Let's Play Werewolf LIVE with Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra!

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I had to do a double take when I saw the second Jane creeping behind Luke.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/ContrivedCucumber 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello everybody hi welcome greetings friends hello there's always one there's always one to this most macabre of tale we're never getting invited back to dice breaker guys bang goes the channel yes need I remind you that this is dice breaker where we are this is the second of our werewolf streams with extra and it's it's washed ice breaker the channel you're already watching flippin last week's stream on its head I will be running the games this week which means Luke will be werewolf every time baby hapless or potentially as you probably know dose breaker is all about tabletop games and their fault we love rules yeah differently this week in that we're gonna have to Wales and rather than one way because it was definitely me every time it 100% success rate for the villagers last time and we thought let's mix things up a bit so we're gonna start these first games with two levels villagers obviously a seer we're gonna keep the healer in but I think after one or two games we're gonna swap the healer for the hunter because I just think it would be very funny to give one of you a crossbow Johnny in my experience things can always be improved with use of crossbows so talk amongst ourselves for a moment while I roll this d6 and determine who among you will be guys it's not me this makes for a stream we did look so outrageously tame where there was only one well yeah and now there are two seems multiplying and I like anthropic Kass getting a little bit of housekeeping and just say I insist all the way through when referring to two werewolves we say werewolves we think it's where's wolf [Laughter] the where a little bit of housekeeping as well last week I meant to make this joke but never got to you because of my technical difficulties so while you're here if you if you haven't already on a spree oh boy please make sure you like and subscribe alright I'm going to technical difficulties [Music] right alright we're back Ellen if you learned your lesson technical difficulties again okay so okay your chat messages in zoom if you have a message with a roll in it you must adopt that roll if you have no message at all you are a villager you are mundane you are probably everyone special in their own way Johnny sorry you are specialist like Johnny you can grow up to be anything you want or the Cryptkeeper i go around saying indeed detail that is that is all that is being discussed in the the horrible village in which you all find yourselves living this is horrible I'm a bit nervous about trying to keep up with Luke's descriptions because they were amazing this is a village that never sees enough rain for crops to prosper and yet it sees just enough rain for the paths to always be mowed and you can also hear cats fighting in the background it's an ill omen guys it's an ill omen the cats are fighting like cats and dog gets keep out cats keep off werewolves you wear a cat around your neck keep those werewolves right away doesn't exist in this universe we had a curious hot rod or werewolves in this universe and we chose werewolf this is village in which all ales whether corporeal or emotional or mental are solved with the application of mustard plasters everyone plaster as it sounds it's literally the schmear mustard on you and then they just put sticking plaster over it goons to be used to like kickoffs and stuff but here it's used to cure everything so everybody smells incredibly strongly of musters and there's nothing you can do about it like Germany is half chairman okay I was gonna say my dad's name is Wolfgang by the way that came from the non-jews officious no lease you shouldn't have revealed that dynamite information your family because you're a gang of all psychic use well we are actually going to start in the daytime no last time we started at night but this summer I want I want the villages to have a fighting chance to argue amongst themselves I mean we can just basically accuse someone right now even before the murders of stuff well actually in actuality what I should probably do is ascertain for the viewers at home whatever you know what will start in the night face on it let's go to the night okay well that's the thing I'm going to ask you all to close your eyes okay alright kind of like a werewolf laughter me werewolves would you please open your eyes so that you can be known to one another and could you also werewolves indicate a victim for this nights werewolf furry okay werewolves thank you very much SIA could you please open your eyes so that the people who may know you can you please indicate a person hoops you would like to investigate Thank You Sayer please close your eyes Gila would you please wake up and indicate a person you would like to protect this evening thank you very much healer please show your eyes obviously the Sun rises you will wake up what you don't you you wake up as per normal with the smell of mustard stinging your sinuses tears streaming down your eyes but what's this there's another odor on the wind it is the smell of no it certainly looks like but as you emerge into the sunlight you find that Andy's poor form stretched across one of the muddy pathways of the village this is why we normally start in the daytime faced over at least alas [Laughter] okay so now that there are two werewolves that means that out of Jane and lolis and Ellen and Mike two of you o werewolves that gives me so few people to trust my straight way think Mike is suspicious cuz he's screaming at you and oh you know those wearables it's a highly emotional situation with anyone liking killed I think Holies look just cuz I spoke first I'm the I'm trying to keep some calm in the village would anyone like I'm just getting good would anyone like to come forward is the healer or seer I don't why don't you think that's wise Ellen why cuz you don't want to be sniffed out you werewolf comes forward then the werewolves can kill the healer immediately and then no one else can come forward because they're not safe and also sounds like werewolf logic to me okay I guess I guess I make sense so who had who who wanted Andy dead well I realize then there's literally I'm not hating me I just I'm not hating the idea is that a formal accusation like these I think we have to try right at this point like oh we have to try and kill Mike we can't stop a kangaroo court on I think we should try a formal accusation on I feel like right Luke jumped in immediately and start accusing people which is like full werewolf behavior so you do what you like but Mike leaned in close to the webcam and make eye contact with it I vote for Mike what the guilty is look at the town pella runs to and the enormous horn that stands in the middle of the village and is blown for such occasions as we're going Mike every single time to hastily organized a trial and possibly set somebody ablaze he blows it and it goes and everything smells more like mustard but now Mike you stand accused of being a werewolf what do you have to say in your defense well a I'm not well wolf and B just let's just see what happens if you if you decide to kill me let's just see what happens so I'm saying that's Chuck took control of the debate early doors stared it in the direction you wanted well favorite normal behavior bonzi where else behavior if it was yeah why he like he's getting what you want and I don't know about you Mike I think I'd make a pretty cowardly werewolf mostly be like quietly I just I don't know pick off children or something just is it is Mike not Luke who's on trial and it is time to put it to a vote can you raise your ordinary human hands on the count of three if you want Mike yes there's so many more rules in this case on the count of three raise your hand if you would like Mike to be lashed to a steak and burned one two three well that's he would want it we're doing this in his memory Mike you are seized to drag to a nearby conveniently placed stake where people tie you to the stake and find enough fire words to to set you ablaze you have to endure about twenty minutes of jokes about how you thought mustard was heart this is going to be extra spicy etc the mustard an accelerant it is yes a man comes running down the village holding a bottle of mustard with a flaming rag in the top she throws in an arc lands at your feet and immediately all of the wood catches fire and you are swallowed in a blaze your skin starts to crackle like crackling pig but if you are making any animalistic noises whatsoever they don't sound like a pigs noises they sound more like a well we got we bagged us a werewolf folks just lost control of myself there that was the final sound the villagers are overjoyed some of them tried just like to sample werewolf meat in a bun with some mustard it's bad needless to say all of this activity and excitement and the newfound worries about mega werewolves very tiring you will go to sleep I would never sleep again I'm just gonna point out like werewolf attack it happened at night per tetra right one remaining werewolf could you please wake up and indicates your victim thank you very much werewolf go back to sleep now please see ya could you please open your eyes and indicate somebody you would like to investigate Thank You SIA please go back to sleep healer could you please wake up and indicate a person that you would like to protect thank you very much hila pleased to be going back to sleep the night passes everybody away and returning to the scene of not crime because it was a trial everyone sort of goes and was a town sorry I'm dead everyone goes to look out over the the crisp body of Mike the werewolf possibly to see if anyone else tried sampling