Best Glock Trigger Job & Polish Glock Trigger Beats 25 Cent Trigger Job

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[Music] hey I'm carbo brother I'm Chris Nelson president of car we're really excited to introduce a new Glock Gen 1 through Gen 5 trigger spring kit for your Glock pistols a fantastic improvement all the way around fully comprehensive installation video nothing is left out from polishing to the installation of the springs high performance reduced power springs american-made spring steel the finest quality there is and a completely comprehensive polish and instructional guide here in this video it's an hour 1/2 little lengthy but I guarantee it this is well worth it stick with it you can fast forward where you need to the thing is you don't need to blow a ton of money on improving your Glock trigger you can do this relatively affordable for like 20 bucks the polishing the spring kit and you're gonna get a 33 percent trigger pull reduction a fantastic improvement on this video we went from five and a quarter pounds down to three and a half just can't beat it a lot of us have more than one Glock pistol so really the most economical way to do it and once you do it once man you've got it down I mean you don't need to watch the video of and over again it's a decent guide I hope you guys enjoy it took a lot of time and effort but I'm really looking forward to your feedback share the before and after pictures too if you do the polishing really excited about it guys let's get on over the tabletop put this baby in now before we get started let's go ahead and check our firearms together make sure they're clear check the chamber check the bolt face check the magazine well this fires clear let's see what kind of factory trigger pour starting with 5 pounds 2.3 ounces let's take one more to confirm five pounds 3.8 ounces parts and tools needed for this all in one comprehensive trigger job it's going to be a combination of installing new reduced power springs and doing a full-on polishing job to our Glock really excited about this so the Glock Gen 1 through 5 trigger spring kit Byam carbo includes three firing pin springs a four pound spring giving you the lightest trigger pull a 5 pound and a 6 pound we have those options in there depending on what you want to do with this and also depending on the ammo that you shoot if you shoot really cheap inexpensive ammo with steel casings you're gonna have those really hard primers you're probably gonna need the 5 or the 6 pound firing pin spring unfortunately if you've got good quality ammo you can run that four pound firing pin spring all day long so you're covered so it's got the three firing pin spring options in there it's got the thousand grit sandpaper a little one inch by one inch square we will include that because we don't want you to go overboard in the sanding the most important thing is taking off just the burrs you can take material off you can't put it back on so we really don't recommend the sanding just to get the burrs off that's it we really recommend the polishing that's why we also have this polishing kit but with the spring kit you're also going to get an extra power trigger spring a reduced power firing pin safety spring and the synthetic Greece with PTFE helped increase in lubricity on a lot of those engagement surfaces definitely worth it really excited to do it I'd highly recommend getting the polishing kit if anything getting the Flitz polish in the microfiber towel that's a minimum to do at least some of the polishing also you got these bullet shaped felt bits are fantastic for the dremel really help you get into all those little tiny surfaces it's also got a pair of double XL six mil work gloves fantastic option it's gonna get messy and filthy so two excellent kits here to help you get the most bang for your buck and get the most comprehensive trigger job in one quick installation 1/16 inch punch 3/32 inch punch 1/8 inch punch micro tip flat-head screwdriver a hammer and a bench block you can use block with the hole in it we sell these as well and then a dremel is preferred or any sort of rotary tool for that matter would work with these felt bits that's it guys let's get on into the installation alright so we're gonna do this trigger job in two different segments the first segment will be the slide and then the pistol grip frame so what you need to do is go ahead and check it again I know we just checked it put chamber bolt face magazine well we've got to pull the trigger to actually separate the slide from the pistol grip so we'll pull the trigger alright now you're gonna go ahead and position your hand like so pull back on that slide about an eighth of an inch right now you'll be able to actually these takedown tabs right here on the frame pull them down there's one on each side alright so pull them both down simultaneously and then push that slide right forward we're good to go so there's a slide we're gonna focus on that set our pistol grip frame aside for a second alright now we need to remove the recoil spring assembly just go ahead and push in and pull up alright set that aside then your barrel it'll just pop right out just push up under there set your barrel aside and now we've got our slide right to go now we can get down to doing some of the work here so there's two engagement surfaces that I really want to point out right here right now that we're gonna focus on polishing now this is your firing pin safety right here all right you can see it's spring-loaded we're gonna replace that with the reduced power firing pin safety spring that's in the kit all right so that's one of the spring replacements we're also going to polish the surface and not only that there's a little tiny piece of sandpaper that's included in the kit a little 1 inch by 1 inch squared little piece of thousand grit sandpaper we're gonna use that just to level off the surface if you notice there's a couple little burrs on here we're going to just flatten that out these things are mass-produced so when they're machining them they're not really slowing down to give you the most burr free pristine surface they've got to produce a ton of these the next piece that we're gonna polish is this portion of the firing pin right here okay this is an engagement point you'll notice there's some wear marks on there we just want to smooth it out make sure it's nice and shiny all right pristine smooth action will come from clean engagement surfaces like these okay so that's something we're going to definitely improve that also replace that firing pin spring that's in the kit you've got three options obviously the four pound spring will give you the lightest trigger pull then the five pound and the six pound it's up to you what you want just bear in mind the firing pin spring if you have any sort of light strikes or anything you need to go up so if you're shooting really inexpensive ammo with steel cases or things like that wouldn't really recommend it because the steel cases are really hard on the rest of components in the firearm you want