Grounded Spider Hunt Challenge! Who Can Kill the Spider? Andy vs Jane vs Giant Spider

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[Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey hey welcome friends it's wednesday it sure is wednesday can you believe it wednesday already and you know what we do on wednesdays are the weeks getting longer are the weeks getting longer is it just me every week yeah no i think there's nine or ten days in a week now isn't it something like that i think there was a there was a intro like a thing they put around a newsletter went out something like that oh man i was not i did not agree to that anyway hello and welcome to the challenge of the week it's me jane it's him andy and we are going to be playing grounded look at this macaulay culkin fellow looking at me i love your shirt there's andy there playing pete today here in grounded round of applause for the shirts um yeah i look a bit like macaulay hulkin how did he deal with insects well in stand by me i seem to remember he fought all those bees yeah sure that was he was the victor um so welcome let us know how we're looking and how we're sounding we are our own tech supporters ever so um we'll see what we can do about it how is the chat doing uh let's let's check in with that chat before we get everyone's digging my shirt oh your real shirt or no your game show oh my game obviously my shirt is a plain black t-shirt okay it's fine you can like it if you can like that some people might like it you might like that okay guys are you into that yeah um and what is that what's the plot what's the plan today stan okay well well yeah well jane we are playing ground pits which is basically honey i shrunk the kids the video game do the kids know what honey i shrunk the kids is in these days in these modern times i don't know maybe they went on honey i shrunk the kids the ride at disney world perhaps honey i'm sure the kids came out in the 80s right yeah i shrunk the audience by by current standards it's as old as the fact that you can come out of the screen and everyone jumped out of the way because rick moranis comes out of the screen and you can figure out the plot of honey oh showing the kids from the title yeah he was explaining to his wife how he shrunk the kids and we've been trying science man by science look hang on let me turn around look here's the science dome the science this is exciting and this is an artifact of the people who shrunk us i assume yeah this isn't a comically oversized no look at this this is a regular sized flight it's another comically undersized macaulay called tiny little macaulay culture legs i'm tinier than even regular macaulay coffee so we are quite early in the game right we are early on in this game yes yes by design because we want to set ourselves a challenge yeah in our challenge of the week in our challenge yes it's one of the hardest ones we've ever faced using only our ingenuity and our brains and our macaulay culkin toe-headed cuteness okay okay we are going to hunt and kill yes go on spider nature's perfect predator with its webs and its teeth and its legs how many legs no one knows no one's ever been able to count that high no one's been able to bear looking at a spider for long enough to count the number of legs we think it's somewhere between seven and 23 legs but we can't be sure there's no way of knowing literally well there's one way of knowing and i think given that our challenge today is to hunt and kill nature's perfect predator i.e the giant nightmare spider we should go and check one out now just to see what we're dealing with and then we want to look at a spider yes oh my god all right fine i mean yeah why not just stick your head in in the oven after now we we pre-planned this because we know there is a spider nearby so yeah right i think where it's where i think it's the nest i mean it's dark it's nice we're supposed to be sleeping first let's sleep first oh god it's too scary out here too scary too close to spiders all right everybody sleeps okay everyone sleep for now everyone have a sleep bedtime stay close to the rest point all right uh let's see who we got in the chat we've got some new members jeffrey murray let's join hi akio snape's birth and joey turner is a new member so thank you guys uh for joining becoming a member that's very cool extremely cool of you welcome aboard we're glad to have you here at london where have you been says show those spiders who's the boss also prudence is baby yeah i'm baby okay jane lead me to the spider so i can look at it on the topic of prudence's baby this is a dungeons and dragons reference incidentally um if you haven't watched such adventure you should and prudence baby is is my new favorite thing and there's been a lot of extremely delightful um fan arts i suppose is that what you call it is that what you can do yeah yeah i mean yes brilliant art it should be the other way around we're fans of them yes yeah well that's what we call it fan art is because we're a fan of fans exactly that's the only kind of art i really enjoy is jan stenholt says aren't you worried that killing spiders will hurt your web connection very good no it's good it's good i thought i thought you were going to say aren't you worried about the superstitious element of killing spiders which is it's superstitious yeah did no one ever tell you it was bad luck to kill a spider no okay okay like not to kill a spider because then there's a spider that am i have i gone wrong is that is there is there not a superstition that is bad like to kill a spider or is this some nonsense that i find out now that my parents were spinning oh oh jane there's a spider spider okay yeah okay i'm looking at it right now all right i'm following you oh it's horrible [ __ ] where oh oh oh oh it's moving oh it's moving i'm hiding behind you can we get without getting like wrecked by it i don't want to know take a look at it we're just harvesting springs and we're going to come back stronger and better prepared but i'm just a peaceful macaulay culkin harvesting sprigs i just don't want any trouble all right you can see it's moving the grass around with its giant bulk so big right ahead of me oh my god jane don't get too close i'm not that close jane i'm not oh it's coming this was coming this way looking this way it's coming this way then there's a web you're going to run backwards into his website what no there's no web here there's no way there's a web here oh there's a website no it's behind me all right get out we gotta get out of here this is too dangerous we're not we're not equipped the spot the shadows are moving oh there it is i can see we're not equipped for a spider fight jane is it looking right at me yes it's looking right at you don't get killed by the spider you'll have to get your backpack and it'll be in its dripping jaws okay okay okay okay all right terrible teeth it's horrible claws what i wanted to bring around with i wanted it's acid breath i wanted to play with and if i can do it without getting murdered by this disgusting creature of night so much i hate it so much is if i can quickly pop into the menu i want to show everyone oh wait not that many this menu the cluster claustrophobia the arachnophobia oh the arachnophobia setting so it's in these accessibility settings i hope i'm not being eaten by spiders just while you're in the accessibility settings the spider is walking directly towards you that's exactly what i was worried about all right i tell you what let me get all clear of this spider where are you right it's looped it's looped around i'm next to you i can see you i'm behind you all right be safe keep me secret it's coming this way it's coming this way i tell you what it is it is no unsettling the way that the leaves the leaves move the glass i think what this game does fantastically well is is really delineate the difference between cute bugs like ladybirds and ants and disgusting nightmare bugs like like spiders orb spinners like orb spinners is that what they're called is that what kind of spiders or something okay well what i wanted to show you now andy i need you to be my eyes while i go into a menu hang on okay i'm looking so there is i'm observing spider watch fabled arachnophobia safe mode now show spider preview this is the spider we get just day to day this is what we have to deal with this is what we're hunting um if you change the settings i argue that this is actually more terrifying because as you change the settings it gets less legs and then just becomes a floating spider orb without legs yeah that's that's creepy that's creepy someone pulled all the legs off a spider and now it's hovering yeah that's like supernaturally like a supernatural floating legless telekinetic spider is not or weaver yes that's it thank you gianni greco um yeah tell me yeah just tell me that is that is spooky in itself the safest spider is like two flesh-colored orbs with like red the ghost of a spider yeah the hell i like it anyway i'm not going to turn it on because oh ellen's not here so she she won't mind well zanzibar white says for some reason i get the feeling ellen won't be joining the church no no ellen is on leave this week she's on vacation on vacay on staycation probably um so ellen will not be partaking of the horrifying nightmare spiders which is good which is very good all right well i think we need to make some better equipment if we're going to be well we definitely need some healing stuff yes we definitely need better equipment we definitely need some kind of gun yeah some kind of big gun or a cannon are you going to craft like a rocket propelled grenade launcher out yeah a rocket propelled spear launcher okay i'm thirsty just generally in in the game and also in real life right well let's find some water first because i'm not thirsty but oh wait no i am i am really thirsty wait i'm wrong i'm wrong i'm gonna eat some mushrooms because i can do that okay i am a little bit hungry and i've got some mushrooms i'm going to eat mushrooms on fresh mushrooms yeah you're right it's the hierarchy of needs and in my hierarchy of needs i need to drink some water or i won't die all right so we need we need you drops all right go and you go fresh water fresh water we're going to find some new drops so this game as if you couldn't tell is a survival game and oh i'm being attacked by a little oh no cheat little mic a little guy a little long guy i got him it's so big maybe there'll be water in the other direction i do not want any part of that giant spider thank you very much a fresh water supply it's parked it's a shell parked right on top of a fresh water supply are we running back i can see the nest of the other spider right now yeah probably but it's it's fine we'll find some fresh water we'll get all right i'll die of no water let alone die off spider yeah pete says i