Fast Food #1 Tier List

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this episode of liquid ladder was brought to you by filmora 10. fast food played a major role in my life as a young man a young boy becoming a man fast food was like a second father to me when i would go out with my parents i'd always ask them to stop at mcdonald's and get me three super-sized fries you probably don't even know what that word means supersize it's an unfathomable word to the modern age human being but back in the er late 90s early 2000s supersize was a huge deal for mcdonald's it was a level above large it was a transcendent state for the food to be in it was about as big as four squirrels standing on top of each other like with their little feet on each one's shoulders like all standing up in a totem pole they were absolutely massive it honestly it was probably against the geneva convention even sell super sized orders from mcdonald's because it was literally a criminal amount of calories you were consuming and i always finished every last morsel there wasn't a molecule of french fry left by the time my gluttony was done with it so now that i've given you my resume what we'll be doing today is hitting the major fast food chains in our area and figuring out which one has the best possible number one order classic waffle fries the pdq is wonderful right now the fries were really slapping i'm going in on the chicken i think i'm safe it's really good oh my that isn't number one in its best so first up was naturally going to be pdq people dedicated equality this isn't a massive fast food chain but it's actually one of my favorites when i do get fast food i typically just go to pdq we cheated a little bit i'll go ahead and just rip the condom off now and hit you with the bad news there is no number one from pdq it doesn't exist if you ask for a number one there they treat you like a psychopath flat earther so there is no number one we cheated a little bit and just got the most generic meal from pdq which is the three tinder meal and it's just an easy s tier from this day forward the three tinder meal shall be known as a number one at least in our book and it's definitely s t really everything from pdq is just great even the water tastes like i'm drinking angel's tears it is just so hydrating it's probably fortified with extra electrolytes i wouldn't be surprised if they had some kind of fountain of youth at a pdq facility because it is just everything they're so good i bet you're just thinking to yourself wow the editing in this liquid ladder is particularly high quality i would like to know how to master editing to this level of professionalism well then you should definitely look into filmora 10. a lot of people often ask me as uh the video editor here on penguinzero how they should get started if they want to edit videos recently a brand new piece of software has released called filmora 10. filmora 10 is a great light piece of software designed to make video editing as intuitive and easy as possible for newcomers while 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start with the thing i'm absolutely not looking forward to which is the coke yep that tastes like what i remember oh they double stacked these bad boys oh huh show it show to the camera real quick nice matt this rental truck is gonna it's gonna say i've gotta vacuum the [ __ ] very amateurish the lettuce overpowers everything else it's just like a lettuce burger i gotta tell you boys just tastes like eating a gas station salad maybe the fries can save the meal very flimsy look at that i mean let me get in there yeah go ahead very limp dick noodle type fries over here there's no passion in these i can taste the hate that they cooked with this i gotta tell you mcdonald's is looking like a sea tier i was expecting more from the number the the number one here i hadn't had mcdonald's in an extremely long time and i certainly hadn't had a big mac and even longer and both were just significantly more underwhelming than i was expecting especially the big mac the big mac was like 80 percent lettuce and 20 percent frozen toilet water just really lackluster stuff um could i get the uh number one without a drink so you did not get the supremes right well that's ruined like that room i just smashed the entire taco cool yeah no i got regular i can tell you i am not a fan of hard shell tacos i've always preferred soft but i'm willing to experiment i had initial concerns with this much lettuce again it looked like it would suffer the same fit as the number one for mcdonald's is too much lettuce but works really well here i will say there's like two tiddly winks of meat in here though there's like nothing so that's a little disappointing but at least the shell's good try another taco check for consistency i will tell you it came with a sticker that said sealed for you but it wasn't sealed that is true this looks like a much better taco wow this one had actual heart into it there's so much lettuce on my floor i will say it's not bad it's not great i'm just going to give it right in the middle i'm giving it a beat really you man handled that taco you just took it out angry ready to go i had a grudge with that one apparently there's much more lettuce on this side than that in there though you know here we'll get to the bottom of it there there's a little meat in there let's let's give it a go hmm everything else you're you're entirely right non-offensive nothing special the lettuce is a little overbearing again the meat's fine i i mean i made fun of you but i completely agree it's just there's