some good brass ammo if you're doing some really cheap ammo you end up paying for it later with wearing out parts now something like that cheap ammo will have a hard primer so you're not gonna be able to go very low on your trigger pole you'll have to get something middle of road five pounds spring of the six pound spring the four pound spring will work great with all the middle of road too expensive ammo it's up to you but highly recommend doing all the polishing and then replacing one of the springs with whatever you're comfortable with now we're gonna get into this here in a second but just want to point out that before we start this disassembly in case the slide right here is the extractor depress or plunger spring you can see the plunger right there so if we push up on the extractor you'll see that spring moving there's a plunger moving right behind it all right so that's all spring loaded and it's captured by the slide plate cover right here so what we're gonna do is push down on that plastic sleeve right there on the firing pin all right get your 3/32 inch punch and you're gonna push right down that's gonna eliminate the tension that's on this slide plate cover right here so you're gonna push down and that firing pin spring sleeve and now you're gonna push the slide plate cover off just keep in mind that your extractor depressor plunger spring is right there okay so you don't want that going fly and just be mindful of it it's not typically gonna go flying away on you but just keep in mind you're not gonna flip this thing off and then hope for the best and then you heard that other pop that's the actual firing pin spring assembly now this will go flying out on you you'll be fine but just keep in mind this little spring right here it is under spring tension since the extractor and everything is all assembled at this point all right so now our slide plate covers off go ahead and set that aside now we can push up on the firing pin spring assembly there it is okay we're gonna be replacing that firing pin spring I'm gonna set this assembly aside for a second now we can go ahead and remove the extractor depressor plunger spring and plunger so here is the plunger spring right here typically it'll stay together so if you don't get the plunger with it there it is that little nub is what goes inside the spring I'll go ahead and throw that together might as well now since we're addressing it there it is so that's what it should come out looking like plunger spring there we go set that aside now we have our firing pin safety right this is spring actuated this is what holds the extractor in the frame so what you'll notice is when you push down on this firing pin safety you'll be able to remove your extractor see it just fell out just like that now just turn it over and the firing pin safety will fall out with the firing pin spring just like that all right now we've completely disassembled the slide on the Glock you should have your slide here your slide plate cover your extractor plunger extractor plunger spring your firing pin spring assembly which we still need to disassemble further your firing pin safety and spring you extractor now let's go ahead and further disassemble this firing pin spring assembly take your slide you're gonna use it as a disassembly tool you're gonna drop in your firing pane spring assembly just so that you can use this see this little tab here on the firing pin I got it to locate on the side there of the slide you're to use this to assist in compressing the firing pin spring and removing these two little cups they're in two pieces just like that they work together to hold that firing pin spring compressed on the firing pin so it doesn't matter they're Universal you know what to worry about getting them mixed up now go ahead and slide off the firing pin spring which we're about to replace set that aside now you've got your firing pin right here and you got your plastic sleeve so go ahead and slide off that sleeve alright there's your firing pin this is the surface that we're gonna polish here all right set the firing pin down and the two little cups that go with it at this point we've completely disassembled the slide alright guys now this is where the fun begins so all you're gonna need is your firing pin and your firing pin safety and what we're gonna do is quickly inspect these surfaces so as I mentioned in the beginning there's a burr here definitely on this firing pin safety if you've run your fingernail across it you'll feel it right there's tiny little microscopic defects that actually reduce the performance of these Glock pistols so another element here is this exposed surface of the firing pin this is really all we need to take care of you'll notice there's a really shiny portion right there that is where it's engaging the other components in the firearm so what we want to do is make sure that we have a nice smooth pristine surface and this surface here has got a little bird on it as well now we don't want to change the angle the geometry of the firing pin this is most crucial this is one that you really want to be extra careful on you don't want to go overboard just a little bit we're just talking very microscopic a few thousandths of an inch just kind of smoothing it out any bird any defect we're trying to eliminate we're not sure to change the OEM geometry so very critical and important now if you want to polish the rest of it go for it looks amazing when it's done and it is a lot of fun it is kind of addicting so when you get into the polishing it's hard to just do that one portion I'll probably do the whole thing just for the heck of it because it really doesn't make a nice night and day difference and not to mention - when you're cleaning it's gonna be easy I mean it just the carbon Falls right off it's not something that you got a scrub that's you know that's the other nice thing it's not like the carbon will be ingrained in those little microscopic pits and defects so really excited about this let's open up our Glock Jen one through five trigger spring kit bomb carbo all right so this is the reduced power trigger spring here here's your synthetic Greece with PTFE so your little small one inch by one inch section of thousand grit sandpaper and then you've got your three firing pin spring options four pounds giving you the lightest trigger pull five pounds middle-of-the-road six pounds the heaviest and we include these options just depending on what type of ammo you're shooting if you're shooting quality ammo you're good here if you're shooting cheaper ammo hard primers five pound six pound is where you want to be all right I'm gonna go ahead and put the four pound in and last but not least your reduced power safety plunger spring all right now let's go ahead and open up the polishing kit I'd highly recommend getting this as well here's your gloves nice microfiber towel and you can polish with this and then you got your three felt bullet shape Dremel bits these are fantastic these are great because they're gonna get into all those little tiny corners