need to drink some water fast but the ground is sort of wet here yeah we need a puddle or some dew drops yeah um i don't think you can well the water you drink out of puzzles i don't think it's good it's super good but it's better than dying of no water yeah that's true um okay keep your eyes up looking for like dew drops up there how are we doing come on do you come on do you okay here's um here's a lantern this mysterious machine oh oh this is what we're supposed to be investigating this is what we'd be doing and it's investigating this machine there is some water around here i believe oh here's some water oh okay here on this thing so if i you get that i knock this store i think that's just good for one serving it's a single serving so you have it and let's find another one for me for yours truly oh uh no that's not one see if you can spot another all right keeping an eye out for fresh clean water oh wait no that's nathan that's an aphid aphids are fine aphids are okay they're kind of cute yeah they're pretty nice they're pretty cute is um there's water show me water this is all sort of like the starting area of the game this is early doors so yeah oh if it's honeydew that's kind of good that's good for eating and drinking you can um craft like a canteen to keep water yes so but we'll need to find a source of fresh water and also grubs i think you use grubs to craft yeah out of their skin i can see a big can a can over here is that maybe they're still oh wait here's some water where i am where are you where are you scanning for andy there he is okay good if you come over here come in i'm gonna knock down this big water okay good for you yes it's like a like knocking a coconut out of a fresh coconut yeah so if you stand under it and yeah tilt your head up and open your mouth okay hang on i'm coming at you get out of my way aphids i've got a drink need fresh crisp water all right where is it oh yeah yeah there it is okay knocking it down all right here it is get off trick it's running away okay okay okay good i'm on half water and half food but if i number a few more mushrooms there you go food that's probably enough to be getting on with so should we follow a bit of the um a bit of the main story and see if we get any good equipment yeah because it will probably lead us through um lead us on a what do they call it like a critical path yeah and it'll probably be like here's a big spider killing gun here is a rocket propelled grenade launcher well done go and get that spider what's this zap is it oh it's honeydew okay it's honeydew yeah oh here we go here's the machine this way so there's a lot of resource harvesting as you might expect a lot of grass collecting sprig collecting oh what's that plant fiber collecting okay so this is some kind of weird device a science box of some kind yes so it's got buttons i can press is this what shrink us i wonder no maybe i'm gonna push this big button oh yeah do it i'll stand here and get zapped i expect no um no because there's problems with the laser okay so okay there's three three lasers one of the lasers is weakened one of the lasers is hitting a grass and then this oh okay shall i go and chop this yeah yeah yeah chop that grass down and then we'll get them with all my macaulay culkin strength yeah do it smash it yay okay we fixed two well no we fixed one laser now we've got two out of three working lasers okay now we need to go fix that one yeah all right so do you want to head to the laser emitter and see what's causing problems before we do that can we check the chat i wanna see what the chat's doing all right no worries check in are you doing chat i'll do some remotes while you're maybe you do some fun emotes so people can look at your funny moments yeah carly cochin face and i've got a shirt with planets ukraines so spider-fight it's going to be a prudence moment well no guarantees it might be uh we get eaten by a giant spider moment so look forward to that the jedi time lord says um says hello there generally time hello it's like a doctor doctor who anakin job there general kenobi okay says hey hey guys been up for 24 hours because of adhd and insomnia on top of all of the three on top of that all of the three of my ps4 controllers are broke today's gonna be an ordeal yay oh wow these things are certainly sent to try you um sorry to hear that also 24 hours without sleep um i would be good for absolutely nothing let alone typing typing actual words into a live chat so good for you well done richie rivers iii says hey jane and andy wanted to say thanks for the laughs and was wondering if you could wish me happy birthday i turn 18 on sunday and good luck because i leave for basic training in the army on monday holy wow okay well good luck happy birthday and good luck and also you don't have to call it your birthday if you would like to save it for a more opportune time you know yeah i'm saving mine my birthday was in april and he had a birthday in april but it's on pause andy has aged not a single day since april because we're holding on to it we're just saving that we're saving that he's got an iou for for birthdays all right what else have we got to say cnc oh and dodges five two seven seven drops you a little tip there andy is it built thanks okay should we head into this service yeah for my service indeed let's go figure out this laser box of some sprigs and fibers as i go i'm also going to be collecting some plant fibers and bits and pieces lovely sprigs some snacks maybe bug snacks yeah oh i wish both snacks was out bug snacks is so much less terrify no wait bug snacks is pretty terrifying isn't it is this is this this terrifying in a different way what is this that's a yet so i should pick up sap and then we can make bandages to heal our horrible horrible wounds what's more there our spider wounds yes okay uh let me wait look speaking of adorable bugs that aren't terrifying now don't you harm this ladybird why not maybe it's evil what you can do is ride around on it come on what oh my god yes please jump on yes ride the ladybird ride the lightning get on the ceiling is too low oh no oh we've hit a ceiling ah i'm hitting the under yes ladybug come through yes okay good so if we ride this ladybug into battle against the spider menace then maybe we'll be successful hang on i'm gonna gonna oh oh get myself clear of this ladybug and then i can look at you magnificent upon this ladybug she's she or he is very um very obliging doesn't really really mind that's cool love it nice uh all right are you going to use uh if you're engaged what was this lose a threat oh no a might there's nothing oh there's a might there's a might attacking our lady bird hang on get away from our lady don't accidentally hit the no i know i know that's my greatest fear oh wait no the lady bird is just totally reckless nice all right good show ladies okay fine let's get away from this ladybird unless you know in case the ladybird thinks we are oh no i think the ladybird might think we're a threat okay that's fine let's just go towards the laser deal towards the laser deal onwards over here right this is it yeah yeah yeah yeah we've got to find out what's uh causing the problem okay fine good good good good oh okay well here's your problem oh it's my slimming moment they're so cute and these are so i guess they're kind of gross a little bit gross but i don't feel that strongly about mites they're kind of fine they're like they're just annoying aren't they they're just kind of lame and annoying like this one get that mic get him wait there you go yeah andy with the kill steal andy with the mic that's how it's going to go down later when i kill the spider yeah sure oh yeah so challenge of the week whoever lands the killing blow on the spider is the winner of challenge of the week my mom agrees i light up a room yes i agree i'm going to craft a ton of throwing spears and get it from brazil i'm going to craft some like nunchucks and throwing stars out of grass and they're out friendly going in front of me while i'm stabbing fire oh hoops your health oh it's my health oh hoops is my name by the way hoops is your name we've taken to saying now yeah it's because you're so good at basketball i assume yes presumably um shall i just make some bandages real quick if you hold on hang on yeah okay uh craft menu let's go uh to crafting and i believe i need some woven fibers and then over to confusing me the snacks menu and create some beverages just chow down on somebody yes it's a bandage snack a bud bug snack bandage bug snack you can harvest these slime molds but i don't know what they're good for so let's take some of those probably eating maybe eat everything and then let me just stick on a bandage and my health is oh it's still pretty bad actually those bandages are not very powerful uh all right we need to smash our way through here oh okay okay hang on i'm just about to um make another bandage because that did not do the trick my torch died oh i've got a torch hang on one sec let me just make myself a bandage oh no i need more sap to make a bar i'm out of bloom and sap uh i can probably drop some if you give me some light uh oh no my torch is also burned out it's better than starting no now we're stuck with that lighting candy uh i can i can probably craft one let's craft another let's craft another torch this is how we died we came unprepared into a dark cave oh you can make you can make us i need to make some movement hang on okay uh there we go that's what slime mould's good for you can make like a luminescent luminescent torch out of it beautiful good right oh look there's quartzite in this rock do you want to harvest it is it good is that good have a look using my powerful arms project man i'm your supervisor smash harder do more smash quartzite i bet that's for like upgraded um weapons yeah with iron in it instead of dumb rock where are these are there more mites or it says oh that sounds disgusting what no but it's like a it's a sort of science thing a science gab oh we've got a friend oh good he's got a spear as well he's got a spear so he could help um where's he gonna pick up this sign it's here this thing oh a scar dot b okay fine you discovered a scar dot b oh it's like a blue blue print i think basically it says mic rider so i guess maybe it's a saddle for a mite or something that sounds good that's something i want right we've got max now that's good all right so we've got to investigate this machine further i think we've done all we can in this cave okay fine so let's head out i'm going to take some more spore molds because they make good torches look at all these dead mites i'm going to take a few probably because we can eat them i think you can eat them i think you can like stuff them and cook them awesome if you want to chow down on a dead mite that's got to eat something also we need more water we are