Model O-ring Grooves in a Box with Dividers — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 140

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welcome to livestream number 140 today is April 3rd 20 it's Tuesday 2018 and today's topic is model all ring grooves in a box with dividers and that might not be the best time if I come up with here is somewhat similar to what we're gonna try to sir model of today alright so this is one of those live streams that you know I just hope I hope this stuff is useful somehow I got some different requests one of them was how do you model all rings so with everything gonna cover that and it kind of turned into you know how do you create dividers and boxes some small and if the tips and tricks as your modeling inside of fusion 360 and I thought you know what why don't we do this will model this something similar to this thing today and then we will continue tomorrow and we will add a lid to to this box here and then we can because some people have also asked about how do you create like a locking mechanism for like you know a plastic box you kind of like snapping it together some some hinges some some things and and I'm just gonna kind of like you know model something up and then hopefully you know you can pick up some tips and switch between it try to keep it not too pouring how about that alright let's let's jump into it um good to see all of you guys so let's let's just let's just get rid of this part here now let's start out with with one little important notice here and that is so today we're gonna model up kind of like the bottom of the box and then tomorrow we're gonna model up the lid that would make some people say ooh rule number one on the forum and some people are now like guess rule number one rule number one is that if you know that you're going to make what we would call an assembly inside of fusion 360 multiple components then runner 1 is to actually create those components before you create anything else now you guys know me I have a tendency to kind of like criss cross over and do different things because I don't think it's so important but I'll argue with those people later but let's do rule number one we're gonna right click and say we're gonna create a new component up here and that will give us that we have like this assembly icon up here so we're gonna have one component it's gonna be one it's gonna be the bottom and then we're gonna right-click me to create that other component that is going to be the lid now you can choose which one you want to want to work in there's nothing in in in these two here so I might just choose to slowly left click here and call this the box and then we could slowly lift click here and call that the lid and the only reason I picked those two was because the box is always on the bottom so that's a little our rule number of one from the forum if you know you're gonna make an assembly you know there's gonna be multiple components in it then go ahead and create the components first by right-clicking up here that way you'll make sure that all your sketches features are in the right place if you ever want to break it up later so I'm gonna make sure the little fisheye is active on the Box because that's the one we're gonna model up on here today so let's start creating this this type of box here and I'm kind of like jumping in and I'm gonna do some tips and tricks as I'm going along I know for myself I this was one of the best ways that I have learned using CAD while strikes to watch somebody else start modeling up and explaining their thought process their modeling up so that's what I hope that this will give you an overvalued I'm gonna start out with a sketch and let's sketch on the top face here now you will many times you will see me use the S key in here so hit on your keyboard and we get this little menu here but I think it's a long time since I've actually talked about this s key so I'm just hitting the s on my my keyboard and that s key it's pretty neat you can search for different functions in here as you will see in a second you can also add things in here and you can subtract things so if you want to get rid of something you just left drag it off and now it's actually gone and then you can find it again this was the center rectangle so start typing in and send a rectangle if I want to add it back again I can just go up and click on the little arrow there at the toolbox and now it's in here so if I want to do a center rectangle instead of going off here and dig into the menus right there I could just hit s and snap into that snap into the origin and let's make this one 100 by 100 millimeters we're gonna make a small little small comfortable box here hit enter and we get it fully enclosed q crest pool and let's give this some thickness let's make it 25 millimeters on it here now that s key is aware of where we are in so before we were in a sketch environment we got the center rectangle but if I hit the S key again then you will now see that it actually is now jumped over to feature so you can add different things in here now here you will see the fill it is so I can click on the fill tool and I can add a outside fill it through here it's like these fall here and let's make this less making 12 that's probably fine we could also add a fill to the bottom again you could hit the S key and there you will see again that's sitting right there select the bottom here and let's make that two now this is not much of a box right now but I decided to add those fill that's now because I want to use the shell command now the shell command modify shell but of course also S key you could type in shell here and you can see it's right here and then you could actually add it to that menu now always be up here so I'm gonna select this face here and then I can start adding some universal thickness to this one here right now I want to add an o-ring going around because this is where this whole thing started somebody asking me how the heck do you add an o-ring around here so I'm actually gonna make this thickness eight millimeters so now I've just added that thickness now the reason that I added to fill its befall the other thing it's not on this timeline the reason I added to fill its before I did the shell was because now you can see it got kind of like an inside radius in here now if you right now go into copy to inspect and go into section analysis and snap on one of these faces we can now see that because we added that