Baby Food Tier List

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this episode was brought to you by raid shadow legends for decades now people have been arguing what is the best baby food for an adult to consume this has led to countless heated debates among family friends and scientists and today we'll settle it once and for all with this tier list now it's important that we note that this was recorded two days prior to the nationwide recall of baby food due to finding arsenic lead and other toxic materials in the baby food so we got the original formula we got the full experience of what it was like to be a baby so join us as we throw on our bibs and dive into some toxic waste yep cheers cheers okay do you guys want to start with start this is so tight i need to rip it our first one is turkey and gravy okay i'm not excited about them i am super excited to be honest i'm just going to keep the meat ones here oh there's no [ __ ] way a baby can open that no chance through ready oh we should do it in secret and have them try to guess what the meat is ready cheers you barely got any get a big gross it's turkey and gravy wow it's like sand if it was like a little bit yeah like a little urine maybe [Applause] ground turkey water corn starch oh wow did that taste like turkey no yeah that is regretting all of his decisions right are you taking another bite no i'm just doing a deeper analysis here yeah let me smell it it's it does smell like it smells like you know what it reminds me of did you ever have that like ground chicken instead of the ground tuna yeah yeah so it smells a little bit like the ground chicken it tastes like a charlie starcus sorry charlie tuna like the bag the bag tuna tuna so that explains it that's what it tastes like knowing what i know now hindsight's 2020 there's a good chance that that batch of turkey and gravy was just actually poison which is why it tasted so absolutely foul it's an easy f tier i would highly recommend against getting turkey and gravy and now it's time to talk about a game that's no stranger 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below to get started on your adventure i want you guys to try to guess it no it wasn't but it's chicken and gravy chicken they're revolutionizing the meat ground world this one looks a lot finer as a paste i'm getting good scoops [Music] here how the [ __ ] did you survive past infancy with this kind of flavor let me get you each one he's starting to cry someone's broke yeah that that needs help oh [ __ ] this it's pretty [ __ ] bad you're under babies yeah what the [ __ ] matt can handle spice but i can handle baby food better you can just handle [ __ ] yeah it ain't no baby beating me in another contest oh you have water well thank you [ __ ] bad oh it's getting worse too the more the flavor sits on your tongue the more it's like drying my mouth out it's like taking a handful of salt and like crushing your taste buds with it i can't focus on the flavor i'm gonna puke it's really bad i'm sorry it's taking so long for this to fill i'm actually shocked by how awful these two have been so far my god those are like good flavors too that's what i would have expected right thank you matt's entering the zen mode yeah it smells like a baby's dirty diaper right now i mean i can give you something that may spoil the taste of everything oh thank you it's perfect the turkey the turtle the turkey was at least the chicken wasn't as popular i could swallow the chicken the turkey made me spit it out the jar of chicken and gravy was a slight improvement though not by much pretty negligible i'd say the formula still needs some refining maybe take out some of the arsenic uh this is also another easy f tier uh the turkey and chicken is absolutely shocking at how horrible they are yeah the chicken what other [ __ ] meats did they give us beef oh my god it's beef i thought i was joking that's beef and grit why is everything and gravy because that's how they make an excuse for grinding it up oh it's so [ __ ] yucky that's saying big red letters do not heat in microwave oven contain air contents may splatter causing burns babies can't even use microwaves [ __ ] idiots it's a spit bowl i was just trying to keep it off the side i i'm going to hypothesize this is going to be the worst i agree completely oh i like it they they left it rare yeah yeah it's medium rare my cats eat better than this i'm not sure a hundred percent this smells like wet dog food oh oh oh oh look at this ew oh yeah that's better why is it pink who thinks babies don't want well done beef oh it looks like refried beans oh oh my god oh they're so gross i think this is gonna be the worst you know what that reminds me of what like when my mom makes brisket and stuff the fat that sits around it like that fat you would dump in the cup to throw away that's what that is that texture is horrible i'm closing it no smells no nothing that'll put some hair on that baby has called demons into this house that is yuck no wonder babies cry all day yeah wow i definitely do want to do a breast milk tear looks like maybe that's where all the good stuff is that's where babies get strong yeah this is yucky babies wake you up in the middle of the night because they're saying [ __ ] you for feeding them this oh god yeah this is agonizing in a surprise to absolutely no one the beef and gravy was by far the worst one up until this point truly on a whole new level of horrible i i'm honestly questioning if it's even beef in the first place i think this is just like a human flesh that they ground up and put a fake gravy on it's it's it's super super bad easy f a turbo f ham and gravy if i don't know what world this is ham but it's pure what world did somebody sit there and say you know what babies need pork yeah this is the thing it's like marshmallow case oh my god it looks like fat tissue let me see i think that would come out in one chunk pop means it's fresh oh my god it looks like adipose you're right it's like mayonnaise oh oh wow oh oh oh no i gained all this why why is the top like a gray in the inside there's so much beef residue on my spoon my munchkin i've never been i've never been so excited to eat mushed carrots before oh my thank you my munchkin is ruined do you need one mat yeah you should clean your