running out of water yes that is true i think aphid honeydew will give you a bit of water as well as food yes it does it does oh yeah and i've got a little bit of that here we go let me just it looks delicious it looks like jurassic park or something yeah cool uh all right where's can we go back to the machine oh wait no uh yes i think that's where we're supposed to go okay let's get back to the machine now that we've oh and here's a pool of water if you want to oh yeah drink some like dirty water how did it be we're like in a garden so we're not like yeah i'm a bit poisoned but that's fine i'm a little bit poisoned but mostly i'm refreshed i'm always a little bit poisoned okay on ward to the machine uh pretty geek in the uh in the chat so he's like leave oxford's birthday isn't about a week happy birthday in case i don't catch a live stream again until then it's outside xbox's birthday on friday next week and we will be eight years old is that correct eight of your earth years eight earth years yeah eight times around the sun for outside xbox so yeah thank you um yeah we i think we probably will commemorate that birthday and not just like put it on hold for pandemic time we'll have to get yeah individual ice cream cakes delivered okay andy said ice cream cake now i must have an ice cream cake if i don't get an ice cream cake on friday i will be i will be bereft okay so we're investing all right we've got three we've got three lasers three strong now what let's stand here and get lasered or there's another button i can press oh yeah press it laser me all right oh oh cat scene can't see yeah it looks very kind of analog doesn't it it's kind of retro the um dials and stuff on it he looks very honey oh no oh no i'm standing right well maybe it'll read big in you maybe it will be with me i promise to come back you tiny macaulay falcon if i get rid of it oh we just blew up a tree up a tree instead that's that's not what i was going for at all lord melonlord says my first time watching a livestream live not a fan of spiders myself and that arachnophobia mode does not improve them thank you thank you it does not i thought it would make the spiders into like cute like pixar spiders and there's an app i think he has an iphone app that's like meant to treat erectophobia i don't know if it has any like effectiveness or credibility but it like it exposes you to different kinds of like spider representations hate it getting more and more realistic so it starts with like a really cute cartoon spider and then it becomes photorealistic and i thought that's how our actor advocate would work in here do you know what when ellen comes back we should invite her to a scientific experiment oh yeah good idea where she tells us whether the arachnophobia mode is useful or not because it might be it might be that she's like that looks creepy to you jane but actually it's way better than looking at an actual spider so yeah i think it's the it doesn't have the the legs and the movement are really important aren't they i think yeah i'm not don't get me wrong i'm not a fan of spiders i think they've been terrifying but i don't have like arachnophobia oh look at this there's like a giant juice box what a giant pancho juice box can we get juice out of it can we get some juice can we like punch a whole straw the straws up here from like a waterfall of a juice yeah just puncture a little bit although they hit some juices on the ground yes if only we had a canteen we could store some of it mmm oh the juice is good if we get some like um grass it's good rub hide we can craft a can canteen okay all right let's head to this oak tree it's over here this way some food oh wait now i've got some mushrooms let me just chow down on mushrooms we could craft like a fire and like cook some real food and i imagine that would like do us uh for much longer but there's no time we've got to focus on our spider catching yeah exactly we've got a craft uh stoppable arsenal yeah yeah yeah the perfect weapon the metal gear of yeah of spider time i want to create like hulk buster armor but for speed yeah spider buster armor yeah spider buster like it'd be like getting in a um like a teeny tiny what's a teeny tiny toy like a micro machine but like a little oh you know like those um old retro robot toys yeah like you like one of those one of those if we could find one of those then we could put andy inside it and he can go fight the robots not fight the robots right now fight the spiders oh what do you found oh some kind of ass some kind of weevil weevils are bad i think we were bad in the taxi delicious delicious weevil meat all right we're gonna go up and around i think oh there's an acorn is that a crafting can we do something with it yes i can hit it with a hammer i need to craft a hammer so you you get hit in and i will get crafting a hammer i got an acorn top i got some shell acorn bits i got a hammer oh wait good stuff why does mario where's my finger i thought i crafted it but it's not appearing in my weird is this a bug this is this game is in early access by the way it's like preview um sorry it's all right i've got a hammer if you need anything hammered yeah i'll just ask you well let me try once more because that's frustrating if i press x i craft and equip it so oh there we go okay that worked fine so all right well i've got a hammer now anyway that's good a couple of bits of sap here if you want them water feeling refreshed um a couple of bits of stuff yes always sap is a permit a precious commodity andy discovered acorn bits i did okay here you go sap here stop stop stop stop stop stop stop so like for sticky stuff and for burning stuff investigate the explosion at the old oak tree okay well this is the oak tree okay oh wow a big sap reserve all right okay we're gonna need that for weapon manufacturer i imagine oh and i think acorn shells are good for armor oh oh adorable you can make a little lake yeah a little acorn armor like a little fairy like a little fairy of the woods all right team quinn if you're heading around i think uh okay cool i'm gonna wait i'm gonna collect a little bit more acorn shots because i feel like they're gonna be useful to make all kinds of armor and i don't wanna have to come back because we are on the clock andy in game and in life how you doing um yeah no not bad so have you assigned stuff to your your quick wheel is that uh do you have the hammer assigned to your quick wheel and it's not showing okay no i got it it's all working now it's fine how's it working yeah it's not working now it's fine oh what's this electronic scraps some kind of lab oh situation down here phosphorescence and more sap oh it's like a tiny science lab tiny science lab little teeny tiny scientists my tiny scientists get in here andy oh okay i'm here i'm here i'm helping okay this was built by the world's tiniest scientists yeah uh yeah professor professor teeny professor teenie came down here to do his tiny experiments yes okay um and what happened here geometric idealized geometric shapes jane thank you what do your science senses tell you okay let me scan it looks like i want to say it looks like the sort of um the intro sequence to save by the bell or something like i say it looks like the decor in the uh diner that they hang out in exactly it just looks like cool retro 80s 90s graphics all right we need to there's a puzzle here okay let's do a puzzle how would you puzzle how puzzled haram puzzle there's two of us trying to do the puzzle at the same time all right let's pull this lever okay it's done got it we got it okay fine it's done max max solved it for us this door opened oh okay get after it so that's cool let me get my sphere out in case there's science threats there could be some science dangers oh there's some sort of text-based adventure game on here i love it let's proceed to link press button press all buttons oh my god there's a robot there's a science threat it's got a thing on his head oh my god he's got a taser it's like suddenly it's like fallout 4. yeah it really is we're in a vault now yeah we're gonna keep reviving old robots and they try and kill us he wants us to help this one he's got a spatula rainbow mustache let's get you back in action let's get the last one tried to kill us yeah but the menu prompt oh wait there's a chair there's a chip for him here okay good is he gonna attack me now that i've resurrected him acting science manager for this project i don't trust him well you want this must be very disorienting for you but hopefully i can explain i suspect you were miniaturized and brought here by the ominous researchers those dang dominant researchers this is all speculation because they power surgery in this lab i don't suppose you would know anything right okay well i'm going to use this time to eat seven mushrooms okay you eat that well i feel like we're on like a walk-through ride and he's [Laughter] [Music] my supervisor's gonna give me hell i guess you're along for the ride now oh wow was that the end of the story that's the end of the story we have completed the completely completed story it's in it's in preview mode so that's the extent of the story content so far the game probably comes out next year but our objective remains and that is as well you know kill the [Music] like batman launcher tesla coil zapping spiders oh i can analyze things i think i can analyze raw materials to get like more recipes for a science gun oh yeah because when you do an analysis it churns out raw science so i just got 20 raw sciences out of that nice nice good amount of times and i got 20 more science and now i'm out of analysis charge uh the poor robot is doing it's like animatronic theme park spiel and we're like yeah okay fine spider-man spider-killing we're here to kill spiders i came here to chew gum and kill spiders and i'm all out of gum and spiders and spiders and spiders wait okay okay blue sky thinking what if we crafted a hundred spears and threw them all at the spider i love it um okay i tell you what let us should we get above ground again yeah back where actually no we're kind of safe down here and we're not gonna get attacked by spiders so um let me and this you won't be able to see this handy but i'm going through uh the crafting menu so if you want to join me please oh we could make a sprig bow join me please yeah okay so i think arrows are a good idea so we need sprigs nat fuzz woven fiber and for arrows we need thistle needles and might fuzz okay so we need we need nat fuzz and might fuzz yeah to make a bow and arrow nat fuzz mite fuzz and also thistles oh a spiky sprig um i wonder if we can make any better spheres or spheres spears or are we stuck with these spears this is what we know at the moment yeah yeah yeah yeah um we'll probably discover things as we go but if we if we go out looking for nat fuzz yes thistle needles also fuzz