shell command we now have a unified eight millimeters all the way around again because you can because everything in this line down here is history based you can actually kind of break away from and do new things to this so if I decided that well I only really want the walls to be eight millimeters thick I actually want the bottom to be thin you could go ahead and hit Q again and now it would actually be an offset face now you will see that in my instance here it's only the bottom it's moving but that's because I switched it around over here be aware of these menus over here normally would be an automatic and then you will actually see an automatic that it also affects the wall side walls so be aware of you over here can say a new offset and now it's just doing the bottom so now we go minus five and if I turn that section analysis back on you will now see that the bottom is only three millimeters the rest of it is this is eight so I hope that this kind of like helps you kind of like think about how to work with some of this now we gotta add an o-ring going around the outside here and then I thought well that's pretty that's pretty plain and tomorrow we're gonna add a lid with a snap on and maybe sometimes that's kind of like an indent in one of these so why don't we create that and I think you might have a tendency to look at what you have on the screen and think about how do I go from here and I don't know if this is a good good advice or not but remember what you have already happened in here you don't have to it doesn't have to happen from where you are right now if I go back into to the sketch here and at the sketch now I'm back to the first sketch we did right if I go in here for example and let's hit alpha line this gets a line from this midpoint to this midpoint and let's sketch kind of like an intent that goes something like maybe like this D for dimension let's make this I don't know three maybe that might not be enough twenty I don't really know I'm just making this up so one two lines I mentioned then we could go up here and do a mirror boom boom mirror over this line this just saved me from drawing sketch mirror save me from drawing the whole thing over and now when I hit stop sketch nothing changed you like well why didn't anything change well nothing changed because this extrusion still is looking at the original the first extrusion still original text if we edit that you will see that X didn't notice that there is two more profiles created in here if we select this in here and hit OK then you will see that we get a nice indent here where maybe maybe our our clip will kind of like fit in there like a thumb kind of thing in there now be aware of one thing here though look what happened down at the bottom because it changed things the fill it didn't follow along so you want to kind of keep an eye out for those kind of things because it's lost there's something that some new edge is created and those edges was not in the original selection of these of course you can just go in and select them again and then it's give them some kind of a radius and then you will see that now it is how you maybe maybe want it also notice we don't have any fill that's on on these areas here so we could we could except what I would do here is I would probably move my history line back and then we could hit s key again to get that fill a tool we could add a couple of fill that's to these here I don't know maybe eight looks pretty good and then move forward and then we kind of like got a nice fill it on that that area there nevermind so now the reason I did that was because like now my filters are kind of like bunch together in here it's kind of like nice if you ever if your time writing is getting really long sometimes it can be hard to to kind of get all that together it's see if your timer gets really long one of the tricks is you can actually let's select these fill it's here these fries fill let's right-click you can X to create a group right in here so now you have a group we can expand the group we get the fill lets you can minimize it makes a little shorter thanks it we you name it that's maybe a little a little tip there um another thing I had on that model let you solve it for before we get to the o-ring grooves is many times if you're doing plastic parts at least and I'm not a plastic part designer by any means you will see that that I made this wall eight millimeters thick and that is great for where the o-rings gonna be but maybe you don't want it to be you know all the way all the way around you could go in and use a revolve well nothing involved the suite but before I'll do the sweep for that let's just do the o-ring groove because that's kind of like in a title and I'm almost 15 minutes into to this thing so let's talk about an over in groove a couple of people have asked me about doing all ring grooves in something something like this so I have done over in grooves in the past a lot when I did like plastic and injection molds but I want to make sure that people understand that you know o rings can be kind of tricky depending on depending on what you are depending on what you're doing with o-rings because you know some of them especially if you like working plastic injection molds that could be like heat in their heat zones hot songs and and and different things with that and when I did all rink grooves back in the day it was definitely machine shop style all rings we had a couple of thumb rules either was you in a second one place if you because there's some people in here who knows a lot more about all rings than I do on places the machinery handbook in here there's a section about o-rings if you want to be specific also if you go to a ring manufacturers they will also many times show you specifically what the sizes should be so I wanted to make sure make that clear because I don't want to to come to me and say you know your o-ring dimensions was not was not real so let's put an o-ring into this so I'm gonna run an o-ring around this top face here I'm gonna put it in a two millimeter or ring I'm gonna show you a neat little neat little trick with that too um so I'm going to create a new sketch and I'm gonna create right in that plane that cuts right through here and then somebody was asking me on a live stream the other day what does slides do over here in the sketch pad and I was like I don't really know I'm gonna use it so then you click on it look at this it makes is thus a section view right