chimney i did smell like cat food in here yeah a hundred percent i'm not joking my cats eat better food than this no [ __ ] doubt all right ready no why does it make a peak why why is it like that there you go thank god it's not as bad as the beef but it's still pretty bad of the four that's the best one oh great it's the it's always worse yeah it's it's bad but at least it's not like super flavorful it's much more plain that's dreading it's coming in the trash god oh that's the highest one though that's that's like a d tier at least it i'm shocked that you're pulling out of emptier well compared to the other because it is better if i was only rating these four that gets the highest tier by far but i'm really hoping we'll keep it enough yeah we'll we'll wait and see yeah like it doesn't taste like ham all of these have a very similar taste some just have more [ __ ] in it yeah like i feel like in the composting maybe the process changes a little bit but the formula is kind of the same i have a headache my body thinks i'm poisoning it yeah matt didn't know how right he was knowing what we know now about what was in baby food uh yeah the ham it was still bad but of the four it was definitely the strongest it was the one that didn't pack as much of a repugnant punch so it's still gonna be an f tier because it's still [ __ ] horrible but at least it was better than the other three well don't worry we have some natural green beans to help with that i put those in order from what would probably be worst to best so you could end with them have you ever liked green beans well i've never had them mushed i've never liked green beans this is kind of a breakfast vegetable you still got some meat on yours under there yours is like thanksgiving dinner on a spoon it does taste like green beans but like we're in a blender why do we do this as a human race babies need to just get strong we need to start making our babies tougher just eat five guys yeah just give them a burger eat some good food you stupid babies play some rock and roll for them yeah i just never liked green beans but that tastes like what i remember them yeah it tastes like green beans but the texture is offensive yeah the texture compared to the meat it's better i guess let's read the ingredients green beans sounds easy oh that's it you know i'm no fan of green beans but this just tasted like green beans if you just crushed them in your hand a lot and then ate them so it's it's what you'd expect with green beans as advertised but since i'm not a fan i'm just going to give it a d i think you're only going to like these if you really like green beans but even if you really like green beans you're probably not going to like them as much mashed beet pear and pomegranates looks a little bit like a smoothie a little bit this one's probably gonna be good like i said i'm getting excited as a regular yeah i think this one's gonna be good oh this is where the fine dining for babies comes in this is like some tommy pickles delight yeah let's see dad now we're cooking now we're [ __ ] cooking all right let me get some more of that yeah it's time to feast holy [ __ ] get the meat flavor out of my mouth baby this is good i like it i need a bigger munchkin that's just a this is spoon name this is great um since we haven't tried these yet i don't know but it's like applesauce yeah with a little more personality there's an apple it's a flavored apple sauce yeah it's applesauce going through like a phase after trying the others i can safely say it's an s tier yeah the beaten pomegranate actually is slapping like this is pretty this is pretty solid stuff right here they accidentally finally made something taste decent butternut squash coming up i don't like squash i do like squash tetra really wants some baby food she really liked the chicken oh you gave her some of the yeah the chicken pop always reminds me of those old snapple bottles yeah let's go i like butternut squash i think this is just going to be a banger oh yeah yeah not a banger i don't like that at all it's not a banger nope that is not oh that's nice it's good worse i'd eat the whole jar of green beans over there yeah i don't know what happened with that squash i like squash let me have some more nice palette cleanser yeah i don't know this is butternut squash i struggle to give something an f after the meat but that's pretty close yeah this is definitely not good it's it's not is it old yeah it's not even like plain it just tastes like it's turned yeah it like slowly was attacking my mouth the longer it went on yeah well that's a shame i like butternut squash it hurt me to taste what they had done to butternut squash butternut squash is absolutely a banger until it's made for babies i don't know what they do in there they just dump some actual rat poison in there or something but it's bad it's [ __ ] bad it's a d tier it's a shame babies deserve higher quality food this is just carrots carrots all right read the ingredient list oh yeah double check carrots nice go ahead i think this is going to be fine carrots all day tastes like carrots that's just carrots it's like carrots after i've chewed for 30 seconds yeah it's just skipping part of the process for me it's not great i want more of this this is a good one the pomegranate ones they have but they should do that again yeah it's pretty good you think they can make this for adults maybe do we have the technology yeah can they just make a jar four times bigger i don't think so it's impossible you're welcome any of the babies watching this video oh wait i thought these were all gerber maybe gerber only makes dog [ __ ] the carrots were exactly as you would expect it just tasted like some chewed carrots that were mama birded into my mouth carrots are fine i have no problem with carrots i'm just gonna give this a seat here middle of the pack you get exactly what you expect well no the last one here if you want to get another gerber out of the way i have carrots we have regular apple oh let's see if gerber can reclaim their throne apple and gravy what were you thinking about carrots it's it's super mediocre it's fine i mean it is just it is literally just carrots it's not exciting like a baby's not going to be like pumping its [ __ ] fists in there for carrots let's see is this just