and fissile needles you can you can craft an eye patch you can you can have an ipad just for fun i want an ipad you want an ipad you need uh if you go to workbench gear we're going to need a workbench but you need an eye patch um to make an eyepatch you need woven fiber and fiber bandages and sap and then you get a cool nice eye patch um okay elsewhere armor glue canteen art so that's for your base um base building i don't know if we're gonna get into base building as much right now so have we got an armor okay so we don't have any armor that we can craft yet because we haven't um yeah we haven't learned it no it's in like the tech tree we haven't gotten that far yet yeah if you have is there any charge left in the research thing if you research the acorn stuff it might tell you if we go back to our geodesic science dome above ground yes um we can do some research there and we can do some more crafting and we need to build a workbench so that we can make some more advanced crafting things we need to kill some nets we need to kill some naps all right so let's onward lead the way let's see if we can find some gnats and mites and wrong way okay nuts and mites and thistles and um yeah whatever whatever else is good whatever else shows up whatever else is fine uh who made all these teeny tiny little servers oh wait this isn't the way out oh we're stuck here we're trapped in this vault trapped in the vault in the bloody vault this way dominant constantly screwing us over i wonder if our dad works roman and it is you know honey i shrunk the kids and is played by rick moranis oh oh it got real dark oh no oh we gotta go sleep in our protective shelter can we or i can build this a protective shelter should i build us a protective shelter yeah it might be better than trying to trap across in the dark okay come back let's um oh wrong menu let's build a lean too oh i don't i don't have enough i think i can probably build it inside let me do oh you have enough okay fine yeah there we go all right build it yeah lean to is built all right now we all need to sleep ready surely we'll be safe when we close our eyes and lie down on the ground lie down unconscious on the floor it's the only way to be safe good all right we survived another night friends we made it right let me i'm gonna check in with the chat uh okay i'm gonna eat seven mushrooms okay okay wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm reading chats sprouts dodger five two seven seven says hit it with hammer hammer hammerhead another delightful dungeon dragon's reference a hearty breakfast of aphid honeydew and raw mushrooms oh i am also thirsty and hungry i don't have any cookies i'm gonna have to eat i'm gonna have to eat on the go maybe i can swing by the continental buffet yeah yeah yeah okay uh zack b drops us a tip and says to help jane get her ice cream cake you know what i'm gonna actually have to look up if i can get ice cream cake delivered now um to me in london because i am obsessed with that or i'm gonna have to make a cake and put some ice cream in it so just have cake and ice cream jonathan medina says jane as an extra in ready player one that's mm-hmm wow that was you have to how when do you think your character zeroed out in the car race for the first key in the beginning of the movie i guarantee you my character was the first to crash and spit out and die instantly in in that and we actually here you go behind the scenes behind the scenes anecdotes behind the scenes anecdotes we all had to learn how to mime um getting into a race car like virtually um i don't you don't see me doing that at all i think you see some other characters doing it but like don't seat belt gear stick and i you know andy uh you know i'm an ex i'm an expert at mime so if only he'd seen my expert racing minds like [Music] um that rig they put you in though that was pretty heavy right it was a nightmare it was really really physical those dumb vr rigs were extremely physical jane mushrooms oh mushrooms yes come eat heartily of the mushrooms oh and the big ladybirds yeah oh what a good time oh there's another juice box maybe it's got um delicious juice what yes i need a drink and i need i need more food actually let me just also these damn kids need to stop i'm just gonna scarf drop in their juice boxes hang on okay i'm full of food but not full of liquid full of drinks yeah it is sunny i feel like i'm going to get cooked down here you also get a nice full shiba inu um sticker from bear chills oh nice yeah the stickers are cool i thought i saw a man walking three sheebs the other day three she be what and i envy that oh my god the absolute dream anyone in the world ever jane there's some fresh juice right here i'm slurping it slurping oh yeah i'm so hydrated right now i'm more hydrated than in the real world uh okay so are we going to head back to our science thing killing any gnats we see on the way no jeffrey says why is it always a ray gun what makes rey so special i want to see a collin gun or a frank gun ha what about the other ghostbusters what about peter what do i want i'm gonna steal it okay yeah let's head back to to home base to home base i'm in a can and it's pretty grand max is doing a wrap he's climbed he's climbed into the camera he's having the time of his life shake it up all right let's get back to you yeah business i see him okay what's in here oh nothing literally nothing pretty cool that we're in a can though yeah okay how are you wait here's some soda what's delicious what if there was something okay fine all right all right we're running out of spider killing time yeah so what are these bugs are these bugs we need i don't know what bugs uh it's oh yeah if i kill it it'll tell me oh it's a weevil i don't think we need weevils come back no come on yeah okay i got it anyway oh you got a weevil nose on the platform new details weevil nose a fully intact weevil snooter mouth it's kind of adorable it's cute there's a drop of water here yeah i'm fully hydrated like i said oh great okay i have drunk more water in this game than i have in the entirety of this week in real life yeah all right let's say let's head back if you what i don't know what a nat looks like but i feel like they're flying aren't they they're little flying things i have seen them in the game i believe so they're little flying dealies yeah i remember seeing something near the starter oh oh what's that what is it i don't know is it is it aggressive oh it killed the ladybird oh there's a spider behind it spider behind it it killed the ladybug oh the ladybird oh no no oh my god circle of life is terrifying circle of life a circle of death but we could have we could harvest yeah yeah yeah okay let's see if it walks away and then maybe that carapace is probably we get useful stuff off the ladybird we are now scavengers with vultures without seeing hell no spiders no i think the thing is eating it's got red eyes there's no way that's like the spider is not attacking it at all they have sort of teamed up they're a team drop in attacking max no they're teamed up and eating the ladybird but what okay what i was going to say the ladybird was in the way but oh my god oh my god max max max oh no no max no oh my god no oh my gosh look away i can't watch oh we got him you got him we can revive him standing on top of him all right well let's loop around this is the other way clever it's using us to like lure us closer let's loop around the other way no no the spot is moving no he's here he's he's coming he's here next to me let's go revive max quick let's go revive him quickly before the spider comes back to eat max said suck out his fluids yeah okay come on max come on max you're gonna be okay friend buddy all right now let's head this way i hope you've learned a valuable lesson about attacking spiders yes don't we should do it but later yeah but later when we've got a cool weapon of some kind yeah when we've got an rpg yeah yeah it'll be something small though a rocket propelled nat or something yeah that's what we're gonna use okay uh i should be collecting more resources as i just wander yeah just pick stuff up as you go over here yeah particularly like stones and springs stones and springs and sap things of that nature fibers yeah gonna need fibers for bandages i think this is a dead ladybug oh no it's like when you see a car that's light up on bricks and it's just oh my god what the hell is that oh my gosh oh my god oh no i'm helping ladybug save me yes the ladybug's teamed up the ladybug is teaming up with me leave it oh no okay die no i got shots i am lava phobia okay revive me ladybird ladybird with the revive reach behind all right i think we're all down all right we gotta give up we're gonna have to go back and get our bags because they've got all our stuff in them all right respawn all right we're back at the science dome i'm going back to get my bag because i had all my cool stuff in it come on wait for me all right it's got all my gear all my good things all my fun stuff my spider carrying equipment my material yes my materials to craft new spider killing equipment that was horrifying that was horrifying bugs man bugs are disgusting all right i got my bag back take all all right i can't even look at it it's horrible oh it fell into pieces i could can we use it for parts oh no it's dissolving now it's dissolving max can come back and get his bag in good time yeah um okay so now we know what got this ladybird and why it's dead i guess we got one of the lavas should we get out of here before it comes back i guess yeah comes back to finish the job okay so what was the plan we were going to go back to the sidestone yeah back to the science workbench really yeah and research um acorns to see if it lets us put on an acorn hat spider killing armor okay my inventory's full i should do some crafting yeah you've got so much so much inventory okay i have this game is out now in early access if you've got game pass ultimate so you can download it with game pass um on pc or xbox and it's out for realsies next year is what i hear okay so um let me analyze yeah analyze some acorn bits acorn analyze can you tell me about this acorn top it tells you how to make a smoothie station that's the last thing you need there's a real luxury item we want smoothies the day that that uh primitive humans created the smoothie station oh yeah that's what we need we need to get fully kitted out with armor andy also we can make a storage chest okay great that would be useful okay so do we need do we need a workbench first i feel like we're probably doing this yeah how do we make it work okay i will make this [Music] uh the chat is doing good um people are saying the smoothie stations are pretty high at the maslow people pyramid excited about the smoothie station okay we'll work on the smoothie station as a uh as a side quest all right