and surfaces really making it a nice world of difference and then we have our Flitz polish this stuff is amazing so get everything situated here go ahead and put the gloves on and let's do some polishing but first a little tiny bit of sanding that is not the primary focus the polishing is gonna be the primary focus the sanding is just to knock those burrs off alright so now we're gonna go ahead and open up our synthetic grease of PTFE you're gonna take this grease and you're gonna coat the surfaces primarily that we're gonna be polishing just want to be nice and lubricated there it's kind of a wet sand all right I'm gonna put a little bit on that sandpaper as well thousand grit excellent stuff and you put a little bit on the bottom it'll help stick to the table now just to reiterate which side we're polishing on that firing pin safety it's the side that's smooth up top you'll notice the other side's got a little recess for the spring okay so this portion right here put that face down and we're just gonna rotate it keep it as level and straight as possible you can hear it already hitting that berth all right very gentle nice wet sand here I'm just running in a circular motion just like this it's level even pressure you go clockwise counterclockwise go side-to-side and then you're gonna feel it smooth up a little bit oh yeah and it's handy this microfiber towel you can wipe it clean check your progress along the way nice all right let's keep going a little bit so this is all primarily done by feel much better that bird is already gone Wow okay so that's solid feels nice and smooth that's our cue to stop once it's nice and smooth you don't hear that burr feel that burr you're ready for the polishing so we'll set that aside now we'll grab our firing pin and it's this engagement surface right here this inside portion all right that's all we need to address take your bench block it's got a nice little flat surface right there grab your little piece of thousand grit all right square it up really any sort of flat surface that's all you need and just very minor movements back and forth right so you can put some nice even pressure on it and just subtle back-and-forth movements it helps if you get low and you watch that part you want to make sure that you're not changing any of the geometry and it would really take a lot of sanding to change the geometry with this thousand grit and that's exactly why we include it and that's also why we include a small portion you know I mean you would wear this thing out this little tiny piece a thousand grit sandpaper wouldn't last you long enough to change that geometry in any major direction all right same thing we're going by feel we're listening we're watching you know this is something you take your time with it's almost therapeutic I love it all right yeah smoothing it up cleaning it up it's exactly what we're doing here all right so let's keep going a little bit and that's really yeah you just take your time check your progress this isn't a race here all right nice so we've knocked that burr off we're ready to do some polishing all right now we're gonna polishing this is my favorite part if you're not already wearing i-pro which you should be this is definitely critical to use some I Pro at this point especially if you're running that Dremel so we got our I Pro now we're gonna go ahead and dip this firing pin safety plunger into the Flitz that little top portion and if you don't have a dremel you're gonna use a microfiber towel it's gonna take a little time but you can see all that grit and grime already coming off there that's a beautiful thing about the polish it'll really work well with this microfiber towel this Flitz polish is just absolutely amazing but it's gonna take a lot of time so i'd highly recommend a rotary tool Dremel you can get an $8 rotary tool from Harbor Freight it's really not a huge investment those little rotary tools from Harbor Freight are just fine for this application or if you don't have time just grab the microfiber towel you know just go ahead and just get to it I mean it's not that bad and like I said it's kind of nice it's therapeutic this is a great little project you really get some good intimate knowledge of your Glock pistol you know what I mean this is something that you're gonna have it memorized by the time you're done so no issue troubleshooting in the future I mean you've pretty much rebuilt the whole thing so there you go I'm gonna go ahead and fire up the Dremel and we'll get started all right so grab your Dremel rotary tool you should have that little collar inside so you'll lock it down you hit that little lock button alright and you loosen it up and then you're gonna drop in your felt bit all right I like to go ahead and coat it in that Flitz polish you almost want to saturate it and that Flitz and once this thing starts spinning it'll fling that polish so definitely make sure you're not on your kitchen table or if you are use a towel or something there you go get it right where you want it and then tighten it up a little bit and there should be a tool or something that comes with it or you can just use your pliers really cinch it down holding that lock in place yeah get a nice good lock on it all right nice medium speed to start look at that oh yeah it's already starting to bling a little bit it doesn't take long and just dip it back in that flits and if you notice I'm keeping the Dremel stationary and I'm just running this part back and forth on that felt bit real nice even pressure oh yeah look at that already getting that nice chrome polished look and that's what you're going for it'll look like a chrome rim on a car I mean it's just something amazing this is definitely my favorite part and it's safe too you're not changing the geometry you're just polishing you're eliminating all those microscopic Birds if you put these parts under a microscope or a magnifying glass you would see all those little defects it's like I said when they're running those vertical mills they're seeing see them and they're machining the crap out of these things they don't they're not slowing down the Machine time to give you the most pristine finish these are these secondary operations that would take a lot of man-hours and make these pistols really unaffordable but the great thing is this is something you can do yourself long as you've got the time and the patience like I said I really enjoy the polishing it's something therapeutic for me I love it not to mention you get to see the results it happens pretty quickly okay so I'm gonna go ahead and continue polishing the entire part and what you can do as well once it starts getting black you can coat it back up with the Flitz really want to saturate that bit nicely but like I said it'll start flinging Flitz if you get too much on there alright and that's it and you really can't go overboard at this so spend a reasonable amount of time I mean once it's polished up it's polished you know you don't need to keep going but you'll be able to tell very quickly and I'm gonna