Assembling the polymer 80 PF940C G19 receiver

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hello everybody John here shooting tips and tricks today I'm gonna be doing a follow-up video to my finishing at polymer 80 their new receiver for the Glock 19 now here's the one that I finished in the previous review I did a little bit more sanding on it just dress it up and look really good and I put in the front and rear locks for the slide now the first part I always like to do is the trigger assembly and I'm gonna start with the trigger housing this little piece and it's a little angled bar right here it's gonna go into the groove on the side of the lock about here there's a little hole so it's just gonna sit in right like so now it's a stiff one so it takes a little bit of finagling to get it lined up but once it is a slide right in so the next part we'll do is a trigger spring which is this little guy here and you see the back of the housing has a little hole in the indent there and that's where it's going to snap into that's all it buzzes snap right in like so if you can get it into the hole there now you can take the trigger and you're gonna want to line it up properly this one the hole for it is right here on the bottom line up like so get in it there we go see already pulled it into place after that the side of the trigger catch here needs to go into this groove on the side here if you do that I'll let these turn the whole thing to the side set it down and into place yeah that's all finished I'll set that aside for a little bit later now we'll do the locking bar for the barrel which is this guy right here and this one here's the spring actually this one the spring is a little bit of a pain in the ass is a lot smaller than on my Glock 17 but still you see the you see the little channel down in there where it sets into all you have to do is line it up let's set it down in there then I like to hold the back of it up with my thumb and then push the front down so it doesn't want to flex and they'll separate into place like so now the locking bar was a bit of a pain in the ass on the old ones because they didn't leave a lot of open space here to finagle it around but I notice all the variation from one to the other it's probably just differences in moulds this one I like to set it in just enough so that the widest part is just inside the hole I set it right there and you push the spring down just push it in enough so it ramps up on top of the spring and they'll stay in place and you just push it in and that parts done next we'll do the magazine release does this guy and this in here's the magazine relief spring now you notice there's a little Tang groove right there on the mag release that's where it's going to set into and there's the track on top where it goes in to lock in place [Music] for that one if you look down the inside of the magma here you'll see that goofy looking track there the angle - that's where Japan set into place what I like to do is just hold the thing up right like so just reach down in there and just set it on there if you're careful it should just sit there freely then after that you just take something you reach down in there you just get it by the end of it and push it down into place there if you look at it from the side you'll see it just poking up right there that's just about right distance that will take our magazine release and set in it into place and the spring sets back a little ways so you're gonna have to get in there on the other side and just push the spring forward just a little bit slide it right in now it's just sitting there pretty much now we have to take him reach down in there and push the spring all the way over until it meets with that notch in the magazine release and that worked your best with the nice little flathead screwdriver this one I sharpen these as a push knife and it works really well all this down in there buddy end and there now it's in place good to go now next we will work on the trigger group this one takes a little bit of finagling but it should just sit right into place alright there it is now for this one you're not going to need the polymer pin that comes with them because polymer AV supplies a steel pin that act as a replacement to both hold the rear block in place and hold the trigger housing in place and that's this guy right here you should go in fairly easy you don't start up just by pushing them in there go then do is hammer the rest of the way make sure it's even on both sides hmm that's good enough now the parts that I got here the guy sent me the wrong slide stop which is this guy here Pierce has this little notch on the top here you have the wrong one - you're going to need the same one as the Glock 17 which is this guy that will set in right alongside the trigger you need to set it into place right there should stay and then take your trigger poem here a little bit the trigger down into place once you get through ways and make sure that the slide stops in the right position and then you push it and there is next one we're gonna do is this little top pin that goes in and it's going to hold the spring for the slide stop in place and as act as an extra lock for the barrel this one you'll notice it's a little bit fatter on the ends rather than in the middle so this guy once you get them started they'll just fall through the rest of the way I like to push it through that far and then just take a little pin here and you just go in and push the spring down and then slide them through the rest of the way no holding place and that is it figure actually all right now we're ready to put the slide on [Music] and there it is bleak to start to finish doesn't seem like your slide stopped once or probably junk California mags oh and they're pretty this little ten round mag here the follower broke on it I've never seen that happen before well it explains why the slide stop didn't work see if we have another one already [Music] much better there it is start to finish thanks y'all for watching do you have anything to add to it and any questions you leave it in the comments below but
Channel: shooting tips and tricks
Views: 409,456
Rating: 4.8611684 out of 5
Keywords: polymer 80 pf940c, polymer 80, polymer80, G19, glock19, glock 19, G23, glock23, glock 23, G32, glock32, glock 32, 80%reciever, 80% receiver, 80%, 80% frame, Assembling the polymer 80 PF940C, building polymer 80, shooting tips and tricks, shooting tips, gunsmithing, how to, tutorial, guide, instructions, glock frame
Id: V83YNYFxR54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2017
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