workbench is gonna go here very nice uh hold to build there we go right here we go our first workbench great now now okay to to craft workbench stuff yes uh acorn stuff we need what do we need again more acorn shells and we need might we need might fuzz i've got a load of mic i have i need to craft some woven fiber which is made from plant fibre which i can do a bunch of right now hang on and we need more acorn shells okay that means going back to the old oak tree i guess yeah hang on i think i can make some acorn armor as we are right now oh really okay can we both make the same stuff oh yeah there we go i've got enough to make an acorn face mask but not enough to make um leg plates but it does offer me a bit of defense i'm gonna make it and i'm gonna look scary but don't it's gonna look cool okay um so we need clover leaves acorn shells and some sap okay let me craft this now craft and equip yes you do it's you have it has one eyehole in it it's terrifying all right if i do it emote you'll be able to see me in third person and i'll be able to see oh wait i can't see it from the front so i think you can switch perspective i don't know oh okay all right anyone in the chat know how we switched to third person hang on gonna look at the chat uh molly hayward says can't stop watching watch venture take my money since i have to sleep and i can't give you any more of my time oh wow okay molly we will only accept one or the other and nothing else thank you no thank you molly that's really sweet um we really appreciate it we we've been having a lot of fun i don't know about you andy playing d lately yeah it's been great it's been really good and i'm glad that you guys are enjoying as much as we are um mattress 757 says this is for spending money at home base which i guess is for us doing equivalent diy irl yes of course uh tommy linton said so i had a quick scout on imdb jane did you know your trademark is hair pulled over your left shoulder yeah that's uh that tracks that's my trademark i know it's literally it's legally trademarked so have you trained you've trademarked it it's tm it's there's a tm here if you can't read it there's a tm right in the right in the hair i'll make sure i don't do that if you do it i have to i have to defend my uh legal intellectual property otherwise anyone could just steal my your hair side it's not about the money andy it's just that i need to protect my intellectual property otherwise anyone could just do it you know just go around with their hair in the same configuration as you can see yeah yeah set to press okay you know dangerous precedent oh yeah legal preston you have to do it to maintain your your trademark so are we heading back to the oak tree to get more we definitely need more acorns so let's do that and also pick up anything interesting on the way because we might need it for weapons right we need more all right we'll keep say frosty because there could be any kind of lava lava spiders larvae spiders maybe a lava or larvae around here also look out for mites because i need my thuds okay mites and um gnats so little hovering dealies little hovering bastards and little crawly bastards i'm getting a little mite thirsty as well um well there might be this is a juice box right it might be juice fresh juice mice yeah yeah okay i got it i got it i've got it first time but did you andy i don't know it's still very no it's still very good are you sure i could say it again would it help yeah yeah i do actually say it again here you go oh so refreshing so deliciously refreshing you can have that if you want as well my first is pretty fun i'm gonna have an irl drink as well cool okay moving on okay acorns give me what you got oh you're oh no max is riding the ladybird that's adorable okay okay ladybird show me what you got here we go show me i'm gonna hammer these acorns all day long oh and i'm gonna i'm gonna harvest something we need to make a faceplate for my face put it on your body putting an acorn on please don't kill my face and body all right i've got some good acorn bits acorn bits i've got some good clover bits because we need clovers as well uh we need what do we need we need all kinds of oh i need a hammer so this this will require a hammer there you go i'll smash it up and you'll get used i didn't have a hammer but it sort of it disappears did you hammer in the morning i hammered in the morning and the evening and the evening and then my hammer disappeared uh there you go that's fine as long as you've got some yeah oh sap yeah we need sap as well that's a thing let me check my crafting requirements okay let's see what we've got and what we're missing and what we need i need more yes i mean more acorn shells but also more my thuds i need what do i need i've already got the mask i need acorn shells and i need oh i'm good otherwise i just need to make one shells so can you bust me up some acorn shells or no you know what i can make another hammer okay you make a hammer i'll hammer myself some acorn bits wait wait where are the openings i've lost track of the openings they're around the place i orientate myself by the old tree though yes precious sap mine this is a bit like going shopping in the before times do you remember shopping shopping no what was that am i saying that right sure people oh i think it's so show pie i found a spider cave it's got oh no oh jay no no come and look they're sleeping no i don't want to look like why would i want to look you know when spiders sleep and they kind of like lower their bodies to the ground oh my god jane this could be this could be perfect if you found the spider cave where they sleep we can kill them in their sleep in their sleep yeah you could just very slowly drive a spear through its spider head as it sleeps i could throw a rock from here what do you think would happen i think you would get eaten by a spider eating by two spikes and then your rucksack full of gear would oh look there's a loot bag here someone's left behind and i don't this character mold 72 i think they've left the game now sorry oh so you can have it i feel like i can scavenge their bag and now sorry max oh my god it's it's becoming our survival evolved yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's because murder people the second they spawn in it's hunger games now it's hungry games time pretty well equipped with acorn shells now can i have some of your acorn shells because i've lost track of the eggs probably okay fine um let me see if there's any more abs they're so cute why are ants so cute and they've got six legs and then spiders are disgusting and they've got eight legs i don't know it's mysterious isn't it yeah what do you think think of seven legs oh no look they're playing with a little pebble oh no they're playing with more weevil meat they're eating water oh okay they're eating right that's less adorable but still kind of adorable right okay uh i'm gonna wait no i shouldn't check the chat while i'm just like out here with you just out there like you're waiting in the wind just you know with your delicate face meat my face actually you know your face meets protection uh an acorn mask yeah your delicate body and legs that's the spider's favorite part is the body and legs meat yeah okay okay um okay what are you missing what are you missing friend what am i missing right i've got i need my fuzz okay i don't think mites are here oh no i can make it i can make an acorn chest plate now oh okay cool um where are we gonna find mites i feel like not here i feel like back where we came from perhaps i'm just gonna hover okay yeah i've got enough to make an acorn chest plate yeah and enough to make acorn leg plates as well oh okay well that's that's a good that's good um we do need the fuzz for like making to make the face plate i need one more fuzz i could have a full set of armor if i can get one piece of well why don't we head back towards the workbench and we'll probably see some mites on the way yeah i feel like oh wait here's an acorn for smashing what oh okay uh i'm i'm without a hammer somehow i think that there are durability on weapons but i feel like it might be a bug i don't know another rake on top okay i am reasonably well equipped yes me too making crafting things cool let's head back to the safe house i'm gonna be half following you when half checking the chat oh there's a dude oh the positive don't even need to boil it uh okay we'll see let's see we'll see friend see how positive you are all right we are but 194 centimeters from base camp yeah i love how all the distances are in centimeters i i know this game is in preview so there are going to be some like bugs i think some people have reported like crashes but for the most part i really appreciate how like unshonky it feels yeah and everything seems to just sort of nice and sort of works pleasing and the first thing you can get into a game pretty easily yeah it's all comfortable and yeah all right heading back to base headings [Music] i wonder i'm really intrigued to know if you get to go into the house oh that would be amazing but then it is called grounded so it makes me think it's all about being outdoors and gardeny but it would be a great like third act reveal if you were indoors like in a micro machines level okay let's make some armor all right i have made acorn chest plate yes and craft and equip crafting equip oh no i need to make some more woven fiber hang on woven fiber or even fiber or even fiber and then back over to acorn leg plates yes check me out cool i did it oh wow you've got your mask on though no i don't have a i need some nap fuzz oh okay i don't have any offers uh i don't know let me check my inventory uh inventory oh i've got some no wait might fuzz that's what i need i got my fuzz i can drop it hang on how can i drop it can i drop it i need one mite fuzz okay hang on if i equip it and i can't equip it i don't know if i can give you things but i could probably make the mask and then give you that maybe yeah if you've got the okay i think if you press what um yes if you press right trigger on it in your inventory yeah drop it oh yes you're right okay i've just dropped a couple does that can you see that yeah perfect got it great okay so now i can make my face mask yeah nice um i'm gonna do an emote so i can check that my leg plates are fully on no they're not on are they no my legs are bare hang on let me create the leg plates which i don't think there we go that's done now i've got leg plates on there we go all right i think we are just about there in terms of armor the chat says spinoff c says spooky spider stabbing day no spooky stab inspired today you all have a drink brown liquid or otherwise on me good luck getting them spindly boys which i appreciate as a euphemism for spiders i will be calling that from now on jenny greco says this is a bounty for each leg of the spider it's