines so they are only two pair like represent something in there so what I can do is I can right-click and I can say edit view and then I can select that view and this box comes up here and right now up here it says that the view is coming from the parent I can switch that over to just show the visible edges and you will see kind of how that cleared up so that's how I want that now I'm gonna create another projected view so I'm going to create another projected view here and select the view we just created and I'm gonna drag sideways this time and I'm gonna place that view and again it will stop letting me project all the views from there whatever you got the view you want just hit enter and and now we kind of like got the end so this view is kind of like as we were looking towards that are the one right here now we have some tight details going on in here on this part right remember that we are looking handle so one of the things we can do to kind of like help ourselves is we can Excel to create detailed views so I'm gonna go ahead here and create a detailed view of this and I'm gonna click on this and it's gonna select what view do you want to use and I want to use this view here and then it wants to draw a circle around it so I'm gonna place right in the center left click and you'll see how I can I get this detailed view capture icon and when I do that I get a view that is well you'll see that it's scaled up so this actually shows the real scale of the park so what up a detailed view will let you do and you can place that wherever you kind of like want what it will let you do is creative you that is a little bit bigger than the original view gives you a little bit easier to place dimensions and you will see that the a over here specifies that this is detail a so this belongs to that now with this here I think we're about ready to start adding some dimensions to our our scope here our coffee scoop and there's a couple of things that I think is very important like I just want to make sure that I at least kind of cover here and that is that this you want to place all the dimensions on the drawing that you need to be able to create the part in 3d or in real life so one trick that I have actually used is that when I go in here now to dimension all this put all the dimensions in there that you you think you need and then before I extend the drawing to the customer I'll go in and modeled up that part again and only using the drawings or the the dimensions on that drawing and that's a way for me to find making sure that I have all the dimensions on there so actually modeled apart because if I can model apart then most likely you can also manufacture the part that's one rule that you have to have all the dimensions on there that is needed it might be obvious the other thing though that is important is you generally don't want to place two dimensions and I'm in two dimensions on two different views that does the same thing so this is kinda like of course helping on you know making things not cluttering up but it also can add some confusion so that's kind of like two rules to keep in mind we'll be going and in add some dimensions now the dimensions are sitting right up here so we can actually start adding some different dimensions in here so I might just go over and look at our first base view and one is maybe easy is to add you know the 46 to the outside diameter and maybe the 41 to our inside diameter here another thing that you might find is that it can be nice to use these Santa marks when it comes to specify certain things so Santa marks here these Center mark shows you that there's something round that you're working with so if I click on center marks and I place them inside the circle you will see that kind of get a center mark and I can use that to dimension with however when you look at this right now adding that Center mark kind of makes this 41 so look a little bit out of place in a way so what I'm gonna do is I makes it gonna click on that 41 and I can actually just grab it and I can move it you know somewhere else if I want to so I can place it outside that might be a little bit better for that next thing I'm going to add is a length here so I'm gonna go over and hit the the dimension tool or hit the e or the hit the dimension tool up here and I'm gonna select the center of our scoop here our Center mark and go over here and select it and right down here now you will see that it's a moving this that it's it's at an angle right now 140 3.06 but it actually depends on where your mouse is see how it will switch depending on where I'm placing my mouse so wherever I'm going around we should be able to catch 43 there we go you see how the now it just changed it up too to be straight and you can just place that I mentioned there where you want and then you can always go ahead again and drag it wherever wherever you want now I might actually keep it up there on top just because that kind of like keeps it away from other dimensions all the places another thing I might add so this view up here is we have these different radiuses so I added a note before using this text out here but there's actually also leader in here so I could either place a dimension where I'm measuring that radius all I could also click on this and I could place a leader just from right here and then I could type in any dimension so I could type in 0.1 type in red and then many times what you will do here is you will type in CIP god I should probably keep everything capital so a red and then typical means that if you see any radiuses that is not specified so we have all these inside radius things like that that that means that this is a typical radius around them okay with with that done maybe let's move down and look at this view down here a couple of things we might want to might want to add to to this pot so another thing here is we haven't specified this radius now it is a full radius but you know it's kind of hard to see another thing I can do is I can place a dimensions from that center of that radius up to our edge up here and oh dude to see had see is 14.5 I picked the wrong thing it's actually not that in a section there would I keep it at the top forgot that we had a little radius in there so select the center point and make sure that you come up here and you select the right endpoint so now it should be 15 and that kind of like makes