the meat and everyone is there Ellen is there Lucas there Jane is there lowly's is there just another another day in mustard town sweet we don't with the werewolf threat okay right time to become complacent okay I went after the healer or the healer managed to protect the right person what was that about the healer so they either either they went off to the heat right or the healer protected the right person either the way that the heater protected the right person then yes default gila move is usually self I'm only gonna come forward because I had suspicions before the night began and the reason I healed myself is because I had a feeling Jane was gonna come for me why Jesus Jane was gonna come for you when Mike's wellness was revealed Jane kind of did have a little head shake and I don't know if it was like involuntary or not but good enough for me because we're 50/50 now so you don't really want to show you a hand or anything but I'm actually this year and who did you investigate round one Jane its Luke I investigated Andy on the first night and Luke now wait okay who did you investigate the first night then and II and what did it come at and what was the answer obviously you're not well but did he have another role was either or the healer okay no you can accuse me of many things including being a werewolf but you can't accuse me of legal easing alright I alright we cards we can sing on the table I guess I'm a villager I'm not any anyone of note I'm not a healer or the seer I am just plain video so and II may have been the other one we don't i'm the plain old villager i'm a plain old villager problem is i can't trust anyone can we that's that's just my accent don't worry about it lolis well i mean he was the first to speak he was it's fully Jane that accusation came flying out of Jane at me so Mike would never turn on Luke if Luke was the other werewolf because yeah I've turned on his own werewolf oh yeah like I should have thought of that Thank You Lily's face very good it's Jane is Jane I accuse Jane I made for my class round why would I vote for the other werewolf well because you're gonna you're not gonna not vote are you because I appear to be doing just that Jack I choose Jane is not seized this time you sort of gently guided towards the area where all of the sudden trials happen a lot of the people attending the trial at just straight-up confused because they thought no one died last night so this werewolf thing was all ironed out but nonetheless you stand by [Music] anyway right now the trumpet is a very good instrument to pubs insinuating that Mike Mike's flatulence is anything other than extremely musical Jane you stand accused of being a werewolf what do you have to say in your defense it's all good we've got me so it's like no you're right I can't mask this how do I burn me - you'll get a burn anyway right so why would I share my werewolf Intel maybe you'll make a great case it will burn someone else no I don't I think it's too late I think if we if we burned if we burn someone who's not your wolf then it gives the werewolves a gigantic advantage Jane are you the werewolf wait okay that was three if you want Jane to be executed for being a potential werewolf one two three it is unanimous Jane the crowd falls upon you and they tie a series of cans to the back of your trousers by string and then they start chasing you and they make a maddening noise one eventually you cannot let lie any longer and you start turning around in circles trying to catch these damned cans until eventually The Metamorphosis is complete and you are indeed in your own tail Jane turns into a werewolf with a bunch of cans tied to her tail and then she shot with like 50 crossbows a happy ending dissolved in mustard and the the winning streak of the villagers continues unbroken that was a good one you so nearly had it Jane when you were like hold on if it wasn't for the fact that somebody had brought up that I think it was you Jane you brought up that Mike had pounced on Lou because I was kind of thinking or maybe Luke is the werewolf and then you're like oh yeah Mike jumped on Luke and I was like hold on that makes no sense at all yeah and II was to see her it's so much harder in doing the wind but we're all back in now we nailed it at this point what we're going to do is I'll give out roles and then we'll close our eyes have them identify themselves to the audience and then we will start in the day phase so there's no chance of anyone being eliminated before they get the chance system again so here comes real personal [Laughter] Mike and Jane with the werewolves and agree to target nd early doors early I guess that's how it went down according to Alan according to Alan everyone hates me anyway I mean I mean in the fiction of the game world you selling people subpar mustard it was just couldn't sit with everyone you were just too much of a threat to be left alive yeah and we didn't even know you were the seer at the time so it was just we had to take you out because for your legal easing which is actually so we said it wrong it's eglise all right so we have our roles distributed if you do not have a message from me it is because you are a villager and you are just going about your business and I have no cause to trouble you okay so with that would everybody please shut their eyes and go to sleep werewolves will you please wake up so that you can be known to one another and the audience Thank You werewolves you now go back to sleep healer could you please wake up and identify yourself to the audience Thank You Gila SIA could you please wake up and make yourself No Thank You SIA please close your eyes and go back to sleep all right good morning everybody it is nice day in a different village one that seems really picturesque because it is by the water it's a lovely big lake it's always the Sun is always shining the water is always clear and there are always ducks in the lake unfortunately there are too many ducks in the lake you live in a village that is just swarmed with ducks you cannot move without kicking a duck [Music] dozens and dozens of ducks are trampled every day because there are so many ducks the Ducks do not help you've had attacks from things in the past like brigands and and bandits even vampires the Ducks do not care for human concerns and have never once alerted you to any danger whatsoever Lux Lux C to be here frankly yeah yeah what a nice stay it is here ducks yeah as as you as you sort of all go about your business in the morning an old old crone leaned out of the window or as they are called here an air duct and yes did you hear there are two werewolves here I'm told by that's this is the can I not have one NPC once is the old lady MacGuffin letter V so we do MacGuffin so yeah you-you'd so if everyone is everyone is suspicious but nobody has any conquered evidence they assessed evidence real question I have no evidence [Laughter] yeah I mean there's not been any crimes committed we can get our burning started yeah exactly burning season can start tonight there won't be any crimes committed if we successfully burn a powerful that's true yeah we could we could get a casualty free free play through yeah apart from the werewolf have to die or we could team up with the werewolves and they could go out hunting for the village the food and then we could just live harmoniously if he had like 20 or 30 ducks that's like one person you imagining a romantic tryst between the world hooks in the Ducks yeah if a duck in a well if they love each other they might have a baby just let me believe this is the villages favorite sport just like things Ducks might conceivably fall in love with and what the consequences would be the debate rages on into into the evening and eventually you get sleepy and you want to go to sleep so you do because it's the night phase and you're going to see shoulda let the CI have a puppet investigating somebody really should knife maybe we'll do that next time maybe we won't because of course the SIA will have to live until morning speaking of which werewolves please will you wake up and indicate your chosen victim thank you very much werewolves please go back to sleep healer would you please wake up and indicate the person you would like to protect this night [Music] thank you very much healer seer would you please wake up and indicate who it is you would like to investigate a little bit closer please thank you very much see ya the Sun rises the Ducks sound that morning calls how does that sound horrible if we look back at the same time we could get an idea of it 3 2 1 that was pretty good yeah it is a horrible sound but blessedly it is a sound that Mike will never have to hear again started to make a nest in his hollowed-out rib cage oh well played sorry nd gone no I was yeah I was just gonna say yeah if this looks bad for me but it's the most obvious thing if I could speak in Andy's defense I'm the seer and Ellen's a werewolf anyone else to be the seer yeah though no but I thought it might be Ellen anyway so is that formal accusation you better believe it you can only burn one person's how big the fire is we burn everyone we could get two people on the fire probably if you put them back to back on the stake it's it's technically possible but also against the rules so the the the town square is temporarily cleared of ducks for the trial which is to say that somebody comes along within an enormous an enormous broom and sweeps a bunch of ducks into a pile which then serves as the judge's table the Ducks are sort of just they're like smashed into a weird oblong gavel of Ducks head with the beak clattering against ur yes No then no they hate that in fact what it is it's it's one particular duck that is very well trained and he holds it just above the table and it goes that's how you know the judge wants attention so and a lot of Ducks are looking at you suspiciously they say something in your defense they seem to say with