obviously do it right here with you so let's go now these little bullet shaped bits these are great for getting into those tight little surfaces [Music] like I said you can polish the entire part if you like I'm gonna go ahead and do it really gonna clean it up nice I'm also going to turn up the RPMs as well let's go ahead and check her progress well the nice thing about gloves - it's going to help give you a little bit more grip on the part and not to mention it's going to get a little hot so nice little barrier against all that but you can see - it is a little annoying as it starts to try to grab that bit so it's entirely up to you but look at that man that is beautiful that's just amazing that's what we want right there nice pristine finish absolutely amazing you can see the difference all right so we can keep polishing but not necessary just the main thing is to get the top there so that's it so we're gonna go ahead and proceed now with the firing pin same thing it might be a good idea to change bits at this point but not necessary if you still have a good amount of material on there you're good now the other little trick is take another little microfiber towel or the one you got and just put some Flitz on it and you're just gonna clean it up you're just gonna get that grime right off of that bit you can even wash it too I mean it's just a wool felt bit all right so long as you got material on there you are good and then just coat it up again with that Flitz get it nice and saturated same with the part I'm gonna do the whole thing this thing's gonna bling yeah pea for plenty right there all right guys I'm telling you there's a lot of fun I enjoy this part all right and we start in the middle you know just a medium speed and then we'll fire it up this is the engagement surface that we want to address that inside forcing so if you polish anything that's it nice thing about that bit too it'll get right in that corner [Music] but like I said you can polish the entire part it looks absolutely amazing when it's done and the beautiful thing about polishing you're not taking material off you're just smoothing out all those microscopic burrs all those imperfections it's really gonna make it a nice performing Christine firing pin you get that little detail right there even the tip if you like all right there we go so most critical feature this back portion here the engagement surface should be a good time to check her progress I love these microfiber towels you can use the t-shirt but it's just better man you know once you have better it's just hard to go back doing that but I've done the t-shirt plenty of times look at that absolutely amazing and that was just really fast very quick polishing we're not even done yet we haven't even gotten through our first bit yet but go ahead we're gonna clean off this bit and that's something too that you can do to really increase the longevity of the bit and obviously to to also help speed up the process so keep cleaning that bit off getting that grime off of it you know you don't want to keep putting grime back on the part we're trying to pull that grime and all that grittiness off the part so a nice clean bit coating the part and polish we're gonna do it again and that's it you can take as much time as you want to polish it up you're not removing material and that's the nice thing that's why I would go heavy on the polishing very light very light on the sanding just a little bit to knock those burrs off because polishing won't remove material it would take a long time to knock the burr off but we got the burrs off now we can polish as long as we want so let's continue and then we're gonna go ahead and put the slide back together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right it's pretty well all-black now we just want to clean it all up check her progress more Flitz clean up the bit rinse and repeat man that is coming together that is beautiful look at that see they're not gonna do that from the factory they don't have time it'd be way too expensive these pistols that they put that much time detail into them but hey this is why we can do it ourselves and learn a little bit in the process get a little more comfortable more knowledgeable with our firearms absolutely amazing so I'm gonna go ahead and run it one more time and that's it and crank up the RPMs this time [Music] and those extra rpms really do make a difference but I recommend just starting slow getting familiar and comfortable with it this isn't a race and look at that just absolutely stunning I mean it would be nice just to buy and polish like this but this is just fantastic man and that doesn't take doesn't take much I mean this is worth it I mean if you're gonna go ahead and clean it look at this I mean you might as well just do this this is just beautiful that's that nice reassurance that we've got the best functioning components in our firearm absolutely fantastic I wouldn't go back now and that's beautiful I don't want the gritty old pitted firing pin I don't this slick smooth pristine firing pin absolutely just amazing all right so let's go ahead and put this baby back together all right guys now that we've got some pristine polished parts this firing pin just amazing night and day effect really love it firing pin safety plunger just beautiful look at that remember the most critical features is top you don't have to polish the whole thing but I went ahead and did I told you you really get into it once you start now you've got your option of performance springs here 6-pound if you want something that's gonna be a little heavier maybe you're shooting harder primers this would be that your five pound maybe you want to go mill the road maybe you don't want that complete lightest trigger pull reduction and then your four pound for pound you're gonna have to shoot good quality ammo brass preferably this is gonna be what I'm installing alright and then you want your reduced power firing pin safety plunger real nice springiness there you're gonna drop it right into the firing pin safety plunger alright and what I like to do to pawn reassembly is use a little bit of that synthetic Greece with PTFE put it on the end of that spring right there and that's going to hold it in side that firing pin safety plunger alright and another nice thing to do we've got this synthetic grease let's use it we're gonna coat all these parts and some of this teflon grease really like this stuff it's actually patented by super lube just fantastic grease really does the trick we've come this far let's completely do it right get the most bang for our buck here really want the most performance so get everything nice and greased up really amazing really love doing these extra details giving yourself that competitive edge alright same with the extractor depressor plunger and spring and you can polish this up too I didn't do it but if you got the time and you want to go for it get her done so there it is so we've completely lubed it up now make sure that spring is attached to the extractor depressor plunger so