Double Dogbone Interchange for Olympic Sports Island in Cities Skylines #Teaville

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hello everybody welcome back to city skylines with me biffer here in the city of at evil and thank you so much for all of your suggestions all of the comments that you left in the last episode I'm really excited to start building some of these things you suggested my oh my the list was huge I said what other things would you like to see in the city and boy oh boy you've come up with so many things let me very quickly run through the list mountain resort with cable cars I mean look at the mountains we have around here look there are so many mountains in the distance and if we just go like this I reckon at some point we could have a nice little village up around this little mountain section here and it's got access to the road it's got access to the river there's loads of stuff going on and that will be one thing that we want to do canals yeah island parks with ferries loads of islands around here we've got like little island section around here which we can work on don't why I'm gonna sword out in the water there's that little Ireland's up here in this big Island section up here we can have a village on I think there's another one over here this section here so yeah definitely gonna do that get some fairies go in and also canals connecting up some of these waterways and things and I think that would be a zoom zoom zoom a fantastic idea train roundabouts we need to sort out the Train Network I'm gonna have a set foot Freight in here we have an exterior you know external train Network we're gonna get that going zoo theme park cities around the map spoken about that and one of the things that was mentioned that I can't believe I didn't think of at all here we go in our lemonade factory people said why why is that not your iced tea factory ah there we go in our making iced tea and lots of money from it good right so today what we're gonna do is I would like to set up a Sports Arena area that's gonna take out most of this island now I was thinking sort of Olympic Games Park sort of size thing that's what we go in for mandiboy movies I should just unlock the law we've got the money but anyway so this Islands here we've got access to Road and put a nice Junction in we've got access to rail so we can have that coming in and then that can run all the way down into our main hub that we've got down here and yeah I think that is gonna work really well so first of all I want to find a cool-looking intersection that's gonna go on here and give us access to this whole island and something else I forgot to mention I have been collecting some assets as well so if I just put in here Sports Village so these are some of the assets I've collected we've got some nice stadiums sports halls all this sort of thing that's gonna go in I've also got a load of tennis things I've also got some other stadiums and that sort of stuffs and that is the idea at one of the junctions I'd like to use is either this one here we've got a fourth floor intersection looks a bit boring I think but there was another one that I picked out and I did put the tanks ports on it here it is four-way intersection with dog-bone this one actually looks like it could fit in quite well right there there we go that looks like it's gonna work very good probably gonna need to remove some trees but yeah let's get this thing hooked up okay there we go it looks like as well it's already got Lane mathematics built in which is fantastic so we've got these lanes going off down here to splitting out there which is great to merge into one yeah depends on how busy it gets you may change that we've then got four so probably could actually do with changing a carpel of these to make Lane mathematics like here for two split off that needs to be two in the middle and then one comes back on so that could be three going through there plus another one back to four yeah we'll see how it goes anyway I'm not going to fiddle with it for now but that thing looks epic doesn't it and they went out each side we've also then got access to the rest of our city I'm just wondering whether that curds oh whether we could just join in here somewhere cuz things are getting pretty busy maybe we'll leave that we'll leave that for now so while I'm putting this area together you guys and girls need to come up with 80 related sports theme related name that we could use for this area I'm thinking Olympic Games it's gonna be huge it's gonna have all these different sports things on it's gotta have some sort of T related name let me know in the comments and we can see what we can get going for that so either end of this just for now I'm thinking of putting some extra large roundabouts so let us do that turn off the Anarchy mod that we're gonna have one there and then we're also gonna have another one here and this one's getting quite close to this water over here so I may just need to change that that's good and this has already got a three lane road going each way so what I am gonna do here I think I'm gonna doing some lane mathematics down here because these rooms ain't gonna match up if we do that they're gonna go straight through and then we'll do a little bit of lane management here unfortunately you can't do this with the quick shortcut there we go so we're gonna make sure that these guys go straight through there and these guys go straight to there there we go excellent so then we can have some loads coming out in different directions I was just thinking I want this Junction here just to be for this island and not connect anywhere house and I think that would definitely help with the traffic so let's connect up this side as well oh just laying out some roads also say the city [Music] okay this is what I normally do and I'm trying to sort of work out some road networks for an area just start placing roads down see where my imagination takes me and yeah I've got this one running underneath both sides here so if people want to move around within the island and they don't have to go through this Junction here so you know that's a good tip for your traffic give people options on where to go definitely and I think I want to move this one a little bit further whereabouts so if we need to add some other loads into here we have some space [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so I'm slowly just going through adding