where that sketch plane is so now you can actually see where you in the sketch isn't that nice I don't know how long I've been using fusion and I haven't that I haven't used that so that's the slice commit sitting right over here so you don't have to you know normally you'll be sketching in the middle because we're sketching right in the center of the box here you can see that on the plane why not turn the slice option on that looks a little bit nicer okay so let's sketch an o-ring groove now I'm gonna do this on purpose and I do this a lot especially if you found a new diffusion if you try to sketch in where that's all the geometry you have a tendency to snap to things you don't want and that can can be a little annoying so what I'm going to do is I want to create a two-point rectangle and it's gonna sketch out in space out here now the first dimension I get is the depth of my o-ring so this is gonna be for two millimeters all ring so there's gonna be a little bit of pressure on the o-ring on the top normally about 20% so we're gonna make this one for two millimeter over ring I'm gonna make this one one point six now don't sue me this is just a good rule of thumb kind of thing depending on what you're gonna use these o-rings for the second is the width of it and then you would normally make the width a little bit longer so when the o-ring is compressed from the top that it has to go somewhere so this is two millimeters I'm gonna make it three I look up some different websites and they would say that that is a lot that is kind my rule of thumb right there now this rectangle here is kind of like floating around in space but we got kind of like things narrow down a little bit I'm gonna need people jacked I'm just gonna project that edge right there on the top because I'm gonna use that with the collinear constraint and say make this one and this line collinear right now kind of like edit a relationship there and now this thing cannot move up and down but it can move kind of like it long and it can be you see how as I'm moving over here how you will see that there is going to be some triangles and things popping up and that's because it's trying to snap into place you can hold down ctrl while you're moving it and then it will not use that now I'm just gonna move it all the way over here and then I makes it gonna place a dimension from this inner edge here from this edge to this point right there and I'm gonna make that two point five because my math tells me that that will place that rectangle in the center oh this was useful if you are failing you to suffusion to kind of like see how I made it science will draw things up if it's gonna be interfering below things all right I'm going to stop sketch and now you can see that kind of like that sketch is sitting in there we're gonna use the sweep for this so the suite needs well it needs two things needs a profile and a path and the robots in a life change for me being the past talking about this we might have said it needs two sketches it's actually not true that I apologize that I lied to you but it needs two things it needs a profile that's the one we drew up there now if you ever have a hard time picking the profile I can how to select it through here just hold down your left mouse button for a few seconds and this little dialog will come up and then you can see the profile will show up right there so you can select that and then then we can select the path now the path is actually just an ass that it can he can follow along so if I select one of these edges I can select this one in here and stops but this one on here will actually seems like looks like the whole dang thing that's a little bit easier now you will see that it selects the whole outside as a cot and and then we have that oring groove put in there for for the two two millimeter in there excuse me still fighting this cold so I think this looks I think this looks was pretty pretty dandy so far for a little bit of a a box now like I said before many times when when you're seeing this type of boxes they actually not keeping the outside wall eight millimeters all the way around really only doing it where where the o-ring needs to be so you could go in and start another sketch on this face here and you might just create like a two-point rectangle that could be see now I have this radius kind of like in in my way for this intersection we could do something like I don't know let's make that 20 tab 5 that will give us nothing the same thickness as we had on our our other one there and we could go in and we could attach this so this to this edge and grab a corner we can see here I can move up and down so we could do another call in here from here so this adds and then it's it's locked into interspace now I drew that on the backside here and then we could go in and use the same function we just did it and caught with so if we go back into our the suite command and again select a profile that's gonna be that profile there or again you see how that face is in the way hold down you can select that profile there and then we could select the path for this and I can select the whole outside actually a thing I probably just gonna select the inside here so I get it to right about where that thumb thing is it's it okay to that and you will see how how that happens now you see how we our radius in the bottom got cotton I did this kind of like a little bit of purpose to show you that you know everything down in the history here we'll go in the order of us creating things now you can actually move things down here in the history tree to two different places so if we go in here to this group and now I can right clicking and I can can I delete the group is that the leading the group was that deleting the Phil let's oh look at that's the lead group and expand its content delete both group and its content oh I don't even know this group delete let's create a group here all right so we have some Phil is there we have to fill its that goes around there I don't know if I can move it I can't move it behind it because it actually used that fill it as a reference for that line there what I could have done was what I should have done maybe take that fill it and delete that okay and if I delete that fill it notice what happened here this is one of the wonderful things why I do these are live strange I do that Phil and look what happens somebody's right now is clamping their hands this always happens to me so what happened was I