Assembling the polymer 80 PF940C G19 receiver
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: shooting tips and tricks
Views: 409,456
Rating: 4.8611684 out of 5
Keywords: polymer 80 pf940c, polymer 80, polymer80, G19, glock19, glock 19, G23, glock23, glock 23, G32, glock32, glock 32, 80%reciever, 80% receiver, 80%, 80% frame, Assembling the polymer 80 PF940C, building polymer 80, shooting tips and tricks, shooting tips, gunsmithing, how to, tutorial, guide, instructions, glock frame
Id: V83YNYFxR54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2017
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