we're set ready to go alright so first thing we're gonna go ahead and take our slide turn it upright we're gonna use it as a reassembly tool and you're gonna take your sleeve you slide it right on and it's gonna be captured just like that all right now our reduced power high performance firing pin spring is gonna go right on like so I'm gonna drop that right into the slide you can see that firing pin tab there it's located on the side holding our sleeve in place ready to be compressed then take our two little cups remember these these are universal right it doesn't matter you just want to compress it and you're gonna drop these little cups in compress into our firing pin spring pop in that cup right there okay you got to do both the same time so I got one in right now grab the other one and drop it right in all right you hear that little snap it's a good sound okay it's compressed and it's holding it all in place we've got our firing pin spring assembly back together all right so one little item done man that thing looks great all right we're gonna set that aside now we're gonna go ahead and install the other components in the slide so you're gonna take your extractor I'm gonna drop it right in to that hole there I'm gonna also put some synthetic grease on the extractor you can see it's a little worn you know there's some wear marks there so it's definitely getting a little resistance all right it's all lubed up really no way to install this backwards it drops right in that little cylinder portion all right of the extractor will drop right into that hole down there all right nice holding the extractor in I'm gonna grab the firing pin safety plunger with the reduced power firing pin safety plunger spring and drop that whole thing in now you're gonna have to push it in and that extractor is gonna pop out just a hair push that plunger all the way in that extractor will go ahead and seat in there and now it's locked and captured inside the slide so we are good there all right turn it back upright go ahead and take our firing pin assembly I'm gonna drop it right in okay and then our extractor depressor plunger and spring right drop that plunger in first right in the hole right there good now we are ready to take our 1/8 inch punch and you're going to depress each one of these items so the firing pin assembly first and then the extractor depressor plunger and spring and what we're gonna do is take our slide plate cover get it started just like that all right take your 1/8 inch punch and just push down the firing pin assembly now we're gonna push down on the extractor depressor plunger and spring all right nice good solid snap that's what we're looking for love that sound it's going together correctly there it is guys nice really simple and easy straightforward now take your barrel drop it right in then take your recoil spring assembly drop that right in a little plastic portion facing forward and that little flat portion back here is gonna lock into the barrel just like so all right so now we can set our slide aside for now all finished half of it's done now we're going to focus on the frame and pistol grip assembly all right guys so the second phase of the trigger job is going to consist of working on the pistol grip frame and as you'll see there's a ton of different components in here that we need to quickly review and just go over so we have a good understanding before we just jump in headfirst so this is your locking block here all right now there is a locking block pin right here that we're going to tap out and that's what holds a locking block in place and then your trigger hinge pin here will be tapping that out as well and then you've got back here your trigger mechanism housing pin alright so these three pins are going to necessary to tap out to remove all these internals and as you'll see here so you've got the locking block then you've got your trigger bar and this little portion of the trigger bar is what will actually interact with the firing pin safety plunger that we polished earlier okay and then following the trigger bar back you'll see there's this cross portion here that's what's going to interact with the actual firing pin portion here so a few things that we need to polish obviously this portion here this portion here and then you'll see your connectors sticking out here we're also going to polish this then you've got your slide rails we're gonna polish the slide rails as well so really excited about this looking forward to it we're also gonna pull off the slide stop lever as well but it's a really quick simple straightforward installation all right and just assembly so let's go ahead and pull it apart now we're just tap out those three pins so take your 3/32 inch punch and your hammer go ahead and start with top pin which is your locking block pin tap that out and all three pins are different so you'll notice there's some different features with each of them now this will go in either way but you'll notice that it's got raised portion here raised portion on both sides so that one aside that's our locking block pin now we'll tap out our trigger hinge pin right here the bigger one all right you'll notice this trigger hinge pin it's got these two little notches right there okay and one thing that you'll notice is is we pull out this slide stop lever that little spring that's compressed and held in by that locking block pin we'll go over that in greater detail as we put it back together but I usually like to go through it as we're pulling it apart so we understand it a little bit better now we're gonna go ahead and remove this trigger mechanism housing pin all right some of these you'll be able to just push right out this one especially its featureless so there's nothing on it it's just a nice smooth pin alright so very easy to recognize so all three very different we'll be able to figure that out as we put it back together now all the pins are out we can simply pull the rest of these components out starting with the locking block just gonna pull up on it pops right out alright you see how that goes in there real simple and straightforward you just kind of pull up it'll pop right out like that okay set our locking block aside now we're gonna pull out our trigger trigger bar and trigger mechanism housing so if you pull forward on the trigger like that it'll just naturally start to work itself out and you keep pushing up on it okay then you're gonna pull up on the ejector right here it'll pull that whole assembly right out okay very straightforward you see we can set the pistol grip frame aside now now we can focus on the trigger trigger bar and trigger mechanism housing now when pulling our trigger bar out of the trigger mechanism housing you'll notice here that little pop see this is where it's actually engaging with the connector so the connector is right here okay so you hear that little pop this is where the trigger bar is engaging with connector this is the connector back here this portion and it locates and locks in place just like that all right so definitely