sense there so that is good now one thing I realized as I'm doing this is there's also a radius on the inside there's a radius on the outside and on the inside of the top here if you remember if you watch the livestream yesterday so right now we can see this radius here but we can't see the one inside so we actually he probably wants to add another view um let me move this view down down to about here so be aware that you got a move command up here so I'm gonna select this view I'm gonna select transform I can just select anywhere kind of like on this model and I can drag that view down just like that that gives us kind of like you know now these also kind of like in line with each other and then we can do what is called a section view what means to be kinda like gonna cut through a model and look at that so I'm gonna click on section view and I'm gonna select the view that I want to cut it's like the base view and you'll see I can't I get a letter next to me and wherever I kind of like want my lines of start I'm gonna line it up I'm gonna left click drag it over and I'm gonna view kinda like that way now it will actually let you continue doing these section views with a lot of different kind of like angles on it but I'm just gonna leave it at just one straight lines I'm gonna hit OK and you will see that I when I'm dragging down depending on what you're looking at this part will get a view right there and what this means is that where these arrows are is kind of like we're looking straight in at the model cut through the center so now we will actually see that we have these inside radiuses that we can now specify now I also know what is gonna do this that it kind of messed up a little bit up here this is one of the things you're always fighting when you're doing 2d drawings it's kind of like keeping things neat but I can of course click on the section view here and I can grab this little thing and I can actually drag it out here so I'm kind of like cleaning up and keeping things somewhat nice looking so it's easy to see so now we can go in here and we can apply the dimensions fold that radius so I can zoom in here and I can select that radius here for the inside giving you an idea that that is what that should be here you could also do another one on the outside to show that they're both 50 0.5 millimeters I'm just going to leave that right now now I did another thing on show we did put up here the outside inside diameter so it should actually be obvious what the thickness of this wall would be but I think if I was going to do this just to make it a little bit easier for somebody I would actually place that two-and-a-half because it's pretty important if I was doing this I would definitely be be kind of like looking looking for them another thing before we're wrapping this last thing up also be aware of that if you double-click on a dimension you get the dialogue up for that dimension we can actually control things like primary how many decimals you want after the part so this is where you can kind of control that but also in here you can add like tolerances so maybe there was some kind of a tolerance on this this part here that we wanted to specify we had a live stream earlier on talking about tolerances in 2d drawings the last thing oh and I don't like how that text is sitting right on top of there I'm going to the last thing I want to do to this part here and I think that would kind of cover it is to add the last dimensions to the end here so here I'm gonna go in and apply a dimension to the outside diameter so that was a radius of of 10 if you remember and then we had a another dimension in here so we can place that one and I'm trying not to have my text kind of like cut over lines and I think also I need a dimension for this out here so I'm gonna actually use another cinema so then I get a measure as the center of this one so now I can place a dimension from from here to the center of this one here I didn't get a Cinemark in there so we can place those two from there to there I think um I think that might be it oh I probably would also have to dimension where this one is so we probably would do some so here is an interesting thing right here we have the outside radius be aware of you can create extensions virtual shops is called so be aware you can do that too so you can dimension to those virtual shops so here we could place a dimensions up from the center here and also maybe from the center to the virtual shop there this way out here just giving us that dimension right there that's so this here I think that that's a fairly good um fairly good drawing what do you think some of you guys who are doing a lot of this stuff definitely be more than welcome to add things in in the night oh and one other thing I should say here is this point we can go up here we can output it as a PDF so you can click here and we could now output this as a PDF somewhere where we can we can print it print it out and that's how we kind of like would hold onto that man we are right like two minutes from the half half-mile mark don't forget Donal description area you will find my email address large the christeson autodesk.com any future topics for these live streams definitely appreciate them tomorrow same time we're gonna talk about sheetmetal so that should be interesting I actually have a power thing I want to do that one of you guys sent to me so I hope that this was useful kind of like taking yesterday isn't kinda like building on it I definitely think that you know this would be a drawing that you know I think I'll be somewhat happy receiving having you know the information on that you need to be able to to make this part what is useful as always thumbs up thumbs down let me know what you think if you don't like this let me know um and if you have no ready of course on the YouTube subscribe to the channel I want to do what I normally do I'm gonna end the broadcast so if you're watching the recording thank you so much and then I jump into the livestream and say hi to the ninety nine people we have in there thank you so much
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 136,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD, 3D Printing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Drawing, 2D
Id: rh9ZB44ApgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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