apple apple and vitamin c i'm on to you gerber let's see it's worse than applesauce yeah it's no sugar what the hell can babies process sugar do we know if there's any babies in the comments let me know let us know not until they're one no that's when the sugar sugar uh processing genes kick in i mean it's fine though fine is the word i would use it it is absolutely a worse applesauce it's like applesauce you would get with school lunch growing up mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah you want to move on matt really summed it up best it tastes like applesauce you'd get it a school lunch it's not great but it's fine you know you get it you're like yep that's applesauce okay kind of enjoying it a little bit because i mean apples taste good so it's a b tier for sure you want another bite let me just i haven't eaten breakfast so yeah i haven't either this is actually so exciting for the others mango mango mango i didn't know baby's got such bougie food yeah jesus christ what's next dragon fruit my munchkin too fine it was on your placemat that's why we have them oh that's real liquidy it's really liquidy that's a weird texture it's like a paint can are you waiting for a cheers yeah yeah nice that's interesting that's i'm conflicted it's good it's confusing though yeah the texture is really weird i do you like mango i do like mango okay i feel like if you like mango this is really just liquefied mango it's pretty good it's really thick and creamy yeah it kind of tastes like mango flavored bacardi is there any alcohol in this not that they've listed this is that's why babies puke so much yeah well they're all just getting drunk on mango bacardi imagine yeah really i just keep coming back this might have to be a nest ester i think the baby food you're not beating the pomegranate not really good yeah the mango's not bad though let's let's not you know mislead anyone here yeah like if you're good if you're stuck on a desert island surrounded only by baby food jars the mango is going to get you by yeah if you're a baby looking for a sweet treat mango will get you there [Laughter] what percentage of your audience do you think is under one year tall oh god god only knows i mean right now i'm competing with baby shark and stuff it's a cut-throat competition to claim that audience again real middle-of-the-pack [ __ ] the mango was just fine and honestly i wouldn't be surprised if it comes out eventually that there is alcohol and baby food with all the crazy [ __ ] that they found in there so maybe i'm right on the money and i'm going to look like a prophet when they do a deeper investigation on the [ __ ] but for now uh just as the mango is i'm just giving it a beat here all right to finish it off we have banana just plain banana yeah it's all right i don't know why it's like beige though banana colors usually aren't beige they're more like a oh maybe we're on to them uh oh oh they're trying to pass ham and banana off at the same thing i hope it's actually just i wonder if they mix them yeah is there a ham nana all right let's go i got a little meat smell and it really [ __ ] me up the last last one that's pretty playful that was confusing yeah that's not what i expected at all it's got more tang than a banana that's all what kind of bananas banana lemon oh lemon juice concentrate that's where that tang comes from yeah they're playing god right now holy [ __ ] i don't mind it i also don't mind it it's pretty [ __ ] good actually why don't they just call it banana lemon maybe people would never think i should give my baby lemon yeah because lemon's kind of strong for is that legal though is this false advertising i didn't buy bananas um making it last longer no those have lemon yeah none of those have lemon none not even apple you know what more gram maybe it's so it doesn't brown that could be it i've eaten too much baby food and my stomach's starting to hurt there's just mush in my stomach no the stomach so that you know the stomach by him loves mush that's why babies are so strong let me see this real quick no i got an idea uh oh a row reggie he's doing it he went where no man should go it's not great stick with good banana yeah i think just banana is going to be better you know you actually do get a lot of bang for your buck like i've already taken nine munchkin dips in here mm-hmm it's still going still plenty of banana left and you've had munchkin dips yeah man this would be a whole lot of meals for a banana for a baby is that the new meal prep formula we just stocked the warehouse with baby food at least you definitely do that like little pieces of chicken in one of these yeah you do banana and apple in the morning you get you come in for your snack with beet pear and pomegranate and you finish with a ham dinner my [ __ ] stomach's actually turning as well it really does not feel great that's weird i don't know why we like to lose the enzymes to process baby food i think it's just moving very quickly through your system because you don't have to do anything to it that's a really good point what would you say banana is on the list for you it's up there with pomegranate i agree i don't think it's it's better than apple i don't think it's as good as pomegranate but it's definitely a close competition uh yeah overall though as long as you're not feeding your baby you need meat [ __ ] those meat baby foods yeah they'll probably be pretty happy but i mean if you're feeding the meat they're probably gonna hold a grudge for life rightfully so you know i would yeah that was gross disgusting that was so bad all right now we graduate to toddler food all right and to finish it all off i'm happy to say banana was not a disappointment it tasted just fine not as good as the pomegranate in fact i wouldn't even say it was on the same level which is why i'm going to be putting banana at an a tier but you really can't go wrong with pomegranate or banana and the baby food aisle pretty solid stuff and some pretty absolutely eye-opening garbage for baby food so really just a wild experience all around that's it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,562,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4okE5f8PuvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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