nothing to say about it if i had that in a desert i'd be happy i had food but kind of disappointed it wasn't pdq yeah honestly like pdq like if i was about to be strapped on a desert like a deserted island i believe there's one food yeah absolutely if i got taco bell i'd be like very upset at kickstand no i i'm actually with you that wasn't i once again kind of like mcdonald's i haven't had it in a long time and i thought it would be better the taco bell number one was a lot like the avatar movie from james cameron it's just super forgettable uh that's like i i don't even remember eating it now like this was just filmed and i don't even remember eating taco bell that day it's like trying to remember a dream you had a week ago it's just so forgettable it's the second you finish the number one from taco bell you forget that you even ate anything and then you'll plan your next meal because you just totally [ __ ] forgot about it i wouldn't be surprised if your body forgot about it like the calories you eat from the number one just disappear in your body but i mean it's not bad it wasn't great i think b tier is probably a little generous i'm just going to bring it down to a c because there's really nothing good about it nor is there anything bad about it could i get a uh number one without a drink oh i forgot wendy's even has french fries holy [ __ ] that's exciting these look good these look like grape fries those do look good not as good as pdq but pretty good the fresh never frozen beef oh wow that looks wonderful let's see if all that marketing on twitter actually indicates quality yeah it's pretty good the square patties innovative i like the unique spin on an old classic yeah that's good that's just like straight up good buns much less spongy than it was at mcdonald's that's nice it's nice all right looks like there's some mayo on there there's a little bit of mayo a little secret sauce it's got a lot of flavor now that's a lot better yeah oh it's kind of the bat symbol now danny i don't think there's room for you to bite unless you want to try but there's a lot more meat to filling ratio than the others you want to bite then no i'm getting that let's get it danny get in here come on be part of the family matt filming he said danny came in here saying wendy's at the worst fastest food he's ever had no no i think burger king is the worst oh right right here projectile vomits let's go and taste the square for sure that's what i was saying the square really adds flavors those corners wendy's was a real surprise hit here this bad boy really came in and slapped my cheeks when i wasn't expecting it i was actually shocked by the quality of the meal maybe i just got a really good burger from wendy's where the chef kissed it with like some nice lipstick on or something to bless the burger i don't really know but it was a really solid burger the whole meal was and by the whole meal i mean the burger and the nine fries i got so i'm just gonna have to give wendy's an eight tier she can absolutely keep talking [ __ ] on her twitter cause she's definitely above the other ones so far unless of course pdq learns what technology is and starts tweeting my first five guys meal in a decade or so you're gonna love it i'm four fast food for three fast four foot how many [ __ ] fast food meals deep am i i think we're four this is your fifth okay optimal wow these fries look great they're really good you did not overhype those they're very hot love them oh very hot the grease pouring out of it on my tongue it's just flavor this is so [ __ ] hot oh my god they just made it here i'll hold it in front of the air thank you oh yeah yeah blast that bad boy for me look at the fun flaws charlie that one spot is gonna be cool yeah that's all i need i'm gonna cool too so not really a cross section oh that is yeah that looks like a lovely burger it's a nice burger there you go oh that's a is this a double patty it is that's the regular two for the price of two baby do you think we are amateurs wow that's a burger that'll put hair on your chest right there in response to this i'm dropping wendy's to a bee this burger is much better yeah i don't have any complaints it's just really good yeah i told you it's amazing you don't want to waste that one do you it's a great burger yeah can we all just share it so i don't i still how many more [ __ ] fast food places do we have oh five guys i'll get an s here that's really good but let me just take a bite off the back look at that good vibe it's an s for me too let me let me have a fry sorry i won't rate it yet there's an s nice big bite i even saw some saliva strings coming off he was salivating for that i'm not so good we're all going to be [ __ ] good tonight yes sir s-t or shits good they even crinkle cut their pickles yeah look at that are they crinkle cut pickles take a look they're not a single detail miss oh baby yeah five guys again is a place we cheated at there is no number one so we just got the most basic meal and called it a number one we just felt like we'd be doing the fast food tearless a disservice if we didn't have five guys on it so definitely needed to rate that i personally hadn't had it in about a decade and even a decade ago i wasn't a massive fan but a decade ago i had a boy's tongue now i came back with a man's tongue and i thought it was great yeah i definitely think as a s-tier for five guys is deserved and definitely does live up to the hype i've been very vocal about my opinion of chick-fil-a being overrated and just to prove a point i still think it's so [ __ ] plain it's just a blank piece of