believe this Phil it down on the bottom in in a fast movement and now suddenly these are yellow because they lost their their references so what I'm talking about is that what I created that cut out here I did that bottom adds to make these two collinear with that but that part of match was coming from because of where that Phil had ended so now way I deleted that Phil it I kind of screwed myself up a little bit now I'm going to do a control z to undo that and you should really do that as a habit whenever you see those yellow ones you know don't just move on stop right there and say how can i how can i fix that so one of the ways to fix this what xeb to say all right you know what adding this cutout right here that might not be be the smartest thing now this groove here was that the one that was alarming out when I deleted it before it's deleted see it says here the features referenced by other thing in the timeline so if I delete this one then it actually will also again mess up this this reference on the outside now what the yellow means is that it just lost a reference so I can actually edit the feature here and I can probably find out you know what happened was that it lost that reference on the outside on the on the profile so if I wrestle echt that again and close this up here like that then that feature is actually perfectly perfectly fine so that's one thing to know that you can go in and if you ever see them yellow squares loss of reference and many times Jesus is going to select something it's like something again now so what I wanted to do with this with this fill it on the bottom I except on the fill it to happen after after I have done the bottom cut so let's do that and that caught again all right we can just go in and and now we don't have anything down here in the bottom so now we could actually just probably sketch something up here they made it five it made it twenty like that there right let's go in and do a sweep hold on so we can get the profile select the path again we can select the outside or the inside was like the outside here we get to cut there right and now I can add to fill us now now the fill is not gonna be all sections together because the way I kind of like did this but you know that was just to show you that you could actually put them put them together so I'm just gonna select these different edges here and the filler we added in there was a two two millimeter there and we can do that and then I might also want to do a fill it on these sets this year I think I like to keep that front face thick because tomorrow we're gonna put the lock on for fall the lid but now we have kind of like created this lip Ian you'll probably also put a filler underneath here because this will never be fish out for strengthening - I hope you get the idea from this the last thing I wanted to show before before I end this and I hope that this kind of like helps you kind of like some tips and tricks and see kind of like how working through some of this stuff was how I did the ribs in the center here so I'm gonna open another sketch on this bottom of this pot here and really gonna do another rectangle so I'm gonna hit S key to hit that center rectangle put on that and I'm gonna draw a rectangle out here I don't really care about the length and I'm only gonna care about the width or when I make it forty like this and then I'm Rex is gonna draw a line from the midpoint here to the midpoint there and I'm gonna do some really bad I'm gonna delete these two X lines so now I have kind of like what is this like a metal beam kind of like a railroad track kind of being here but it's under the fine notice that I haven't put any dimensions on everything of it but here's the neat trick about that and that is there's a web function inside of a fusion here so I can go in here and can select these different edges here these free edges I'm holding down ctrl to select them all and if you give them a thickness then you get the web here now there is actually also a there's an option next and then there is a depth on these so you can actually also control like many times they will not go all the way up to the edge that when I see sub size a little bit under maybe 20 and then you get kind of like that division in there for for the box there so um the last thing I did with the mod you saw earlier as I normally like to do is just throw a little bit of appearances on it just to make it look let me bow pleasing on my eye how many times are actually two thoughts before I get to this far into into the project I hope this was helpful can I give you an idea about you know depending on where you are in your fusion learning experience if you're brand new if you came in a little bit late notice that we're gonna continue on this part tomorrow where we actually gonna add some hinges on the back on this part and then we're gonna add the lid on with a latch that's gonna go in and kind of like a snap latch like this is like one of those two matters you have your screws in or something maybe your fishing gear I don't know but this hopefully answered a couple of questions in regards to the o-rings the web in there and and just some small like thought processes modeling modeling things through here and don't forget if I went way too fast you can always rewind there's gonna be supposed to be in the livestream here it's gonna be up on under your - but in 30 minutes or so and you can we watch it and drag the cursor back and watch it again if you like this stuff do me a favor hit the thumbs up if you don't you're artist hit the thumbs down I need I need this kind of feedback I really appreciate it if you have any future topics anything you need you would like to see in this life change my email address last up Christensen an artist calm it's down in the description area I really appreciate all you guys taking the time to watch these just trying to add a little bit more value to your fusion experience if you're watching the recording thank you so I really appreciate it if you're in the livestream I'm gonna jump in and say hi to everybody so until tomorrow have an awesome awesome day thank you so much
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 75,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, CAD, Modeling, CAM, Manufacturing, CNC, Free CAD, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include
Id: r2JtSLt809Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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