their little beady eyes speaking in tongues I'm a boring villager and I'm really I'm worried you can speak to ducks he's accusing me and I'm just a villager that doesn't follow at all I'm the seer III is suggested Ellen which I picked completely at random and I think the actual seer is being quiet because they don't want to come out first round that's a really dangerous but no because I'm no smoke without fire law look obviously being the seer I've opened myself up to the counter accusation I'm trying to keep everyone alive Ellen is the werewolf but I understand that obviously she is going to counter argue so what I would do is just point out the choosing Mike is exactly the kind of like strategic smart play that I think Ellen would make and I think you would all agree with me there like we were talking at the beginning of the round before I accused anyone I cover who was it who said it about like you know like I'm very smart because it makes it look like Andy did it it like I know it was a smart move to kill Mike I think for the werewolf and he may also be the werewolf I don't know you hear the pitter-patter of duck feet jandi or Jane or lolis is a is a werewolf as the judge calls for a vote so could you please raise your hands on the count of three if you would like Ellen to be put to death one two three it is as these things tend to go fairly you know we did some real good here today people the judge says Ellen I sentence you to death and the Ducks explode from his hosts early organized desk and fall upon you they know then they knock you to the ground and sort of like nibbling on your fingertips like hold you there and then the other ducks start quacking in unison almost as if they're chanting something and then a barn door swings open and through it steps terrible Jake who is this one who is kept in execution such as this no he waddles over and beat you to death with his wings your arms break first because they can do that you know and then he just keeps flapping until did all your bones are gone we're not gone they're there they're broken what does your what does your dying gasp sound like because it sound human [Music] there we go nice accusation because I always look and sound guilty so like you can't argue with the results the more terrible Jake goes for a dip in lovely Lake because he's covered in werewolf Gore now describe how he looks in this the Reds one day light catches his broad shoulders he the lucky woodsman he's quite sweaty from executing the werewolf terrible Jake is a swan now he's got this voice looks like it looks like a wonderful ruby only he's not he's a terrible Swan and yet frankly that whole ordeal even though it was ultimately good for the village albeit not fair Helen the werewolf needs to say tires you all out so you just fall asleep where you are you don't need to make at home Facebook all of you land on a on a soft bed of ducks that weren't fast enough to get out the way and you go to sleep oh mighty werewolf singular could you please awake and identify who it is you would like to have murdered thank you very much werewolf healer could you please wake up and identify who it is you would like to protect this night thank you very much healer seer could you please wake up and identify who it is you would like to investigate thank you very much SIA you go back to sleep good morning everyone you all awake and shouldn't sleep face down in the undergrowth so much stones embedded in my forehead everyone sort of everyone wakes up and looks one another in the eye to be like wow we really did fall asleep on a pile of ducks last night and some of us have gravel in our faces that's something that Louis is visibly thinking and he is visibly processing that - Jane is also alive and processing the information Luke is alive and also processing yeah it's just another day in the village bad luck werewolf you're the old crone McGuffin leans out of her window and says I miss my husband but also wasn't it don't look looks like terrible chick got all the werewolves terrible King okay here's a question I think it would be good to know who the heaters I was gonna say we're at the point now where I feel comfortable revealing that I'm the healer and last night I protected myself and so look at me Andy look in your webcam and say that again I'm bahía and last night I protected myself so the werewolf because we know that Luke is the seer so the well has to be lolis or Jane which means I know you attacked me last night and I'm Mahina I protected myself and you are covering this is what you did last time when you were trying to get out of being the werewolf lolis yeah are you the healer and that was a bit of like deception to get set the two arguing no no I made it but if you're this year who did you investigate last night because we know that it's between one of them right if you're the CEO so unless you investigated me which I did and I know you're not a werewolf I was hoping you investigative all of them and we might because then I would accused a werewolf all right if we know that lolis ism Andy Andy and Jana not in this conversation lowly's you're the only one I trust I also have wasn't the healer and I don't know I don't know it feels like jeans rage is genuine it's hard to tell I know there's a lot of look at the webcam and say outraged yeah look in the webcam look in the webcam and check and tell me and tell me you're outraged I'm outraged obviously but also I how can I prove this so who did you protect first round first round why wait my short-term memory is Andy who did you protect first round I have to protect kids at youth league you did before you knew I was the seer yeah I don't buy it what do you mean you don't buy it I think it makes more sense to protect me in the first round cuz I would have a bigger target it fell yeah it seemed obvious at the time you know I forget my thinking process behind not applying any kind of logic to the first round protection appeals as if Andy did to protect me make sense to attack her and it made sense to also protect Mike guide in the first round yeah which which which if you were trying to make it look like I was the werewolf you would kill Mike no boss is way too basic I don't feel like feeling I don't feel like the killing Mike is evidence because because it's like like I don't know everyone had a motive I'm believing James so I think I'm leaning towards Andy he's many many times she's doing the exact thing she does when she's lying we're obsessed and the looking in the it stick that I spoke the man with the diaphragm says somebody you better do it now I think I'm not sure Luke I protected you I feel like you know these guys better to know who's lying so I trust your they say 20 minutes I'm at the Kronk and turn upon the Sears head is indeed a heavy one I accuse Jane accuse Jane is tremendous healer you are just playing Ranger this is this is so textbook Jane lying it's the oh my god a courtroom made of ducks has been assembled Jane you stand in the middle of it you are adorable to make a statement on your behalf otherwise tear projects gonna come and okay here's the mess Mike's dead Ellen is also dead Luke is gonna vote for me because he nominated me not necessarily because he's the werewolf you because I'm the healer and you're not and you're saying you're the healer which is a lie so I know you're the werewolf okay well obviously I'm not the werewolf I'm the healer I let I mean I could have come out and said I was the heel of faster but then and he said it right off the bat like immediately instantly which he knew was his only play you find lolis it's very first actually yes what did she say she was said that the healer should reveal themselves and I agreed because we'd narrowed the field down it didn't occur to you to say anything until I see your house of cards is crumbling day time has come to put this too please raise your hand if you think Jane should be beaten in by a massive swan two three I really thought you might be playing alone Lee's there Luke I am disappointed I am disappointed to my core in your naivete I thought you were playing a game I thought disgusting if you thought I'd go quietly you're wrong the doors silver there is no going there is no going quiet when terrible jakers is involved james squares off against the barn doors terrible jake is is not in the barn he's already behind I can't live like a cross between somebody pressing down too hard on the jam sandwich and someone trying to catch a fly terrible Jake puts you out of your misery in one fell wing clap snap my neck yeah oh you're just that's Jane bits everywhere terrible Jake sort of just like taught us off to the lake and washes himself mournfully you think his ablutions take on a certain tone a certain time there I wish I hadn't had to kill that human woman mm-hmm oh well I'm beat I'm going to bed now you see now I'm gonna haunt you something everybody everybody goes to sleep heal the right person werewolf could you wake up and indicate who it is you would like to to murder thank you very much we're off please go back to sleep healer please wake up and indicate who it is you would like to save this evening protect have not died [Music] thank very much healer please go back to sleep seer please wake up and indicate who it is you would like to investigate [Music] all righty thank you please go back to sleep you wake up Luke doesn't Luke's dead Luke's been eat being eaten by ducks because he's been turned into tiny duck sized by God Luke oh man I guess it was just his time by a werewolf the wells now account for 50% of the population of the village which is to say that there's only one werewolf and there's only one villager and so I'm afraid well lowly's you just get you just getting by and yeah transforms into a werewolf and tears lolis limb from limb terrible Jake comes out of the barn kind of like the t-rex at the end of Jurassic Park and just rolls into the sky this is now a werewolf duck town