chicken in two pickles watch two pickles every time i don't think that's enough flavor but the chicken is good i just feel like it's really overrated yup pretty good all i ever have to say about it and the fries i actually like the fries though probably the best waffle for us i still firmly stand by my opinion that chick-fil-a is remarkably over hyped for what you actually get i will stand on this hill and jerk off on it till the end of time the chicken is good yes the fries are good yes but why is it worshiped and hailed as the second coming of christ in a fast food restaurant it is just pretty good it's not even great i don't know why people lose their [ __ ] mind about it and rave about it about how eating a chicken sandwich from chick-fil-a changed their life yeah i was kind of a loser in an outcast until i had one chicken sandwich from chick-fil-a slimmed out my cheeks made my jawline thicker and more defined and all of a sudden i was the popular kid in school and made varsity on the football team all thanks to the chicken sandwich i don't get it it is one slab of chicken and two pickles every time like clockwork yes you can add sauces to it and the sauces are good but it's still a very very plain meal like super plain so i'm doing it i'm doing it right now go ahead and get ready on your keyboards because it's coming in hot i'm giving chick-fil-a a b-tier i was going to go see tier but that's a bit of a disservice because like i said it is good stuff so i mean that's already better than most fast food places it's just the hype train is way too extreme for this place how are we doing doing fine just i'm just so hungry just not enough calories yet so hungry he's gonna make you throw up yeah i don't think every time i'm recording charlie in a car like like with the police thing it's him almost puking oh my god i have to fart so bad but i feel like i might just [ __ ] this is a disaster at this point in your life you should have more control over which one's gonna happen i've never eaten seven fast food restaurants in an hour i don't know what's coming out that's fair we've created a monster yeah by this point the fast food was really starting to sink in and just take over i felt like i was suffering from fast food poisoning it was absolutely brutal i felt miserable and to top it all off i was about to go to my least favorite fast food place ever burger king so i think you want a number one yeah ask for them it's a whopper it's a whopper yeah oh that's huge sanitize me let's get it let's [ __ ] get it speed run you know burger king i think is the foulest fastest the worst for last yeah at least we're finishing off with this it just smells fried the fries look good very hot good they've refined the recipe they burger king fries used to be good like in 2002 and then i don't know what happened someone took over and took a [ __ ] in the recipe but now they're better that was a good bite some fat fry very fluffy they're very meaty it's like real potato no this is like actual potato right here oh wow there is a lot of a lot of moving parts here that's like a frisbee you've got a whole onion on this side yeah wow i lost the honey that's probably for the best i like onions yeah that's bad that's not very good that's not very good the burger feels simultaneously overcooked and raw it's like this weird schrodinger's meat yeah i mean it's definitely a lot better than i was expecting like i used to think people only went to burger king to either like sell drugs or like kill somebody but looks like there's actual food there the fries are good this is not great but not terrible i wouldn't order it again i can't take another bite i don't know that i want to take a bite we should get accurate all right i'll just don't move the car for the next hour the flavor's not horrible but the texture is not not very good i thought i was drinking water that was coke so that was a nice surprise don't do it i'm trying not to this is a loner there's so many bags fast food so motion sick and [ __ ] grease sick i have like grease poisoning whatever that is i'm trying to drive really smoothly yeah it feels like it oh there's a subway there for next time quick we need their number one i'm it wasn't nearly as bad as i remembered it being maybe burger king has improved over the years it's still not great it's still probably the worst one i had that day but it really wasn't as insulting to my mouth as i expected it to be i thought i was going to take a bite of the burger and it'd be like biting into pure [ __ ] salicylic acid but there was flavor there there was an attempt made to make a burger and i could taste it you know it just wasn't the best taste in the world i'm just gonna give burger king a sea tier it's not a place i'd be rushing to go back to but if i was you know really desperate for food and the only thing that existed in the area was a burger king i would at least feel satisfied that i got some nutrients and uh yeah after eating all that fast food and i ate most of it i finished most of the meals it was absolutely [ __ ] terrible it was a not not a great experience but i did it for the sake of the tier list there is a chance that that could have skewed some of the results because of how like miserably full i was for some of the later ones but uh for now this will still stand as the official number one fast food tier list that's it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,809,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kI9oeo920LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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