something we're gonna take notice of we're gonna polish that on the inside of the trigger bar will even polish this outside surface too you can see how it's got some wire there anything that gives us any sort of indicator that it's got friction it's a ware point it's something that needs to be smoothed out and polished for further improved action and performance we're definitely going to do it so there it is so we just pop it off the connector all right your little snap and then we're gonna pivot the trigger bar just like that alright comes right up and out and you'll see how that spring locates inside the trigger bar so that little hook is facing the ejector alright so the open hook is facing that ejector and it's also facing towards the trigger so definitely something we're going to replicate when we put in that extra power trigger spring all right so we'll go ahead and slide that right off and it is a bit of a snug tight fit so you got to kind of shimmy it off a little bit but you just basically twist it off just like that very simple and straightforward now we'll go ahead and pull the rest of the spring out and you'll see how it looks back here right so your injectors here and you can see that other open hook portion facing away from the ejector the portion locates inside the trigger mechanism housing will go ahead and pop that out - all right so we're good there just to be on the safe side let's go ahead and put in six pound extra power trigger spring while we're thinking about it and we just pulled that other one out we don't need to worry about the orientation later so like we said that little hook is gonna be facing away from the ejector so we'll go ahead and drop it into that hole there real simple and easy and we'll just let it lay flat like that we'll leave it in there now the connector we're gonna have to pull out so it's real simple you just pop it out with a punch you see how it locates back here right so go ahead and just pop that out so go ahead and pop out the connector just by hitting it with the punch right there position it like soda where it's hanging off the edge of the bench block you can almost hold on to it by the ejector there push in with your 3/32 inch punch should be able to push it right out all right so that's where the connector located in that channel there all right cool so go ahead and set the trigger mechanism housing aside so these are the components were going to end up polishing here the connector and the trigger bar so there's a few surfaces on the trigger bar that we're gonna polish especially right here this is what engages with the firing pin safety plunger all right so we'll do that whole surface and then this cross-section back here right we'll do the whole thing if you look closely you'll notice there's some wear marks here back here the side so we'll just do the whole thing and then we're gonna do this back portion here of the trigger bars the outside and the inside right there so there's a lot of engagement going on between the connector alright so we've got to polish that up and then we're gonna polish the entire connector itself alright it's a real fast straightforward easy let's get into the polishing all right guys back to the polishing so I already got a new felt bit on here might as well since we've got it I got the Flitz ready to go go ahead and saturate that bit nicely no need to do any sanding on these parts I would not recommend it really not necessary this polishing is gonna do everything that we need it to do we're gonna polish up this connector really well so we're gonna get the whole thing covered in Flitz just go to town on it all right start at some medium rpms make sure you're wearing I Pro let's get her done working our way around it this is just the preliminary pass make sure you get inside that little feature there all right especially these little bends right here this is where a lot of the engagements happening this is a little portion of the connector that sticks up out of the frame all right that's our initial pass right there let's kind of inspect our work and see what kind of progress we made all right not bad let's start seeing some that shine coming through there all right we're gonna keep going that's for sure we're gonna crank up the RPMs in this round it's go ahead and loop it all up again all right get our bit ready to go we'll clean that off real quick too now that we got a lot of that initial crud off of there really get some good polishing going here all right get the bit all saturated well okay now we're gonna crank up the RPMs and really make some progress now and you feel it heat up alright let's inspect our work here that's a good sign getting a lot of good friction going there really smoothing out all those pits and that surface wow just phenomenal what we're able to achieve here just with some polish absolutely amazing take that from a dull gritty finish to a nice smooth polished surface that is absolutely amazing we're gonna make one more pass we're just doing about three passes in all these parts and it seems to be working out good for us let's keep running with it all right got our bit nicely saturated with Flitz polish all right coat the part good third pass the clues edges to get a nice and smooth that's really turning out nice you saw how long that took and that took relatively no time compared to the benefit we just achieved they're absolutely phenomenal just amazing so really excited about this I mean this connector feels buttery smooth now which is exactly what we want to really achieve that nice smooth clean action we don't want any grittiness in that trigger pull we want a nice smooth crisp trigger pull and that's gonna really help us get there that's fantastic so we'll set the connector aside now we're gonna focus on the trigger bar all right there's a lot of work to be done here but primarily in isolated spots you don't need to polish the entire thing just up here on this tip right here this whole portion we'll get that right this is what's engaging with that firing pin safety plunger then this cross-section back here we're gonna get that nicely alright and then this backside portion of the trigger bar right back here and here and that's really it so we're gonna go ahead and clean up our bit and get ready for the last bit of polishing go ahead and saturate our bit with Flitz polish now go ahead and get the part covered if you want to polish the entire thing go for it I mean if it's something that you got the extra time to spend on today you might as well I mean it's gonna look beautiful when it's inside there he'll I might even do it I told you it's addicting it's just fun I mean you can see this thing come to life basically it's like refurbishing an old car or something it's just amazing it's night and day difference alright let's do it [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] alright let's go ahead and inspect our work now that was a really good long pass you know you can do the whole thing and really one of the major benefits doing the whole thing is that it'll be