some roads off of some of these areas that we can put some of our buildings off of I think I'll stop there because I want to make sure that we've got room now for our train lines are come in so I'm gonna need some sort of fancy Junction along here somewhere we do have a bit of space and then I want to run the line to sort of through to the middle over here or maybe this section here and then I'm gonna have buses and shuttles that take it around the rest of the area okay I'd like to have this multi platform in station here because it's far enough away from the other one which is all the way over here so it's gonna have its own connections to different places around our map but now I'm doing this I reckon this big outside road here needs to have some sort of cool transportation network built into it and I definitely think that our monorail would work here really well it means downgrading this road from a six-lane to a four-lane but it's the same size and look we can have this model out when the more aware work underground no it won't so we'd have to change something else there but yeah this would be a no I want to go round here at the outside like this all the way around not this one down here yeah and I think that would be really really good I'll work out what's going on with the underground section but then people have got access from our train line to the monorail and then round the outside of this entire entire thing I think they're happy fantastic let's just change this little in a road here huh ba-ba-ba-ba-bom we're gonna go for this one sticking with the road with the trees because I like some where is that gonna go round there down that yes I want to change that to change this over here I'm thinking I might connect that over here somewhere just to get some sort of cohesion that can stay the same yeah that's fine and then how we're gonna connect this going across here hmm I hadn't thought of that because it doesn't go underground obviously it can go over ground pretty high do we want to get it that big I changed my mind I just ran them straight up and over the top here and I think that looks fine and I've done exactly the same over here works well with the slope doesn't look too herky-jerky I might just smooth this bit out here but apart from that I think that's good so we need to work out where we're gonna put our stops around the place let's just go from there to there yeah that's smooth that's much better so we're gonna have a few different stops probably down some of these roads here yeah that'll work well that'll connect up with fne house that we've got going on so let's just take a look at what stations we have I think then you've got the normal stations yet monorail station with road that could be good and then we could try and squeeze that onto the end of these like that and then can i with the anarchy mod just run that over the top with the trees and would it look okay oh yeah the trees are low enough for it not to be a problem I think that is what we're gonna do around here in these different spots and because it's an exact right angle here you get the monorail coming in and going out quite happily as well so we've got one two three four I think now cover all of those areas and then of course we need one down here as well right outside the train station I'm thinking we may go for a little road coming off of here and having it up there instead let's maybe do that and see what that looks like yeah I think that'll work well no can put some decoration in here in between so that's the monorail then we need to get our train line sorted and I want it to connect to this I'm thinking of having the junction here and having the train coming straight down here would work well and also we need to sort of commit these together let's have a quick look how we did that before I ended up having them all yeah there we go merging down into two lanes and then into one lane and then I went into a junction yeah okay so something like that I think would work quite well [Music] right so now we have all this set up we can set up some routes and then we might just see whether we can start sticking some buildings in after we've got all this roadway done so I'm gonna have a line here that's all we haven't connected all of these up that line is not gonna work let us just connect up these last let's just follow this around that's okay we've got this roundabout over here and that's got to go straight across and that is fine there good right so I'll set up some routes here we're gonna have one going clockwise and one going anti-clockwise the way I always do it okay so that is our monorail line setup then I want a train station line going from here all the way over to our other big main train station let's have that on this outside one here and I'm gonna have that go all the way through there all the way down here through the mess that we've got and all the way over to this main one here let's do one with that and he stops yeah that one there Oh shall we go yeah let's go that one there and then it's gonna go all the way back again and here we go and that will connect up fantastic that is what we want to see and that's gonna be train line for which with a quick flick of a mod we'll end up changing its name and color we go number four to our sports village fantastic so people can now get over here and I'm going to put some water pipes in and hopefully the electricity will sort itself out once we start putting some buildings in and they can all connect together okay so let's take a look at some of these buildings now I really wanted to fit in this AFL stadium just because it is so huge it doesn't seem to necessarily need to be put up against a road oh man I'm not left any space for this massive thing to fit in somewhere okay we've got some space here now I'm just gonna it doesn't seem to be road accessing things here so I'm gonna just plot this down and see what we've got there we go so we've got part of pounds here yeah it just seems like it's got a lot of past connections but it works with the match day thing as well so that is good so maybe that's all it needs is some path access and it will work which will be absolutely fantastic so we can run some parts around here okay there we go I think that'll work well we've got our disabled parking lots our other parking lots and our charging parking lots as well so I think that's gonna go well we'd certainly gonna have to do a lot of