Full Disassembly and Reassembly of a Glock Pistol

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what's up YouTube once again so if you've been with me for a while you may notice that some of my older videos from let's say a year ago or more the sound quality on those is not that great the volume is really low and it's hard to understand some of the things I'm saying unless you really crank up the volume so in an effort to bring you guys the best quality possible-- I'm going to be redoing some of those older videos specifically the ones that I feel contain valuable information so this is going to be the first of those videos and we're going to be going over the full disassembly and reassembly of a Glock pistol all right let's get in it all right so the only tools you're going to need for this right here we have a 3/32 punch any hardware store punch will do and here we got a little pick that will come in handy when you're removing the spring for the magazine release alright so first things first safe weapon point a safe direction pull the trigger and you gonna pull your slide back about quarter an inch or so pull down your slide lock lever and slide will come off set the grip frame side for now and we'll get to that in a few minutes alright so your general feel strip recoil spring barrel and that's all you really need to do for most cases for your general cleaning and maintenance but every I'd say about every six months or so I like to fully disassemble this and give it what I call it deep cleaning so in order to do that you get to start with your end plate in order to get that off if you look here on your striker you get this black sleeve and what you need to do with that is push that down like so to relieve tension on that end plate so what I'd like to do set it down on the table stick the punch in there and push down take your thumb and slide the end plate off be careful keep your thumb there because as you release that there are their spring tension under there and you don't want things to go flying they usually won't pop out of there but just to be safe all right so next we take our striker out and then the extractor depressor flip the slide over so the extractor is over the palm of your hand push down on your firing pin safety plunger there and the extractor will fall right out into your hand and then pull your plunger out all right and that's it fully disassembled what I'll do at this point is I'll get down in here in this in this channel where the striker rides and clean up any kind of dirt and carbon buildup you have in there over time stuff can build up in there and it can affect the the movement of the striker inside of there if you get enough build-up in there it might cause light primer strike stuff like that so periodically I'll get in there and clean it out you may need to do this more often than I do or less often than I do depending on how much you shoot some people you know you might never do this and your gun might shoot fine but you know if you do shoot a lot it's a good thing to clean out every now and then all right so we're gonna set all this aside for now and we'll work on the grip frame all right so for the disassembly of the frame everything is essentially held together by three pins you have your the bigger trigger pin here your locking block pin here and back here you got your trigger housing pin the the first the one I start with is the locking block pin and I'm gonna go left to right with all these pins take your punch push on the locking block pin and then should come out the other side pull it through now your trigger pin depending on your gun can be a little little tricky sometimes they're a little hard to get out so the trick to it is your slide release lever here you want to grab that and kind of wiggle it up and down front and back as you're pushing on the pin because sometimes it can that's on there and wiggling that back and forth will help release it so I'm gonna try to do this in frame sometimes wine can be a little bit tricky so I might need to pull it out of frame to get a little bit more leverage but we're gonna try it so you want to push in on it and then wiggle there you go she popped out easily this time all right now you can grab your slide release lever and pull that out move back here to the trigger housing pin push that one through next up the locking block you just grab this or sometimes you might need to kind of pry on it with the punch a little bit it should pull up out of there pretty easily though next up grab on to your ejector here and pull up and your whole trigger assembly should come out now in most cases that's as far as you ever really need to disassemble it but I'm going to show you the last couple steps just to do a full disassemble here so your slide lock lever here in order to remove that you have a spring down here what you're gonna do is take your punch and push down on that and this should pop right out then you can just grab your spring and as you can see it's just a little kind of l-shaped spring there now the last step you shouldn't really ever have to do this unless as I said maybe you're a lefty and you want to switch your mag release over to the other side because it is ambidextrous you can switch it but we'll show you how to do that if you look down the mag well hopefully you can see it there's a long wire spring the rolling runs along the front side of the mag well what we're going to do we take this pick I'm going to grab that and we're going to push it to the right pull it to the right and and out and it should pop out of the channel that it sits in and as you can see right there it popped out then all you have to do is push on your mag release and it should