much easier to clean these polish surfaces aren't gonna hold that dirt grit and grime in them you know you don't have those pits anymore you don't have those uneven lines as microscopic lines if you've got under a magnifying glass you would see man this is just beautiful that is absolutely amazing really helps you appreciate your firearm that much more now you know you know you've got pristine polished excellent parts I mean this is the kind of durability functionality you can really put your life on the line with and you know that it's gonna work you know you've done everything in your power to make sure this thing will be an exceptionally functioning firearm which is exactly what we want just look at that absolutely amazing alright and focus on this surface again this one again this one and this one but let's coat it up again to another pass go ahead and clean up our bit get ready for round 2 all right we got the whole thing covered in Flitz plenty of Flitz over here all right let's go for it [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] absolutely amazing that is just beautiful I mean you don't even really have to wipe it off you can already see it just blinging through you don't have to worry about this plastic trigger too much I mean it'll try not to hit it but it's it's fine it'll hold up you know it's a hardened polymer there but ideally I'd like to put something better maybe an aluminum trigger of some kind for sure but we're just getting started here you know we're just having a little fun getting our trigger pull getting rid of that grittiness creating a nice light clean crisp smooth action that is just fantastic man look at that I'm blown away with how amazing this looks and it didn't take her Lee any time at all that was just two passes to fairly lengthy passes but really fantastic let's go ahead repeat it one more time and that's it that's all you need to do and then it's reassembly and we are ready to test this trigger pull I'm really excited about it we really enjoyed doing this I mean this is the kind of work that you know every minute you put into it man just pays back dividends for a lifetime really fantastic so I really do love it really gives me much more appreciation for my firearms as well I mean this is something to just like I said it's therapy really [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] phenomenal absolutely phenomenal I am just more than impressed with how well this turned out and I know it's gonna be a beautiful clean crisp trigger pool I'm really excited hear what you guys get for results and see the pictures before and after the improvement man share them with me I'm excited to see what you guys do to your Glock pistols really fantastic I mean they're really great platforms just take a little TLC man take them to the next level just night and day effect really awesome alright let's go ahead put this baby back in this is just outstanding so the icing on the cake we're gonna polish up these four slide rails here all right just get the tops and the sides as best we can so go ahead and we'll just coat up our bit one more time and then we'll just hit these slide rails a little bit of Flitz I'll just make one quick pass on them it's gonna help just improve that buttery smooth action that we're looking for all right Wow there you go guys that took no time at all that was just quick and easy you might have to clean up your pistol grip frame a little bit but man well worth the benefit that is just phenomenal just to see it go from you know a dingy pitted piece of metal to a now smooth clean looks like chrome really I mean it's fantastic man that is just gonna be buttery smooth so I'm gonna clean this up a little bit and we're gonna put the rest back together so there it is guys polishing is complete just absolutely phenomenal components now you just can't beat it it's definitely worth the time and it's not even really that labor-intensive and I loved it actually I mean I enjoy the polishing fantastic came out beautiful so there's our trigger bar completely chrome looking same with the connector it doesn't even look like the before picture which was just insane how tarnished and gritty these components were now what I did was after all that polishing as you guys probably quickly learned as well there was a ton of just you know gunk on there so I just took some CLP gonna oil anything to work and I just cleaned it up and it gave it a nice extra little shine we're also gonna coat this and synthetic grease as well but basically I went through cleaning the part nicely gonna like gunk off there especially on those hard corners and crevices you know we went through all of that might as well get it good and clean so that's what I did especially right here and these little features as well so just do that good idea even the slide rails on the frame I went ahead and clean inside and got them really good and clean still getting a little bit of gunk off there so it's definitely caked on pretty well but there it is so clean those all up now we're gonna go ahead and hit him with some synthetic grease we've come this far we've done all this detailed work let's get a little bit more if we can you know that's the goal buttery smooth action alright so synthetic grease some of those slide rails beautiful okay that's ready to go so we'll set that aside take a little more synthetic grease and we're gonna add it to the trigger bar go ahead and go ahead and get the whole thing why not p4 plenty all right synthetic grease all the way around beautiful slippery smooth surface man that is just awesome all right and the connector perfect all right so the connector is going to go right into the trigger mechanism housing right so here's the ejector here right we've got our six pound extra power trigger spring now we're gonna go ahead and just drop that connector right into that pocket there okay there's the opposite side so drop it right in just push it in and you can also give it a little tap with your 1/8 inch punch and a hammer just make sure it's fully seated all right so you're good to go there it'll stick out slightly just like that no big deal it's gonna be compressed and held in inside that frame so we've got our extra power shrinker spray here go ahead and pitch it forward like so all right now we're gonna take our trigger bar see that hole right there on the trigger bar we're gonna go ahead and grab the side of it get that hook in the hole all right we're all hooked in there okay that little loop facing forward towards the ejector now we're gonna come straight down and rotate out just like that so that we can grab the connector with this portion of the trigger bar and now we're gonna continue to drop it down so that not only do we grab that connector but we also allow ourselves enough freedom of movement to get this portion of the cross into the trigger mechanism housing okay so it's starting to work right in there and just like that and then we're gonna set it and you hear that beautiful little snap right so I'll do that again just in case it's kind