from the same affliction which is that we just sound massively guilty no matter what we say on my mangled corpse this letter is found on me that I can amaze that Andy was how Andy played that I was a hell of a performance that was so good that was very very good well done mmm teach you order kill me in round one to never trust Andy everything I've ever said to any of you is a lie I think it's time for us to introduce the hunter is an interesting role whereby if the hunter dies lowly's I'm right in thinking it's whether by werewolf attack or voters think isn't that if 200 dykes and then I don't know I I play it's a figure the husband can kill anyone that they want at any point but they can't say that they're the hunter so if there is a discussion and to people like eggs are for example of this discussion we can't choose between two people the hunter can just shoot one and that doesn't count towards the days oh I've just given it a google this is the way I always played it the hundreds of those you that chooses a player to kill whenever the hunter is killed basically if they're murdered Thanks so in the night phase you communicate to the hunter in a no reveal game the hunter tells the moderator who to kill on the following nights or anyone has woken up so I guess that's an if I die I want you to kill okay so what if what if I'm at the end of the night phase you say Hunter's open your eyes and indicate who it is you would like to kill and that alone I guess Johnny you could hold up a thing that's like you have been killed you're toast yeah okay let's do it as a hunter please wake up and basically basically every night phase the hunt of Rights there last will and testament okay in the event of my death I won it because otherwise they'll be seen yeah that's what I mean what we'll do an eye-opening bit in the night okay cool yes there we go so we'll do that we'll get rid of the healer temper okay yeah okay so I'm gonna just work out who's who first oh I thought everyone would think that it was me because it was the triple Bluff didn't even write anything down mmm the old triple plus I'd already written Mike out I really am I really played myself in that one because revealing I was the seer I was like this will be fine as long as like everyone believes me we can keep accurately like choosing werewolves because like who'd so Jane you did protect me right you were they convinced me cuz that I think that would have been Jane protected lolis and then herself I guess the other thing that with the Andy did clever was like not trying to kill the seer which is the really obvious they even know he didn't know for sure with you as a CEO or not but I had said at that point yeah yeah when he okay and if you're the way I will feel you can't mean and if you're an agent of chaos I had to vote for you Ellen at that point because I see werewolf one in the end [Music] the chances suggested that maybe we should removed SIA rather than the healer alright I think I think so yes okay it's yeah it'll be a more interesting game about in that case if you have a message that says you're the seer you're actually the healer okay Dan Brown said I mean don't you just write down another person's name oh I see what you mean done no sorry Dan Brown said that sentence written I've got a book treatment I need you to look at mr. Brown you're gonna love this there's a bomb hidden inside Michelangelo's David okay everybody please go to and then Wells could you please wake up so that the other werewolf knows who you are and then go back to sleep again thank you very much the healer could you please wake up just so we know who you are great and now go back to sleep hunter could you please reveal your identity to the audience delightful good morning everybody I was so busy thinking about what the roles were that I didn't make up a new village so it's the Ducks again now knowing that the position of seer has been abolished I swooped in to try make some quick money say fortune stones meatballs moraine from the sky I can see the seer being abolished after last year when the werewolves won oh I should have mentioned you this is 40,000 years into the future Mike wrote yes from the sky terrible jake has now become a god Emperor my song about sits on the eternal throne it's hundreds of psychic ducks psychic ducks to know they are talking they still don't care for mortal concerns I for one welcome our terrible Overlord yes indeed so you basically an Inquisitor has turned up and said I need your help there is heresy here and that heresy is that you're a werewolf possibly please help me find the heretics because you can't spell heresy without hearsay he's right we have a new God Emperor level with you I'm this year I mean obviously all of that was was heresy but we'll let it slide for now as you start to sort of realize that you've been deputized by the inquisitors okay inquisitors what's the problem some kind of space wolf situation it's in your midst the midst you know that once they're into the midst the whole myths is gonna have to come out yeah once they lay eggs in their sleep then myself with a hypo stim futuristic those gamer energy fuels the x-gamer nitro [Laughter] terrible Jake puts out a psychic pulse as he is want to do that send everyone to sleep immediately because he is he is a terrible and capricious cyber Swan overlord everyone is asleep but the way of wolves wake up because they can do that because there were walls and when they do that they indicate who it is that they would like to slay in the night thank you very much we're was pleased to be going back to sleep healer could you please wake up and indicate who you would like to protect this this night [Music] thank you very much if please go back to sleep and then hunter please wake up I'm not saying you're going to die but hypothetically if you were going to die this night who would you shoot with a crossbow as one final act just in case [Music] thank you very much please go back to sleep good morning everybody did sleep the gases will enough to say I love how hipster it is for someone 40,000 years in the futures to be using a crossbow like an artisanal oak crossbow it is the morning there are lots of ducks the following people the following people are alive Luke lowly's Jane Mike Andy and Ellen all are alive on account of not being dead that'll do it well the werewolves know who the healer is now yeah you absolutely you absolute mothers I'm the healer did you oh yeah yeah that's the only way that's the only way we'll attack the healer and then if the heal is himself an epaulette if everyone's alive they know that believe me I feel like that was a really good explanation and everyone understood it but just in case there's anyone watching who did can I have again please if the werewolves try and murder someone and they don't die that means that they're the healer who healed themselves Oh actually no you're right oh oh because I was gonna be like well if say the healers should just come forward then but usually in the first round well if we believing Andy the healer has come for one else would [Music] right if you to be fair like if Andy was the healer it would make sense to you so do we think it's more likely that the healer healed themselves and the person went for the healer Andy the webcam the werewolves and the argue the healer yes did something that I would say is that if I were the healer I would always heal myself first round so that I got a go at the game because you want the healer to stick around us well is that there's no evidence to I mean there's no evidence in terms of like who the werewolves are so you can heal anyone you might as well hear yourself so you get a chance to play no I think you're right cuz like um I was the healer and last week wouldn't play at some point and I yield myself in the first round because my lysse you want me around for future heals so that's yeah yeah I thinking was that people are gonna kill me because that would be my thing the air Quivers with a mighty hunk as the five minutes to sleep gas warning is given by terrible short day out there in space having said that I Bruno Englander soft place to sleep or possibly make accusations well they still okay have you said that knowing that I'm the healer doesn't narrow it down loads I would say because we still go yeah does anyone have anything else to add to the evidence pile the thing is the other rules are nothing because nothing's happening yeah and the hunter doesn't want to reveal himself ever so I think cuz now that we know the healer is that's to die I feel will keep on healing himself he would it help the group does it help it doesn't help the group to know who the hunter is does it no me I don't know some sometimes it might mean werewolves don't kill yeah that would give the werewolf away if the whale was like but mmm but not net because the hunter doesn't leave the hunter doesn't know who killed them they just fire a crossbow bolt off wildly into the crowd yes there is a terrible and great clanking as the servos that our terrible Jake's wings burst all right do we want to just try accusing anyone there is I mean it's a two in something timer starts to fan out and he's Mike the giant servo powered let's see how he reacts okay so I always quite convinced Wendy up until the point where he just accused me okay now he said okay that was a totally random accusation but now that he's trying to turn it back on me really fair time that is suspicious I was just completely randomly oh my god okay Mike you have played yourself we have no evidence chances by randomly accusing people you're more likely to hit one of the villages than the werewolves so up until the point when Andy just accused me I was kind of convinced by a story because it seemed it seemed like I checked out right now I'm now I'm not so sure basically I understand on the east you can you can vote me if you like but I will say this I'm a villager I have no special role