The Worst Plumber Ever

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this one never mind it's pretty [ __ ] cool how does a mistake like this even happen and it's like super hot too guy is going to pull his [ __ ] face out of there and he's going to look like red skull from the avengers come on we can [ __ ] do this there's just a fireman on the other side of that wall shooting a hose through and hitting him with it ah that should help is that the end oh god this is happening oh lord it's coming in again like a [ __ ] submarine malfunction you can do this it's like when you hit a fire hydrant in gta just turn the water off is this even a plumber is this just like your neighbor who said he can fix it even i know how to handle this come on here we are we're back in the helm grandma's got the old wet back out that ought to fix it all right it looks like we finally got her under control i think but you can never be it's steaming the water is so hot it is [ __ ] steaming that guy is not getting out without third degree burns and even worse it's being filmed so he's getting burned and losing his job soon [ __ ] rough yeah he is actually just getting reduced to ash in there he's being cremated by the sink looks like we finally got it though all right now that we've boiled half the bathroom looks like we're finally good nope spoke too soon every step she takes makes like a puddle of water blast out from her footsteps jesus christ it's like a naruto running acro oh god get out of there quick earth contain no the rivers of hell have been unleashed again damn you click grandma get in there with the vacuum christ we got a code red holy [ __ ] oh no [Music] let's get another vacuum in here two is better than one and maybe another plumber because a real plumber is better than whoever this guy is jesus [ __ ] christ it's like a ride at universal oh god oh the apartment's already lost just collect your things and leave it's over it belongs to the sink now oh here we go he's got a big bucket that'll fix it let's go the reinforcements have arrived the special tools are here if we can catch all of the water we'll win it's a war of attrition we'll just catch more water than it puts out it's easy are you calling the police or something what do you mean what are the police supposed to do i'd call the police in this situation too like help a [ __ ] plumber is assaulting me with my own sink yeah i can still hear it spray this guy's gonna [ __ ] drown he's gonna literally dry drown pretty soon oh my [ __ ] god it's not even connected to the water supply of the apartment building this is coming straight from the ocean floor that guy is getting cooked by the time he finally leaves the bathroom he's actually just gonna look like larry the lobster from spongebob oh jesus christ how is that even happening did we beat it is the boss battle over man water levels are always the worst am i right jesus christ what a disaster oh good idea reroute the water into the toilet now maybe if we're lucky we can overflow the septic tank and have it shooting [ __ ] water throughout the apartment too yes oh [ __ ] oh god jesus lord we're back for more yeah i'd say so it is definitely ruined you pissed off aquaman and he's he's not taking it easy here today oh it's it's the calm before the storm i have a feeling it's coming back upstairs [ __ ] what the hell is this [ __ ] this is worth [ __ ] thousands yeah that's that was a really dumb argument i'm not turning the water off because it's a hundred dollars meanwhile the whole apartment is ruined oh god [Music] it's even more aggressive now you pissed it off in phase six of the fight jesus christ that man is getting pressure washed right in his goddamn mouth i at least respect that he hasn't just given up if it was me i would have just left i would have just walked up and like i [ __ ] retire i'm done good luck i would have just [ __ ] busted the sink and leave oh man that is that is a disaster in there looks like we finally i think we've finally beaten it hey at least we at least we've stopped it before it caused any major damage we got ahead of this one it could have been a lot worse good work team [ __ ] yeah textbook i'm thinking maybe like a three star review on the plumber's services maybe no the plumber i don't think it was the plumber's fault it must have just been something with the pipes the plumber did everything he needed to everything by the book the apartment complex requires a 150 fee to be paid every 30 minutes the water is turned off holy [ __ ] so it's entirely the landlord's fault and obviously the plumber wilmer confident in his abilities and armed with his trusty five-gallon bucket knows that he will always get her return business if he pulls this off he gets underneath the sink and unleashes a 90 psi torrent of steaming hot water hey if anyone can handle 90 psi's of boiling water it's [ __ ] wilmer wilmer ain't got no problem with that his skin is made out of steel god damn it for all the morons who complain that i should have put down the camera and helped this waterlogged jackass i chose not to help for liability's sake and instead document the incident absolutely the right call i know for a fact and it's probably not like this now but i guarantee a lot of people are like why the [ __ ] didn't you help like as if he's supposed to do something what he's supposed to do start doing like water bending techniques to put it back in the wall like there's not a whole lot of wiggle room for two people to be handling the same glory hole down there under the sink so him filming is absolutely the best call plus then if he helped and it still did this he would then be liable for some of the damage i imagine no doubt he made the right call for sure
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,020,504
Rating: 4.976438 out of 5
Id: u-oYwH7ur4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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