of a one fluid motion so you got some tension on that trigger spring coming down at an angle like this alright so that we can get in there into that pocket all right you see just got it in there that little arm of that cross dropped right into the pocket housing and we rotate it and it simultaneously grabs that connector back here that little portion see that all right so it'll pop off that connector real easily so you want to get it set once it's in the frame it'll be held together with tension that's it right there okay so we get that little tab of the cross in that slot on that trigger housing and then we want to make sure that we got the actual trigger bar located under the connector all right everything's buttery smooth now so that's that's awesome we're gonna drop it right into the frame just like this all right so you got a pinch back here drop that trigger right in forward see that drop that trigger right in forward okay now we're lowering the trigger housing back here keeping it all compressed and tight together beautiful all right and that just seats in there like butter that is just amazing and that hole is wide open for that pin so if you've got any synthetic grease on your fingers perfect all right Lube it up drop it right in it should just press right in by hand just pop right in super easy all right we just want make sure it's good and flush on both sides beautiful all right so the trigger housings in triggers in now we need to put the rest of the components in all right now all we've got left to drop in is this locking block the locking block pin then the trigger hinge pin and then the slide stop lever all right and it's got the spring on it there as well so we'll start with the locking block just take it it's gonna drop right in okay see that big hole in the locking block that's gonna locate right down here so we drop that locking block right in perfect smooth little fit all right then we're going to take our locking block pin it's that thinner one right just like that with those little humps on each end it's smooth in the middle and that's going to go in the top hole right there and that synthetic grease really helps just get those pins in and nice and smooth now there's a little bit up here sticking out so I'm just going to take the 1/8 inch punch and just give it a one little tap perfect all right flush on both sides beautiful all right next we're gonna take the slide stop lever and spring and it's gonna drop right in and that spring is gonna rest on that locking pin you see that drops right in and you see how it's captured there right here on the pin see that little leg of the spring it's captured and resting right there giving us that good tension on that slide stop get the holes to line up now what we'll do is we'll take our trigger hinge pin with the two notches in the center we'll start it on the back side and then if the hole isn't lined up its gonna hit that slide stop what we're gonna do is take our 1 sixteenths inch punch we're just gonna move that slide stop out of the way just enough to get the rest of that hinge pin in there beautiful slide stop works perfect alright man now our triggers still back we're gonna push it forward we're just gonna test the trigger function so triggers now forward perfect Mahan alright we're ready for reassembly we've got everything back in the pistol grip frame now just looks phenomenal let's put this baby back together alright so now we've got our completely reassembled slide and pistol grip frame man we are ready to go I'm just gonna take a q-tip with some CLP on it alright or a gun oil or anything just want to hit this slide real quick just want to be buttery smooth man I can't wait to see this night and day difference here alright and then the little slide rails on the side all right we are good to go so then just slide the slide on the rails okay that is like glass nice smooth oh this is night and day I can already tell you that so we'll do a quick function check go ahead and pull the trigger beautiful hold it down racket excellent sound you want to hear that metallic click awesome man this feels freakin amazing I can't believe this let's let's see what this trigger pull is let's see what kind of modified trigger pull we got three pounds eight point two ounces let's take one more confirm three pounds eight point three ounces absolutely phenomenal well they have it guys a fantastic improve it for your Glock pistols it'll work for the gen one through five really appreciate you hanging with me the entire video is an hour and a half really long but I hope you got something out of it if you did if you liked it please show us some support subscribe give us a like we appreciate it we're always watching throw a comment in there if you like we always love that you guys give us some feedback this is why we do it we're here for you guys we're making new products trying to improve our firearms and we're learning together it's fantastic really love the camaraderie really love the EM carbo Brotherhood I always appreciate the support we get there all the ideas and the forum love it guys really hoping you got some fantastic improvement your Glock pistol so in this video we went from five to quarter down to three and a half pounds really phenomenal 33% trigger pull reduction really improve the performance all the way around replace the factory Springs did some polishing really got some phenomenal results I am stoked about this new trigger so this is a factory trigger pull here in this Glock 26 here and you can feel so you can feel there's that hesitation right I had to get a factory one just to kind of see and compare the difference and then with the new trigger job three and a half pound trigger beautiful man as you rail out and you're squeezing it's more natural where is this the factory trigger there's that hesitation that's the main thing is we're really trying to improve the overall performance and you know you this is a tool we have to be able to use your tool efficiently and effectively and as you're railing out man that's perfect it's clean its crisp and it break right when you finally hit that maximum travel while railing out perfection man I'm really excited about this I can't wait to hear what you guys get from results thank you and carbo Brotherhood for your ideas and your support and as always happy shooting [Music]
Channel: MCARBO
Views: 369,528
Rating: 4.796474 out of 5
Keywords: Best Glock Trigger Job, Glock Trigger Spring Install, How to Polish Glock Trigger, Glock 25 Cent Trigger Job, Glock Trigger Kit, Glock Trigger Upgrade, Glock Aftermarket Trigger, Glock Drop In Trigger Kits, Best Glock 19 Trigger, Glock 17 Trigger Kit, Glock Competition Trigger, Custom Glock Trigger, Glock Smooth Trigger, Best Trigger for Glock, Glock Disassembly, MCARBO Glock Trigger Spring Kit, Apex Glock Trigger, Zev Glock Trigger, 25 cent Trigger Job Glock
Id: ex1R2S5gsM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 6sec (5646 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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