an eight dollar bounty andy with some drawn butter and lemon that would be great oh my god what jelly greco wants to eat spider legs like they're lobster no thank you you can't like crack that i cannot allow that like a crab leg i can see that yeah harry gtt says uh cuteness is an optimization function of legs that peaks at six there we go he scienced it he or she sensed it and now it's uh yeah so now we know six that's why seven is kind of bad and then eight is really bad so yeah there you go jane what check me out fully armored up how's your depth perception with one eye in that mask yeah i don't know i don't know jane the chat is saying you have three hammers jane i have three hammers where in your inventory on the left-hand side what what oh why is it it's just not appearing in my hot pouch for some reason yeah you can so you have to put like you know you put certain things in your hot pouch oh okay so it doesn't go into my hot pouch no you've only got certain um enough oh sorry it was disappearing from my weapons wheel and i was like well why isn't it in my weapon wheel thank you chat thank you for noticing that i did not need to start myself um okay what are we missing to make some really good weapons wait oh one minute hang on okay crafting okay so can can we um can we analyze something else oh yes maybe good point good point what would what would likely give us weapons come on max we need you maybe this lava spike yeah i'm analyzing it thanks buddy i love a head mount i think that's cosmetics no that's no good that's not good to me the wall of your base acid gland yeah maybe some sort of like acid round some grenade acid grenade round no rubber gives you rubber it's brilliant not useful have you got anything that you can analyze let me analyze if we've got any analysis charges left um i can analyze the weevil nose or the cloverleaf what do you think um maybe the nose maybe the noodles let's see what they're no wait maybe they're maybe sorry it's too late the clover is useful that's using a lot of stuff raw science gives me a gas mask i don't think among the spider's many terrifying properties um i think i think gas is not one of them gas is not one of their many attacks yes although we don't know we don't we're not trying yet i think at some point we have to start attacking spiders and see how it goes you know yeah i mean yeah we've got we've got half an hour okay um dez randall says let me cake ice cream cake that is yes that is the full quote from mary antoinette fyi okay right um so so what time is it it looks like it's getting late it's not sleepy time yet is it uh no i think sleeping time is at like 8 p.m okay good um it's 6 20 right now what can i craft i need nat fuzz to make a bow i need to make more spears i i guess we could just make i mean if we make a ton of spears then we can throw them at spiders okay i know i need more plant fibers okay we can get those everywhere so yeah i'm gonna craft a bunch i'm gonna go out looking for some plant fibers real quick beers i've got now five spears if i get some more if i get more springs i can make even more but what concerns me andy is this we got completely wrecked by a couple of larvae which are as i understand it baby insects so you want us you want to maybe get them first to build up too no no no i'm just concerned that like they were the easy mode and we didn't do super good so maybe what we need to do is a test attack on spiders do you know do you hear what i'm saying yeah i hear what yeah and then we can figure out what their strengths and weaknesses are you know sort of an analytical attack yeah and then we'll die okay love okay you know how all my plans involve the phase where we die sure and then we come back renewed and figure out how we might better you know um might better attack spiders oh this is fine behind the dome it's looking right at you it's behind the dome why did we choose a dome that was right next to the spiders because then we could show people what a spider is yeah that's true do you want to go and attack a spider is what i'm basically saying or do you want to make some more things first um i'd like to make a few more spears all right let's make a few more spears because we can throw them and then we could i want to wait till morning because i want to be able to see the spider yes no you're right it should be daytime daytime night time is the right time to get killed by spiders as the old saying okay plant fibers you can trash stuff it's pretty straightforward okay um i can recycle stuff i think maybe i don't know some kind of weird thing what have i got too much of that i don't need i've got lots of quartzite oh i should have um analyzed oh no the the the quartzite has been used it says it can be used to sharpen it oh no oh it's low the health is low the health is low i'm running back to base okay come back to base and we'll make you some bandages yeah come back oh it was terrible jane you should have seen it oh i know i hate them it was the size of a volkswagen beetle so i just stopped to drink some bad water and now i've got dysentery i think i think sure um some sort of bad water disease our pal uh the positive troll or possibly vul dovasi is building a little making over here amazing thank you for crossing a wall out of grass this is a positive troll yeah amazing thank you so much we appreciate you and we salute you now all right let me have a look at you it's paulie look at your face where are you here hi oh no you're almost no health can we make some bandages for you yeah let's get some bandages let's get some bandages uh bandages bandages snacks bandages spanish snacks um do you want me to make them i can make one uh yeah if you've got them to handle i've only made i've only made like one but maybe i can can i heal you no i think i need to drop it so let me drop this bandage ah where am bandaged oh i've got spoiled meat so let's i guess uh what did you say it was to drop stuff it was right trigger on it in the end right trigger that was it okay let's drop the spoiled meat because i definitely don't need that don't eat that but dude you can trash stuff if you don't want to drop it oh i didn't mean to do that sorry um i've got spare armor i didn't realize i'd made so much armor um where am bandages people are saying that you just drank pee what if that's true no that's might be i mean i did get dysentery so um all i want all i want from this game all i want to do yeah yeah all i want from this game is the bit in honey i joined the kids where they swim around in the big bowl of cheerios yes uh what about when they eat the bits of oreo they eat like a handful oh they eat the hot yes yes that is what i also want um i made a bandage but now i don't know where it is no i don't know what i picked it i picked it up oh you got it oh yeah okay i didn't realize i dropped it okay good i would like to use the use the bandage you are in such poor health andy maybe if i sleep i'll wake up and refresh i don't i don't think sleeping does we should make campfires let's see let's find out all right shall we sleep let's sleep i can't believe it i need to eat says spiders are op i suggested lisa hammer to try and stun lock the thing also block like there's no tomorrow god speeds oh wow okay so uh there's two of us so one of us can like stun look and the other one can like do damage yes okay if i'm like pounding on its head with a hammer hammer and you're poking on it and then maybe these two friends of ours will help as well um okay i'm eating some mushrooms because i'm very hungry i don't think our friends want to sleep just yet or do they do they want to guys guys come sleep all right i don't know if they're even watching the stream or if they're just ready yeah we're missing we're missing someone they're building their building oh okay well you know that's good too willow is keen to build willow is keen to build uh okay wait my health is coming coming back really oh okay can you see me a little bit uh hang on i'd like two thirds now i'll start nice yesterday all right okay i didn't realize okay so i think everyone wants to sleep now right so let's sleep i am sorry sleep sleep yes yes there we go sleeping yes my health is regenerated but my my drink and my food okay so we need to eat and drink and then kill spiders yeah because we need that it's the quick energy we need to drive a spear through a spider this is like the menu i'm throwing the menu prompt for throwing stuff it's heartbeat oh i love it just hug it into the middle this thing okay um food drink all right my food is good i just ate a bunch of acorn parts okay oh yeah i didn't know you could eat acorn parts yeah i love it what can i eat i've got i don't mind the taste okay i'm gonna eat some acorn bits delicious acorns um whatever got aphid honeydew it's really good good for a little yeah that'll do you all right i'm reasonably easy aphid honeydew is going to get you there it's not it's not ideal fresh water it's not like mountain water and it's not a diet coke i mean very few things are but it'll it'll get you somewhat refreshed okay so now is it time to go hammer on spiders um yeah i think yeah i think so yeah it's time to hang on spiders all right how are we doing for equipment all right i'm trying to equip myself oh god i just saw a spider why will it not let me equip a hammer hang on you've got to put it oh i got it i got it sorry yeah you got it you got it i think it was a bug i'm going to say that every time it's user error it's above okay so i've got a hammer i'm going to unlock this bad boy all right this is a great plan some would call it the perfect place i'm sort of afraid that it's too perfect yeah and that we'll just get it and we'll have to end the stream at like 609 so i'm quite thirsty but that's going to make me motivated to kill there's some water here inside the can there's some soda some brown soda yeah brown soda precious brown wear here i'm standing on top of it i can't see it okay well is my just be for me oh it's only for andy it's a mirage for me it's also jumping up and down i think it might be a bug it might be a bug you call it a bug speaking of bugs let's go kill a bug segway right wow now it's become a perfect sphere that's hovering it's oh wow it's a mystical okay well i am almost dehydrated but that's just giving me the hysterical hallucinating energy i need to attack a giant spider yeah you're like a bodybuilder the day of competition you're so you're so dried out you're just shredded yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm like hugh jackman in that one movie where he was really shredded exactly dehydrated shredded oh wait no there's some is that water all right that literally was a mirage okay team let's find him kill a spider no okay i think i think there's one over here where where okay like this way this is a spider nest we know that christian