come out the other side just gotta give it a little pull and there it is so there you have full disassembly now for your reassembly we're basically going to go in reverse order with one exception and that's going to be with the pins the order that I put them back in and I'll get back to that in a second but first things first your mag release now if you try to put this in here right now because that spring is sitting there it's kind of gonna be in the way so what I do is I take the pick again and I pull a wedge it behind there and kind of pull it out of the way and then with the other hand I will get the mag release in there alright now it's in place but we got to get it locked back in so again what you're gonna do grab that wire and you're gonna push it again to the right and it'll pop back into the spot where it came out of so as I push here you'll see it disappear here in a second then there it goes it'll click in there just give it a test to make sure it's functioning than it is alright for your slide lock alright the spring is basically gonna sit in this channel right here right in that spot put that ill side down push it down to the spot and it'll lock in now the thing to remember with your slide lock here if you look at it it's got kind of a groove in there on one side and it's smooth on the other when you put it back in you want that groove to be facing you as you're holding the gun let's put it in the other way you're gonna have some problems so again take our punch and push down on the spring and then slide it back in again with that groove facing you once it's in the middle let it go simple all right next up put our trigger back in just slide it back into place next up locking block the [ __ ] just slides back into place now here is where I kind of break from the reverse order a little bit I if I were to put the slide release in and then put the trigger pin in what would happen if you look you see this little wire spring on there once this is in place that wire spring will block the hole for your locking block pin and you have to try and fish it down out of the way and push the pin through so I choose to put this pin in first and then I'll pop the slide release back in and that spring will then slide right underneath of the locking block pin now one thing you can see here if you look through the hole for the trigger pin there as I move the slide release lever you can see it kind of blocking the hole so as I said when you were taking the pin out the same applies when you're putting it in wiggle that slide release lever if you're having issues to get it to line up then there she goes our trigger housing pin back in and then we'll just give all of our pins so we'll push make sure they're in there and there we go frame back together again all right let's move on to the slide okay so again reverse order take our firing pin safety plunger drop that down the hole we're going to take our extractor and this little circular piece is gonna go towards the back of the slide and you're gonna pop that into place but if you let it go you'll notice it drops out so push down on your plunger and it'll lock into place then flip back over take your extractor depressor their spring side up send it down the hole take your striker sit that in there now with your end plate what you want to do you can't get her started because again this black sleeve is in the way so push down on that black sleeve and that should get it started but then your extractor depressor is going to be in the way so take your punch push down on that extractor depressor and your end plate will go on now at this point I like to test out this safety any time I mess with the internals I always do this so if you look right here is where your firing pin comes out so if you grab on here and you move it up and down you'll notice it doesn't come out but then if you push on your plunger there you'll notice firing pin does extend now let it go it shouldn't extend so just something I like to do whenever I mess with the internals just to make sure it's working as it should all right drop a barrel in recoil spring back in and slide it back together now as always anytime you disassemble and reassemble always do a good function check on your weapon make sure it's working properly so again point in a safe direction and pull the trigger you should hear it fire holding on to the trigger run your slide and then release your trigger slowly you should feel that reset and it should fire again and that's a good function check of your Glock pistol so there you go guys start to finish full disassembly and reassembly of a Glock pistol this will work for Gen 3 and Gen 4 I've never messed with Gen 2 and earlier so there may be some differences I don't think there would be that great if they are but definitely for Gen 3 and Gen 4 these same instructions are gonna work alright guys please let me know what you think in the comments if you like what I'm doing please give me that thumbs up please hit that subscribe button and stay up to date with any new videos we got coming out always trying to get more out for you guys and look forward to more of these remakes of the older videos alright guys until next time live life and have fun out there
Channel: Tactical Swede
Views: 237,446
Rating: 4.9267607 out of 5
Keywords: tactical swede, guns, firearms, tactical, swede, glock, glock 19, g19, gen 4, gen 3, pistol, full disassembly, full reassembly, full disassembly and reassembly of a glock pistol, Glock full disassembly, disassembly, reassembly, how to disassemble a glock, how to take a glock apart
Id: WIpTS-Qm5Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2017
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