How Glock triggers work and how they reset

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hello youtubers I wanted to share another video with you this time is going to be on the Glock trigger and specifically how it works the reason why I wanted to share this with you it was because I like to understand how things work before I start replacing parts and you know doing any sort of modifications to the firearm this includes polishing or anything like that I just wanted to understand exactly what happens every time I I fire this pistol and how this trigger operates right so we all know that there is a trigger right that's connected to a trigger bar you can see the trigger bar running all along here all the way to the back and it ends in this cross like fixture right in the back there's also a connector sitting in here right and I'll show you this on a different trigger that I pulled out on my Glock 26 so that's that connector and that's that trigger bar right runs all the way back and it usually we see it sitting right here under the connector right here okay when you're making modifications you'll be probably polishing everything around here you'll maybe be replacing this spring the trigger spring right here and you're most likely going to be replacing this connector right here right we all know hopefully that the connectors can reduce trigger pull or a trigger trigger wait sorry can reduce trigger weight or increase trigger weight and all of that comes from the angle of this little ramp right here okay so the more parallel the ramp I guess the closer it is to to being parallel to just the top of this top of the surface basically the easier it will be to pull the trigger because at that point it's just easy to pull it back and it'll slide smoother right down okay following that ramp if if the ramp is more perpendicular to this axis obviously it'll be harder to pull the trigger back and push push it down at the same time right so we all know about this we also know that the connector when you place it in will not sit flush okay it will actually stick out on this side it'll stick out this way okay there is a reason for that do not try to correct it and I'll explain why in a little bit so so when we disassemble the pistol the reason why I wanted to understand how it works was because I couldn't figure out how a firing pin would actually catch that surface that searing surface right here in the back okay that's what the fiying been catches is this surface right here that okay mm-hmm so I couldn't figure out how it would ever catch it because it's it's so low right and also I couldn't figure out what resets the trigger right so this is what this video is for and when I started looking at the slide hopefully you can see obviously the side of the slide that goes over this is this side okay and this is this protrusion is what activates the connector okay that protrusion right here on the slide so as it passes the connector arm right here okay what happens is normally the firing pin or the striker okay when when the when the trigger bar is low it'll not catch right there's nothing to catch basically right me right now I'm kind of pre handing it right that's why you see it make contact but really it's not going to make any contact okay so as the slide as this portion of the slide best is over the connector it pushes this arm in and you'll see what happens to the trigger bar right now as I'm doing that as I'm pushing on this I'm pushing it that way see the trigger bar jumped up right and now this surface is raised and now the firing pin will actually catch it I'll show you that at the same time when the slide comes back and the firing pin catches it the firing pin is what pulls the trigger bar forward which actually pushes the trigger out right so then when does the reset happen and you'll see that would allow the trigger bar to come up was that the connector is now pushed pushed that way and you can actually see the trigger bar that's actually sitting on the side of the connector now on that on the side of that ramp okay so when the firing pin continues to push the fire the trigger bar forward note note what happens here right here with the connector and the trigger bar you'll see that as we're moving the trigger bar forward at some point it'll fall the connector will snap back and the trigger ball a through trigger bar will be again below this ramp in the back and that's your reset so at this point if I just keep the trigger or if I just keep that same position my trigger is now activated right so I can once again pull it back and because the ramp of the connector will force it down my trigger bar will move down releasing the striker and the striker will fly forward and the whole thing will repeat right so the slide will drag back pushing on this the trigger bar will come up the firing pin will pull it forward reset will happen and then you push to pull the trigger again and you know that's how it basically worked the reason why I'm showing you this is because nobody really that I've seen talking about polishing parts is talking about polishing this surface right here and that's the surface that actually makes contact with the trigger bar when your trigger when you blend your slide rags back and pushes on this arm your trigger bar will come up and kind of be on the side of that ramp right and if that ramp is rough you're going to keep marring the surface you just polished this surface right here you'll keep marring it ok so if you care you might also want to polish this surface right here okay and that's kind of a what this video is about hopefully it helps you understand better how this trigger works and when you're trying to make decisions about replacing Springs for example I do have this is a replacement spring this is a four-pound spring on my Glock 26 and that is a six pound trigger spring right there okay when you're trying to replace Springs you know and you're wondering what how do these Springs interact that's exactly how they interact so the firing pin hooks up right here and then starts pulling okay and then when you pull the trigger and the firing pin snaps word right so this spring has to be strong enough to pull against that spring right so that's why when when somebody says you shouldn't put a light firing pin spring into your Glock and you know especially if you're replacing if you're replacing this spring right here for a stronger one like a six pound spring this expands spring works with you as you're pulling the trigger so it it's helping you pull the trigger it pulls back right if it's too strong and this one is too light this lighter spring will not apply enough force to push the trigger all the way out to engage the trigger safety right here you want you want the trigger to come out far enough to where the safety will engage like that okay at that point the trigger will not move back unless you also apply pressure on here okay on the safety so if that if this firing pin spring is not strong enough your trigger will come out a little bit and it'll kind of stay there but you're finding or your trigger safety will never engage and that's unsafe right so if you care about that know why you may have an issue right what I've done to overcome it was I just took my four pound spring and when it was off the firing pin spring or firing pin or striker I took it and just stretched it slightly and then placed back on a frying pan and it actually did help in applying enough force to extend the trigger all the way to re-engage the trigger safety okay so I hope this video helps you I just like I said I like to understand things hopefully and I understood this correctly right because I don't have the armor backplate and all that I just had to kind of I everything and figure it out and hopefully I did it right so I am in I understand it right so if I did make a mistake somewhere please correct me leaving leave comments you know criticism whatever it's all welcome okay so like I said hope this helps you thanks for watching right
Channel: MosinVirus
Views: 436,744
Rating: 4.9132757 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, Trigger, reset, spring, striker, connector, 3.5 lb, polishing, gen 3, 17, 26, resets, problem, how, ghost, works
Id: 1WaRLlyPHlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 08 2014
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