so no there's not gonna be a second person killed if you you notice how he's looking up into the right that's my window is his webcam mirror though his webcam might be mirrored it's funny cuz Mike was saying earlier that like he's one of those people that like when he talks he like I'll say this if you're gonna give me the benefit of the doubt at any point during this game this is the round to give you the benefit you are fixed with the steely red tractor beam gaze of terrible Jake who levitates you before his magnificence and holds you there and he gives another enormous hunk that seems to say you you have one last sentence to defend yourself with and then we're gonna vote let make Mike all I'll say is that I was I was leading the charge to say that Andi was the was the healer I was I was leading the charge so I was why would i defend him if if he what if I genuinely thought he liked was the healer and I was a werewolf so the werewolf mine sorry I think we're all I don't think anyone was thank you I was always leading the charge but like now that he's begun accusing me I'm I think he's pretty well innocent people can accuse other innocent people are knowingly that then that literally a thing that happens a lot in this game do it you do it you what terrible terrible Jake get us his hard to indicate his patients grow short the Inquisitor interprets it and says thou must raise their hands on the count of three if you wished for the bike to become for heresy one two three it shall not be so terrible Jake disengages the tractor beam immediately you full 25 foots to the ground but you are you are not injured because you've just killed 40 bucks yeah and then immediately terrible Jake having had enough of the lusts of you just flaps all of the sleep-gas at you and you all fall asleep who vote okay that time it's just another lovely night time in the Imperium of terrible Jake the mecha Swan so sleepy sleepy good night werewolves please wake up and indicate who you would like to kill well terrible Jake's all-seeing eyes is turn to Thank You whales please close your eyes and go to sleep gila as you please wake up and indicate who it is you would like to protect this night thank you very much healer please go back to sleep hunter please wake up and indicate who you would like to shoot with a crossbow if you know if the things don't go well for you tonight [Music] crossbows they just take so long to load that's the problem with them do replace the bolt another laser instead of the string that would be heresy hunter please go back to sleep good morning it is another day in the Imperium of man and also Swan and everyone awakes and goes about their business Luke goes about his business lonely's goes about her business Jane about her business Mike about his business and he goes about his business Ellen goes about her business nice try again well I'm not gonna protect myself a second night because obviously okay nice try chumps wait the only additional information we have is who voted for and against me to be killed and the typically voted for me to kill I kind of thought it would be okay to take a gamble on it and especially yes could she do yes like because she knew that I would be voting for it as I suggested it so like oh I won't be the only person voting for it telling me that to the to to people who are villagers voted for me to be put to death but the tea werewolves didn't vote tab no because you're a werewolf well maybe I think I think you still think he's oh okay it's just it I forgot if we didn't find out Mike wasn't aware right yeah enough it's split enough that the werewolves wouldn't have to vote for Mike this round so like basically the werewolf could be like hmm I'm not sure because there are enough other people innocent people going I'm not sure longer villages are around a bigger a threat to the werewolves it is yeah because I gather more information I think we do not vote for me to be killed if you were okay the only thing the only thing itself you're a werewolf yeah the werewolves what I'm saying is if you were a werewolf the other werewolves wouldn't have to vote against you in the round that we just had because there weren't enough people who were innocent who would more so vote for you that they could hide amongst okay so I think although that although they talk told us was that either Elin voted for Mike because she's a werewolf and wanted to take out or Mike is a werewolf because he suggested that about Ellen just now I didn't you you did you did so who voted for and who voted for me away that's what I said what I said was who voted for me I didn't accuse me what I just said the only people is you wanted to so that doubt about Ellen I'm just saying these are the only two bits of evidence that we've got because Ellen wasn't didn't who voted to kill Mike I did what I did randomly because we needed to accuse someone because otherwise we weren't gonna get any information using Mike's reaction for me I know Mike is someone who looks guilty all the time but it was just that that kind of there was something I can't remote it was in the logic of something that he logically said that where it was the fact that was it was the fact that as soon as Andy accused him he was like oh we should also consider who hates Andy they tried to kill him twice knowing that he was the healer and he was most likely surely won't he's not so selfish that he'll try and say yeah okay yeah it was just the fact that yeah as soon as someone accused him he was like well they're immediately a werewolf and that's not always how yeah yeah do you think about Mike right so the case what I'm trying to do is like line it all up in my head was the yeah and one of you would have expressed if you were secretly the healer you would have expressed doubt about me being accused as werewolf because you would know that Andy was lying right yeah yeah okay maybe maybe although he's accusing me maybe Andy is the what do you mean I think Andy's the heel I think I do think yeah okay okay alright cuz he looked in he looked me in the eye the last round he did two three spikes with all the backpedaling that's happening right now I feel like you're gonna duck [Music] duck making things factory saying it's quitting time yeah means that soon the sleep gas will be released I feel like you're gonna you're gonna put me to death anyway but I'm just trying to make sure you have the maximum information that you can possibly have I couldn't be Mike yeah I don't think that the conversation had really reached that point but I think that I know you're gonna put to death anyway is the sort of thing a werewolf would say to try and make it people feel like that oh maybe we're being too hasty Mike if you're not aware well who do you think the werewolves are I feel like it might be something like it might be like Luke and lolis have been very very quiet throughout all of this not so film anyone's ever said about me I feel I feel like it's it's a possibility but honestly I know as much as anyone else but I will say this if you if you put me to death as I said I'm a villager I'm just trying to work this stuff out as much as I can so that we have more information there's not a lot of information because no one's actually been killed yet all right I feel like everyone's a little nervous to like put their head above the parapet window I was tried to kill Andy twice he's what we know is given and you have mere seconds before the wings of terrible Jake spin up and put me to sleep we need we need the thing is like Evans Ellis planes are some kind of three-dimensional chess she talks but I'm trusting that you know what you okay look two possibilities I won one Ellen is playing three-dimensional chess that she knows who everyone is because she's figured it out too she's a werewolf but like I don't know I think if we working together a little bit more rather than arguing to have each other probably ahead of terrible Jake oh come on we need to take use one of them there's been an accusation swivels and with a slight error of resignation again fixes Mike in the terrible full of with terrible Jake who in fairness kind of goes like you know like a hello again so hunk greeting Mike what can we say buddy vulpine heresy held what say you I'm a villager I'm not guilty I've basically said all I can but what I will say is that at least I've been trying to garner as much information as possible so that even if I die team villager can prevail wouldn't you also want team werewolf to prevail because you do you does vindictive man I want team villager to win not team werewolf team but who were the who were the werewolves last round it was it was me and Alan thanks yeah okay and there was you know there was equal glory for them regardless of who I just I just yeah I don't I don't entirely by this the link is given Mike look at your webcam I'm ready to vote yes Krista demands that you raise your hands if you believe Mike is a heretic and should be put to the sword on the count of three one two three there is a moment of silence and then the red beam coming from terrible jokes I seems to intensify for a moment and then mic just goes and descends to the earth in a fine mist I find the resolve there is a scoreboard behind terrible Jake's head tallying all of the things he's killed ever there are some very impressive things on there like werewolves ex from you know his previous Crusades innocent humans ex one time he killed a horse you know there's a lot of things on there and as you watch the the digit on the end of the long string of numbers for innocent humans killed by terrible Jake feel good no smoke without fire though he's there poaching probably for the first time in eight thousand years terrible jake has no needs to deploy the sleepy gas because everyone has already gone to bed because that was quite harrowing he deploys it anyway he wouldn't have to because everyone's already asleep night-night time it is it is the nights