detailing in this area for sure and let's just have a quick look so we've got a track-and-field stadium which is quite large as well if somebody's a bigger than I thought we might just need to delete a couple of these rows I'm gonna delete that road there pop the truck infield stadium yeah yeah that works well doesn't it we've got a little parking lot the way to get in and in the stadium there yeah that'll be good we've got AFL Stadium we've used that one theater of Wonders I picked that one because I thought it looked really nice and that could be a nice little you know something for people to come in and visit I think that was squeezing it just there a nice cool looking building this is gonna be an area where people are gonna come and spend lots and lots of money I am sure tennis will come back to that I definitely want my observation tower in here somewhere okay I've got this luxury hotel that I'd like to put in but I want a special lot sort of parking lot outside the front so we're gonna go like that yeah I think that'll work well let's pop where is it there but the back I think that will fit in nicely there yep that's good and then if we get our parking lots out again let's have a look one of these that one's quite small ones the large one if we go from one side to the other like that yes that works what's that works really well and then we can put in our decals and yeah that'll look fantastic there we go I think that worked really well and then along here got some disabled parking area as well I mean what I'm gonna do here is just to stop trucks cars and anybody else coming through here so SOS recycling no trucks no taxis no that no just cars in fact not even SRS vehicles they can take the long way around and that will be just for people that need to park there I think that goes really well I mean I'm just sort of putting these things down seeing how it looks seeing how I feel about it I'd like a tennis area as well I'm thinking I'm gonna utilize this space down the side here so let's just run a road off of here and let's take this one here yeah you can run that straight down the side to there and that's a little different tennis courts that was quite big I think that's actually a Tennis Club yeah so that might be able to be the first one that you come across so let's just add a row who's coming up there and that can be like the admin building something like that the tennis club's got a couple of courts in the back then what have we got here we've got clay oh that one's quite big we've got a large tennis club with grass actually it's quite nice and then a couple of small ones as well a tennis stadium which could be good and then some maybe training ones out the back as well what's this one here tennis clubhouse even but let's pop that alongside this one I like that I like that beginning to start to feel a bit like Wimbledon a maybe maybe [Music] there we go a nice little practice tennis court area I like that don't forget we will be doing some more beautification at a later date at a later date so don't worry your little heads about that [Music] hey I think that looks pretty good as a tennis area doesn't it some clay court some little practice courts over here you've got the stadium over here for when you got some big amounts like a volleyball court rather than the tennis court then I supposed to be tennis and then he got these larger ones here and the undercover ones if the weather gets bad and then of course we need a parking lot area which I think will be perfect right here so what do we have at the moment a huge train station here we have our tennis area we've got our AFL football stadium none of this has any power huge parking lot although not many people home for them using cars but I like the way it looks luxury stadium we have arena for something I can't remember what this are you a basketball arena that's right we've got a baseball area over here and then if we swing around this side I just like this the droser Villa Stadium we've got whatever that was called I can't remember because it looked good got a track-and-field you've got like another little football stadium down here something a little different then we've got our swimming area over here in gymnasium and stadium and in the look at tower and then around this as well I would also like to put and let's have a look let's have a look so I am gonna redo a little area here we're gonna take that bit out it's gonna be this and we are gonna put that as do this one here leisure which is the one I'm looking for this one tourism which is the one that gives you hotels got to be this one yeah hotel accommodation this one here in thought and square again give me a name related to the area and tea and all of that so we will definitely put some big buildings in here and see what sort of hotels we will get and I may even add a few more little roads in here to fill up that but we're gonna do that and see how that goes leave it pause for now and this area over here I'm gonna set this one up as a leisure specialization so to get some people coming out here to enjoy that stick a few buildings in here [Music] and while we were growing all these things up and yes it's starting to look nice I've realized I've just lost an absolutely ton of money by placing all of these things oh dear so if you haven't seen my trick before and how to get a load of money back you just whack everything up to maximum there we go run your game on the fast until you get your money back again and before people start leaving turn it all back down and hopefully we can balance things out a bit here whoops hadn't even considered how much this was gonna cost us all so while I go and sort out all the money problems that this area has got let me know what you think of it in the comments below I know there's a lot more to do in this area beautification all sorts of things so we're gonna get to that in the next episode subscribe so you don't miss out on that one and I will see you all very soon thank you for watching take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 182,496
Rating: 4.952003 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, swindon magic roundabout, magic roundabout cities skylines, cities skylines roundabout, teaville biffa, teaville city skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city
Id: hg1CRaY7y24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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