yeah here's a web we want one spider oh here we go behind you why do you mind what behind me right at it it's a turkey match no max get it all right loop around james i'm stunning it looks like you didn't count on a little thing called sphere okay beast unlocked he's trapped in the grass he is he's damaged okay okay good someone revive you please he's got battle damage he's got battery lady birds ladybug join in see help us he's stuck in the grass oh he got me he got me through the grass all right revive quick revive we can probably get back maybe we can capitalize on the damage okay respawn i think the spider is sort of like bugged it's like glitchy yeah he's stuck in the grass we might be able to capitalize on that bug let's get back there okay uh let's get back there real quick real quick ladies and gentlemen don't you wonder if we need you i see you little spider jerk okay where's my back here's my backpack uh where's my backpack uh take all where's my backpack oh is that it is that it yes okay quick all right i'm equipped uh you're gonna have to put your stuff back on i think right where are you oh i like to wait yeah you're gonna have to request i'm gonna just put it back on my armor um armor is equipped there he is i see i see the spider hang on let me get my armor back on um okay equip uh equip quit okay and then let me um get my ah oh what he's seen me oh no okay andy i'm going to try throwing spears at it rather than stunning it because it didn't really stun like at that time right in the abdomen right in its abdomen as hard as i can right on the abdomen right in the abdomen in your face its head came off oh that's horrible what a horrible way to go yeah oh yes everyone i'm head banging [Music] now it was great we got it in his face and its legs came off can we get a like spike for spider killing yes please like spike like spike please okay five four three three two one nice bike we survived okay good no spider can kill us except at the start when it killed us that worked um i'm gonna recollect my spears some of my spears wow i think there's one here stun locking tip may have helped us actually we bonked it right on the head and it was like what yeah and then stab right in the abdomen yes hooray okay great there's nothing that can stop us now we've killed the most powerful in the entire game what about a little uh little education in something i like to call the food chain yeah the apex predator that is macaulay culkin yeah macaulay culkin this is for those wasps getting me that time in my girl yeah um i don't i thought we'd be able to harvest spiderwebs but i don't think we can i think they just they just sit here like suckers okay okay fine well that's fine so what do we do now we've got 15 minutes left of the stream and we have achieved the ultimate goal we also don't know who's landed that killing blow did we both oh no we're gonna have to watch back we're going okay chat i think chat you can like go back scrub back through the stream and tell us he'd be doing us a great favor tell us who landed the killing blow because that will be the winner of this week's challenge yeah it might be the winner of this week's maxi challenge which was to kill spiders that's true hey aunt friend ant friendly aunt friendly friend and friendly friend aunt um why don't we go back to home base okay and kick back and make a smoothie station yes oh we can celebrate with a spider smoothie yes movie we just ring out it's abdomen yeah yeah yeah that's how i like to um that's how i like to celebrate my victories is by making smoothies out of my victims refreshing smoothies and then drinking them drinking their parts right so what do we need for a smoothie no you tell me have a look we need grub goop oh i've got everything we need except five girl coops does that mean we make scrub smoothies i guess so where do we find grubs i don't think we've seen grubs yet i think because we're so close to the beginning of the game we haven't seen a lot of the things that are available to be seen just yet you know yeah i've got some thanks maybe i can help build a wall building oh okay so compound right now rubs grubs like burrow into the roots of trees need okay oh well i bet those things going under the ground are grubs okay we'll need to make it we'll need to make a like a shovel to dig them up oh okay how do we make a shovel i don't know do we have all right ingredients okay good yes oh i can make an acorn shuffle brilliant yes all right i just need to make a bit more um woven fiber okay good good good good go at it uh the positive trawl is making us a really excellent compound nice lovely i have made an acorn shovel great now let's where did we find those where did we see the borrowing things before it was by the way by the tree oh by the tree oh yeah also under the if you want to go to like by the laser i can go to the tree and dig upside down split the party i'm gonna make myself a shovel and then let's go and find some grub grub goo did you say yeah we need grub rub goo okay oh i need sprigs to make an acorn shovel so let me grab some sprigs you might get there and back before i even get some springs to be honest but good luck good luck all right so i'm going heading to the tree i'm looking for sprigs here's a sprig where else are sprigs oh i see grass moving is that everything people are people are saying in the chat jane who um who is the winner so you should check i don't i i was just running away from something back to revenge yeah back to base okay i'm going i'm going back to the compound killing blow was totally synchronized says philip notley oh uh tim bell says jane wins no hat needed tom mccirello says jane won oh nice jane got the kill but andy did the most damage oh okay so it'd be a kill steam effectively i think it was andy says no since ah there's a there's a real division of uh okay division of opinion we may have to call it carter james hammerhammer hammerhammer did the spider in says lola nawson says i think it was andy okay for me it looks like they landed the last flow pretty much simultaneously the game even lagged for a moment there says zulu benson so but sorry zoom bunsen so potentially it was a draw which is unacceptable and as you know my policy on draws andy is that we both lose all right that's yeah no okay we can we can say that you won it i don't mind no no no no no no i don't know if it's if it's that important to you jane you wonder well don't drink the possible yeah i'm just looking at this furious battle toad can i harvest you battle okay yeah i dug up a grub and now i've stabbed it good you've discovered grub hide but not grub goon i noticed no oh no i got two grub goops yes how many do you need three right uh let me check three three grub scoops for a smoothie maker smoothie uh i need five it's only three more okay okay okay um i am only at the phase where i make the shovel so hang on uh make shovel okay i've got a shovel i'm gonna head back towards the laser which was where was the laser i should have set a waypoint there shouldn't i hmm hmm and i have these damn grubs where are you down grubs i know you're here okay hide in somewhere oh i see a thistle pistols were good for um it saws you could hit a spider with it on the head oh well we've killed we've done it now andy we've conquered spiders i've also found a real shovel like an actual gigantic full-sized human shovel but that war against the spiders will never be over jane that's true nothing while they are still sliding there's blooming everywhere these destruction okay um i'm um i am two more grub goops i just need one grub all right well i'm gonna let you do that i'm gonna harvest some thistles because that might be useful in future uh for future harvesting i'm chopping up the thistle and i'm collecting thistle needles show yourself grubs you cowards is it going down oh i think i'm getting that drunk or something it's coming right at me oh there's nuts i just found a bunch of nuts oh okay that's good stuff yes this is all the stuff i need to make bows and arrows isn't it fuzz and um pistol needles not that we need bows and arrows because of our great no right we're already deciding skills come on grab some cow and show your face all right i've got a hole i've got like 20 thistle needles that's pretty good show me your soft underbellies how goes the grub harvest friend i'm just looking for the last the last one i need i'm gonna come join you to accompany you home um yeah bodyguard cortege is that a thing no um like a uh an entourage i guess yeah yeah okay and then in case you get got by a lava or something i think there's some sneaky water here it wasn't urine get out of my ears you assume i know i know because i didn't get dysentery or you know whatever okay that's good you're in disease yes you're in the movies all right okay one more grab okay one more precious grub friend just burrowing under the surface borrowing like a bug like a grubs there is a spider up here so i'm just going to catch we're going to make you part of something greater than yourself have you ever wanted to be part of a smoothie station right whee are you done me you're done oh okay i'm just following you around then i'm gonna read some chat and follow me around and hope i don't get eaten by bugs says watch them face off against the spider only for the rando to steal the kill at the last second i don't believe that happened i think it was a great collaborative effort i think yeah i think they did their parts for sure yeah it was a it was team effort i'm glad that we had people along to help actually i don't think we could have done it without all four of us yeah honestly um uh spud off c says if you all could kill a few ants you could make an ant club which stuns insects i'm not gonna kill an ants they're answer friends i know actually i don't know i wanna do that either colton coltono dk says i wonder if you could convince ellen to play this game or if that is a lost cause like i say i think when ellen comes back we should um do like a scientific experiment on her no i mean with her with her testing the arachnophobia oh yeah we can invite her kindly cordially to test the arachnophobia mode and see if it actually works um she's the most famous arachnophobe that i know and i might have um if you weren't around earlier by the way this is the arachnophobia mode we're talking about hang on let me show you again so the erectophobia mode turns around arachno arachnodes arachnids from a spider like this like the one we just killed uh famously just killed two um nobody then it becomes a spider with three legs which i argue is kind of horrifying its own right and then it becomes a floating spider body with two fangs and no legs and then it becomes this floating spider body with no fangs and then it becomes like two weird spherical shapes and then it becomes two weird spherical shapes that sort of like