time werewolves will you please wake up indicate your victim [Music] Thank You werewolves please go to sleep ela will you please wake up and indicate who it is you want to protect thank you healer please go back to sleep hunter please wake up and indicate who would get a crossbow bolt in the face were things to go poorly for you Thank You hunter please go to sleep good morning everybody the Ducks are upset and there are lots of them so on the minute you wake you know that something is terribly terribly wrong you go outside to see what fresh horrors await you in the Imperium of terrible Jake and you find that Jane poor human Jane has been split into two halves there are approximately 30 foot away from one another and it gets worse next to one half of Jane's body there lies a crossbow next to the other half of Jane's body there lies a body with a crossbow bolt in her head Ellen is dead Andy you step outside into the street oh what a beautiful day gonna have a great time here in the future gonna have a robot party you realize that there are only two other people living in the village with you and that those two people are grinning at you oh for God's sake you should have listened to Mikey that's why I want to see I was really nervous she was gonna kill one of us well I we knew obviously we knew that Andy was the healer so Jane felt like the next natural choice because well lolis chose Jane to kill but like it wasn't controversial because also like Ellen had voted to kill Mike which was quite werewolf II so I think it was better to keep her alive to try and frame now that Johnny is gone I engaged my jet pack out of the reach of the claws of the werewolves I fire up my quantum laptop I identify your solar system coordinates and immediately travel to your location I turn my wrist laser to silver I turn my entire body to quantum well the toughest part about the toughest part was not voting for Mike the first round just to have the split yeah like that he would die but then he didn't die and I was like damn why did you guys try to kill me twice and Road well the second to kill me the first time was it slowly-slowly wrote it down the second time I wrote it down and I look bad I tried very deliberately to not think about it too much because I thought that way I'll be able to more accurately roleplay it when we wake up yeah I was like they're probably gonna go for someone else but I can't take that risk okay okay but I think we did well no lolis because obviously the seed of Ellen doubt was planted in Jane's mind somehow I was definitely werewolf cuz he was like as soon as Andy went Oh Mike there might went oh you're a werewolf then and I was like that's not the logical also as the werewolves approach I choose to heal myself I protect myself oh yeah just we wait one night and eat you in the morning we all right we follow you around forever using a log werewolf life span you die of natural causes we eat you're always this hunter ruleset is I have sent out the rolls again so if you have a private message from me with a roll you know how this works that's that's you that's who you are right I just can't wait hmm yes good go to sleep everyone okay sorry whales please wake up and identify yourselves to the audience and to one another Thank You werewolves please go back to sleep healer would you please wake up and make yourself known to the audience thank you very much the healer please go sleepy dreamy night night hunter would you please wake up and indicate who you are delightful thank you very much okay everybody good morning wake up it's the middle of the French Revolution which side are we on [Music] [Laughter] obviously there's a lot going on but you all live on the same street and ruefully become aware of the fact that werewolves also live on this street oh my god which is not good duplicate roof mmm so it is in your interest before you carry on guillotine wolf that's the kind of good joke that if if it wasn't like my personal laughs with it so I couldn't save it if it was slightly less funny I could have filed it away to deploy hit but it was dynamite it blew my head open no you know full well the French Revolution is very important but before you can sort of get on with the business of living through it and sort of seeing how that all goes you should probably find these werewolves hmm you saw me yeah move wolf Robespierre he's one mm I'm gonna roll the d12 to see which are Indies Mon you live in okay Shane come on the sixth [Music] there's no good boot lingeries there no sorry yeah like they claim that Northern Marais buzzing enclave of him I said I love them around mr. Avila either eateries and shops in Wales there's a really good falafel place they're great well if we survive whatever I was going to say having red levers arrived I have an intensely detailed knowledge of the sewer system in Paris they all down there good I go to live there okay so yes you you have werewolves in your midst which is troubling and you should have a chat about it among us and I believe yes counter-revolutionary ideas I would like to throw myself on the ground and say werewolf masters I am but a humble villager I would like to play at this point that I have no special powers whatsoever and hope that it makes me not a target interesting shall we should we then logically conclude that you have had just enough wine to make you sleepy and want to go to bed everyone I could know if we all eye contact the webcam we can't look at each other we have to go one at a time I'll go first all right Luke you're walking the desert and you see a turtle on your back what song do you play to it to encourage it having read lay mr. habla i simply speak to it in a lot of the French slang of of olden times I know you know fun fact it wasn't actually the French Revolution in which difficult the belly I control the technical difficulties fear I just like to read out the super chat we just got from Kim Bo weenie that says if the wells are bourgeois what do they do with the silver spoons oh they can't put them in their mouths they cannot a very very good question all right you you you you drink wine you take a moment to stab Robespierre in a bathtub you stab rose fear in a bathtub and take some time to just sort of look at each other's faces for a bit and then you all retire to your your separate beds and say yeah artists garret you say yes say goodnight to Perry bunny and everyone goes leap werewolves would you please wake up and determine a way more key a key a more ardent yeah where is more where is defi where's the death being directed I should have made this Spanish done this dad Linnaeus done los wells [Music] [Music] Thank You owls please go back to sleep healer would you please wake up and indicate who it is he would like to protect this this night thank you very much the healer please go to sleep hunter please wake up and indicate who would be taking a crossbow bolt to the face if they kill you okie-dokie thank you very much everybody wakes up hunter right it's not it's not that they get a crossbow bolt if they try and kill you it ain't talking I kick usin right I don't sorry what was the question the hunter fires a crossbow bolt at someone regardless of whether that is the person they trick that tries to kill them or not right when you bull's-eye Delon straight to just remind me the the three colors of the French flag are blue white and yes the street is awash with red [Music] showing the Aristo load of Angry Men because lolis is very very dead oh she has been murdered with some machine guillotines she was not guilty well the instruments of her undoing were indeed sort of edged these were more like teeth and claws alarmingly there also seems to have been a firearm involved oh oh there is a crossbow at his feet and as one shot one kill everyone who walks around in the morning eventually somebody points out to Mike that even though he is up and around and walking he's dead he appears to have a crossbow bolt embedded in his back okay okay okay hit look let's all go Ricky let's all go round and make an observation that they believed to be true I'll go first okay I don't think that Mike is the way why are you first because on my screen I'm on the top left [Laughter] I don't think that Mike is the werewolf because I think the werewolf would have been mad to have spoken up during the ice close phase to correct the the key ooh bit of French I think if Mike had had his eyes open then there's no way he would have said shouldn't that be interesting Johnny because that's a good point that would sound too conversational but it slightly meta so I I don't think mike is the well because of that I think Andi then afterwards also spoke during the like nights out lights out eyes closed phase however I'm more likely to believe that Andi if he was the werewolf would have the sense a few seconds later to be like I should probably say something it's gonna make me look really unkilled t like what what would be a nun guilty thing to say well you said like donde I said that you know just to say something aloud you know yeah that's my observation neutral observation but it's wild that you are arguing both sides with the same evidence okay well okay observation from me I'm the healer again and I protected Mike because I felt bad about him going no I don't believe it okay it is it is true I even had a second post-it note that said I felt bad so that the audience would know no he can't you know you can't Julie written extra things right now I could I can show you a post-it note surely it breaks the game if we can show you would point in a game in in in meatspace as well we will disallow post-it things okay all right well I said all I want to say so wait lowly's is dead yeah unfairly okay Mikey's been shot but I'll show you she actually had her doubts about Mike would the hunter like to come forward [Laughter] mistakenly I did it to you in the last game and then you murdered me okay I merely a conduit through which tell me why you tell me why you saved Mike Andy it's genuinely because I felt bad about last time I was like oh I think this is coming off a bit antagonistic I'm going to save Mike because then look nice tell me how you move tell me Andy who will you save next night I don't say because that'll tell the werewolves and then they will just kill someone else what else and no one else is coming forward to say they are the heel so no one's contradicting me I think James our werewolf I'm just getting a vibe there's no I I am intrigued as to why loli thought that Mike for now I just think she's very good at I don't think she I mean she didn't have any yes she didn't know anything to go off she's a random person hmm but I know another way we've been playing it okay this sounds quite suspicious from Ellen no no I'm just a little it's just because I play this with my friends a lot I'm making this many different ones so I'm just double checking you can hear from the barricades not too far away the revolutionaries are starting to sing [Music] getting around going you get the you get the impression the revolution is just try to tell everyone to go to bed in it in a couple of minutes oh no I'm rolled up Louella Alouette I accuse Jane there is ideas look we're all in the French Revolution what are you gonna do you gotta trust you get you got a choice your trust you got circular ceiling whoever just gives you a bad vibe and I just have been not getting a very persuasive I'm not a werewolf vibe from Jane motivations the moment the accusation is given a guillotine springs up from the ground they all want to do at the moment and Jane you are you sort of stand in front of it you are accused of being a werewolf what say you what happy to say ye I've tried and failed before to make an emotional case so I'm not gonna do that because I'm gonna try to do four dimensional chess it Andy claims to be the healer and healed Mike Mike Glenn should not be aware Wolfe yes across my thought he was healed by lolis know what so I was healed by under you and but I need Luke and Ellen in fact yes it makes sense if you can Ellen why because Luke why would she throw out an accusation if you weren't just trying to deflect I'm I'm really now i'm suspect Avella yeah i'm suspect of Jane and Ellen yeah Jane and Ellen Jane and Ellen oh well I don't know I'm not I've not made up my mind Randy I don't think it's Mike although he has been quite and I don't know I don't know but all you can pass reading like all you can do is a human and kill me innocently again now saying again is not fair yes that was hundreds of years ago and also she said she knows she's trying to she's trying to play on your emotions oh it's working though face we feel really bad the Alexandra lolis you are dead so it is actually fine that you're in the chat don't worry about it sorry I snapped I wasn't snapping I was gearing up to tell you off like I was your dad anyway the the your conversation is interrupted as somebody pulls the rip cords to start the guillotine to change are we doing this or choir and it is time to put it to the vote please raise your hand Dwight or gauche depending on your preference if you believe Jane deserves to be put to the guillotine on the count of three one two three it is a tie and therefore they the dude with the gay team stood and shuts it down again and kills it clearly clearly written irritated by the waste of the next night I am surprised I don't know what to say how do you feel right now well to be honest like it goes that humor gets nominated it gets then burned because there's no incentive to not personal person I feel like so oh I guess whoever the werewolf is better be pretty strategic werewolves pretty strategic about who they killed tonight I was giving up but I realized I ran out of time because I already had my chance to say I was going to try and do what Mike did which is like here's all the information that can leave you with I don't feel like I have it the song of frère Jacques reaches a crescendo and then as is as is tradition the revolutionary starts to count down from 20 to say you're about to go to sleep so if there are any absolute last minute accusations to be made yes oh man it's J's reat Jane and Ellen descent not gonna accuse Jane again because that didn't work so Ellen I think on the stroke of dus is accused of being a werewolf the the man has just finished wheeling is she's stuffing the guillotine down into the air cutting it down and it goes boom shattering his jaw yes come on he he tries to tell you what from French but he's got a broken jaw so the the guillotine is purring like a petrol fueled cat with blades you have shorts window with which to defend yourself yeah I I'm really suspect to bike I'm now I'm really sorry I just I trust oh he's got and like she's usually really good at this give him a tease wait do you mean because she she she chose Mike as her like if I die he dies thing yeah but but we did have one like little chatty session and I find it interesting that you're not defending yourself you're just accusing me no I just I just think that last fight was really interesting I think it was quite okay here's the thing then all right if I'm one of the werewolves who's the other way off I'm not sure I like I want I'm really second-guessing myself now between regards to Andy being a healer but like I'm like surely we've already established that Andy's healing but I'm not I'm not certain now if you weren't the werewolf I wasn't know if she wasn't a werewolf and Jane wasn't the werewolf she would have said Jane then yeah I think I think if Elin wasn't she would seize the other werewolf came from I was prepared to give you the benefit that thou if you had suggested Jane there like the lowly so obviously we all know that lolis is the the actual best at this game and this round would be over if she was still alive however I'd I think it I think that's a I think that's a red herring the Ellen's laying out trying to make us think about Mike because lolis had no information at the time like that would have just been a name out of the it's just it's just like when you don't have anything to go on and then you it's it's just that I am now just suspicious by default of Mike I mean I probably shouldn't be because he didn't play out for with me the last time I think Ellen is the werewolf and I think we should I think this this interrogation is really interesting because I don't I think if Mike was a werewolf she wouldn't be accusing him but I think probably Ellen is thinking about team werewolf Andi if you are the werewolf then you are really playing I know that you can he's he did that when I was a werewolf or fellow werewolf he voted for me Avery is race time continuum whoa through it steps an enormous Swan Inquisitor with a feat of his wings this one clears the the street of all onlookers and gear teams and the Inquisitor says I am here's your boots and your motorcycle I am here to administer justice don't worry we don't need to be caught up we've heard all the proceedings so far it's just time to push the two of votes could you please raise your hand if you would like for Ellen to be bashed in by this one on the count of three one two three with a blood-curdling honk terrible Jake the this one just starts like hitting you with his wing it takes a very very very long time because in fairness it takes a long time to to beat a werewolf to death with a swan yeah knew it right now okay the but it's worth the wait because Ellen has been turned into a rug yeah oh that's nice we can put it underneath the guillotine so it doesn't mark the floor good idea makes it easier to move as well when we have company around yeah exactly you know on that in the living room okay Ellen doesn't look incredibly angry right now which makes me think Andy isn't a werewolf Andy and Mike can we can like can we sort of convince each other that's metagaming dead no I was going to suggest medium I saw hands on the web cam and our hands will transfer psychic energy but we're allowed to we're allowed to talk to each other right and convinced yet and that's not metagaming is it oh right say when I'm dead that I don't look angry while I'm dead I'm trying my best not to Oh there enough yeah okay strike from the record I guess observation good night everyone it's sleepy time in revolutionary France and you all asleep werewolf please wake up and indicate who it is you would like to unzip with your werewolf feet hands [Music] thank you very much well please go back to sleep hila could you please wake up and indicate who you would like to protect this night [Music] corpses you're making it a lot harder for me to do this without laughing thank you very much Gila hunter you did everyone wake up please sorry there's no easy way to put this I'm usually a killer yeah he's just he's you find him disemboweled with a grim look of sort of resignation on his face is to say like well this is a rigor mortis is setting like this I'm in this situation again where it's Jane or Andy this time this time it's the other way around because it's so I'm pretty convinced that Andy is the healer because it's because you're the healer last time and it would be a weird thing to you know try and lie about you know it would seem unlikely wouldn't are you really Jaina why are you lying right now well I mean obviously I'm gonna say I'm now Luke is making it all about him versus Jane or Andy yeah that's cuz I know another werewolf so if Ellen was playing Team werewolf Lucas may be playing solo werewolf and thrilling under the bus sacrificially I didn't I didn't nominate Ellen no but you were the one that was I did vote for her I think leading the charge yeah and she was whoever but you would have tried to guide us away from her Jane is it possible that we're not werewolves and like this game has got to us so much that we're convincing each other and II was pretty sure that it was Jane and Ellen I protected myself last