lightly peach colored so you tell me uh whether that's better or worse i don't know ellen can i assume oh i'm hungry i'm gonna eat some acorn bits i'm trying to go i'm going back to the science over the laser the laser cave yeah laser cave okay for more grubs yeah because i think i tapped out the grub supply okay no more grubs grubs be gone all right i'm coming back after you and hoping not to encounter any resistance any hostility from the local insect population yes um where was the science we're really upsetting the local ecosystem oh no threat engaged i'm running i'm running i don't know what the threat is i'm running i'm running i'm running i don't care i'm not gonna look back don't go back don't look back ah fear is the mind killer all right so i need to turn to my right head this way you read dune right sure fear is the mind killer something something something don't be afraid i think he's having a ghost fear is the mind killer don't be afraid important in middle sentence if only i could remember how to do don't be afraid okay andy i'm so close to you and you are close to the laser and the laser is close to the grub and the grub is going to give us grub goo and the grub goo is going to let us build a smoothie station yeah we just need to find a grub and i think somebody's borrowing probably following me now because they are so annoying all right i'm drinking painted water yep that was tainted not too refreshing no it's got taint all in it where is the weird science thing oh yeah where did we so um i think we went down uh the cave where the laser source starts um so where's that now that way back to the laser this way i believe whoa full damage no fall damage good back to the laser friends here we go oh yeah i think i think i'm going the right way okay uh there's a bunch of whites that we're gonna have to kill hang on let me get my beard out no axe i guess oh i'm just punching them now fine great just punching through my bare tiny fists okay um andy andy andy yes i'm back at the science machine oh you found it yeah i don't think the grubs are at the science machine i thought they were the laser no um oh yeah so i'm trying to i'm basically following yourself yeah i'm reorientating myself okay okay cool i am right after you do you know what i didn't do at all killing that spider is block so after all the talk about blocking i completely forgot and did not block okay so now we want to go towards the um yeah i'm going towards this little cave because we know for a fact there was a grubs earlier today it was confirmed for grubs oscar mike to grubs rubs in your lz yeah hog rob's in your area the lz is want to meet you okay got some more sap oh it's over there the grub ld okay i'm just going the right way andy yeah here's the wires okay fine it's the wires i'm not getting lost in a backyard with you again all right into the cave into the cave do i have a torch i will need a torch oh hang on um craft a quick torch a little sneaky torch hang on slime mold torch uh crafting equip there we go okay cool okay all right just keep an eye out for that those burrowing backs okay yeah they were a little further down weren't they yeah okay they were right at the end of this this this torch is not as bright as an actual torch but i think it might be okay you might i can make a proper touch if we need it oh no it gets it gets lighter down here anyway oh good okay so here he is i see you where did you come up yes still give up oh no nature yeah all right we've got enough grub goop yay all right i'm going to take the raw grub meat just for fun and let's head back to our oh someone fear i must not fear fear is the mind killer fear is the little death that brings total annihilation no obliteration sorry there you go yeah thank you what an upbeat positive message uh andy it's about not being afraid that it's not being a monster uh dude is so weird junior's weird i'm just i i can't think about it without just the mental image of sting in his pants oh that's well the movie is its own thing andy the movie is yeah it's a different thing i know i know i know but like yes everything else gets pushed out of their heads by that it's like remember dune and then it's like and it's there he is dancing around and sci-fi pants yeah that he insisted on wearing um yeah everybody go watch dude it's weird i don't know if i'd say it's good but it's definitely weird you need a high tolerance for stinging in his pants just so you know just so you know fear is the mind killer sting is scene that's gonna be my new upbeat catchphrase for streams yeah fear is the mind killer everyone just fyi hey gang remember yeah and always what up hey guys what is up can we get up here is the mind killer in the chat killer oh wow they've enclosed the um the dome with some nice walls yeah yeah yeah yeah oh here we go okay right here we go guys smoothie station smoothie station all right put my hammer away because it's time for smoothies here we go this can take pride of place right here oh the crucible of smoothie okay build it build that bad boy there it is oh it's beautiful oh it's a little acorn bowl this smoothie station can be used to create consumable healing items and sit any three items to craft a delicious smoothie okay so all right i'm making a mushroom acorn and sap okay do it do it do it and i will make a i've got some i don't know if you can eat sap so i don't know is that going to be good for me i'm going to put my and a grub oh wait no i've just moved that around uh we've picked three items to make a freestyle smoothie do they have to be food items is my question i think they have to be food items oh i don't have enough food items oh wait okay uh i need more food items if i'm gonna make a smoothie let me go get some food items for the smoothie some drinks and foods [Music] i'm gonna make a nice mushroom smoothie okay cool i've run out of food and drink which is bad where am i gonna get some foods and drinks to make a smoothie otherwise no one on the stream can see amazing drinks all right i've made some smoothies all right if you can lay some items for me just drop them out on the ground oh pete you're on half health you're on two fifths self all right here's a smoothie it says it says smoothie smoothie question question one okay um what's in the smoothie tell me uh oh whole bunch of stuff oh okay shall i just drink it yeah just drink it yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum was it good um i thought i made a lightly disgusted sound but i'm not dead i'm still hungry so i'm gonna drink down this delicious strawberry okay smoothie question mark i feel like the question mark is is an indictment of it not it's an indictment of its deliciousness yeah it did heal me and it rehydrated me so that's good there you go successful smoothie expert smoothie makers good job um i'm so proud of us at making a smoothie maker and also killing a spider today so oh thanks for the tips uh for the tip shades that was very kind of you yeah thank you very much um everyone's saying mushroom smoothies why not mushroom smoothie is delicious joe van der waals happy days to you you guys are the best thank you joe we appreciate that because sometimes i don't believe we're the best and then you say something you saw us kill that spider no clearly the baby joe's right joe wouldn't lie about that were you the best stuff up yeah exactly uh coco dojo says welcome to andy's smoothie grubhub i think grubhub has a different meaning here in uh the world of grounded do you want to open up like uh like a juice bar like a smoothie and juice bar here yeah so we can sell smoothies and juices to other children i'm gonna analyze this group for more for more things it's just telling me i can make a smoothie station i know that we know about the smoothie station stuff nat i know how to make that and what else we got tell me what have we got oh grub leggings and grub goggles that sounds great make yourself leggings yeah all right wait you sell some leggings and then we'll do a sign off because it's just gone 6 30 friends and that's your time on challenge of the week uh which we have decided is a joint challenge win today because we both landed the killing blow on the terrible orb weaver at the same time so yeah what a one grub goop short no we're out of time and we're out of grub so there will be no rub leggings today all right well let me just air guitar my way out of this okay good you do your guitar kill the spider it was scary but the spider died or maybe it was off the top of your head maybe it's off the dome okay and thank you very much to our friends the positive troll um which means they are watching on the stream so thank you very much for your help hang on i've got emotes you're not the only one who could emote please accept my apologies please accept my emotes and then thank you also who um was also instrumental in the downing of the enormous spider so yeah okay that was grounded right yes thanks a bunch this is that was a big old spider did you did you harvest the spider did you get spider poop i didn't get any spider parts sorry i don't think i've got any spider parts maybe let me check my inventory spider parts no i don't think i got any spider parts too powerful maybe for next time okay good well that this was macaulay culkin's tiny shrunken yeah child form the tiny yeah macaulay culkin adventure yeah this is what he's up to nowadays if anyone asks what what else is happening this week on outside xbox sunday okay uh we've got a cool list video going up tomorrow yeah you can check out um which is about times you have to do things in real life uh to win video games and on friday uh oh god i'm being what hole oh no friendly fire friendly fire no fire oh no oh we almost got through a whole stream all right on the run do you rap you're right i'm running away okay uh and on friday we're going to do something with luke on outside extra and maybe probably on outside extra coming this friday to a internet near you probably the internet you know so yeah that one the one yeah all right thanks everyone bye now andy because i'm okay bye bye bye everyone save me spiders save me spiders fresh meat spiders i'm on your side i'll bring you more more children out thanks for watching [Music] bye [Music] do [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 93,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, red dead online, rdr2, red dead redemption online, red dead redemption 2 online, gameplay, new, dlc, legendary animals, naturalist, hunting, stream, funny, funny moments, red dead online legendary animals, stag, cougar, fox, boar, beaver, elk, wolf, bison, elephant rifle, sedative, harriet, gus, harriet davenport
Id: iqs1tVT76fE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 20sec (6440 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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