night because I thought that they'd come for me I'm not the heel that helps Jane are you the healer no I'm not I'm not the healer otherwise that would've been really easy I wouldn't be like you two minds about Andy now um but I was pretty convinced I might be misremembering how the last round went but I had sort of convinced myself it was Luke because of the Ellen stuff and I thought hmm I do have some more information because I think I think it's you know this is amazingly balanced and if you lose this round it's skates I really I really don't want to get this wrong having already done so that's your body's good actors but also I feel like the logic is in there to rule one of you out and I'm just not sure what it yeah I feel like I should I feel like that thing I asked about yeah okay sorry sorry sorry yeah like you were saying yeah I feel like if this was cluedo I shouldn't be able to look at my sheet and go yeah okay let's bet if Luke is the werewolf he's an extremely the greatest werewolf of all time yes yeah but I'm not the werewolf I already was the werewolf and my god did I nail it that's the campus policy again isn't it there's no diminished chance of you being a werewolf choice like yeah I could be the werewolf but I'm and I feel okay all right all right way oh no he's pushing it like I can't Micah I can't make I can't make this iconic mm-hmm okay I accuse Jane oh no I can't I can't the Sun is it's wrong it out play the monstrous form of terrible Jake that's one of Justin Jake justice was down from you guys and lands pulling up cobblestones with his heels as he crunches into the earth like it's Dragon Ball Z I guess they call it he's been pumped into the floor I know he honks at you as if to say well well if it isn't Jane the accused of being a werewolf and then he gives us sort of smaller encouraging hunk as if to encourages you just say what you're gonna say okay either Andy's voted for me to see what Luke will do and make a judgment based on that no everyone has to vote at the same time now basically don't they keep talking okay and he may not be a and he may not be intending to vote at all but he has accused me too to draw me out yes possibly possibly oh oh wait wait wait wait well Andy accuse me and he accused me and please okay life is always if and you accuse me he's just gonna do it in vote for me because I don't think he's the type there's a ploy also it's a really risky ploy all right it's just like one more round god help me but here's what I'm thinking currently Jamie gonna kill me again Jamie I thought that that a greater good you're gonna throw me under the shade I thought that that was was a pretty ropey defense of yourself but I but but being that I thought Jane's not really convincing me I thought it was notable that Andy didn't chime in and say Jane this isn't convincing oh I see she's hanging herself with a terrible defense I thought I knew you on its own how does that make you feel Jamie how do you think that you feel when I say that Andy is the werewolf Luke we've established already that I'm the healer so if you're have we for sure sure no no I mean it's why they're Andy just if Jane is something like well I'm the healer this way well why didn't you say so before so if you know that you're not the werewolf and you know that I'm behemoth then Jane has to be the way well god it'll be so good if I was the werewolf I would be absolutely nailing it terrible Jay kind of wish I am too terrible Jake throws a cobblestone through a nearby window as if to say enough it is time to vote so I would like you to raise your hands if you believe that James should be put to the sword on the count of three all right this is let me Andy Andy show me which hand you're going to raise in advance it's this one this okay cool all right one two three the vote is tied Jane terrible Jake steps away and goes to packets and grain that someone discarded the this song Frere Jacques comes to an end again and the camps from 20 begins 19 18 17 16 well what now the court team just in case any more accusations ago no no I know I know Thank You sane again because it that's 9 IQ say it again and you think you've got you've got a second chance a late 6 5 4 and E 3 C 1 1 we everyone falls asleep [Applause] werewolf please wake up and indicate the Nexen [Music] Thank You werewolf please back to sleep with you hold on and and I know it is difficult to go to sleep [Music] thank Thank You werewolf healer please wake up and indicate who you would like to protect this night Thank You Gila is go to sleep the hunter the hunters been dead for 15 years everybody wake up please good morning here we go he will stand dandy you stand in the streets looking at one another in a tense standoff Jane looks at Andy Andy looks at Luke Luke looks at Jane you're all alive Luke I protected you last night because I assumed for Jane which I kill me because it's so obviously Jane how are you nice Luke the evidence is it's not even in question anymore Luke okay I keep saying because obviously Jane Luke you have to you're gonna look really dumb if you don't vote for James I'm good look look the point at which I look like you need a long it's 100% Jane Luke I'll give you I will give you 100 pound sterling in cash [Laughter] terrible Jake crashes through the world of the nearby church the church collapses he shrieks in a swan like way hungry for justice possibly Jane you have been accused for a second day running of being a werewolf would you please make an accounting for yourself okay I don't know if Andy is their healer if he's not the here he's a werewolf but obviously you thought I was gonna try and protect myself so you went for Luke and that's what I thought you would do which is why I protected Luke I can't bring myself to believe it's Luke because he's such a well if he's an if he's acting he is the finest actor here also I feel like I could beat you anyway no I feel like Nick knows he's not a werewolf yes I do know I'm not a werewolf Yeah right so but if I accuse Andy I don't think you go for that I why not the healer and I protected him because do you believe that do you believe that Andy's a healer are you the healer Jane no I said well then yes and he must be the healer because open and shut herbal Jake smashes a school I accuse ations you know look at the time there's already been an accusation though oh oh yeah me he's he destroys the school to hurry you up in voting this has to end one way or another I'm ready to vote you must either raise your hand or nuts to decide James fates on the count of tois do tois there is a long pause a terrible Jake long pause his long pause Unferth animate American werewolf yeah a terrible Jake microphone human face Jake cranes his his horrible terrible be cray up to your ear and whispers which in French means throw me Oh today no - Luke - Luke alright so if to throw chair I look terrible Jake and I throw terrible Jake he he tucks his wings like spirit flies across the street and punches through James sternum and it appears on the other side and honks and then sort of runs around a bit with Jane on his neck and shoulders and by the time he's finished running it looks like he's wearing a really expensive coat because Jamie's a werewolf and okay right Andy you were not selling it but the evidence was so overwhelming I messed up because you said after that like other night when everyone was fine you were like yeah well I thought she was gonna go for me so that's why I protected Luke and I was like yeah I know I got my words in the wrong order thanks to bringing it up though okay i Jane got so close to winning that because yeah I had sorted mentally checked out because I thought that the evidence was so overwhelming so maybe I could have mounted a more spirited it's but you know what like there was just something I don't know there's just but what what's wild about that is that wasn't it at the beginning of this round I was like I nominate Jane because I just get a vibe that was one of the most intense games for that entire thing yeah right it that is all we have time for why did no one think I was the werewolf you looked so distraught yeah I was like okay I didn't think I could get a Luke I'm you yeah III knew you were trying if he if you killed me and you were successful then you would have won Andy that was an incredible move healing me I suppose do you know what in the killing face I was like Andy no no wait that was a long killing phase deliberation if they'd be Andy he would have deliberated you've gone straight for the truth oh you know me kill on sight yeah right well that I think we can all agree was a very eventful and somewhat taxing I'm exhausted thank you great I you aren't aware of who these people are frankly I don't believe you but you can find them on you should come for such outside Xbox and you to come from outside extra doing lots of video gave me things and some dungeons and dragons things yes indeed yes so don't forget that because that's what we'll be doing I definitely haven't forgotten and I definitely don't have a session to plan part two of the skelet the skeleton yeah you don't have the works already indeed it'll be fine and those of you who are watching who aren't aware of what dose breaker is we do bull game stuff and stuff like this and it's silly and you're already watching Simos or subscribe so that would be nice there's a button right there you can just click on it right now clean the bottom right just head on down there as for clicking buttons we're gonna click the buttons that take us off the screens and then end the stream so thank you very much for watching everyone it's you've been a lovely audience and yeah thanks and goodbye [Music]
Channel: Dicebreaker
Views: 182,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W84J-5KeSlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 5sec (8105 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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